HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-6-18, Page 4TIMES-ADV4C4TII lidaulaber of the Canadian. Wet44,1 afewepaper Aeseciation - Published JSedey Tietursday Subscription Priee $L50 a, Year. Ittrietly in Advance. $2.0.0 Ns*" .4 Charged if not so Paid. Ta la S. Subscribers $2,00 a Year, Our Corner NeVertheless, it could be veotee. Suppose the Sunday papers were published daily. *** *** *** When the beauty deeter gets through. With her she is a Perfeet "Wage of a middle aged woman try - big to loolt. Young. et.* *** *4.* Two pints, one quart; two quarts, lane fight; one fight, two cops; two sops, one Judge; one Judge, thirty daya. **A *** *** IVIIAT'S TIM USE? Ha tried to kiss her, She objected, So be tried again, But she objected. So again he tried, And again she consented So he quit TRYING. *** *** *** A tramp who had been on the tread far years applied for work in a, village, secured a job, and kept it. Gine day the local constable asked bini why he quit the road. "The styles dray' me to it," was the answer. feller gave me a pair of these bell-bottomed pants, I never, got another handout. I couldn't look pathetic any more.' *e e*e "And what are we to call year- ,Swatitz at $5.50 per 100 pounds. COUNTY COUNCIL, At the, June session of the d6outy Council a grant of a2,500 instead of $1,500 was made to the Children's Shelter. The Exeter District branch of the Ontario Plowman's Association ask- ed for a grata (41100. ItW4l;$ Mov- ed by Geiger and Senders that the grant be given. Another Motion. Was made that a great of $100 lee given the linrOn. COMItY PloWnlet.'s Association, to be bel a in the south of the county this year. Neither moticeee carried. The court house at Goclericli will be wired at a cost of $0Q0„ The goal and Children's Shelter were es.amined and fund to be in good repair. Hone of Refuge Committee The House of Refuge committee ordered that Chairman, Inspector and Manager let work of deepen- ing of well at $2.65 per foot. The committee expressed its ap- poval of the excellent way in which the home is kept, and otonplimented the management on the same, reflec- tinebgreat credit as it did on the in- stitution and the county. , A general inspection of the House was made and everything was found in good order, and every thing neat and clean. The decorating of several of the front rooms of the manager has been completed at a cost of $133, which was a much needed' improvement. The team belonging to the House was in a condition not able to carry on the work and to remedy that matter, the Inspector made a change the difference in cost being $135, which we consider well -spent money. That the supply of groceries for the coming year has been given to W. T. O'Neil, that of meat to S. Castles, price 10a/ cents for front Iquarter, the supply of bread to Dan be asked one evening, "Pearl," said the lady, with a sau- cy toss of her head. "4011„ indeed!" as he ogled her, "You are, no doubt, the Pearl or great price?" "No," she replied icily. "Tni, the Pearl that was cast before swine." *** t<*4 *** A number of gentlemen in a ho- tel were discussing as to which coa- ntry was the oldest; when. a waiter a genial old Irishman, entered the room. One of the gentlemen spoke to lune of their discussion, and asked his opinion. The waiter, of course, said old Ireland was the oldest. *Mow is it th,eu, there is no record of any of you being in the ark with Noah?" 'Oh, sure, Ireland was al- ways an inaependent nation.- 'said the Irielanana- and she had boats of her "own then." 4** *** **V* *** HOW TO GET ..AREAD The -editor of a country newspaper moved to Toronto the otb.er day and deposited a.50,000 in one of the local banks. He had been publish- ing his little country paper for thirty years and had moved to the city with a round $50,000 to his -credit. When asked by a writer for the secret of his great financial success, he said: -VI attribute my ability tee retire with a,$50,000 bank acdount, after 30 years in the coun- try newspaper field, to close appli- cation to duty, always hewing to the mark and letting the chips fall where they may, the most rigorous rules of economy, never spending a cent foolishly, everlastingly keeping at my job with a -whole heart, and the death of an uncle who left me 449, 999.50." Re insurance on County