HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-10, Page 44 -TRE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVIIIMMIN 10, 19 HuI-c ITI xjjtor �trtrolrrH �� Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 Tera Lynn Hort - Publisher Pot Armes • Office Manager Scott Hilgendorff . Editor some *Gm., Sub cryions• Coss,i;ees _ Susan. Hundertmark Reporter 111 Bowes Publishers Limited E-mail .sot seo orhebowesnet com ASSCRIP'!(,r! RATES (l -A4. 32 9: fen, x4vnnce oh,s 228 9_144. RA• - '7, :rAnr r •ytrOrre dist 21<,..3. 'owe 28 As : oft., r ylvenre d.,s S737.:.rrsinge .ser w P,ti•sred .veer', -y gr. I 'Aro' p,.sr.nq v "'f, moor 'v• ;eo 9.+11 °.d coria -4 •eglselt, " r :/;v! ;cola+ 1.'k , o advsr,it.'q s xceoted ., rrd.nor'+n4. r +e .,veer ti ; y^,ogr:Gt.r.^,I .r -y +.e •x4ver•:s.n9 • exe xrdo'ed cy +e er.xeo,s ten er ,r+ : 'murnr.le :14)wnrre nor :.gnaiure rdl •so$ not "rued rl r +e r.'rrre 4.+e "er•,sen.enr .r WO/4 oaod ;or y +t looticabie +e :41,...5•ta.rq worts :r ler.cn r-,ry :ire •:,mals x ter,tr-tri Adverhs.eq s -nerety �n :iter ro ;Ml x01 �rr/ _,e -4rJ-;' --e ^e ^'"r^,,• _soos.tcr s sc3 -esoons.hie br +e Gsf, �r •y„^ngn ;• - - .r.,V•l:rS yc1rt :r Iker 'Icier cls .sed rr '4trM.i'rr _�,.1• -.•-rr,.�ts :'ter; rr ;4,tW G' G4 s :rid ,^rv'v. '.r.o • Wednesday. November 10 1999 t/iNei.l .. d S.slMss ONle.s • 100 Melo 54v..4.,s.o/arld Tol.pl.ew. (S19) 527.0240 Pax (519) 527.2*5* M.illw� Alrs.ss - P.0. Soar 69, 5../ertle, Ontario, NOK 1 WO `e'er^ti* N +e . -,c, :r ,r .^,,:r r•'�,r r'1.,'-, 'e-Z-cGer: .15iC/.f, r,r Publkohon Moil Registration No. 07605 Editorial Schools are places for learning, not marketing A scary thought came up at the last of a series of school accommodation meetings_ Themeetings were held to explain 'to the public the process taking, place that is_expected to lead to some school closures within the Avon-Vaitland District School 3oard Questions were asked of school board officials at a meeting .last week •if there 1,rveren t other ways to generate funciing • :t was learned that another school board is looking into an idea in Peel Region where a' corporation -has provided televisions, computers .and satellite technology but with the agreement that children watch about eight. minutes of television each day, including commercial content Education director ,orne 2achlis warned it's dangerous to link schools with corporations that could potentially lead to a situation where. if profits go down, schools could have to dose But it s also dangerous to be commercializing school and linking •not only the school to corporate Canada but the students - A student shoui-dn-t--be - exposed - to- commercial advertising and promotion in order to have the benefits of a computer in his or her classroom Schools are a..piace for tearning,.riot for marketing ' How to access us. Letters to the Editor and other submissions can be made to us by noon on Mondays at: seaforth @ bowesnet.com All letters and submissions must be signed and accompanied by a day -time telephone number. All submissions are subject to editing • for both length and content. • Don't forget to check out our homepage at: www.bowesnet.com/expositorl HATS OFF to john `4.c Fadzean, Randv Brooker; Jack }lcLlwain, Ron Janmaat and Steve Baan who assisted Seatorth.Ccr 'rative Children's Centre in _upgrading the • surfacing of the playground to CSA Standards Opinion Letter Youth urging everyone to sign petition against 'pornography Tn the Editor Several years -ago. many -Canadians were disgusted with the . pornographic nature of the evidence Lound in the possession ht John Robin Sharpe. • In -January of this y'ear disgust turned to.chock. The Public was 'appalled by a single British' Columbia judge ruling that Mr.