HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2000-01-12, Page 611 -THE HURON I XpOSITOR, Janwary 12, 2000
New minister prepares first sermon
Rev. Sheila Macgregor looks to services
for youth and elderly at Northside United
Sy Susan Hunder$mark
• Expositor. Sta f
While she's just preparing.for her
first sermon on Sunday. Northside
United Church's new minister Sheila
Macgregor is already planning to
provide more services for youth and the
"One of my concerns is that there's +.
enough activities, happening here for
young people." says the mothcr.of four
children. ranging for ages two to 12. .
Macgregor says she's often offered
three youth groups at Mier previous
churches- including 'one. for
preschoolers. one for .children aged
four to 12 and for highschool studepts.
As well. she's hoping to',hold Bible
study -groups for adults. including-
ncluding groups for seniors to nursing homes.
"'I don't want .the elderly to feel left
out,after all the hard work they've -done
for the church over the years." she say's.
Macgregor and her family moved.
into -the United Church manse -last week
and were thrilled by all the renovations
that have been done to the house.
The manse .has recently had a laundry
and rnudroom added onto the- hack. had
the upstairs'bathroom•:rertovated, a
three-piece bathroom .added' to the
basement along with a new .play room
Rev Sheiks! Macgregor
and _a privacy fence .built around the-
back.'ylid. • The manse has also'
been redecorated throughout the house.
--A lothas been done to make us feel
welcome,:' she says: adding that both
Northside and.Cvan' United --in
Winthrop have held luncheon,_ recently
to welcomeIIthe Macgregors to the
l really like Seaforth.- Ic -has a •ser.
pretty streetscape and we're all
looking forward to being here:"..she
says. - .
"I grew up watching Lassie on
and this is the sort of place Lassie.
would .have grown up in - a nice.
friendly small.rnwn:- says Macgregor. •
;Macgregor has served churches in .St,
Marys-.•Thorndale.'Orillia and the
Exeter area:
She -began her -career with the church.
in Scotland after going to Edinburgh to
study in 1983: She mint her. husband
Richard in St. Andrew:. Scotland and
married him.'in 1985 and served as an
assistant minister in -the Church of
Scotland. She was ordained with the
United Church -of Canada.in 1988.`
She says her husband: a charterer:
accountant working at Merrymounv
' Children's -Centre jn•London. is looking
forward .to golfing arthe-"Seaforth Golf
Club since he- orizipates froth St
Andrew'; Scotland. . which
considered the hnrne.of•golf.';
'Macg-rigor says she'.;',.h)Mkin`z
forward to Bettina to know -the needs'of
:the community
?ood-sized charge and..[-, to
to minister to the neeij- of the people as
-hest t can. There are alwa',;'lots t)f
people -suffering from ',.logos hurts ant.
tt-s the job of the church to ibrir±
people hope ct)nsolatipn. ct>mfor•
courage and ;t-errgth.-•she says.
New United Church minister arrived
at Croim
A United Church minister
has moved from Goderich to
Hibbert to become the first
full-time minister hired
jointly be Hibbert United
Church •in, Sta"ffa" and
Cromarty Presbyterian
Church- •• '
• Re.. Kathi, Urbasik--
Hindley says it will take a
Jot of learning to serve both
churc-hes but while the
denominations are different
members of the two
congregations share many
-They're friends and
relatives of sash other.'they
alreadj celebrate different
things together." she -said:
"For me. coming out of the
• United • Church. triy
challenge is to get to know
the Presbyterian system and_
ethos. and to help the people
honour their own
denominational flavour,"
After ordination -from
Emmanuel College in 1984
sE .ser' ed the four -point
pastoral charge of New
�Itlls:in New Brunswick for
'bout three years. In 198'
she went to North Street
United Church in Goderich
where. she served for 12
syears ,until coming• 'to
Hibbert in September: • •
She was hired by a joint
search committee formed by
the -two churches which
were both looking for a new
minister at the Name time
• As part of ...the Truces. ort
learning more •about the
Preshvterian•Church the •
minister has.. attended
Presby eery and Synod
. meetings of that
denomination. A local
Presbyterian clergyper.on
has also been assigned to
her as a mentor
Re%.. t'rhastk-Hlnjles was
-• Chair of the Huron -Perth
Presbyteryof the United
Church of Canada last year..
The Hamilton -area nati%e
•ersed in a rural charge in
Presbyterian this fall
Rev cathf riras+k-- irdIey
New Brunswick bur notes
that -rural •Ontario is
different. She, says . a`
difference between her
ministry. -in Goderich and in
Hibbert -Cromarty isthe size
of the two congregattons
"The main difference.
because of the site of the "
' congregation. is -•.I anticipate-.
being able to make close
'relationships .with virtually
all the Congregation.'
•.Her husband. Satchel! "roots when instead of being
• Distrit.t• High School.' a power. it carried 'on its,
English' teacher- John missions_ despite the powers
..Hindley. is from a farming .of the time.
background. she said, Her "We have to .work a little
husbands rural roots and harder as a:church and be
her attitude mean that living articulate. about what our
in a rural area won't be too beliefs are and,•what our
t)tg a kap - : faith -is about." she said..
