Huron Expositor, 1999-12-29, Page 447TN( NINION'gXPOWTOM, O000wiboy 29, 1900
Your Community Newspaper Since 1860
Tem Lynn Hart Publtsner
Sr -Oft HiIgendGrff Editor
Son Hundertmorti. Reporter
Pat ArmesCce Monger
:, ire •kfr i.Gscrt'�vs.:tsviieds
Bowes Publishers Limited
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Wean' way. amembsr 29. 1999
ldltertet sad S..*...s OM*. - 100 Nola fMe4.,3eehr16
T•lephewe (319) 327.0240 Pax (319) 327-2036
Melling Address • P.O. IIIez 69,
Seelertfi, (Wert*, NOK. i WO
Publication Mail Registration No. 07605
Let's ring in the
New Year
without any
drinking and
driving accidents
With New Year's Eve just ,a couple days away,
thoughts are filled with ringing in, the New -Year
with celebrations to outdo any from the pasta •
With more. than a year s worth of media hype
about the coming new millennium, clocks literally
counting down the days and seconds to the.
event. merchandise galore on store shelves to
commemorate the event and anticipation
building, it promises to be an adventurous
evening for many
Virtually the whole world will becelebrating
with special events planned almost everywhere
It's a chance. to really cut• loose have fun and
celebrate life.
Butwhile there is much to celebrate, lets see
the new year start without any tragedy
The message is simple
The impact is great
Please -don't drink
Town has done
a great job
preparing for Y2K
,With the corning of the. New year, just days
away. most pe.ople's thoughts are on the
- celebration ahead • ' '
But missing out on the dawn. of the new
. millennium is Mayor Dave Scott and
Administrator Jack McLachlan who will head to
- town hall before midnight
They are going there just, in case the tears of
Y2K might happen to come true The fear is that
a potential computer glitch involving the inability
• of some equipment to read the date 2000. will
cause computers to crash, and, in worse case
• scenarios, see the provincial power grid fail,
teleiiTiories-s-fop woe mg and"ban`k" MOChine-s-fail
None of this is expected to happen with
Canada being one of the most prepared
countries (having fixed ,many computer systems
so this problem is not expected to occur) and
Seaforth being one of the best prepared towns in -
• The. town's' leaders, both within council and
throughout the comm. unity. from OPP to the
hospital: deserve a lot of credit for the months of
planning they hove done in case something does
The Seaforth Agri-Plex is ready to serve as a
shelter The town hall is ready to. serve as an
emergency command center. The fire
department will have. members ready and
• waiting at the fire hall. Back up communications
are in place so people can go to the town hall
and be able to get the help they might need.
We can be glad to know our leaders are ready
if we need them
let's hope we don't
Scott Hikgendortf
Simply snacking on a muffin
can give you the flu virus
On any given day of the
week. the microscopic
bacteria and viruses that.
become airborne after
coughing or sneezing Float to
your hands and•are then
transferred to any objects
you•touch. such as the
telephone. • Transmission is
complete when another
person touches these objects
and then his or her nose or
Something as simple as
snacking on a muffin or
talking on the phone can he
all it takes to end up . ith the
flu.a few days later.
That is exactly how
Influenza: more commonly
known as the flu." can- be
spread person to person at
any age. healthy or
otherwise •
However. • the mo;-
vulnerabte.are adults 6-1'
years of age or older and
people of any age liven? •z:th
lung.hear+ liver and Sidney
diseases. d:1,e-e,
•;thee :;a: pry;;..1.
ailments. A. well. sic 7F,;
per cent of children tiecor.:e
infected and can erica,
spread the flu to their parent.,s
and fossils within a a'. e -•:a _•
'Hu vaccine differs from
,;trier vaccines. due to the
.;hanging rlu .trains prevalent
cash year.' say; Dr. Judith
Shtndman. Medical Director.
Medical Affairs. Pasteur
Meneux Connaught Canada.
"Therefor. preventative
vaccination must target r'he
strains ,f the season. which
means a new flu .vaccination
annually '
This years rlu vaccine is a
combination 'of three. Ybuses
,A. Sydney .-\.'Belling and
B' Yamanashi.
.an•affect anyone and
symptoms ;an include the
sudden onset of headache.
general aches and pains. high
fe',er. ml:d sore throat.
general weakness. i • dry
cough and possible
dehydratlon..Aduit. at hien
1:nerable ro
;.;mpticarons. which
a . .n ;time .:sive. resuir in
c.l.:•: -I: :.. Canada.
