HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-12-16, Page 617 Apartments for Rent ;party. • MG CO ^,/illy ptUS .t0.11es A'r3 table -,ow "ore' 1. 9r.i5 852.3754 ar 5' 9-235 2 559 ' 7-28rtfcc • -+EA'E:J "A.; '.Allain 3Gar'r"ert -ewly jP_cGra•ed ':.se 'o �GtOW �rrre =' 3 52-.;,23 5 '7 2.9-1 •LENEa' 2 ',edr:,•rr r • V,tcrea or,Troled ?rrr3rte 3,,rr:ry'3r..11- %es St.^'ante '',r ser,, -,;3r,"5 ' 3 :alt S'9i 343.9'_;2 • _AS'! EN A�3 tvl.rcre•• Large .r,'I 2 edroor- •-• -4•..•9 3 :. - -• =. ' ; :-••••••2 .; ' -. • = • 4. 18 Houses for Rent :'3rd :;.,v .:rr._ ;3•3.7,c • :.. .: -rw arC -•---Cis,' - :as 352.3. 24 Wanted to Rent a. - = -a Sas- 'c 25 Wanted to Buy r ss - __ • �a. _c _Lira' :3 .3 Mama* 5*.3-_-' N.; • a1 ^'':-2 2-'S.. 12 Real Estate for Sale 25 /'!anted to Buy ANT,GL.E ",RNIT..RE yasswara :rma sewing machines •amps -eweilery post :aids megazires Raying'.10c each 'or Stowe !Hitt ars Briar Butter 27' 3ur.'s Si Strattrcy 4176 1G2 r,r a 3- 234-3'42 25-23xtfcc 26 --eip Vdanted E ,MONGV LLE .,NI-EDGeturAct.t 'eetAres 3 secretary '^ursdays :r ='+days rot approximately 4 Hours. ,^.er Neek 'ease 'orwars 'esurne Egrrr�dwlte united Chum' 0 Box 71 Egn+ondvile :.r NCK • '..SC Att^ M and committee 26- •,•3 "-WG SOS, :ONS . available ;t' :asr -r ;G rare^ expenerced .er ;•;r •r, ;berate targe macrirery `WI -,r-e Acrl-December AZ Acerua 3r . 3458 • N•nrng '0 'rain Secard su:- :essrrui :ardidate -0 oberate ^'acrirery 'utl. ;ar! iree ;r ;eascr- 31 D -ore m' jer••15 :' )-233- 7295 2£ ;Cx' 'S'' GN AVAILABLE -:r :rw alt - ;asr :roc 'ar- r 5 N Crtaro A.1•3ctrre salary 3rd ^rise 'Cr salified .:erscr Serd •astr•e c '389 Scr,cedate Ave _:fijcr Cr »?' - M= -*EL? -sourer; ;r 3 -crer^ -r,, asr :r;c 'ar"• Male grate -?rtat -ring 3:? acre Serd '2S•.r-e 'c 3cx 35 1 :r s1CK • _ ; 26-5Cx3cc =PPM _a CiJ_a EP BCLire1 ,Il 'C :rawer 34' E tccsttcr 3cx 7Y. 3eafcr7 r 'VA( "NC 25-43x2 ME -E_- "3GLtrgr: :r-.3 -oiler- -c, :asr :.r:c tar- reale ;r 'er'ate Zertal -case available Serd - es. r -e •c 3cx 35 :r.tnr :N NCI( • _: 2£-14v3cr. - :acro- :cs.•:crs 'c :e ille1 'pre -: °7`tIj :r •cU -rap - C'1- ;�S-1._J= _5•34e'^c RESORT ONE • FUN •REWARDING • INTERNATIONAL RESORT COMPANY t.rg 'cr -^attr? .'CLars 'C '3C r-5.1 .S a' : - aj�"e:C >11`Ce Acc rcarts N'Illrfrr 'C Mcm 'Nee erl s :ays :Lr -c,_rs are •r r^ ' : 3 - a, 3•i 3ye 3C•:+:-3 _ '� ;er vee,:. /Ye -?Wan: ri r. •CC Cr:-. :LC,eri Ahtr :asr :crLses :r 3i1 excrc .acancrs 'Cr _ :+.r -ee Cries*. 