HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-10-13, Page 8News Survey has police working toward better visibility By Scott Hilgendorff Expositor Editor - Work is_alrcadv hetn_•Jone•hv Ontario Provincial Police to impR+ve on three key .areas of ioticern to them from the results of a pithhc Survey conducted earlier this' year_ A survey of 382 Huron County area`residents.revealed a r' per ecru—approval ratln_ for how. the-OPP enforce aggressive Jrrvtne and.hoyv :.Ih}e tne- OPP ,ire and a 6: ter approval rating for how police have reduced illtek drugs -It wasn't an dee pt,lhle* level.- said Conunur..•ty Otfi�c�. un Shrr1 shjil Only siv per cont ot the people surveyed kniwy •the name ill the Huron OPP detachment conlmandc.r, Staff Sergeant Gary • \lartin . . . • Only 57 Ilei tent 1,01.0%, the name of an officer WhO ptihhes their community . OPP haye.i►Iready had a meeting to go over the resuttS and deter inie.w av s to make the OPP-more visible • What's going to•hcIf a 'HOC ytith-thc visibility Is the seven rookies arc going %+tet ell their ovin.'' said Shropshall. • Seven Ilew, officers have ,bc n :'signed to various pans of the Huron•dct,whment•s ptshcing area but for several month,, ' have ihld to patrol with aft evpencneed officer Those .even Will nti<►. he heading out on their -own patrol's: ineaningseyen: • - more police.:tinsels on..Hun+n Count% arc.t road..• Shropshall Said they woaild also like to assign officers to more tOot. patrol during times vy hen they • arc i ihte to the general public This summer: there Was already increased -etto.ris t%, encourage-the•pirblic•s help going .iiter'illegal crops of ntarIlu.uia grown secretly in farmers' fields and back lots • -W •leesecuted more search Warrants rn%olving drug entorcenlcnt." said ,Shropshall and tip: to Crime Stoppers about drug crops have increased this year •- Iksptle those areas of concern: the overall picture for the (IPP yya- >,+siuye one based on the suncy results -I think we're happy with.th— niaiorny or. this." Shropshall said People 1'i Scatorth indi ated ,they telt eater to their commtiiilt% followed by Grdenchfand Clinton. Seatiath residents w 're'also more satisfied with how easy • It to contact the police. • 'Thr people they spoke torn Seaforth. thewere even happy.' said Shropshall. Other results showed that people over the age of bel telt s,lfer In their communities. rugal or urban and people over the ego of 61i ko had a higher perception of community nlauuenan.e.by the police and a higher sense that potter were involved 111 their neighbtnirhi+ttii. • Overall. s+I {kr cent of the people surveyed felt..ate in their .ommunrurs • 1:Ighty•seven per cent of the surveys indicated satisfaction with victim sensitivity and there vv ,Is an 81 per cent approval rating ti+r how police enforce drinking and driving laws. It was a provincial mandate to conduct the survey s and cotoNes of action have to he taken with the•results which anis tahulated at the OPP'.•prov Incial ottices in Onlha: j Now there has ih he business plans to •show areas of nnplmentent. ' said Shropshall THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 13, 1999-7 To entertain you... • ;'1111 -11-)erdc.rtt 'Clash the Clown entertained youngster;• Neth 'irks lnri ` ,r ,r Saturday white members of the Canada I'Iorld 'c,1ah rxchnrge performed o cultural show before the pork car -as; • Friday night FIRM 1 \IT NI( 1PAL DRAL%AGE • Cta: : _I . . stallatxxs • a::xrr.e zee a9n �;a • rstaltatll:r.s For Quality, Experience, & Service call: • Wayne Cook (519) 236-7390 _.3 2 Z,.rrr :rt. `,r•e,12 M•H•N ...a -.0 ,-at. - ,mirage PARKER ©PARKER L I NAI T E C) Premier Internet Services SIGN UP TODAY! 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THE TIME 15 NOW if-your-business..,,or you1 ey suppliers - are not prepared,or the Year 2000. you can be at risk. As a small bus'iness owner. it is cruciai to have a plar.concerning . your future. Workshops have been.. developed to give you the tools' you need to defend yourself against,the Y2K computer bug. Arid -the workshops are free' How TO GET Y2K INFORMED Atteniithe ladusf ty Canada Year 2000 workshop being organized by the Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern , Ontario (FedNor) in co-operation with local Community Futures Development Corporations. But don't put it off. Register today. The time to prepare is now. CALL (519) 527-0305 AND REGISTER TODAY. DATE & TIME: October 20, 1999, 7 TO 10 PM PLACE: Seaforth , 1 industry Industne Canada Canada Catiaci