`..":. I.1I.:.I 1:e of
let" een - . I.1 1.)d - . ;I:I,;
: t : :respite
vaccinated against the tlu. In
a recent survey of I.QO()
Canadians commissioned by
Pasteur Merieux Connaught.
the national 'average: for
healthy adults under.age 65
receiving flu vaccination was
only 8'7 per ,cent. -
Regardless ,)t. how healthy
people are. -he nest ..vay to
prevent flu -r.Insmr(:it)n is
cath 'a rlu ;hat a err :'ell. A
popular myth s that the flu
shot ::an ,:':, :,)u the taus
however. the :irises in 'he
vaccine .ire cillad" and
therefore ;armor live you the
Because influenza :'.lccfne
.1tlow, your body
recognize ind tight :he three
most .. )mmnn
expected TO -r' ::lrcaiattng ;11.
season. it
pr: • 1,1 ;;;tote most
ne:i.sur for
.ethic:n ie : impact • ;f
1ntluen.:a_- . ores enting it In
the first p11i e Medications.
uhtchease lie ;•.•mptoms ;f
diagnosed. do not pr,, tie -he
pre'•en[.Itl': a �r_a� ':,)n )t
uhmunizaai)n. -
Peoc 1. 1.1,_
pulmonary . • Jt:,)rders
diabetes. Cancer. anemia.
renal disease and HIV a-,
well as people 65 'years .It
age and older.
Children and adolescents
t siz months to 18 years I with
conditions treated. for a- long
period with acetylsalicylic
Acid should also - he
• Other targets for rhe flu
vaccine include residents ,)t
nursing homes and other
chronic :are facilities and
health care personnel who
have significant ,contact with
people in risk groups.•
All healthy adults would '
lino henetit from rlu vaccine •
••protecaion. Penple •who are
trrav'eiling; have important.
upcoming events -or ;imply
.cannot at%rd ro - Hiss a day
work are those whoa 'among
Other;. would henejit from
the flu vaccine. •
Thousands of Canadians
quality for free vat:ctnations.
Your physician. pharmacist .
Inti .,Ica: public health
1ep:lr:nent :an- assi:;t In
,s epin1S '(in ,afei" •)ut•,)t.'he
'Fl.0 Zone' this-ea.uin.
Huron Tourism establishes new executive
The Huron Tounsm HT.k
has •esrablished the new
executive for 1999 •
The HT.A board members
1999 -2.000 -are Roseman
Da•.1s. Kathr>,n Dirby. Joan
Karstens. Sand: Davidson:
Subtile Sehaufler. Cindy
lsher. Micheline Norte. Jud •
Lecornpte. Kathy Ni_h,1:
Donna Watson. Tack
Gillespie. Joe Wooden. -Peter
. Drew: Mars, Jane Coutts and
Kirsten Harrett.
The Huron Toilrisrn
.As:oc;iation: in ra:tnership'
Panning i De :cmenr
Decar:r:enr A 1.. :.,nt,nue .t.;
)+i :e - _lopmenr ;.;r -ne
1p( r'iri zai,;n. licnd
:717.1-1:11-.12 1 l'
1; - .
irr•)nzer s1:u.:e: ,eai,)nai
trapit y-neras
. -an :ing ")n
L, :1 1- ')ntar :
C:'1, ,..::. `.e :1-:11
i.•'r_ A•:[h the marketing and
:e ezonment
'Hur;n•Har est •Ili.
<e'. 1
311-< JZ 1:=Z ac:
Huron C unt r ; louse
a- :11 1 :1 1, vile
( :r * :7t =.,)n This
•)perar r Ir;t.uc^,:n :f -he
Huron C.)unr• ?'.innin•r •ind
De•• ti')pmen" , 1. -•.lent
:tl:(i neS,e',.1re ,15te(1
',:r 14: : n1.1r2e ail `.fe pages ,11
ne suede Ind Huron..
:t ':,m 1.,,. t::.Ituin
memners ire Jl' •en ..nnanced
Listings and HT. -k ',1,_+)s t,)
ienote ,heir support :or -he
•ourtsm i,s,)c:aa0n.Check
)ut he mutism website at: -
The !it annual Brochure
Swap Ind Tounsm went 'Nti1
he. Heid :n April 6, 2I)1)I) n
Lucknuw For -he .first -1me.
Huron x+111 cin vtth aBrice
County ri :,cage his
important -uunsm .'.•ent.
uality of life the best in rural areas
ear. 1. kn,:'u:,
• noth:. _- :Y. :f:.
cannot be::e•.e i wt)u:<: •
like to have a mai house
on some back gravel
She wonders what S.:
of quality life any
children wou:d have
'middle of nt''.y ^e`
How •wuu;d they -;;a..
How would they :: 1
hien they wanted•
Wouidnt:they -'e aced tr _ ^
She was raised to Nt ntre.1: 17:
otherwise has lived in. Toronto.
