HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-10-27, Page 1010 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 27, 1999 Ex 3ttorfur)ItJN Coming Events 'II rl1E'I7(Jct1 CLEARANCE of •• Tubs featuring Marquis Spas Au first qualify with full warranty . November 4 9. SUncoast Mali. Grrderirh Blue Horizon Pools and Spas. 519.524-9804 CE-43xIcc GUPITON'•S 'YULETIDE Horne Tour Nov 261h, 630 pm - 930 p m Nov 37th. 12-4 p m , Nov 28th 1 pm 4 pm Homes seasonally . decorated. several surprises. stops and refreshments Tickets 510 00 each. My Farr Lady 519-482-7872. Beattie Furniture 519.492-7454. Groves 'TV 519-482-9414 ' Proceeds Homecoming Festivities. August 2000 GE 43x3r.r. HENSALL CALF CLUB Calves ere soon arriving Anyone interested .n purchasing one to show at -the • spring fair in June is tri ..ontact Steve McGregor at 519 253 5586 before October 28th GE -43i tor, COUNTRY . CHRISTMAS HOME tour. November 13 and 14, noon to • 4 p.m • Visit unique homes in Port . Franks. decorated for Christmas • Lambton. Hentage Museum. 519- 243-2600 .or 1 is(,4255-0316 CE- 43x3cc ELEGANCE IN.THE COUNTRY 4th • Annual'Gift Show and Sale. flov 5. 128prn•-Nov 6. 10.51 m. Nov 7. 1.05 p m . Sebnngvtlle Community . Centre. Sebringvdle CE •43i2cc • RAPTORS B -BALL Fantastic A,r Canada Centre Sunday. Dererhber 5ttl vs San Antonio Spurs Super all -Inclusive. -bus trip. S75 or S90 ticket packages Call Jre'Rys 519- 881-1953.CE-43x1cr. TREASURE CHEST 99. Saturday, November 13th. 9 a m" • 10 a m. coffee shop. '10 a m. garden pro- duce. deli counter. nomebaked goods. Christmas crafts, flea mar- ket• and .stlerlt auction Also • hand-- made and-made .quilts. 11 a.rn • 1 p m hot luncheon. 'Ontario Street United Church Cllntofr CE-43x3cc . GUITAR MUSIC. The Canadian Strings Concert. Sat Oct. 30 at Blyth Memorial -Hall Rob MacDonald - (Toronto). TAK (London). Kim Souch rEgmondvlllel and Ben Wir)bski (Seatorth) Dinner $10 Concert $10 Dinner $tarts at 6 p.m • Concert • at • 7 30 • p m Reception to follow .L:censed For information and tickets. alt. 1.519•. 523.9152 or 519527-2939 GE- 43x1 • • ' DUFFS UNITED -Church: Walt9n presents the Walton Christmhs Home Tour, Nov 13 and 14: 1.5 p m Door prizes Featuring 6 - homes and one church. We would be pleased to welcome you at Dutf=s United Church for refreshments fol- lowing the - viewing '01 the homes Tickets $1000 For tickets call Barb at 519-887-6068 CE•42-3 ' HALLOWEEN DINE N DANCE, Friday. October 29 Featunng our regular Fnday 'Fisi+ Fry at 5 p m. • and rive entertainment starting at 6 p m. by 'Music Making Mom;' play- ing old -tyre country and gospel favountes. Dancing. Halloween cos- tumes prizes for best costumes Reservations 519.565.2554. Harbour Restaurant, Hwy 21 at Bay':eld.River CE:42x2cc , -CHRISTMAS DINNER and•dancing to the Royal Ades'on Fn Dec 10 at • Seaforth Community Centres Advance tickets $25 Sponsored Dy Seatorth Harmony Kings Call 5' 9• 527-1775 CE -42.3 • ARE YOU READY for Y2K' Attend a _Personal • Preparedness Workshop' Wed Oct 27 7 p m Seitorth Manor Presented oy the Cariadian Red Cross ' Alf'corTirrtum-. ty