HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-10-27, Page 12116-TNlt MOON IIXPOSITOIt. ONMN 1i7, 11102 36 Announ(f rrients 36 Announcers •rrts PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED PUBLIC ROAD NAME CHANGES SECTION 210(111) OF THE MUNICIPAL . ACT R.S.O. 1990 NOTICE is hereby given that the Township of West Perth Council intends to pass. a by-law to change the name of public roads which have, previously been named at a meeting in the Council Chambers of the Township of West Perth, 169 St. David Street, Mitchell Ward, Ontario at 7:30 p.m. on November 1, 1999. The public road name changes are intended to remove any duplication of street names within the'Township of West Perth resulting in the amalgamation of the former Townships of Fullerton. Hihhert, and Logan and the Town of Mitchell. The proposed By-law will change the name of the street listed below: Current Road Name. Location Proposed Road Name 1. Nelson -Street. Dublin St. Patrick Street 2 James Street. Dublin 'Darling Street 1 West Street. Staffa York Street 4. East Street. Mitchell Water Street 5 John Street. Mitchell i.egion Street ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating' to the proposed renaming of puhlic roads is available for inspection at the Township of West Perth Municipal Offices, 169 St. David Street, Mitchell Ward. ON. NOK I NO (Telephone .No.: 519- 48-X429).• ANY PERSON may attend the-puhlic meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the'proposed renaming of public roads. ' DATED THiS 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1999 PAT R!CIA TAYLOR, CLERK. TOWNS/HP OF WEST PERTH TOWNSHIP OF WEST PERTH SECOND PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED NEW COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTiCE'thar-the Council of the Corporation of the Township of •West Perth will hold, a follow-up puhlic meeting,on NOVEMBER 3. 1999 at 8i30 p.m, in the Township Council Chambers at the Township of West Perth Municipal Offices (169 St. David St... [Mitchell .Ward) to conceder a proposed new comprehensive Zoning By-law under. Section; 34 of the) Planning Act. This public meeting rs: a follow-up puhlic meeting to,the statutory . .puhlic meeting that was held by the West Perth Council on October ' 18. 1999. Anew comprehensive Zoning By-law is proposed for the. Township of West Perth. The; proposed Zoning By-law. when adopted and in force. will apply to 'all land within the boundanes of the. Township and it will regulate the use of land and the erection. locating. and use of buildings and structures. The Township will then'have one Zoning By-law wFilch implements the West Perth portion of the County" of .Penh Official Plan and the Mitchell Ward Official Plan. • This second puhlic meeting is being held in order to provide interested ratepayers. resident;, and agencies with an' opportunity to provide further comments regarding the proposed new Zoning By. law ANY PERSON'. may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed new Zoning By-law IF A PERSON.or public body that tiles an appeal of "a decision of the Council- of the Tow3ssh p-ofWest-Perth-tn respectnfthe proposed Zoning, By -law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make wntten submissionsto the Corporation of the, Township of West Perth before the proposednew Zoning By-law is adopted. the Ontano Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal... • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating [tithe proposed new Zoning By -taw and a complete copy Of the proposed new Zoning • By-law is available 'lot. inspection during regular office hoursat the Township of West Perth, Offices Township of;West Perth. 169 St. David. Mitchell. Ontario NOK 1 NO. Telephone: 15191 3484429, and at the.County of Perth Phoning and Development Office in Stratford telephone. (519) .273-3511 . - DATED AT THE. TOWNSHIP OF %%EST PERTH THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1999 ' Mrs. Paincia Taylor. Clerk. Township of,West Perth. 169 St: •Das id: Nlitcheil. Ont.ino NOK !NO. l Teiepheine: (519i 348-8429 41 To Give Away FREE 8- aluminum siding still on house. You take it off. ifs yours for ' free. Call 519-527-1681 days. 519- 522-0351 evenings. 