3eslrancr s S.' _Leta. 3rc 3cccr-recCaticr _ 'eats arc or -N(5 are at:air: 'Cr :v =escr :re ^L -due re ;rue arc set ?steer' 'C :•e.3 'erre, ;CC 3r 3.Qc .rg . -c! 3. ,er, ?war:tr :3re9/ Arc -ct .LSC 3 CC -er :ail s 'ccay at 565-2950 :r roil 'ree ars-eIAL_ LT"'"' 35k'or eiders:or ss,". _g..L?x-of 12 Real Estate for Sale 1.6 Prudential I tibert Streit. Clinton I -f388-142- 00 . a Heartland Realty Fax. 14 TOWNSEND STREET.. CLINTON a"ti4_7_QN. gIRPI rME "14ME 8 dleigi : V RM: Vendors will entertain offers between $41 900 Soo 874.3 0 •:-e irrac c.a 1•r:eet E ;as _ ^xe ea•;s c•• earrg =sa 49 HURON ROAD. SEAFORTH Esiablished Century Home Bed & Breakfast, a sten n ;wet....age ;a ••ar?cr'•e. .ese :o jeaier ac _dent oter'oL w,tr .erne .se T . ,errs •r^_ " :est•.34n it•.1dor1 tea 3,• ^. - •�+a '•'COO tta,r'ase; .ear9,e wres,,ace n _T3 • Senirfg Seafortd and Area Lone Zulauf, _a es Re:•eser•u: •e Residence 5,9-522.0S7S Jack Crozier, Saes 4eir,sentacre Residence: S 19-394.3404 cLi. 5 4,482-247' - :4 'cur :ager i 14482.3400 Broker. Owner Fred R.-Lobb482.3321(res.) 26 Help '.,'panted ='E SALES :.Lc?K reeled .he motivated 3rergenc :er sir, -eeded par- ime 'c possible '1,11 -time 'pr slated ndividual Must oe able •c a'^!k 1aVs 3011 Satur'1ay5 ?eta" 3xoererca sr asset out not necessary '''easea+ars •s5t.me Ti rawer 44:.2 ;o -'Lr%' 3Gx 59 Seatortr NO( •.NC 26-49-2 3--,G'E:v' SEL? JEEt,EG c Nen( !V' 'ar,W 'G. Near `,GeratIG. -flighty '*+ohvated V4 ?xc rerce -aces- "sari N?t 'a ,WII+rgress •c parr N9ekard Nntir acCr:x . -01.r4 ard x.cas•cratty Title, icrcGl «ore 5'1-7:22 ;4' ; 26.49.2 AND :atcrers• ,au y,:. 7:349 25-1' tt School Bus Driver required in. Dublin or Brodhagen area 4 for HULLETT BUS LINES LTD. Phone . 482-3747 Administrator/Bookkeeper ' -••eGLir2r; r ,satcrt• . ,Lr ;stcr-er s seek,rg ar 3dr'IrtstratGr Gcfkkeecer . qr a Mater- itv Leave assrgrmert _xcererce .sirg M''2 a Setirite 3s'eI AG .Cris LavaeIe.-?cetvatle 3rd pavral Naragemert. 3rd ;ver,eeirr ;nice adr irlstr3ticr ;tiles nclLde srsweerg 3rcre 3rrCp cgs cri;r,;c:,CVirg: '^ad ;ree rg S a GLsy NGr{ er'v+r.:rr-ert 1't.st-Ce 3tte 'c ;a? -r•n TLIttcle 'asks Apply by calling TempTed Employment Service Inc, f_ 411 Main St., Exeter 519-235-0547 toil free 1-877-808-1116 r THE HURON EXPOSITOR, tbeember 15, 19441 r 35 Notice to Creditors NOTICE. TO CREDITORS n me Estate at Dorothy Louise Sc.11t ate of *he Town 31 Seatorth Deceased • .AU persons navmg..;lafmg against he Estate if :he above- larded who lied it August 4th. '399 .319 •eouired .0 'Ile •u11 oar•1c.flars 'hereof with rhe lnders,gned 333 Jr vetora Decerhber 3' • 999 after /Witch Sate :he • assets .viii oe listrrbuted laving •egard Jnly 'O 'he ,Iatms 31 Nhi€h •he. Jndersigned mall 'hen nave -ince .f A•7"E . 