HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-15, Page 7Tollroad raises funds S@ " SES .7 ,-E .EC C .,v - 5••ee' 1;+e -se:• ,:• `e• . :s ..•e r' _ _ r o 4 • e Legion seeks early bird dues from its members Legion News a! new ne s • • c 0Ct' •r c Pc!r .,, H •� teas 'c '. !.• Ofit trkc c' ,cc "' .- g ! f r ?,c Ct it!trc•• Ar, e c.te3rt- ort. oriel !E rted t.t;cl. \\li'tt ' .i Ficeriex anti o-: rt. lar ;tun._ If you Nt ufd tare to donate towards this etfnt.please lease the items at tilt branch. The September General Meeting will bike place Sept I6aiftp.m The .branch was saddened to bear of the death of •Comrade Matthew McCreight. To his faintly and friends we cxte.n4 our sincere sympathy. A Legion sersite was held last week • They shall not grow old es we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them'• nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. / - r , S. The fifth meeting of the Huron Sheep Club Sheep took place on Aug. 31 at Flonepce Pullen's farm. • The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and club roll call. The members talked about how to get their learns Iambs ready for the show. After this. the) aboi discussed when to breed Iambs for different markets. breedsThc next meeting will be held on Oct. 3 at Pullen"s.. by Suzanne Colernat Antiqueochairs stolen Three antique chairs and • a coffee table were taken from a McKillop Township house on Sept. 6. The owner of the house on Concession 3 in McKillop said she discoNered the furniture was missing after returning from a da% away. Neighbors saw •a truck, leaving the ard- of the residence. • AFP WEALTH MANAGEMENT HELEN M. HETHERINGTON. crr' WHEN CONSIDERING YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE. - RETALN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. ' Call me at ��--9964 or 1.-SOO.869-8922 Office : 800-20 Erb. St. W Waterloo. ON N2L ITt2 519.8+86-8600 !NG filti Group Flit; avorite TOMATOES, TOMATOES TOMATOES! NURSERY STOCKSPECIALS CONTINUE! 31". PERENNIALS FOE.. 4.1 Also Lots of In -House Sr•e::-.- �tJEti' M/c'S ct* re_, ODt('t/2' Te -Em Farm ".".•t " (519) South Huron Martial Arts Karate, Tai Chi Ju Jitsu; Ia i Jitsu (Sword) Pa-- , Rates • 4 FREE CLASSES Anytime • ALL CLASSES - 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • • CLUBS IN EXETER • ZURICH • GRAND BEND .ILUCAN • SEAFORTH For-Inlormatton : Shihan Brian Decker 263-2440 PROFESSIONAL ASIAN ACCREDITED DOJO WITH JUKO. KAI INTERNATIONAL tittp J/www. j u koa8. corn1 • • • • • • • • • It's Time 4.4440,. tQ Ejo . harden ums OUR FALL BULBS NAVE ARRIVED! Check out our selection! FALL CLEAR -OUT PERENNIALS 5O/cOFF PHONE: 0) 566.2122 .ice; (;reenhouse Plant Growers ...Since 1973 1 io+iw c i' 602r:s 1112 (ries Deese, ttira 3 1.2 'roes noon d ZunrJi a Nast oA Hw✓ 21 Soup+ at Bioyt+sid r Stinkry 64s owl r 5 men take lc t nOM f){'{ f l MONDAY [0 SATURDAY Anyone with any related information is asked to call Crimestoppers.or the Huron OPP FIRM & NITNICIPAL DRAINAGE Specsalizing ir • Clay & Piasbc The Installations • Backhoe & Dozer Service • Septic System Instaitatons For Quality. Experience. & Service call: Wayne Cook (519) 236-7390 R R. 2 Zurich. Ont NOM 2T0 www.nay.nev-drainage PARKER in;PARKER L. I M ITE a HOCKEY SKILLS CAMP This is your chance for some extra ice -time to begin the season, instructed by Brian O'Reilly this hockey Camp is for Novice to Pee Wee groups and will be held Monday, September 20 to Friday, September 24, 1999. 6:30 to 8:00 pm each night at the Seaforth Arena Registration fee is S50.00 For more information or registration please call the Seaforth-Recreation Office -at 527-0882 THE NI1t11ON EXPOSITOR, SoptenN+r 15, 1999-7 NIFTY KORNERS *Radio Shack - Gifts Main St., Seaforth 527-1680 "Your Lottery Headquarters`' !PAY 'AS YOU GO- PHONE 'STAR CHOICE & ExpressVu SATELLITE DISHES Bring in this ad and receive... %OFF OCR EXTENSIVE GIFT LINE (Renientber to brink in this ad.- offer ends Sept: 30/991 *% MILVERTON STOCK YARDS LIVESTOCK REPORT Sale for Week of Monday. September 13-199 . 300 Weaner Pigs 35 to 50 400 Butcher Sows: 600 lbs. &up 35 to 36. . 