HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-10-27, Page 5Opinion THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 27, 1999-5 Benefits outweigh risks of immunization, says doctor From Page 4 diseases. and avoid the hardship it causes for individuals. • families, communities and the health care system". Cathy O'Keefe, Chair•of the Canadian Nursing Coalition for • Immunization related.a recent story of an unvaccinated child who developed measles. "All the hospital staff went to sec the child. because many of them had never seen measles." As soon as the diagnosis was confirmed, provincial public health staff went to work, tracing people who had been in contact with the child and immunizing anyone who was at risk. In the end. nine more people were infected - and the result could have been far worse if not for an established public health'network, backed up by a 99% measles immunization rate across the province. "The major message we need to get out is the huge benefit Letter of immunization compared with the very small risk." said Dr. West. "One has to recognize that there is a very. very small risk. but it doesn't compare. to the number of cases of these diseases that we would have if we weren't immunizing - children." From the Canadian Community Newspaper Association Legion asks for public participation in Nov. ii wave of silence To the Editor: The wars and military conflicts of the 20th century have taken an onerous toll on Canadians. From the South African War at the start of the century to NATO operations in the former Yugoslavia. more than 1.4 Canadians have volunteered to serve in this country's military and merchant navy and more than, 114,000.have given their lives. •As-wc approach the new millennium. we should pause to reflect on the tragic costs in human suffering of past wars. and hope that by remembering the horrors of those wars. we might prevent similar tragedies in the next millennium. To remind Canadians in a significant manner of the sacrifices made to preserve our freedoms and way of life, The Royal Canadian Legion, the major veterans organizations and Veterans Affairs Canada are calling, upon all Canadians to ohscrvc 2 Minutes of Silencer. in commemoration of•our war dead. at 11 a.m. on Remembrance Day. The tradition of observing two minutes of silence in remembrance first originated at the end of World` War 1, but since the early 50s, this tribute has fallen into disuse. As we close more than a century of wars. -it is hoped that Canadians in all walks of lit'c will + take up the commitment to. honour our fallen veterans and will pause to r+cm'cmher, and to give thanks. As the clocks strike 11 a.m. on Nov. 11, we envisage that , a "Wave of Silence" will roll across the. :nation as communities from Newfoundland to British Columbia pause in the;/- activities he«activities and observe a commemoration for 1%, minutes. Traffic will stop. asscmh- lines will pause, labourers will put down their tools, and students will stand in silence beside their desks, and, as a nation, we will reflect on the price that has been paid for the bounty that we share today. We seek your support for the "2 -Minute 'Wave 'of Silence." You alone know Good dental habits make Halloween less scary for children'steeth, gums The Ontario Dental. Association (ODA) says Halloween doesn't have to be a scary time for your children's teeth and gums. as long as smart choices' arc made about the treats your kids eat. "It's unrealistiy to think we can keep all treats from our children at Halloween," says ,JDA President. Dr. Don Friedlander. ;"In ,fact. hiding candy fr5m our children. when others have ,it. may just make/them want ' it more:" The good news is that some': smart dental habits will reduce the impact of candy on teeth an gums. Dr. Friedlander offers three suggestions to improve your, children;s dental care during Halloween. • "First, parents can do their part by handing out healthy Halloween snacks. :Second, sort through the treats collected by your own children. And .third. encourage • good dental habits right after snacking." he said. HOW TO TELL THE Letter Poppy 1 1 • campaign to be held Monday Nov. 8 To the Editor: For many_ years. the people of. Seaforth and -area have been most generous in contributing to the annual Poppy Campaign of Branch 156 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Funds raised from the public are held in trust in a separate account and do nbt form any part of branch finances. ----...............The Poppy. Trust Fund is a reserve from which assistance canoe given to needy veterans. their ,dependents and the widows and children of deceased ex - service personnel. • We trust that the local citizens will continue to -lend their strong support to the 1999 Poppy Campaign by wearing a poppy and being receptive to the Legion members or cadet knocking on your door during the 1999 poppy drive to be held on Monday. November 8. Your donations will be appreciated: Jim McLeod Poppy Chair Legion Branch 156 b GOOD FROM THE . GHOSTLY How can parents tell the good from the had when filling up the treat bowl.? ' According to , Dr. Friedlander: it's all relative. "Parents may be surprised to Icarn that junk food isn't all created equal when it comes to dental impact," notes Dr. Friedlander. "In fact, many common 'snacks are wbrsc for your teeth Shan Halloween chocolates and .candies." Dr. Friedlander said the real trick is -avoiding the worst offenders, especially the sticky, chewy. hard_and crunchy... "Sticky sweets that adhere to teeth are -the prime culprits behind dechy- causing hacteri'a and p,Iaque," he said. "Fruit - flavoured roll -up treats and raisins can stick to teeth more easily than a chocolate bar." • T8c ODA offers this guide for purchasing and consuming , Halloween treats: Good Treats: (sugarless or low -in -sugar. not hard, easily hru'shed or washed away from teeth by'saliva):. fruit. sugarless gum. potato or tortilla:chips, cheese ;puffs, sunflower seeds, popcorn: sugarless lollipops: Scary Treats: (sweet but not sticky; can he brushed or'washed away from teeth fairly easily): candies, chocolate bars. regular gum, lollipops; Ghostly Treats: (very sweet. sticky or hard: difficult to brush or wa;h away from teeth: difficult to chew_ ; 'nay damage teeth): rock candy. peanut brittle. toffee, caramels, jelly beans., gummy treats. Dr: Friedlander also offers some snacking tips for children with orthodontic appliances, so they can he saved from possible damage. "Chewy, sticky or hard sweets aren't. recommended for children with dental appliances or braces." he said. "Retainers should always be removed before. snacking to prevent damage. "If children have braces. good oral hygiene is more important than ever to remove the food particles SEAFORTH INSURANCE • BROKER LTD. 527-1610 • Home • Commercial • Auto • Farm •Life • Out of Province Travel Insurance Barb Han. Joanne Wdhomson. Lynn Misch, Ken Cardno 41 Main St. 5. Seaforth For real peace of mind,; look for -ibis symbol 0I protection. •a • oraq aws • We provide insurance protection that leayou sleep n night,.Tltat's bFciii a thecolTative Strait -1i of our 50 community based mutual insurers makes us among the most financially secwe insurance networks:• in the world. For you, it means friendly knowledgeable service from people who understand your needs and provide the protection and service you want. 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Following these simple steps will help ensure your children enjoy all the fun of Halloween and maintain a healthy smile long after the treats are gone. 1 how a pause to remember could he hest implemented ,-ithin your organization, but tuld urge you to permit encourage the people work for you to ohscrvc the silence for a full two minutes and to cease work during the period'to the degree that safety and practicality permit. - We call upon you to help us.remembcr in any way that you can at 11 a.tn. Nov. 11. Join us as we spare no effort to ensure that the sacrifice of fallen Canadians. is truly remembered. Linda Gridzak, President Barbara Scott, Public Relations Officer Seaforth, Branch 156 The Royal Canadian Legion • There's No Better Time for the Best Now you can get tinted New Hollond•pertamonce. of exceptand.sae gs os low os 096 AI1• Check out. theel� tractors, hay and broge equipment and skid -steer loaders ot your nearest New dealer. 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