HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-01, Page 944 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Sptemtaer 1, 1999 HuI •litor s tRGI1II SFAIVElR� Coming Events CHRISTOPHER LEADERSHIP Course..effective communication skills and speaking techniques along with self confidence building. Mon. Sept 27 at Clinton OMAFRA Office 7 to 10 p.m. Wed. Sept. 29, in Stratford Limited to first 25. Call 519-345-2152. CE -35-4 TOASTMASTERS: the guaranteed way to become a better speaker. Join Clinton • Communicators sec- ond and fourth Tuesdays. - 7:30 - 9 30 p.m., Clinton Town Hall Committee Room. 519-522-0358. 519-482-3073, 519-524-7825. CE- 35x1cc • STRENGTHENING YQUR STEP • FAMILY . Parenting group beginning Tuesday. Sept 7.5 weeks at Family Resource • Centre, Clinton. Cost: $35/person or $40/couple. Call 519- 482.1418. CE-34x2cc - W000 YOUR LIKE TO PAINT. 11 Main St. S. .Seaforth, 519.527- 2233. Classes starting mid Sept. Folk Art, decorative painting, land- scape painting & pen-& ink. Annual Sale & Open House Fri. & Sat. Septa 108 11. 10 am. to 5p.m. Sun. Sept. 12.. noon to 5. CE -35-2 UNIQUE CRAFT SHOW at *the • Monkton .. Arena. Sunday. September 19, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p m Get a head: start on your Christmas shopping.'. Fireman's brunch until 2:00 p.m. Limited ven-_ • dor space. still available. Contact' Janice Hobelman 519-347-2368.' CE-35x3cc • SEAFORTH HARMONY Kings pre- sent a Harvest of Harmony • Saturday: September 18 at Seaforth District High School. Advance tick, ets 510. 512.50 at the door. Call 519-522-1301. CE -33-3' BEGINNING 'MAY 21, DABBER Bingo, every Friday. Bayfield Community Centre. Doors open 6.:15,. Bingo • 7:00 sharp. Potential prize. money $'3000.00: , $1,000.00 Jackpot plus mini jackpot. Nevada tickets -available. Bayfield Lions and Lioness. Lic. eM09211/12. CE-. 18xtfcc - BINGO .Goderich Knights of 'Columbus. every Thursday. 7 p.m. Columbus Centre. 390 Parsons Court. S4.400. in prizes. 'progressive- jackpot 51,006: regular jackpot Si.500.must go. I7tc. e157920. First Saturday of • every . month: '7 p.m.. Columbus . Centre. 5500 mini jackpot, 51;500 jackpot Total prizes 54.600. Lic. x310856. Super • Star Provincial Game every Bingo night:. CE-06- tfcc• • - SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS Bingo every Monday at 7:15 p.m. 1st and 3rd Monday ofeach month _ 5750 Jackpot. 2nd and 4th Monday 51,000. Jackpot. Doors open at 5 30- p m. Ticket sales 6:30 p m. S D C.C. Lottery license #M297 t 96. CE-09-tf 1 Articles For Sale USED SKATES Just in time for hockey season. CCM Tacks 752 Kevlar pumps, size 5. Used one season. Also CCM 650, size 7 1/2, used one season, 575.00. Phone 519-522-0493 after 6 or leave message. 01.35x2nxe FIREWOOD FOR SALE mixed hardwood 545.00 a face cord. Delivered minimum 2 face. Call Jim 519.522-0628 leave message. 01- 35xi3 LOW ENERGY? Trouble sleeping? Suffering from joint problems? Are you looking to feel healthy. Nikken Products are made for you! Product demonstrations Mon. Sept 13. 1999 at. 7 p.m. Seaforth Community Hospital conference room 2. lower level. 01-35x2 • • CLEARANCE HOT TUB SALE '99. Save hundreds on all models now • 1,11 Sept. 18. Seconds available Sept 16.- 18.•Call for free informa- tion pack. Rintout's Pools & Spas of Wingham 1.800.716-8685. • 01- 35x3cc TICKETS FOR SALE two Air Canada'tickets for females. Toronto to • Victoria • B.C. September 4th. 5200 each O.B.0. 519-528.3205. 01-4x1cc ' -PAPPLE'S PRODUCE (522-0874) In addition to our wide variety of homegrown vegetables, we are also growing and selling apples. pears &. plums from McClymonfs Orchard..We' have ..stands in Seaforth Main St. beside 'Library) and Hensall (Main St. near tracks). Fruit is also 'available • at McClymonts Orchard (1 Mile south. of • Varna). Stands open everyday • orchard by chance or by .appoint- ment. 01-34x3c •. 