475 lbs. to 600 lbs. 33 to 35 under 475 lbs. 28 10 31 20 Butcher Boars: over 350 lbs. 12 to 15 200 B.B.Q. Pigs 25 to 50 Bob calves 200- 300 high of 350 • Veal calves 80 -85 high of 90 Butcher cows 50 -.55 high of 56 "Butcher Sows and Boars accepted Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday” Do You Ever See Spots and Floaters? By: Dr. Louis LaPlante Have you ever wondered *hat those little moving spots in your vision are -Most-people will notice these at -some point in their lives and should be aware of. what they really are. . Spots (often called floaters r are small. semi -transparent or cloudy particles found within. the vitreous. The vitreous is the clear, jelly-like fluid that fills the -inside of your eyes. _They. appear, as ,specks of various shapes and sizes including the appearance of threadlike. strands or cobwebs. Since they are located inside the eyeball. they move as the eye moves and seem to dart away When you try to look at them. directly. Floaters are often caused by small flecks of protein or other matter trapped during the formation. of the .eyes before birth. They can also result from. the deterioration of the vitreous. fluid due to: aging This onset is usually noticed by people in their mid -fifties and older'. Spots -can also be caused from,certain•eye diseases or injuries. • • • Most floaters are annoying but harmless;'If they appear to be the same ones and in the same.place in. your vision as -always. then they 'shouldn't be of any 'concern However, seeing flashes of light and noticing sudden changes in the size and number of spots may indicate a more serious problem. This may be the ,sign of a'tear or detachment.of the lining at the back of the eye called the •retina. The retina is similar to thefilm in a camera and -is responsible for vision. Floaters and flashes mar also he signs of diabetes, high blood pressure. and heart.disea-e With the use of special instruments. -your optometnst can examine the inside of your eyes and determine if what you are seeing is -harmless or the symptoms of a serious problem that requires treatment. Remember to bring along a friend for safedriving as this procedure USE', eyedrops that may cause blurred vision • Se fit 1.5 Watch For Hou To f•'s' Evedrop. ('orrectls r SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MINOR HOCKEY 1 1999-2000 HOUSELEAGUE TEAM LISTS JUNIOR OI FRS kay.Huether Jordan Currie Braden G,nnolly !\latthe» Hueth>•r.. Ryan O'Rourke Cody Janmaat Joshua Gerber • Ian Murray Brandon Prior Brent Vincent Greg'Murray Kyle O'Rourke - Cory Dawe • Kyle DeCurte ((JAC)IES t athi Huether. Brian `intent • IUtiGS Eric L)w•yer Colin Campbell Haden Campbell Shawn McColl Jason Flanagan Travis Loughriane Tyler )cart Jessie Flanagan Dann Dick Danny Dwyer James McColl Tyler LJughnane Danny Schenk Steven Jordon ,- Jessie Anderson COACHES Joe Dick Kevin -Hart CANADIENS Luke Becker Kalen Devereaux. Connor De -ereaux Justin Art. Michael 1 Kisch ' Tyler iendriks Chad Anderson Derek Forman Matthew Shannon Nick McKenzie Stacie VanMdt-nburg Adam Blake • ; Cody,Wiis.n- NathanWilson COACHES SHARKS Bradley Van Bak.,: Alex_Meladv Brent M1e)ady Don Nigh Craig 11'tndsiir Craig Dalrymple Tyler Listman Josh Shes Alex Murray Daniel Packer Jamie Renink Joel Dalton Darryl Van Bakel Chad Van Dyk Brandon Van 1) k Sue Anne COACHES Van Miltenburg Rick Packer -- Lynn-Lks-ereaux_—. _Jtick Dalrymple SENIOR PANIFIEIC4 Harry. Yourig Kyle Devereaux Kory Nash Eyler Doig . • - • Andrew Sprtngall Devin McCutcheon Darcy McCutcheon Mackenzie Fisher Courtney Fisher Matt Fisher • Geg Woldnik ' Steve Medd Shayrie Cochrane Scott Somerville Jay Cochrane Tyler VanderMolen COACHES Rich Springall Bob Fisher Mark Woldnik - JLU ' Steve Henderson •• Nie Jansen Brent O'Reilly Bill Nigh • Chris.Cnuin Robert Johnston - Cody McNaughtiin • Tyler VanDrunen Justine VanDrunen ShaneJohnsron 'Keniie Currie • Connor Maloriey Cody Rapson • Jim Dick Dan Connolly Michael [heti COACHES. Bob McNaughton Wayne Cronin Tom johnstin 121.:CE.5 . DRUMS : Luke Vick . • Greg McGrath (.reg Medd .Beau Dill Mark Kirkcunnell Kevin Murray Denny ~.routDarrenBeater Matt Carnnchan - Brent Coleman Mike McLaughlin Trevor Engel Daryl Hulley Nick Packer • Kyle Kirkconnell Sandy Hay Ryan Waterworth Nick Murray Jared O'Rourke Grady Beaver Matt.Chaput " Gerrid Dalton Kyle Brown Jamb William Lorenz GuniunsburgLr Andrew Windwrr Stephen Davis • Kyle M( \u h,.1 Victoria Scott Owen O'Reilly Kendall Green Joel Schenk COACHES COACHES. Joe Vick Bev Coleman Paul Hulley Denis Murray Mark Chaput HOUSELEAGUE BEGINS ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 6.30 a.m- Bruins vs. Panthers - Timekeeper is parent ofGregMcGrath 7:30 a.m. Blues vs. Ducks - Timekeeper is parent of Steve Henderson 8:30 a.m. Canadiens vs. Sharks - Timekeeper is parent of Luke Becker 9:30 a.m. Oilers vs. Kings - Timekeeper is parent of Eric Dwyer Ls SCHEDULES WILL BE HANDED OUT ON SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1999 .r 1