Huron Expositor, 1999-11-17, Page 7Inside look at...
Business Corporation wins
Award of Rural Excellence
...Huron Business
By Scott Hllgndorff
Expositor Editor
In six yea• rs. they've
given out $3.6 million in
loans and funding and have
helped 350 businesses
establish themselves in
Huron County.
And the success of the
Huron Business
Development Corporation
(HBDC) has earned them an
Award of Rural Excellence
in the "Contribution to
Economic • Growth"
"It's a nice
acknowledgment of our
efforts over the last six year.
said Community
Development Manager Paul
Nichol of the award. `
It was One of eight given
out in the first annual
Awards'of Rural Excellence
recognizing communities._
organizations and groups.
who are improving the
quality of life in rural
Ontario. It was presdnted
through the Foundation of
Rural Living. a provincial
charitable organization
focussing. on building
healthy rural communities
and enhancing ,the
agricultural, industry..
"Somebody out there
thinks. we're doing a good
job at what we do." said
The `centre has been open
for about six years now and
directs its .attention at
helping businesses in Huron
County: in, a number of
' different ways.'
."We're very much like a
credit union" with 'an
economic de.vclopment
mandate." said Nichol.
Headquartered in Seafonh
at the Huron Business
Centre. it operates with
three staff members and a
hoard of directors with 12
people elected each year by
the ' organization's
membership. The hoard
members .come from across
the county and represent the
rc)ail. manufacturing and
agricultural industries of thc
Linked with more than 25
organizations in the area.
they also share 'the Business
Centre location with the
Huron. Employment
Resource Centre, and the
Huron County Small
Business Resource "Centre.
They also work closely
with municipalcouncils and
business improvement areas
and chambers of commerce.
Nichol said they all have
the same mandate of.
working toward job creation
in Huron County.
"Right now. we can
confidently say there arc
2074 people in the
workforce. today' because of
us."said Nichol.
That Makes up'6.3 per
cent of the county's labour
.Each year: they see about
500 clients. mostly
businesses. About 60 of
store victim
_ f break_ n _.
Merchandise and cash
totalling $2.000 were stolen
during a break and enter at
Walton Country Store
sometime during the night of
Nov. 10.
The store. located close to
the intersection of Huron
County Roads 25 and 12.
had 45 cartons of cigarettes.
S500 in cash and a number
of lottery tickets stolen. .
The cash register was
found a short distance from
the store and received
extensive damage.
Neighbours reported a
black vehicle seen in the
--area in the late evening.,
Anyone with any related
information is asked to call
Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-
8477. .
The Huron Business Center which
Development Corporation.
those will tell the centre in
follow-ups that they are
around because of the help
they received from the
Those. 60 businesses
translate into about 350 new,
jobs each year.
Clients usually come to
the centre. often through
referrals: from hanks, in seek
of help with everything
from setting up a business
plan before seeking a loan
from a bank to seeking the
loan itself.
There is 'a business library
available .to people to
research their ideas and a
counselor available to offer
In addition to helping
clients directly. 'the centre
-also works in the county's
various communities.
"Right now, at any given
time, we are working
throughout Huron County
on 37 individual community
projects. said Nichol,
adding they are all linked to
stimulating. , local
Seaforth's Business
Retention and. Expansion
Committee. one of seven in
Ontario.' formed as a pilot
project of. the Ontario
Ministry of. Agriculture
Food and Rural Affairs. is
what Nichol calls "probably
the cream of the crop" for
community projects in
which they arc involved.
They have been working
with the committee for more
than a year on a project that
saw a comprehensive study
done of arca business and
.industry from agriculture
through retail. The study
looked at needs to help
those businesses and
industries grow . and is
currently working on a list
A Buck or Two AVE Entertainmem A & W
1 hrr. Ry'. jinni'• PIZJ. Weekend Fdrnon
houses the Huron Business
-of initiatives developed
• through OMAFRA's
analysisof the results
The HBDC also operates
a "be your own boss"
program for students.
opening up the potential of
starting their own
businesses.among youth.
"This past year. 49 young
people ran their own
businesses;" said Nichol.
Egmondville resident
Luke Janmaat has been
working on an HBDC
manufacturing project
speaking with
manufacturers to develop a
list of needs that would help
their industries.
Among those was . the
need for information on
how to tap into c-commcrcc
(doing business over the
internet) and successful use.
of web pages to,promote
their manufacturing
businesses on the internet.