5 to 7 Ib. ROASTING chickens, overt ready. Leave message. Joe Ryan 519-345-2355 01-34x2 BED. Queen, orthopedic mattress, box, frame. black. rod iron canopy. new, still in box. Cost $1100; sacn- fice 5525: Call (519) 581-2838. 01- 33x3cc - •- KILLBROS Model 475 grain.buggy. comes with extensions and rolt.tarp. .Very good condition. Phone 519- .263-6902. 01-33x3c W6 MCCORMICK. good condition. New'Holland 270 baler with thrower, working condition. Call. 519.345- 2189. 01-33x3 • RED HAVEN PEACHES. sweet,: juicy and ready' for preserving. We're cleaning trees off. Special S7.00/11 quarts: 520.00/bushel plus container. Also: eating and cooking apples. Orange fruit stand Hwy. 8 east of lights. Clinton. Jim Bell Fruit • Farm 519-524-9460. 01 -35xtfcc' WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call us. • We buy it all. Antiques: furniture.. coins etc: No fuss- No muss. Cash • on the spot.. Call 519-364-0448 01- ' 28xtfcc Teaching 43, • r'iano• Voice - • All'advanced Theory •in my home 35 3rd St., I:Kmond%ille 522-0540 5' tate Teachers Degree ARCT . A taus . • . Kae Huberts over K yens experience. 1 Articles For Salo WEDDING DRESS size 5 - • 7. Cosco mfantchild car seat. child s l:ooster seat; tricycle. play tent for hndren l t 1/2 • years old Excellent ' condition. Call . 519.527- 2985_ alter 4 p rill. 01.350,. • • NEW AND' USED SKATES and hockey • equipment Trades wet- came Second Period Sports/Ice Dreams. 65 Main St Seaforth. Phone 5 t 9-527.1870 ' 01.35.4.. • ADMIRAL PORTABLE dishwasher. almond. ljke new. Asking 5100.00 Cat 519-522-1698 01-35-1 • • Fant is the best twee to start a new perennial border. We stint have a good selection, in pots or from the garden to choose from Pian for new borders available Martina's Perennials and Water Gardena torbl4 the signs from Hwy e 8 Hwy.Ir 4 - Kinbum 527-1249 R 2 Seaforth FLEA 111,kllhl Isl.ti'. it 1 R %l)I\(; i'Oti 1 The Ohl Mill, Tiverton, ON 368.8667 L'QCn.ti!Lltit.irA&tin �.durdayt - 9 a m -5 p.m luridays -.9 30 a m -4:00 p rn Loh of_Great Dean • Ron & Addie Starr 368.8667 FIREWOOD: Dginptruck.loads of hardwood. slabwood and edgings of blocks Call-R;-Durlgey-and Sons• 519-348-8477. 01-45xtfcc 3 Garage Sales ' SOLD THE FARM: . Heading West .Moving sale, all Labour Day Weekend. 8 a.m. Toys. household. and farming items, construction materials, used doors. windows and siding etc. 'Reimer shine, 1 1/4 miles east. 1 Mkt north of Brucefield. Watch for signs. 519-233-3136. 03- 35x1cc • . GARAGE SALE: Friday, Sept. 3 1 7 p.m. N.E.. comer Winthrop (across. from Winthrop Store). Something for everyone 03-35-1 GIANT YARD SALE Exercise equipment, tools. etc 1/2 mile north of County Road 12 (Palins). Sat Sept. 4. 8 a.m. - ? 03-35x1c . GARAGE SALE. Sat. Sept. • 4, 8 a m. • 3 East Front Street. Egmondville. Toys. furniture and lots of clothing. 03-35-1 . • _YARD SALE - Saturday. Sept. 4. T1999, 7 -71 -p.m. First ferrh south -o# --- -Winthrop. Fall, Halloween and Christmas decorations (new & used) household items and more. 03.35x1c SEPT . 3 &'4, 341 Ontano St. Hwy. 8. E. Clinton: Golf clubs (sets) & singles:. glassware. pots: pane;. mixer; fans; heaters, metal show- case; grass incomers, gas and etet • tric, sealers; slide projector; ml9cel- laneous • 03.35x1cc YARD SALE: September 3. 4 and 6th. 8 a.m. Hwy 8 east edge of Clinton. Antique range (Weigher') Clipper), Lowry organ, some furni- ture and household items plus elec- Inc motors, tools and table saw. 03- 35xlcc • 1 Pullen's Sweet Corn Our hest freezing varieties are available now! Discounts on orders of 5 dozen of more 5 miles west of Seaforth on Hwy. 08 10-6daily Phone 233.1896 to place Targe orders. Town and Country LAS SIFT ED S it e: Monday, 1:00 PM Call Sz7-2240 5 Cars for Sale 1993 CHEVY Lumina van, extend- ed 7 passenger, immaculate condi- tion, low kms., loaded. 59500.00 certifies'. Bayfield 519-565-2314. 05-35x2cc 1995 GEO. 3 cylinder. standard. 