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Huron Expositor, 1999-10-27, Page 16
16 -THE HURON 1MCPOSITOR. October 27, 1229 Sports There's lots for golfers to do during off season They just won't quit! Those crazy Canadian golfers, who play and play until the greens keeper pulls the flags from the greens, are definitely a part of the Seaforth landscape. Every day the die-hards appear regardless of the wind or weather. On crisp and frosty ' mornings they patiently wait for the frost to melt, nestling hot coffee in their hands while sharing their latest golf story. As soon as it's "safe" to, head out, they gather up their toques, mitts and multi- layered clothing and waddle to the first tee, looking more like lost cross country skiers than golfers. If I didn't know better, Fd think there was-a— contest to see who was going to be the last name in the register this year. Even though the golf season is winding down, they continue to plan their golf, whether it's just nine holes on the next day, a match with the fellows on the weekend, or a trip to more comfortable climates in the weeks ahead. Golf is part of their routine and only a blizzard will keep them away. , Many of the locals are planning to play inan 18 - hole fun event on Saturday. Nov. 13 regardless of the weather. This event requires two people on the team and they play a Ryder cup style format with six holes as a hest ball, six holes as a scramble. and six holes as alternate shot. Last year they played in two inches of snow and each team carried a shovel as part of their golfing equipment. ` - I live golf! I live golf! However, I must admit that I'm not crazy about playing in the really bad weather. I also think that I am not alone in my thinking. There are many golfers who havealready cleaned out their lockers and stashed the 'clubs and shoes away until the spring. Perhaps winter brings other interests and commitments like hockey. ringette, broomball, longer work hours or just the need for a change. For many, golf in the winter becomes a spectator sport. This is the time of year when I enjoy the other facets of the golfing world. We're coming. up to the "silly season" in competitive golf. This is the time of year when the rich get richer and the • poor go hack to Q -school The top money winners and most popular guys and - girls on tour get invited to a number of "fun -events". I say fun because 1 can't imagine being disappointed' in finishing dead last in: an event and still getting a hefty cheque just for taking part. Most of these events are televised so even if you don't get a chance to o.d. on the •GolfChanncl' you'll still be able to watch some great golf during the cold months ahead. This is a great time of year to pick up some, reading material .on golf as well. There are thousands of golf hooks available covering everything including instruction, course design. coffee table style photography books. humour and fantasies. The increasing popularity of thc game in recent years has resulted in a number 'of new books being ---'published-eachyeac . Check out your local golf shop or bookstore and visit your local librarian to find the latest in golf entertainment and education for readers of all ages. • ' 1 am currently rcading Follow the Wind. an historical fantasy that is filled with great moments in golf. It's a good read and I must say that I have read about ten golf novels this year and have enjoyed every one of them. Periodicals tend to pile up on my desk. night table and coffee table during the busy summer months in the golf business. Nov 1 am beginning to wade through them and catch up on some of the stories 1 have missed. Once again, golfers are By Carolanne Doig treated to a great variety of magazines that can be purchased via subscription or .magazine vendors. Many of the magazines will have. sections on instruction, rules, travel, fashion, interviews and of course lots and lots of advertising to keep you apprised of the latest and greatest gadgets in the world of golf. I enjoy the Canadian golf publications the. most - "Score", "World of Women's Golf," and "Golf Canada.". My favourite US publication is "GolfWeek" which is thc weekly newspaper of golf, keeping you up to date on golf events around the world, as well as inside news in the golf business. Now. if the television and the reading material just don't do the trick for you during the off season. don't despair. Instructional videos abound. as .do golf training devices that can turn your 'recreation room into a miniature golf dome. Putting cups. nets, mats and whiffle halls arc only a portion of thc items availahle to extend your golf season. While staying at home you can rent an entertaining golf \ movie. such as Caddy Shack, • or Tin. Cup, or Follow the . Sun. You can still get a lot of . the old•"Shell's Wonderful World of Goll ' competitions too. • Got a computer'? Then surf the : net. GolfWcb. LPGA.com. PGATour,com and.a gaziliion others arc availahle. Almost • every tournament and course has it's own website now so go for it! The off season is a great time to visit the indoor golf facilities. The closest to us arc at Greenhills in Lambeth or SportsWorld in Kitchener. Many domes have instructors. proshops and specials at the snack bar. It's a great way to spend a few hours on a mi•crahlc day, You can also visit is "virtual golf" centre .where you can tee . ii • up at Pebble Beach or St. Andrews and belt the hall around for a couple of hours with your golfing buddies. • This is still the shoulder HOW SWEET HE IS! Orville StoFey Turns '80' Come help him celebrate at the Walton Hall October 30 at -7:00 p.m. No tricks or treats please The family of Bi l & Anne Laverty would like to inviteou to their 50th Anniversary Open House at the Seaforth Orange Hall SATURDAY, OCT. 30/99 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. October 30, 1999 season for golf travel in many of the US states between here and Florida. Good golf packages are available that include golf, cart. accommodation and meals. There are many packages that include flight and rental car too, especially if you're considering places like Arizona, Mexico or the Caribbean. Contact your travel agent and plan a little golf run this winter. In November and again during February and March, a number of consumer golf shows are planned for the winter -weary Canadian golfer', These shows preview the new equipment and offer great deals on the overstocked or out-of-date items. For many golfers these shows arc a harhingcrof spring and provide a great chance to meet up with their summertime buddies whether to. purchase or just "kick tires." . - El Nino has definitely extended the golf season in SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB TRAVEL THE WORLD LOTTERY WINNERS OCTOBER WINNERS BC GETAWAY CINDY & KEN FLANAGAN $100. WINNERS JIM & DANICA McNICHOL /44%, 6011' SEAFORTH 527-0980 SAT. OCT. 30th 2+4. Centenaires Hallowe'en Dance P $5.00 Cover Proceeds to Hockey Club THURS. NITE 20' WINGS Till 2 AM St rat ford 1 Cinemas ' 551 Huron St. 273-6780' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..••• House on Haunted Hill •111 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Srurdry L Sundry Mal ie. at 2 pm Double Jeopardy /0 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Saturday 6 Sunday Y$Unre M 2 pm • Sixth Sense i© Nightly at 7 & 9:15 SMvday L Sunday Mitre. n 2 pn Bats Nightly a17 & 9:15 Samad y i Sundry Miati. at 1 pn 1 Superstar vc Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Sarday a Sunday Mia,M w 2 pe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s4.25 Tuesday 1 Southern Ontario in recent years. but the industry itself has also met the demand from golfers who refuse to let the snow belt keep them from their favourite pastime. We're open until Christmas at the local pro shop. The cotTee is always on and so is the golf channel. The summer of 2000 will be here before we know it. See you then. Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad Oct. 25/99 Lynda & Leo Horbanuik Love, your girls Ang, Erin, Erica Mary Jane & Molly Thank You To the, ratepayers of McKillop Twp. As of the 3rd cif November. 1 have resigned as the Reeve of McKillop Twp. ' I would like to thank the people of McKillop for the . opportunity to represent their interests in the Twp. and the county for the last '5 years. It was a great experience. Good Luck to the new Reeve and Council. Zit V644144,1 Healthy Snowbirds Are you paying too much for out -of -country Emergency Medical Insurance? Do you want low rues, round-the-clock assistance, and a company you can trust on your trip? Ask... Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel for HcalthSc1ectz - it s more coverage for less money. HEALTH VVOYAGEUR INSURANCE COMPANY. Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel Exeter (519) 235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022 www.ettravel.com tq,.,,.d n..,.,..r 11.,11 w. ✓ C.o. e.,�..._. �.. • YOUCAN EAT FISH & CHAPS $ 5. NEW YORK MELT WITH FRIES $490 • Sunday Special OCT. 31st, 5 to 7 PM CHICKEN SWISS OR soz.srEA9 $ 5 7• SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527-1964 90 Main St. Seaforth Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30 pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm $500 on 54 calls Pot of Gold $500 on 56 calls Loonie Bin Happy 100th Birthday Family & friends are invited to an OPEN HOUSE to celebrate the 100th Birthday of ALICE LAWSON Sunday, Oct. 311e 1-3 pm Restview Retirement Home 126 Joseph St., Clinton COME CELEBRATE wr.11 ft . Murray and Susafi Bolge and Cam and Judy McLeod are happy to announce the recent mariiage of their children, Candice Marie and Caleb David on August 25, 1999 in Benmitler,Ont. We invite our famiy and friends to celebrate with us on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 9 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter. Seaforth Minor Sports Council 