HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-09-01, Page 7S -THE HURON EXPOSITOR. September 1, 141“ News Some property owners in for shock when interim tax bills arrive soon By Scott Hilgondorff Expositor Editor • A few commercial or industrial property owners could. be seeing some hefty tax increases in the next couple weeks as interim tax bills are sent out. - Thea increases follow what town officials call a "complicated •mess" created by. the • provincial government more than a year'ago and Seaforth is still trying to catch up to the problems provincial changes created with determining tax bills. • The entire province underwent, a property reassessment ,that. in /some areas like Toronto. saw hyge increases toproperty taxes. Partially in response' to this, the /province set outlast year a 10 per cent cap on . property tax increases and a five per cent cap for this'year and one last five per cent cap for next -year. - However. because of legistlated changes in -how taxes are collected, many of which were not in place in time for municipalities to prepare proper tax bills. some commerical. industrial and multi -residential property owners experienced increases of more than the allowed'_10 per cent last year. Now; to correct this. others who received significant decreases through their reassments' are going to experience, a clawback. For a few. this will mean a much higher tax bill than. anticipated. This clawback compensates for those who were taxed above thg 10 per cern cap last year. who will be receiving reducuons_.in their property taxes. - • These tax changes .have to be revenue neutral county -wide. meaning none of those taxes generate dollars to be used by the county or municipalities. . it does not" apply to the municipal portion of a person's tax hill and council expressed •concerns at its Sept. 17 meeting that the province is"to blame for this situation and not the municipality. . It's,going to be.a shock in some eases." Administrator Jack McLachlan said at that .meeting. I. "I don't know why Canadians don't have a tax revolt." said Mayor Dave Scott. But: in essence. the property owners receiving a hefty bill this time should still see an overall savings. however small. if.the look at this bill and the previous one together. 'They'll still end up with a decrease but not.as large as anticipated." McLachlan told The Expositor.' However, it can still mean a. larger than expected bill, for those who received targe i reductions last year. There will be eight multi- residential properties. receiving decreases -while one receives, an increase. Seventy-three commercial pioperties will see a decrease while 13 will experience an lnc&rease. • .i r _Seven industrial properties will. decrease while 13 will increase. While the effects of these changes are onls- about to be experienced. this is actually the ' second year of three in which the 10 per cent. five per cent and five per cent increase limits are in place: The adjustments in the interim bill that is about to be sent out,affectlast year's interim tax bill and further effects coul4 be seen in this year's tax bill and. finally: next year's. Mit Harris photo local plowing match officials and political dignitaries helped unfurl° giant Canadian flog at the International Plowing Match site near Dashwood, Thursday in preparatipn for this month's gigantic event. 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SMS o � / (o.p��ors wit q Boot to if • So in9s StP1614.611 1 COME PLAY GIANT TWISTER ON SEPTEMBER 4, WITH ENERGY RADIO FROM 11:00 AM TILL 3:00 PM $LOO from sods pofticipont will be donotod to the .,�, KID'S HELP PHONEUNE *, Jan all ttic (o -Pilot's 8 TN Stratford lOrtirilt Aflfttl!1 114 To Hdcomc THE SMONBIRDS OPEN if of a) 10 Friday • 9:34.A.1i-9:44PY Sat dal - 930:U1•?.AOPtf S:i* • 1?:04-?UOPNI 1067 Ontario Street, Stratford M A R Peoples iewei:en ♦.ent Cn Ho. ♦ Wrern Gewr \all Renetmr lark's Mork Neanccwne .a Sera ♦c.:.} Fried C,:icer. 7 ) 1as1,1 '. .L1o.) nar>uA ii F Aar sF,es COUNTY OF HURON 1998 AUDITORS REPORT Tome 445^ 4•s c Cart. 1^nabsar:s toe Rv.oay vs C. tie CCMC'e or C.1,0 Ca.ry C. H u'br We nave auseen t'.e :c sadVaC :aa^ce sea c' -e C7pc•a'<^ :• •^e -., :• H-•er as a: Oscar -tee" 3• '998 a•+c t•'e torso -oa:e.'. f'ate's"t c' :ee•at:"s 'c: ^e yea :-e^ e-ce: --ese s•a•e-e^•s a'e 11.1 •t'ee's c •, d the ecunty f ma^ager-e'• Dur 'esco'ts0.Mty s tc e,Z"ess a^ cat -or 01' ••'ese'-a-:a ra•e-etts useo r :..