HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-10, Page 134 1 10 )IVO Away
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42 Deaths
.HATCH. Margaret: of Seaforth
passed away at Maplewood Manor.
Seaforth. on Saturday. November 6.
1999 in her 91st year Beloved .wife
of the late Alfred Hatch Loving aunt
of Joseph and Rita McDonnell of
Kinkora and Thomas and Jean
McDonnell of Coboconk Also loved
by several great nieces and great
nephews and . their families.
Predeceased by her parents James
and Margaret (Murray) McDonnell.
1 sister Mary -McDonnell. 2:brothers
Patrick and Timothy McDonnell and
3 nieces -Alice - Dewan. Grace
Tovenati. and Rita Meacher.
Margaret .and. Alfred were married
on October 30, 1943 Margaret was
a fifty year member of the Catholic
Womens League • Mass of the
Christian Burial was held al St
James Roman : Catholic - .Church,
-Seaforth on Tuesday. November 9.
1999 at 11 o'clock Visitation com-
menced at the church. from 9:30
until time of service at 11 o'clock.
Father Dino Salvador officiated
Interment St. Peters Cemetery.
London. As expressions of.sympa-
thy Memorial -donations to the Right
to Life or the charity of ones choice
would be .greatly appreciated.
- Pallbearers - were her great
-nephews , Box' and Smith Funeral
Chapel, • Seaforth entrusted with
arrangements. As
. a tribute to the life
of Margaret. a
tree will be plant-
ed in her memory
42 Deaths
DALE, Peter Alvin: 60, of 49
McGregor St.. Stratford. died
Thursday. Oct 28. 1999 *Stratford
General Hospital. Born in Seaforth,
he was.a son of the late Alvin Dale
and the former Jean Lowery. He
had been employed at Stackpole
Industries until his retirement in
1995. He is survived by his wife. the
former Brenda Butt whom he mar-
ried. in Seaforth July 24. 1971; his
children Mandy and husband Rob
Toffoli of Toronto. Michael Dale and
Wife Monica of Ajax; Ont. and
Timothy Dale and wife Cheryl of
Toronto: . grandchildren Megan,
Courtney and Tyler Toflolr and Mikl
Dale of Toronto: stepdaughter Lisa
and husband Marcel Pllloft and their
daughter Manelle of Windsor. sis-
ters and brothers Dolores Wheeler
. of Brussels. Barbara Whaley of
Streetsviue, Elaine and husband
Bob Stanley of St. Williams. Ont..
Ron and wife Lorraine of Seaforth.
Larry and wife Mary of Milgrove,
David and wife Bernice of Stratford
and Nancy and husband Dennis
Boyd. of Stafia; sisters-in-law
Doreen Dale of Brussels and Marg
Date.of Seaforth and several nieces
and nephews. Besides his parents.
he was predeceased by a sister
Betty Case, a brother Lome Date
and brothers-in•Iaw Bill 'Wheeler.
Carmen Whaley and Charles Case.
43 Births
Mark and Susan (Stewart) are
pleased to announce the birth of
their first child. a daughter. Jessie
Lyn, weighing B lbs.' 4 oz. born
Tuesday. November 2. 1999 in
Stratford. Proud grandparents are
Joan Stewart of Seaforth: Jim and
• Pat Campbell of Stratford, Great
grandparents are Clarissa Stewart
and Beth Pryce of Seaforth. ' 43-
L.•rscsr M se syr, with/roof
Questions & Answers
about grief recovery* •
Q. Sometimes 1 feel :like I'll just bunt' if 1 can't stop thinking about my loss.
Will these feelings ever go away? -
:t I'reoccupahon With thoucht' c•r the deceased is one phase of grief 'At first this
reeling occurs because we need ro make sense of what has happened..Cnhl we
.ort out the circumstances surrounding the death, 'ur thoughts are focused on
h w it happened. why- it happened. -ant, whether -or not the death could have
ern prerented. All of this is part Of the process of stabtlumg after the death. It
to des a you beta 10 train how to be separate from that person '
'chicshons asked Bunny; bereavement classes are answered here bathe editor of
:lftrrLoss, the monthly grief -recovery HetpLetter For your free copy of
Aftertoss or one of our other helpful booklets about gnef recovery. please write.
all or stop by
Whi tney- Rib ey
Funeral Home
87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth - 527-1390
A member of Th .4Rrslnu Family, of F"nrral Howes
drdreatrd to hdlpwrg ren a they terve wok auutancr ingru'.miner,
:0199' AntrLou inc. • 800.263.95'2
42 Deaths
HERO, David : At his residence in
Seaforth. on Sunday, October 31.