2 ' door. 86.000 km.. air bags, bright red. grey interior.' cassette. excel- lent shape. 56500 certified o.b.o. 519-482-9029.05-35x1cc 1985 OLDSMOBILE Delta' 88. 5500.00 as is Call 519-345-2464. If no answers leave message. 05- 34x2c CARS FROM 5500. Government seized and surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings, toll free 1-888-342- 3500. extension 2234. 05-35- tfBNN. • ' COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT. Amazing one year no payments then S16/week (OAC). 350 Mhz loaded,. printer. monitor, internet. software and more. Free scanner, delivery and setup. 1-800- 516-5545 08-35x5cc 10. Pets PUPPIES: To give away to a good home. Phone 519-527-2676. 10- 35x3c KITTENS desperately seeking good homes. titter trained. Call 519- 527-1750. 10-35-1 • MA AND PAWS GROOMING , cer- tified. gentle groaner: 'reasonable rates; cats welcor e'. Baths. nails, -.comb-outs: On Highway 21 north of St. Joseph: Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570. 10-08xtfcc 1 1 Farm Serv:,.cs CUSTOM BALE wrapping. round and big square bales, new Tube Line bale wrapper. Call Mike 519- 482-7587. 11 H-21 xtfcc CUSTOM LIQUID MANURE REMOVAL Vacuum .Tank g 2 Units Available g 1 Agitation 1 REY-AGRA I. 1 519-345-0047 1 519=345-2478 1 1 E-mail: REYAGRA 1 STRATFORD 1 �WEBGATE.NET �ltiatl��alj 12 Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE SALE - Vanastra. Spacious 1/2 duplex, open con- cept, Targe livingroom with fireplace. modern kitchen, washroom down- stairs, lots of closet space,_large basement. Upstairs, 3 large bed- rooms. walk in closet . and bath- room. Insulated workshop and big private yard. Hardwood floors throughout the house. Central air. itgable Sept 1. Call 519-482- p.•12-35xlcc iri`•INTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (519)527-2763 Associate Broker i 521-0560 Sharon Medd MLS Market Value Appraiser .?i -1't Seaforth Glen Subdivision Lot 7. Model Home "Watch for our Open House' Saturday, September 11 New Home! 3 bedroom bungalow. master bedroom wtensutle. sunken IM . mon,. move ri.ht ,n' SOLO, SOLD,. SOLO f New windows. main floor laundry. full finished basement. oak inn, hardwood floors. 'gas tireplace. open staircase. new double detached garage & more' '. ---0.11111111111111w- Move-1n - Move -In Condition, Oak kitchen, TWo Years Ofd! 4 large bedrooms.:4 terrace door ib large cedar deck. baths, oak kitchen, central vac . full extensive landscaping,' main floor basement entrymuch larger than laundry: 3+ bedrooms 8. more! appears' 5249.000. $129,900. • Many upgrades' 3-- bedrooms-Vend9 ants Sold! 2 bedroom cathedral ceding m LR, hi -elf gas mobile home, large double -floor furnace. new, trusses 8 roof, Florida room, peaked ceding,. central redecorated & more! 351400. ' air & more! $39.500. Seaforth Won Subdivision) •27 fully serviced vacant lots for sale„tyro model homes for sale, no subdivision tees. bucklers available to bund your home today! Can today tor details Free Home Evaluations t The Huron Expositor's LAS SIFIED 5 C E Coming Events 01 Articles For Sole 03 Garogenord Sale 04 Antiques & Art 4A Crafts & obbies 05 Cas ;or Sole 06 Trucks For Sole 74 For Sale General 78 Wonted To Buy 7C Wonted To Rent 70 Bicycles 7E Motorcycles. ATYs. Etc 7E Snowmobiles& Equipment 7G Rec Vetkctes- Campers & rioters 7F+ Soots, Molars& Monte 7 Service Ports & Repairs 1 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies C8 C;;rttputef' /.deos .'c 09 Autpr.,phve 10 Pets - • 1 IA For Sole General 118 wonted o BW 1 lC Wanted To Hire 110 Employment Wonted. 111 'livestock 1 IF Fdrm Product 11Ca Farm Equipment 111-I Farm Services 111 Form wand 11K Farm Real :state 12 Real Estate -or Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vocation Properties 16 Fa Rent '17 Apartments FOr Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms foe Rent 20 Rooms & eoord- 22 tots For Rent 23 Commercial Property • 23 for •rent 24 Wanted 'o Rent 25 'Wonted'0 Buy 26 rely Wanted 27 Wanted General 28 Business OPpor!unny 29 Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory' 32 Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34 Perscrtd 35 Notice 'oCreditors . 