The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-6-4, Page 1• 7 MUTER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 AXALGAIVIATED tais liCXEZIOR ADV00•4•1121, ESTABLISHED 1887 f DECEMBER tat 1924 • • EXETER, ONT, THITitSPAT 'YlORNING, JUNE 4th„ 4925 IEXETE C°UNCIL IN Free advice on yo • a-. TuescleaalMaY aSth., ur foot ',troubles., A. regular ineetiag of the maniOila • St. 1-lelena Sept, 9th; Weox al council h th t II vas m ow. a Sept, iOth; Bluevale LL LLL, E wieh all directions uatil the fairgrounds FIFTY-SECOND YEAR No.2073 uitons DRAW ItIG CROWD I Wednesday was a fine day for the eter Exeter race e ad early in the after thel noon the cars began to come faom ......... a e . .4 SP ea nin :tion IL qt.,' • •1,1"2•:7;”, -144-'7- .. , ,.. • ;Elsc'?„,.'4"•-•'• -- == Q.A.nlal npieaasisbeder:s pl,r0400:e.Bta. rrTe atte cm:pan:0Q: oSerPant-dl:tehata Wa5atlitten;DI.Q4sthliw;00Fdorc12 t sel..• • els esa ,s, Mann i ......""""" 10 et a .iheallma eaeotipurgovilie41,(1 May llth Were = I Ltd Toronto celehint ehloricle $816- =1 The following aecounts were read Hansen Oct. 5tb.; Dublin Oct. 6th; 15tbh; Belgrave 16th; Ashfield 1.7th 202oualraGeodlo8Itlel Z2uairaaCh, Ballyetth; Vain, , 4 Deming -u''..;!...7.'''64.•;f111',.:1-a•••• • ,,,,,. , {,-.• , r it,,i, “., ''' ' , .... 1 J01111 alorleY, $2:50; James Parson$ DIED SVDDN31.41- Wm. Tayline 6,20 'rhos. Mrs. Wm. Powe of town received :;,x0, , ......,---=13.1v.,7,;$0sii,iii:rzs,isatta,dbrits;:i33.9,: ja..ili, Clinton 7th 4 s.4 Callouses ' = ; ronto, ta,rvia, 34447; L. E. O'Reilly Crediton 30tb.; Winclielsea Oct. 1st; Aches :Alai: spae- • t ) and 8th of October, el.e.ate'a - Tenderness Z,V,Vi rr".. ' Houlden, 5.50; Peter Coleman, $14.- the sad news on Sunday of the $Loimrebs a eSlitaaaa, es .4. -.- 75; Clyd6 aleYWoed, $13.75; Cecil death of ;her. brother, Robinson Rheu- :madam ....., Trada N1- ______ ..— fiana• Smith 125.00 pageed on motion .of home in Hamilton on Sunday nigiit. _ -....., Ford, labor cemeterY, $25.75; Wm. Armitage, who passed away at hie Mar . Ilooper-klaWkins, He died very suddenly of heart ..._. Hooper-I-Iawkirie. That by-law, as trouble, not having suffered any Ir. • arePared , for the licensing and gov- ness. .. His remains were taken A FOOT EX a ee ered, and was 1144 Pae. for final • erning keepers of. billiard ancl pool Lucan and were interred in . 0 '• ......= tables, be read, T,te ' seele was read James cemetery on Wednesday. .......... = first and secoad:ta, ad consid- •,,, ...... ...,... ....... , - = Coultis. , E passing, on motiea. of Davis ant“SHA)PTON—FRANCIS NUPTLIL trained in the methods of amnia Davis-Ooultis That the by-law as A very pretty wedding took pi Dr. Wm. M.Scholl of Chicago .... ment be now read. The same was ...... prepared regulating, places of ain.use- at the home of the bride's pare • • a givea. its first mad second rea,dings. MOWN 12: ' (E'l: a Cramps • • er cent i)iscount Maw •••=111 INOW111 &MM.. ..,..•••••••••• kaNanla •01111100 .010•1 anal•••1 • mama& *Manna ?won. alna•• • .411.0••• imam • Inan• NW1an. = A &Maga Manna E 3 Jones ay' amnia PHON 0,f Interest to - the JUNE 'BRIDES 1 nct $ lee s leading to it were thick- ly lined with autos. Between. ,a,500 and 3,00 people passed through the gates. It wa$ one of the largest crowds that has been seen. iu Exeter for some time. The different eeents were well filled there being four en- tries in the 2.15; five in the 2.20 and eix in the 2.30. The 'various teats were keenly contested every horse being driven to the limit. The crown sweltered in .the hot sun all afternoon but nobody see!ned to mind it: The Dashwoo4 band pro- vides" the music. The results were as follows: 2.15 Trot or Pace Viola Bell, W. R. Weller to Trentext 2 3. 4-3 St. Louie Patchen, Dr. Whittey Goderich. 4 2 2-2 Joe Chimes, E. & D. Laughton 1 1 1-1 S• Joe McKinley 3 4 4,-4 ace Best time for the mile 2.1614. 