HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-28, Page 4THE. ITER. TIMES -ADVOCATE
. R Davis return d
ed me
Tuesday evening after visiting xn
Detroit. .
Mr, and Mrs. Clift o. ni Davis, of
London, vivsited at their homes
bore over the week -end..
Mr. fly. ;Yearlings was elected MI -
special secretary of the I. A. O. F.
Tuesday evening in place of Mee W.
johns, who has resigned.
Mr and Mrs, Wm. MoAllistee and
family, of Mt. Brydges, spent 24th
with Mr., and. Mrs. Jas, J l .
Mr: J° W. Hern Is. preparing ..o
erect a now house on Main St. sabot
of the residence of Mr. B'. A. May..
The town fathers have covered a
number of the streets of town mise
calcium chloride to lay the dust.
Mies Lily Floody, teacher in the
Wingham 'H. S., vlsitedl with Mr.
and Mrs. W.. Johns on Saturday.
HIS bank works constructively and
conservatively for the protection of
its depositors and the community as a whole.
Because the Bank of Montreal for more thane century has
endeavored to do this, it has come to be regarded through-
out the length and breadth of the Dominion as a'sound.,
safe and friendly institution.
There are six hundred brandies of the Bank of Montreal.
Each branch has the strength, stability, experience and
services of the entire organization. Make the nearest branch
your banking headquarters. Talk with the manager on
matters of banking or business. Write to him or call in
person. You can bank with us by mail.
"A Bank Where Small Accounts Are Welcome"
Established over 100 years
Total Assets in excess of i7oo,0oo.000
Self Empty
HE parts cannot be put together
'Wrong. The discs go together in
any order. The enamel bowl
casing hinges open and may be wiped
out with a cloth. The bowl empties
itself by gravity. All discs washed at
once. Every woman appreciates the
Melotte for it is a time and labor
saving feature. Ask us to demonstrate
Local News
lvirs. (Rev,) E. A. Fear, is visiting
at the home of Mr, W. 5. l?IaweY.
Miss Ruby Treble, of, Toronto,
spent, the 24th at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Oreech and
son Hugh spent the 24th in Strat-
Mr. Jae, Morley is home frena O5-
goode Hall, Toronto, for the sum-
MZ. Philip Johnston, of Welland,
spent the 2,4th with his, sister, ,Mrs,
F. F,rayne,
Mr. Fred Kerr, of Crediton,' was
high gun with •a'• score of 97•. at. the
Ingersoll trap shoot on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. E1, M. Nix, of Walla -
Orville, spent the holiday with Mr,
Nix's parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. E.
I4 ,A L'
CreSepal, oy
IJ ,
Wm. Ward, Exeter, 0 -lit.
Mrs. ' Wm, Dellow, of Grimsby,
and Mr. Hill and mother, of Wind•
sor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D.
Mack. -
Miss Marjorie Stewart, of Far-
quhar, visited over the week -end
GWith her grandmother, Mrs. Jos.
reen. '
Mr. and Mrs. X. 11. Cluff and two
sons, of 'Toronto, visited- with Mrs.
W. H. Passmore from Saturday till
Mrs. J. R. Mollard and Mrs. W. S.
Howey are attending the Branch W.
M. S. convention in Sarnia this
week. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell, and
family, of Lucknow, spent the holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Har-
Mr.' S. J. Clysdale, of Moore Tp.,
Lambton County, spent Sunday ev-
ening with his son at the Main St.
Mr., T. C. Selby, son-in-law of Mr.
D. Mack, of town, is opening• up a
drugstore near Alma Gardens,
Christie St., Toronto.
Mr. John W. Stewart, of Far-
quhar, is remodelling his barn, add-
ing about fifteen feet and putting it
on a cement foundation.
Mrs. Ross Mickle, of Amherstburg
visited with M'rs..McDougall at Hur
ondale and also at the James St.
parsonage over the 24th.
Mr, and.: Mrs. Pemprase and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Brown, of Toronto,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bis-
sett, of Usborue, this week.
