HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-6-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVoC, TE THIUl'tSHAY, EU1tiE .18th, *D2 I I �iraa l t 11a ai l�ililtulalalNltIIIIM9lllllll Illl,lilll in � t uillll' h I I � n r h Muulllulilll�ll hirlallll I I1111_a �M l l a, �nu�uM�ll�l�l�l NNl 111 � I_ lull Ill ll 1 ll M; � � I 11331 111 11111 1 11111111111a111111111r1N1 1 •Il � 1 I hlll till I Itlllllllllllulltll tNMItIpIIIIiIINlllillllialllhtllllllttirl1l111 lr t l IIIII�II� II 11Itll llllilltl 111 II .. I Il . � , you w'an ' Better Trainin • MENSAL', dse •� ou Dissatisfied? Do t a $ � , ; , tO command a Bigger Salary? write to 1.(.�e School o o t Commerce o rr� nn e �" ofof.1E t. Clinton, Ontario FOR PARTICULABS REGARDING , CLASSES. FOR STUDENTS COMING DAILY BY TRAIN , EXTRA TUITION GIVEN BECAUSE or SHORT SCHOOL DAY COURSES Stenographic Commercial -- °Secretarial ; r� i� Special Courses 11. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, R. F. WARD, Vice Principal Prinei't • al {, -Students May Enter at :Any Time. While Mrs. Wethey of Exeter was driving into town on Tuesday collided in her - car, she he • Mr. . H. Price car owned by with a � in front of the New Commercial. Hotel and badly damaged her own oar but luckly no ,one was hurt. Mr. Price's car escaped :without much damage. The Qrangemen of Hensall, Exeter Varna and ' Clinton _met at the Orange Hall here ••on Sunday even; ing and marched . to the Anglican church where a very appropriate address was given them by ,the Rev. H. Naylor. 'A large crowd attend- ed and special music, was given ..by the choir. WHARINSON-ELLALI The 'marriage of Miss Irene Ellah youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. •Ellah of.. Lucan and, Arthur Richard son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Wilkinson of Tuckersmith-was sol-, emnized at Holy Trinity church, Lucan on Wednesday,; June 10th, at 10.30 a.m., Rev. K. McGownofficiat_ ing and Mrs. C. W.. Hawkshtiw the organist playing the 'wedding march. Tbie bride who was given away by her father was gowned in powder blue silk with gold trimmings, hat and ,shoes to match and carried a lovely bouquet of white roses, a gift of the bridegroom, she was attended by Miss Wilkinson sister of the bride- groom who wore a sand colored crepe -de -chine gown ; trimmed with powder blueand' hat to .match:., she also carried a bouquet of roses, while James Wilkinson attended his brother as groomsman. The groom's gift, to the bride was a rope of pearls to the bridesmaid a gold broach and, to the,groomsman a gid watch fob. Among the numerous, presents to the bride was,�'aa•.. jardinere` and ,,stand. from the Sttnday School class of which she was a member. After the •' erenion.y -a wedding breakfast -was served at the -home of the bride's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson left by motor for London and other points. O,n their return they will Reside in Luca'n. Hensall TileBrick and,Block Yard DEALERS IN Cement, Hydrated ;Lime,; Hard Walt Plaster and. Gyproc Wall Board. OUR FRESH SUPPLY HAS JUST 'ARRIVED, ALSO NEW AND SEC- . OND EC-.OND HAND BICYCLES AND BI- CYCLE ACCESSORIES. WE MAKE THE CLEVELAND • OUR SPECIAL. Miss Zetta Passmore : conducted, the meetingof. the Young People's League on Monday evening, Mr, u John' Passmore gave a flue address on ,Nation Building." Also a duett by Miss Pybus and Miss Laramie and a reading by Dorothy Hoskins were much appreciated. ' ' ` Le DEATH OF JANE NEWELL The many friends in He'7nsall of Miss Jane Newell were shocked to hear of her death