HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-6-18, Page 1,eirlanTER TIMgS, ESTABLISHED 1873 AMALGAMATED .'; XETER ADVOCATE, .'ESTABLISHED 1887 f . DECEMBEl3 1st, 11924 EX,] TER, ONT. ) ,fitORNING, JUNE 18th., 1925 := AnImin lama 001 Ommem cot Irlan namowal lasittem reuniso MOO llIIIiuniiiiiiolllllmmitlllilm 1111111111J1tlillillhiqllltlilllit1n "LLB 11"w 'an,EL AND DIES SHORTLY AFTER v r n'sFi SHIRT We Place on Sale this Week About 10 dozen Men's Fine Shirts Sizes 14 and a half to 17 and a half Such well know -n makes as Tooke Arrow and Gofdon,.full sizes, re- gular values: up to $230 each r at — or — r 2 L65 Clearing f Summer °ass . Remnants n� WE RAVE JUST GONE THROUGH OUR STOCK AND PUT OTJT ALL ODD LINES AND REM'N'ANTS OF 'SUMMER WASH - GOODS, MANY AT ONLY A FRACTION OF , THEIR . ORIGINAL PRICES. BIG B MEN'S WORK SHIRTSSPECIAL AT $1.00 EACH." �., m,.,1.CC .��. yraalsecomartaaseozar THIS STORE WILL BE CL®SED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING THE MONTHS OF JUNE; JULY AND AUGUST kHONE 32 E� PHONE -32' This coninesnity was shocked pa • ' Tkmursday mornzng to learn of the, Or fatal accident winch„had befallen Se Melville 'Down;; cond'. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank' W, Down of the. 2nd, concession of . TTsborne, Melville was riding his biestle and was on his = way to school in Exeter. He was riding on the cement sidewalk north = of the bridge a,ncl was coming E down the incline at the foot of which there is a slight jog just be- fore coming onto ` the board side- walk. Just there; he was thrown from his wheel and landed on his head. Mr. Emmerson Cornish whale driving north found him lying across the sidewalk uncOnscious, with a deep scalp woundn the back of his bead. Dr. Graham was' immediate- ly summoned . and with the assist- ance of Mr. Rd. Welsh, Melville was removed to the doctor's office where he passed away ilever having re- gained consciousness, There was no eye -witnesses tce the tragic event. = The deceased. was 15 years old E. and was quite tall for his age. He. was a bright lad and was exemplary in every way.' He was a menmber of the James St. Sunday School and played in the Sunday School orcites- tine Recently he was one of four to deliver short !Sermons at the Tuxis Boys' day Media church. He was beloved by all; who knew •him. Besides the grief stricken parents he is survived by 'an elder brother, Clarence < and aniadopted sister; Mrs. C. Beckler, cif Manson, Ohio, all of whom W l Ti: ve the sympathy of the, whole nomninaity. senv ✓ oar Kamm Mummy ilmie▪ rsiod Maileam FM, 04 .10414. Namam DEATH OF DANIE:0:J WOOD The death took -place on the Lon- = don Road just so4h of town on Monday at -noon of • one who all his E life has been indertified with this.' - 'community. After an illness of al- TarSOMI most a year during which time he has been up and down with heart -' •• trouble Mr. Daniel Wood passed .••••• away in nis 69th year. The de- me ceased was born near Elimville on =' the 4th concession of ITsborne Tp. For 43 years he has lived south of .= town and dor a number of years he m= was assocthted with his brother John in the butehete business. Mr. Wood comes from a family of but- chers his, father,.. before hipm being -: among the first to sell meat to the • citizens of Exeter. : He was more or -▪ . less a droves as: wen and was noted for his integrity anti upright deal- ings. The first business in which, ars boa mamma Klea amegout oneself .444441 �11111111161111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111►1111111161.11111111111111111111111111111111111.1,11111111111111Illllllltlllllltllllllllt11111�1r a=1� • dace ac hL, .. . V'SVe ; C! Safi ” � LOWE • ROr�4: Ss _ UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND COVERING CAPACITY PINTS. SOc. QUARTS $1.45, 3•6 GALONS, $2.80, GALONS,'.. $5.