HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-22, Page 11Correspondents
Crowd attends Cemetery Sunday
A large crowd attended
Cemetery Sunday at Si.
Patrick's Parish. Dublin. on
. Sept. 19. During the mass. a
flower was brought to the
altar by a friend or relative
of those who died this year.
Deepest sympathy of the
Dublin area is extended to
the family of Matt
McCreight, a.very special .
Dublin businessman and
friend, who died on Sept. 4.
Sympathy to his wife.
Celeste, and to his, family.
Funeral services were held at
St. Patrick's Catholic
Church. Dublin. where
Father John Costello and
Father Maurice
Charbonneau officiated.
A happy 90th birthday to
Martha Van Bakel
(originally a Dublin resident.
Welcome to the
Grand Opening of
Bethel Bible Church
Everyone is welcome to join us
for our Grand Opening
Where: 126 Main St.. Seaforth
When: October 3 at 3:00 p.m.
We will be having a time of
worship, with fellowship to follow.
There will also be an opportunity for
a tour of our building. Hope to see you.
Community Calendar
WED., SEPT. 22
1:30 - 4:00 p.m. - Senior
Shuffleboard at the Arena
5:30-6:30 p.m. - Minh Hockey
Atom II practice at the Arena
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Hockey Skills
Camp at the Arena
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Step/Floor, _
Aerobics at the Community.
9:00 10:00 p.m. -Bantam It
Practice -
9:00-10:00 a.m. -Fitness is Fun
with Drusifla at the Community
Hockey Practice
11:30-12:30 p.m. - Tykes Hockey
. Practice
12:30-1:30 p.m. - Novice 1 Hockey
Practice • f 1
1:30.2:30 p.m. - Atom 1 Hockey
2:30-3:30 p.m. - Bantam 1 Hockey
3:30-4:30 p.m. - Girl's Hockey
SUN., SEPT. 26
1:00 -2:00 p.m. - Seatorth
Ringette Practice at the arena
2:00-3:30 p.m. - Freq Public
Skating at the Arena
10:00.11:00 a.m. - Line Dancing 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Canada World
' with Drusilla at the Community.Youth Skating at the Arena
Centres5:00-7:00 p.m.l- Seaforth Ringette
6:30-8:00 a.m. - Hockey Skills Practice at the Arena j
Camp at the Arena • • MON.,, SEPT 27
8:00-9:00 p.m. - Pee Wee II Hockey 7:30-9:00 p.m. Legion Oldtirners
Practice at the Arena
9:00 10:00 p.m. - Pee Wee t Hockey at the Arena
Hockey Practice at the Arena
FRI,, SEPT. 24
1:00-3:00 p.m. • Senior 5 Prn
Bowling at Starlight Lanes
4:30 - 5:30 p.m. - House League
Practice at the Arena.
6:30 8:00 p.m. - Hockey Skills
Camp at the Arena
8:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Centenaires
home opener versus North
- Middlesex
6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m. Houseleague WED., SEPT. 29
Hockey Bruins vs. Panthers , 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. - Senior
7:30-8:30 a.m. - Houseteague .. Shuffleboard at the Arena
Hockey -. Blues vs. Ducks • 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Step/Floor
8:30-930 a.m.-•-Houseleague Aerobics at the Commqinjty
Hockey -. Canadiens vs. Sharks Centres ,
9:30-10:30 a.m. - houseleague 9:00.10:30 p.m. - Legion Oldtimers
Hockey - Oilers vs. Kings • Hockey at the Arena
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.r?. • Mites 1 ,
7:30 1030 p.m. - Minor Sports
Council BINGO at the Arena
Host - Minor Ball
1 9:00-10:30 p.m. • Beaver Oldtimers
Hockey at the Arena
TUES. , SEPT. 28
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun
- with Drusilla Leitch at the.