Ho= Refuge, we recommend that the in- surance be raised from $23,000 to $50,000, and that the business be given to A. D. Sutherland, of Sea - faith. Education Committee The Education Committee report- ed as follows: That St. Marys Collegate be paid amount due them. That Harrison High .School be paid amount due. . That London Collegiate be paid amount of balance owing, $64.84. That Lacknow School Board be paid balance due, $138,23. THE „EXETER .TIMES-ADV9CATE Road and, Bridge Ceiannittee „ , The btidgKOn 'the east,boundry of Usborati, oppoeitta W, Chriette'e J. Bel:top:a 'was looked eYea an. aim eoromittee recommena that 0.16 en- gineer make avrangemeatlwith polton to have the dirt frePea muni- cipal drain on his proaeety used for widening the approaches to said bridge. * The arch bridge ea the east botia-' dary of Usborue on Gore road, east Of Eiseter, was visited and we found the railing on one side completely gone. We eecemmend that the en- gineeresee to the replacing of same. We recommend the widening of approach ef Mud Creek bridge, and also that of the Turner bridge. We next saw the Sauble bridge on the boundary between Stephen and McGillivray. We recommend that a guard line be placed on the ap- proaches. Bell's bridge was examined and it will be neceseary that a new floor be placed on the. same. This will take about 10.500 feet, The chairman of the Read and Bridge Committee and Reeve MeKib- bon met the Road and Bridge Com- mittee of Perth at Stratford to let the contract for a 12 -foot bridge on the east boundary of Usborne and Biddulph. This bridge is being built about 130 feet east of the old bridge. The contract called for filling old bridge"site and also widening road, was let to J. Ilunkin, of Exeter, for $620.—Oswald Ginn, Chairman. Re claim of- Exeter nigh School for $8,762,88, we ecommend that they be paid $7,950.75, as we' agree with the motion included in report of Education .Committee, June, 1924 That according to statute regarding buildings used for high school pur- poses, what we are table for is our share of debenture debt not a rent- al as claimed by -Exeter Board of McRibbon, chair- , - man. Finance Coternittee The Finance Committee reported as follow: ararg Your committee wish to calleat- tention to the increasing cost of the administration of justice In thie county, it having risen from e8,980.e 55 in 192a to $15,917.61 in 1924, or an increase of nearly 80 per cent. This appears to 'Your committee as being unjustifiable in view of the fact that we were informed that on the appointment- of a police magis- trate and juvenile toilet officers the cost would be consideraaly decreas- ed.—Thomas.Inglis, -Chairman. LOCALS 11,1rs, Wilkie of St. Phonies IS vis- iting her mother, Mrs, Marsball for a few days. Mrs, D. R. MeLean, of Kipperc, visited her friend Mrs. W. H. John- ston for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McAllister and week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James jaeiwutlieiy: Of _Mt. Brydges, spent the Mr. 0. H. Harvey recently grad- ed three decks of hogs for lworthy & Dow and was only one select hog out, which is a good showing for the number of hogs. ' The Uniform Promotion Exemiu- ations for the Public Schools or Huron County Will be held on Wed- nesday:: and Thursday, June 2Ith and 25th, 1925. Papers will be gent to all the ,sehoole. The Montieth, Allison, Moody, rapid and 'Duncan families motored to the home of Mr. M. Barber near aluirndale oa. Saturdb,y and attend - edea family re -union of the descen- dents of the Chalmers sisters who came to this country from Scotland. A deraousration in power farm- ing by Mr. W. Murdock, of the Ford Motor Co. was held on the farm of Mr. Ben Case on: Tuesday afternoon In the evening Mr. Murdock gave a MARRIAGE LICENSES 1VIUST BE SECUR.ED THRE.E. DAYS DT ADVANCE OF W.EDDING The day of hasty marriages, where the license is procured and the knot tied in the same day, is over so far as Ontario is concerned. Starting with Monday no .marriage can be performed until at leak three full days have elapsed -after the marriage license has been obtained. It is also more difficult to obtain a license now than formerly as birth certificates must be provided by both parties. Heretofore, proof of age was asked only when* it was thought either the