31 :ilnlbn ;ntaro ••his 1a0t 7.ecember ' 999 '-Ii.t 3 Rosi larnster and Snit:tor 3ok •90 '15 ;maria Street --on :ntaen .. -.rnr .rr.hn aware -•ustees. iI 111 `J •rcert :Hr- =:Lrcmert :3rtlrLes -c :r ;w r:iter;"..." :a -awcr3,rc :cccr•Lrity --cr : -Farm Equipment Technician, with AZ License, Ne -re ccx.rc -Cr. -I :erscr .Vito ertht;sicsric seiF -nctivcteC :rd ericvs ..vcr't r5 eeth .eccie ,', ,':v•Qe racer, •cc:iittes •rrrtrc arc Ixcef(ert :er- ,L.-eel you -CVe +e rreresr :rc-*rarvr:t•cr : :. _ _ _ : 'walla - :cr'r :erre ., 3ax ' 39, Seaforth, Ont., NOK IWO. Ave ;rear ef:Lcl ocCcrt.rlty .ar"picver - • - VyLLRM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 28 Business Opportunity 31 Service Directory IS 1 :'a- erner IF CONTRACTING LTO. . i. _. ;•4rL. , 'Illi .rr-,; - - ' -ertls :far ;arage :Cara ., :r 31 Service Directory •TRUCKING -GRAVEL •SAGO 3 STCNE : • •3MUL.3CDNG • EXCAVATING •PSCIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS - OFFICE 482-9926 & SHOP:. RR3 Clinton Res. Atli -4212'i VEALS ;,,--Lt,-NG _aien jiLcerts a is;er ar•v 'Cr , r 1eXF: Cne :icer ast-wccc :r ,ar __ _ lnd Z9 r" ttec iaat'rr;. -3,f• -:eriflc1tes 'Cr ter Suras.I 1•:ai.-aC:?)i 'r. a`iu•'rs ,c1.r „1(f'•5 j:L-+.• _•'_ - 7ca'rrr• - •. .. 35-1 - FREE NO CHARGE 1 Wedding vhotograpn' Services gree'. rr^aSe S..J � � , car ;; -•• r Gary ',amen Since' '983) 382-7575 Weosite: www.gerywaltien:com ERA. REP4 44. Mos: ^cites 'nceers- ire t Jn sae . MITCHEu PHOTOGRAPHICS 348-4520 > ,Steil 1tart:21 1 not. .;_, ;1 s.etet 1� 3 'TrM aWMC too PRCCESSIM; :1.R r're_ AU 34 Personal _ .v -Ile 1', -au d, NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS Cta)ms against the estate it DR. JOHN EDWARD LONGSTAFF are . ;t''he -nwrshib 1t-uokersmith n 'ea :aunty ;1 ,-uron .Nho- Tier :n ,une "tt1 •999 must oe r lands ov :er•,amber 22ntl: '999, atter •vnton late 'he estate mil oe 115tnbuted LAW OFFICE OF RALPH SMITH, - B.A.. LL.8.. )CFP 0 _ c..•^!Qcx Street - 3cx • 59 . ;irate.^.h ntano - 1 NCk '',NG _,Iwver -or 'he Estate .- --trstee3 NiII 37. Mortgages 1" & 2"° Mortgage Money Awasame .s 6.50` Interest 'asonar- • .o., ..a.1. 