One of their newest
initiatives involves'
promoting exporting Huron
County products.
"We've put an export
developer on payroll .doing
nothing but helping
manufacturers gear up for
export." said Nichol.
About 16 per cent of
companies in Huron County
export their products.
Chris Lee of Walton is
helping them to sec they can
expand their business
beyond local and regional
markets, visiting each one
and helping any that want to
get into exporting or expand
on the exporting they do.
"He's basically an
advisor."said Nichol.
There is no cost for this
work with the philosophy
that industries who expand
their exports will need more
Agnew Shoes Ardes,e
Balms Bdl Mob,l,tr Bentley
staff, creating more fobs in
the county.
That same idea was taken
into communities last year
when the HBDC realized it
hadn't been working with
local Business Improvement
Areas. committees that link
community businesses
together on group projects
and promotions.
"There is a. philosophy
that you need to keep a
good climate for doing
business and by _helping
BIAS, it helps them'.help
others, said Nichol. Andy
by helping them, more jobs
are created. meeting .HBDC
They contacted each BIA
.in the county and asked for
a specific project• with
which to help them.
"That was deliberate.
That was our way to let
them know we were out.
here." said •Nichol. That's
because the HBDC's
mandate is to not only work
with individuals setting up
businesses • but with
organisations that can also
promote and develop
economic growth.
"We ended up with 10
different projects." he said.
In Clinton. it was help
with the town's HEART
(Hearts Economic Action
Renewal Team) committee.
which is a group of citizens
working on' promoting the
town -and developing
tourism. in Goderich. it was
helping this summer's
Disney parade that attracted
thousands of people to the
area. In Exeter. it was
helping with white squirrel
promotions. a tourist
attraction. to-thc town:
And in Zurich. it was help
setting up strategies for
attracting rural doctors.
Whcn the Zurich BIA 'was"
asked what was needed to
create jobs, they were told
they needed better health
care and ,more doctors to
strengthen the community.
"We're just a catalyst."
said Nichol. They -try to
-bring resources together to
help businesses and ideas
get off the -ground and do it
with support from industry
"We are one of more than
200 similar organizations
across Canada," he said and
said similar impact and job
creating is happening across.
Canada through :their
Of thc recent award. he
said. "It's nice to get that
recognition hut there's lots
of organizations doing good
work." he said.
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Straight Talk From
Work On The Business
Not In The Business
client complained.he was too thc business details. These
busy. He could not physical- manuals would let you
ly handle•all the work he reproduce your business
had. and the business was 1,000 times and have the
expanding. He worked four- 1.000th: unit operate as efti-
teal hours a day: he had no ciently and effectively as the
first. .
You begin by defining one
function at a time.
Eventually you have a writ-
ten record of how to do
everything within the busi-
ness. Whcn you are at that
level it is the systems that
manage the business and
your job is to manage thc
systems. By divorcing your-
sclf from the day-to-day
details in this way, you gain
time and freedom.
You also have something to
sell- a recipe of how thc
business works Before this
you were thc business and
Working on the business when you left there was no
means -making sure -that business--With-the recipe. ----
average and mediocre asso- the systems arc the business
ciatcs can handle the details and they will work for any- .
of running the business with one. Now you can sell the
excellence. Ray Kroe taught business to anyone.who has
us that. the money.and can read.
Ray'Kroc developed the Whcn we showed our client
Macdonald's franchise sys- how to create the systems.
tem. He taught us that he found he could have a
working -on the business is profitable business and a life
about creating a set of sys- too.
tems that will let associates it is just as important to have
with a minimum skill level a plan for your departure
manage the details of the 'from the business as it is to
business with consistency have a plan for running the
and excellence.. business. Maybe it is even
Working on the business more important'
means understanding that Successfully working on the
your job is to create a model business is about making
of how your business works. .sure you can stay in Florida
You must create a set of when you get there.
manuals that defines every The Business Doctor is
aspect of the management of available for annual meet-
ings & sales conventions.
time for his family or vaca-
acations. The fun has gone out
of what he is doing. He
wanted to sell but couldn't
find a buyer.
'Well,' you say. "Welcome
to the club! That's the way
business works:" Wrong! .
That is the way a poorly run
business works.
It is easy.toget bogged
down in the details of run-
ning a business but that's not
what owning and operating a
business is about. When you
own the business your job is
not to work in the business
but to work on the business.