welcome Free admission. refreshments CE -42-2 • - -SMORGASBORD ;PPER. St . Andrews United Church Kippen • held .at Brucetield. United .Church. Wednesday. November .10-5-7 p m Adults 59 50 children 12 and under S4 00 Preschoolers Free Tickets 519.263-5025 CE 42x2cc `G 297 Annual Fgmondville. [Tilted Church Turkey Cc. Supper' ,� Wednesday,Oct. 27 . __ ti`lh"rth ►IC l/Ull h r 'Community Centres -take rirtN dlailat•ir 4:3t) -'p m eat ui 5 00 tk/ ' p m Tickets available from congregation members, Hildebrand Flower;, Egmondville Store, Pula Train. Watch for out "Dare 10 Share Auction" in Oct. Coming Events rriE DOLL ANTJ ry✓;•'hiss tt IS lasrmating show and sale of dolls. antique t0 modern Doff honours. clothing. accessories. teddy bears Complete range of 'klimaking and bearrnaking supplies. Drill and Dear restoration and repair Dollhouses and dry11A0u5e furnishings Hundreds of items Lunch ! iwn free parking Sunday. October 31. 10 - 4 3(, Knights of Columbus Hall. Hwy 8 • between Walkerton and Mildmay. Admisslrwi 53 00. Children 51 00 'information phone 519-981 0345 CE-42s2rr WALTON HALL E•.rnre Tournaments the 2nd and 4'h Thursday each month October 14th and 28th Bring y urc.wn part- ner Lunch provided' Admission $5 A0 per person GE -41.3 FISH FRY every Friday 4 p r - 8 p m . all -you -ran -eat fir aril .hips with full salad bar. err/ .9 a5 each Harbour Restaurant, Hay 2'. -at Bayfield River. 519-565.25`.4 CE - 41 x3cc TURKEY SUPPER at Duffs United Church in Walton- 'We'dnesday N ,v 3e1 from 4.30 to. 7 00 p 59. chlldrgn 15.12,' 54 5 pros -hfiolers free Take-outs a rail. able CE -41x3' SEAFORTH MINOR SPO)-; Bingo every Mcnday. at 7, 15 p m 1st and 3rd Monday ,f each mo- o- S750 Jackpot 2nd aro 41. morday 51,600 Jackpot Doors ace' at 530' b m ' cket a 4S 5 sr ^ $ O C G Lottery firer ;e at/297'95 CE -391f BINGO Goderlch Knights every Thiirsday. 7 r r elurnbus Centre. 390 Parsers rfl.r' S3 35: in pnzes 2 mire ;asrcot5 ' ' r'535l 1 for S600. re,',iar err S• =,r, , must go: Lic 4' . Saturday of every rr r:th 7 Columbus Centre. same pr -,gra - as Thursday night:- Lic *315856 SJuper Star Provincial Game ever! Bingo Night. CE -42 -rifer, 1 Articles For Sale 99 INVENTORY CLEARANCE of Hot Tubs featunng Marquis Soas All hist quality N"th Nararty November 4-9. Sunooasr Godench Blue i-1or r P cis 3rd Spas. 519-524-98C,4 -43x•• :: CLOSING • OCT 3G'- SPEC 4. MACS..' EMPIRE S S10.00 q BUSHEL Jonigc•.. . Delicious Cortfands, Ida Reds. Russet. Scy Mutsu iprange fruit'stard (-Nei 8 east of lights. Clinton Jim Beit Fret Farm. 519-524-94801 0.7.43x t cc BIRD SEED First Seaforth Scouts Winter Fund Raiser Seiept. Premium and Black Sunflower seed available 20 ibs to 40 Ib bags 'avail- able . Pedes from S8 30 to S13 30 Delivery available Phone Gord Phillips after 5:00 p.m to srder 519.522.0112 3l-43x2c .ROSE SPEAKERS. like ^ew Model 501:•, direct'reffecting • system S400 00 for set ..Cai1519-238-6946 01-43x6nxe - WOOOBURNING H E of E a 'r r ;ate, good condition. Call • -26 01-43-1 34' TWO -DOOR fudge a-- :e 3rd water In the door 5500 _ a 3- 527.0560. 