HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-6-25, Page 5THE EXETER, TIMES -ADVOCATE a s From ens 111 .....,,,,,,„„,,„„„„„,„„,„„„„. High ShooII $tiudcntst. e You are leaving 'selioal—Have you any Plane far the, tutnre? e Do eron wish rig lived near a 'Techleleal‘,'SchOol or OnivereitA, Do you ever "think of a Commercial spouse asnkestepping stone to ;Higher Places, Intellectually and FinanciallY, • A GOOD COMMERICAL 'TRAINING , 'Win enable you to•tt4e, a position in a city. There you can complet�. your training ha Alueic, Science, Mathematics or any branch that es- pecially aPpealS to •Yeu. , If you are ambitions, THINK IT OVER. Yen can LEARN 'While Yell EARN. TL4E SCHOOL OF COMMERCE , CIANTON, ONTARIO, offers STENOGRAPIIIC, COSIEVIERICAL, SECISOTARIAL, and , SPECIAL 'COURSES' MISS, B. F. WARD, R.A., Principal, Phone -108 -Report 'of ,Hensall Contisiuetion School 1et class honors 75 per cent;2nd class honors •6 .. -per cent.; 1rd class bionors 6 per cent; Credit 50 per cent; 4' belew 50 pee. cent. Alexander, Norman Can. hist. C; geog, II; arte; botany*; Boyle Mile ton, Can. hist. III; ,geoge C.; a,rt 0. botany*; CUM% Muriele,Can. Ilist. III; geog. C; C; botany C; Chap- man,' Rutin•Can. hist. III; ; geog," I; set II; \Pauly I; - Coeffrane Edna, Can. 11st;e0; geog*;,art C; leotanY C ligarie, Can. hist geog C; art C; botany C; Higgins, Irma, Can jitst. 11, geog II; art 0'; botany C; Hyde, Harvey, Can. hist III; gen II art C; botany*; Lindenfieldn Avis, Can. hist. I; geog 0; art III; betany III; Love, Lottie, Ca,n. hist II; geog C; art *III; botany, C; AlcDonnell, Mildred, Can. hist II; geog. II; art_ III; botany III; Scrutow Mildred. Carr 'hist C; geog. III; art I; botany - II; Stone Jeanne, Can. hist I; geog 11; art IL; botaify C; Simpson., Thos Can hist II; geog III; art -C; botany C; Walker Alice, Can. hist Il; geog. , II; art*; botany II. Forin 11 Cook, Harry, physiog. I; arith I; tool I; Douglas, Margaret, physiog. 9; .arith II; zool II; Forrest' Grace physiog II; 'arias II; zool III; Hef- aprnan, Dorothy, physic> III; ,arith 11 zool II; Jbynt, -Harry, physiog arith 1, gaol II, Kennings Pearl phy- slog II; arith. Its ,zoel I; gram II; nacKg, Donald, ,PhYglog C; arith II;Searith I; wet Staillie, Clarence physiog II; arith I; zoology II•Maoe Gregee, Mena, phygipe; arith ;0; zool C; gram III;Pfatf, Ray; physic: II; arith I; zool II; Smillie, Marano physiog C; arith III; zool III; Simp- son, Mae, physiog C; arith 0; III; Hoggarth, Margarbt, phyiog. 0; arith II; zool II. • Hensall Tile, Brick and pock Yard 11 FRESH CAR OF BASEBALL The Henson]. eine quite handily defeated the Dashwood aggregation on the local lot here on Thursday evening last to the tune of 22-4. L. Tiein.an steeled in the bex for the visitors but wae likquite freely in , the early innings and was re- ple.oaa. by brother' eleryin who also failed to hold. the ,liensall lads who had 'a batting' streak and metch: Mr. Arnold Belris visiting at hie home in toWn, Mr. Emmerson InniPe visited over the week -end in Listowel. Thos. Seoll and Mise ly Meoefe spent Sunday in ICippen.' The ''Young Peeple's League is withdraWnfor tne summer months, Mr, Will. Shaffer of Toronto, is this week visiting at his home here. Miss. finSliaddock and Miss Alma Scruton spent 'Wednesday In Lou- den, , Mr. Milne Rennie af Seaforth„ vis- ited. with friends in town, on Mon- day, . Mr, and Mrs. E, Jackson: ViAted. relatives if Goderich on Wearies-. Mr. Percy "Gramme of Lansing, Mich, is visiting at his home in town, • Mr, Sam Rennie was in Toronto on Monday, driving home, a, new, car for J. IVIcDonell. Mr. "arid Mrs. Colin Hudson Spent Sunday with Mr. Hudson's father at Ecignionclville. .k number frees Henson attended the garden., 'party at Brucefield, on Monday evanang.. Mise C. 1V1itchel1 is, having some ed iI, counters in one innings, improvements made to the front of her home On. Queen $t.