HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-12-01, Page 514 -THE HURON EXPOSiTOR. brroewioer 1, 1!!!
The residents of the Township of McKillop
are requested by the Council not to park
cars and other vehicles on Township
Roads and Road Allowances during the
winter months in order to facilitate
Snowplowing operations.
The Township will not be responsible for
damages to any vehicles parked on the
Roads and Road Allowances.
it is also requested that residents of
McKillop Township do not push or dump
snow on the Township Roads for those
who do will be held responsible for any
damages caused to any vehicles because
of this during the winter months of 1999
and 2000.
Wayne Dolmage
Road Superintendent
C.R.S. (Intermediate)
Township of McKillop
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Ccr;,,ratior of the•
Township of West Perth passed By-law No 100-'998.on -
;het 5th • day of November. 1999 under -Section 34 of the
Planning Act. FA S.0 1990.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency .may appeal to
the. Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing
• with the Clerk of the Township of West Perth not later than the •
21st day -of December 1999 a notice of appeal settlrg'out the
objection to the By-law and the reasons n succort of the
Objection' arid accompanied t3iy the proper fee
An explanation of the purpose and effect of- the By•taw.
describing the lands to which the By-law applies: is attached.
The complete By-law is available for rnspection in my office -
dunng regular office hours.
Patricia Taylor Clerk. Township of West Perth.
169 St. David St., Mitchell. Ontano NCK 1N0.
Telephone (519) 34P-8429 Fax: (519) 348-8935
Only individuals. corporations and public bodies/May appeal a •
zoning by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice'of
appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association .or
group. However. a notice of appeal may be filed ir :re came :f
an individual who is a member of the association or Ape group.
By-law No 100-1998 applies to all •and weir the bourdares
01 the Township of West Perth and regulate the .set aft •
eland.• and the erection. location and fhe ase of buildings and •
structures By-law No. 1 00-1 998 Is_a new comprer'ensive-
Zoning By-law which implements the West pefth porton of 1-e
0ounty of Perth Official Plan and the MitcheH Ward Qffiral
-Plan and• will replace each of the existing. Zonirg By -taws in
the Township's four wards {Hibbert's By-law No. 23-1986.
Fullartorl s By-law No. 10-1986, Logan's By-law No. 12-1986.
and Mitchell's By:law No. 18-1986).- • 1
Bylaw No. --100-1998' Is comprised of several sections -which
Contain. among other thongs: dehnibons .of terms used -in the:
By-law. administration. enforcement.iand 'interpretation
.provisions: general provisions which apply to more than one'
zone classification: zone "provisions which regulate the use of
gland, buildings and.structures..for each zone established•by
the By•Jaw. and Zone Maps which •tdenttfy• the - Zone
classification for alt lands within he b6undaries of -the
The restrictions, prohrbitlons and •regutahoris of By-law No.
• 100.1998, are intended to prevent adverse effeFts• within the
Municipality. td promote orderly development.. and to protect
.the natural environment
43 Births
Jason and Nancy -+nee Stewarti- are
pleased to: announce the birth of
their daughter _Lpuryn Hateigh
Eager to meet everyoriasee arrived
early on November 12: t999 at
Strafford : General Hospital " and
weighed 5 lbs 10 of Spoiling pnvl-
-3e; : 4-. :o oa;' Stewart and
Martna and Doug Smith. Great
grandparents are Clarissa Stewart.
-Beth Prycs. Marlene , Smith ane
Frank and Kay Baer 42- 48x!
46 In Memoriam
MCNICHOL •' uw'g n,ye"pry of 3
;fear Jdd. "L!.. s McNichol wr.,
passed away sec 4. 1998
Dad is fickle but not forgotten
And as dawns another year
In my lonely hours of thinking.
- Thoughts `ot you are arways near -
Days of sadness win come o er me
Many think the 'wound ts heated.
8u1 they 4ttleKnow tee sorrow.'
Teat ties .n my heart coo Bated.
I love you and miss you Daddy: your
daughter Joanne 46-48ti1cc
_MC RIC VC; Louis_ Arlo_sesseo
away Dec 4. 1998
Only a memory of bygone days
And a sigh tor a face unseen.
