HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-22, Page 1212-T•NE HURON EXPOSITOR, September 22, 1999 Correspondents Locals sing in IPM choir St. Columban Father Maurice Charbonneau was officially installed as Pastor of St: • Patrick's Dublin, Si- Vincent de Paul. Mitchell. and St. Columban Parishes in a ceremony held at St. Patrick's. Dublin'on -Sept. 3. Our community welcomes with love. Larisa Courtney Christine Shea. Congratulations to proud parents Kevin and Bev Shea. and big brother. Joshua. Sincere sympathy Of the community goes out to the families of Fran O'Reilly, a former St: Columban area resident: who died recently. Father Mooney has returned from a trip to .Alaska. When asked if he had a good vacation. he replied that he came home to have a vacation. Congratulations from the community to Tom and Eileen Sloan. who recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Several local people are involved with the mass choir which dill be.singing at the Interdenominational Church' service for the International Plowing Match. The service will be held :Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. at the Zurich arena. Nancy Kale Maria Vogels, Ann Cronin and Marie Hicknell made the beautiful banner which will represent the St. Columban contingent performing with the choir. Ron and Mary Ryan travelled to Toronto to visit with their son. Corporal Joe Ryan. who has returned from the Golan Heights where he served with the C.N. Peacekeeping force for the past six months. He was in Toronto overnight on his way home to Winnipeg. More than 100 young people participated in the annual Knights of Columbus Soccer Tournathent,-held in St. Columban on Sunday. Sept. 12. Teams from Brussels. Seaforth. Kinkora. St. Marys. Dublin and St. Columban played in the fun tournament which saw the St. Marys team defeat Brussels for the "A" Championship: and St. Columban defeat Seaforth for the ••B" Championship- • A warm Si. Columban welcome to Rose Burke. formerly of Stratford. who has come to live With her son and family. Tom and Lynn Burke. Stacy. Devon and Kailyn. "Best wishes" from the Whole community goes out' to Ken and Debbie Wilcox who were married at St. Columban Church this past .weekend. Father Moe Charbonneau officiated. Debbie is the.daughter of Nancy and Gerry O'Reilly and Brian Melady: Ken is the son of Darice, Greene and Leslie Wilcox. Ken and Debbie will reside in Toronto. Cecilia Ryan has recently returned from a three-week touring vacation in the Maritime provinces: Accompanying her were Laura and Les Ward of Kitchener, and Mary Ward of Waterloo: • By Mary C • Ryon 345-2560 1.31 Atwood Lions BINGO Atwood Community Centre EVERY THURSDAY Doors Open at 6:30. pm Bingo Starts at 7:00 pm $500 on 54 calls Pot of Gold S500 on 51 calls Loonie Bin s M.C.L. SOUND FULL D.J. SERVICE • : Book Your Receptions, • Buck & Does early • For more info: call • John .McLeod. • 482-9984 • evenings 1 1 1 til,•,t111„1 4 ( itlrlrt,t� 551 Huron St. 273-6780 1 Stigmata Nightly at 7 & 9:15= Sr•1ay 1 Sooty "Ow r 2 p• 1 1 ■ 1 Sixth Sense '© Nightlyat7d9:15 sroor,1 sway awes 2 0" 1 1 For Love of the Game Nightly at 6:45 8 9:15 -" S*ray 1 Sulary Isere r 2 pr. Runaway Bride .-E] Nightly at 6.45 6 9:15 Savary 1 SIMy h►rw r 2 4. 1 ■ 54.25 Tuesday 1 .a- • PARK THEATRE `i COOta,C' 514 r111 FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN. - THURS. 8 PM COARSE LANGUAGE� T 1 bR LOVE OF THE GAM E LIVERY FILM FEST THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3 7 PM ONLY fi© FRI. - THURS. SEPTEMBER 24 - 30 11'. • • l'', l tc1.1ath tit kh's'L 4..11I11 11 04) DOUBLE JEOPARDY FRI. & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 PM SUN. - WED. 8 THURS. 9:15 ONLY CORY LA GuAGE • 111E %it SI\(Ill 1\D 1111( Mt l Rt'111\11( DRtMt Ili SEt\Sf\fE rift\x iN1tlIRFtttoil 110,1' ,. ,IY,\ .I M r..•. •• Maw* s•/•I.M*4•ru-.•,•11.1•.. THiS IS MY FATHER LONG DISTANCE' CALL FOA TOIL FREE MOVIE INFO OPEN HOUSE Ca»e' ad ee e ,ate 0 Sa,u'fc3, lOffe4"6' Don Jefferson of Clinton Community Credit Union Limited (Clinton branch) is retiring efffective September 30, 1999 Please feel welcome to attend the Clinton Office THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 to extend your best wishes Refreshments ' provided. