HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-03, Page 926. Help Wanted 17 apartments for Rent GREAT THIRD FLOOR studio apartment (one bedroom) for rent. Heritage building. Rent includes heat (hydro extra), fridge and stove. Laundry in basement. Call 519-527-2369. 17-35-0 CLINTON: One bedroom upstairs apartment. $300.00 monthly plus utilities. Available now. Phone 1- 905-852-3754 or 519.235-2559. 17-28xtfcc IN CLINTON newer 2 bedroom, quiet 4 plex, controlled entry. .4 appliances, laundry facilities avail- able, ideal for seniors 5450.00, also second apartment available $475.00. Call 519-685-2264. 17- 28xtfcc HEATED two bedroom apartment. newly decorated. close to uptown. Phone 519-527-0235. 17-09.0 NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell. Controlled entrance. laundry facili- ties. Suitable for seniors. $576.18. Call 519-348.9102. 17.02xtfcc 18 Houses for Rent TWO BEDROOM home, gas fur- nace. main floor laundry. riverview and sundeck. fridge and stove included S525 plus utilities. Available Jan. 1/2000. 21 Front St. Egmondville. Phone Kirkton 519- 229-8957. 18.44-0 THREE PLUS one bedroom farm house, south of Bayfield Highway location. Includes small shed. 5550/month plus utilities. Phone 519.565-5025. 18-43x3cc FOR RENT: One bedroom duplex, $240 plus utilities. 3-4 bedroom house, $600 plus utilities. Phone - 519.527 -0560. 18.43-3 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED OLD PICTURE frames. Especially with old sports team photographs. baseball, hockey and lacrosse. Phone 519-273-2846. 25-43x4cc , WANTED: OLDER watches, such Skyrocket. Victory. Perpetual. etc. Will Call Bruce Walsh. Stratford. N5A 1A4. 25-28xtfcc ROLEX Wrist as Oyster. Prince, Oyster pay. top dollar. 9 Market St. 519-272-0411: ANTIQUE FURNITURE, glass- ware. china, sewing machines lamps. jewellery. post cards. maga- zines. Paying 10c each for Crown fruit jars. Brian Butler. 271 Burns St., Strathroy N7G 1G2. Phone 519-245-3142. 25-23xtfcc School Bus Drivers 'required for Mitchell & Clinton area HULLETT BUS LINES LTD. Phone 482-3747 10 Pets HURONIA HUMANE SOCIETY is looking for a loving home for a spayed 9 mo. old tortoise shell tabby (ornate . cat. Her previous owner starved her. then abandoned her. She ran door to door crying for, food. After all this she is still a very affectionate cat. She needs a home that will give her lots of TLC and good nutrition. She only weighs under 5 lbs. Please call 519-524- 7235. 10-44xlcc FREE housetrained kittens to give away to good homes. Phone 519- 527-1862. 10-43x2 JACK RUSSELL terriers for sale_ Readyto go October 26. Phone 519-522-0635. 10.42x3c MA AND PAWS GROOMING . cer- tified. gentle groomer; reasonable rates: cats welcome. Baths, nails. comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570 10-08xttcc 17. Apartments for Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth, with fridge and stove. Available now. Call 519-527-0421. 17-44-2 TWO BEDROOM upper apartment in Seaforth. Available Nov. 15. Close to uptown and schools. No pets. References required. 5425/month plus utilities. Phone 519-522-1394 after 6 p.m. 17-44-2 LARGE APARTMENT FOR RENT, ground floor duplex with 2 large bedrooms up stairs, deck, fndge, stove. washer. dryer and draperies included also heat and hydro, non smoker. no pets preferred. One block from Main St. Seaforth. 5550/month. Inquire at 519-522- 0728. Available Nov. 1/99. 17-44x1 APARTMENT FOR RENT: Close to uptown, $300/month plus utilities. Call 519-527-0622 after 5 p.m. or weekends, leave message. 17-43-2 CLINTON: Two bedroom apart- ment. laundry facilities, parking. References required. Phone 519- 482-1291 17-43xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment in Seaforth Available Nov. 1. For more information please call after 8 p.m. 519-345-2459. 17-37-0 TWO BEDROOM upper apt.. in downtown Brussels. newly deco- rated. parking 5375. References. Phone 519-887-9007. 