1-s3- • CLASS 3 HEAVY Jury trader -•tc" complete with hardware 1 yr 010. ,'excenent condition. tits mid. 80s.-- late 90s Ford LTD Sr Mercury Grand Marquis Asking 5100 30'4 interest- ed please cal Godench 519-524- 7586 01-43Q se TREADMILL 1 5 "c 3 -cr trans- -port model 54'5 3rd esercycie Vitamaster 4V'i,scer A.r S425 Phone 519-527-22'4 01-431(3 STAR CHOICE • 5189 after '. rebate Call - Roger at Ontario Country Kabie 519.233-3944.01- 43x5cc APPLES Northern Spy, Spartan. Ida Red. Imperial Macs. Red 'aro Golden Delicious -51 Louisa St Seaforth Call 51.9-527.0622 atter- 5 p m. Or weekends. leave message 01-43.2 ' PROPANE fireplace in excellent condition direct vent. 5500 .'C Phone after- 4 p m i5191 524-"15 01-42x3nxe TWO FAT HEIFERS. deal ter treez- erDeef. can ba seen at fit 1 conc 1 Ruli'eit'TWIT- arra 522-0468 01.420 PUMPKINS Squash gourds and Indian corn. excellent quality aro selection at Puflens. 4 miles west of Seaforth on Hwy. 18. 0l-42s2cc SNOWBLOWER Craftsman 32-w 10 h p Can 519-522=1048 01.42x2 WEE WILLY'S BAKING now avail- able at the Egmoodvllle General Store or call 519-522-2192 for vow baking needs. 0t-42x3c ••THE DOLL and I" SHOW & SALE ' I vr, t nu,* Thu tax morn` Mini ani aJr _ 1 •kill; rxNur l0 01,Idettl Livt lumuurr shirting m"Ywnrs. iallh dors ('arpkie tarp: .1 J1,Ilrrsutxi6 !remaking ,ulpnes Liam a hat rem rmm and rcpur lasltioker. dellhcv;r lumuhmts Hoards ,d ikon Lun:h ism Itte ;Nit :lig • Sunda) (ktober31st, 10a.m.`•4:Wp.m. ' knights vt Columbus Hall. 140%0) v Mtoaren 1lalkciavl ,ri %tlklni.l) 5,111114110e 51 1x1: Chikken SI (lit int'nluti,.n phone 1 x31 v.U: Y "Town and Country LASSIFIED Deadline: Monday, 1:00 PM Call 527-024(. .I� 1 E.rticdes For Sale SEASONED HAPG'iaGGr. t3*. cord picked up r,4.! •1 527-2',' 4 01-42i3': GIFT GERTiF!CATES fix rrassage therapy. cellulite Neaps 'le'fx wraps and ;tre'Lr- '-ark redi,cririr A 'gifI Hlth a perwai their►. Sark/ Campbell; Reresiered Massage. and Hyir.'herap- 5'9 ;27.2',58 reeve rr essage •4•:4 ATTEfi- r,"i - ,,t -::r r,,,0' Sir, r.fles Srer-,r ,,//,q ',Brie'; !r:.SShi';N; ',' 3rr,,r,•,rn riot be. peat acre -'',roc and Mar re ,per ' 1ays >vere 5193F;5 1•32 511F'3.-- y!N'/ A /Aa"„ALE"i Gal! .s .,.y • 4:1 Af r,rli,oq R,rr Curd coir$ err. "Ir, •„ tri On Tho 3r .t ;al- y)• 3F,4-',443 28xtf'.c FIRE'I/ /)D p r.rk fads of rar'ivo,Ael ;iar.•N'/,r1 aril ridgy ,s lir Oinks :311 rge'/ aril Y,nS 511.1,49-'147, ;H!"lA c ABP affl :,est,ratr- ` ie•N';er lire •., area ?":Nr ;!airs ereved 4:r rarity 'erre r:s /!e repo' :r'c; and :rani'; >'ea;e 'ea re '"essa-e 5• f- 524-5216 or 5'9 4:12 75", Molr• .1 sr arc: , or':arr1 acct•:; acccirrmert 1Aar'err '3rrar : r `i :22 1507 i r-plrr.G s' r'3Lor Cilp. Seat -r1 , FLEA MARKET BLUE WATER TRADING POST The (Ad NMI. Tiverton, O.% 368-8667 Open F or MC (1,19.ri • .-.r:a•... ', r, _ t �, - R„hs-\;....i.:: / pr 5. Cars for Sale '-171' '_:'•«OE. __ :d .:: 2 4L 5,8:: i:: s S• • A, I.r<ri,r -r-s 385 %,4,3*.3,,; ;s' f 4 S' ;igrt `:r ' 23 5 Y .rare 5312 coir .:ai 15• : 252-• • :€ 89 ":"O'." AC ::':1 ._ 2'5 i . . • ere-sa`- aria:iaC,e 5•3,-41.I as i2xFrxe =OP SA_= 3.: ' Ear :Arra! ▪ ..