• a;.W . We cor•.o..- ec oil' male a' aecoroarce wee preys $ axeotec a., :- s•a^twos Those ra^:a^.s sec. to '^a' we via, a r..: pe'w*, a- axis se ooear. 'eisorap. assu'a"c. e'er Ir-e',A'•`a s'a'e' -e -s a•e''ee : -awe -'''°•smart Ar a.F' tAY4Oes e.a^-r .q d• a test bass w0eiue s.eoc^r'p ••v a ^''s a^c osccs: es .• Te '"a-: a rate-e^•s A. aunt a s- S opnCn .FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT Goas,scn p+ta•c rxo.r0es assess.+p rte aO o 5 np prr+coes used arta 19 rt.c1 es a•es -ace by ^'°rape' -e as le as e.a ate'p cve'a Fetanc•a1 stater"ern presenta1 on I" out mese cor'soea•ec'ra-cal. sta•e-e-- s nese^' 'a'- .'e', -at -ca oossor c' :"e Coroo•a• y :• •-e _ Mrr_pr:yS et_De bei 31 ' 914 a -e 1-• 'assts :' 's cce'a:C'` b' t' yea. 1 e e^Oeo .+ a:co'G-ce « r •-e ---- o,r,cv+s'ekscse:--oce'•z'-s'-a•ti�a'i1a'e e's __ _ _ Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 1998 Budget A.lual Actual 1998 v4 . 947. 5 5 s Sources of Financing . Requisition nn 1.ocal Municipalities Grants ('",,cmntcnt.of Canada 1'n s n.c of Omani/ ' (hher municipalities Other. Insestrtient Income • Fees and sentx charges Rents • Sale of Equipment. \Iistellancous Fund Balances at: the Beginning of the %ear . To he used to offset tasam•n • ADnlird Te Current Operations General gosernrrtent Protection to penons and lsnspert% protectne inspection • emergency measures ' Transponation sen ices EA% trohmental'snits' Health tenxe • Social and family sensces Rtcreatttxt and cultural sen ices ('fanning and drseloprttent Lam 'General gosemnsent Transportation unites fkahh service Slxul and family senses' Rec'reatton and euhural services Planning and destlopiu.nt Net Appropriations to deem) Reserves and Resent Funds Fund Balances at the End or the Year To he used to offset Caution ' 1)42.115. 14 114.1 t1 515 96.2 640.2412 . ?.715020 921.482 297.7cx - 71- '44 . 18.402.098 689.581 25.897.506 441.356 688:140 1.312.6414 919.582 • '297.758 289.6081 95.717 1 5.542. 5x9 511.847 104.681 l S0.1,00el 91.1.278" 121 ratio 603:2711 671:122 c; •r:. 5 1 1, 51.612.495 11 421.874 "I' 457 250.1481 70.894 9.2412,549 11x!.(00 971,039 28.728655 • 1.854.070 1.581.251 2 lir, :tot 1.51341'1 '11\4I 5• "5 8.151.141 85.084 4,297,411 26.862.132 1.789,008 1.526.661 204;018 (, 255.09); I•49 sta. 1.803.865 11,447.999. . 2.006:369 1.642.484 49,817.945 45,171,115 25.096.787 181000 , 594.000 10.000 114.000 79.000 22.'x/0 183,081 591.688 29.936 113.839 78.974 21.696 1.022.000 1.021.214 3.082.558 4:I41.55A 51922 511 114.527 375.666 118.102 184.256 101.095 8.978 1.308.624 4.418.198 1 078.4(8 • 608.270 51.612 495 11 421.879 Arg.04.4- *Icsiordo Ao,.;3C '999 C-a^e'e:,s:::.r•a-•s Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1998 4v' 5 ►'seta Unrestricted • Cash on hand and in bank r;-'? 1.146. 4.062.996 ' Due to general funds from reserve. funds , 31 r,t i I s ' 12. I O4 . Accounts receisable I I/•c.l37 508,114 Other current assets 2t,).196 200.069. Restricted Cash on hand and in bank Insestments • U'namortized premium idiscount l Less Due from resent fundsto general funds Accounts payable and accrued Isabilit, s Fund balances at tee end of the year To be used to offset taxation . Reserves Reserve Funds Reserve and Reserve Fund Operations Resenue Transfers and Expenditures Year End Position of Resents and Resent Funds (.v-,958 1'.2.(4110 Z-51. 514,1 II Ios.839 5.483.283 2.189.096 6.48(1.018 426.638i a 4712.104) I I A 11.579 • 7.910.172 19.211.328 13.313.655 4.065.503 2.883 526 1.078.408 • 2354.047 ,11.513.370 19.211328 7.068.825 2.927.267. 604.270 1.995.487 7.910,172 11.411.655 6.601.898 2.183.700 14.067.417- 9.925,859 NOTES I. These Financial Highlights reflect the operations. assets and liabilities of the County of Huron including the following: Huron County Library Board. and the Huron Couly Board of Health. 2. The Huron Addiction Services Program. the Healthy Babies/Healthy Children Program. and the Heats Health Program administered by the Huron County Board of Health and funded entirely by the Province of Ontario are not consolidated. 3. Copies of the audited financial report from which these highlights were extracted may be .examined at the office of the Clerk -Administrator. County of Huron Court House. The Square. Ooderich. Ontario. Carol Mitchell Ken Nal. C.M A. • Warden Treasurer