A constant feeling that God alone
Knowsbest what should have
Lloyd and Bev .47-48x/
MICNICHOL: in loving memory of a
dear husband. Louis McNichol who
passed away Dec 4. 1998
What would + give to'crasp his nand.
His happy lace to See
To hear his "voice arta see his smile.
That meant so much to me.
I dream of you. dear loved one.
And see your sm ikng face.
And know that you are happy.
In our Fathers chosen place
Just a memory sad and true.
Just the love and sweet devotion,
Ot one who thinks of you.
Nothing can ever take away.
The love a bean holds dear.
Fond memories es longer everyday,
Remembrance keeps you new,
Dearly loved and sadly miusd by
your wife Barb. 41.48xicc
46 In Memoriam
COOMBS: in -ovrrg memory of
Wesley Jacob COomcs November
29 '997 - -
As one ..nfcvds ar'other veer •
Silent rnernones keep you -'ear
No hanger in our lives to spare.
taut .n our'needs you are. always
Sadly •'1•sseh by ,;nos. vva-ire
Auntie _aLr3 Megan. fro Melissa
47 Cards of Thanks
1 wish to express 'my sincere thanks
to my Mends. patients and xi-work-
o-work•ers at Seaforth Community r ospitai
for the kindness and sympathy
shown to me and 'Tho family with the
-sudden passing of my. Jear prettier.
Graeme Leslie. Thanks to all of you
.Who Dave flowers, plants -cards and
memonal,gnations." Many thanks
to Rev Canaria. L.aRoucne. Father
Crarbonneau and Mr Chris Smith
)Box And Swath Funeral Cnapet). A
special thanks t0 Dr Mark Wokk'ik
for checking on fgrg and Teresa
Fgepgy and to Dr Dan Rooyakkers
for--pj 9L9. essfonai _ -expertise.
• Sincerely. Paula J Leslie
47-49xtcc ,
The family of the late Graeme
;Curry) Leslie would oke to express
• their most sincere thanks to all our
family and fnends and neigtlbours
for thee kind expressions of sympa-
thy at the time of the passing of a
loving husband and tattier. For Uwe
Doaubtul Sowers. memonal dOna-
DOnS. sympathy dards and food
trougnt to the house and for all the
help the adios gave rne at the
house A special Vsan* you to Dr.
Rooyakkers and the nurses who
helped out in every way. Thank you
to Rev. Camilla LaRouche and
Father Maurice Charbonneau tor
their cornier -brig messages dunrlg
the funeral service. Thank you also
to Chns Smith of Box and Smith
. Funeral Chapel to res excellent
guidance he provided tows dung
such a drfhcutt bme. To all our
deepest apprecrabon.' . • Louise.
Craig and Carne 47.48x1oc
-) Community Calendar
WED., DEC. 1
1;00.300 p m - Parents' and Tots'
Skating as the Arena.
1:30.400 p.m - Senior •
Shuffleboard at the Arena
430.6.30 p.m. - Minor Hockey
at the Arens
6-30-7 30 p m Ringette at the
7 00-8-00 p m - SteolFloor
Aerobics at the Community
730-9.00 p m Junior and Minor
Broomball at the Arena
900-11 30 p m - Ladies' Broomball
of the Arena
9:00.10.00 a,m. •Fitness is Fun
at the Community Centres -
4-00.8.00 p m - Figure Skating at
the Arena
600.730 p m. - Minor Hockey
practice at the Arena
7:30-9.00 p m • Minor Broomball at
ttie Arena
9.00-12 30 p m • Men's Broorr!tall
at the Arena •
FRI., DEC. 3. •
10.30-11 30 air • Storyhour at the
Library • '
1 00-3.00 p m. • Senior 5 Pin
Bowling at Starlight Lanes
415-5-15 p.m • Hruseleague
Hockey. Practice at •he arara
5 15-6.15 p m. - Mircr -'rickey
Practice at the Arena
8:15-11 00 p m- '�amesford vs
6.30-730 a.m •. •-rr,seleague
Canadiens vs Oilers'
7 30-8 30 a.m ecusereague
l!ockey - Sharks is •rags
8-3C-9-30 a.m • --r-rseieagl.e
' Hockey-.8n.irs is Eli es
9•3C-1 o•30 a..-" - -rci,sareaque
arihers r4. �rirks
:... - Mites 3ockev.