- . after which Lorne Tieinansre-enter- ed the box andepitched gobd ball for Mr, Flemming, manager - of the Standard Bank here; .redently„ pur-i the remainder of the game. Several bad. errors by the, visit:ire also hale- chased a frew Ford eocienhe ed the local nine to pile. up their Several young 'ladies are 'malting large score. Wilson Brintnell in the a canvass of tewn in the interest af box for Hensall, turned in en real the Bible Society this week. e .smart effort, striking. out a big Mr. Japes Hoggarth is having his share of those who faced him By home weredfor hydro the work be - winning this- game Hansen ineaes ing done „by, Mr. J. Passmore. up into second place, having,S-von .2 Mrs. Hugh. McKay and daughter and lost 1, game. The batteries for miss Edith McKay of Seaforth vig- Thursday's game weree-efor 'Dash- ited friends i41? town ounday. - Wood, Tiernan, Tiernan and 'keller- Rev. F. W. Mahaffey, )3.D. of Or - Mail; Hensall—Brietnelle and Hed- angeville will occupy the pulpit of den; Umpires—Gaiser and Brine_ the Camel Church on Sunday. Mr. Aaron, Sweitzer and Mr. Cla- rence Pennington, of Detrtoit visit - UNION CHURCHnSERVICE ed on Sunday with friends in town A well attended union church ser- Mr. Laird Mickle accompanied by vice eSnas held insCarmel. church here Mr. E. Shaddock sent the week -end on Sn.nday evening last in the an at the former's home ha Ridgetown, terest of the Bible Society and, mem_ Mrs. Pope is improving the ap- bers of the three churches composed_ pearance of her home by putting in the choir which rendered twee. pleas- a new sidewalk at the front of her ing anthems. The platform wAs b.ouse. taken by Revds. Naylor`and Sinclair. Reis Sinclair and Mrs. Sinclair and Rev. Capt. Garbutt newly ap- were in Centralia on Monday at - pointed Field Secretary 'of the Bible tending the funetaleoe the late Mrs. Societe:. for this district together teley. with officers of the local. branch of Mr. Elliott of Centralia.and the societz,'Mr. J. W. Ortwein, rese, Me. W. H. Lobb of GoderichfiTown- Mr, G. C. PettyneSeey, and Mr. G. J. ship were' visitors in the village on Stitherland; Treas. After etke opene TussdaY• beg exercises, ,Mr. tertWein gave a A number of relatives and friends SP•ert address and then called upon. from --- short attended the Hunter the treasurer, Mr. Sutherland fee picnic held near Exeter on Satur- his report, -which proved very satis- day last. • factory -.indeed. Rev. Garbutt then. Mr. R. Fee Cook is in the village addressed the c'engregalion, deaaing this Week making preparations . to -with the work of the Society and ee move his family to RidgetOwn on the close of the address an offering Saturday. • was taken. up for this work. -Rev Quite a number from town at - Garbutt alsci occupied the wriest tended. the funeral, 0 the late Mel - here in the morning. "`` ville DOIVIlt 211d gen. ofeysborne on r -- — Sunday last. DEATH OF ISMS. GEORGE Trnm Mr. and -Mrs. Alex. 'Henry and There died at St. Joseph's Hospit- children df Cassilly, Mich. are visit - al, London, on Sunday, June "21st. big relatiUs and friends in and Mrs. Geri. Hill, aged 70 years, men areniad Hensall. , - e l Hill.whose maiden mane was Mar- Miss Johnson and Miss Scarlett, CIEMENT garet • McAllieten, was eborn on the Hensel' Continuation ,School teach - Parr bine, Hay Township and after ers have returned to their homes to her marriage they resided at Hills- speed,Ilae holidays.' JUST ARRIVED THIS WEEK green for a 'number of years Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Smith and Miss rethere Mr. Hill was a blacksnaith. Helen attended the wedding of Ho - teen years ago and Mrs. Hill has been a continuous resident- since. Mrs. Hill has been in poor health for tome time and a couple of weeks ago was taken to a London Hospital where ,,she was -oPtrated on.. She failed to Ally howeier and death ended her suffeeing Sunday morn- ing. She had one daughter, Ethel ALSO' A OAR OF GYPROC has areiveel and, we have it in all - lengths 6, 7,'8, 9, 10 ft. " Sti -;14:7 Phone 7 DR. 