HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-11-03, Page 3News Survival kits prepare for emergency Frorn Pope to house neighbors with no means of keeping warm in the event of power failures. "M'aking those sorts of -arrangements now can ease your mind a hit," she said. Bjorkquist said the Red • Cross is a little worried about • the push to buy heaters ps alternate Leat sources•in an crncrgency. • "Be really careful -about the type of heater you bring into your house. More people died during the Quebec ice .toren from carbon monoxide poisoning than they did from the cold:" she said. She added that hack -up generators should he installed by pn►tcssionals and those .with. fireplaces that haven't been used in several years should he having them cleaned now. • An emergency survival kit Jor your car and. your hour:c is a good survival tool. especially -.if a disaster . happens that • requires evacuation. "if you're evacuated from your home. an officer in a .uniform or. a guy from the • military will show up at your home and give you five minutes at the most to.get. • ready .hefore you have to go • with them," said Bjorkquist. She said that disasters place a huge strain' on medical systems and a survival kit that contains a first aid kit and an emergency .supply of medication can he "nice to have to work with." She said one of the most important items in the survival kit is a battery- operated or crank radio, since information about the outside world will he otherwise impossible to .get if hydro goes out. "And, make sure you have a supply of working batteries. During the. ice storm .in Ottawa. batteries were selling for S20 each," she said. . 1 Other items to include in ac. kit include a change of clothing 'for each member of the family. candles and. matches, a small amount of cash. important papers, non- perishable fond and bottled water. blankets, duct tape. rope and an' address hook with key contact names. "People can put survival kits together quite_ inexpensively with the things they have. at home'or,the grocery store. i put mine together for about S25. If you camp.• you're three-quarters. of the way there." she said. Along with essentials,• Bjorkquist recommended including some . comfort items such as cards. colouring hooks, cross-stitch or whatever will help pass the time and keep your spirits up. "There are phases people go through in a disaster. At first, they re willing to tough it out htit then, they tend to get disillusioned and. worried and it's a good idea to include items that will give you some comfort and amuse the kids." she said. • Survival kits should he checked twice a year, making stored clothes appropriate for the season. at the same time smoke detector batteries are changed. Bjorkquist said she's Impressed with the amount of preparation Huron County .municipalities, hospitals and. nursing homes have done recently. In many communities, she said the hospitals and nursing homes are the only facilities that have generators and she predicted that these places will he a beacon for local people during a disaster: • "People • are naturally • drawn to place: with Light and activity so . they'll probably he knocking at your door." she said to employee, of the Seaforth Manor. l• • Susan Hundertrnark photo Kathy Bjorkquist, branch.manager of the Stratford -Perth Red Cross spoke at the Seaforth Manor last week about how each individual can be prepared for Y2K or any other disaster Seaforth librarian attends .conference 1 r By Brett Jewitt Expositor Co-op Student i Women between the ages of 30 and 155 come to libraries the most, Seaforth branch supervisor Trudy Broome Teamed at a recent four-day County and Regional Municipal Library (CARML) conference. . Broome. who was one of two Huron County representatives to -attend this year's conference. said although she had not noticed that fact. it looked.accurate from her experience at Scaforth's library. The contercnce focussed on the future of libraries and included topics like • community involvement in the library and;using the Internet for reference.. Broome said the conference stressed focussing on those who don't use libraries, as well as those who'do. For the library to reach our to the community more. the conference suggested that the librarians attend_ some council or BIA meetings / The conference also suggested sfhools could be more involved in public libraries. h Broome suggested that the schools should contact the local library and tell them what resources the schoo! needed. A big resource being, used at the library todayis the McKillop man ch A 50 -year-old, McKillop Township man was charged with assault following an incident in the parking lot of 2ehrs. Food Market- • in Goderich on Oct. 17. • - - A woman driving into the iancway 'was .cut_ off..by, another driver, horns were honked and angry gestures made and - the man : approached the- woman. .attempted to open the • driver's.. door -and then punched the glass with.'his • fist. causing slight damage to Itis hand: .