which occurred at a. London hospital early Tu esday. morning. Miss Newell who has been in poor health. for some time was taken to London on Tues day of last weekek and was operated on Thursday put owi�g to her w ed condition she `did not recover after the operation. She was the 'daughter of the late Robt;, and Newell and was born at Chisilhurst 60 years ago. +She is surviv six brothers and three sisters, James, John, Robert, Thomas Wil - Bain, and Calvin of the Wes Mrs. N. Horton, Mrs. McKay and Miss Elizabeth at home. The fun- eral will take enlace Thursday after- noon,' inintermentut in Hensall cemetery. Miss Newell will b ly. missed by her sisters at ho t ' eaken• Eliza, ed by Wil- t and Union e sad= home. HENSALL NINE WINS FRO14I OREDITON In a league ball game •held • at Crediton on Thursday of last week the,.,,IIensall team came out on top, ,with, a 8-3• score. Brintnell on the mound for Hen .sill, pitched realp ball, having 9 strike outs to his 'credit, while Mott the, box' for Crediton also put up a good game, the credit for which he was partially robbed of owing to the fact that the regular Crecliton backstop was out of the game,, and the.. relief ; catcher allow- ed several Hensall men to pass the. plate, on pass balls behind the plate The Hensall nine put up a good arc- gunient however and had the best of the play all through which is say- ing aying something; for the Crediton nine are at tl}e top of the league having won three and lost only- one game. Batteries for Hensall-Brintnell and Redden, for Crediton-' Motz. and Faist, IP -MAW Phone I School. Report Report for. May Primary Room H. P. S. The open night on Tuesday even - Jr: IIA. -Ray Patterson.,- Mabel Ings eeems to .be getting very pop - Fee, : Harold ,Sherritt, Viola Hilde- ular with the farmers. A:: large brand, Harvey Hudson, Mary Hemp- number, of cars .being in town on hill, Lorne Elder, Helen Glenn, Jack Tuesday" evening of this week and Young, Edith Wolff, Margaret Ken- the stores seemed to be very busy. Hinge, • Lloyd Lindenfield, Herbert Mr, P. Nesbitt of London was' in town ,on Tuesday. ' o Miss Rattlettie •Whitesides of G de- rich visited friends in town on Sun- Mr. Chas. Andersq't . of Exeter was in Jim village ' Monday on busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs, E, Appleton of Ex- eter spent Sunday' with fiiendseiu town. s ' Mr. and Mrs.: F. Zttrhurg of Dist- owel visited with Mr. E. Knipe on. Tuesday? Ray Laramie who has been suf- fering : with ;rheumatism is able to a be out again. Miss Hazel Hudson had the mis- fortune the , other day to fall and break her arm. Mr. Gillard, of Stratford, visited Mr. Towers and Mrs. Carni t icheal in town this week. Miss . Marjorie Clark of Exeter Paid a short visit with friends in town on Saturday. • Mr D. McKinnon and Mr. Lad Mc]n ee leave , for the west Thurs- day of this ,week. Mrs. E. Rennie, Mrs. D. •Cantelon and Mr. W. Chapman are 'visiting in Hamilton this week. The' Orangemen of Hensall in- tend celebrating the 12th of July at Brussels this year. Mrs. Hill who was taken tq. Lon- don hospital some time ago is re- ported dani.gerously ill, - Rev McDonald of Edgmondville will preach in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday. Mrs. H. Smale of Statfa speht a few days this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pfaff. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Whitesides and daughter Miss Hattie of Goderich visited in town on Monday. Next Sunday -Rev. W. _ M. Kiteley of Centralia will conduct the ser- vices in the United church. Mr. Colin Hudson has a White Leghorn hen that laid an egg six inches round and eight inches long. Mr. A: Horne, blockman; for the International Harvester Machine Company spent'a few days in town this week on business. . Mr. Lloyd Hudson is having a furnace installed in his home on S. Richmond St. Messrs. Bonthron' & Drysdale are ..doing the: work. The Annual Scotch Doubles Bow- ling Tournament of f . the• Hensall. Bowling• Club will 'be held', on the local green on. Wednesday,' June• 24 While' 'oiling the streets on Fri- day afternoon last Mr.' Geo. Gram's horse ran away;, creating some ex- citement, -but •but 'note doing much dam- age. Don't forget the baseball game in Hensall on.,, Thursday evening This is Dasbwood's first appearance here :thio year and "a good game is expected. „ A large crowd from Hensall at- tended 'the ball game at the Bonn- 'dary'on' Friday evening last, anoth- er game is being •played there on. Mondy evening next. , The two stores one belonging to Mr. W. -C. Davis and Mr. W. A. Mc- Laren's hardware store on Main' St. aro ebeing repainted the . work being done by. Mr. Little and. staff. . Redden, Bobby Passmore Dorothy Rev. Mr,: Henderson, a former of th ' P b t a ch *ch pastor e ,. re Y err, n Cook, Kornelis Faber, , Hugh Mc- preached ', to, large oongregations Dougal, Stewart Bell, Malcolm" Gil- -morning and evening on Sunday lies`, :•John- Farquhar., Jr. IIB. -Olive last. Mr, Henderson's many friends Brock, Kathryn Drysdale. I Minnie Sangster, `Irene Smale, Dor- ' here were delighted to hear au& othy Drummond, Myrna. Hudson, see him'. again. D • 'A• lVJOIR, L. 1Y1' • '' Norman Sinclair, 112ildred Follick. Mr. Geo. Grana and Mr. W. Jones PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON" •Ile-I-'aroldd Higgins, Orville Her- are busily engaged this week' oiling Phone 70 • HENSALL I Manns Mary Little. 'Primer -Har- job, but the work should have been den., Mary McConnell, Kenneth the streets and . are making a ' good old Bell; Dorothy McQueen, William done some time ago as the dust 1 Glenn,.:Harol,d. Bouthron, Nellie Fee, has already caused considerable .in- nVlcDougal, ''Violet: Beeswax. Sr. II t i at on school examxna- 'DR. J. W. PECK', • Graduate Eof Faculty of Medicine, McGill University,:Montredtl;.. Mem- ber of College •of Physicians and Surgeons 'of • Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Med- ical staff of General Hospital, Mont - 3 •east real, 1914-15; Office o doors of Post Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. AUCTIONEER OSCAR ILOPP • Honor• Graduate Caney :Jones' Au etion-School, Slieoial=:course`: taken in Live 'Stock (all Ian' eels,) Registered ,� Merchandise, Real Estate, Farb Sales, etc. '- Rates id keeping.tviEh, s. ',Satisfactionn .,as- -P.•evailtng price t. write Oscar Klapp, Zurich, or • wire 18-93, Zurich. ,,,.3.,,... WHITE PIL •. :tee, v matched dressed can both sides at.,' k fi q fans IS THE TIME :pO STOCb Q"t' WITH 000»; ' �,O° i,. ,VAtt fou CAN GET 1T.''AT' i3 ]LSltt9° PRICE =7.0 r f a GRANVON Dorothy I)aters, . Harvey Clark Fred convenience. • -* missed exams. Ruth MacLaugh- The continuation i lin 87 . Alice 'Higgins, 81, Isabelrens are being held this week and years ago Mr. '4�Tzn, Johns was mar - old -t of 'the pupils are on the ^nx- ¢led to .11liss Ida Grace Passmore, Smale 71,Dleano , Bell 66, Han ,� again tin the at. The entrance class ex- yV. C. Beet y gAppltton,60, Norman McI ay 59, Al- os se Rev. don, Appleton 56, *Roy Brock 55, emanations will be held from the 24 nuptial knot. The strove date: is inVfarion ,McKay -.48, John McKay 45, to the 26th " of June: A. large class the anniversary of the birth of Mrs. 42 *Catherine will be writing at Hensall. Robert Mayers, of Vancouver,. sister A very. pleasing feature in -con- of Mrs. �f•m. Jolinis. Margazet, nection with the evening service in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. johns al baptized born and so ie ROOM II the United church last Sunday was :was likewise Jr. In missed exams. Malnol the rendering of a highly appreciat- on this date. It was most fitting, Workman 84, Irene Deters 77, Flor- ed solo by Mr. N. L. Murch •af Tor_ therefore, that more than fifty r l home ;once McDonald 77, Beryl Drummond silo.. ,Mr. Murch was a guest at the fuiends should ssemble at the �rsozia n last week. of\Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Tolins on the. 73, Lloyd McLaughlin, 72,pGrace69, parsonage evening of Saturday, June, 13th their Wifi72,.Howard , Mayhill- The 20th wedding anniversary, • .when William Drummond 68, :ren Dashwood 1)r. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S, D. D. S. DENTAL SUEC�EOW At McCormick's Block, Z.0 icli, every Thursday' and Saturday MAIN' OFFICE Ilartleib's Bock -- Dashwood, Ont, ANNUAL STRA:W$ERR*' SOOLUJ Ga n or a June 24th at 1., ase s 0h rd, Dashwood by Evangelical Ladies. Aid and E.L',C.E.' Supper "served from 6. •to '8 -p.in. A very suitable program 1$ being' ' prepared;'' Dash; wood. band in attendance. Mr. Wilbur Ehlers has returned to 1)etrelt atter '; spending .several months 'with. his,'perents Mr. and Mrs. G.. Powell and Mrs, Kibler of ,Phedford-'visited with Mr.. and Mrs. D. Tieman on Sunday. Mrs. J. • Guenther spent last week in Mitchcell:end Mew Hamburg. Mr, and Mrs W. Graybiel of. Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs; J. W. Gralbiel, over' the week -end.::: Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Edighoffer and Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Edigho.ffer of• Mitchell visited . in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. Zimmer of St. Agatha visited in town on Sunday. Mr. Czar Steinhagen of the Can- adian ,Bank of Coign tierce, Wood- stock is holidayinget his homehere, Mr, and, Mrs. S, ,Ireland of Strat- ford. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman, Mr. E. Miller of St. Louis is holi- daying oli daying at .his"•home °on the four- teenth. .. There will be, no services in the L.utherian church•; on Sunday owing to the "absence of the minister who is conducting services at Linwood. Rev. Dunlop,. returned missionary from China,,, gave an interesting ad- dress in the Evangelical church on Sandy evening. DIED SOUTH Off' DASUWOOD The' death of 'Leo Dietrich took place at his home south of Dasli- wood' on.uiaday morning.l The de- ceased seas-in'his 35th year and has been ill for seine time. Besides his bereaved wife he is,survived by eight children, his mother, three sisters and seven brothers. The funeral Was held on Tuesday morning to the Mount 'Carmel "cemetery and was largely attended. • DASHWOOD WINS FROM ZURICH A league base ball game was play- ed on the local diamond last Thurs- day evening 'between' Zurich and our Dashwood nine, It was a win for our boys, the score being 5 to' 2. 