Messrs. Jos. Heist . and Lorne
Brown, and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman and
Mrs. Charlotte Brown of Crediton,
called on Mrs. L. Sweitzer on Tues-
Messrs. John and Percy Passmore,
R. D. Bell and D. Brintnell took..
part in the Ingersoll trap shoot on
Monday. Mr. Bell broke 94 out of,.
Mr. Bert Welsh, Misses Vera and
Leila' Welsh and Mrs. David. Thomp-
son of Toronto, motored here and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. • H.
Wood -over the 24th.
Quite a number from town were
in London Sunday attending the or-
dination service., of the London Con-
ference when five young men were
ordained as ministers.
Ross s Hern and Loreen Hern,
children of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern, of.
Usborne, underwent an. operation for
the removal of their tonsils in Lon-
don' on Thursday last.
While Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Duns -
ford and Mr. and Mrs. John Duns -
ford of Marlette, • were here they
were guests part of the time with
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Green.
Mr. Arthur Jones, who has been
residing in Mr. S. Fitton's residence
in connection with the store, last
week moved into Mr. M. Quance's
dwelling on Sanders street.
Mr. Wm. Lawson has been suc-
cessful in passing his second year,
exams at Toronto Dental college and
Mr. George Hind was successful in
passing his first year exams.
Miss Zenda Salter, . of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould and son
Mr. Hugh Gould and Miss Lois East-
lake of"Wrndsor, were visitors at the
home of Mrs. Rd. Gould for the holi-
Mr. J. W. Hern has purchased
from 'l\ir. W. F. Abbott,,, the resi-
dence north of the faxen of Mr. Jos.
May, London Rd.,South, Mr. Hern
intends to tear down the ,dwelling
and has sold the land to. Mr May.
The Blue -Jays, of London,' who
appeared in the Opera House on
Wednesday of last week with their
latest revue "Here We Go". did not
draw a house sufficient to meet•
their expenses.
The. Centralia girls soft ball team
will open the league by playing the
Exeter "Diamonds" on Friday even-
ing at 6.45 sharp:. The two Exeter
girls teams will play next Monday
In th'e' South Perth U.F.O. base-
ball league Carlingford will play at
the Boundary on June 1st; Mother
Mr, and Mrs: E, :: garvey re-
turned Tuesday evening f rorii' n: tnet
or trip to Euffelo visiting With ree.
latives at Hamilton, Niagara. Falls,
Galt and Preston, On Monday even-
ing the illumination ,of the Falls
was turned on ter the first Who and
thousands of people had gathered to
witness the magnificent sight.
The 24th of May was the coldest'
on record in Canada. Early in the
morning a light snow covered the
ground and during the day 'a light
drizzle of rain fell at different
times. Monday „ being a holiday,'
many took advantage of the week-
end to enjoy a visit with friends in.
town, while others' were :aw y.'
Quite a nuntbei: were fishing during
the day. Some took in the sports
at Crediton others were at.
Grand Bend and Mitchell.
Thames Road won the opening
game in the soft ball league Tues-
day evening \when they piled . -up a
heartbreaking score against the
James St. single ' men. The score
was, 22 to 2. Thames Road have a
snappy team but the game was not
as Tone -sided as the score would in-
dicate. The. winning team got all
theebreaks. -
After a very 'successful year the
Young People's Guild of Caven PreS-
bpterian .- church"" held' their final
meeting on Wednesday evening of
last week prior to the summer va-
cation. There was a splendid turn-
out and -the young men of the Guild
put on a pantomime "The Good Sam-
aritan" under the direction of Miss
Hale. Solos were sung by Mr. J.
Senior and Mr. E. J.. Christie. A
report of the year's work was given
by the secretary, Miss Wares.
The regular meeting of the Main
St. Y. P. L. was "held Tuesday even-
ing in charge of the Citizenship Cern
There was a specie 1 Empire Day
program, Bruce Medd giving' the
-topic. In part he said that Britain
had been the leader in . political,
personal and educational liberty be-
cause of her unselfish mode o`f goy
ernment. A committee was given
authority to purchase a motion pic-
ture- machine...
icture-machine.,,: Watch for dates for
some good concerts.