• The man was released on • an appearance notice- for. court -in Goderich un Dec. 6. Attempted break-in at Ilensall Co-op An attenipted break-in at the Seaforth branch of the I lensalt Co-op.on Concession' 1 of McKillop Township on (k.t 11 caused some damage to 'a door. - Officers called by an alarm at 3:15 a.m.:, found that someone had tried to enter the office by forcing a dour • but had not gained entry. -_---C'anadtan Asp-stolen— TwoCanadian flags were stolen from a residence.on t'on.essian sin Tuckersmith Township sometime mennght on 00. 10. The tlags were. tlying from iso poles near the• roadway nest to the driveway. Car damaged A 16-year=old Seaforth male 1s being investigated by Huron OPP after •a car was damaged at Sunny's Gas Bar, on Goderich St. in Seaforth on Oct. 9. The 1994 Chev Cavalier had dents in the left side and the front fender area that appeared to he made by sumeune's.fuut,_ Straw set on Are Damages of S5,000 were made.to bales of straw on Concession 2 in Stanlei• 1 "The :interne( at the library is being used. -mostly for a=mail. - safd Broome. "but there are also -other things it is:used for." Everyone 'at the conference was educated in different .techniques of running search engines. 'which help find resources on. the irlernet: 1 Marketing and recommending different hooks Were also 1 disqussed. Broome attended a workshop pin Miction novels, which appeal. to young teens: There suer? alio workshops on making posters and using cabl9 television for advertisements Everyone the CARMML conference was given a toiir of a new library' iii Barrie, Broome enjoyed the tour. an'd. especially liked the new reading garden on -the second floor. 1 The conference looked' into the future of lihranes.• part of . the theme for Ontario Ptihlicl Library week. which was held Oct. 1 8-24. . . Broome encourages) any people who need ,rgsources t<o see What the Seaforth Puhlic'Library has to offer. • 1,. The Seaforth Public Library was built in 1912 and Andrew Carnegie donated 5'00) for the library to be built) Gretta Thompson was the first librarian in Seaforth: and site served at the library for 5() ears.' The Seaforth 'Library. has a new co -Op -student. Krista - Heimpel who is in Grade l2 at Seaforth District High Schp ol. Broome said. "Everyone: at the lihtary is seri. excited to have her helping out arged with assault Township when -they were set oil fire on Oct. 15. Three hundred' hales. weighing 600 pounds each were ser On tire before 4:15 am. Huron OPP sav tracks on the roadway indicate a vehicle stoppt',d. to -let a person pour gasoline on the straw and start the fire.' • . Brucefield Fire Department attended the tire, which took place 15 :to 20 feet from the roadway.. Anyone with any related information is asked to call i the Huron OPP . nothing was tgoundrstolen. Anyone with an'r related trltormation is asked to Ceti ' Cnme.toppers. Crimestoppers. Break-ins at Seaforth businesses Two businesses) .on Crombie Street •in Seaforth were broken into on Oct: 5.• London .Agri Comodit had a weigh shack entered by s • cut window•screen..where a whi a Ohaus grain scale. model 610 was stolen. Eagle Cycle. across the road. was • entered by a damaged side door on' the north side of the building but 4 i, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED BY-LAW AMENDING THE COMPOSITION OF COUNTY COUNCIL Take ',once that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron .will holt, a public. meeting on Thursday. November 4. 1999 at 1 1'00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House in Goderich to consider a proposed by-law to change the composition of County Council The current composition of County Council is that the reeve of each of the 26 meal municipalities sits as a member of County Council County Council works under a weighted vote system. whereby each member has one vote per 1.000 electors to -a• maximum of four votes The proposal is -to. change to a County Council composition whereby the head of each local municipality sits as a• member of County Council. with each additional member from area municipalities sitting on County Council on the basis of each additional 4.000 electors Any person_ may attend • the. public meeting aft!