17-37xtfcc EASTVIEW APARTMENTS. Mitchell. Large luxury 2 bedroom apartment, controlled entry. ensuite laundry. three appliances. small storage area. Designed for mature adults Phone 519-235.2961or 519-348-0118. 17.31 xtfcc (f 262-1138 RING US .1 & 2 bdrm. apts. •Freshly decorated •Quiet, clean, Ig. suites •Ask about our move -in bonus •Starting at S395. util. incl. ELIZABETH COURT Hensel) L Roxanne 262-1138) 12. Real Estate for Sale 26 Help Wanted RESORT ONE •FUN *REWARDING* INTERNATIONAL RESORT COMPANY Looking for mature. outgoing indi- viduals to represent us at our Bayfield office. Applicants must be willing to work weekends (days). Our hours are from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Thursday thru Sunday. Current employees average $600-51200 per week. We reward our top pro- ducers with cash bonuses or all inclusive exotic vacations for 2. Our next contest destination is St. Lucia, air and accommodation, 3 meals daily and drinks are all paid for by Resort One. If you have the dnve and self esteem to be a win- ner and are looking for a very rewarding career and not just a job then call us today at 519-565-2950 or toll free 877 -HALL LTD. ask for extension 119. 26-44X1CC ALZHEIMER SOCIETY of Huron County now hiring as a result of the Alzheimer Strategy, Public Education Co-ordinator. To man- age the educational programs of the Society including public educa- tion and skills development training to target groups. Qualifications include university degree/college diploma and /or Dementia Studies certificate, 3 years experience working with people with dementia, computer literate, co-operative team member. experience design- ing education programs, drivers license and vehicle essential. Flexible 24 hours per week. Send resumes by November 16, 1999 to P .L. Down. President, Alzheimer Society of Huron, P.O. Box 639, Clinton, On. NOM ILO. 26-44x2cc WANTED: A caring, compassion- ate individual for 2 hrs. each week- day morning to visit and assist nursing home residents with per- sonal grooming. Duties to include make-up application, manicure, putting on jewellery, etc. Experience with elderly an asset. For more information contact Lynne Lawson, Administrator or Cheryl Phillips, Program .Director at Seaforth Manor, 519-527-0030. 26- 43-2 FULL •AND PART TIME chicken catchers. Call Nick Whyte 519-527- 0349. 26-41.4 SUPERVISOR. DRIVER & chicken catcher positions to be filled. Phone - 1 -519-799-5598 or toll free 1-BQO- 694-4045. 26-44xtfcc . MINK GRADING & pelting help wanted to start Nov. 15. Full time until end of December. No experi- ence necessary. Please call 519- 229-6095. 26-44x3cc 28. Business Opportunity AVON - Need extra money? Give Avon a try. Earn up (0 50%, flexible hours, start your business today and receive a bottle of the new Perceive fra- grance with first order. Call Sharon Stephenson, (519) 887-6305. 28- 44x1cc 26. Help Wanted `CONTRACT' OFFICE SUPPORT POSITION A local, progressive specialty cheese'producer is looking for a "part time" professional person; to be trained for 'back up' office procedures...which would include computerized account- ing and record processing, along with some telemarketing pro- cedures. 11 you are an energetic, personable type of person, interested in some very exciting part time work...(10-12 hours per week), please call: Jane Bennett, Office Manager (519) 527-1178 or fax your resume...(519) 527-1871 29. Tenders Sealed tenders shall be received by the Township of Tuckersmith Road Superintendent at shed or Municipal Office, Seaforth - until 12:00 noon - November 16th, 1999 for a New 1999 or 2000 3/4 Ton 4x4 Truck Individually priced with or without 1993 Dodge 3/4 ton 4x4 trade in. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information and particulars, please contact- Don ontactDoug Poulton, Road Superintendent Egmondville, Ontario. NOK 1G0 1-519-522-1838 31 Service Directory DAVE'S CAR OILING starting Sept. 7, opened Mon-Thurs. 