HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-08, Page 1010 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Septe esbar 0. 1!!e
37 '.'ortgages
1' & 2'° Mortgage Money
Ataosis re ,+o ori Floe
Assessor as Ow its
6.50' Interest
Persona. loans
n yo, wake parasols
A01 -. OS. M2211=101
• 5.000 ' 41.66 ,
•10.000 ' 83.33
'15.000 '125.00
Col:sole:taw ear, gallas
W. specaiaa in problem mortgages
CaM te1e) 364-0450 1.00-387.1932
39 educational
Festival School
552 Huron St., Stratford
Become a
Festival School of Hairstyling
of Stratford is. accepting
applications for our Fall
class. Make-up, Artistry•and
Nail Technology offered at
no extra charge. Financial
assistance. available for
those that qualify.
For Wilber information call
42 Deaths
JANTZI. Aaron: On August 30.
1999. at Stratford General Hospital.
Aaron Jantzi, of McKillop Township,
in his 87th year Dear Lather of
Harold Jantzi and .his wife Edna 01
Clinton. Joy arid her husband Alf
'Ross of Seaforth and Fergus at
home .Fondly remembered by '.8
grandchildren and .13 great•grand-
chddren,Atso survived by three sis-
ters.. Esther Berger of Tavistock.
Irene Wilkinson of Milton and
Mabelle Kamer • of Stratford. and.
two sisters•ir•-law - Dorothy
McGregor of Ingersoll and Viola and!
, her husband Art Gotding•of Zurich.
• Mr. Jantzi was predeceased ty his
wife Flossie iStelck)`Jantzt,(19841 •
one. brother. Lloyd Jantzi and. two •
sisters.. Pearl Hesse :end. Mildred
Huston Family received, tnends at
• the Whitney-Ribey , Funeral -Horne,
Seaforth on Tuesday from 2-4 and
7-9 p m, where a funeral service.
was - held on Wednesday...
September 1 at 2 .p.m Rev-
-Nicholas Vandermey-off.cia'ed
interment Maitlandbank'Cemetery.
Seaforth Pallbearers. were Lloyd
Jantzi; Larry Jantz Ron Jantzi •
Grant Ross Stephan Johnson and
Brian Edwards Flo+rer bearers'
were As' e. Edwards. Enc
Edwards Ka•-- Bird and Bev Van
Maar. Oros s• .+'as Manan Rose
who played. - The Garden' ai b1e
service. Remernbiances .may be"
• made. to Seaforth Community
l-fospital 42-36,1
40 Lost & Found
LOST Male tabby cat. many black.
weanng a red collar with name and
phone number Missing since Fn
from 123 James St. Seaforth Cart
519-527-2939 40-36x1nx
43 Births
Kevin. Bev and proud big brother
Joshua thank God for their precious
daughter and sister. Larisa
Courtney Chnsbne. ben) July 27.
1999. weighing 6 lbs 10 oz. Proud
grandparents are Margaret Shea
and Wilmer and Helen Preszcator
46 n (.'iemonom
JAMES: In memory of Philip James
who passed away September 9.
A rose once grew where all could
see. sheltered beside a garden
And as the days passed swiftly by. it
spread its branches straight and
One day a beam of light shone
through a crevice that had opened
wide. •
The Rose bent gently towards. its
warmth. then passed beyond to the,
other side
Remembered by Pearl and Family
47 Cards of Thanks
My sincere thanks to everyone who
so kindly helped me when 1 tnpped
on the sidewalk •last Wednesday.
• Grace Hussey 47-36x1
Words cannot begin td express the
.gratitude felt for the acts of support
and kindness shown- to 0..r `amity
during Mary Anne's i!Iness and .
since her passing. It is such a com-
fort to know how special our wife
and-rnothgr,was to•all of you The
friendship displayed by those who
•'spent time with Mom during ,.her.
• long hospital_ stays or her time at
home will always be remembered
To Maureen for alt of her .extra run-
ning. taking fetim to ter apppint•
ments. and the countless pours
!spent with Mom dunng those drift -
curt times in the nosprta::- To Barb
- for her love and support shown to
Mom.' during her entire ordeal.
-Special tt-?anks to- Dr Carola
Shepherd, the nursing' aria. kitchen
staff at • Seatorlh CoMmunity.