2.20 Trot or Pace sits will be 1 Malan &ma. Coultis-Ilawkiriait.. That a special and held over for final passing. • Meeting of the council be held in the = office of the clerk on Friday May tO conelder MONDAY JUNE 15th -all day. t219ie abatov8e Pies.nien. timed by-hsws.and Carpass - -- Tile clerk drew the attention of the counail to e C,ourt of Revision If you have .aching feet, pains, cramps, ; = ziatdhaey, R70.11.0 tpo .mbe held the foot or toes, fallen arches - painful heel,. twehoileTiiirnhceititiliaiei7ddjairoelvaTiallgr:11:Fanewrdlsy *C33- rar ta:t callouses, burning sensation at the ball of ions, or perspiring. feet—you are cordially weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bun- afningearielovyfeg ipvitanehsng-e JOS. SENIOR, Clerk,, invited to see this Foot Specialist. He will LEG BROKEN BY FALL Pe pleased' to make recommendations, with- Mr. Nathaniel Ogden is confined • • out any charge or obligation, as to what yo -Ur. to his home with a fractured leg, the, resLu lt of a, fall off a roof Mr. Og- . . ' trouble is and how to reheve it. - den was working on the roof of hie - For the first two weeks in June we offer 10 -per cent discount on all table linens by the yard also cloths and na,pkinS made up. We have -- a beautiful range of sets, cloths. and napkins to match. All at 10 per cent discount off. Thie.edso includes fine linen towels and fancy lin-. en huo1 toyellings by theeyard. Tavvelling Bargains Pure linen tea towelling 22 in. svisete a very fine qu 35c. a yard on sale at 25c. a yd. * Pure linen. roller and hand towelling a real bargain MEN! See our Values in Straw Hats. Athletic un shirts etc. Broadcloth shirts at $2.-50 each. • HAIR, NETS -4 double mesh hair nets for 15e. aiit•Fiiell worth at 18c. a yd. derwea,r, t1et3 THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAY • 119G JUNE, JULY AND • AUGUST. aaallanW•anl • AFTERNOONS DIM- - the surface and -S26-Ve we all ealt_ay -gOV, S For Interior Finishing use • CHI -NAM -EL The Quality Finish for every- thing in the house • STAINS and VARNISHES with one application in tins 30c. 55c. $1.00 $1.a15 •mmagomokua CARMOTE the original varnish stains, all colors in ,tins80e. 55c. 95c. .$1.75 CARMOTE AUTO ENAMELS in tins 00c. and $1.10 AUTO FINISHING BRAISIEES from 30c. up to $2.00 FISHING SUPPLIES BASEBALL SUPPLIES - • TENNIS SUPPLIES SOFT BALLS 500, UP New Perfection. Stove 2, 3 and 4 Burners OVEN AND WICKS New Process Oil Coil Stove from $13.00 up . • • Housecleaning Helps Dustbane 85c. a tin Floor Wax 50c. a tin 0-0eda,r afops 31.25 0 -Cedar 011 25 and 50c. Liquid Veneer 011 30 & 60c. Step Ladders etc. LinoleuM Varnish from' 50c. per tin up Neptunite Varnish nOthing better made from $1,10 pt e up Agate 'Vareishee 85c. and $1,60 per title Tinsmithing and Plumbing Heaman's Hardware 8r Paint Store PHONE •••••• lbrother-in-law's barn near Dash - 1 wood when he felr- and received a = campound fractureaqf the leg. CAR DAMAGED BY HORSE Mafia ••••••1 Wan. 1,••••• Ma. !mama 1WWW .1•M•1111 •••I•1I•M • On Saturday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Sholdicee of McGillivraY, were motoring to Hensall for their daughter who is stenographer for Mr. D. Cantelon, taloy met with an accident on taeelaaal: an. Red jest north of Exeter. •Kaaorse belenging to' Mr. C. E. Tuckey had got °lite of a field and onto the road. Mr. Shol- and Con., ,Stephen on Saturday, May 30th when Miss Thelma Ferne, dau- ghter of Mr. and lahes.. Arthur Fran- cis, was united in marriage to Mr. Wilfred Hubert Shapton, son of Mr. and. Mrs. James Shapton. The cer- emony was performed on tile. lawn by Rev. W. E. Donnelly at 2:30 p.m.