<10 WHITES „}AND GREEN SLIGHTLY )30(GHE c, ALSO, ..r;3c Sar , ;,:>!s..;A 'ALAI3ASTINE, MURESCO, NEPTUNITE AND AGATE` VARNISH Keep the File , Out Screen Door Catches ..... . . ... .....25c,each Screen Paint 40c. per tin Screen Doar Springs 100. ea. Screen Door Hinges 25c, pair Screen Wire from 20c. to 39c.• yd. Screen •Windows 450. SCREEN DOORS, ALL SIZES from $245 up For Hot Weather Ilse New Process 011 Staves From $12.00 up New Perfection Oil Stoves From $23.00 up Ovens $8,00. Wiclrs 40e. Stove Itepam4 0 Cedar Mops O-CEDA.•Ei. MOPS $1.25 and 82.00 °O -CEDAR OIL 25ct-cud 50c, Base Bail Supplies Get your Baseball Supplies from us at Lowest Pries SOFTBALL SUPPLIES 'ISEING SUPPLIFJS 'TENNIS RACKETS $1:05 each TENNIS BALLS 504, each T .nsmith,iinand PIu :bin 1&i els Hardware , .:,ea��. y�i d �,re Paint Ft: Strawberry Social. on Friday even- ing, .June 25 at Mt. Pleasant church, supperr commencing at 6, after which. a humorous play entitled "Welcome Home Jiknmy" by the Young people of James St. church,, Exe'er. Music., between acts. Admission: Adults 40c. Children 20c. BIRTHS HODGERT—In, Exeter on June 12th FIFTY-SECOND YEAR Noy,`rp673 MASONIC SERVICE', AT JAMVIES ST. UNITED CHURCH The members of Lebanon Forest' Lodge, A.F. .& Aar. together with a number of visiting brethren from Clinton, Hensel' and Lucan,attend- ed Divine worship in Jamas St. United.. church on Sunday evening.. The brethren assembled at the lodge room and paraded to the church Won Bro, W. W, Taman acting as. marshall. The brethren occupied the ,centre peens of the church and 1`istened to a very eloquent sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. E. Donnelly:. Special music was rendered by the choir, a du,ett being sungeby Mr, and Mrs, Victor Snell. The subject of the discourse was "The Temple of the Soul," and the text was from King Solomon's pray- er at the dedication of the temple, "That they: may know that this house which I have builded, is Gall- ed, by thy name:".. _ The story of the building of the temple at Jerusalemis one of the most complete' and most wonderful narratives of the Old Testament. But the real charm of•this old story is its symbolic truth. Jesus pro- claimed a, religion without 'a majes- tic temple. Neither. Jerusalem nor' any other city could claim the 'honor oVVGod's temple. For worship must be in spirit and in truth. Every man's life becomes a temple for, the indwelling of God' ' sp. or't o s i •s This house called human character that we are building is called by the name of God, And this is the very .genius • of Free Masonry. The history of this splendid order goes back to the almost forgotten past. Pythagoras the Grecian phil- osopher taught its cardinal principles as early as 586 B.C. These principles have ever since been known as the trinity of Masonry. The first is Deity, man's belief in the existence of God. The second is the Immortality of the Soul and the third the Brotherhood of Man. Masonry as an institution exists to promote the higher evolution of man, through teaching self-reliance and basing all action on individual reason and conscience. The most transcendent• problem that the mind of man can grapple• with is that of the natural erogrossiya evnl,lttjen of man upward axd toward God, 'who is man's final perfection. • Masonry is concerned about the moral life, of the individual and seeks to instruct individual character. It encourages a broad and liberal education. It champions the individual will and aims to give the 'world free men. The candidate who realizes the he. and Iii:brotlmer was engaged was badge of restraint and desires to be - on the site of the present Bank of come an apprentice in the pursuit .. and later he built ,the of freedom and self-control and self Montreal mastery, starts out on a journey,. of brick block now owned by illy. J. Senior. Mr, Wood was united in trial and probation. He learns to go step by step and f marriage to Margaret 4: Brownlee flip that pro - who predeceased him in 1923. 