1999„ David Mero. in his 49th year.
Beloved father of Linda Gook and
her husband Steve Firth of R.R. 5,
Stratford. Loving grandfather of
Steven. Sarah and Jessica. Dear
brother of Teresa and Frank King of
Terrace. B.C.. John and Pat Mero of
Kippen and Harry and Dianne Mero
of R.R. 1. Bayfield. Also survived by
several nieces and nephews.
Special friend of Gordon Coyne- He
was predeceased by his parents.
John and Dorothy (Woolley) Mero
and two brothers. Joe and Vernon.
Family received friends at the
Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. 87
Godench Street West. Seaforth, on
Wednesday. November 3 from 2-4
and 7-9 p.m.. where the funeral ser-
vice: was held on Thursday.
November 4. at 11 a -m. The pall-
bearers were Mark Mero. Steven
Mero. Jerry Fehr. Dave de Vries.
Gerry Rondeau and Gary Bennett. -
The flower bearers were Janice
Mero and Connie Mero. Interment
St. James R.C. Cemetery, Seaforth
Memorial donations to Heart and
Stroke Foundation would be appre-
ciated as expressions of sympathy
47. Cards of Thanks
Keith Thorburn's family would like to
express their sincere thanks to Dr.
Mark Woldnik. Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home, Ruth Townsend, the
Staff. the organist, Carol LeBeau,
mends. and relatives. We would
also tike to express our appreciation
to the ladies of the Egmoodville
Church for the lovely lunch, and to
everyone who brought food to, the
house. A special thanks to Rev.
Judith Sprw ett for her excellent
support and service and to the peo-
ple who sent all the beautiful flow-
ersand donated in Keith's memory.
- Ruth Thorburn and. Families 47-
45x1 /
The family of the late John (Jack)
Wallington. Burlington, Ontario.
would like to express their sincere
thanks to friends and relatives for
their kind expressions of sympathy
cat the time of the passing of a loving
father, grandfather. father-in-law
and brother-in-law,: for the Maas
offenngs,.memonal donations and
flowers. Thanks also for visits to the
hospital and•his home dunng his dl-
ness.' Thanks" to • Fr: M-
Charbonneau. • pastor • of St. 1.
Cotumban Roman Catholic Church.
• for celebrating .the funeral mass. to
._ the pallbearers, to the readers Ind
to the St.-Columban CWL ladies for
the delicious lunch. served following.
the funeral. Thank you to the land
Smith Funeral Home. Burlington
and the Whitney-Ribey Funeral
Home. Seaforth for their profession-
al services.. To all, our deepAst
appreciation. - The Wallington
Family 47.45x1 cc -
Wpm -
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4 / Cords of "hanks
I would like to thank Lila and our
family for the beautiful gifts and the
wonderful meal and party they gave
me on the occasion of. my 80th
birthday- Thanks io the musicians
and dancers. Thanks to tfte,roast-
ers. my two Indian friends. Marie
Flynn, Charlie Storey and Neil
McGavin and a big thank you to my
relations. fnends and neighbours
for the cards and gifts and for com-
ing to help me celebrate. It was all
appreciated • Orville 47-45x1
A special thank you to our family for
all they did to help make our 50th
anniversary supper a special
evening for us: Also many thanks to
all our friends and neighbours for
your cards and visits. Everything
was -greatly appreciated. - Bill and -
Mane. 47.45x1 •
I would like to thank my family,
friends and neighbours for the
many acts of kindness during my
recent illness.• Special thanks to Dr.
Shepherd and the nursing staff.
- Isabelle Rau. 47-45x1
1 want to say thank you' to Dr Yee.
the -nurses and staff of the hospital
for the care I received when I was
sick. Special thanks for the car ride
early in the morning: I appreciated
everything very 'much. • Ross
Gordon 47.45x1
The family, of the late Peter Dale
would like to thank family, friends.
good neighbours, my good friends
at Dura Automotive for the beautiful
floral tributes' donations to the
/ Regional. Cancer Centre, for the
lovely trays of food. dainties and
• special baskets brought around tb
the house for me and Peter's chit-
dren and for all the Lovely cards (hat
have 'been: sent, Thanks to Greg
Young and the staff of the W G.
Young Funeral Home for their com-
passion. also to Rev. Cheryl -Ann
Stat elbauer-Sampa for her kind
words at the funeral honie and • at
my home. Thanks to our helzhews
for being ` pallbearers. Dan Butt.
Kevin Butt. Brian .Geddes, Francis
Feeney. Darryl Dale and Dean
Wheeler. Thanks to Dr D. Leaney
for being suchl a canng doctor also
to Grace ?lett for being such a kind
• and compassionate nurse.- Also
thanks to -nurses in the, Palliative
. Care Unit in; the Stratford General
' .Hospital. To my • -sister Karen.
