HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE
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Are youDissatisfied? Doyou want a Better TraYxiing' ��•, 1�eppler spent' the holiday at
DSS his home in Hanover.
to command a Bigger Salary? write to Mrs. J. Bonthron, Sr., is visiting
relatives in Detroit.
Mr. J, Wise, of Strat;ord was in
School ofCommerce c e tnu n on Friday -on business.
The �ci�o
Mi.Cecil Hudson visited' o
er the
Clinton, n
Ontarioho d
hfriends in Lo'
Mr:, John SteacY spent the holl-
DAILY BY TRAIN Mr. Hugh McDonald of 'Stratford
EXTRA TUITION GIVEN BECAUSE OF SHORT SCHOOL DAY spent the holiday at his home here.
dOURt3ES Mrs. R. E. Cook and faintly' are
• at present visiting friends in Dutton
Steno Commercial - Secretarial Mr. Thomas Palmer Sr.,' visited
Stenographic--= his
� /•�•
over the. week -end with son here.
Special Courses Mr. Raymond Rivers, of Parkhill
IL' A. NONE, OOM. SPECIALIST, B. F. WARDB.A., 'paid a short visit to town on Mon-
'• Vice Principal Principal. day. ;
IPS The 24th passed off quietly here.
Students May Enter at Any Time. there being no celebration pf any
Dr. Cohn Fletcher occupied the
pulpit it at Bayfield church on Sunday
'apt. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ci. D. Reid of Lon-
don spent the holiday with relatives
in,town. •
Miss Jessie Bell, of. Windsor, vis-
ited over Sunday. at ;her home south
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield
spent the holiday -with their eon in
Mr. Wm. Otterbein . of Oxford St.
recently sold his dwelling to Mr. J.
MCD. Wilson.
The Hensall baseball boys motor-
ed back to the. Boundary on Tues
day evening and mixed up with the
Boundary boys for a practice game
'which resulted ii;, an 8-8 tie,. the.
Boundary boys 'are getting in 'shape
to play a game at Avonton on Fri-
day evening.
The Salvation Army Band of :Lon-
don played on the street herd on
Saturday evening 'to a large creed,
and 'an offering was taken up on be-
half •of the Army work; after Vhicb
they left for ' Exeter. A number
from the. Village went to Exeter on
'Sunday to Attend the Army Services
Rev. Dr. E. Medd, a former pastor
of the Methodist Church here
preached to a large congregation in
the Methodist Church on Sunday ev-
ening on behalf of the Lord's Day
Alliance. At the close of the ser-
vice a subscription was taken up en.
behalf of the Lord's Day ` Alliance 22 lb. Rolled Oats ,... ...,.. ..,., $1.00
Fund. Dr. Medds' many friends
ForSaturday, May 30
17 bars P: & G. or Gold soap $1.00
13 pkgs. Pearlene ' $1.00
13 pugs. Amonia $1:00
9 pkg5. Lux $1.00
1:0 lb.' Seedless Raisins $1.00
here were pleased to meet and here
him again., .
Protect your Buildings
Having the 'licenced • agency
for the' Shinn ,Flat• and round
cable :lightning: rods, we are of-
fering them' at a great reduc-
tion '• Let us quote you prices
on the above, •as well as the
Galt Art Metal roofing for
which I also have the agency.
John Elder, Hensall
Phone :11To..
Hensall Tile, Brick
and Black
Cement4 `Hydrated Lune,
all Pfastef and
,Hard' .. , ,
Gy roc WalloBoardp
Phone 7
DR. A. MIR, L. M. C. C.
should have won with the score 4-2
Phone 70 HENSALL in their favor, having hit Motz 'so.
„ heavily that he was forced to leave
the.-' box, but luck went against
Hensall when the bases -were full,
resulting' in the visitors pushinga-
cross the two runs necessary to tie
up the . score, one of which runs was
forced in when a Crediton player
claimed Wilson Brintnell, the Hen-
sel). moundsman hit him but which
in reality only came close, as Hed-
den the Hensall backstop caught
the' ball, which would have been al-
1 ball hit the
` 1 batt the
most iniro sib e
l s
batter. With the score a tie, the
game had to be. called off on account
ea of darkness, although all the fans.
agreed they got their money's -worth.