- Sharpe' was to .he acquitted and the „hild pornograph• law was too hroad, and .ti ioiaied the Charter of Right: and Freedoms \n appeal seconded the - ortglnai decision on lune ?t)th, thus proclaiming that 'possession of child pornography is not a crime , .Now similar cases in B.C. ,tre put in limbo. This_ alone is veru disturbing hut what is more alarming is the dangerthis decision puts young children :n. That is why booth Making a Difference ;as formed. • Originally •, sembled hv. nine teens to Winnipeg. 'he focus was ) •gather signatures and present. them to Parliament. This is where national intluence is needed. We've heen working hard. encouraging all dime 12 and over to sign 4heing a Canadian citizen is the only requirement for..signing 'the' petition 1 and participate. hut . only 12.000 :ienatures have been collected so far. • We want to challenge - every -community in Canada to nave at least one-half of their population sign the. petition. • .This can he done... --X ;Mall town in Saskatchewan. with approximately • 2000. residents •,:o11ected- neart�i 1. 00 -signatures.' With your help..we .um ro .:ollect sine million. .k outh marching -intro a 'new - msillennium we '.v int to secure rhe safety sot those who cannot do this for themselves: children. One week ago we chose - to announce our -national vtiallenge from \'altiur Rroati. This • .:hnt.:e ttad :pedal significance. Three young men.Whto, recei•.'e11 the \'ictorIa .Cross siur!ti_• World War I! !i- ••ii .)n this street W.e Canadian. 'o reniemher the -4ourage and the 'ir.ivery thii`e who teten4ti•tt the freedom .4.'f our ,..lnl)ir. ,x standing firm or -.no protection of 'hose ' freedoms today . • . We want .OI11t1111lltltr- 11 set !oaether -furin i •hr .month of Noy:tinnel- Intl blitz _r:uherintt i' tan's 'lgnalures . as ilii". 1.;1 .against child pornort- Inn' By rallying hogetller tur'.ne this lass Nrlvejnl'ier 11 •alt' 20th Century.: .4. • •gist embrace the ireetioins a tat us h4. tut lnc:•uur: 11 sial ';tat •:ie awareness, -11 'tis. '.ntr.,,r.int issue ate spread .4.c; '. tie nation ao that we ma\ lam :import. Now :s The ante or 111 Can.id1.ri1\ :n .I.tn1 in :and D11•i at ';10 'ti0r i. government ;0,.4. rest,iritioet -If' lilr- "Ir.t1 po nwer.lnh' aw • - f nestle• . 'hat ne )C'4. • .c.7 )0\50.. I. . 4)1 1111 ^rat un,t. u -, ..ries, . InderesiIinaie-ri: 0'u`• )Ile. chance I .)r0' •• 'h.ii t.•. rrnn:.:. -4 li:'4' 'nl.. 3.11. ►ccinnni:.n 4.n:n 4. • a• .: ••,et .011 •41 itl 4.•• 400.4 ••'c•n' 0110 -11 .01 0.911 '.11111111 ;HSI .1: •s lin 4141 4. Ili; lr .0110.0,te •41 111 t -4,r --4111 ;i 11111 .•11 .1 .• •..•. r.IL':Ir .Ind 'hr'. .r.• au '(uric(• marc.. 1, .1,tt• ,, 4oroleo; '1011 l, �• Yi»1.74 ;is "I 211: .1 •14•.4I! • .1111" r.l..•I) , 711 .c:1', • Is .4 )Ater 4...r 'It . 17.41,11:. - • -4)174V` (71111 :it•'. 14,11,111:17:17113 :11(1 - . • Mut :ofli -11 111(1(7(11 .1111 0:4'. •• 1 'tetter .;,1rtd :Of 'ht;,c• 010 ..IC.•.•i•tl 1.'. . 4'.•. ' .,11 ',, .t11110 a:R10414411' Ind .tlnorlIl I. •:n In: ( 1Ul::an11' 1(Itl •dltnt' that • v4.. _:.u1 'take' the titterenc.• \'•' •`.Il'.1,1raL't' 72'ttnl, 11 :,lrtutunnhr, hrtnletutut :he ,nnn o .,,nisi.•:_ slur . som) it :t --;uh-- :, 7r 314%ul 1. 1t :mad Q-.•littne.,:orn 'cls ••o•1- • wire 14,lrmati!ln 11141 a .114' n .tie ,itlittrn. Ar'. !haus :4.l n tait':uit.':1)r ..ulr Illt•r••'.i 11141 .'leln t.,th I11'• Innnr.ant '.s440. Katie Dals'1s. 1 innip 14 Huron County needs volunteers to tutor readIng, writing an, •math • ',,-.. .1 : • • '.1 •lint•" l n:ensi' eenuin ii r:u uti: .., •l l: ''1 .:1 : 1. 