1 p.m. • 9 p.m., Fri; 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. weather permitting. Drummond St. E., Blyth 519-523- 4343. 31.35x 11 cc REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques. handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-0 • PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81/2 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 81 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra): Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe FREE Wedding•Photography Services from Gary Walden Since 1983 Clinton 519-482-7675 For more information see our Website: www.garywalden.com Guest Home for SENIOS P4 •Qualit'v (:ire •Affordable Rates •1{once Cooked Meals &I,t '7 d 527-2402 eraser CONTRACTING LTD. •TRUCKING •GRAVEI. 'SAND & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS 2SH0P....482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res- 482-9212 COLDWell. BANKe.R D www.coldweUbanke FARM-MCKILLOP TWP. 100 ACRES EXCELLENT CASH CROP LAND. EXTRA LAND & HOUSE AVAILABLE ONLY THE BEST vff FLORIDA ROOM HUGE ENSUtTE. FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE & MORE NEW PRICE -S129.500 .coin All Points - Festival City Realty 527-2103 34 Main St. LINDA DZIOBA- Every Day Until It's Sold!!! (Toll Free) 1-877-599-0090 FARM-MCKILLOP TWP. 9 1 99 10 ACRES. 5 BDRM RED BRICK HOME. SHED IMPRESSIVE FARM 3.14 ACRES STONE HOUSE BAf1N, PAVED ROAD SCENIC MARKET ST. -S114,900 VIP MAIN FLOOR LIVING CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN. NEW WINDOWS. CENTRAL AIR. LARGE COUNTRY KITCHEN 0.68 ACRE BEAUTY NEW PRICE BOTH LEVELS FINISHED 8 IMMACULATE. ALL THE LUXURIES. LOW • . MAINTENANCE. A-1 LOCATION DOUBLE LOT DINING ROOM ENSUITE FAMILY ROOM FIREPLACE FIREPLACE. SKYLIGHT. CORNER WHIRLPOOL GORGEOUS LOT BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED �I GOURMET KITCHEN STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 43 WILSON ST - LOW PRICED LOT BUILDING LOT 82.5 X 132' ONLY $35,000. SEPTIC IS INSTALLED, NO WATER HOOKUP • CHARGE. WHAT A DEAL! MAIN FLOOR LIVING - CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN • NEW BATHROOM. FLOORING & DECORATING COUNTRY BEAUTY 2960 S0 FEET OF LUXURY. 85 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD QUEENS ST. WALTON r ' J Lam. $65.900- .25 ACRE. 3 BEDROOMS. DEN, FIREPLACE COUNTRY LOT 2.4 ACRES EDGE OF EGMONDVILLE BACKS ONTO RIVER MANY MATURE TREES BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME PICTURE PERFECT -S102.000 NEW LISTING - EGMONDVILLE BEAUTIFUL HOME BACKS ONTO RIVER, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 FIREPLACES, WET BAR,. CENTRAIL AIR. AND MORE CALL SOON!! NEW LISTING - 25 ACRES 14L REDUCED - S69,900 12 ACRES BUSH, LOCATED ON PAVED ROAD. RAISED BUNGALOW. 3+2 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS, GREAT COUNTRY PROPERTY. 3 LOTS PLUS BUILDING COUNTRY SIZE KITCHEN/FRIDGE 8 STOVE. NEWER SIDING. . 1 50 ACRES-EGMONDVILLE A-1 PROPERTY, LARGE HOME, 2 OUTBUILDINGS POSSIBLE 6 LOTS TOTAL ONLY S45.900 HARDWOOD FLOORING. 3 + BEDROOMS. FENCED YARD. GRAND FRONT PORCH CENTRAL AIR, N WINDOWS 8 FURNACE PLUS AU. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES INCLUDED WOW!! S39.995 MRS' CHEAP LIVING - LOW UTILITIES • GREAT FOR SINGLE PERSON OR RETIREE ONLY $39,595 LOTS. LOTS. LOTS LAME LOT • an 9d oust nu* • Low prof Mah A 'man Wit Saaaa 3 ACM PARCEL • Now Pres PA St 91M 1 LAT OR MANZ A DEAL an bolt 2 lots. aaNcw 64 c 532 groat ircabon Irbil St 437.Er D• LOT • law Roo MAK CENTRE St•2Mt?to 107•fea1 OREAi' LricaliGN • fds"go. $l z tQ. FOR REAL ESTATE ANYWHERE IN HURON or PERTH COUNTIES WE HAVE ALL POINTS COVERED! STRATFORD • GODERICH • WINGHAM • SEAFORTH * EXETER • ZURICH • MITCHELL • BAYFIELD • CLINTON 31 Service Directory THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Novmbor 3, 1999-9 VIEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hw . 83. 