HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-17, Page 1__.
November 17,1999
incudes GST,__ -_--
Local weather
Wednesday—Mainly cloudy with
;dotter 1urties High 5.
Thursday --Sunny with cloudy
2eriods i 9 Low -1
Friday --Chance of showers
-7177 ;finny andworm. High 14 Low 3
Saturday—Mainly cloudy. Chance
of showers 1-fgh 9 Lbw 3.
Normciturps: t-igtt 7 sgw0
From Environment Canada
In brief
Seaforth Public
School" received. a
donatioti.of 17 -maple
trees from Richard
Nesbitt. of , RR 4
Seaforth over the
"The trees are worth
about .$250 to S300
each. It's'a significant
contribution.- says
school council
treasurer Karen Taylor.
Taylor says .thee
council recently
removed, a number of
trees from the school
grounds which were
dying and will place
the new trees in the_
same arels. where the
dying trees were cut
They ` will also be
placed around the
climber in the junior
area in the playground.
Principal Lorne
Rideout says the school_
has'beeri wanting to
expand the amount of .
shade on the grounds.
but with tight school"
budgets must -depend
on donations to be able
to afford new trees.
"It's great that we're
getting tree trees.
There's lots of'room
for improvement- on
our grounds." he says.
Taylor also says that
the school council is
starting to explore the
possibility of creating a
naturalized area at
Seaforth Public School.
"Some parents .seem
to be interested and
we're just starting to
get the ball rolling."
she says. •
Rideout si ys Taylor
has been pursuing the
possibility of a grant
from Shell Canada for
a naturalized area.
"It would be great: It
would be like an
outdoor classroom." he
Pay 5
Take Our Kids to
Work day
P•96 e
inside look at.
Huron Bus ness
Pelle 7
Penner generates world-wide- attention
Weeks after world's first closed -chested robotic heart bypass, media calls still, coming
By Scott Hilgendorff
:,GGSdQr -ditor
Harpurhey resident John Penner is
rel-et..in? a little more than 15
minutes at fame after. receix in, .the
World' . first closed -chest robotic
heart bypass earlier•this fall. •
--We've certainly had a for of media
attention '.We. -e had call' from :all
u'. er the •:'•orld.'" he said.
On Friday. almost two months after
the surgery.. he was called from .a
medical publication in New York and
is waiting to possibly hear from rhe
Oprah. Winfrey Show to Chicago.
• On Sept. 24. Penner went through a
;ii -hour heart bypass operation at
London Health Scien..es Centre's
Urn: er,uy Carrious with a surgeon
using a '•trice acti'afed•:arnera to
help preLi,el; operate' robotic
surgical instrument.,- •
The Oprah Winfrey ;how has. been
talking with the surgeon. Douglas
Boyd: and Penner a -as told these
might he ..ont.tcting him .as well
a& utthe precedent -;ening surgery
It sew Penner home in• tour days
with no, need for pain medication and.
feeling Netter than e%er since a heart
attack almost two ago •
Since the surgery Penner's story
ha. !one around :he •.tiorld
and friend, fnotrr
S..uti.i and .\iberta calling, him after
watching a on local new; network:,: •
A producer. from Germany ' was in
California and read about his •,tory
.and contacted him for.a German
production.' i
Scott.-1ilgendorff photo
Elaine 'and Jahn Penner • .
Going into, the.urgery: Penner had
no ided what it would letd.tu`
afiervard: : r '
While h'e .was reeoverinit in the
inuensiJe. care anis. his wife. Elaine.
was told by Dr. Boyd that they had
made medical hamar.-
Bet re that. tie knew he would he
undergoing an unusual type• of
surgery but didn't consider the wortd-
wide impact a would have •
He said It. a as ;ust scar-• TO know
he was having a•hypass done and
ne.v°er thought much more of the type
of surgery he would he receiving.
• "I . had -a lot of faith in the medical
community." he said. adding There
was always ,i risk. including the fact
that.it .anything did gowrdng with
the robotics. the doctors would ha\ e
had to make the larger incisions and
open his .:hest to operate by nand in
the traditional !ashton.
But the procedure ' ant ,monthr
Scott •-idgendorff photo
,rodents gathered with members of the community at the Legion Cenotaph Thursday morning
tor Remembrance Day services.
from garage
A shotgun was stolen from
the garage of •a home •on
Lloyd Eisler St: in
Egrnondville on Nov. 13.