/or make written or verbal ;representation wiher in .support of or in opposition to the proposed hy•law. The Council may make a derision concerning the hyo -law at anytime following the public meeting, Additional information relating to the 'proposed by-law is available for -inspection during regular office hours- at the County offices (5191 524-4394 Copies of the proposed by-law are also available by contacting the County offices. .1 A. Murray' Clerk Administrator 1i linty of Huron Court House Croderirh. Ontar:e N7A 1 M2 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, November 3, 1999-3 x ,s r Na is the • 1 New MuNicipalitti CONTEST THE 'TRANSITION BOARD FOR THE PROPOSED l AMALGAMATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS AND THE TOWNSHIPS OP GREY. McKILLOP & TUCKERSMITH ARE SPONSORING A CONTEST. TO SELECT A NAME FOR THE NEW . MUNICIPALITY. A $100.00 PRIZE WiLL BE AWARDED WO THE SUCCESSFUL ENTRANT ENTRIES CAN BE DROPPED -OFF AT ANY OF THE THREE MUNICIPAL OFFICES BEFORE NOVEMBER 9/99. 1 Plan to attend a PUBLIC INFORMATION • MEETING For"the proposed amalgamation of .the. Town of Seaforthl, Village of. Brussels and 'the Townships of Grey. McKillop & Tuckersmith. • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Seaforth Arena .11 . 8:00 pm . For further information,: pie se•contact any of the above mun►clpal offices Get ready for winter! Ski -Doo Open House One house party Dov can't afford to miss. Drop by our SktOoo Open House 2000 and get W b'400 off Skr'{bo ports, doting a acessones when ytx7 buy or? eigble SkiUoo 2000 snowmobile." a enjoy No Money gown, No Poem's ted No ktlerest ural knot' 2000, pka, Guoiortleed Snow. Buy o SkrOoo 2000 snowrnobie now and if the snowfall doesn't meosue up in Aur ago this season, wel pay you '1,000." Hurry' The pony's aer November 15, 1999. RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS Niro Skig40 JNE. Y2K Steps OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, NOV. 6 10AM to 3 PM .4 Parts Specials ♦ Clothing Specials 4 Accessory Specials ♦ Service Specials 519-527-0120 One Mile North of SEAFQRTH Dl to Irrdr la Y n j. s..d `eli.ibnrb rl b rid. t rues %Aim a Ars we a.. 1/15/44 r 11/11,49 a skis lit tens w d um rod /XX SINN erre de d lir 1700. lbw sink• Sr el We' t Ile Act ase lie le assissl ac. 01•1—. WIN aeon is noel le r SMI we ►I lest Me res. a .unci, bud co limo**■ sis.ir1 W Flit. 'K.e.rnl Saw 'Nies s arm h s SON *nil in moldbWsr y el r Iwrrri 1. 1141h old )t, 7101 Ward S % d 3s arise i de Nes Ideas end'•• `vain MS11 NI ?WM s momml r ismemo ore oda br Yid Mane Sera (MI e tsw.rire task INR fsrurd Sri. MOB dIK rsa 1111111.11, 11111111d NS0 SI A, wi abn's WW1 1 NOW 1, shut SMI, (ark t all d fNiwld order 1m AN, r.d s will vow rd aides sl s dri re+r e4 r b erred d1 ger rosesr ere rr itnylMvlb aeon midi 1. PAN mermen as nee d/Ih ask a dr net .ries las a err• a cob set s he 1 SA wipe • drip, Is Wiwi hosrwd'.ia tad s lead by he ens growl Irk a Nown 11 l MOM ails does' S SI Ifrarl is ilii a ries isi erel a of add d s w ref de dada had rd diallah Weal owe eyed eA. bad arurr ■ Imo eit r um* pews* sd res Wm! a/ 1ww� 1100 Ars aria 1s mound tit %bee ria + •abort 'wow psi 4 dben spetrls hos u) wise IR mei IseeMir s d sus r 1rs/t>rs. Ones s• oila plaids a Mink Sr wrriarl rrabale lett M► inns s1 at swig reritiwl h /sib tssM►' ei rrieYn► w -sew ri net r If aR v WwWw • clop eiefsa ie rxw aim [clew ea* • spews aim ewe, Mow b IL 0,OJ. nick we Mir! by IriiiiMer Mrs (updrbs d ANwiie Chin You y,,�,d,� bettetind asL�..i.:.agYq�tiLweuNrJraha ; these QIiXi - SEAFOR7H CO CHURCH+ St E 52 38 C,oderiGw St E 527.2253 Rev. Hauser Survey was Worship 700 p.m Praise ' Tues. 10:00am •- Wed. 7 p.m- Bide Study.. Your Future & Mine Prayer for Healing Needs Sat 10-41 30 a.m. Young Explorers Ages 6-12 Full gospel em a penteoostal message WARM WELCOME St. Thomas • Anglican Church St Seaforth Rev Robert Hiscox 482-7861 Remembrance Sunday, Nov. 7th Serwce of Holy Communion at 930 AM CAVAN NORTHSIDEJarvis ,Gatencti St Seatorlly i11)0 a m UNITED CHURCHES Minister. Dave Maims Se' 2635 uocavnsOt c on.ca ..•-.._-__ .......___ . Sunday School during the service. nursery provided Bethel Bible Church An Associated Gospel Church Now Meeting at 127 Main St. Seaforlti (formerly Canadian Tire) Sunday Scholl 9:0 't M. • Worship in 11 00 a.m. Pastor:Rev Doug Comveau 527-0982 Catholic Church Masses Saturday - 5-15 pm St. James Pansh, Seaforth Saturday • 7'15 pm SI Joseph's Pansh. Clinton Sunday • 900 am . St. Mlchael's Parish, Blyth Sunday - 11 00 am . St: James Plinth. Seaforth Father Dino Salvador FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 10 a m at St Andrews. Clinton w 49 Rattenbury St E Egmondville United Church Rev. Judith Sponged Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School Grades 2 to 8, 10 a.m. Nursery to Grade 1, 11•a.m. Anniversary Sunday Special Guest Edward Klassen 4 i, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED BY-LAW AMENDING THE COMPOSITION OF COUNTY COUNCIL Take ',once that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron .will holt, a public. meeting on Thursday. November 4. 