"Even if it's not part of The church sell had a very
my . background,, a ' important role in being a•
willingness to become voice in the community.
familiar goes a long way." In 'contemporary society
She hopes in her ministry it's not a given that people
to tollow the model shown will automatically ,listen
M Je.u> as both servant and 'when the church speaks but
teacher. She .ay s people there is aull.a duty to speak.
long to be connected with "1 think the gospel calls us
-God_and she hopes to_ "help into social justice ... caring.
them make this connection for those who'are-upp`63eJ
between %%hat (said sees for or. those who are -at risk: -
God's people and how woo- she said- "That's what the
carry out our daily list;. " gospel calls u, to db. it we
• The size• of a• church
shouldn't limit •= its
Importance. she said. when
there are faithful people-
gathertd..:she said. the
numbers are not an issue..
• The church is not always
the focus of the community
as it once once. according to
Res. Urt-asik-Hindley; but
that lust meac>.the church
has, to work harder and:
return .co the church's earl -
Young man escapes through
apartment to skip paying cab
A young mak
fled from a taxi
cab atter ,
OPP report
receiving a Flit
,from Stratford to Seaforth
on Dec. -31 . • at
approxiniately 11:45 p.m.
The Stratford taxi
company brought the man
to an apartment complex
on Godetich Street when
the young man said he
didn't have -enough money
with him but would go
inside to get some.
After several minutes,
the driver checked on his
whereabouts and
discovered the young man
had `one thtough the front
door of the building and
fled out the. rear.
Anyone with
information is asked to
contact Seafrrth Constable
Akey or Crimestoppers.
Driver has areas plates
A 20 -year-old Goderich
Township man was
charged with hav,in'g
unauthorized ' licence
plates. after being stopped
by •OPP in Tuckersmith
He was stopped on
Highway 8 at about 3 p.m.
The officer discovered
the vehicle was.:
uninsured and
'the • • . plates
belonged on
another vehicle.
•The smell of alcohol
, was 'also detected and the
driver registered -a warn
on an alcohol screening
He was charged with a
violation of his GI class
drivers licence and for
failure to have insurance
in addition to the improper
licence plates charge.
• His licence was
suspended' for 24 -hours
for registering the,warn on
`the alcohol test.
that •C think. We're
conlynu.nicatina.the ttorpel
not Only throush our" words
but.through our actior;. our
.li fety ie: '
`::The. minister.; ou": .
,IntereSti incltit.:
and singing.
She de,fen< and i".:-
• crafts ltturaical vdstme-'
includin_ preachin t sci ie,.
an interest .that is ."hrtn,_tns
mti ab?1.Tty rt? ;.:w !t.J4ther
with a teen. exprc,
of m . faith
• She is a. member..
• Home rpurr. .z Goderi h-
i•-aed Celtic folk group that
released:the compact disc
Eiithr Hunt's •Rounett which
was featured on. CBC radii'
Her. husband: John is a!;,•
member. -
.She' has started !in_-
dancing•"with 'some loci'
.women and --has joined for a
little. -bit of quilting .bur
admits .she doesn't ha.e the'
endurance of some of the
yuilters in her con ritgatton
t "They go all day.
a lot of stsmintr> -. ` _
Ret C'rhr,i_k I{tndic.
)ave :,ltv en:l )s crea[i
• worship including music
and dram,,:.
"L hope introduce some
of that. over time.
The hese one
daughter. Julia.
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II stem
3t3 .:cnentn it. =. ii— -::57
• aev. -auser.
,ureay 1,3-35 'Ncrsttrp
00 p 3'1 Norstub •
'des. '0:00 a.:n. - Wad. •' o.m.
ease Study - "our =titurr. 3 Mine
. 'aver'cr -eating Needs
Fid icsoei .vrth i .atlas:::titat -nesse,;e
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
arses 3t. ieeirrh
ev. +scar -iscox 482-786-
Sunday, Jan. 16th
Service of.:
Holy Communion at
Winavoc, i :c t. n. i
Gegettcn ;i. 3eatc5tn; ' tr, i.:n.
32' Z635 rc-..avns‘Vc:: ;n .:a
3ox 362.:eatorm
win:srer- Jev. •sharia Macgreepr
.2onte.reicrme ilimia ;i 3icharr 0 :
a 'hair 'anvil,. -
. Sunday Scheci :urrg
services. nursery .:rcv,ce,:.
Bethel Bible Church
An associated '.:iospe, :hurcn
'26 Main 51. Seas:i h
fdrmeriv :aitadian rel
Family Might ,Jen. 12 '-00 p.m.
Sunday ScPcci )'4.5 a.irl,
WOrsPrp ',at !I '.:C1.7),-
S `
Pastor9ev :gip '. er weal.
5Z -"A:98')
Catholic Church
Satureav :.' 5 Jen ,
31. ,James ?3nsn. ?earoith
Saturday -. 'Sam
31...osepn.5 a3irsft. _:rntt n
Sunday - 3"J0 ern
31. Mictiaei ; = luso. 314th
Sunuav ' ^C nn
31 games '-insn. ieefcnh
=ilher =ono Saivauor .
59 Ge0incr. St..f.. Seatcrh
Worship atYr'' '3
lorcay Schoci iurrg Norsrio
•7 Nursery Avafiacie
Paster rev. V. wareermey
United Church
Aev ,f.r:,ttl .part;et,
• Norsrip 1.n.
SundBv -, Hort
3raues: c-f.-;I.r,
Nurser, 'e ;lace • i n.
New Deadline �
The Huron Expositor has moved
their deadline for news, letters.
classifieds and advertising to 1
MONDAYS (except for holidays)
We appreciate your anticipated co-operation
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