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION u.a chntl,ncu on ra 411 Ontario Street Main Sheet CLINTON DASHW000 116 Main Street North EXETER 482-3466 237-3777 235-0640 Performed - your location or o,, thdoor or oieldoor chapel (rbn4M10mnaboM4 For beoclure car REV. CHRIS MORGAN AU. FAfTNS PASTORAL CENTRE BENMILLER, 524-5724 Alzheimer Society of Huron County presents • Dr. Peter St. George Hyslop Dr Hyslop will speak on the latest in • Alzheimer. Research on October 6/99 7:30 pm OMAFRA 100 Don Street Clinton COST $5 00 , Registration is required PLEASE CALL 482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 Sponsored by: Maple Leaf Chapter LODE Forthcoming Marriage tSCHWARZ- • rCANTARUTTI C 1 6 Mart' Catherine and the 6 t late Henn- Schwarz of A Seaforth are pleased to announce the forthcom- ing mamage of their . daughter Patricia Mary to Peter Douglas Cantarutti, .on of Ennio and Jo -Anne Cantarutti. The wedding will take ' 6 place in Seaforth on _P Saturday, September 25, O1999 at 3 p.m_' THURS. NITE AidastOr- SEAFORTH 527-0980 20' WINGS 10-2 OiZielZ% 1101111L0-- ---141 .Restaurant & Pub Back To Regular Hours Sunday to Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. FRI. NITE "JAGGED LITTLE PILL" Tribute to Alanis Morressette Tickets 55.00 SAT. NITE WE'VE GOT THE BLUES!! DIRECT FROM -OLD CHICAGO'S THE CHRIS MURPHY BAND V>CO%ER HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY Jen Scott . • Lore, Mom & Dad, Oraedlel, Don & Debbie Christopher Leadership Courses *Personal Development •Practical Skills • •Develop Self Confidence •Speaking Effectively For more information or to Register Call 519-345-2152 ' Starts: Monday, Sept. 27th at 7:00 p.m. OMAFRA Office in Clinton Wednesday, Sept. 29TH at 7:00 p.m. in Stratford 11 weekly sessions for 5125.00 Seniors or Students $115.00 Over 2.500 Graduates each year, FRESH HORSES (Garth Brooks Tribute) SAT., OCT. 23/99 8:00 PM TO 1:00 AM Seaforth & District Community Centres ADMISSION:•$12.50/in advance of event Call For Tickets 527-1272 SPONSORED BY: Seaforth & District Community Centres. and Seaforth Minor Hockey Association Proceeds to o neer we resurface, 1999-2000 ICE SCHEDULING MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22, 8:30 PM Seaforth District Community Centres All regular user groups must havg a representative at the meeting. Any group or person wanting to book a time, special event or tournament during the ice season should also attend the meeting. AvonDISTRICT SCMOOL Maitland Learning for a Lifetime SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT Friday, September 24 7:30 p.m. Graduating Students and Award Winners are asked to be at the school by 7:00 p -m, Call 527-0380 For More Information SEAFORTH FALL FAiR .. \i13 1SS-ADOR DINNER & DANCE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1999 ROAST BEEF DINNER OAT� E Nighthawk 1.5.°° per adult 58.00 per child (12 & under) FOR TICKETS CALL Sandra Hunt Ross Ribey 887-6593 527-1390 Or pick up at Nifty Corners Gifts & Radio Shack. TELE•MUTUAL WAGERING ♦ 7. Days a Week •Full Menu Available 00 •Daily Specials *Lots of Parking •Fully Licensed `ie LITTLE BROWN JUG THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Ge;Doors open .11:30 a,m. 12 BUFFALO . $4oo• "THE JUGETTE" i WEDNESDAv. SEPT 22. Decry open 11 30 am EvEtzv overut.s sok,, WEEKEND RACING. Saturda -Sunday Post Time 12.noon . T I I� i:Fndayo,s �e _ •TAVERNIiiiii TELE -THEATRE OFF-TRACK WAGERING Fully Licensed under A G C 0 HIGHWAY 8 WEST • CLINTON • 482-1234 (formerly Jonnymore s Roadhouse 1 2 3 4.' 5 6 7 u ■ a i9 B ® ■ ■ 10 12 13 1a ; 5 '6 17 16 119 20 21 22 23 24 ■ ■ zea ■ 22 { 28 ■ uusLictom Oulaikato LAarens 3. n blip cab arms 1 Cotoriess, odorless gee fiteM 120:ia1 7. Touts used u tuts • 7 Rest 2 Lone Caw n up 2 Las and tots and bb a Nos 23. syr, 9. tarda of prey 3 Perceives a auto • 4. soh 10. Moe. IV, I4 4. Mak* a 020210M10412000144-10 M 1999.* s hoar II. moor mouser - _ m.ee 12 2 ala 12. Stains k,l S. od,xtpn 14 11NWI Ij Eo 14. %WV bird oI prey e. Consent /7 urs. ,S ,.a. 1t. Hot , a Vaal doh 12. TO b 21 Sow • ,s.,y, _ •24 Ace• ,• these 21. Wed IaM Morey. la .13. ons ii Ay • it ter 24. unsullied* serve 15. AIM bulling'moverrueet K 20 toga 25. Examinee it 91naa a11,d,a1t miimii 2, sales 26 Os•Ore In M zed, a e••y it BoAlaOn seer 22 on.. 27 %AIM roma 111. Nam coastal province to 7811 73 1190 26 Spawn *won 20. t.agnec 29 Notch 21. Deseret to 22. VN 23. AP' • eolruoorr next week Edward Jones Senring individual Investors "GICs 'Miami Ftsidr 'Serb 'RASPP *Simla 'R R "SiIFs [111 • " .' Joe Waite 79Ontario Rd. Mitchel, Ont. NOK 1 NO (5 19) 348-9873 Mruaaa