13 lb. Redpath Granulated. Sugar $1
Special price by the bag $6.95
Pineapples—Large beautiful fruit
per dozen $2,50 -
Ai good assortment for Saturday's
Fresh Strawberries, Tomatoes, Leaf
Lettice, Radish, Green Onion and
With every purchase we are giv-
absolutely free, premium cards or
coupons • which are, good for beauti-
ful china 'or silverware.
They are valuable. Ask 'us;.for them.
Our Ice Cream Parlor Invites You
- Neilson's Ice. Cream served in
fancy dishes Dr In plain' ice cream.•
Light Lunch' served at'. any hour
of the day. Come in and rest while
waiting—where you will be made
We have the sole agency for
Smiles 'le Chuckles and Neilson's
Store ' Open. Every Night. r
Mr. Harry Smith, Jr., of London,.
was a week -end visitor at his home
in the village.
Mr. Peter Case, of Exeter, spent
Saturday with his brother, Mr. Geo.
Case, in town.
Mr. Geo. C. Petty spent the holi-
day visiting his daughter Mrs. L.
Scott in Toronto.
Mr. Aaron Sweitzer, of Detroit,
visited over the week -end with
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pfaff and
family visited on' Suisiday with frfrit-
ends at Auburn.
Mr. Allan Soldan, " of the Standard
Bank . staff at Tavistock, was • home
for the week -end.
Messrs Laird Mickle,Herb H
garth and I. McLauglin
to London ori Monday.
Miss Hazel Coxworth who ie at-
tending London Normal visited over
the wee -end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ortwein and
son Lloyd, of • London,- visited over
the week -end with relatives in town
Mr. Ray Laramie' is confined to
his home due to inflamatory rhum-
atism. His friends hope fora rapid.
recovery. -
Dr. G. Knapp is in Toronto this
week attending a convention 'of
Dental Surgeons which is being held
in that city.
Mr. John Fluker, who has been
visiting for- the• last, two months at
Auburn, is now visiting "friends in.
and around Hensall.
Mr.. Bert Welsh accompanied by
his.. sisters the Misses Lila and Vera
Welsh, of Toronto, spent Sunday
with relatives in ''town:
A 'number from here took in the
opening dance of the season at
Grand Bend and Bayfield on Satur-
day'and Monday evening.
Mr. .Laird Joynt, a student at
Western University, ' London, has
completed his 1st year's coarse Ind
is home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hilderbrant,
of. Goderich visited over :the .week-
end with the former's. parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Hilderbrant.
Mrs. David Thompson of Toronto
visited for --a' few days with her si-
ter Mrs. Geo. Brown and her bro-
HENSALL BASEBALL NINE HOLD ther Mr. Richard Blatchford. / ti
IT To A 4 ALL TIE Miss Selina Beaver and a lady
CRED ON friend motored here from Kitchener
A large crowdwas in attendance and- spent the holiday with' her par -
on Friday evening last to. wi nss ents Mr. and Mr s.' Wm. Beaver.
the first league baseball game of Miss Florence Welsh, of London,
the -season between. Crediton and and Miss Dorothy and girl friends,
Hensall which .resulted• in 'a 4 all 'of Stratford,,, visited Mr. and Mrs.
tie. The game,. was well worth Thos. Welsh over the week -end.
watching with -•plenty of exciting Mr. A. Whiteside. and Miss Violet
plays. A number of errors were, of Goderich were in town on Satur •
also made by members of both day and- Miss Hattie Whiteside paid
teams but as the season advances Hensall friends a short visit on Sue -
these will no doubt be fewer. Hen- day. .
sail had the best of the play and Wednesday afternoon will be the
first half holiday in Hensall for the
season. The merchants will keep
their places of business open on
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Led Redden are
moving into the building beside the
garage. Lee has his- gas tank and
pump installed anis is ready tokgive
day and night service.
Mr. Jim -Nicol, of the Standard
Bank staff at Goderich, was here
visiting on' Friday before leaving
for Pt. Stanley, where he is reliev-
ing for a couple of weeks.
Mr.. Andrew Boa of -Granton spi,nt
Friday and Saturday at his home on
the London Rd. south of town. Mr.
Boa intends going to Montreal in
September to take; a year's course
at McGill University.