'A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 70 - HENSALL DR. J W. PECK 'Gradunte of Tenuity of Medicine, IVIcGill 'University, Montreal; "Mem- ber of College of _Physicians and Surgeons 'of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Poet Graduate Member of Resident Mede Vial staff of.General Hospital, Sent - real, 191445; Office 3 doors east Pot bffice. phone 56, Tlensall, Ontario., AucyioN OSCAR KL OP Pe, Honer' Graduate Carey TOnes' Au- 4ction School, Special course taken in Registered Live Steelt Breeds,) Merelfandise, Real Estate, Farm Eales, etc. Rates in keeping with -4 prevailing prieee'S Satisfaction eured, write Oscar Elopp, Zurich, or wire 1 8-9 3 'Zuricln .0...0....maralessnowsmernstr arm/NO-am ....--irm'Immte,-,ermcm".. 1-1 F 14 411 "C". PN , 'v matched dressed on both sides at ER Th some six- MOVGd t ens a11 all wegd Shier to Miss Marshall at Cro- marty on Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and. little son of London visited en Sunday on Sunday with. the -former's., parents, Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Whine. Decoration Day is being held next Sunday. The different Societies ,in the -village will go to the cemetery where a service will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon and child- ren of Parkhill -and Mr: Raymond Rivers visited o,ver -the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsdale. '- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner are in Orangeville, attending ..the ' funer- al of 'Mr. Skinner's mother, who. died siiddenly at her home.there. Mr. J.: W. Lewis, of London, C. N. R.' relieving operator -mho was here for a few week relieving. Mr. Case is now reliefing,at Kippen. Don't forget the baseball game Thursday evening, Zurich ye. 'Hen- sall on the local diamond. This will be a real game do don't fail to gee it. , " - Rev. Mt. McDonald of Edmond- ville condueted the servine Sunday morning in Carmel church and as moderater, declared the charge eye - cant. - .A large crowd fertun town attend- ed' the baseball game at the Bound- ary on Monday evening. Another game will be held there Friday,ev- ening, The ., school trustees are having new eidewalks built at the school and the grounds levelled up and seeded and making a very nice ap- pearance. , — A. fire teolc,plage on Sunday night in the barn of the Exeter Flax Mill. There werie several tliousahd bush- els ot flax straw' which were total*. deitroyed. IVIr. Terris Cantelon and -'Miss Hazel Coxworth who have been at- tending London Normal, have coin- pleted tlie course and are Inane for the holidays. e Mr.S;and Mrs. R. E. Vermilyea and Mr, and - Mrs. Elam Butt, of Torento motored up and are visitieg with Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Dinsclale and other relatives. wheedled some 15 years ago besides Mr. Hill, she is survived by one brother, Wm. McAllister of the Pare eLine; Hay and two 'Sisters, Mrs, Chaitus and Mrs. Dayid Anderson. Mrs. Hill was a, good neighbor and 'friend and tlie sympathy of, the community goes' out to Mr. Hall in his sad bereavement. • The 'funeral Which was private was -held on Tues- day afternoon from her late resi- dence. Determent at Henson :Un- ion Cemetery. - Zurich Mr. F. C. Kelbfleisch is visiting in Detroit. -Miss Ortha Meiick of Detroit is spending her vacation at her home bere. Mr. Albert Gies left for Kitch- ener on Friday where he intends to inake'his hbme. Mrs. C.. Passold of Toronto is vrsiting hey sister, Mrs. Josiah' 'Geiger. Mr. and Nies., Ale Taggart' and Mee. Raebe endedaughter of South Bend are %denting relatives here. Mr. Kenneth A. Aontlodge of De- troit is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. 