41 -43-.11 42 Deaths 42 Deaths Z. s - •- 1 �S 1 "One day there'll be. an empty chair.." Q. How do most people feel after making their pre -arrangements? A. Whether they opt for an insurance program to fund their services, a trust, cash or direct funds from their estate, the thing we most often hear is people feel a great sense of peace. This emanates from knowing they have protected their loved ones from one day being faced with all of these decisions, As one lovely lady said after making her pre -arrangements, "This is another way of saying I love you after I'm gone." For yor fres copy of One Day There'll Be .4N Empty Char, the new 24 - page booklet from the best-sell,ag book. AjterLou..4 Recovers Compwwors for Those Who Are Grieving. by Barbra LaStrang, please call or scop by Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home 87 Goderick Street West, Settfortb - 527-1390 01977 AhrrLoss bac • 800.:61-9572 hon -8 Aui't REAL ESTATE AUCTION • WALKERTON INN MOTEL November 8 at 1 p.m. 1 -acre property, 16 unit motel and living quarters at junction of Hwy 9 & 4 in Walkerton, turnkey operation. Phone 1-800-763-1856 David Moore & Associates (Guelph) for information package or see photos and brief details on the internet at: www.auctionhotline.com EESTATE AUCTION At the Jacob Auction Centre. 185 Herbed St, in Mitchell 1THURS., OCT. 28 AT 4:00 P.M. INCLUDING: Knechtel dining room suite with hutch, drop leaf table: and 6 chairs: bonnet chest; old dresser; chesterfields and chairs: three piece bedroom suites: omate walnut lamp table: matching highboy dresser and vanity; wall units; cedar chests: upright curio cabinet; modem oak table and 4 chairs: 3 piece modem dinette suite; swivel rockers: pair of Hearty new single beds; coffee and end tables: good selection of nearly new furnishings: pine table and 6 chairs: colour TVs: microwaves; Moffat frost free fridge: G E 24 inch stove; automatic washer and dryer; apt. sized washer, bedding; bridge lamp; approx: 10 coal oil lamps: collectible dishes including cornflower. crystal: small Doulton mug. etc : collector plates; old framed pictures; approx. 80 lots of coins: approx-15 Parkie 1951-52 hockey cards including Richard; newer hockey cards: hand and gar- den tools: 24 ft. aluminum -ladder: wood burning stove: and much more. A Targe clean offering. PROP: Estate of Stella 'Norden of Seaforlh and an old Mitchell and New Hamburg residence r 1 AUCTIONEERS: Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr 519-271-7894 519-887-9599 LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Lobb Auction • n Clinton for the Estate of Stewart McGuffin of Five Season Estates of Bayfield plus additions from Estella Adams of Londesboro, Nellie Mathews of Clinton, plus • other good additions Mabel Gray of Goderich. ' ' ,. Saturday, Oct. 30 at 9:00 AM CARS:' 1990 Toyota Tercel. 4 door, natchback, 5 speed, 157000. kms, 1987 Mazda 626..4 door automatic, 170000 kms both card sell at 11 30 AM • • APPUANCES: Matching almond GE/fridge and 30" electric stove. Maytag washer and dryer, gas stove. Admiral washer and dryer. Maytag washer, 24" electric stove, small fridge (good one). 2 microwave oven%. telephone /answering. machine. 2 portable colour TVs. Zanotti 26" floor model cdlour TV new. colour and power board. vide recorder: ; I . 1 FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC.: Knechtel 6 piece modem dinintg suite with glass `ront hutch like new 8 yrs old. 6 drawer mahogany dresser a d double bed; upholstered love seat chesterfield (new). rectiner dhair. chesterfield and chair like new, modern round wooden dining table and 4 chains, modern heavl.oval maple dining table with centre pedestal 2 leaves and 4 -chairs. Vtctonan side chair 'washstand, antique chesterfield and 2 chars, what not. antique arm dhair. library table. Queen size box spring and mattress'(p(uah and. tike new). 2 single box springs and mattresses, chests.of drawers. coffee and end tables, cedar chest. wooden spoofed floor lamp. 2 oval pedestal lamp tables. 2 wooden dining tables plug bedroom suite. wrought iron type patio, furniture/ exercise bike. -much/ more furniture than' listed. Dishes • and glassware !nctuding antique pieces Macintosh LC3 computer with pnnter and software 10 years old,' OTHER: '2 metal detectors plus accessories. ,equipment and materials from making crafts from rocks and serni precious stones. Including large and small rock; cutting spews. 