The Verdun Minstrels of St. Marys
A pleasant spring wedding . t„ol� put on a concert in.the Town Hall
here on Wednesday evening .last
They brought a band along and gove
a street parade. The hall was
crowded to the doors.
Graduate of Faeulty of Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal; Mem-
ber of College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of
Medical . Council of Canada; Post
Graduate. Member of Resident Med-
ical staff of General Hospital, Mont-
r•• '
Office 3 doors east
of Poet Office. Phone 56, Hensall,
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au-
ction School, Special course taken in
Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, Real- Estate, Farm
dales, etc. Rate -,s in keeliiog with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, br
wire 18-93,'Zurich•
lx6, v matched dressed on both
sides at
$50 .. P E R M.
Place on May 23rd at the First Pi es-
byterian church, Detroit, when Mini -s
Blanche Darling of"Windsor became
the bride' of Earl. R. Parlrner, dm
of Mr. and -Mrs. T. 'W. Parlmer of
Hensall. The bridewore a lovely
ensemble costume of ',navy and ea ad
cliarmose with hat and shoes to
,match and carried a shower ;boo {tqet
of roses, sweet peas and silly of the
valley. The grooms gift to the bride
was a beautiful, pearl bracelet. A
wedding dinner was served at thio
home of the bride's , sister and
brother-in-law, Mr.. and Mrs. Pepin
of Windsor. `On Sunday, May 24th
the bride and groom came by ha.in
to London where they woke met, by
the groom's father' and brother awl
motored to .Hensall: where dinner
was served by the groom's mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Parlmer left Tuesday
morning for their home in Windsor.
1Vlr. B. Pannier has been, be the em-
ploy of the Windsor .and Detroit
Ferry 'Co. for a number Of years.
Thos. Balmer, Sr.
came froin
Goderich for the occasion,
The funeral of the late Win. Rash
who died at the residence of lie
daughter Mrs. Jonah Green of Tuck-
ersmitli passed .through the villaJe
on Sunday. Interment .ibeing at
Grand. Bend Cemetery.
a i i F:
Don't forget the U.F.O. Le a
ball game at the Boundary on Mon
day evening at 6.15 between Carl-
ingford and the Boundary. Botts
teams are snappy aggregations and a
good exhibition is. assured.
The New Coimnzer•eial received
their licensee on . Thursday evening
to sell 'the new 4.4 beer. Quite a
number taking advantage that' evert -
lag to test the new drink, Diffem t
,b intoes were expressed but'
agreed that it was a very pal-
atable drink. '.lir. Young has his
parlor nicely fitted, tip and is plan -
tang other Improvements for the
benefit of the many patrons of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cbandle of
New' Market motored up. to John
Young'sfor direr the holiday.
r u -
Towers is lying serious-
a o s
Mr.srWm, y g i
ly . ill at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Carniieliael, Mr. Towbr•s is
very 'close to the century mark.
Mre. Jas. Paterson, the public
Librarian was confined to her home
through illness several days °last
week. The lJlbrary being closed on,
Saturday on that account.
Mr. Dan Beggs is here this week
completing the onion store house,
after which lie intends taking a va-
cation and, will spend some time in
other Am r ' -
New York and o e eran cit-
Mr. Ernest Bates has rented Mrs.
Bollards house on King street for-
merly occupied by Mr. Meek. Mr;
Baton is busy getting the home
ready for his, bride who he will
bring to 'Hensall In the near future;
Lloyd Hudson, of Hensall, and
John Jarrott, of Kippen, were among
thosefrom the, district who attended
the district meeting of the I:O,O.F.
last Wednesday at . Clinton. They
were *representatives of Hensall
Mr. and : Mrs, J. W. Skinner at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Turnbull, which was held from ,t
N. Rowe's undertaking parlors, Es••
eter, on Sunday. They also accom-
panied the remains to Inner'kip,
near Woodstock, where the in;er-
ment was made.
Mr. Jacob Lindenfield whohad
been spending the . holiday with his.
son , in London, ' while boarding 'the
train on Monday evening for home,
slipped and sprained his ankle. Mr.
Lindenfield who is " getting up: in
years -was suffering , severely when.
he arrived home.
