HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-03, Page 8t;-TNE NIMON EXPOSITOR. November 3. 1tMS Huron sitor ' ti(At125LAIUK1HAKLt Coming Events SEAFORTH HORTICULTURAL. Society Annual Meeting, Wed. Nov. 10/99 at 6:15 p.m: Northside United Church. Seatofth. Potluck dinner. CE -44-1 EUCHRE AT WALTON Hall. 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Nov. 11 and Nov. 25. Admission is $5 per person. Bring_ your own partner. Lunch. CE -44x2 EUCHRE AT MAMA 'ROOTS Restaurant, Blyth Thursday. Nov. 4. 8 p.m Admission $5. Bring a part- ner. Lunch provided. Cash prizes. CE-44xlcc • ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Craft Show • and Sale; Dashwood Community Centre. Tues., Nov. 9/99, 1 • 9 p.m.; Wed., Nov. 10. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Free refreshments! Draws! Door Prizes! Admission $1.00. children under 6 free; food booth. Info. Carol Zimmer 519-237-3665. CE-44x2cc MONSTER EUCHRE tournament. St. Joseph's R.C. Church Hall. Clinton. Wednesday. Nov. 3rd. 8 P.m. Over S100.00 in prizes Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. CE-44xlcc 99 INVENTORY Clearance of Hot Tubs featuring Marquis Spas. All first quality with 1,11 warranty. November 4-9, Suncoast Mall, Godench. Blue Horizon Pools and Spas. 519.524-9804. CE-44xlcc. RAPTORS I3.BALL Fantastic Air. Canada Centre, Sun. -Dec 5. -vs San Antonio Spurs. Super all-inclu- sive bus trip $75 or S90 ticket pack- ages. Call Joe Rys 519-881-1953. CE-44xtcc CLINTON'S YULETIDE Home Tour, . Nov 26th. 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Nov. 27th, 12-4 p.m.; Nov: 28th -1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Homes seasonally decorated. several surpnses. stops and refreshments. Tickets S10.00. . each. My Fair Lady 519-482-7872; ,Beattie Furniturie • 519-482-7454; . Groves •TV' 519-482-9414. Proceeds: Homecoming Festivities. August 2000. CE-43x5cc ` • COUNTRY CHRISTMAS HOME tour. November 13 and 14, noon to 4 p.m. Visit- unique homes in Port Franks. decorated for Chnstmas. Lambton Heritage Museum. 519- - 243-2600 or 1-800.265-0316. CE- r / 43x3cc ELEGANCE IN THE COUNTRY 4th Annual Gift Show and Sale. Nov. 5. 12-8 p.m.: Nov. 6. 10-5 p.m.; Nov. 7. 10-5 p.m., Sebnngvrlle Community Centre. Sebringville.'CE•43x2cc TREASURE CHEST 99. Saturday, November 13th. 9 a:m. - 10 a.m. coffee shop: 10 a.m. • garden pro- . duce, deli counter. homebaked good. Christmas crafts. flea mar- ket hnd silent auction. Also hand- . • made quilts. 11:a.m. - 1 p.m. hot luncheon. Ontario Street United Church. Clinton. CE-43x3cc • DUFF'S UNITED Church. • Walton presents the Walton . Chtistmas Home Tour, Nov. 13 and 14. 1-5 p.m. Door prizes. Featuring 6. homes and one church. We: would be pleased to welcome you at Duff's - United Church for refreshments fol • - lowing the viewing of the homes. Tickets S10.00. For tickets call Barb at 519-887.6468: CE 42.3• • CHRISTMAS DINNER and dancing . to the Royal Aires on Fri,.Dec. 10 at .. • Seaforth Community 'Centres. • Advance tickets $25. Sponsored by -Seaforth Harmony Kings. Call 519- 527-1775 CE -42-3 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo 'every Monday -at. 7:15 p.m. . • 1st and 3rd Monday of each month . -S750 JacKpot. 2nd• and 4th Monday 51.000. Jackpot. Doors open at 5:30 p:m. Ticket sales - 6.30- p.m. S.D.C.C. Lottery license *M297196 CE-39-tf • C,NIB MEETING The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) is holding a Comnnunity Meeting on Tuesday. November 9 at., 7:30, p.m. at the Clinton Public School located at 27 Percival ---Street-•Clinton- • - P l ea s e join us to learn more about the CNIW and to be a part of our future planning . for .Huron County. For more information, please contact Sherry Malebo at 1-800-265-4127 Coming Events BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus. every Thursday, 7 p.m, Columbus Centre. 