1999 at 1 1'00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House in Goderich to consider a proposed by-law to change the composition of County Council The current composition of County Council is that the reeve of each of the 26 meal municipalities sits as a member of County Council County Council works under a weighted vote system. whereby each member has one vote per 1.000 electors to -a• maximum of four votes The proposal is -to. change to a County Council composition whereby the head of each local municipality sits as a• member of County Council. with each additional member from area municipalities sitting on County Council on the basis of each additional 4.000 electors Any person_ may attend • the. public meeting aft!/or make written or verbal ;representation wiher in .support of or in opposition to the proposed hy•law. The Council may make a derision concerning the hyo -law at anytime following the public meeting, Additional information relating to the 'proposed by-law is available for -inspection during regular office hours- at the County offices (5191 524-4394 Copies of the proposed by-law are also available by contacting the County offices. .1 A. Murray' Clerk Administrator 1i linty of Huron Court House Croderirh. Ontar:e N7A 1 M2 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, November 3, 1999-3 x ,s r Na is the • 1 New MuNicipalitti CONTEST THE 'TRANSITION BOARD FOR THE PROPOSED l AMALGAMATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS AND THE TOWNSHIPS OP GREY. McKILLOP & TUCKERSMITH ARE SPONSORING A CONTEST. TO SELECT A NAME FOR THE NEW . MUNICIPALITY. A $100.00 PRIZE WiLL BE AWARDED WO THE SUCCESSFUL ENTRANT ENTRIES CAN BE DROPPED -OFF AT ANY OF THE THREE MUNICIPAL OFFICES BEFORE NOVEMBER 9/99. 1 Plan to attend a PUBLIC INFORMATION • MEETING For"the proposed amalgamation of .the. Town of Seaforthl, Village of. Brussels and 'the Townships of Grey. McKillop & Tuckersmith. • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Seaforth Arena .11 . 8:00 pm . For further information,: pie se•contact any of the above mun►clpal offices Get ready for winter! Ski -Doo Open House One house party Dov can't afford to miss. Drop by our SktOoo Open House 2000 and get W b'400 off Skr'{bo ports, doting a acessones when ytx7 buy or? eigble SkiUoo 2000 snowmobile." a enjoy No Money gown, No Poem's ted No ktlerest ural knot' 2000, pka, Guoiortleed Snow. Buy o SkrOoo 2000 snowrnobie now and if the snowfall doesn't meosue up in Aur ago this season, wel pay you '1,000." Hurry' The pony's aer November 15, 1999. RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS Niro Skig40 JNE. Y2K Steps OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, NOV. 6 10AM to 3 PM .4 Parts Specials ♦ Clothing Specials 4 Accessory Specials ♦ Service Specials 519-527-0120 One Mile North of SEAFQRTH Dl to Irrdr la Y n j. s..d `eli.ibnrb rl b rid. t rues %Aim a Ars we a.. 1/15/44 r 11/11,49 a skis lit tens w d um rod /XX SINN erre de d lir 1700. lbw sink• Sr el We' t Ile Act ase lie le assissl ac. 01•1—. WIN aeon is noel le r SMI we ►I lest Me res. a .unci, bud co limo**■ sis.ir1 W Flit. 'K.e.rnl Saw 'Nies s arm h s SON *nil in moldbWsr y el r Iwrrri 1. 1141h old )t, 7101 Ward S % d 3s arise i de Nes Ideas end'•• `vain MS11 NI ?WM s momml r ismemo ore oda br Yid Mane Sera (MI e tsw.rire task INR fsrurd Sri. MOB dIK rsa 1111111.11, 11111111d NS0 SI A, wi abn's WW1 1 NOW 1, shut SMI, (ark t all d fNiwld order 1m AN, r.d s will vow rd aides sl s dri re+r e4 r b erred d1 ger rosesr ere rr itnylMvlb aeon midi 1. PAN mermen as nee d/Ih ask a dr net .ries las a err• a cob set s he 1 SA wipe • drip, Is Wiwi hosrwd'.ia tad s lead by he ens growl Irk a Nown 11 l MOM ails does' S SI Ifrarl is ilii a ries isi erel a of add d s w ref de dada had rd diallah Weal owe eyed eA. bad arurr ■ Imo eit r um* pews* sd res Wm! a/ 1ww� 1100 Ars aria 1s mound tit %bee ria + •abort 'wow psi 4 dben spetrls hos u) wise IR mei IseeMir s d sus r 1rs/t>rs. Ones s• oila plaids a Mink Sr wrriarl rrabale lett M► inns s1 at swig reritiwl h /sib tssM►' ei rrieYn► w -sew ri net r If aR v WwWw • clop eiefsa ie rxw aim [clew ea* • spews aim ewe, Mow b IL 0,OJ. nick we Mir! by IriiiiMer Mrs (updrbs d ANwiie