Peter's - brbther Dave and wife
Bernice for being with me the
eveening of Peter's death. 'I'll nelver
forget -this. I could not have made: it
without them. To'rny daughter Lisa
for coming into our lives. there- is a
reason -for everything.:To everyone
who visited. phorltpd us and to my
friends at' work tor. keeping -me
.. going through; Peters illness: I'll
never. forget. , ro •anyone I have
overlooked,! I apologize. - Peter s
wife- Brenda,. his children.. Mandy.
Mike. Tim and their families 47-45-1
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, November 10, 19119-13
St. Patrick's CWL to
hold potluck banquet
'Thursday. Nov. I I
will be a very special
Mass of
Thanksgiving at* St.
Joseph's Church in
Stratford for Bishop
John Michael•
Sherlock who this
past August
celebrated his 25th
anniversary as
bishop. and in June
2010 will celebrate
his 50th year as
By Dorothy
of the
Next/time ydu're'
feeling a tittle
down, get out and
get active.
Sharing a
Future -
Automotive Repair
"Class A Mechanic"
' Semite eefe e
ll 5_7-0881 l
24 Goderrch St. E. Seaforth
Community Calendar
WED. , NOV. 10
1 00-3:00 p.rn. - Parents' and Tots'
Skating at. the Arena
4 30-6:30 p.m, - Minor Hockey
6:15p.m. - Seaforth Horticulture) ,
Society,' Annual Meeting .
Northside. United Church
6 30-7:30 p.m. Rmgette at the •
Arena . •
7.00.8:00 p m. - Step/Floor-
Aerobics at the Community
Centres . '
7 30.9:00;p.m: Junior and Minor
Broorrrball at the Arena
900.11-30 p.m. • Ladies Broomball
'at the Arena
THURS.-, NOV. 11-
9 00.10 00 a m -Fitness is Fun
with Drusilia at the Community
Centres •
.10:00-11:00 a.m. - Line Dancing
with Drusilla at the Community
4.00•6:00 p.m - Figure Skating at
the Arena
8:00.7.30 p m • Minor Hockey
practice at the Arena • '
7 30.9:00 p.m. - Minor Broomball at
the Arena •
9:00.12 30 p.m. Men's Broornball
at the Arena
FRI.', NOV 12
10:30.111:30 e.m. • Storyhour at the
i p0 -3:0o p.m. - Senior 5 Pin •
Bowling at Starlight Lanes
4:15.5:15 p.m. - Houseleague
Hockey Practice at the Arena
5:15.8:15 p.m. - Minor Hockey
practice et the Arena
Mount Brydges
VS.' Can ten -a -Wes' H5y aftfi8"
• SAT., NOV, X13
6:30 a.m,-7:30 a.m. - Houseleague
Hockey •. Bruins vs. Panthers
730 a -m.-8:30 a.m. - Houseleague
Hockey - Blues vs. Ducks
8:30 a.m.•9:30.a.m. • Houseleague
Hockey • Canadtens vs. Sharks
t 30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. • , -
Houseleague Hockey -Oilers vs.
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. • Mites
Hickey. Practice
11:30-12:30 p.m. - Petite Ringette
at the Arena
12:30.1:30 p.m. •Tween and Bunny
Ringette Practice
1 30.8.15 p.m. - Minor Hockey at
the Arena
8.15.11' 15 p.m. • Port Stanley vs.
SUN., NOV. 14
. 'n 00.1730 p.m, !Recreation
Hockey League at the Arena
t:30-2:30 p.m. - Godench.vs
• Tykes Hockey at the Arena
2:30-4:00 p.m. •Free Public
Skating at the Arena sponsored
by Seaton!! Automotive
4:00.8:15 p.m. Ringette at the
8:15.10:15 p.m. Walkerton v.s
• Midget Hockey at the Arena
MON., NOV 15
5:00-9:00 p.m. - Figure Skating
at the Arena
700.9:00 p,m. - Wood Refinishing
at the Highschool
7:30-10:30 p.m: - Minor Sports
CouncuLBINGO at the Arena
- Host • Minor Brooniball.
9:00-10:30;p.m. - Strathroy vs.
Beaver Oldtimers Hockey at.the
TUES., NOV. 16
9:00.10:00 a.m, - Fitness is Fun
with Dnisilla at the
Community Centres
-19:00-12:00 noon - Parents' and
Tots' Skating at the Arena
1.30• 'Seaforth Women's Institute
• Helen MacKenzie's Home
4:30.5:30 p.m. • Teachers' Hockey.
at the Arena
5:30-6:30 p.m. • Tyke Hockey at
- Arena -
6:30.8:00 p.m. - Walkerton vs Pee
Wee I1 Hockey at the Arena
7:00.9:00''p m. • Wood Working at
• the Highschool .