390 Parsons Court. $3.855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for. $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1.500 must go. Lic. 1157920. First Saturday of every month. 7 p.m. Columbus Centre. same program as Thursday night. Lic. 0310856. Super Star Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-42-xtfcc 1. Articles For Sale TIRED OF HIGH GAS PRICES? Our product increases fuel mileage 15-30% (15% guaranteed), increas- es power and performance. extends engine and exhaust life. as well as drastically reducing emissions to our environment (up to 80%). Leading platinum injection technolo- gy. Perfect for fleet. commuting, vir- tually_any driving application. For more info please call 1 (519) 236- 7533. 01-44x 1 cC . NEWMAC WOOD AND OIL cornbit nation furnace. still hooked up and working. Excellent working condi- tion. asking $1100 o.b.o. Call 519- 522-0603. 01-44x3c . . COMPUTER FACT,O.RY BLOWOUT. Amazing one year. no payments then $16/week (OAC). 400. Mhz loaded. printer, monitor, interne!. software and more. Free scanner..delivery and setup. 1,800- 515.5545. 01-44x4cc BOSE SPEAKERS. like new, Model 501. direct/reflecting system. $400.00 for set. Call 519-238-6946. 01-43x6nxe 99 INVENTORY Clearance of Hot Tubs -featuring Marquis SpaS. All first quality with full warranty. November 4-9, Suncoast • Mall. Godench: Blue Horizon Pools and Spas. 519-524-9804. 01.44x l cc TREADMILL. 1.5 hp., 8 mph. trans- port model $475 and•• exercycle- Vitamaster Whisper Air $425. Phone 519-527-2274: 01-43x3 BIRD SEED: First Seaforth Scouts Winter Fund .Raiser. • Select. Premium and Black Sunflower seed available 20 lbs. to 40 Ib. bags avail- able. Prices from $8.00 to S18.00. Delivery available. Phone Gord Phillips after .5:00 p.m. to order_. 519-522-0112. 01-43x2c MUST SELL: Sofa bed. excellent condition. best offer. Two single mattresses. like new. S75.00 each' obo. 76 channel remote and receiv- er, S50.00 obo. 519-523-540 01- 44x1cc - - APPLES: Northern Spy. Spartan. Ida Red. Imperial, Macs, Red and Golden Delicious. 51 Louisa St. Seaforth. Call 519-527-0622 after 5 p.m. or weekends. leave message. 01-43-2 November Special RED DELICIOUS and McINTOSH 1/2 PRICE 1.2 Bushels Only HOWATT'S ORCHARD 1021 O'Ioane.Ave., Stratford er- Retired fir WC() Figurines FINAL STOCK ONLY! . ' .' :1i • G,J is Love Dear Valentine * Hae 1 trot Nest. Foe You • Just Poe.rrn In Tu Sas Hal,. * Hipps BinhJavJesu. • Our Friendship 1s SsiJa•lisious • Halleluiah For The Lions • To 4 Smial Mum • Wishing You A Basket Fun Blessings * Shanng Ss.ees Moments Together • You Suit Me Ti A Tee s,. S3 3 S0 58695 hails Squire F wield RJ GiJeri:h ;24 7q2i.3 - ST. JOHN ' A• AMBULANCE - '`l' THERAPY DOG TESTING .:, :°A Saturday, November 20, 1999 Victoria Street United Church, Goderich __FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEiSE CONTACT Bernice Shackleton or Anne -Marie PeJchey 524-6524 (evenings only) 524-7850 Deadline for Registration: November 12, 1999 Town and Country Deadline: Monday, 1:00 PM Call 527-o a4 1 Articles For Sale STAR CHOICE SATELLITE SYSTEMS 5189.00 after rebate. Call Roger at Ontario Country Kabte. 519-233- 3944. 01-43x5cc PROPANE • fireplace in- excellent condition. direct vent. 5500.00: Phone after 4 p.m. (519) 524-7115. 01-42x3nxe TWO FAT HEIFERS, ideal for freez- er beef. can be seen at lot 1 conc. 1. Hullett Twp. Call Ed Bezaire, 519- 522-0468.01.42x3 • WEE WILLY'S BAKING now avail- able at the Egmondville General Store or call 519-522-2192 for your baking needs. 01.42x3c' • • FRESH CIDER-$1.00/litre. McIntosh and Cortland apples. Cider pressing by appointment. • Marlene Orchard. Phone 519-522- 1507 or pick up at Pete's Paper Clip. Seaforth. 01-42-tf SEASONED HARDWOOD, $30.00/ cord picked up. CalF'519.527-2018. 