brid,e or groom was under age, but henceforth every person obtaining a license 3nust pre- sent a certificate. And both parties must be present when the license is obtained. READY-MADE AXIOMS Business neglected is often lost. .A.beve all, that I be not a coward. The bulldog wins because he hangs on. A merry leart doeth good like a medicine'. High interest generally means low. security. Let yourself and not your words speak for you. There is nothing in the world worth doing wrong for. A man's true wealth is the good 4 does in the world. When speed sacrifices safety 'eciere better to go slow. To he of use in the world is the onlY way to be haPPY. Impossibilities are merely the half-hearted efforts of quitters. Happiness is neither a vested right nor a self sustaiaing. state. I customer offended is harder to be won than a, stCong city. :The biggest room in the world is the room for improvemeut. . Being everlastingla on the job beats 'carrying a rabbits foot for luck. A Wonderland for Children at Wembley' .'tA•N.47,DuA.N 4.d.12nA01.1.4.11; 17riscoant jellicee. former Admiral of the British V Navy during the Great War, shaking hands with Sir George McLaren Brown, European General Man- ager 'of the Canadian Pacific Railway, at the rainia- ttire lanriff Station and seated on the ininietake 'C.P.A. train' which takes travellers aretrad', ISIande Viscount Jellicoe is 'remarltiug; but another a the great things 'the" Cattadlan Paetfie Itaihvey is doing and 1 am sure that the, Oanadie, Pacifie traits are going to prove in.tbajtirialide wIh the wonders of Treasure Island ono of the drawing cards of the (Weinhley) Exhibition," The, engire which drailvs this train, is a replica of eaene No. 0300. The island is intended moat of all to delight RIEASUIP.E ISLAND Wish .EMPftE EXHItItION. W14111,eY children who Obtain views of a sandy beach on which Rebinson Crusee and Man Friday disport themseivee. Them too, the Children dig in the saaide. to their. heartst,v4onstent and there :axe cavesNoah',.,s,,Arks: it catlans'. of moving ‘.,amenel1e,;4ptratee and ",eeven- teenth*ntney ships, -cheraeter2eeent 0,fictiott such i a* Pan ant .Vendy, La ig Jitnt $44ter ATI Aaw- kins, TWeedledurn and'Tereediadee; The"trait passes theletigh.tite,."Cennaught tunnel and winds in and out of 41..k,, Ott7h4cl1on Rockiee through the. Groat Divide: There are reeiiitie scenes of Banff Mid Lake I.4ou1se ii,tdi park of wild animals while from the sands the :ildreie climb by pony tracks to the summit's of many famous peaks in the Canadian pacifip Aotkies. • AILSA CRAIG Impressive,AilsaoavenerteVameoshaVAThe cl)AneldSunia_ Sun- day hist marking the. 1014111'0,i/ea Of the United Churca: Theae ser- vices were of 'special interest be- cause of the fact that a- large minor- ity of Unionists from the Preshr- terian church which voted non-con- currance with their pastor Rev. A. W, Gardiner joined forces with the Methodist congregation. 'At the morning service Rev. Mr. McTavish pastor of the church had charge of the service and gave an official wel- come to Mr. Gardiner and hie follow- ers, while the latter preached, was a most impressive service. In the evening the church was again, filled to capacity. Mr. Gardiner had 'charge of the service and Mr.. McTavish preached. A special union choir furnished delightful music for the occasion and in the evening they were assisted by a quintette from Carlyle United (Pres.) Church. Mr. Gardiner will cautinue to act as associate pastor with Mr. McTavish until such time as rearrangements of the work is pad° and will have charge of thp evening service in the future, Mr. McTavish taking the morning service as usual. CREDITON lecture on the corn borer illustrated with mation pictures in the Town SUDDEN DEATH OF Hall. The pictures gave demonstra- tions of ploiringe preparing the soil for seed, germination of grEiin etc. The attendance was fair. BURIED AT LUCAN Mrs. .Thines Wilson, for many years a, resident of L-tman, died in Buffalo, N. Y., on Thursday at the home of her daughter, with whom she had been living for Some time The remains were brought be Lucan for interment in St. James Cemetery Surviving here are two daughters and three sons. BIDDITLPH. MAN LEAVES PARISH FREEST $4,000 TO BE USED FOR MASSES Four thousand dollars is left to the parish rlest of the 