• �•actice
• 3r,• • 2:30.3 m 'efifie 3 31.rry
Pirgette P•acnce at 'he 4rera
• 2:3C-' 30 : o• - `Neer Pingette
""-4ctice it te Arora
• 30-2:3C: ^ - 7.3coercr ,s.
Wcvrce 1-.cckey at te Arena
2:3C=4 .0 a = ee =,bite
Skanrq 3ccrscrac oy'he
4yrcutLre Scc:er'
4 OC -';•45c m Mircr -icckey
3ar-es at te 4rera
SUN. , DEC. 5
11 00 a.m - 1 30 p m - Rer.reation
Hockey Leauge
30.230 p m - Blyth ds Tykes
Hockey at the Arena
230-4.00 p m - Free Public
Skating sponsored by the
Agriculture Society
400-700 p m - Ringette at the
7 00-9.40 p.m • Minor Hockey
• Games at the Arena
MON., DEC. 6
5.00=9.00- p m. - Figure Skating
at the Arena
7 00.9.00 p m, - Wood Refinishing
at the Highschool
730-10.30 p m - Minor Sports
Council BINGO at the Arena
- most - SOCC Board
9.00-10.30 p m -.Woodstock vs
Beaver Otdtimers Hockey 3t the
9.00-10.00 a.m - Fitness is Fon
at the Community Centres
10.00-12:00 noon - Parents' and
Tots' Skating at the Arena •
4-30-5-30P m. = Teachers' Hockey
at the Arena •
5:30-6.30 p m. • Tyke-r!or.key
Practice at the Arena
6.30-8:00 0 m. - Lerch vs
Boman .1 -Lockey at the arena
7 00-9.00 p m. • Wood Working 31
. fieHighschool
7 30.8 00 p m. - 3cg .Obedience
at 'he Community Centres
p.m. - Cents zracnce
3t 'he Arena
\,MED OEC. 8
1 CG -3'C0 m. - Parents and Tots'
Skatirq at :he Arena
t 30-4.00 o.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard at te Arena
430-6:3C a.m. - Minor Hockey at •
the Arera
3C-7 3C l m: - Rirgene it te
Arena •
OC -9-00 o.rtn. - Step/Floor
Aerobics 31 the Community .
- 3C -9 -CC a m. ,oiler and Mircr
3rermball at -he Arera
3C O. n. - acies 3recmball
31 'he Arena ,
f tri. -? :r -,art. rg 3 ':r-•a•-;ia iyert :r rter?st ;. :t-er
irsa •ss•:ert5 :rcre re ' •acre.arrr •:rfice 52 -;882 :r - e
;xccsiTir -3[ 52-:24 :r• ^ail '^P rice--aticr _; i^r^;.riq•
:marcor. -e =ox 59 Searcr o. • LeCx ' NC
Nefl r-3CVarce :t ;-e -i .et:t ier: :ate. =^9e 1st rg rcd.ces :ate P.
• -er-e :r 43erc arc c:Icer--:r-v 3cece •cr.•De _:.r'^;.r:J ;.31-r^,ar rs
:crate v --e -r.r.r _rcc5.iwr . -
Job fair to be held
in Seaforth in March
By Scott Hil9.ndortf
'xpositor Editor
doh fair, the brei of its
kind in this area. will take
place this March in Seaforth.
les the largest of Its kind
in this area;said Mary Beth
.AleI.ander. • Program
Cocirdinatnr • for Huron
Empli)y'menr Liaison
Program. the organizer: of
the fair. She ;poke to .:ouncil
at .its Nov. ) meeting• to
Outline plans for rhe fair and
to ensure: they were billowing
town bylaws through :heir
operating plans.
"The real goal of the Joh
fair is to promote. youth
retention and 3nh creatann in
Huron and Perth Counties."
said Alexander.
They ,;+[oe the Seaforth
Agriplex.as the site for the
Marchi fair because '1 was
one of ! tie ' afgeit venues
available t1) hold the 101) or
more exhibitors and
employers they are expecting.