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sole 39 Edwxationol 40 osi & Found 41 To Give Away • 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements .45 Mornoges 46 n .Memoriam 47 Cords of 11,crics DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY t:oo PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11:00 AM All rates plus GST ' z, WORDS = One Week 56.00, two weeks Ss.;io ea. -week. t.hrce weeks : f Ss.00 es.•week. Additional words zo cents. An additional S2:.:0 will:be added if billing is necessary. In Mernonams - 56.00 plus;s.cents per line of verse: Card of Thanks 6t Binh Announcements - zg Words S6.co. Each 4,1(11-. coral word .to cents.. We are also able to place word 'ids in .the following papers: Godench. Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine.. Zunch !Jc Porr Elgin. By placing . an ad in The Huron Expositnr we can place the same ad 125 words or fess) an any of the above papers for an additional St.00. THESE PRICESARE PRE -PAID Call jr"-0240 Monday to Friday 9:0o .1M to 5.:)C PM 12 Real Estate for Sale 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW wrth a 18'• x 24' family room with base- ment. kitchen renovations started with new maple cupboards to go in, replacement windows and doors.- gat oors;gas heat and your own gas hot water tank. central air, excellent roof. needs decorators touch. wheelchair accessible. 578,000: Godefich. Phone 519-524-9188 2-33x3cc �• yy Heartland tial l�lO� 1 llbert Street. Clinton 519.3f2-3400 Pkv 18 Rater ond.ilir - Opporio idle., wrth Phi unspotle 9 .chool hour .n Egmend. i a 1'•i Jere' lot Perfect tri a font!. home, B&B. :'r day -or .entre (-ail Lone Seta. ry .ICN 519•i22 -05'C Lone lulaur SEAFORTH RE.% _ Saks Representati.e 5194324575 You can also reach Lone by email at: revealonetcc.on.ca or Fax: 522-2131 BrokeruOwrler Fred R. Lobb 482.3321 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. t 12 Real Estate for Sale GOOD LOCATION n Searcrth. newer 3 bedroom. brick. eat -in kitchen, 4-pce. and 3 pce. bathe. - new roof. central air. newer FA.G. furnace, carport:. finished base- ment. Immediate possession. 5119.900. Call 519-527-0622 or 519-235-0302. 12-33x4 ' - GRAND BEND Condo. riverfront. 2 bedroom. 2 baths.fireplace. jacuzzi. vaulted centres. 1600 sq. tt, Call Christine at v 248) 682-6126 12-35x2cc RE/MAX 4.8 Realty Ltd. X 273-2821 r Res. 271-9970 'OPEN HOUSE Sat., Sept. 4th 11 AM to 12:30 PM 91• William St. W.. Seaforth Owner will look at offers on this 3 bedroom home in mint condition. Backs onto Munns Grove ' Carolyn Blackburn Sales Rep. 181 QUEEN STREET, HENSALL LIST 596.500' 185 MAIN STREET, SOUTH ' LIST 578,500' f 1 s JOIN STREET' LIST 5157,500, 71 JARVIS STREET LIST 579,900.! MCKE-LOP TOWNSHIP 93 workabN aerea. LIST 5429.000' 137 MARKET STREET LIST $89.000.' AL - 1r. ✓4. 81 OXFORD ST., HENSALL • LIST V21,9001 1111 t wit0. til 16 EAST SAYffELO STREET, EOMONOVILLE LIST 349,900 28 HURON ROAD, HARPURHEY LIST 5119,900 *Mlle 04. '1__i , l..IL/t l'fiii 111 JOHN STREET LIST 5119.900' • t . R.R.44, SEAFORTH USI 54) ' S8 JARVIS STREET -UST 379.900' 6993 LINE 34, DUBLIN LIST 5179,900' •,14111114; R.R.42, STAFFA 2.6 Acres LIST 8269.010 ' 10 SILVER CREEK CRESCENT LIST 5229.000' IN HURON ROAO, HARPURHEY LiST $89.900' 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA Seaforth OHlor 519 / 527.1577 e Main Street K411. 'MAuNEEN «LOfONG 492.3324 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEKI 'MeV SCRISIOER 585-8504 'BRIAN COOMBS 565-5350 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE MIS REALTOR 'RON MURRAY 345-293e J