3. Routledge for a Iew weeks. Mise Gertnuele Weber hasyeturn- ed from Ldiadon, where she has been undergLoing treatments. • IlenAy Ricker, Blind Line, Hay, ,has passed away, the funeral being held Priday to ;the Flensall cemetery. Fee many years be,lived in laippen, carrying on the business of carriage and wagon maker. Nineteen years ago he botitht the farm of ejohn Berey where he resided until nis death. What might have causecl a des- aetrous flee took plaoe Thiti‘sday A eaeg of, men aro busily` engag- L. THIS IS THE ITIDE STOCti* ou les Gee re AT ee. Low .• Thomas .to spend tile hedicleye. 11:(BrA FlOrenoo Welsle .of Louden • Much. sYmnathy x epent Sunday at their home. here, the C. 'N. R. Depot putting in nobeCtant. When, thealsitchen pert of fire from:nee oil stove and whenkfiest needed, and Neel add a better ape diee0Vereds the flames dame -through I ineenee, ee .eae • seeeeen. • • theroef, ''' • . Mies DoretliY•Vvelsh who hae „twee. vp vim/ . 000o cosi, v,roLli Mrs. E. E. .Steel 'left . for Sal suanding sta,trarNormal d •4nd audeMrs. Ted 1VIIttleholin theteeereore y home for the hehdays. - n' • death `of ..their menthe' , .s V E, Wood end son Jac Lain,: sr 1 , • 2. A Wed11.0'3dSt0 She took sick during Barbara, Cole arriVed last week to the house 6f 1VIr. Mcsees Geigeintook a new platform. which was greatly A. TWOlailY 4 r 1 to Pete Who •paseed away s !/.ind '144.reid Callis Of elante, Terents, Mr, dna les. clale. The annual. enema of the Theron COnnty Couneil Wee held oil 'Weaken - clay\ at Goder1011, kiniong thoee who attended ,frOni, were" 'Reeve Geiger aele IVIre. Geiger and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Riggin __ Julien pfnac of 'Scheele Vos alibbert aed Q. 10 Teckersreith will be held in McKienoWe Grove, east of the village on SeturdAY afternoon, June 27th where a good program of sport e will be run off and, Other events, everything is free and eVerybody is invited to come, The many friends of' Dr. Peck will be pleased to lean that he is recovering nicely from hie recent' operation: The (hector ,was taken ill on ,Friday and was taken to St. Hospital, Loudon, where he was oPerated on Friday eight for apPendicitis. Dins - e The Young Peoples' League meet- ing Was neld on, Monday evening, Miss Nellie Boyle 'bad charge of the meeting. Mr. Sinclair gave the tallies and a reeding by lVfiss Viola, Higgins and an instrumental by IVIissi Johns which ev.ere greatly enjoy- ed. ; A large class is- writing here nu their entrance examinations. Mr. IVIawson, of Exeter, is in charge. The third form polls of the 'Gan - their examinations 'this week. Mr. Wetbey of Exeter is itt chaVge while Mr. Wm, McKay, of town, in presiding at examinations held in Zprich School. Dashwood Dr. H. H. *Cowen, L. D. S. D. D.'S DENT.AL SURGEON e 1VIcGaimick's Block, Zwick, every Thursday and Saturday , MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Bice* Dashwood, Ont. ANNEAL STRAWBERRY SOCIAL Mr. and, Mr's:England of Thed- ford, were Sunday visitors with Miss M. England and Mrs. D, S. Taint. Mr. and Mee T„ Klumpp and fam- ily spent Sunday in. Port Huron. Mr. Samn Brenner is on the sick list. - Mr.' and Mrs. D. Tiernan and family spent Sunday in Stratfone. Mr. and Mrs. H. lloffman and. family and Mrs-. B, Stacey spentethe week -end in Kiechener, ' A number from h,ere attended the Children's Day see -dice in Zurich 071 Sunday. L , Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Schrader and Manuel of, IVionkton spent Sunday in this vicinity.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Meislinger of Zurich -spent Sunday with and Mrs. Go. Koch. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade spent the week -end in. Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs_ Ed. Beaver and, family visited iii Exeter On Sun- day. ,Mrs. J. Link of the 14th is' visit- ing her daughter in Brantford. Mr. Charles Fischer of Ohio at- tended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. F. Tischer. . Mrs.' Fredericka Fischer died at the home of her daughter., Mrs. W- Eveland on Saturday June 2 Oth after O. week's illness, the result of a paralytic streke. She was in her 89th year and lived in Dashwood the greater part of hee life. She was a member of the Lutheran church. She leaves to survive her loss a grown up family. The fun- eral services were held on Monday afternoon. ten nee weather and greduallyebe- spend The 1! 