2 rock tumblers. sanding and polishing wheels and related chemicals and common/de. cut and, uncut rocks; clock movements, materials for making jewellery: 25 boxes new knitting wool. lawn mower, antique boat motor. garden tools, etc.. etc.. NOTE: 2 Auctioneers selling starting at 9:00 asn. • TERMS (ASH OR CHQUE with Propa ID. Auctioneer: Richard Lobb. 519-482-7898 Clinton www.auctionhotline.com 46 In Memoriam In loving memory of my dearest and most precious friend: Rachael Anne Broome. who d1ed on October 26. 1997. October' _n- ;he Jay y.,u .used :sway. Was aday more tragic then one could ever say. That Jay tore so many of as apart. And since that. Jay we think of you. ' with love from the heart. The two of us were like sisters. born so be kin, tt seemed sye shared rhe'same family. blood and skin. • Although we had different Parentsand nooks. . We cull loved each other the same. . Throughout your bre. the times we had • were the best. Times that should have never. gone to rest. - i We spent many hourssharingour hopes. dreams. and fears. Never expecting your time to be near. Not a day has passed I haven t thought, 4e spoke your name. I often look at your picture. sitting in a frame. in moments 1 cin recapture our wonderful memories made,. . All those tate nights. long talks. become history that'll never fade. Its so hard to imagine the rest of my • bfe without you. It scents only Jays ago. we were cull 1 know you loved me as much as 1 • loved you. And the day you died. a piece of me s went with you. You're too fu away tubas Of kiss. And in my heart you will always be missed: But in heaven. 1 know you will be able to see. That I well become the person. you would have wanted nae to be. Missing you now and forever. Loved always. Theresa. soso Show vs your moues! 46 in Memoriam My hest friend Rachael Bmome has been gone for 2 years now •r The first thing i thought of. when you went away, -Was-how.much l -would Huss you.. Each and every Jay' • i know you didn't want me to. but 1 could not, stop the crying, You'd like me to rennin Myra.. So 1'tl keep on hying. 1 will never forget you. . As the nmes we've had. `ernones are kept Inside of rfly hear. 1 know your soul is alive within me, Every time I look up to Mc clouds. And hope to see .your face, I know you're up there somewhere, With God in ;beautiful place. I really miss you. .1 think of you every day I wish (could have you back, I tove'you very much. with all my heart ' Love Always/Forever Alysha Soiherville 46 n ',6CUll�r -"RYAN: to memory of Joseph Ryan who passed away October 27, 1985. We miss your presence. your laughter and your smile. Most of all we miss the friendship that we shared. Every day there is something massing and It is you. We had many great times together. those memones will last a lifetime. Even though you are gore you are snit remembered in our hearts and souls and forever loved by wile Rose and Ferrety. 48-43x1 bcvnce drib Hely Ay FIN" glide iuma leap Pedol Pilch ppm atabroll turn s'`1119 foss humble t"lit Wal • • - '15 slkar•y o writ.. rYtais ., •• ards of thanks MARKS I would like to thank my family for arranging such a surprise birthday patty for me It was really a great day I will remember for a long time Thanks to all who came. it was so nice of you Thanks for the cards, gifts and best wishes Maxine 47-43-1 HACKWELL-HENRY . The families. of the late Claire (HackwetI) Henry wish to extend their deepest appreciation and grat- itude for the expressions of sympa- thy and kindness by friends and rel- atives during the loss of a dear sis- ter and aunt. Though distance has made for a difficult closure we. accept Claire's passing as a reminder, in her memory. instead of self-pity. to use our energy spread- ing love. laughter and kind deeds. more amongst our friends and tam- ily who have stlpported us through- out this past month. Sincere thanks. Elliott. Howard, Merton and Families. 47/43.1 • 1 MURRAY Our heartfelt thanks to all who attended our Golden Wedding Anniversary making 4 a happy event. /4 special thank you to Father Dino. ;Cheryl St Onge and the St. James choir Thanks 10 our, family. - relatives. friends and neighbours for your gifts. cards, flowers, phone calls and visits This will be trean sured for a long time - Dominic and • Grace Murray 47-43x1 47 Cards of Winks SEAFORTH MANOR it is impossible to describe all the wonderful moments we will remem- ber from our 'Salute to UMW' event It began with an idea last January that there should be some type' of celebration in ow communi- ty to honour the International Year of Older Persons We applied