'Mervyn Tieman was in the box for Dashwood and pitched a very 'steady 'game' allowing,the Zurich 'sluggers only three Widely scattered hits and' struck out six men. He got into trouble 'in the seventh and brother Lorne came to,:13, rescue and im- mediately'struck out the first batter to face him,. the neat batter ground- ed out to short and the . game was over,' •Gascho, the Zurich pitcher struck out ten men : but was ,freely 'hit in.the fourth and our -'boys put across three runs, enough. to win the game: The battery fpr Dash wood was M. Tieman, L. Tieman and Kellerman; for Zurich, Gescho and O'Brien. Come out fans -and cheer for the boys and encourage them ou to victory. They need your support and as the season gets older they promise to play good. ball. On Thursday evening our boys journey to Hensall and play a league game. on the Hensall diamond. This will be, a good game as these two teams are evenly matched. • SUNS lin c, Miss ,;'Inti Jaques IS spending a few weeks with frienids'in :Hensalle Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher axed family spent Stind'ay with Mr. and Mrs. G. Needham,'Londoni„,,Tp. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly spent the week -end in. St. Thomas.. Quite, a 'number iii the community attended the Brock reunion held at Springbank on Saturday.• ELIMVILLE June 13fhi has become an event- ful, day in the family of Mr. Wm, Joluxs. On, that date forty-eight years ago'his father,. Mee Silas Johns was married, the late•W. C. Beer of- ficiating On the same date twenty Ma,rrisan 26._ .. izirigs 67,: Lizzie - Bean 60, Harold Poster 58, Irene Hoggarth 56, Hazel: Hudson 55, *Gladys Passmore 55, '1'Mary Gillies 50, *Ruth utlz I•Iedden 47, *Willie :Nicol 9;7, Eleanor Skinner: 44, ''"I•Iaeolcl Redden 29. ROOM 111 Sr. TV --Gert •udo Higgins 90, Margaret. ` McLaren 76,6,Scott Welsh '74, Louise Drttnxmoud 72, Dorothy Little 70, Roy Seddon 68, Boryl Pfaff `8, l: argeret 'Drummond 67, Pearl tinder 6.6, Mario Foster 62, Lillian. Stacey 60, Russell Blackwell 56,' Bertha •Soldant' 54, Lloyd. Passmore 50, Jean{ 13onthron 42. ,Jr. IV -Billy, ,�1.011 8� AO, Smale17, Albert,.Psss- "i ,» . i, , Hoskins 6i°1Har-i. F",n�t e � v � rat3 :Hoskins +. a r � yy 6 9, ru' "H a, olds, thin:;. y6�9 P 0e og d S til e 55. Sr. IIIclith •�Iilclr h�� ,.,anieion•'Tli, Clare Zut:flo 70,,,�Du u t.�iindenfielcl 6.,Y ':. +"ldl`ed Smith 60,; Boyce' Scrbton 59'," Royce Welsl '"54, i'. Little Marion Sii'clair '1`'c 52, 49, Albert Wolfe' -38,. Edn.a'Wali e 34.;. , The other two reports will ,be in nett week's paper', - Annual meeting;of the South Huron Conservative Assoc.. will be the happy couple received many held in the town hail on _Thursday. June 25th. Election of officers will. take place and chairman for the dif- ferent ' municipalities. A number of out side speakers will be present to discuss Dominion politics. A Con- servative convention ,will be held in the near future to nominate a can- didate to contest the riding in the Conservative interest. A nuinber of names aro mentioned, among thein :johns, missionary .on furlough from being J. .i. Monier, of Seeilor ie; China, assisted by Rev H, D. Living- CYnas.` 14i'iddloton of Goderich Ti>.; stone. Oni behalf of their friends Win. Connsitt of Hay; Alex, Neel), Rev. H. ' E: Livingstone spoke all Reeve of. Stephen; Wm. Elliott• of prop etc words of congratulation to Centralia and. Win.. Goatee of us-- the bride and groom of twenty years borne, Any one di the abovb.gentle- ago, to tvliich the groom fittingly men would make a splendid' cantdi=. responded. Tltr•, guests their depart- date ' and Will probably rete e,onE, ..i raz'.rvizl with them sweet melte peeler. and useful pieces o:f china from those assembled, including.a bandsoine•dinner:,set from the Pass- inor,e .family. Tine guests sat down to tables bountifully -laden with good things, after which.. Dorothy Coren- na 