1' was e cotiple of months with then', held erriday. . cLANDtBo-yE sc. nTames' Anglican Church, Clan deboye with nearly a hundrer pres- ent picnicked at Springbank on Saturday. Sports ene a banquet in thhe main pavillion were the chief features of the picnic, while a num- ber of the young people remained for the dance in the pavilion in the evening. The results of the, races and sports were: Girls, under 6— Jessie Simpson, Jean Simpson; boys under 6—Wilfred Siinpson, Jim Cunningham, Lois Simpson; girls under 10—Merle O'Neil, .Inez Hen- drie; boys under 10—Harold Flynn, Ernel Cunningham; girls 9 to 1 5 -- Merle O'Neil Pearl Carter; boys 9 to 15—Harold Flynn, Edward 'EsIte- futon; young ladies' race—Gladys Mollann, Edna O'Neil; young men's race—Harry O'Neil, Carlisle Mc- Goun; married women's race—Mrs. Mahan, Mrs. J. Simpson; . married men's axe—Willis Dorman, Alec. O'Neil; potato race—Mrs. 3. Simp- son, Mrs. T. Lewis. In charge of the picnic committee composed of Mrs. B. liodgins, Mrs. A. E. Hendrie, Maurice Simpson and Rev. M. Mc- oun, who made, arraegernents. for the motor party anclo the noon and evening dinners. A ball game,,, in which Ross O'Neil's team won over *Tarry O'Neil's nine by 12 to 7, con- cluded the picnic program. Crediton Tile neentbeee and friende ot the Evangelicel church cliOir net at tis home of Mr, and. MrS, rnd Heist, in honor Of IVIr. and Mrs. Emmery Tanner .0 spend a social evening witb them. The happy , cempanY presanted• them, with a useful gift ae a token of love and eeteerne A Very joller eveieiug is reported by all present. Whose turn will It be „next tieneT -Beware of cupid'e cherin and magie, Rev. Otto Braun of Buehanan, ICE., will occupy the pulpit at Ziot: EValegelical Crediton next Sundey Mornang and evening. His alibied a the morning senfice .is ,nnaligion in the' home," .and. in the evening he bring an evangelistic message; Come and hear ene the old Grediton boys preach. . Me, and Mrs. Therna's Hedden and fesmily of Brantford motored. here and spent Sunday with '1VIr. and Mrs, Henry Metz and friends, at Grand Bend. . ns Mr. and Mrs. William -Heatherley and -daughter Thelma and her friend larso Miss Pearl Mote- all aof Loudon spent Stinday with elr. and Mrs., Henry Motz. •- . ,,,,,,, see Mr. and Mrs. William.. 'Fischer speni: Monday in Dashwood attend- ing the funeral of tbe formWs grandmother, 'Mrs, 'F,. Finkel'. . e The Sheardown bays of Godericle were called here Sunday, owing to tile illness of their mother, Mrs. Henry Sheardown. . e Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, ,..1VIr. Ind - 1 wards and Mrs- Sumneer and soil, Sunday with friends in Kitchener. all of Mitchell vieited Mr. EdwarTh , sister, .Mrs. Sheatdown 07/ Sunday. .. -"The' Faith of Martin katither" lsr in a:: SefigS on "The Faith et our TPathere" will be, the subject ii,ext Sundayevening in tne United church here,. In this series the preacher, Will try to show what the great men of theepest leave stoodlor and. their contribution to, the church of today. You'can's 'afford to miss these mes- sages. 'Re, and Mrs'. W. Y. Dreier' are attending the Evangelical cannimeet- ing near Mildway, Ont. over next Sunda, and the following week. Mrs. Ernest Kobe is -Visiting at the home of her 'son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Oes- treicher, and will return with them to • the Carrick Evangelical camp meeting and to •-her home in Han- ''' MT. CARMEL over ens Satinena,y,' The 'W.M.S.- convention at the Ev- . S..eseveriteen members of Bridges Construction; Department of angelical church was a great and. 'aim - the C. N..