Community Centres
4:30.5:3Q p.nY. - Teachers hockey
• .at the Arena
8:00-10:00 p.m. - Cents Practice
• at the Arena
N'you're crga'nzn a ".7/-•:-.7:" eve-: c' -serest to other Seaforv,
area residents, ,pnoreJ
":e 527-0882 or- the
Exeosnto- at • 527-C241 a :'e -43,•,'aton to Community
Calendar. The Huron Ec::s'- ? . 55 Seaforth, Ontano. ROTC 1W0
well tri advance of the s: a >_ a:e Free +-st,ng includes date, time.
name Of event and Wcavor cry Spare for t -e Convnu6sty Calendar is
donated by The Hurpn ExoosI•oe.
who lives in Seaforth now).
Holidaying with Ken and
Mary MacRae recently was
their son James and wife
Suzanne MacRae from San
Diego. California.
Last week. their daughter
By Dorothy
Katherine MacRae from -
Tucson is spending a.few
days. Katherine has
graduated as a lawYer and is
working for a judge in
Lorne Foster Hamilton -
visited with cousins Eileen
and Don and attended the
Mitchell Fair,.which he
hadn't seen for many years.
He was impressed with the
great1parade and many other
events. Lorne also spent time
- with his brothers Earl and
Harold and their families
and saw many oldfriends
and relatives at the fair.
Not many families h.lve
this many celebbations in a
couple of weeks. but the.
Shewan family of Dublin
have On Sept. 9 Joyce
; Shewan celebrated her
birthday..Onthe same day.
Steve and Pam Shewan-
celebrated their fourth
wedding anniversary!! And
this Friday. Sept . 24 Cheryl'
an (Rob Hern celebrate their
fift wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to Mike
•and/Ann Kelly on the safe
. arrival of a darlit1g bat y boy.
Patrick Michael was born on
Sept.- 2 at Stratford General
Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 2
oz. (Big. brother Sean is
thrilled!) Congratulations to .
proud grandparents Ewart
nd Geraldine Wilson of
Seaforth..and Ferg and Anne
Kelly of Dublin. And
congratulations to thrilled
great grandmother. Esther
Kellyof Dublin. •
Happy 9Oth birthday to .
Martha Van Bakel who has
lived a long and happy life
in Dublin.An,open house
was held last Sunday. Sept..
19 for many relatives..
neighbours and friends.
You really •have to love
Yourself to get anything
• done in this world.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, September 22, 1999-11
Natalie Dolel photos
Singing in harmony
Above, the Seaforth Harmony Hi-Lites, conducted by Margaret Whitmore, sing at Saturday
night's concert of Seaforth District High School while below, from left Maden Vincent, Ross
)(01e, Jack Cardiff and Don Andrews, of the Seaforth Harmony Kings, belt ouf a tune.•
Plans underway for Canada -wide
wave of silence on Nov., II
New Deadline <
he Huron Expositor has
moved their deadline for
news, letters, classifieds and
advertisin to
MONDAYS (except for holidays)
We appreciate your anticipated co-operation
L-T1UIOJa $1
"Your Community Newspaper"
V> `�>
Fax#: 527-2858 >
<S• >
ame 100 Main St. Seaforth <6.,>
!AAAAAAAA&` <9.4
Legion News
Donations of toilet articles: such as,
r disposable razors. tliothbrushes. combs,
unscented soap and shaving cream. for the
• veterans at Parkwood Hospital are being
gathered at Branch 156 with a deadline of
Sept: 30. These articles used to be supplied
1 -but with cutbacks: the veterans have to
. supply their own. -
Donations will be taken to the hospital
with the Zone CI variety show on Saturday.
Oct. 2. •
Dinner for the public is.being held on:
Sunday, Sept. 26 at14:30 p.m. The committee
will need desserts and help for this event.
Plans are underway by Legion Dominion
command for a two -minute wave of silence
at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11 The w aw... i l l ke in
in Newfoundland and continue acro., each
province to Vancouver Island. More 1.-
f concrete plans for Seafonh and area w ill he
published in Ther Huron Expositor and on _
.Channel 12 when they are finalized.
If you are interested in helping >.`ith the
Legion child video program in the schgx0l..
please contact Barbara Scott at 527-1787 for
more information. - )
Jean Ross, -senior' chairman... will he . -
starting the Monday euchres on Monda.