'Roinan Catholic church at Mt. Carmel be' the terms of the will of Norman Farrell, Biddulph Township, farmer, filed for probate at the courthouse on Monday. Mr, Farrell also be. queathed $100 to the new seminary now in the course of construction at Sunshine Park. He died on May 20 and left". an estate of $12,321, Aside from these two bequeaths the remainder of the estate is _divided between the widow, who gets $7,191 and other relatives. Mary and Glen Sullivan of Viking, Alta,, each re- ceive 1200, while Annie Redmond, a cousin, and Margaret Sullivan, sister get the same amount. Three nephews Joe, Basil and John Sullivan, are be- queathed $50 each. 'Softball The game scheauled for Tuesday evening between Crediton and James St. S. was postponed. The' "Stars" and the "Diamonds," the two girls softball teams of town played a league game on Wednes- day evening of last week resulting In a. tie of al all. • On Thursday evening of last 'week James St. single scored their first .win when they defeated the"Trivitt team 15 to 10. It was a geoid game with lett,of thrills. The Main St.'tern played the Thames Road team on the latter's diamond on Monday evening. The gameeawas a good exhibition, -and there was, a good bunch Of rooters for loth tennis. Main St. won, the scote being 14 to 5. The sepring was a steady climb. Statham for Main St. held the home team to 9 hits. CENTRALIA GIRLS WIN FROM AUGUST BILL On Thursday, evening last the Vil- lage was ehocked, by the sudden death of one of its'old business men in the person of Mr. August Hill. He had been in good health of late and had just returned after motor- ing to Kitchener and hom-redriyin'g both ways unassisted. The deceas- ed was well and favorably known by a large circle of friends, having conducted the hotel Crediton for many years. He is survived by his wit° and three daughters; Mrs. Dave Gail of Kitchener; Clarissa and Walberga, nursing in Detroit. The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being taken to Kitchen- er for interment. • EARNER—RAIST MUPTIALS A quiet wedding was seleranized at the Evangelical parsonage on Wednesday June I0th at high noon Rev. W. Y. Dreies officiating when, Miss Losetta M. Heist daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heist was' united in marriage to Mr. Emmery Feltner They were attended by Miss Lily rahner sister of the groom and Mr. Roy Finkbeiner. The bride looked charming in .a dress of sand satin crepe with hat to match and satin slippers.. The bride carried a bou- quet -of sweetheart roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the bridesmaid a silver mesh hand bag and to the groomsman a pair of gold cuff links The bride and groom left on the evening train for Toronto and Musk- ako Lakes. The bride travelled ,in a suit of navy tricotine. 'EXETER -STABS One of. the girls soft ball -teams "The Stars" went down to defeat before the Centralia girls on the Centralia diamond on 'Friday even- ing 'of last week. The girls league has created quite an interest' and a large crowd was present and with the ,exception of one innings .when the Exeter girls blew up, witnessed a good game. The score was tie at the end of the 5th innings when the visitors went to pieces and with the heavy batting by the Cetralia team and the wild throlvs and erreee,.of the Exeter girls, Centralia tailed 15 runs One of the Centralia girIS batted a homer with the bases full. The game ended 28' to 13. Mr. Thos. Willis has charge of the Centralia team and Mr. Medd is manager of the Exeter girls. The Centralia girls have three wins to their credit and, the Exeter players are training hard to break this winning streak when Centrelia next visits Exeter. THE STANDING Won Lost Tie P.C,' Main St. 3 0 1 1000 Thames Rd. 1 1 0 500 Crediton 1 1 0 James S. 1 ea 1 0 Centralia ea"1 2 0 • Trivitt 0 e 1 ' James M. 0 0 2 GAMES FOR COMING WEEK June 18 James M. at Centralia; Trivia: at Main St. June 22 Crediton at Trivitt and Centralia at Thames Road. • June 26 Thames Road will play •their postponed game with Trivitt. • aeee-ae-ae-eeeee eupflug returned Miaelenlera to China, will addrees the boaa and girls at the Children's Hour On Tauridey efternoon at 4:15. Mra.andMrs. Tom BUekleY nave returued to their home in Toreato after epending.a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. FaMier