11.1:1,1.1. • Ind ,r'.Ittt'nt ).,, : • :111:4)11.4. -1-141117 •4.')r:;::14011' - 1141.1 'he •unr,:r' .::,mlt)rtanie .hitt 'tic a4k 11 'tants. -However ,here -are lever <s mans '.,ilunieer', a. tie:: , are Jennie :1l iced. 7) -talc , tiler:' 10.7 -n')r:• 'I1.r:l 1.11 .idults and :nlidren n 4ui411 l;llterac; a ,:,idea handicap. Nduit non-readers took just Tike ou And, one vet one in fi'-e can'r read at all. and'in Huron and Perth .Ounties 119 per .eac. iia insufficient re:itlii g/abilities. to deal with their '.ev er• da requirements. . The Literic , fume a.� Project of Huron Count - committed to-Increasin'j .410 reading.; writing ahs: n.ttn ;kills Of ,idpits.and _niidre i :n our communities.. Funded - luind ..y the \k':n Maitland District 3choo( B.:ar .:. Ind Human De•, •ilOpment Canada. 'ne Liter:lc'_.' Numeracy Protect recrlus ind trains ':ol}Inteers l4.) •A'l)rk as one -to -one -tutors: Student: tutor niatcn-.1 , .Jail ? 10•7rapnl. ,')cation. and 11• :n :•)n;'dent:.:.• :;l,rructlon :n readies writing and numerac'- Ht)ury 'anti :0ca4;Un ..)i ,tutiv-are rlextbie. ind nertiir students - „ 1. 'Il:lt :.1:4 '): :•-':1 1 •.,...111.00,. 111': 11 • ti 't':,• r 11,41 Ilan' more '11 .•Ile 4..011111 1S4,- • .4.•'4, .011 •i) 44,'. 111 4)441' 74. ,. .C.• .)4..i-_ 4...11#. .inti. \ :41..1 ...• mitt. L. 7144. r: n4.. n ':me711(4 . ice.. 4.,• 4. 1110 u':' :., 11 u! lai;lo lr •. 14,•.74•11:.7 I\. 17. r :V.41'11.11:011 ),t•.," 0 •stn .'1.':•:11••. ,r ..::1.'• 1 7401 ti sots, - Parents can make lunches ,their children would never trade with special, healthy. treats The greatest .nallen_e tactno man} i. families eat:Ih morning is what -c 2u4. in the school!unch. • - Parents are torn between x•ahtang to • provide• good nutrtnon hut also a :unch that: wont get traded ')r• pitched. Leslie DePode,:.l. Dietitian rerntnti' ^g: -eat, '. and tliciu4l� leJst three 't •lie• :•7ur :')4)4.1 groups in vont child's iuncn. 'Milk and .milk product,. •r',!r, and vegetables -and whole •t• ire the ._ roods most .'ten ia.d:41. ,thou, lunches... she ,alt(. Here .ire some or her .:(:'.''•r ,unciles . gods would never '*lade.. . ' Kids love 'mina" things. such as :111111 pitas and mini bagels or m.tke youruwn int muftins-and hunt meatballs. `:Make extra mini tilutttrls and pup '!horn :n 'he treezer. ` include tun.. he.ilthv Itilik products such as. 'tliourt in311easy IU open tube. no spoon required and can he frozen -to last 'onger.in the lunch box ` Choose -trent .flat ten • ')ri4 C and 110 .juick and'eas•• Tat. -!oke :nneanple tubes. ,:iumed ne:icne• 'r nears _tit 'nta .hunks or:ln:_'e•• :'ll 'u.1 veil••"s .7r peel -ed 114.1 : 1 1 _:t 1-1s • iraties. chum.. ;1 -1144711•' 'r )44):1'. a ultt :)al.s n prOIecti'•'0 1115410 .Ulltaltlers. • 1?n .a Iu la' ,..ream soups made %nh milk )i:4."•,t-. t t turn -intake -and .var'•n ".umrnle•. ▪ Wall) 147 Cr'•7 '. `14141tlet'; •rrom last 'lights runner 1(1 1 'tterrnt,' anti ,end -to school xlth'.i whale. ;heat nun. Kids 40.411 make their own ` Instead. or the ,n111e )1.J antis; i1. n. 'r•. some bread sucks. nce•.es..4lathie. tortilla .hips or whoakle wheat cracker's. :14.1 acker'. • Dont torget :he '.e•_'gle'r - 13u'. ),4.1)\ carrots and send with a •444.0-i ,71.1sl)r .untainerof veggie dip. Small mei_,• "i .auhtlower and broccoli 11143it' heat dippers too. , - \pplesauce comes n new blends 'hat 1111 '1414' 01(1.4 ...4.•.4 0,' '110* x!1.11140' :1.' •,mat ,4 ••)0(l 1'•,1 04.4114)10 -0)1(1 4 tie -14 .!rated ..lilt.`, 'll 1..')l.:-111 .•'14lalller 4. lib ' 4.'1411, -.4. tical "i1S.7r. 11•tcatl :1 1 _110t•00 ,ai1114.i11.11. .'1 ,!44 e44.4%.4.!! 