Mr. Geo. Brock who was up at
Barrie attending the funeral of his
brother, reeeivevd word to be in
New York Tuesday night, where he
will sail for England and where he
will lbok after the interests of Min.
Merrier, who is one of the heirs to
an estate there.
The.,League meeting of the Meth-
odist Church was held on. Tuesday
evening in charge of Miss Nellie
Boyle. The topic was very ably
given by Mrs. Joynt on "Citizen-
ship". A soi'o by Miss Scarlet, an
instrumental by Gladys -Luker and
a reading by Miss Gladys Slay
were.all greatly enjoyed.
The announcement of the coming
marriage in Lansing, Mich.,of Percy
R, Gramm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Gramm, of. Hensall, to Miss Viola
Bleicher, oil Lansing, is of interest
here. Announcement of the engage-
ment was made at a dinner party
given by Dr. and Mrs. C. E. De May,
of Lansing, brother-in-law and sister
respectively, of the bride-to-be.
Edwards in Inrsoll,
lVir, aedi Ml's.geMersin Br'akenshire s.
and family of Fergus returned home
on MViauday •after spending a few
days 'with Mr, and Mrs. Wilson. An-.
O,he subject of discourse at the
Evangelical church next Sabbath
morning' is *'God's unsurpassed
eciuiprnent tot risen enraged air King'-
doni Adventure."
Mrs. Roy. Bennett . returned to
Windsor on Monday after a eliornc
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King.
Mr, and, Mrs. Fred Kerr and
daughter Lula, spent Monday In In-
Rev. Edward Brown, pastor of
Pigeon, Mich., preached at the Ev-
angelical church last Sunday events
ing, hence Rev. . Mr, Dreier will:
speak on "Man made in the image
of "God" at next Sunday evening's
service, This subject was announc-
ed for last Sunday evening. • -
Mr, Lorne Brown of New York,
spent a few days s the past week with
his mother, leaving Wednesday
morning for Crested Butte, Calor
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestreicher
and Miss Eva 'Oestreicher of Wind-
sor, spent the holiday vivsiting their
parents here.
Mr. Harold Young of London, vis-
ited over the Feek-end week-endwith fiiends
in the village,
The baseball team accompanied
by,a'nurnber of fans motored to: Hen -
call on Friday evening last to play
the Hensall team. The score was
tied 4-4. .
en r
Mr. and Mrs, Joe lBrok shi re and
babe, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright of
Windsor visited Mr,' and Mrs. Eli
Lawson over the holiday returning
home on. Monday evening,
Mrs. Roy Bennett of Detroit vis-
ited her mother, Mrs. Albert King
over the holiday.
Messrs: Geo. Brown, Wes. Brown
'-and Ed. Brown, of Pidgeon, Mich.,
visited friends in, the village over the
week -end.
Miss Ethel McKay visited' in
Michigan over the holiday.
Rev: W. R. Vance of Ildertonwill
occupy the, pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening.
The 24th of May Celebration held.
here on Monday May 25th wasa
splendid success. Nat withstanding
the very unfavorable weatlier a good
attendance turned out to- see the
sports. • A base ball game, Crediton
vs. Zurich was a good card the locals
winning the score 5-6. "After the
held and
ball game sports were h e
keenly contested, being open to all.
After the sports a number of the
horse shoe fans held a tburnarnent
in the skating rink, which was keen-
ly contested, this was only open to
the Horse Shoe Club, members ony
playing. The Salvation Army pro-
vided music for the occasion. The
ladies provided refreshments on the
grounds in the evening. The town
hall was packed to capacity , to see
the moving pictures, which were
very ranch enjoyed and we hope that
many -a pleasant evening will be.
spent with the moving picture ma-
chine, lately purchased by Crediton
and -Brinsley. The machine isone
of the latest models and is able to
show, all standard films. The corn-
mitteeare to be congratulated en
the success of the day also the base
ball teams for the brand of ball
played under very trying conditions.
Mrs. Clifford Hill received the sad
news of the death of her brother in
Pidgeon, Mich. and -left on Tuesday
to attend the funeral, accompanied
by Mr-. Hill of Orillia.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schroeder
have moved into the house of, Mr.
Joe. Lawson, formerly occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson now
of Exeter.
A number froth here attended the Detroit:
horse races in Mitchell on the 25th. Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan and Mr.