Seatetrth Industriesothers
from Huron County and some
employers from Toronto are
already scheduled for the fair
as well- a. the OPP
recruitment centre and 'he
Canadian .krmed Forces.
While he fair 15 ,)pen
anyone. Its target •hoop is
youth frgm 15 to 30.
Alt schools in Huron .ind
Perth County aril. •-e
.attending the fair and It -
hems promoted in .:alleges
.int: imoersittes. ' "/
ex.inder said outside .:t
-•1osted by. .ire.[
ani-:ersities. there. hasn't heen
I_ :''r 'a:r 1-n 'tits area
"Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country"
=4PM "O‘r 3PCR'3 :ARC-cCCv'3EA .. o11,.Gif Ina
l:ran 3hcw r :eatcrei :nlanc it-igttscnooi. Agripex.:ain-
-rrillr :ertre.:ecemcer Jth. 7th. '0430. Admission 53.30.
fee 5'3.52' "90. wow.:4thagsocerylm.a
:':r • '. ss _;recn s ar^3est ::aft Show i 5aiei T'le lith
:RAF- :E3 '';AL,mursdav acemper 2na.-'
• :c =naav and Saiuraav :ecemcer 3 3 1. ''-•rip n. Sun•
lav :ecemcer 511'. "-5p.m. A :)'nstmas s 100: ars laraaise!
.Admission 34 :C.?regress' 3udaing„Nestem Fairgrounds _3N-
NAN'EC --'APCINCCC .3GS arid •knoekstanas. 'Maser og
censea 'ree markers and equipment operators •ake
aoecrai.:are , n',arresting. Company estacosnea •92' Parnell
, ereer . 5'91'42-5887'
•'2ASH 11SCASH :l' :axe.?epsi, eosless. MBM. Pe-arocx
.astaonsnmeni. Jnique. renaors n our area. No selling. =ad•
Ear -ane. Mrirmum nvesimem 3'3.380. '-888.503.8884
WE -AcE ^NINNED 241 PTO* i MPS.'CWEL_S Cama•
mer 1c Is r .dlaer ane 'col ane lie •ti§uits-'lave leen, nixed!•
la ' eam mute about sur 3mail-.T own strategy, and now you
Ear' oa.par' if 1 •.:ad 'CL_ =PEE• '•d" 24'•0.24'•--
24'pizza daltonkJQa.corn . -
'4gen y X 'he future - 'HE 'RAVEL ECGE' 'urn yqur passim
`ev 'raver oto a prolilaore 7usness. 'rarurrq. 'ecerroiogy, Tsar -
Keung systems. etsenarzee r+ternet site 8 exceplxmai sup-
ocr', et 0)11bu110 4 Iiccesstul''ane Ousr'ess'oasea xt oer-
sorai sernce. 'ax *audible nvestmeni, inanc'ng avallaoie.
4'6.535-3908 x 1-800-419.4435. rew ireveiedgeba con
;2leanng:toths. envxo-nate, most dirty surfaces 3 pass, using
only Mater Amaz-ng Start small. ceitenl 'undrarser
SLBSTANTlAii S$ or more oar month Canaaas'aslesi grow;
ng concept in lies beton Jody -ndustry ea be opening stores Lis
your area S117 000. Tunl•key'TabFree '477266-8768_
Elnnng Mei) pad :areers n computer programming. We null.
Prepare sudabe applicants. Ministry ll Eaucation Regssiereo
Study 3iploma Program. "Financial assistance, '.Pan(
:Orr1�[er"systems and ,00 pincement'oois available. NO expert
once"'ecessery''-800.473.9678-wwweenaltammg eom-
Adieux n our area Molle enrolled n :Purses 'a Tie 3yaoma
'or Counselling practice. For a free Catalogue, Cad 241x5. 1•
BE 4 SLCCESSFLL WRITER. with our great Nome -sturdy
course. Sail today for ',our FREE 9CCK. 1.800.267.1829. The
Wnby Scrioa, 38 McArthur Avenue, Sues 3322, Ottawa. ON
K16 6R2
a, b.