• :Hospital 'and to the .Huron .Hospice
Volunteer Service for -thele excellent'
Care. and.. for .making morns time
.spent there as,comfor•a: 8 as pos-
sible. Thank you to the E • Elizabeth
Nursing Services for t- • - ome vls-
it5. Extrabpeclalthar•.rs • r' chael
Falconer. Robert Sc.-:• -,. Ken
Armstrong a^d D:- s - _ a
i leu eftortsi = _
with' the tunerai arrangements arli
their abPuby 10 Ipok after our farni!v
business in our time or neeo s:
al(vays be remembereo A hear"e.c
thank you to Steve Hoot -bra -no and
his. family for the extra touches and
for greebng visitors at the `unera
home: To Audrey Cardiff for at ner
efforta doing the readings. at the
church and for being there. for .us all
the time To Father :Dino • and
Reverend. Judith for au,ot.the vFsits
and the wonderful ,serviCe .To the.
many iwtio Sent food. cards. flowers.
caned or contributed 10 the rnemon-
• al Lund. rrrany thanks • Mark' and
Chris Smith. June Chis and
Lindsay Babb'and ^""am .es' 4', •36-
DALE: Alfred 'Christopher: of.
Seatortn. on Thursday. September
3. 1999 at Seaforth Community.
Hospital. in his 53rd year. Alt Dale•
beloved husband of Loreen Graves .
Dear brother of Shirley Mrs
Charles Creighton) 01 •Palmerston
and brother-in-law Ot Murray Wilson
of Kimberley Predeceased by: his
parents Walter Dale and Pearl
(Laycox) Dale and one•sister• Cathy •
Wilson Survived by Several* aunts
uncles. ..nieces -aria nephews
Frierhds and relatives were received
at. the • Whitney-R.oey FUnerai
Home. 87 Godench SI W Seaforth
on Sunday. September 5tn'ro 2-4
and 7.9 pm where a f,;nera' ser-.
vice was held - cr Monday
September 6 1999 at 2 00 p mInterment in St Marks Cemeie-,
.Holland Centre tnllowing creme!
Remembrances to Arts Ile •-.=,
made to the Seaforth Corr --..,/
Hospital Alt Dale was a member of
the Association of Mo•Jtt-•and Foot
Painting Art, t and representative of
Rehanaart Canada Limited 42.36-
would -like =.to-taank-t1 ,, lam.:y
• ifriend5 and neighbours for vsits.
flowers and Prayers during my stay
in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks
• 10 Father Dino. Dr Wotdnik and Dr
Yee. Thank you to the. staff of
Maplewood Retirement Home for
their . support and care. - 'Kay
47-36x1 -
Smart sellers
Community Calendar
WED.. SEPT. 8'
1 30 - 4.OG p.m. - Senor
• Shuffleboard at the Arena
5'30.10 00 p m . H•P Lakers
Hockey at the Arena
7 00.8 00 p m - Step'Flooi
Aerobics at the Community
• Centres
7.30 p.m Horticulture Society •
• Meeting at Northside United • Church . with•DruShNa Leitch al the
7 00-8 00 p.m. - Tyk s Hockey
practice at the Are
7:30'• 10:30 p.m.. Minor Spoils
Council BINGO al the Arena •
• Host . Minor BrOortibal
800-1000 p m • Cents pract .e.
at the Arena .
TUES. , SEPT.. 14
9.00 - 10.00 a m.. Fitness is Fun
900-1000 a.m - Fitness is. Fun
with Drushea at the Communrty
Centres •
10 00.11 00 a m - Line Dancing
with Drusina at the Corhmunity.
600-10.30p m - 1-4•PLakers practice at the Arena -
. .Hockey at the Arena • 800.10.00 p.m - Cents practice
FRI. ,- SEPT. 10 • at the Arena
8 00.10.00 p.m - Cents practice • wEO. , SEPT. 15
at the Arena 1.30 - 4:00 p.rrh' • Senior
•- SAT. SEPT. 1 1Shuffleboard at the Arena
9:00 a.m -6.00 p m Seaforth Moor 6 00.7.00 p.m. - Bantam Hockey
Hockey •
racbce at the Arena txactice at the Arena
P 700.9:00 p.m. •Kitchener Rangers
6:00.8.00 p.m - H•P Lakers practice at the Arena
• Hockey practice at.the Arena 700. 8:00 p.m -. StedFloor
8.00.10:00 p.m • Cents practice at Aerobics at the Community
the Mena Centres'•
SUN., SEPT. 12 9.00-11:00 p m • Cells pracbce
11:00 a.m -2 00 p m.. - Rengette 61 the Arena
Practice at the Arena
2:00.7:00 p.m - H P Lakers
practice et the Arena
MON., SEPT. 13
6:00.7:00 p.m.-- Mrtes Hockey
practice at the Arena
Community Centres
6 00-7 00 p.m. - Novice Hockey
practice at the Arena •
6:30 p m - Seaforth Hospital
Auialiary Pot Luck Supper &
. meeting at the Hospital
Please bnng.own ashes.