9th Anniversary LOTSOF DOOR CMERIZRY COFFEE START TIME 7:15 Doors Open 5:30 pm MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Seaforth & District Community Centres License #M28741 Proceeds to Minor Sports The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair & "Stampede Ranch" (Country & Western Dance Bar. Guelph) Bus Trip November 6, 1999 Organized By "The Huron County Jtutinr Farmers" Only $30 Includes: '- Bus Transportation "- Admission to the Fair >- Admission to Stampede Ranch (Age of Majority Required) Departure from Seaforth Arena 9 a,m. SHARP Departure from Brussels Arena 9:30 a.m. SHARP Return to Seaforth Arena • 3:30 a.m. Contact Murray Whyte 527.1781 Becky Campbell 527-2434 Limited Seating. Register Before Nov. 1/99 season for golf travel in many of the US states between here and Florida. Good golf packages are available that include golf, cart. accommodation and meals. There are many packages that include flight and rental car too, especially if you're considering places like Arizona, Mexico or the Caribbean. Contact your travel agent and plan a little golf run this winter. In November and again during February and March, a number of consumer golf shows are planned for the winter -weary Canadian golfer', These shows preview the new equipment and offer great deals on the overstocked or out-of-date items. For many golfers these shows arc a harhingcrof spring and provide a great chance to meet up with their summertime buddies whether to. purchase or just "kick tires." . - El Nino has definitely extended the golf season in SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB TRAVEL THE WORLD LOTTERY WINNERS OCTOBER WINNERS BC GETAWAY CINDY & KEN FLANAGAN $100. WINNERS JIM & DANICA McNICHOL /44%, 6011' SEAFORTH 527-0980 SAT. OCT. 30th 2+4. Centenaires Hallowe'en Dance P $5.00 Cover Proceeds to Hockey Club THURS. NITE 20' WINGS Till 2 AM St rat ford 1 Cinemas ' 551 Huron St. 273-6780' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..••• House on Haunted Hill •111 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Srurdry L Sundry Mal ie. at 2 pm Double Jeopardy /0 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Saturday 6 Sunday Y$Unre M 2 pm • Sixth Sense i© Nightly at 7 & 9:15 SMvday L Sunday Mitre. n 2 pn Bats Nightly a17 & 9:15 Samad y i Sundry Miati. at 1 pn 1 Superstar vc Nightly at 7 & 9:15 Sarday a Sunday Mia,M w 2 pe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s4.25 Tuesday 1 Southern Ontario in recent years. but the industry itself has also met the demand from golfers who refuse to let the snow belt keep them from their favourite pastime. We're open until Christmas at the local pro shop. The cotTee is always on and so is the golf channel. The summer of 2000 will be here before we know it. See you then. Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad Oct. 25/99 Lynda & Leo Horbanuik Love, your girls Ang, Erin, Erica Mary Jane & Molly Thank You To the, ratepayers of McKillop Twp. As of the 3rd cif November. 1 have resigned as the Reeve of McKillop Twp. ' I would like to thank the people of McKillop for the . opportunity to represent their interests in the Twp. and the county for the last '5 years. It was a great experience. Good Luck to the new Reeve and Council. Zit V644144,1 Healthy Snowbirds Are you paying too much for out -of -country Emergency Medical Insurance? Do you want low rues, round-the-clock assistance, and a company you can trust on your trip? Ask... Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel for HcalthSc1ectz - it s more coverage for less money. HEALTH VVOYAGEUR INSURANCE COMPANY. Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel Exeter (519) 235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022 www.ettravel.com tq,.,,.d n..,.,..r 11.,11 w. ✓ C.o. e.,�..._. �.. • YOUCAN EAT FISH & CHAPS $ 5. NEW YORK MELT WITH FRIES $490 • Sunday Special OCT. 31st, 5 to 7 PM CHICKEN SWISS OR soz.srEA9 $ 5 7• SPARKY'S PLACE FAMILY DINING 527-1964 90 Main St. Seaforth Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30 pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm $500 on 54 calls Pot of Gold $500 on 56 calls Loonie Bin Happy 100th Birthday Family & friends are invited to an OPEN HOUSE to celebrate the 100th Birthday of ALICE LAWSON Sunday, Oct. 311e 1-3 pm Restview Retirement Home 126 Joseph St., Clinton COME CELEBRATE wr.11 ft . Murray and Susafi Bolge and Cam and Judy McLeod are happy to announce the recent mariiage of their children, Candice Marie and Caleb David on August 25, 1999 in Benmitler,Ont. We invite our famiy and friends to celebrate with us on Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 9 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter. Seaforth Minor Sports Council 9th Anniversary LOTSOF DOOR CMERIZRY COFFEE START TIME 7:15 Doors Open 5:30 pm MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Seaforth & District Community Centres License #M28741 Proceeds to Minor Sports