• beneath an arch. that was Tanked with flowers and from which was' suspended a large bell. The bride, who was given away bY her father, looked very beautiful in a wedding gown of sunset georgette, wearing a • bridal veil that was caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Little Ross Francis, nephew of the bride, acted as ring bearer. The wedding march was played by Mias Amy •Shapten,. sister of the groom. During the signing of the register Mr. Walter Cutbush sang, "When you are truly mine." Following the ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room which was tastefully decorated in pink and white where a very dainty wedding luncheon was c.s, served. About fifty guests were present. The bride was the recip- ient of many beautiful .and costly presents. The groom's gift to the bride was a fox neckpiece; to the Pianist a silver vanity case; to the a Joe Patchen, P. Campbell Lawrence Stn. .... 3 2 2 —3 Bingin Simon, Dr. Whittey Goderich Minnie Hall, W. RWeller Trenton 4 4 4-4 Elsie Gratton, Reeder Mitchell .,..... ,, ,, .... S2 3 3.-3 Bonnie Male°, Fraaaa - Ridgetown 1 1 1-1 Best time for the mile 2.17%. 2.30 Trot or Pace Twinkling Simon, A. Russell Norwich Rose Todd, R. Payne Toronto 1 1 1-1 Little Babe, L. W. Guy Seaforth 4 4 4-4 Battle Girl, E. alcCaulley Aylmer .. .. .. . ... 2 Olive Pete, G. •Ilt Mitchell .... ..... . Hugh Gratton, Wm. Egglestone aritcb.ell • 6 2 2,---2 Best time for the mile 2.2114. Starter—Roy Brother, Stratford. Judges ---Wei. Thompson, Mit- hell; A. Sutherland, Seaforth; Jas. arrell, Kincardine. The. Verdun Minstrels, of St. Marys, packed the Opera 'House Wednesday evening and •entertained he large crowd with their jokes nd stunts. soloist a pair 02 gold cufflinks arid to the ringbearer a gold ring. Mr. ad Mrs. Shapton left the same ev ening for Toronto and a trip through the Thousand Islands. The brirle• travelled in an ensemble costume of navy and rust. Both the bride and dice had slowed dowa almost to a the groom are very popular amovg stop when the horse jumped onto the front of the car and rolled tiff onto the side, breaking the liglits and windshield and damaging; the radiator and fenders. The car was driven ;to HensaIl for repairs. Little Injury was done to the horse. MARRIED INGLONDON • Nana • At St. Marys Roman Catholic = church, London, on Wednesday-, June 3rd, Rev. Fr. Brady united in marriage Miss Vera Mildred, only 32 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. = Sweet and Mr. Walter Bernard Leu- •ehan, son of the late Michael Lene-iturning home about three weeks ago. ban, all of London. The ceremony 'On Saturday she was up and around IIIirt-; was performed at 9 O'clock a.m. and seemed to be feeling somewhat 6 • The.bride was charmingly, dressed in better. About eight o'clock Sunday • a gown of powder blue silk -geor- morning she passed peacefully away. gette -and wearing a -picture hat. The deceased -was born in the Tp. of Miss Gertrude Lenehan; of Niagara Hay. Her maiden name was Annie Palls and Mr. Wilfred Addison, of Bell, being the seventh daughter of London, were the attendants. The the late Donald S. Bell, and.a grand - happy young couple left on the noon daughter of Robert Ben, founder train for New York where they will of Kippen. Her age was 51 years, spend their honey -moon. They will 11 months and 4 days. Mr, and also visit Niagara Falls .and Buffalo Mas. Laing and family moved to and on their --return will reside in Exeter from Hay Township about 9 London, The many friends. of the years ago and since that time the bride in town will join in'extendingdeceased by her kindly and gentle best wishes for future, happiness. manner has won the admiration of • inany friends. She was a member I3ASEBALL - of Caven Presbyterian Church. She linana anna• the young people of this community and the Times-Advesate joins with their many friends in wishing them every happiness and prosperity. THE LATE aLRS. T. LAING On Sunday morning the angel of death visited the home of Mr. Thoe Laing and the spirit of Mrs. Laing took its flight to the realm of unend- ing bliss. Mrs. Laing had not been well for about three years and for several mouths she was in Victoria Hospital, London., for treatment re- BIRTHS FLEMING—At Mt. Carmel on May 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, Fleming, a