011110! 1:011 Inn .04(10. -. it h` 411.1 :1:7 %'741 1 "44,' '.1 I:4.:S' :11?frau )1:.: `14141-.t444]t4.4_44.. `. 4.-'10 .411011 -7111(10•'1. I 1114)u1 4:1(1 'l l cul .'n,r^•,n 1.1,1 11:''.t 40 4101•. `u 110'. ten' '44• (0.14- IlliIte!1 l)pe!Ile' -...Mt list me '''.1). \illi there'i41 7cat7- 'it 11' 34 • '4.a _ •i1.L,0-1'!Il,l • • •..1.4'. 1k :nut:'ii.lte `).4.t'• 4:141 _ 1.1)., ')U) 00) •. ..:14.:. Ut}(4 '7)0)14 - .1.4 •;4;` She .u.l: :.tl' N, told '414010.4 411(1 :104'111001 4, 31e 1110,71 -4114 olds )n1. t 14 , .unite ne' 1.,u ' 1m 444 'inert •,1141140" Inn aailr'rlt•us ::to P' Lulu n 1,111(1' Provided hu the Canadian Community New•Inlper \wSriciuliun Hospital partnership sponsor of Quilt Project, raising funds for breast cancer research ----An-.area a .Mbit ut..L1:4 twang, rn4Je quilts. is a celebration of lite and a fundraiser for breast cancerresearch and support. it's' also a unique opportunity for. the new Huron Perth`, Hospital. Partnership to partioiaate in a :ollab;irative health prontuuon. The Quilt Protect is an e.xhiblt and auction of donated quilt.. In its 141.1 year, the local project is exceeding fundraising expectations: "We have inure than S50.000in advance bids on. the quilts already said Carol Miller. project founder and a dancer survivor. The quilts are un public display until the end of the month at the .Stratford -Perth Museum in Stratford. ' Huron Perth ,Hospitals Partnership became the major sponsor of The Quilt Project., -The sponsorship by. bluron Perth Hospitals Partnership made. the d iifference in out being able tu-go-ahead-- - With this project," Miller said. • All quilts are donated by individuals and organizations from across Canada. .-Oris u4. the 4111 1!S was. produced by .1 a11U '.isms' 141 1 flet.•:• .4 1)40.4l't11 te.111101 surgeons trOill-`tr:itttiiJ (4neral'»71111hleTii •4 , '10.trttr•". nr ,.'•lulitlnt'- dt•o Hospital. another » a 7r•'up or -actors. has .4 141.9 11.0'1'. .•(le'_l,,tl' It 111, 0414 but most arse the products 0 Indl,Iduai rot Ontai,11. •tie toe -Ilo.1 ,nt4e)Ned t) he women and quilting guilds. I-roitt 40110 louIidnut•m '1,1 iicu senel'tu'• 1t,n,uu,n quilts to king-. i>.e. the• exhibit • ;n-'It11.4 :0.14 uoeUwcl 4.t•. _•,Ulla '0Ke 111 showcase.., myriad ,it`. quilting :his euiier.111$!'tits• .. , techniques -' unconventional- J111 'ti'hen 1 'll44 lit,igne 41111 0014101 !hilt 1:idUt0n4t1. Many are testimonials 14) he 1-11.1 "I Ner)h Hospiiil,•. i'•11)11el.nlp people-w.lth cancer. all hate a storm. ' Ica+ 't,o!t, ..1, 1 •1' fie., 1 twit I 4.,1` is It The Foundations tut, the eight 4heli sln,nsul.ilIl) .t a. 1104111 'u it a' partnership huspit cls in Huron and.Perth '`tiller. _ County each- donated S1.250 tor the the, Quilt 'action is Nth. ) :).41:1 .. partnership sponsor 'of The Quilt at 5trauurd . \''".n f hcair':. ' :_kers Project. • ' - - ,include dessert "live. Anisit.. anti 1 _,ash "-The 'Partnership is honoured to he bar. :\ g,ila allow' ..o 'he '... liuro:h . • • able to participate in this very worthwhile fundraising event for breast .cancer support acid research:" Bonnie Adamson, president and CEO Of the Huron Perth Hospitals Partnership. ' Our -new Partnership -logo. is_a-guilt,_. • Restaurant to Strauord %ill :ueoedc the aucuvn. Fur .I ._n'l. 21Iests .4. 411 receive _dill Cx4Ulslte '(114.-'_'nhI'L Jlriner, .1 aritable r01.41p4 ul .i portion ul the ket priLe Ind :t -cr t yl ,eating. at the �tlun., _: • • so the collaboration is a good fit. The For tit•kel :idolnl,inull. ..1)0(4.4 the quilt is such a .strong symbol of rural C'an,iJlan C'.1ne01 54)1.!01\ 'n Stlauutd. partnership of cooperation. comfort -