Oct. 4.
The branch was.saddened to hear of the
death of Neil Bell. To his wife family and
fridnds, we extend our sympathy.
-They shajl not grow old as wethat are lett
grow old. Age shall not weary them nor the
years condemn. At the going down ot the sun
and in the morning. we will remember them. '
Saforth fair ambassador tells
W.I. about her year's activities
Kippen East W.I.
Rena Caldwell hosted the
Kippen East Women's
Institute in Hensall on Srept.
14 with nine members and-
two'visitors present.
Grace Drummond.
president. welcomed
everyone. Grace then called
" Phyllis Parsons to the front
and presented her with a Life
Membership Certificate.
Helen MacLean pinned on
the corsage while Mona _
Alderdice pinned the Life.
Membership Pin. '
Li] McLellan introduced
her granddaughter Sarah
McLellan. Seaforth's
Ambassador to the Fair, who
---spoke about -ler. exciting.:...:_
time. winning. duties,and
climax of her year at the
Canadian National
Exhibition where all
ambassadors competed.
. She showed her scrapbook
I which' was enlightening
about her year's activities.
Our roll call was answered
by naming our favourite fair
and bringing articles for the
Children's Hospital. One
lady had made more than 75
finger puppets: Other. -items
included knitted dolls.
slippers, can tops. hangers.
cards. containers and
The minutes were read and
the treasurer's and Sunshine
reports were given.
The Women's Institute
workshop will be atTfensalr -
United Church on•Nov. 2.
The County Rally
Oct. 4 at=the OMAFR.A
office in Clinton %Oh a.
potluck dinner.
We have to get our ticket.
for the Area Cons ention.
Oct. 28. -
Kippen East will donate
prizes again to Hensall Fair
for the coconut jam tart..
Rubv. Triebner shared a .
couple of poems. One N. as bs
a wife thinian,_ she should
have been a combine,.
Grace Eyre conducted a.
contest. • • -
Courtesies were gr en by
Phyllis Parsons.
Happy Binhda%\ as sung
,to Hilda Payne %v ho wa,
celebrating her 85th hirthdas.
Birthday cake and ice cream
were served be Phyllis:
Parsons and Ruby Tnehncr.
h\ Mu id A7t7F>chc
Fire Department plans open house
The Hensall shuffleboard scores for Sept.
14 are as follows: George Racey 482, Ina
Williams.464, Ray Bennewies 453. Helen
McKay 452. Dave Woodward 444, Theo
Vandenboom 426, Hazel McEwen 426,
Tom Williams 426. Isabel Rogerson 425,
At Hensall United Church Rev. Jim Evans
was the guest minister with Mark Garlough
playing the organ. Pat Pryce was the
greeter. The ushers were John Thomson and
Dennis Martin. Prayers are asked for
Monkton Church. Photo dates are Sept. 30
and Oct. 1 and 2. Call Marg Cole at 262-
2304 if your initials are from A to J. Call
Pat Pryde at 262-3522 for initial K w Z.
Family Fun Day is Oct. 3. Meet at the
church at 12:300.m. in hiking clothes for a
hike to Bannockburn. A hotdog lunch will
be enjoyed. Call Joanne Rowcliffe at 263-
5683_for details. • ,
At Hensall Carmel Presbyterian.Church
Tracy Whitson-Bahro was the minister.
Tracy's message was Whoever Said God
was Fair?" Dorothy Taylor was the organist
With Harry. Smith receiving the offering.
The Hensall and area tire departmtnt.will
be hosting an open house: in conjunction
with Fire Prevention Week and the—Great
Escape." The open house will be .
Wednesday. Oct. 6, following the family
fire drill, scheduled for 7 p.m. The fire
siren will sound at 7 p.m. signalling the fire
drill. Residents served by the Hensall
department should watch for the
department flyer.
Week of the Child activities are currently
being planned for Hensall. The last Week of
the Child. of this millennium. will be (ht.
15-23. Watch for all the week's activities --
including free skating. crafts..prizes and of
course, the spectacular costume parade.