- R, Company from Clinton, successful 'event. It was wen at- tended. The , speakers gave excel- 1-1°114°Ild Bthreanftuintlerdalanofd thAelsiaate%limg lent service. The Eashwood Evan- attend_n McCann on Saturday. gelical choir delighted the audience at the Tuesday evening session with the best of music. The ladies'q,uar- tette by -Mrs. Chris. Haist, Mrs. E. BeatitifY your heme, as Well AS protect it, vvith a couple of good coate o2 PURE PAINT. Paint is nd, longer coesidered a luxury., it is an absolute neeeenity for the peotection yeeur property from the elements, PAINT NOW ran ,eaveather conditions .are ideal for out- side 1-)eintine Consult us-ar Once about that job you have beeri contemplatieg havIng done, Our Prices are IneasVnable, and we. use the bent materials obtatnable.- "Oar PACCS 01, G 114.1 A.Frir I I'S 658 Hathilton Rd,, London Ont. , are Reasonable" PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 797 or send „a card for appointment, chard on Wednesday of last week. about 9Q people partook of a splee- did dialler and supper. A veey uniqub part of the day was, the christeuing cee Ronald Charles, son on Kr, -and Mrs. 'Ray Fletcher. Friends were present nesse Crosswell Mich., London, St. Mar's, Bright, Sea,forte and Exeter. , Mr. David Millar is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. 3, Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pletcher `spent GREE14WAY Mr. Robt.Carruthefs and his cousin, Mrs. Liners df Detroit spent the week -end in our village. The maid quartette assisted in the services at Gentenetry on..tune day evening. Mr. Ecl, Mason has been iinprose- ing his home with a coat obvpaint. Miee John Shenk had tile contract. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Wilson, visited his father in London 'Hospital. We are glad to report he „is doing as well .as can be expected': Remember you have a date on for the Lawn Social at the United chureli. on Friday evening. A ,pro - glean of band lintel°, quartettes, solos, elocution and addressee with 4 bountiful sleeper, is surely worth 45 end 20 cents. . mr. Jae:, Larnie of Deleware vis- ited his bother, John who has been ill, for some time and ereo, renewed ldeccn alatiteceS. , Miss Bernice Webb of Grand Bend Is spending a few eveekS with her sister, Mrs, J. McGregor, whol has beenill but ie recovering, ELIMVILLE Quite a number fromour vicinity were ,at the Exeter cemetery on Sun- day it being Decoecition. Day. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Force and babe.`bf ;Flint, Mich., called at the home, of -Mr. H. Ford on Saturday last. e • The Johns'. connectiolig held a picnic at the lake last Saturday and had a most enjoyable tinae. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah ha,ve been 4i.siting -Rev: and Mrs. Livingstone at the parsonage. Remember the Old Boys Reunion „this Sunday and Monday. Mr. Prank Glavin and son of Wes - ten spent a few days this week at the 'home of his father Mr. P. Gla - Mrs. E. G. Feist; the solos by Mrs. and vie of 12th Con., Stephen. A G. ,Wenzel, Mrs. H. K. Eilber Mr. ancleIVIrs. Corn.ealius Irowland accompanied by their two do,ughtees Emily Graff and Mrs. Gordon Mor - lock and the anthems by the Credit- on choir were greatly. enjoyed by all. Th,e W.M.S. convention will be held in Elmira., Out., next year. We congratulate the Crediton -Eva,ngel- ical W.M.S. organization under the able leadership of Mrs. W. Y. Dreier Lor capturing the conference branch missionary banner, being- 17 point's higher than tiles eecond highest soceety In the conference ein Mis- sionary givings and other points of efficiency. The 'visiting ininisters present at the conference were Rev. H. A. Kel- lerman', Tavistock; Ret N. 0. Helen, Milverton; Rev. N. Gr. Gad, Kitch- ener; Rev. He Leibold, Alsfeldt, gang was making repairs to the pro - and Rev. P. B.