7Ie ficiency. already attaint,„ is the one is survived by five daughters,. MAs, right that entitles him to further ITsbarne; Mrs. R. progress. Every step that he takes John Luxton. of H. Horne, of•Watrous, Sask., who has a meaning and an application Ruby, a was home for some time,' to his personal experience. Truth teacher, at. homed Mrs. 0. S. Winer, and light. conic only 'gradually,' and of town' and Mildred, nurse -in -train- ing at Sarnia General Hospital. 1:Ie is also survived by four brothers, and three sisters. Win. Wood, of Santa, Barbara, Calif.; Airs. R. J. only ae T` ,seeks them with all bis heal t. various ascending de- ;rees involve the idea of progressive intelligence end are symbolic of a progressive life. Puke of Chicago; Mrs Jos Senior, { Finally this candidate sees that • Mrs. Jas. Grieve, John T., Charles the one thing of supreme value in and Jas. i of,town; and two halfieInns is character. His integrity- is sisters, Mrs. Bruce Cooper, of near {worth risking his life for. Rut when yen- Kirkton and Mrs. Thos.' Hodgert, ► he is prepared to risk'astub, a of near Seaforth. Mr. Wood was al tore he discovers as he passes !through' the grave the symbol's of consistent member of the Anglican Immortality, and is raised a Master church and the 'funeral, private, was Mason. Even en the Soul is raised held Wednesday,: being conducted by , R A from the death of sin into. the life Exeter Cemetery'. PUBLIC •SCHOOL STAFF he spealter'then went on to show TT>e Board of Education met in that Masonry is not purely individ- the office of the secretary on Mon-ualistic. It is intrinsic individual day evening. All the members were worth that makes social contactp worth while. After that the points ev, A. A. Trunmper mtera2lent mn the f Righteousness, when a""roman �buried with Christ in the baptism of' the Cross and is raised a Master Ch •istian. present. •of fellowship furnish the guiding A large number of applications ethics of life. _ In the voluntary EIS- : Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgeift were received for the'.st f f of the : a daughter.(Edna Jean.)a saeiati:on of individuals for mutual . :` Public School uclttding- `alam�lications PATTEN—In Bidd`ul li<on Juno 12 . front :ail the mresent 'staff, cave t benefits' and mutual improvement, p ' 1 p We, discover the most salient feature to Mr. and Ars. Thos: Patten, a. Miss .Taylor' who is resigning. On of Masonry—fraternit. . No real or son. motion., of Mr. Stanbury and Mr. e m Tram mer. 'MIisses MTurra Kinsmanlasting .,good can be secured by any 1 y BADOUR-- A� .Stanley Tp. Sa ble 'individual that is in uncus to his Line on June 3r to Mr: and 1. rs: ,and i\iedd mere re -appointed. On fellow men The fraternity express-: Albert June ; a daughter. - motion of ?4Ir. Puke a}}rod Mr. Dear- ed in the Golden Rule defines our in MIubs Horton was'. added as a ,highest and best relation to others. MOUS At Zurich on June 9, newgmember of the staff and at a . The, closing thought of the ad - to Mir. and Mre. Herb, Mousseau, previous meeting of the Board on a daughter, dress was the' high goal of individual motion. of Mr. Dignan and Mr. Turn- Mrs. Goodspeed had been add- character. We have to he an ap- RYAN—At St. Joseph Hospital, Lon- .bttdl mentice before we can become .a don, on June 6,th, to Mr: and' Mrs bd. ' On motion of 1Ir. Dearing and p M. Ryan, a daughter. F . Mt; Rowe, Mr, Howard a '15 re-ajm- the developmente. But there isa noa limitshortto NEWEIaL .