7:00.8:00 p.m.- Dog Obedience
at the Community Centres .
8:00-10:00 p.m. • Cents Practice
litlffrAY61111�... .._
WED. , NOV. 17
1:06.3:00 p.m. - Parents' and Tots
Skating' at the Arena
1:30.4:00 p.m. • Senior
Shuffleboard at the Arena
4;30.6:30 -p.m. • Minor Hockey at
• the Arena
6:00-9:00 p.m. - Hullett Central
• School Craft Show in
Londestoro. Admission is a
non-perishable food item
6:30-7:30 p.rh. • Ringette at the
7'.00.8:00 p.m, • Step/Floor
Aerobics at the Community -
Centres ••
7:30.9:00 p.rh, • Junior and Minor
Broomball at 1116 Arena •
9:00.11.30 p.m. - Ladies' Broomball
at the Arena
If you're organizing e non -prof* event of interest to other Seetorth
area residents, phone the recreation office 527.0882 or the
Expositor at 527.0240. our meat the ,nforrnwon to Communityy. -
Calender•. The Histn Expositor. Bok 69. Seaforth, Ortano, NOK 1 uv0 ,
well m advance of the scheduled date Free ;sting includes date. time.
name of evert and location only Space for the Cornnnuruny Calender is
donated by The Huron Expoetor -
priest. Following
Mass. including including
various ministries of
Stratford and area,
there will be a
reception at Knights
of Columbus Hall.
Heartfelt sympathy
of Dublin -and area is
extended to Marie
and Pat Ryan on the.
death of Marie's
brother. Jim Strong
of Clinton. whose
funeral was held fast
Nov. 6.
. Happy. Birthday to
Maureen Bruxer, Dublin.
who celebrates on Nov. 12.
Congratulations to two
couples who -were -married
recently. Lisa Dawn
Vandervliet, daughter of
Peter and ,Beverly
Vandervlit. Dublin. and
Michael Kenneth Kerr
1 Brooce) son cif Ken and
Carol Kerr. Murwtliumhan,
Australia. -
Conzratulations to Patricia
Mary Schwarz. -daughter of
Mary Catherine Schwan and
Peter Douglas Canimarutu. on
of Ennio and Jo -Anne
Cantarutti of Windsor.
• Catholic Women's.League'
members from St. Patrick's
Church.•DubIin, areplanning
a potluck banquet at St.
Patrick's Church Hall on •
Nov. 18. All ladies from
neighbouring parishes are
welcome. Entertainment will
he by Rev. Maurice
Charbonneau. •
"Did you have.a good day
at the office. dear' ' asked
the young wife. No' 1 •
replied the husband. "The
computer broke down and
we all had to think'"
bake sale
Queenway'v volunteer
.auxiliary. met Monday •
morning and discussed the •
akesasuccessful• craft and bake -
sale. .
le.. r
November coming events
were previewed and the-
heauxiliary will be meeting
again Nov. 29 to -finalize '
their part itt the resident -
and family Christmas
dinner on Dec. 5.
Bingo. with assistance ..and prizes provided. by the .
Exeter Bethel Reform
Ladies, drew a. good1crowd
Nfonday aftcmoon.
Tuesday Worship Service
was Ied'hv Shirley Luther
with Bch a Fuss as -
volunteer organist. In the -
evening the Christian -
Relorm Singers gave -4 -
wonderful Gospel Mask -
Program.. ; -
Residents have been
benefiting from extra •
attention provided by some
young volunteers recently. •
Clayton Neilands, Kevin
Pole and Michelle Wilder
have been helping at •
programs. playing games.
reading and otherwise
entertaining residents. •
The'Queensway Ladies •
''appreciation luncheon at
rMillingtons of Bruccfield,
•"-W�7ec neSday'yv1lcn thry"w c--
thanked for their dedication
throughout 1999.
.The Nashville Rejects
entertained a good ciowd
Thursday afternoon.
The video. "Seven Brides
for Seven Brothers" drew •
.residents Friday afternoon
as they watched an old
In the evening, Clare
Masse, Andy Rau and Bob
Gilmour had residents •
moving to the music in the
Retirement Home Lounge
for Friendship Friday, •
Coming events: Nov. I I.
6 p.m. senior diners, 7 p.m.
Fashion Show with Geri
Fashions; -Nov. 19.7 p.m.
Friendship Friday with
Carol LeBeau and Bill