'Grace, second' 'daughter; I.illa tltelemie -rand° Mary' Eilerte, twin daughters, 'of Mr. , and Mrs. Wni. Johns, were baptised by l�ev, A. n. Centralia GARDEN' PARTY AT EPWORTH PARK CENTRALIA ENT. �� a�A WEDNESDAY, ;UNE '.' ktb, 1.925 Strawberry and Cr'eai .Supper to be * served frozzz 6 to $ Sports from three o'clock until dark. Two; softball games. Girls game.;:; • Exeter; vs.: Centralia. A. cash daze . for ' the ' winners of this game:. Boys: game. _ Centralia. mar- ried r"neu 'vs, Centralia boys. An excellent concert to follow the supper, he's been''arranged by the Sterling. Concert party 'of London composed of. Phyllis Gray, Soprano; Harold ' Carter, Baritone; Eddie Willmot, 'Violinist Ruth Tanner, reader. Admission to supper and concert 5Q •and 25 cents. To concert 250. Mr. and Mrs. Sinal,e , of Highgate ,visited, at the home of ,their dau- ghter Mrs. Lloyd .,Hodgson. Mrs: ,; Sam• Hiccks who underwent an operation in London last week nicely. . iprogressinge s y Mr. S. McCoy and friend of Lon- don visited. over Sunday at the home of Mr. M. Elliott. Mrs. Rev. Kitely who has been ill for the past tWo weeks is some- what improved..' Mr. and Mrs E:•',J?q,we of, London are spending: a week's ' holidays with friends. REPORT FOR S. S. I, STEP I•I N.N. The following is the result of S. S. No. 1, Stephen for..the month of. May. Sr. IV -Hazel Hay 72. Sr. III --- Ruby Redden 71, Mabel Hay 51. Jr.. III -Mina Flynn : 39. Jr. II ;Paul- ine Hodgins 82-• Jr. II-Wtthliam Elliott 78,Geraldine Hedden 67, G. Redden 60, Aaron Hodgins 47, Har- ry Flynn 30, Primer -Mildred El- liott, Harry. Hodgins; Reginald Hod- gson, Eileen Walker. Number on roll 14, average attendance 13.4. M. P,prd, teacher SHIPKA A. lawn social ,will be held at Shipka church on Monday night, June 22nd. Good program of read- ings, 'singing and music. Admission 35c and 21c. WOOD IAM Mi:"'and Mrs. Aylmer Morley and children of Brantford accompanied by. Mr. Win. Wilkinson of Hepworth motored from Brantford "'ai•'kd's spent the weekend: `with Mr.: and. Mrs. J. Morley. The Mission .- Circle held . their monthly 'meeting in the basement of the church, Monday night. Quite a number from here attend- ed ,Anniversary Services at Zion on, Sunday. A few 'cases of•• mea'fsles are re- ported in •the village. • Mr. and Mrs.'Alonzo Mills and Mr. and -Mrs.. Clarence Mills atte'hd- ed'the, Brock re -union at Spring - Bank on' Saturday. Mrs, S. •Gunning of Whalen is spending 'a few days with her sister Mrs. Sid Mills. Mi' and Mrs. W. S. Dinsmore of Prospect/Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Jos. Rinn on Sunday, Gteenway The lawn social at'the 'United, church here on 'June 25th promises to be an enjoyable time. The pro- gram will be varied, given by splen- did talent from Dashwood. Admis- sion 35 and 20 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson of Parkhill and 'Mr. and; Mrs. M. Morley of Crediton. visited with Mr. and Mrs. `Roy`Hutchinson' over Sun- day. Mrs. Toll of London: and Mrs. Wareham of Sarnia. visited . their parents Mr. and Mrs,, E. Mason. Rev. Livingstone of Elinzville preached here very acceptably last Sunday. The pastor Rev. W. T. Maines took` anniversary services at Zion. The picnic, on Saturday was well attended. The program of sports was 'interupted by. the rain but young and old 'rejoiced in the .wei- come showers after. such a long per- iod of dry weather. , , .i k . , ) nt ta= evening s e _„ r,Lllzi� tries of a happy e g 1 1 ,. .r .L...... ✓...Mw-..tf 'gethel`, • ..Straight is the line of duty,' , •. 