for a grant and upon receiving confirma- tion that we were successful. the wheels were put in moliott to plan an event so special that A would be a fitting tribute to honour all our community seniors We mold like to express. our sincere thanks to all the local councils. service clubs. businesses and individuals for pro viding their support through finan- cial -donations, donations of door conies as well as -services for the event We would also like to thank the entertainers and support crew for such a wonderful show Finally to all our volunteer staff. support staff and clergy, from decorating to stage set-up, to the kitchen helpers, servers. +vine stewards and clean- up committee, your hard' work was truly appreciated. It was .indeed a privilege to co-ordinate this event for our community. - Cheryl Phillips and Tracy Gerber for the Project Co-Ordinating Committee "Salute To Seniors Event. 47-43.1 COOMBS Mary -Ellen. Brian and Maltese would like to thank the great staff at the Clinton Public Hospital. A she - dal thanks to Dr. Smith. Kim and Regina. Again- another great stay at the O B 47:43x1ec PLAN YOUR ESCAPE If you plan to use a window as a second way out in a fire, make sure it can be opened easily!` CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across thetCountiy' i R9►+ TORONTO INTERNATICNAI ri'v -:CLLEG- TORS' SHOW. Sunday lamer 31 - tarn. spm knematmnai Cantor. 6900 Airport Road. Mississauga. FREE 1dentifcatbn Ckac. 12n* 2 !ems: noon -20m FREE canting. BON the Parody! - WANTED HAROW000 :CGS and renter- . 515005. lettere 'og antes. L,censeO 'ree markers anti statement operators take specs :are n harvesting. Comdanv-estaohsnea '927 Panna /eneer 5191742.5887 11fou know a young person ;ageo a :o :81 *no moved oonhwneeinvii8unly.ser- nce: or Or ooritnbutnq *bre nwrfq with 4 sista- 'ion or'tas performed 4rl act of heretsm. norm• nate towhee 'a 'rte Oman Junior Callen o1 he feel Award. Norimaoon 'orms are wan- a0ie through mean -spear x OCNA at 905- 639-8720. an. 230. Deadline 'or nom nations sOct 31st. -• •1 ,EHCVAH0 WITNESSES. F'enas. =am/. - ut'ac s 'rte Sooeiy beset rant rota :o Know. Flee S :ontraentiat. JW °ACTS. 305 2p4. Nelson. 3C '!1L 5P9 Nwwmacgre- 7ommnistnes deg CASH IN/CASH OPT Coke, Nem. 40stess,- 1481A ae-stoct astabkstunentursoue ventlors a your )lea. Vo setting. Ful -rune. pan -lime. Minimum investment 513,980. 1.88p-593- Ma 24 nab.- ' NE HAVE TWINNED 241:PIZZAai 4one. POWELL S CJinaman ROOS' .dei one •oot and one resits nave been 41aetape. To earn more mow our Sinal -Towel strategy and rtow Km an be Part el -L salt TOLII FREE 1.877- .0.24.1. oueeiE BUBBLE GUMBAL 241 . VENDING. Cath -n-«0 attractive. sostaigrc veining ma e mai vends everybody 5 'avour8O ')um Olt•,. Seib oor5001tion 3 a '. Highest atoms over 80%. Locations and Foaming provideo. Cas ' 1-800.661.6832 'or Free Brocnure. www.oerdma.com COMMERCUL EMBROIDERY Hanenr feta ' opportunity. 'nctudes equipment, sotlware,.. t, "and wppon '0' nae, 5,(1 Con• . •actrartngEmaonaery Systems Canada ;00Naito) a1 1.888-AOS8631, FOR 'WOMEN OWL' 'N4nted 'Bra F,bers' international ,:on oam Stan vat iris 'dine Dueness. Smart investment Lots at •rain1g and support. !nteresled. Cam Hearne( 306- 2976290 cameo. - 111.111111111111111111111. CEA11N AUCTIONEERING. Classes red' • Vawrreer 20.28. ei For Aberration contact. Southwestern Orman Smoot ol hummers; rq, AR:i5'wooastoik.-Orme* N49'rV9-, -- 886673-8999. . 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'ast letwerY Funa Rarsng Avalon° Cam now' -800.3833589 -111111111111111 WANTED: 33 people :0 ose *eight Brian has est 55 pounds and 28.25 ncfiea. OOctei la mtalted. sale, natural and easyt Cam toe- 'ree 1.188.513-8899 - - MEN S SEPARATION & DIVORCE HELP' Protect you ,dPldfert & assets now. Know tow '4vorce lawyers 3 Ins:News system'; eeey berate' Ffee :au: 1.877•BREAKUP dept ANX- •- . 40ULT ENTERTAINMENT Order Me 5081 wdeos by meal and pay 'est. FREE Vida Offen FREE Catabpie, Discreet HMC '11980 5288 Parc, 101-C, Montreat, Quebec, 142V 467 • 400PTION. Young, Iowg, open 4015 anrg couple *51109 to adopt rtiw oom tiaby. Cas +. 877-242.5787 torn tree) 111111111111111111111111 A.S-A P LIQUIDATION! Repoaspeadimust - see: 4 grand new, super cameo. affordable. Mefab nares parhages. Superior way. Sant• ple assembly- youf rdundttxm Nayer erect- ed. Rexm0le layout. 001145 1.800625.1564. 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