01-42x3c ATTENTION HUNTERS! Over 300 rifles. shotguns.. muzzle loaders. - crossbows. tons of ammunition, scopes, binoculars, clothing. Gortex boots. gun safes, at pnces that can- not be beat. Lake Huron Rod, Gun and Manne. Open 7.days. Phone 519=368-7182. 01-38x 1 Occ WHY HAVE A'YARD SALE? Call us. We . buy it all. Antiques. furniture.. • coins etc. No fuss- No muss. Cash on the spot. Call 519-364-0448 01- 28xtfcc • FIREWOOD Dumptruck loads of hardwood, slabwood and edgings or blocks. CaII R.J. Dungey and Sons 519.348-8477. 01-45xtftc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at 'the Huron Expositor • office eight weekly' newspapers: The Mitchell. Advocate. The Clinton News -Record. The Goderich Signal Star; The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich). Shoreline News ..(Port Elgin). Kincardine News. Lucknow Sentinel and The Huron Expositor. 01-01-tfnxe 12 Real Estate for Sale 5 Cars`for Sale 1990. CHEVROLET Caprice Brougham, excellent condition. full options. four new tires, rust free. low mileage. 54900 certified. 519-527- 0812. atter 6 p.m. 05-44x3c 1983 OLDSMOBILE Regency 98. 307. 4 speed auto. loaded. not like new but reasonable condition. very little to safely. Many new parts $750.00 obo. 519.523-9540. 05- 44x1cc 1981 OLDSMOBILE Omega. 108,000 km, V6, 2.8L. $800 as is. 51,100 certified. Aluminum nms for 1985 Mustang, set of 4, 5100 Tail lights for 1985 Mustang $30 pair Call (519) 262-1T06. 05-43x6nxe . '89 PONTIAC 6000 LE, 215,000 km., pre -safety available. $1650 as is o b.o. Call 519-524-4604. 05- 42x6nxe FOR SALE: 1986 K car, original kms 83.700. $1100 as is 0/ 51:500 certified. Call 519-527-0859. 05- 42x3c CARS' FROM 5500. .Government seized and surplus.' Sold locally. Call for listings. toll free 1-888-342- 3500. extension 2234 • 05-35- tfBNN 6. Trucks for Sale 1990 RANGER XLT, 4x4 ext. cab. 2 9L. P.W., pdl., air conditioning tilt cruise. new Michelin tires. excellent condition. Must be seen. $6:900 Cert.' Call 519-233-5071 days or •519-233-5209 nights. 06-/44x1cc• 1989 FORD F150 pickup, new everything. little to certify 54500 invested, have receipts, -asking 53500 or best offer, as .is. Call 519-• 527-2547. 05-44x3c • 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment FOR SALE. 1995 Skidoo Touring E. lady 'driven. reverse • and !ow mileage. Phone 519-345-2008 7F- 44x3c ' ' I 1 1997 ARTIC CAT 600ZFjT, excellent condition 55200.. 1995) Artit Cat Couger 550, excellent condition $3200. Call 519-522-0603 7F- 44x3c 1 12. Real Estate for Sale Prudential 1.4lltert Street- 'limon 1-888-482.3 400 IsHeartland Realty Fax: r519n.IR2-3.177 Ha -� .wfes. valve Range wrrMM *wt. w.,? Cal ..-ct 'w ) NEW PRICE I 5189.000. 1 KING'S HIGHWAY 84, BRUCEFIELD VRM: Vendors will entertain offers between 5179,900. - $209,876 Executive 2 storey back split dffermg lux- ury Irving 4+ brs.. oak trim. huge finished walkout basement. fireplace gas heat. dbl. garage. Country setting. paved road. 69 HURON ROAD, SEAFORTH Established Century Home Bed & Breakfast, located ,n quiet village of Harpurhey close. to Seaforth. Excellent potential with some use by clients from Festivals n Stratford and Blyth. Soled wood staircase. marble fireplace ;n L.R Serving Seaforth and Area Lorie Zulauf, Sales Representative Residence: 519-522-0575 email. revealon@tcc.on ca Fax 522-213I(res) Jack Crozier, Sales Representative Residence: .519-396-3606 email-,dcroz@hurontel on ca Fax: (519)482.3477 24 hour pager' (519)482-3400 _ Broker/Owner Fred R. Lobb 482.332 Wes.) _ The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS E Coming Events Articles rot Sole • :1 Gorogervord Sole . ;4 Antiques & An 43 Crafts 3 riobb,es • dors ;orSole ."ks=6r.Sale Sports Centre 7A-2( k Recreation ..:r.te 3 'a 'uy -i.•red'c 2e'4 .rwmotxles ' :wprrens •' /etudes • _ :ropers.S tremens -• '.:oK 'raters & Nome •' Ser ere arts.S ;eepnis /r'Svnmm,rq Pool3 08 Computers, ',Ideas EK 23 For.. --r 09 Aulomotne 24 Wante' 10 Pets - 25 Wante.. 