-- At Stratford . General pointed to the Principalship thus ohs uof character e Hospital,• on June 8th to Mr, and making the Public School staff con>.- sst ther fulness of the measure of the Mrs. 'W. F,•'Newell, 117 Hibernia plate with Principal and five assts- stature of Christ. The greatest St. a son. (Frederick Edwin.) tants• for .the Fall term. It is hop- house that ars can build the ecl that with tl temple of the'soul, where God May MARRIAGES ar w m to addition of the dwell. Its completeness and per- sixth teacher the overcrowding and FAHNEI2.—HAIST—At the Evan- gelical parsons , Credy', on, oe June 10th, Missosetta T. Haist, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lb`(DN oneenveNCJ' SETS Hai.st to Mr: Etnmery Palmer, by Rev, W. Y Dreier. Messrs W. E. Sanders, G: E: An- and sleort addresses ''were given by dem4on, W. W. Taman and 1i, N, several of the visitmrig`brethren ex- Cusech of the Exeter ,Bowling Club pressive•of their appreciation of the duplication of classes Will be over- come.. fetation are determined by the meas- ure of its .approximation to the life character of God, Following o n„ the return on, time breth- ren to time lodge room,. a vote of thanks was tendered to • Mr. Donnelley DEATHS DOWN'—Accidently, in Exeter ee won second prize, carving sets; at very able. ,cliscotlrse. Thursday, June 1841a, Melville the Blyth Bowling Tournament on Down, son,, pf Mf and Miss. Fr'fank Down of Usberne, aged 19. yearn. WOOD—In . Ueborne on Monday June 15-th, Daniel. Wood in his 6.9 tli year. ' HILL At Crediton, osi J'ii'n,e 11tfi, prize anti a BlytlYrink tb.ird• s Sumraerlaiid, B,C:, has a . epted an August Drill.. invitation to, the United Church of BROWNLEE—At hishome loot 21;; Iii the postponed', playoff for 1st' Itossland, il.C. Me was invited to con, 7,, eteenn eeee ;, on June 15; end 2mmcl prizes of the Exeter Scotch that chinch l year. ago, rout tic;clin- Wesley Brownlee Via, his Nth Doubles Toulney, Selden and Tainan ed,' Owing to the urgent call coin year. won, front Anderson and Rivers on, ing again the stationing committee'. Monday evening. of I3ritisb. Columbia Conference felt ENGAGEN N'i it wise tlmat a 1Cr: Arntitige should , 114iss, , Mlliclre<l.�' 1~Iam`vey. 1vlto !•'S ., n . Mr. aiicl,Mss. Panels J. Davis n� mcsliond. lmim Eres.b t'man gist i'iotmnee'tllie marriage of theft: da shy been MatteYsdiad -. Atf,lnma Cottage, St• Methodist congregatmns of Ross- ., .. nb Tb 1161 gi`.�`dudted .on i�iQmid'a,y. ter Mildred TTathleen' to idr. �ylves- Mrs, T, ,E3arvey spentw a few days in land united about` eight years ego ter Mardlin of Lonclen township, the city and !qr. Thos TIarvey at-„ the wedding to take place tie latter tended the graduation ettoero1ses on rs. 'VG. a Dearimm.g is confined 11111DANCI=1' THAT nAVFCE i In”)'13'1IN T tart of this month,. Monday: �` to her room through illness. OS'TW'ONE» 1LTN!1lrl ,V1I HyT, I R X01110E. Wednesday. The visitors wore loud in their praise of the c edition of the greens at Myth. All Tour greens are in excellent condition ain't made tine game very fast and pleasant, ' m•ed Hunt of Goderich Won; first in Exeter and Usborne, and late of REV. H. X. A.TIM ITAGH GOES TO ROSSI/ ND, 13. C. Rev, II. J. $.rmnitager well known Let; Us _Help 00. Rev. Edward Sheppard `Who will succeed Rev, W. E. Don- nelly as pastor of the James St. United church. For the past fqur years Mr. Sheppard has been station- ed at Thorold in the Hamilton Con- ference. He will assume the pas - To See Better "To see, better," does not always mean to see more. It often measia to see with less effort, A certain eye defect called Hype metropla in many cases does not In- terfere with