3a3+ -4403•s Atilt -tonrbx Mo. asuman JJ:1 i' 36 'f1 ..353 -- ' ' 33:33 '5.303 . .'25.J: f.sc- 'Cate .O,' iet:S • We ,Decal ze -•x73933 'Call -5191364-43450 1-800.387-1932 ASTRAL FINDING INC. 38. Auction Sale RICHARD LOBE AUCTION CALENDAR 1 CLINTON 482-7898 r ,•'-ir'-. .1.IIL .)Hili: loft: ... roar - f vww auct:onhotline.com 1 40. Lost & Found LOST - _ - -i =3r7-01., ;r:ceri --ncrev. -' rr•str'as 3Iessrg f JCL ' :CLIC -3tLr^ t. -519-522,-020.4 36 Announcements NOTICE r; f ydr, : .V 4. 1'r. , COl.OWli@LL BANIKen 0 www. coldwellbankerfc.cornn 0.68 ACRE BEAUTY All Points - Festival City Realty. 5272-1-O3 34 main St. um:7 ozioBA Every Day Until It's Sold!!! (Toll' Free) 1-877-599-0090 RON MURRAY' - FARM-MCKILLOP Ti1P r LBuE ' • •.",ISING ROOM Roam •RERi.ACE "alp ...cl.,...\1.1-01 1.1..\j -A i4eRce..4 Cr'•1CME S),E:-.s. MPiiESSivE 6Ar3M i� A l tai. WANTED - WANTED DUE TO ALL THE RECENT FARM SALES WE NEED FARMS IN TUCKERSMITH. MCKILLOP, MULLET, HBBERT & LOGAN ALSO COUNTRY PROPERTIES FARM FARM x' RES L .r=ii' 1c� 5E 8 BARNS . FARM FARM �' wP 1 1'SACRES Sv5TEMAT(Au_•'tED MA.h-L=t.vhl 'O 1 *Fs CVO.. \5Y1. 33•`,ROCM. = ••v S L`ECCA.a- FARM - FARM -_CCL= 3' • = iltlo:.ACE ECAK . . N$••IRL°CCL ER'A,h N -_ _INIr1O RCCM 'BEST PRESENT EVER NEW LISTING - WEST WILLIAM ST. .4i !� MMA�'_4• `_ hCi Sl'ty t oris 3OC% : :Nit - i4EPL+i._ FARM FARM 11I99E9• iP PA/Et: RCA,; JRivEsnEt' FARM FARM AAE =EE' RENCYA'ED ^h BLS', MAIN S'REE' FARM FOR SALE NEW LISTING 4 ACRES PRIME NCuSTRIAL LAND. SERVICES AT LOT LINE HIGH TRAFFIC AREA COUNTRY BEAUTY ]C:.a1C71FL51•iP '3/VMS GOOD : ASrs CROP ,AWL) MLKrLLOP TOWNSMtP •00 ACRES 90 WORKABLE SVS'EMAT!CALLV ''LED, • BEDROOM BRICK •COME 2960 SO. FEET %Y. LUXURY. as ACt4E , ON PAVED FOAL) FOR REAL ESTATE ANYWHERE IN HURON or PERTH COUNTIES WE HAVE • e •' • 1. STRATFORD • GODERICH • WINGHAM • SEAFORTH • EXETER • ZURICH • MITCHELL • BAVFIELD • CLINTON _ br3r'/ Cd'ri. MtSPeS •C 1::•I.SN _'^a. .a;raLr•,fr? .3•, -.3'V 200(.. 'tee cr'r;t?r ' C..'r2 :war'is "he .. ---- - ibrarres inc 're 'v 8C S Pe;blic ;vest-'�r•r. West Perth Public Library Board 42 Deaths ENZENSBERGER. Nora Mor,-., (Mona): at ieatorth Manor \,.' rHOme an 'u@sday. '999 Nora Mon+ca 1.1 , Enzensbetger n net :nth ,ear Beloved mpthar )t Dnrnrnv --yardman )t 'pronto 3osar Enlensberger 11 4,ncard,ne 'Dan ' Enzensberger Jt organ• 101 'Anna , n •11.: n.arr 3'. a{. Mane and er Siddafl of 3avhel0 • ` : , -nather it three ;rant: n rdrar sUrvIVed 3V nef orcthpr and sister--n-taw vara s s SeatOnh °;edecaaSe11: oand -'env. =' ensb?liar• ion John orothers --r. 3• -. and D mean S;i s ir1 ,:,•••' =tank and Dora Cal. :. s --,r • •era,ved •tien15. 