3 1/2 tulles east of Eiteter 2:15-11 11 23 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kull Days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed eaac tly the way you like it. 34 Personal WINTER IS COMING. Meet some- one nice to curl up on the couch with. Call Misty River Introductions, Ontario's traditional matchmaker. Phone 519-658-4204. 34-44xlcc ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 519-527-1650. 34-44-1 WANTED: 18 PEOPLE to lose up to 20 lbs. by Christmas. Call Marg 519-522-0266. 34-41x6c 35 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In The Estate of MARGARET MARY LOOBY All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Mary Looby of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, who died on or about the 26th day of August. 1999, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1999, atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 12th day o1 October. 1999. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executor 36. Announcements MURRAYS' CHRISTMAS HOUSE is open every day 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come share the magic of our shimmering home. Enjoy the ulti- mate shopping experience. 7304 Richmond. Arkona, 1-800-575- 1974.' 36-09x39cc 37. Mortgages 1st & 2ed Mortgage Money Absolutey No Upfront Fees Ava(dabie as low as 6.50% Interest Personal Loans 11 you Quatdy. payments AifiLARREM. Mo. Payment ' 5,000 ' 41.66 '10,000 ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts 'We specalue n problem mortgages Call (519) 364-0450 1410367-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 40. Lost & Found FREE: 8" aluminum siding stili on house. You take it off. it's yours for free. Call -519-527-1681 days. 519- 522.0351 evenings. 41-43.0 . FOUND: On Friday, Oct. 29 by Seaforth -Do-It Centre, a pair of eyeglasses in case. Phone 519- 522-0493. 40-44x 1 nxe 38. Auction Sale ll'RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat., Nov. 13 at 9 am - 3 wheel electric scooter. Sherlock Manning modern low style piano. antiques furniture. appliances. _glassware._From Blyth and Clinton homes. We are accepting good additions for this auction. Call now. www.auctionh otln e. com • 1 • AUCTIONS SAT. NOV. 6 AT 10:00 A.M. - Estate auction of 1939 Chev 4 dr. car: tractor and welding shop equipment held in the Village of Egmondville. Prop. Estate of the Late Henry Zller. THURS. NOV. 11 AT 4:00 P.M. - • Estate auction of cars; appliances; and household effects at the Jacob Auction Center 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Prop: Ralph Tyler and the Estate of the Late Margaret Tyler of St. Marys with additions. JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9599 42 Deaths MURRAY: Gordon on Wednesday. October 27, 1999. at Seaforth Community Hospital. Gordon Murray. of Seaforth, in his 91st year. Beloved husband of Laura (Leiper) Murray. Dear father of Susan Grant of Brussels. Also survived by two sisters. Dorothy Nott and her hus- band Earle of R. R. a4, Clinton and Margaret Haase and her husband Glenn of Sault Ste. Marie, several nieces and nephews and three sis- ters-in-law, Anne Murray, of Woodstock. Della Murray of Brussels and Marian Murray of Toronto. Predeceased by his par- ents. Alex and Catherine (McClay) Murray, two sisters, Grace Kirkby and Norma Larmour and five broth- ers, Don, Bill, Charlie, Dave and Ken. There will be no funeral home visitation. A private funeral service was held at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Friday, October 29 at 2 p.m. Rev. Judith Springett officiated. Pallbearers were Lou Maloney. Jack Muir, Charlie Perkins, Ron Bennett. Murray Dennis and Steve Dennis. Interment Harpurhey Cemetery. Memorial donations to Seaforth Community Hospital would be appreciated as expressions of sym- pathy. 