- Meyer, Dashwood. party on their annual visit. His re - The Crediton Evangelical Sunday mains were forwarded to the home School is sending eight delegates to of his brother Mr. Ben McCann near their district Sunday School convene Khiva:. Besides kis. grief stricken tion at Rodney, Ont., on June 25tla mother he is survived by four bro- and 26th. Rev Mr. Dreier is presi- there Tom, of London; Levi of De - dent of the convention. Those who troit; Alonzo and Ben of Stephen; De - are taking in the event are J. H. three sisters, Mrs. Kenny, of Detroit Holtzman, Chester Mawhinney, Rev. Tenie and Janie at horne and also a and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, Clara Mor - lock, Irene Fahner, Carl Morlock host of friends evho regret his sau demise. The funeral took place on and Clinton Morlock. 'On Monday evening a number of Saturday at 10 a.m. with Requiem. Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr, Cor- coran. are Visiting Mr. Rowland's brother here this week. e Miss Geraldine McKeeve, of Lon- don arrived home this'weels. to spend her holidaYs. Miss Helen,. Murray of 'Louden spent a few 'days _last week with her sister Mrs. Br. Coughlin. A number from this neighborhood attended the Garden Party at Lucan on Wednesday eVening. Teals communitY was shocked on Thursday afternoon to learn of the death of William McCann, aged 49 years on the Bridge and eConstruat- ion department of Railways by fait- ing from the roof of the C. N. R. Inereeshoe players held, a meeting and 'organized to play horseshoes, ,the followin.g officees were: Hon. - Pies., Chris. Fahnere,Pres. Mr. jos. Lawson; Vice-Pres.,'Mr. ID. Lawson; Sea -Treasurer, G. E. Wenzel; Man- ager, George Eilber. It was decid- ed to buy another set of horseshoes. The organization plan to play sev- ZION (Intended for last, week) The congregations for the Sunday School anniversary services on Sun - era). games. day overflowbd the church at both services. Rev. Mr. Mines preath- ed two splendid sermons. A. cone tribution of $40 was asked. for and $51.00 was realized. The social by the W.M.S. on Tubs - day evening was a successful a large crowd being present and a splendid supper and program pro - SUNSHINE • The, \Sunshine Sunday Sehool Spent yery,pleasant day at Queen's Park, 'Watford, on Satiird,aY. Rac- es and other sports were enjoyed. The annual Francis picnic Wee held in Mr. Clarence Fletcher's or- 6....e.A...*1.....armamososerew•edowsamaremearawmie vided, The' proceeds were over $140 Over 20 gels, of ice eream were eon- med. Mr. Hy, Towle has been visiting her"sisters at Zion. Mrs. Wm. Taylor is spenclingethe summer witit her eton Hector. The boys of the comenunitye ingee started a seStelsall team ta,1394,1tnown, as the "Blue Jay' Clarence. Towle is the captain. , Kill them'sali, and the gerrns-too. l'Oc a packet At Druggists, Procets and General Stores. maim- :111111111111111111110111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Mil Whom could you sell today? —by Long Distance There have been startling changes in selling methods in, the last two years. New ways of fmding 'new' cus- tomers, of getting at every possiblebuyer,axebeing de- vised every week. Obstacles are being brushed aside. Present day business, to secure results, turns to Long Distance as its fir,§t aid. We are now handling con- siderably over one million Long Distance calls a month for people who must have an answer immediately. They realize that thejaverage letter costs as much as the tever. age Long Distance message. Whom could yousell today, by Long Distance? . Each new subscriber adds to the value of YOUR Telephone 111111111111119MMEEMEMEE"On ybu can save mo ey Let .. us show you the amazing 'Vie, values we have to offer. Partridge f'Qualitf', Tires, tough and long-lasting, chetpper than you.have ever bought tires before ',and cheaper than tires can . be bought from any mail order house. i Every Partridge Tire s guatanteed. Keep your money in your own town. 7fie Soldby: Fabric Tire 30x3% -- $5.95 Cord Ttre 30x3% 30x3V2 es, $8.95 (Guaranteed) TU13111 , 30x3% - $1.50 30x8¼ -12.00 EqUallY priees tai all sizes UALITY