son. •McNAUGHTON --- In Ttickersmith. on Sunday, ,May 3.1st to Mr. and: Mrs. Lorne McNaughton a daugh- ter. MARRIAGES LENEHAN—SWEET-- On Wednes- day, June 3, at St. Marys church • London, by Rev. Father Brady Vera Mildred, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. William Sweet, to Mr. Walter Bernard Lenehan. SHAPTON-FRANCIS—At the henne of the bride's parents Mr. and 1VIrs. • Arthur Francis, con. 2, Stepan Tp., on Saturday, May 30th, Miss Thelma Ferne to Mr, Wilfred Shapton, son of Mr. and "Mrs. J. Shapton, by Rev. W. E, Donnelly. On Wednesday evening of last leaves to mourn- her loss besides her bereaved husband, one daughter, week Trivitt and James St. married e, men played a tie gamMrs. e -of softball, score 12 to 12. There was lots of in VictoriaHospital undergoing treatment, and- two -sons at home, excitement the game going. nine le- nings and was called oHilton and Cecil. -One son, John, on account of darkness.. Made the supreme sacrifice in the l Main Ste -were at Centralia Thurs•ate war and is burried at Cherie! Roy in Belgium. Four sisters and day evening and won from -the Oen- two brothers also survive; Mrs. Wm tralia team by the score of 28 to 19. McAlister, -of Edmonton, Alta,; Mrs. The game was close and kept the John McAlister, of Hensall; Mrs. W. players and on their toes W. Cooper, ofeLondon; airs. Jas. W. all the time. Centralia kept slieht- McLean, 02 Kippen; Mr. R. D. Bell, of Tuckersnith and Mr. W.' G. Bell, of Hay. The funeral was held Tues- day afternoon; conducted by Rev. J. Foote, interment in the Hensel' rn- ion Cemetery. ly in the lead up until aim 7th in- VERNO,N--FLYN.N—At the james mugs when the visitors broke- away ° St. parsonage, on Saturday, May and piled up the score. Seven home 30, by Rev. W.' E. Donnelly, Miss runs were batted out, Hodgins, of Edith Fern Flynn to Mr. Richard Centralia, getting three of them, Ewart Vernon, both of Parkhill. The Centralia girls team played the Exeter "Diamonde" on Friday evening and provided a lot of 'amuse- • DEATHS nient for the fans. Both teams had a bunch of rooters that kept the air LAING—InsExeter, on Sunday, May filled with their , cheering. The 31st, Annie Bell, beloved wife of Thomas Laing, aged 51 years, 11 mOaths and 4 days. BAYNIIAM—In Exeter.y. on May 31, Edna Marie, daughter of Mr. find Mrs, Alvin )3aynham, aged 6 years 3 months and 12 days. CARD OF THANItS" Mrs. Huxtable and family desire to express their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for their kixidase$ and sympathy during their •receat bereavement and also for the floral tribute, CARD OP THA,NICS Mr. Thee. Laing and. fan and the brothers and sisters of the late lafrs. Laing, desire to express their SinOOrjS tilankS to the Jamey friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy dating Mrs. Leing's Mimes and death and also for the floral tribistes. genie was fairly even and was any- body's game up to the last when the daY moaning Mervyn returned to bis visitors canie out on top with an 18 position in London with the Stand to15' store, ard Drug Co: The Crediton soft ball team mite The girls of the "Cheerful Work- ers class of James St. S. -School matored to theeliome of their teach- er Miss Ferne Francis on Wednes- day afternoon of last week and in Mr. Mervyn Gamin and a college chum, Mr, , W. Love of Parkhill, spent last week on 'a motor trip theough Muskoka, camping en route, returning Saturday evening. !Wens out Tuesday everting and played the Main St, team, but the visitors, were hopelessly outclassed the score'being 44 to 4, The Creditori team was weak owing to the fact that a leagite view- of her approaching marriage game of hardball was being played presented her with a handsome tat at ,Crediton the same evening tak- gIass water set, ing a number of the playeas. The cool weather of the past few 'weeks was followed by a warm spell LEAGUE STANDNG Sunday and aSoaday. Oa Moeda won Lost .P,o, atteanoon thusiderstorta visited Main St, 2 0 1000 the section and seemed to centre or - Thames Rd. 1 0 1000 et the town. The lightning NVO,8 James St. S. 0 1 000 sharp and the, thunder Was parti- Ceetralia „.,, ... .. 