The owner told Huron OPP
that he had left the 1 2 -gauge
Remington Model 870 pump
shotgun un the •work bench
atter deer hunting:
Someone entered the
garage through the window
and took the gun -along with a
brown ammunition. belt
containing 20 shotgub shells.
and involved, only pencil -sized
nt isinns
-WeH-.. ;u -.t 21.ul ' erathtn,tt
worked )ui okay.' said. P. nner.
knowine his sureery reduced the
amount at pain and recovery time he
would 'have experienced. through .i
traditional operation. •
Before the surgery. Penner enuldn't •
,:runs the -street without terrible chest
pains but • now.. he said hes back to
normal:and •goes skating .every
It s, nice' to he hack in'shape •
again:' he said.
He was supposed to -go in for it six- .
week check. up last week but the .
"doctor was unable lo make t
Since he is feeling :vell•-.ind hasn't
experienced -any trituhles; they told
hum not to vom' ahoitt the check-up.
He satin the attention Hollowing:thf
sterger\ has been' pretty _-
overwhelining with lots of telephope
all~ and new people waving at him .
on the street In Seaforth..
While, the attention Penner.. has
been receiving•might hegtn to fade.
Tie said there', no chance tit that with
the rohotic surgery and Dr. Boyd. • •
"-..We'11 here lots more." he said •
about both .vith the potential for the
technique to reduce the time people
spend in •husptials and rhe pain they
experience rectivering. from the
surgery. • .
he en quite an experience. You
don't go through this every day."' he •
Christmas bags
m newspapers
to help Bureau
• Organizers n , .•rte -tat Chnstmas •innanun crag are hoping
:oi build on last •eai , ,uccess'ol the program designed to
help 'boost ,he' Huron County Chnstmas Bureau.,
insole local newspapers .across Huron . County next week
will be .i donation bag that can•he-used..tor toys, othtnt; and • -
rood donated. to the bureau which helps provide Chnstmas.
gifts to more than` 1.000 county l:hildren whose tamilies ger -
it need,of extra help. : -
The hag is designed to remind people of the need far their
support .and to encourage-themto tiring the donations to
Chnstmas Bureau hrinches in umtnuntties .tcross the
runty. c
The donation hag erfort{s •.ui initiative developed by. a.
partnership tit% area businesses and lndustnes. •.vhose names
appear an the hag. and •is spearheaded by. The:Huron
Etpositor and the Seaforth Lions Club and Agricultural.
The•two Seaforth cirganituuons•• worked witht„Hnron
Expositor to develop•, plan tor the hags last year and ;again.
will be.prosuding a'.spectal float for the Nov.•26 Lions Club
Santa Claus Parade.- • :
Parade goers are encouraged .to take their bags to the
parade and leave thein un the float as it. follows the parade
route to give the bureau a head start before its branch
•collection depots open in December. • •
Same as last year. the bags will he distributed through
newspapers across the county in the Nov. 24 editions.
Beginning Dec. 6 through Dec: 1.0. the• Chnstmas Bureau •
branches will be open from 11) .t.m. to z p.m. to receive
donation.. including .uly bags that were not taken to the
Donations. with lir without. the hags. can be left at St.
-Cuorge s %n Tican l-hurch. in Cru ed i9ZTh Exeter C ort' ed
Church. Wingham Pentecostal Church. the Seafonh Agriplex
u the fairgrounds, operated by St. James. Catholic .Church •
and the Ontano Street United Church. in Clinton:
They Can also be taken to area food banks.
While all donations are appreciated, including financial
_untributions. the Christmas Bureau finds a shortage in
.lothing in teen sizes and .:hildren's sizes. from six to 12..
The bureau is operated by the Children's Aid Society Of
Huron County and arra churches, and has been helping
families for'more than 40 years. •
Telephone lines for families who require assistance from
the Chnstmas Bureau opened Nov. 13 and are operated from
8:30 aan. to 4:30 p.m. lite' bureau ,encourages anyone who
needs assistance this Christmas to call them. The service is
confidential and by calling. bureau volunteers will arrange an
appointment for people to visit the branches to choose items
for their children's Christmas packages.
The Huron Expositor is encouraging the public to help
those in need this Christmas.
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