Large aapao�ty. Best'sawm4a Tawe anywhere. Norwood ridus-
trres, manufacturer of sawmills, edgers ! siudaens. =ree rda-
elaaon 1.800-5666899.
HOME THEATRE LIQUIDATION! For no rnxney down and onry
S99.mon81, Its Ow having a movie fieebe n your awn home.
Fest 50 maws reiywe free sate** lrsrv. L. mesa quantities. Toil
tree 1.888.528-8818.
3ENEFFa- PS >- :C$' :verslocx ina :ancedee epees.
Must Near 2.JOOW .o 'OOK'N 3asokne Ina Maser. •-onaa.
;uarq. Mitsuoishe.:eere engnes. Veil ••888-509-3990. =ower-
xo. Naniipeg 204.633.5566. . '
='PEVdCPKS!=:FEWCFKS' ?uv 'Of We millennium ina Ne sa .
amp liked 'o four Joos' _digest ielecteonl Musi )e )ver '8.
,tsa. Masiercara. 4mencan Express. '•300.563- "0.
LRNI'',RE OEL.GH' Specializing- n.soso Nooa oearoom.
,ales, irmoes, oases...mna 2adnets. look Eases and note.
Euston awe mendonde style.. 519-669-0294.
.JeP'ans's seeking PNs Ina 9PNs Nath 3enatnc axoeneece '0
-anaucl ong-term :are nsurance assessment ntervreyrs.
Assessmenit ire tone on a Per diem oasis. Pease :onIac,
_suree 4aramanran 11300.525-7279 r253'or more nlormatton.
ase cecLA'ESS$ • Anenlion stuaen,s. Make Pts 1) money
selling :moo** oars. yew otoaucts ivadaDIe. 'estleiivery
=.J010aaisng ivailaose. :ail now '400.383-3589
WANTED • 33 people '0 Pse ivegnt 'or :lensbnas. 3nan 'res
'oat 55 pounds Ina 26.25 miles. Oodor `amutated, late. nate-
-a Ina easy' :ad •cd•:ree '-888.513-8699.
ASl-GRCvE :hRIST'AN-SINGLES. +wrw.ltensasngrove.aeris
:orresponaremad madacnea Christians. '8.85, SingieiWia-
eearCtvoicea. NaOwrae..,3mpan,ons11 ,Marriage. Free oto:.
•-250.679.3542. rm: 250.679.3543. 'ax.250.679'4416. Ash -
;rove. 3ox 205. 3lase,.3:.. /OE'M0. -
ACI;L' :NTER'AINMEN' Omer :he -lest rodeos oy map and
lay ess..=REE rk)WW after::RES :ataiogue. Orsoeet. 4MC .
naso 5288 Parc. '101-3, Montreal, 3ueoec. e2V 4G7
JO ee iroronsoousry ad wl oast aanfui -no nenls l :hapier 3
JIANET!CS 0y - on -uobard.:Kid out x09, Tie 3ianelics
Self mprovement Package 552 38 :WO -800.-561-5808.
,Are rou ionety4. Find a'fren0 or de 3m9 male n our area.
Place a free d0, slay anonymous Inid #Ou-MiSh '0 meet.
NEW S'EEL SL ILOINGS...Go Direct and Save. 4:'2')01
o4en. 25 x30 53.300.00. 25x40 34,900.00. 30 x 40 36.500.00.
• 35 x 50 37 500.00. 40 -( 60 510,800.00. 45 (80 518,400.30.
:sabers. pioneer. 1.8110.666.5422. -
=t:TURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Duiatie, Depenoebie, pre-engi•
neared 1••teei tuctures. 'Cus%m•madj'6 iu4 your --%83
arW 'equeements. Factory -Ned aflordaeie prices. Caat.800-
668-51' 1 ext. 536 'or vee aocnure.
TIMESHARE RESALES. 'o ivy, sail x 'ere eoi3wae. Naos
Largest Reseiler ERA STRCMAN SINCE '979. Buyers al '•
800.613-7987 Sewers ;ad '•300.201-3864. Memel Nwe.suo-
tnaroo m.
rwum by owing a piece -of °arad,se rt TM lAx•FREE '-IAVEN'
Mtere Canaarans greedy enjoy 'her second 'lanes. 242)364•
66800 or Ernar: oanameuelerranetwakeoanernas.1el os
•tNh*faM$1 ** *Ire *001116* DOS kAlli«
*ism •a_n►Onhvio$136.