26 ^N.M..' 27 , 28 Bus , / rtunily 29 TWO,- ,10 ent,10 Employment Wonted 3! ServifeDeectory 3? Bobysming - 33 Miscellaneous ) 34 Personal . 35 'Woke 'a Creditors 36 announcements 37 .yiortggges '38 Auction Sore 7 39 Educational 12 Real Estarefor Sole 40 cost & Found I-3 Mobfa-�om-es / / 4f . To Gee Away i4 •/acation Rtoperkes 42 Deaths. 6 .nor 9enl ; - 43 Births - I / Apdrr(nenls For lent 44 Engagements 18-+ouses,or Item - 45. Marriages 19, Rooms nor Rent _ 46 ;n Memoriam 2C Rooms d Booed • 47 Cards of thanks - 22 .ots =or Rent • 23 Ccmmerclot Droperty lllbac IIA For Sale General :13 Wanted to BW 1 1C Warted 'o --ire ' Emdoymenl'Nanted .',est0ck' - arm product - IIT Equipment Firm Services I. zarm.and 11< Earrn Real %state UF:,tDL1 ',E FOR CLASSIFIED ADS'IS 1ONDAY 100 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY t is:oo F4,M All rates plus GST • WORDS One Sr, ' ;: rwri weeks Si ; % ea. week, three weeks i; ra week' Additional words zo cents An Arline/nal Sz no will he added if bdhng is neccy.ary i . in .\lemonatns - Sh plus ;j teras' per line averse i .aril of Thanks &/Birth Annnuncenientt - z; Words Sti.:Dr.i. Each addt- -ionat word if; cents. r `Ve-are oho able to place weird ails• in, the following papers: Goflerich. Clinton, t,lirrhell. Luckcnotv. Kincardine.'tunih & Port Figin. B,v placing • an ad in lite 1luron Ifxp.lsitor we can place the same .111 :; word's or less) :r. any of the above papers for 4n •addituinal S 1.;o;) I IIFSF. PRICES ARE PRE -PAID ' (.alt ;z- 2.4 Monday to Friday r AM ro ; P.A1 iisINTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker Shardn Medd • MLS: 527-0560 Market Value Appraiser NEW PRICE: 3-4 cedroorns. 2 baths, PRICED TO SELL: 2 bedrocm mobile full lihlshed easement, hardwood- name. ' Appliances included r'oors 593.500. Immediate possession 519.000. THIS HOME COULD BE YOURS! 3-4 BEDROOM HOME. hardwood Completely redone 3 tedroam home ftoors,throughout. heated detached Covered porch. private patio, heated garage workshop. gas fireplace. tastefully 1ecpratef• INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: 64.5 acres. 38 fully serviced Tots, 15 acres developmental. Endless possibilities. EXECUTIVE HOME: Gas fireplace. maple cupboards, two floors. living space professionally decorated • Featured on double lit. Free Home Evaluations 16 • �Osriel 66 LONDON RD., EGMONDVILLE LIST 569.900' J 111XL41l REAL ESTATE Tarlimor \..TT ,.... Er. r 32 MAIN STREET, NORTH - DUPLEX LIST 599 900' LTD. • Ar - .t. r ‘ 60 GEORGE STREET. EAST LIST 552500 , i! f i 23 CENTRE STREET, EGMONDVILLE LIST $139 900' : 1.41;!--7 3` y� .'.r .t Y)+ . , .... . 44fsl;. t ayi..i ..J>11I,, ...., k s 32 SPARLINO STREET. LIST 5102.500.' 17 JARVIS STREET UST 576.500' _ 5 WILLIAM STREET. EGMONDVILLE •_ 't''"'1.'t: ' 107 EAST WILLIAM STREET LIST 599.900' ' - 11_11 ala.. .1 . I.- a -- 1 -1411 "k 41 (1 , ,, 47 ANN STREET LIST $149 900 ' 104 GODERICH STREET, WEST LIST $119,900' 169 MAIN STREET, SOUTH LIST S74 KC 120 JOHN STREET LIST 5129.900 ' `•L f i �7w>??tr` •, 51 OXFORD STREET, HENSALL LIST S'27 90C EXCELLENT ONE FLOOR FRAME HOME! LIST 5594.000' 67 OOUINLOCK STREET LIST 589 900' 207 TOWNSEND STREET. CLINTON LIST 5129.900' 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA r 00 -` OS PEAL �1 E9'ATE '0'' I 1'` i �O . t ., jili -' LTD ,h het ' t .. •':-T1 • e ` CHARACTER GALORE describes this 2'-, storey. brick home featuring SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1999 A.M.-11:30 MAUREEN WILt]FOf10 RON HURRAY Seaforth Office: u2-3224 34-8.5000 519 / 527-1577 OPEN SIX DAYS 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE IL 8 Main Street • A WEEKI MLS REALTOR modern kitchen with cherry wood cupboards. natural woodwork. hardwood floonng, main floor family room. lormal dining, new windows. main boor laundry, 2 baths. walk up attic 8 detached storage shed 10:30 A.M. 70 JOHN STREET HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG,r