42-44-1 THORBURN, R. Keith: At Seaforth Manor Nursing Home. on Friday. October 29, 1999. Keith Thorburn, in his 76th year. Beloved husband • of the former Ruth Pethick (Pepper) Thorburn, of Egmondville, and the late Erica (Mattison) Thorburn. Dear father of Janice of London and Barry of Barrie. Loving grandfather of Bradley and Keri Thorburn. Also survived by two sisters, Helen and Margaret, stepchildren, Mervyn and Joy Pepper, Marlene and Bill Harbum and Murray and Sandra Pepper, and their children Chris and . Patricia Harburn. Sherry Harburn. Brent, Kara -Lee and Lesley Pepper. Besides his first wife. he was prede- ceased by a daughter, Karen (1987). and a sister, Dorothy:,There will be no funeral home visitation. Cremation has taken place. A public memorial service was held at the Egmondville United Church on Tuesday, November 2. 1999 at 2 p.m. Rev. Judith Springett officiat- ed. Interment Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Memorial donations to Alzheimer Society or Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciat- ed as expressions of sympathy. The Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. Seaforth, has been entrusted with funeral arrangements. 42-44-1 47. Cards of Thanks THANKS FROM THE FOODBANK The Foodbank Committee and vol- unteer coordinators would like to say "Thank You" to everyone who supported the foodbank at the Seaforth Fair. This community's generosity and many volunteers enables our doors to remain open Tues. and Thurs. to provide a very necessary service to people in need of assistance. A special thank you to the Ag. Society for their continu- ing support to the foodbank during the fair and the home and garden show. Also many thanks to our local businesses who offer support throughout the year. - Donna Bennett, chair 47-44x1 KERSLAKE I would like to thank everyone for coming to my community bridal shower at the Hibbert Church. Oct 14, 1999. All the wonderful gifts are greatly appreciated. - Anne Kerslake 47-44x1 KELLY • Thank you to all our neighbours. rel- atives and friends for all the help and support during my illness. Special thanks to all the doctors and nurses at St. Joseph's. University as well as Seaforth hos- pital and clinic for_ all their care. given to me. Thank you to the priests and sisters for their visits and prayers. I appreciated all the cards and letters. masses. food. flowers and gifts. A'big thank you' to all who helped with the milking and chores and all our field work. It's a wonderful community to live in! - Don and Irene Kelly and Family 47-44x1 MURRAY We would like to express our thanks to Dr. H Percival and nurses at Seaforth Hospital for the care given Gordon while he was there. Thanks also to the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home. pallbearers, Rev.. Springett and Mr. Williams and to the ladies of Northside for the lunch. Many thanks also to all our neighbours for beautiful flowers and many dona- tions in memory of Gordon and for the food brought into our home. - Susan Grant and Laura Murray 47-44x1 38 Auction Sale ***************************** WELDING SHOP * * Estate Auction of Car; Tractor; Shop Equipment and Steel held on * * the Main St. of Egmondville * SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, AT 10 A.M. * INCLUDING: Hydraulic press; H.W. Perry Ltd. commercial floor * * model drill press; old keyway cutter machine; two hand shears: * * pedestal grinder: Squeeze Box electric welder; Wemer 4 ton floor * * jack: sandblaster; 10 bags sand blasting sand; Lincoln portable * * welder with Chrysler engine; 8 inch vise; B&D angle grinder; .* * hydraulic jacks; hand and power tools; Rigid tnpod vise; Rigid dies; * * welding rod; tops and dies; large safe; 6 volt battery charger; targe * *1 assortment of hardware; quantity of plate and sheet steel; tubing; * angle iron; flat stock; cold rolled steel; rod; channel etc; some scrap * * iron; Casa VAC with loader. * * CAR: Chev Master Deluxe 4 Dr. (running, good shape): Sold * * subject to reserve. * * iblid Estate & auctioneers not response for accents * * PROP: Estate of the Late Henry Ziler * * AUCTIONEERS: * * Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr * * 519-271-7894 519-887-9599 * *****************************