-5 3.3 S";.: 33 s:r S' 513752-9- ;5.53 : _2x3' 7.A?Si =RCM ss:. mac•;_ r--3 :4;1 `c, 15"y5 :"3.3•-3.3.3-2.2L. s'•3-3 2234 ;5n .gv`1 • 6. Trucks for Sale 3294 Cre-, 3,4 •.r ;,ewer. ift^yat4 "e- carr•: si:eller( 7011 ;rear -_r- - g 31:: •3 3 °-"Ced 'C ;e•I 53995:, :e4 3-396-a.:,:2 ea-.e-'essa- s 42x2cc '992 3%IC Est Cac ' 2 ':r leaded. r°•1s1,,ar • Vit• -'r r; 31:4) auto. ^.rs Ned -ice :rerg 'r'_cx Come take •.r .'esr :r -,e 1r'a62 offer- 519-396-4 _3ae3 '^?5 - sage C6-42x2cc. 7= 3nctmcblles & Equipment S• ' _ - 1982- :r- :eerie, 24 '3. 5 - - - 5 ' -• =34 1-er6p-' -'c.4.13 10 Pets RUSSEL, •erriers :ready 10 'go ..r.te.ber 26 :a - ,r 5' 9-522.0635 1 ''42x3', MA AND PAWS GROOMING -.Cir 9fied gentle grr,Omer -easerable rates- Eats welcome a Baths ^ails comb -outs On Highway. 2' "r.r•h St "'SAO; Gan Dianne at 5'1-216- •757r, '3-216- '7570 ' .,-58 tfcc %REE ':x A Goch -'C•ME she purebred 'walker Hoard Ind re Beagle both female Prefer 1*- s 'be taken together :ail 511 235- 7545 9.236- 7`8.5 after 3 p rr. ' 4)-43x3rxe FREE ru.setratred •;irterS f give away to good nOn'1es 527=1862. 10-43)2 1 1F Farm Product SALE 405 -,i.rd :ales Ac,cy'o Bob Rice.at 5'3 448 -?r8.1 11F-42x2cc 1 1 0 =arm Equipment =rip SALE SIx 4r;t :!ass eaiklrg dews aro a UdCor•-Ick eerrq •ra11 2'I.r"w plfW :.1lii3 ;"r alr'er, "rx;ei 3 {rector r. cer'grt ;race .a,1 -'B' al'i :.lama' i4af-,r•f- 5'1--127.'274 •''1-43-•- =')c SALE c 2' ;rfsra! :orres 'eeders- 2 1,r/ ;TAI :Gr rr,S 'P.P,d• ;e,,Glo ;Ided -`ire 5,1-52- ;44' ., 3-42 2 _ MI III MI III III III El CUSTOM LIQUID , NIANtRE RENIOSAL 1 Vacuum Tank i 2 Units Available • Agitation 1 REY-AGRA-: • 519-345-0047 1 • 519-345-2415S 1 E-'-1311. REY.AGRA '41 1 STRATFORD. - 1 WEBGATE.NET U. mi t/ ti m It mi 17 apartments for Pent Scar -e rt. aurdr/ 'acilines. :ar.:ri ' =ererercr5 -soured 'cre :• - 2,'243 '--43xttor_ • • .E 3E:}•CGM rst•'foci scar- -er' r :I;ctex ^ear ;Cwrrcwr ' zeferarras s'id'ed = ;r r':r -at r hall :t3-5135-2'2• • Jc 3E,,DROC!v( acarrer: r Seatcr t._ . avallacle 'icv = :r "chs rfcrr•attcr :leas .:ail atter 1 345-2,459 7.37 -it. • -,VC :E.:PCCM .ccer 301.. r :Cwrtcwr 3r,sseis. "ewh! - :ecc- •ated. can;rr, S.3-5=efererces 4REA' ..ate, acara-ert :re 0er:r':cr 4;r -?rt - -•er •age dire. Derr rc:uces -ear `-,:r: extra `rage arc ;rc',e _3:,rcr, r Oasef^ert. .ail :' --2363 17 35 -If AST'!'•E'N a?ar-11E' 5 Uhtchell. .-arge Lauri 2 :er:r .cr' 3oafbnant.:crtrclled entre 4rsi.Ite aundry. Tree ' 3cciiarces. it-•a1I stcrage area :esigred roc'ratLre. adults p'tor' : • 3-235-296' or 519-348-0118 •• 3. c'cc L. IN -01,4 ,are• :e*'r^cr' _CS:airs aparr-err. S3CC :nhtle* A'altacre ^ow '_,d :r 59-234)-:--. 1•y , The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS "nr lqw '',-,;-1;n1. i1 .1r1•ni.Ps t sr IA t :S Oporto Cesare -4-1( A -K "Ala ,pr J j r N:Pt s•r,ln,-A.:Pc 1 I i ' 't rwmrjr,,IPt i 71,'r/rarl 3 Sar ,41-44":et.' Innis .33 .-. c t Nnrra • .Pr or.? %:r'. t l '.'-,wnmr<r , . 1 :3 ::mmerr.N--,octry DEA/W./NE FOR l:r.A.C.SIFTEDADSy.S.Nt)NDAy r:nq PN, Fnrother papers Deadline is wo DAY train 1,41 All rates plus GAT 'N. .r. ,yn y+rx: K..r, ..