acuteness of vision., but does create an excessive eye , strata which causes headaches, diz2ine, and nerve strain. The proper glasses will relie'r this 'condition and give comfort. Office .Reties 9 80 to 12 a um. 130. to 5 ,p. Evenings by Appoiutmestt S .Fitto1, Phone 75W Registered Optometrist torate of his new charge on June ' 2$th. 1875 1925 Special e l Jubilee Services ,TIRE On . June 28th and 29th, i ,was there will beat I ET i'MVJLLE it a great reunion of old boys and] girls, They are coming from the North: . and' from the . South, from the East and from idle West no meet and mingle and' converse. On Sunday, nuns 28th at ten - thirty a,mn:;•Rev. W. H. Cooper will preach' and at seven p.m., Rev. Geo Jewitt, ex -president of London Con- ference will be the preacher. These are the oldest living preachers who •t . , were former panel's ]i,or;s of ,.i_m�t� _i ilia circuit„ - wronging by tlme choir. Prepazat one are beinn made for a great tea meeting on Monday afternoon, June • 29th in Mr. Ed. Johns' orchard beginning at two' p. m., when.addresses will be delivered by a number of roi•umer pastors, :some of them were at _Ile church dedica- tion fify years ago. Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, president of London Con- fereence, a former pastor and Rev. A. E. Johns from distant China .fill be among the speakers. The musical part of the program will be 'provid- ed by Old Boys and Girls who were', members of Elimville choir at some period of the cl tm_ rhes history. Wednesday, July 1st will be for, the children, a Iree picnic for mem= bens of. ' •the .•school. 'A .historleal booklet will i e....i. A refresh- ment booth, swings, gauges, etc., for entertainment.' Everybody come. Meet old friends. Revive old memories Admissen: Adults 50c,, Children • 25 cents. Rev. H. E. Livingstone, Astor F'mmt. Elford, Secretary 1875 1925 HUMON OLD BOYS' PICNIC The' annual picnic of the Huron Old Boys' Association, of ' Toronto will be held in Areas 5 and' 6, Ex- hibition Grounds, and in the Trans- portation Building, on Friday after- noon, June 26th,. when a full pro- gram ,of ' game.,, etc., has been ar- ranged for the eiterteinmemit 'of the old boys ,and girls 'of , the Banner County of the Dominion. • Needless to say, suitable prizes will be awarded to the successful competitors, and the athletes, both young and old, are advised to bring 'clang their running togs. All Huronites and their friends will be made alt, ,t r. i°aeloonic. Come and li:t:g a het, and leave your troubles at home in "your old kit bag." PEIZZAWOUSEVErlig1911MISTIMIt. nee. W FridaySaturday, andJune For this Week only Gooayear .30x31 Casing for DpER RADIO LICENSES ISSUED }. H LI ()IL. „ The Best oil on the market. beeatmse it is more than oil, it is power, We Sell it. THOS. NELSON Garage : on. James St. , _ m ,7;.�.=-.ate Bread That's ria ul of Goodness Our scientific up -to -the -minutia methods of Bread -making as- sure you a perfect loaf._ Can you beat' this tora; sure' route to Bread -quality? We buy only purity :ingredients— use modem mixing and bakismg equipment—employ the service of bakers skilled in time "'et of Dread -baking.. Lockwood's Better Bread —The . loaf always . delicious, nourishing and satisfying. •ItR gives you full money's worth. (Asir Your Grocer For itl, W. , ..5i_ a a LOCKWOOD BAKKE .- - EXETER ONXILRIO THEATRE' - 46 Lode 9th and 2 + th Story by Zane Grey; featurIng Owen Moo e and Constance Bennett This picture was to have been shown some weeks ago, but 0 to a, longer run in Toronto it was impossible to get here.. ' Comedy "CAVE IN" lug 26th and. 274. RY.....WITHQUT-k NA. .. PB tTUKING AN ALL STACAS l AN'T'ONIO 1.10111eNO, AGNki1S: 'M'RL., AND 0TJ0111 STARS. DANCES' DISCONTINUED D lOCiIM