and also Mr. end Mae, Herb Wein a DashwoOda On Wednesday la,st members of the Monntain Boy's Class of the E- vangelica,1 Sunday School Metered to Grand Bend and proceeded !thence by the Blue Water Highway to Such pointsof interest ,as Lake Smith, Port Frank, Kettle Poiat and IPPer- Wash Beach: A friendly game eer eofthall was played on, Ipp.erwa,sh Beach Whichaeesulted in a tie. The party then proceeded to Rock Glen, one of nature's beauty spots, and tallied. home by way of Parkhill. STEPHEN COUNCIL A special meeting of the council of the Township of Stephen met in the Clerk's office, Crediton, on Thursday .evening, the 11th of Jtne at 8 p.m. All members were pre- sent. eeol Tenders for the construction of the Walker Municipal Drain were opened. Hayes -Goetz, That Joseph Lawson, be awarded the contract to con- struct the Walker. Municipal Drain according to the plans, profiles and specifications prepared by Geo. A. McCubbin, Esq., 0.L.S. for the sum of $2,990,, The work to be com- pleted by the 15th of next October and that the contraptor *give his bond for the due completion of the same. Carried., " The following orders were pass- ed: Provincial trees: hall license $3.00; James Willis, commisSiolier and rep>, road No. 3, $6.00; Lorne Hill, pt. gravel contract, blk. 2, road 3, $11.00; Henry Shenk, dragging, blks. 3 and 4, road, 3, $11.00. Theo council adjourned to Meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Men.day, July 6th, 1925, at 1 pen. HENRY EMBER, Clerk laliss Freda A. Schlender of Na- pervilley, Ill., is visiting Miss Beat- rice Heist Mr. and Mrs. T: Buckley and Miss 'Edna Davis of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahner and, family the pant week, The play "His Uncle's Niece" put on by a number of the townsfolk last Thursday night was a' splendid success. The pharacters were well acted and a good crowd enjoyed `the play. , • On Thursday night last Hensell baseball team:came to Credit= de- feating the locals 8-3. Poor support and inability to bat was- the reason for the defeat. On Mondoy night the locals motored -to Zurich defeating the Zurich nine by the score of 15.-- 4, Crediton has won three gamee and lost one. Rev. G. W. Rivers, of Parkhill will occupy the pulpit of the United Church here next Sunday evening Ma. Rivers attended the Inaugural Services celebrating the consumma- of Church Union which was held in Toronto last week, and he will give an address on "Gleanings from the Toronto Celebration." Holy Comialnion will be observed at the Evangelical Church next Sab- bath- morning and evening. The subject annOuneed for 'last Sunday morning -will be used neat Sunday ineteed of "The Love of Ged." , Rea. -and Mrs. .Otto Braun and their .son Harry, and daughter Flor- ence from Buchanan, eMieh. axe vis- iting `friends in town for a few weeks. Miss Esther Eilber has re- turned with them' to her parental home in Crediton after spending a year in High gel:tent work at Buch- anan, Mich. The Creditonites are glad to, see you come home. Mr. and alas. Emmery Fahnet have returned, from their honey- moon trip to the lovely beauty spot of Ontario "The Muskoka Lakes." A happy reception was tendered them at the bride's honree'on Mon- day evening. .eliout 75- guests be- ing present., The many "Valuable 500 f gifts presented to the bade 'end 500. groom speak eloquently of the es - 33e teem in which they, are held by "their 000 friends in this community.- A sum - 000 ptuous dinner was served- and a jolly social evening was enjoyed by all. 'Rev. I. R. Dunlap returned mis- sionary- to China spent lest Punday at Creditoh, Dashwood and 'Zurich Evangelical Churches; and gave most inspiring educative and high- ly interesting missionary addresses at each of the above named places. He sboke at the morning Worship and atethe Sunday acheor at Zion Evangelical Church, Crediton, Rev, Dunlap Is a son of Bishop I. F, Dun- lap D. De of Cleveland, Ohio and ''his family will return to his field iii‘,China in August., • , Canada ,.,q0Afqx.ence, Braneh W. M. S. Con-vention is ineprogresS at the Evangelical. Church Credifoth. this 'week, beginning on Tuesday 6,- enin g .7: 45, mid '0i:dinning until Thursday evening. .May gocid things, ere in ,nt01,,e or th9, oadiettee at -this convettion Which .open to all. Ali outing at Wniid Zeilei Ida aarangecl for the delegates and vi itors for Wednesday at the close of the afternoon! ,seseiori. Miss HOS, JUVENILE SOFT BALL IlEA.GUE SCHEDULE ' June 17 Caven Trivitt Vs, James St June 53 Main St. vs, James Street June :29 Coven Trivitt vs. Main St. ,I,e,gart not ,perettlI for whet: may beca hundred years lience.