The few titnes•she ventures ,.i:,.
.srnall'town On,tarto, she marvels' at
the fact you :an :drive dv'wn the
street and wave .atmore
person you know.
That. to me. is enou_h•:v. • 1 • :^L
quality of lite is good.
She r: innottunder.tand the fact that
it Someone s kids are pl;a_y ing
hockey, it s just a matter of hopping
tn.-the car and driving 1.0 or .i)
'minutes to the arena.
If they want to meet up With
friends and they re not old enough.
drtve or have a car. they get'
driven in to town or to the place
they want to go.
The farriily car. become. the
equlyalent of public transit.
And Id niuJFi' tatherbe dri"v thg• nt;
kids into town than .shipping them
off onto the subway to head
somewhere in the :itV on their
own. • '
Even on a ,arm. you have
neighbours and If you cant get
' them' they'll pile your
kids in the: car w 'th theirs and take
, ..'1r ^..1 :.171.
1.._- A;.1. ' 1I .:1_. '1
"1::'latiy_�a''.'•�':i. 1 . .
ries:. n•. �e re 7.,t::r
••n a same amt:u:1'
';1e city wi)
A •: - got our kids to 'hey, cox_
1 ^. 'when the roads 1:I19 ren
`Ur -•lrai folk manage to _C! ar')urld
11.4, to •what •they nee: ^•.
,nowmobtie it they want to.. .
Rural kt(is`'grow up.wlth —tends
inin school,. just the same .1,-n,.',e '11
the city. and there , .
nei:hbourhoud. kids Its ;u -t atilt:
further to get around. the b:' e
when y'ou live out in the country
Its .1140 nice to know that v,)u
have a better chane• (it know:n,
who 'your children are pia' :1;
with. who their parents area where
they •,1'o and what they do.
C'han:Cs are,. .when. you're no.t_
looking at what they redoing,
someone else is and I. would think
its .1 little harder t0 get into trouble
in a town like Seaforth than 1t i4.:n
s -city like Toruntu.
Our teachers are often our
neighbours and unlike Toronto.
where you :an live ih an apartment
building and never ;peak :'r .yen
How to access us
Letters lo the Editor and other submissions
can be trade to us by noon on Mondays at:
All letters and submissions must be signed
and accompanied by a day -time telephone
number. All submissions are subject to editing
for both length and content.
Dontforget a clack out our homepage at:
ww idoeweeae*.coadexpoeiter/
;re. the 7er,un 4!lu
::Jt)r. w'= snow V11t) a,: ')ur
1ei_hrtcur•, lr..
>,.i•. y: s1 :'Ad e 1.1Ye
1e: Tnhcur, vl': ire H•:" n�
o end 1 1e: ;rn J land 1 ,
R Ira: ii u(; teem ` :•:
ti) 7r:llilt:011.1, • Lae,
-slat are .:ow'.v fading from ,t ciet'
b ^er•: :dr :tiLdr_n still _row an :c
'c., and courteous.
':]1 )n .t -arm. :hlldren $row
v' )n live' tOWar 1ar'1
y -rY 1;1,1--esconsibi:ir!
•I.: -111• m:,, )1' )1 ,:me
.1 1 .• 1 -.'1 -L : Y pe rt en c e . .1 :'n e
• 11,1 rni t1OAl 1
1^taut ^eln', street -smart and ,time
'ne harsher :es\Ons to ",e earned
.. • 4-14 .l p :0.1
31 oust ,viol ,aiues they '.earn
:n 'arm are ••nor, rnpurtant :t)
It •ni:r .1n amergency. we know
• ;W( .i slur:drive or ambuiance
rile , the +cosi: i,),pitai with an
emergency room that ,`.open and
Jocttsrs on staff
In Toronto. 'you.vuld shuffle
trim hospital to •hospitai trying to.
find one that , takitts patients.
taking tar 'anger than rt would to
!rive from that back :iuntry road
'rico town.
.'end 1'thuu h' ;oeiet'+ :s
,:hanging: it , ,tti: not a,
frightening to-r*rai Ontario to let
your children out t)t sight is it is In
What quality of lite would my
kids have living 0n a hick gra'ei
One of,the best, 1'd says
We're eagerly awaiting
the first baby of 2000
.:'a, 2000 arrives next week. The Huron Expositor is
eagerly awaiting the rrival of the first baby of the new
Witte last year's changes at the hospital grid no births
taking place in Seafurth, it's difficult to track where that
Seaforth baby will be burn.- • . •
If you live in the greater Seaforth community and know
the fust baby might be yours. please keep us in mind and
let us know so we can document this special occasion.