•y v.'r;:.-hrv•r-.v,,•<•k. •" ,.<•I ..,nal v. ;o;t _, ;int, le a;dlt.onai i, v -ll 10 Alan mnor, *I ; Fares Market a -x nta -.ar Pr J t AprtPri n Brut /4/9rtart:n -m0k1VmPf1 AfirIP/1 - V T ?-Milli v-•'-.1t,tDmPrt -Ym ;PI rlr s • a. .Ern < ,rm 7anl ;I,:Ia r..u1 -. Iprl ':clPA t<w • n10 ':nrl{Nl 9 :1,,,, iw : -T&I ver,Prl.An'*1 .' .,,R(1r, • ' . iilhv:77 -q ., 'fitr.11nran.�t .4 1�r ;n'• .1 . • torr. -: Prytr./'. - in annr,r,rrAmartt ssnrtr,(> ♦Pt .11,r:,ort nla i0:1t,r,lllrrgl /10 1 'n ",Nn .1wnV 1i Sp - ts - 1.1 ;+rlrlrpin Pr• 1: Noir' Ages 13 n Namnrnm :1.; ",N is 3I ,irk . in .,1 r1 nm^•.,•u• -env: ler int- 1i '. int tlnreilent . \. lr 1'. ;n ...al':1 Writ N -.r: i,:♦ n •he•,311..v•11Lr ra/.,in. :,'nl. r • :l. .., . � wv .nrarne .Ir., :1 4 Ir' .•.¢:yl t,• 1far.ng r v . 1n Ix •:u• .ami ill -- r -,r. is .r c••.., r u1 itndit noel ,!.,.,. ' . , 2, .is;. ti PRS? .1.,n,:av ro Fadav ,t \1 „ VI 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker MLS 527-0560 Sharon Medd Market Value 'Appraiser Seaforh ;len Subdivision -Mode! •fume Saturday. October 30 • '1:30 4m 'o !I:00 0 noon NEW "CME 11; air^rum •71;n<,au:w 1",? .. 1 :•., :,l • iaK '•'H^f7earns. .mmedra.•R Jcssession. Seaforth Ulan Subdivision -Madel Home Saturday. October 30 10:30 am to 12:00 noon NEW HOME! 'SCG in T ai,rgaiow. -easter.aearnnm mat tnsulte. Naik-r xr et. ' SOLD -SOLD -SOLD' Totally MINUTES FROM MAIN ST.: 1 ;rim Renovated One Floor-HOme' 2- nain.lcor aurum, arye mair1. .:'used :w:rrrms. :icsec••fl znrrn arr;ii rat n-rrnt.:r:rr:n• 178,500: 7artr, f --'ire' 179,900. - PRICED TO SELF. FARM' Na^v :,cc,:a 5152.500. Munn 3 'ir^.vq - • :315ils •5 ACRE. HOBBY NUS- 3E scLJ' ; _.. . • ..a.•er ...:1115 :nyr- ., :-.s , sea r•i,de ice 1 as ; -,,, 1 169.3ao. ,ply ihrnced Teel Judairq. cls Ivatlacie :all 'uuay "or• ulligan REAL ESTATE iLTD 106 MAIN STREET. NORTH - ST S99 3CCr 32 SPARLING STREET , UST $102. wY• ' 96.90 ACRES IN McKILLOP TWP PLUS BARNS & GRAIN SINS .181 QUEEN STREET, MENSAL_ ,1Cv7 5:34: R.R. 04, SEAFORTH R.R. 15. SEAFORTH _ S' S129.1CC! 56 HURON RD.. HARPURHEY Sr. $89.101 137 MARKET sTREET _3r 389.3I0! ••n N STR 5 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING _41 5'tl.s0u' 26 HURON ROAD HARPURHEY v1�1. R.R. 11. BRUCEFIELD S' 5'49.300 • 16 CHURCH STREET UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING s' S''i9.1CU1 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA Seaforth Office: 519. / 527-1577 8 Main Street 'MAUREEN WILDFONG 182.3224 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! '110N SUNRAY 340-!000 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MLS REALTOR ONE OF THE BEST 'N 1;,1WN Handsome. 2 storey. bttclt & trams home featuring 4 bedrooms, gas heat, 3 baths. central air kith heat punt. cold cellar, double attached garage - located on spacious 119.24 s 148 50 anuscaped '01. 00RGEOUS. toted renovated stone home In mint condlt0n kith 4 bedrooms, central air, lull basement, lamely room, rec 100111, new windows. new wiring, new addteon, hot tub, attached double garage plus steel shed • locales ' n picturesque 2 1/2 acres! 1