• Al! 0I020II14,404 (VibliOrieetto SIX • Otflltlrie $
. � 1�1 ► • CMe* met Mia wog
expose students to different
career path's and potential
She said -there are already
?r) Seaforth husinesses that
will he represented at the fair.
Information he
available covering ttip'cs
t1Mm resume - wrtting t')
darting your own business
and Mark Tewksbury. an
Olympic gold .medalist.
accomplished. business
entrepreneur and tuthtlr .t1 .l
hest selling hulk. "The Art of
Achieving Your Dreams. '
will he lI guest speaker.
great exposure for our
•community." said Reeve Li)
. -Hopefully there ;
participation from Harron
manufacturers.' :aid Mayor
Dave Scott. '
Alexander has he'.n r' -en
'permissuin us have a ••anner
announcing the 'air •ln'.vn
across a town street '.0 lett)
publicize the -event knot" • he
town has heen inV tc:l -to ,et.
'ap an •lxhthit ,shout ,c:north.
Jr. B game
up four
local area
8y Brett Jewitt
cxpositcr :c -no ;indent
Four -34i tt'trth ir.a
;1layied .::Ion ocher •-diem)''. -(1
noCkes' 2:ung :1)• a,icn i
OroWeen •!ICI harara 7
SteentetacK Bee! and he '?t..
Mark's L.ncnins.
:•Derck Nesh(tt nttl,'). nit
Henderson.. ,)i the 'Sarnia
-Stceplk.)ack Boles. and Adam
r o:0nnarat and- \'l•.ir'
clan' 111 , -al he Si. Mary,"
•L,h.citin,. i :J/)I a4 :n.rite
Greater-')nt.iro Juneitr
Hockey Leagrue. 'nrmerty 'he •
Western 11-: B Hock.::'
'The .u:nk 4:e, :ct
eC )tine -.u,1 t:rihalis
Nesbitt '•viii: 't'31i CU ,ee '11'
-son Derek :21,1'• jarnia vi'n
fhe. ;amc -1, .tort - " i..
,ut:,hootrn'g S1 'Mar' •
t.ut'.V:r:'thntugh 'he ;ec::ntt
lensed l ; :
it Marv, 7tcseit :Ir) nc -
7aCe 11 'h2 •Ct:011ll •fait )1 'nt.'
42Une 1uweyer. Ito] ,etre(1 I
Til' :1':rid to
Sarnia -.i.
year .pia% r.! 'r .1e Bees
vniie tucntJJn:Z ne aurora it.
'lair Hien
eam ?> .n ,CCtlltti
7iUCat 11 '1112 'vague. Vr ii t
s a huge Anprovemeitt 'nim
last year.when they were n
last place.
`Derek ;)cads has team :n
coals with ' l: and points
with _1"
-Derek iitimate ,ktai 'u
get a sehiitarship•.trrnn ao
.Amertcan University.".
Nestbi t t.
Henderson ,tartcd out One
year playing for :he iriitowcl
Cyclone;. who are in l'a-t
place in the Mid -Western Jr.
B League with an '3-''+
record. Henderson
recently lett L:auwei to may
'or Sarnia. when he `ennui
him,ell paired ap with
Nesbitt to that ;acne :hal out
•hem on uppusite`::Jws ,N :he
cc 'o the othcr Scatorth slut,. • .
He las ,nh pTaved io a cti
;eines apd
a>ai�l. '
.'This is a very cutnpelitive
league. There are some
decent crowds. here ..in
(Sarnia)," said Nesbitt. '
Leonhardt and Glanville
are gaining guild tperlcnce
- this year, while ;,laving rn .1
Liculns team that 'n 'itA
place. The Lincolns :eco IU
Buth'St. Marys player.
have each scored one goat
this veal -with two assists.
The •Lincolns are planning
on having a Seaforth rninor
hQCkey day this season.,
anyone who plays minor
hockey in Seaforth will get in
for tree.