On Tuesday, June the 2nd, Sea- and Mrs. A. Tiernan visited relativ-
forth •base ball team will play the es in Stratford Sunday.
first game with Crediton. Beaforth Mr. and Mrs. Fassold visited in
has a strong team and Crediton are London over the holiday,
showing up well, and a good game'. Mrs. J. W. Graybiel is visiting in
will be seen. Come out and give the Woodstock.
boys ' a start far the season. They, Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener
promise to play ball from the drop and Miss . Margaret O'Rourke of
of the hat. !Stratford spent. the holiday with the
A number from the. Village at- former's parents.
tended the' Liberal :convention in. Mr. Homer Guenther; visited in
Hensall ,on Wednesday. Kitchener over the week -end.
Mr. Brown of Mich.,a formerThe girl's soft. ball p y
Crediton boy occupied the pulpit in their first game of the season at
the Evangelical church. on Sunday Zurich on Wednesday night, win-,
evening, when joint services were nine the game by a score of 24-14.
conducted, Mr. McTavish being away, xr; and Mrs. W. May of Kitchen -
to conference. : er were visitors with Mr. -and Mrs.
Miss Rhena Collings of Ripley vis- Sam. Oestreicher over the holiday..
ited Rev. and Mrs. McTavish over Mr. D. Betchen and. family have
the holiday. ' moved their household effects to
London where they will reside.
GREEN 'AY a Mr. and Mrs. England and Mr.
Wes. Bathwith of Thedford were
Mr. John Hodson sold his house Sunday visitors in town and 'vide: -
and lot here to Mr. Win. Whiteside ity.
On Tuesday evening the girls soft
ball team of. Hensall Continuation
school motored back to Zurich and
played a game of soft ball with the
Zurich H. S. girls. The local nine
had the best of the play, winning the
game by a score of 18-12.. A return
game is being arranged.
The long standing. law suit be-
tween. James Priest and the Village
of Hensall over the drainsat the
rear %of his residence came 'off at
Goderich on Tuesday before the
Drainage Referee, Mr. George In.
Henderson, K.C., of Ottawa. When
court opened it was arranged to
motor down to Hensall so that the
Referee could inspect the drains.
complained of. ' Thiel was ,done and
the whole matter fully discussed a_
the Engineers and solicitors and
parties on the ground. The result
was that upon the suggestion of the
Referee the whole matter was set-
tled. Mr. Priest, it was decided, was
not -entitled to any damages as tue
drains were properly constructed by
the Council under' the supervision
of the engineer and. no 'municipality
is obliged to take 'care of all the
water which may cofte.on "a person's
property in times of special freshets.
In this regard the Referee quoted a
recent : case tried at . Ottawa. ' He
suggested, however that as a num-
ber of the Richmond street rate-
payers appeared to think that some-
thing further could be done to help'
Mr. Priest and themselves by a short.
piece of drain being curved about
the corner. That the council should
have the Engineer put in this loop
but leave the old drain as it is.
However, these parties on the ' drain
would have to bear ,the expense of,
putting in the loop and also the
costs of the suit, with Mr. Priest's
costs limited to $150. 'No part is to
come out of the general'funds of the
Village. D. E.• Holmes was acting
for Mr. Priest and 7. G. Stanbury
fbr the Village.
The Township Council of Hay
were also at Goderich having a case
to bring before the Referee. There
has to be some repairs done clean-
ing out the black Creek Drain. As
the drainage from Hensall Town-
n -
r ls. The 0 4
Black Creek. into B
ship Council of Hay -clefs that'. Hen-
sall shall be assessed for part of the
costs, also the Township of Tucker -
smith and have referred the case to
Referee Henderson. ,
Miss Pearl Dreier and Mr. Lorne
Dreier of Hanover visited at the:
parental home in Crediton: -over the
week -end. Rev ;and Mrs. W. Y.
Dreier accompanied their son and
daughter to friends at Monkton .and
,Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price and dau-
ghter Miss Elda Messner of Dash-
wood uncle,
n an
heir aunt wood visited t
Mrs. and Mr. Henry Mote on Sun. -
Miss Pearl Metz and friend of
London visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mots over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Heatherly and dau-
ghter Mr,
ghter• TThelma,ai
Mrs. 'Jones
Clifford Buskirt all of London, vis-
ited 'with Mr. anti
• over the
Mrs. Wm. Motz and Mr. and Mrs'.