0 1 000 citlarly heavy at times. The storm Creditor! ....... 1 000 Was aceompatied by a heavy doern- Trivia aiM James St M. played a tie Pour of rain, and a slight fall of hail , Gemes for (Seneenss Week The stOrm lasted abotit an hour. The Thurscley—TriVitt at Centralia, hydr0 system was off for a while, MendaY—Thaines ltd. at Trivia, two lightning arresters Were dam- TuesdaY—Centraila.at Crediton Tuesday—Maiu $t. and, James $L M aged and a couple of transfArthers put out of business, • Mr. and Mrs. AlviraBaynham have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their daughteeisladaa Marie Nene died Sunday from priecee monia at the age of 6 years. 3 months and 12 days. - The deceased had been an invalidsince childhood. Mr. Maurice Harvey has passed his final year in Arts at Toronto University securing his B.A. degree. Mrs Cecil Johnston has passed kis last year in medicine securing his M. D. Mr. James Westlake of the 18th con. of Hibbert has purchased the residence of Mrs. W. Stone in Exeter . North. The latter will hold an auction sale of effects on June 13th. See advt on page 4. S.s a s iyI At the regular meeting of the 7. P. L. of Main St. Tuesday- evening Mr. Medd gave another splendid ad- dress on tbbook 'Pacing the Crisis' The President announced that tbe pathescope machine had arrived and the League will be putting on some good moving picture concerts in the near future. Next Sunday being the final ser- vices of the Methodist church in Canada, a fitting celebration of the event will be held in Main. Street Methodist Chaerch both- morning and evening. On June 14 the special Inaugural Services will bo held in Main Street United church intro- ductory to the larger service to which the congregation is called in association with the United Church of Canada. ' Let Us Help You ToSee Better "To see better," do ee not away' Mean to see more. It often memos to see with less effort. 4. eertain eye- defect called HYPers metropia in many cases does not 1* terfere with acuteness of vision, but doe $ create an excessive eye strafe! which• causes headaches, dizziness;- and nerve strain. 'The proper glasses will relieve: this condition and give coneSort, Office Hoare 9.30 to 12 a.m. 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointmead 8 Fitton Phone 75W Registered Optometrist; Special TIRE BARGAINS For this Week only Goodyear Pathfinder 30x3 Casing for 5 e25 W. J. BEER RADIO LICENSES ISSUED lour Skilled Bakers I—know the art of baking nut- rition and deliciousness into every tasty loaf. They dont trust to luck. But day after day give you Bread of uniforni goodness in Lockwood's Better Bread Their spick-and-span white Uni- forms are just another evidence of the fresh, clean sweetness ef your Bread. Ask your grocer for the loaf that brings you biggest Food Value in tempting form. W. H. LOCKWOO BAKER EXETER .-- ONTARIO Mr. Austin Hewitt, of Detroit, spent the week end at his 'home here. 6 4 0 ir" orrie heati e Thursday, June 4th old. Y r Breath" ;RISTIE FEATtr,RE WITH A GREAT .COMEDY CAST DOROTHY DEVORE, WALTER VIERS AXI) TELLY MARSILALL. Friday and Saturday, June 5th- and 6th " ZEE BRUG GE" A Glorious Naval Epic. 'One of the most Daring Exploits in History. Britain King and -Queen spend. their first evening at a piastre show. A film teproduotiOn of the attack on Zeebrugge in 1918, made with ' great care and vigor by a 13ritish Company and fully approved by the Admiralty, was the erttertainnient e _ arid 'is bound to be a GREAT 1111 gaid Y 'It- is a ver 'wonderful picture SUCCESS," Signed, Hi's Majesty the Kitig, SPECIAL MATINEE SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2.30 OPOILINGEN UNDER 12 YEARS 01,0 1.5e. 11110ES: ALTA S30.. . .01.0.1•1%..A.V•tflts fiXAXICSSX0X Ze :OVEN _