'Curved is the line of beauty;;, Follow the straight lines' thee shalt e, " p.. n it 'se l' re llte • curved lilac even follow thee. ' . -- Willian Macoall A. Man should never be asltannecl ;to own that , he, 1.14#, Peen nee the wrong; it is bat' saying in other erdlvathaye�hteericfaw-Wiamayzth l WII111111111I111111III1Illlllll111IIII111111Il111111.1111111N1111111 11 1111I1IIIII1 I 1MIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I11 1.. MT. CARMEL Mossrs, Joseph Glavin and Jolla Hayes, made a business trip to Lon- don on' Monday. Miss Certie O'Rourke Of Jackson, Mich„ is visiting her parents,; Mr. and Mrs. R, O'Rourke. The funeral of the late Leo Diet- rich, took' place to, the R, 0, cemetery here on Tuesday at 10 ant, Reguini mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Cor- coran, Miss Nora, Keough left lest week for Detroit, Mr. John McCarthy is on the sick list, Mr, Vincent Dillon of Dublin spent a few days last Week with his sister,' Mrs. J. Campbell, Miss Nora Collins of Detroit is spending a few weeks with"friends in this' neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glavin, ac- companied by their son Leo,,; of De- troit called on friends in this neigh- borhbod last week. After an absence of several years Mr. and Mrs.. James Hannan, Jr., of Edmonton, Alta., were shaking hands with old friends here last week, both are looking' fine, AS long as the streams run down, - As, long as the robins thrill, Let us taunt old care with 'a merry air, And sing In the face of ill. -Para Dunbar Clean to handle. 'Sold by all Druggists, Grocer and General Stores House Painting' 'Beautify your home, as well as protect it, with a couple of good coats of PURE .PAINT. Paint is no longer considered a luxury, it is an absolute necessity for the protection of your property from the elements. PAINT NOW`. The weather conditions are ideal for out- side Painting. Consult us at once about that job you have been contemplating having done. Our Prices are Reasonable, and we use the best,niaterials obtainable.y� G • �7 . MARTIN 658 Hamilton Rd.,,London. Ont. "Our Prices are Reasonable" PAINTER AND. DECORATOR Phone 7967 or send a card for app ointment. COV ERTki EARTH advice on your foot troubles Free Cramps Callouses' Aches' P..beu- matism Pains Burning Sensation Tenderness Trade markt F Sore Lambs trained in the methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl of Chicaio, will be here FRIDAY, JUNE 19th If you have aching' feet, pains, cramps, callouses, burning sensation at the ball of s painful the foot of toes, fallen arches, P Il heel, scorns weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, are cordially bun- ions, or perspiring feet -you y of Specialist. He will invited to see this �'o I� be leased to make recommendations, with- out out any charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. F. CREDJTON ,.,...., a,.�- �' ,sK`!•1 :'ttr �.;?� i` Ll'...�,�yiSd E$3�`4�i*,m � .5 C 0 9 LOCK ONTARIO eeeeeTeNe y ur ires Fabric Tire 3ii 0x3 z --, $5.95 Cord Tire 80X31/z -- $6.95 30x31/2 $8.95 (Guaranteed) TUBE 30x31/z $1.50 ' 1- - 30x.3 /z $2.00 Equally loW prices on all slieS. mail? NowY ou can buy. Partridge "Quality" Tires here; in your own town;.,cheaper than you can by maiL You can examine them and make your selection tion right herein the store, without uncertainty and vexatious delays. Every one of these tires bears the Partridge guar= antee. They are tough, durable and will give n faithful srvice. Come and' see this wonderful value. in Sold by UAL1TY"7zre3'fiop '14 ::Ti1;.44 rrk �. RTRI MILO S ELL.