3t •'•a •V'- - - ?rbev='Jneral -amp St Nest SeatO"tr. .r. .V1cnes^,a, _ frOn1 I ')r+ 'c : :) r i^7 - ', r • Mass ;t he :nnstatt r ;a<. -19)1 3t St ,ames .:1-rr2n. ;nr Church 3earnrh 2:ecamber -.3 it "• I ^ _ • - - ' Salvador :tflc,ate^. �• ,r • 3ravPvs .vete •uneral "mrne. .1'n�ra?:k,ti 1 35 3 -n nterment a^, �ameter - -)31fbearr1'', ,.-•,:' 'i'P. -ens• •A'chael •^en••:. jtri5 3rvan Siaaal - var.; :on 0.s Irl :ir- •8argarnt Sears 12 • READ. Myrtle Caret •Aanor tee.... neral F r:: rv.:. Seatorth ' - - Saturaa. Her i�.^ r• ,' read . sranoma • .:wed ;isle, i essie .dna :;niton Martha 111 ,csie•ltn;) -• �� . a:hrnelp.• .• . aA 1v 'ler .. z.• Jarents :he:.: , Stevens::ate .• 'er5-•n-taw -.-- Ernest Dale.. -air: -eginafa =r .Jeningham cva ate .,1nr:ngnarr ::5 ti:-•- ,Seattle -g11:7 -e! 3 •-ign :l -OH! : . ,Aontlav. ' ":r• 'rein ' J -r ':me 'he !a1 nen:est t=oned Stggar :^^ar . .n•tetl urc 1 1' _:ase 1 ::mtcn Cemetery. )t 3vmoathv. -nemarta' 'he Seatorth 2cmmun,ty -'osc to :• . :he 3ntano ;freer .: alfetl `1u•-^ . Nowa 1e abate•::area. • LUBBERS. itlena •crmerr . Va' ac2:: :._• : 3wav •949 it - r . ome. :arra - . fears. 3etove:: • - seen __ropers 103 'Tbl•1137°•n-.3ri :• - . =r1Qer Essex. :(emer . .am•a. -lanae r ?tro •a '! • Ino quare- , .ary :11J :a•- .... . Natiacev irq. :eatorth .,>• , .. lrauacybu g. :, .antge 3osman. 1., - m'SSetl 111 '13)1 7 ar..." - 1ran4cn Salm 1rI'J -)rani:n•raren. x'43!:. • ;qnS 'e1e'. ,,d. . ;�'.. _3moen • +.• IfJ e .994; 1n:r . , • - 'ers arta -'9C9sf»U is •=noay, .:t. r,•ett it , a .n !-1 . .. v.ew'.. Cemetery, !la :_ uu'y =e. 4 • . :Janciervaarl )1t':. ate0• 'antieartes. .Here Jran'SWlb. :effrge "Seatorth. 3ary Camorage, 3rian C:emer. ;aura. '3ary __Doers. •Vat:aL90.':I. . i''',• • 7reparner.3euevr''.e :. Avon1ts:Aic' )CHOOL iO4R0 Maitland Learning 'Or a Lifcumt Publication and Notice -- --r_. of -1998/99-Financial Statements -Hoer 3u05ec!ton.252t2! no Ethical/On At . iiSt1 ' ,;,•Tose v•raIUS .319 •egurreo '0 'naKe Ile 40410W1ng'inancral Data-lvai,au•e •o `atepayers ')r supporters. - . ' Balance Sheet Revenue Fund Statement of Operations Capital Fund Statement of Operations Notes to the Financial Statements Auditors Report 5)teelve DeGemoer •5. ' 999..opies JI ;hese statements 9411 19 Ivaflabie'torn Administrative Office, AMOSB Attention: Dr. Lune Rachlis, Secretary Treasurer Beard website at http://www.avonmattland.Un.ca ' Your local school Avon Maitland District knout 3oaru 62 Choc Street, North Seatorth, ON r4OK 1 WO - `elepnune ,519E 521.3111 or 1.800.582.5437 Fax. 5191 527.3222 LORNE RACHLIS • WENDY ANDERSON Dvecror al Educabai Chair