--. -Who -governed. the. world,' before. I,' wAs norn will take care Of it wheix I am dead. MY Part IS te the pr.eaent .'momente--7johat Wesley. W- rhhSt thlidettiete nedre‘ On our duty, but siniely do' it. -When 170 have done- it,- however blindly perhaps heaven will show us why, -- Dinah M'alock Oreik. 41111i1J4/J INCt of the IBERAL-CONSERVATIV4 Ass'a; OF SOUTH HURON will be held in the TOWN HALL, IiENSALL — On THURSDAY, J UNE With, 10215 at 2 o'alock Usual business of .the annual, meeting will be transacted. SpeciaL speaker will be present to discuas. Dominion Politics. All Liberal , - Conservatives in the riding are ask- ed to attend. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED "GOD SAVE THE KING" 0. G. Middleton G. E. Petty • President Secretare NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders Wanted For the construction of a cenaent, culvert in the Township of Ilsborne. situated on Road 5, between lots ot. and 6, Con. 2. Plans and specifics - tions may be seen at the house ot. Wellington Skinner, Councillor, Loa 5, Con. 7, Esborne, Centralia P.O.. Tenders to be in the hands of the-', Clerk before June 30th. The low- est or any tendernot necessarily ac- cepted. HENRY STR.A.NG, Clerk R. R. 1, Hensalll. S. S. NO. 2, HAY Report of S. S. No. 2, Hay for the month of May. _Honors '75 per cent„ pass 60 per cent. Figures in brackets denote number of, subjects failed in: Sr. IV—Isabel Russell 79, Norman Stanlake 70, Elizabeth' Murray 66, Ben Tinney 60, Russell Caldwell 59 (1), Grace' Tinney 60 (2), .George Tinney 54 (2), Bernice Caldwell 53 (3). Sr. III—Margaret Russell 73, Fred Triebner 72, David Triebher 66, Isabel Stanlake 60 (1), Jr. III—Gordon Greb 82 (1), Mil- dred Northcott 63 (1), Charlie O'Brien 45 (2), Roberta 'Pinney (a). Sr. II—Doreen Caldwell 70, Harold Rowe, 63, Willie Dadson 54 (2). Jr. Ir—Romer Timmy 70, Dorothy Dadson 59 (1), Leon Trieliner 48 (5), Percy Gould 31 (5). 'Sr. I.— Wesley Greb 83, Florence Dunsford 82, Donald Stanlake 70, Jack Tinney (a). Jr. I.—Gladys Oalerien -95, Gordon Trieliner 86, Eldon Caldwell 81. Cl. I.—Irene Russell 89, Billy Dunsford 89. Cl. II.—Gordon Bieber 55,,Lloyd Stanlake-35. Number on rdll 34, average attendance 30. Anna L. Dow, Teacher NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS e Tenders Wanted I. For the Repair of the Elim - villa Drain -in the Township of Us - borne. II. For the Construction of the: Extensibn to the Elimville Drain in. the .Township of Usborne. To be - tendered for separately or together. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk, June 30th, Hensall, R. R. Ont., • The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans and opeci- acetone may be seen at the Clerk's - office or at John Rogers' officee HENRY STRANG, Tp. Clerk UEBORNE & EMMERT MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont, President, JOHN ALLISON, -Vice-President, JAS. McKENZIE. DIRECTORS THOSk RYAN SIMON DOW, ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROOK AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for, Usborne and laiddillph. ,OLiv.tiR HARRIS, Munro, Agent foe. Hibbert r Fullerton and Logan.. - W. A. TURNBULL Secretary -Treasurer . Box 98 Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitcirs, Exeter, r"." • +he TT DR We,HP Or We will show you how it will save you) money from the start. Why it skims closer—Why it lasts for twenty years and skims as clean then as the day you first used it. It pay'i for itself: You should have a Melotte, now. May we demon- strate? WM. WARD EXETEii, ONT. -The Amount You Can. Save is often ,more impbrtant than the amount you can earn, for it represents your future spend. ing power. Why not prepare for future re. quirements by depositing your savings regularly in an interest. bearing account? 'DIAN B MMERCE CaPitat Paid 17 ,Eketer Branch - Crediton Branch - 41 Oli3O)000,000 .F014 419,)00P,000 ' M. R. Complin, Manager G. G. tylaynavd, Manager tanionormeoptaw