Henry Motz. '
Mrs, Sheardown's sons of Godo -
rich and Windsor visited their
mother aver' the holiday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and
faintly and Mrs. Joeb Slime spent
r ."R[i'.lxSO-
'%Stir, I )2tdr
Are You Housecleaning
If so, now is the opportune time to -have that
room redecorated,
Let us help you with the selection of your
wall paper in regard to layout and Dolor scheme.
No natter, if it is interior or exterior we can
do the work to satisfaction because we use the
best materials obtainable. and you are sure of a
perfect job.
When it comes to graining we are experts, as
experience only can givethat appearance nc
sa closely resembles the .beautiful grains of the
different woods, .
Our long experience as Master Painters is at
your service. Consult us for your next job and
be sure of satisfaction,
G. H.
i77 A riI
583amrlt riRd., London Out.
"bur Prices are Reasonable" PAINTER AND DECORATOR
Phone 7967 or send a card for appointment,
Barred Rocks, white Legliorns, R. C., R. I. Reda
White Wyandottes.
Let me cull your flock for laying and wain, -
tenor, Qualified judge for'poultry shows .
Honorraduate `of American Poultry School
g •
and• has moved to ,W. T. ' Ulens'
house. •
Mr. Whiteside , and his sister,
Mrs.. Wm. lherritt, moved here last
week and we welcome them to. the
Mr. Jas. Geromette was in Lon-
don en Saturday.
Mr. Rob. Carruthers of Detroit,
spent the week -end at his home
We regret to report Miss Martie
Battrani is ill in the hospital.
Mr. W. Curts : of London, spent
the holiday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Curts.
Mr. Ervine. Eggert put a well
down on his property lately.
Mr. and . Mrs. R. Webb of Grand
Bend visited here on Saturday.
Mr. Lawrence Pollock attended
the races in Mitchell on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy SheppardepP
London spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. English.
Miss Mae 'Wilson attended the
branch meeting of the W.M.S. in
Sarnia this week.
Dr. H.H. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D. S.
At McCormick's Block,'Zurieh,' every
Thursday and Saturday.
Hartleib's Block ---,Dashwood. Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra 'Tiernan and
s'on Eugene spent Wednesday in
Dr. Cowan is attendinig a Dental
Convention in Toronto this week. .
Misses Verdi and Lucille' Willert
of Windsor spent the week -end with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, Mrs.
Granger and Mrs. Magwood of Sar-
nia spent the holiday with
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and
family spent Sunday and Monday in
Fabric Tire 30 x 3e
Cord The - 30 x 3s
Cord Tire - 30 x 3a
Tube - - - 30x31
Tube - - - 30 x 31
Equally low prices
on all sizes.
"A Necessity with Balloons".
The easiest Riding
Car is a Ford
Hee equipped
Not only are ,the bumps and
jolts ironed out but the car gets
less wear and tear. H & D's
ensure mere real pleasure than
any other accessory you can buy.
They are built on the cantilever
principle—do theirwork efficiently
and satisfactorily—no interference
with the Ford spring'.
8 B D's :are a necessity with balloon
tires. "Balloons" not a substitute for
shock absorbers, -they are too"bouncy"
on rough roads. But balloons and
H & D's are the last word in easy riding.
The Vibragraph (a machine forregie ter-
ing vibrations) has demonstrated that a
Ford equipped with H.& D's is the easiest
riding car on the market.
your friends how theylikeH&i `s.
Il tell you they wouldn't do with-
out them.
Passer er Cars $20
fiord pg Truck $35
For Sale by
Exeter, Ontario`
ay iyour (-)
• �bq m
pry • .
Now you can buy 'Quality" Tires here
Partridge. :,
in your own town, cheaper than. you can; by mail.:
You:. -can examine them and makeY our selection
right here in the store, without uncertainty and
vexatious delays.
Every one of these tires bears the Partridge ,guar-
antee. They are tough, durable and will give
faithful service.
Cone in and see this wonderful value.
FSod by
the Holiday with'
ith Mr. "arid Mrs. `1`oin