7 00-8.00 pm - Atorh Hockey
1 you re orge'i:2w9 a I Or- .ort event of 'merest 14 other SeafortP
area residents phone the recreation office 527-0882 or rile
Expositor at 5270240. or mart the information to Comnnunit,
Calender. The Huron Exgostor Box 69. Seaforth. C)t o. NOK 1VV:
viae n advance of the scheduled date Free kstnq nCludea date tnk
mint of event and location only Space for We CorrwnixhRy Cetaikw .s
donated by The Huron (Avatar
Scot Hilgendorff photo
Skating skills
twenty-eight girls took port in
a hockey school h eld last
week at Seaforth and District
Community Centre. Practices '
and games against each
other helped the girls build
skills to take into the
opprooching season with the
assistance of coaches and
organization by Brion .Elliott -
This was the first all -girls.
school in this area.
North of
Sept. 21-25,
' k I //Os:
11. pi
47 Cards of Thcnks
Ina McGrath and her family would
like to extend their sincere thank
you to everyone who extended their
cafe. kindness and support, during
- the illness '-and passing . of our
daughter and sister, Mary Anne
Smith. We would like to thank God
for the special times and everlasting
memones that we were able to
. share with her. Thank yt>Iu to Father
Dipo and Reverend Jud•th for their
guidance and support in this bmeof
sorrow. -for being special fiends to
Mary Anne and for- making herr
home and hospital stays more com-
fortable. Ttlank'you to Dr. Shepherd
for her visits to the home and hospi-
tal and for her specie: hugs. Thank
you to the Legion Ladies Aux t,ary
for their heartfelt memorial service
'and. the luncheon after the funeral
Many thanks. for the •sympathy
•cards. visits. flowers. food brought
to our homes and for . memorial
donations _It tivas greatly appreciat-
- ed- and will never be forgotten -We
• will get through, th s +. ogefher with.
' Gods help. ' - = r.1:Gra91
Farrirhes 47-36-1
Portable generator stolen from shed
A portable generator.
valued at more than S2.000.
was stolen from a, shed in .
Tuckersmith- Township
sometime between 4 -and 6
p.m. on Aug. 30:
The Honda generator
.Model EA7 with -sierial'
number 2848753 was taken
from an unlocked shed on
Concession .. 10 of
Tuckersmith Toy'nship. f
Anyone with any related
information is asked to call
the Huron OPP or
Crimestoppers. .
OPP report
Couple sees man flee home
A couple returning to
iheir .home .on County Road
12 in Kipper)watched a'
man flee .their 'pr9Perty with
more than 5700 in stolen
tools on Aug. 31.
While entering their
driveway. the couple heard
a horn blare and saw a man
running through the
backyard. They had seen an
older model dark -colored
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'coke. books. documents. diredones. sportcards. lapis. bottles.
•brewenana. automobile. railroadany:.sterographs. Canadiana.
photographs ephemera Fairgrounds A;tortonurr.. Woodstock
WANTED - HARDWOOD LOGS and tmtiersn'rvis Veneer ion
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special care in harvestng Company estabdshed 1927 Parrett
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Pontiac or Chex' Chetette
hatchback parked on the
side :of the county road.
which Gas gone when the)
checked again.
Stolen from their:
unlocked shed, Were a
Mastercraft cordtesis drill
and air nailer. both incases. .
A router from the shed was
found in the backyard)
dropped earlier by the man.
running in the back) ard.
Anyone with an) related
information is asked to call
'the .Huron . OPP or
'Washer: dryer -damaged r
A washer and dryer
damaged with- Hue
powdered ink were reported •
by the owner of a Goderich
Street apartment building'in
Seaforth on Sept. 1'.
The ink caused the drums
of the machines to seize.
Huron OPP "are looking
for the person responsible
for the damage. '
Wicker chairs stolen
Two wicker chairs were
stolen from the front porch
of a John Street residence
in Seaforth on Sept. 2..
The chairs) area green and
burgundy and have
cushions on them. .
Anyone with any related
information is asked to call
the Huron . OPP or.
OPP call off pursuit
Huron- OPP called off a •
pursuit of a `red Ford pick-
up after it tore through`the
playground' at Vanastra
Public School on Sept. 3 at
2 a.m. •
The pick-up. which had
been -going eastbound on
Highway 8 in' Tuckersmith
Township. failed to stop for
a routine check after it
turned onto Vanastra Road.
It was pursued up • to
Vanastita Public School
where it went .off the- road.
across the lawn. through.
the playground equipment
and out onto Regina Road.
The pursuing officer was
advised to stop after
n.otitying -.....the
communications centre and
the truck was not seen
again that night.
The truck's owner. traced
to Hamner. Ont. by the
licence plate number. said
the vehicle had been lent to
a friend. The investigation
Licenses suspended
A 29 -year-old Windsor
man was charged with
liquor violation and a 40 -
year -old Egmondvillc man
lost his licence for 12 hours
during a ride program in
Seaforth on Sept. 4.
Officers stopped over 200
vehicles on the main roads
leading into town and
found two vehicles failing
to conform to proper
driving habits.
The Windsor man had a
large quantity of open
alcohol in the front of his
vehicle and the
Egmondvillc man blew a
warn on the alcotest.