The Young People's Guild of
Caven Presbyterian church motored
to Grand Bend Monday afternoon
and" held their annual picnic: Sports
and softhall were held the young
people entering.. heartily into the
games. There were about forty
present and despite the fact that
the weather was cool all seemed
to enjoy the outing. A sumptuous
supper was served in the summer
cottage of Mr. R. G. Seldon in cafe •
'teria style, the ladies having -provid-'
ed very liberally.of the good things
to eat.
The London 3 Silver Band of the
Salvation Army visited this com-
munity over the week -end and -prov-
ided a fine• musical program. They
gave open air concerts in Hensall
and Exeter Saturday evening. On
Sunday -they took part in the ser,!ice
in the Town Hall in the `•morning.
They gave an open-air concert in the
park in the afternoon and gave a
sacred concert tin the Opera House
in the evening On Monday even-
years ager andsettled near Blake.
His wife predeceased- hixn about 22
years ago and about 8 years ago the
rBeeceased moved toExeter. et x e le
, II.
survived by one son and. three
daughters, Wm,Rush of Stratford;
Mrs. Chas. • Trombly, of Stratford;
Mrs. Green, of Tuckersmith and
lYire. VI. A. Balkwill, of town. The
funeralwas held Sunday afternoon,
interment in the Grand pend Pres-
byterian cemetery.
E'!-✓�\`t. :y,:x�...•.;.M ?J,.',��1LS M—// '.�^ei.;�I/ \"N';C% ice/ " 'T""��\^G;.:�%/,.Q\�es;.i ' / nab"
SINtO`M�l„ ii �/%: \�•'//%i°i.� /� �riC'J�%ice •'��.//i.+:i�/l'•N\moi// ` � %�
a ion Co.
pl.GOOE ICII to DETROIT and Return
eturn .50 one
The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound, Safe 4
i, r
ee Comfortable will leave. Goderich r !4
June 9th, 9jat : 0 a.x . ,
.Arriving Port Huron 1:30 p.m Y Detroit 5.30 p.m. 7\
r'� Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, June• 11
y;t ,:• The only boat trip front God erri i t oDetroit this season. onChild-
ChrTd -
ren betveon 6 and 12, half fare.Visit your Michigan friends ,�/
and see big busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great ia- a/
tcxiiatirual highway of Ialtes and rivers, ,
„. „,..-.,, ..,a.a.t.., .,,.- ..., Win..;-_^� i.
JUNE 8 8+ at &tha
9 I'"
i'Ie„r1.7)'.S ORCHE:,STui.. POP'. I)A.,l 'fi,G IN ,f3TIlei3111IleS
Ii s T T. IiAO",i,
Three trs en.beautiful LateEnron for Me. Children, 23e.. P:'0
st Trip Godcriclt to Detroit, l eciclay, Jane 12that 9.30 ears.
Va e- op oration,
.;%� �.���. 0�� a�.'��bwii..E4@��.ya,:w..8-..`-ex. .i.s:.'
on the boundary, Mr. and Mrs. Me
Queen, Sr., Mrs. Bartlett's pare)
returned home with them and in-
i home,
visit their a si
en. to
t d Snaking g
Mi,, Glenn •Broadfoot spent' the
holiday at his home here.
Mr. Roy Ryckman spent the week-
end with his parents here.
As a result of blood poison which
developed from a small cut on one
of his fingers, Campbell Hodgins, a
well• -known Biddulpb farmer, died
last' Thursday evening at his halite;'
lot 20, con. 5, Biddu,ph. Mr.' Hod-
gins, who was in his '44th year had
been ill only five; days: ' He was the
second son of the, late Thomas C.
Hodgins and married Miss Ina'
Hunter of Usbor'ne Tp., who with a
family of three young daughters
siery ye.
Resulting from what is thought
to be ptomaine poison through eat-
ing canned salmon the sudden death
occurred near Granton on Wednes-
day afternoon of 'last week 'of Roy'
Langford,, aged 35,
Two days after the death' of his
brother, Roy Langford of Granton,
from ptomaine poison Oscar Lang-
ford, aged 28 died in the Stratford
general hospital Friday night.
Death' was caused' from spinal men-
ingitis. Mr. Langford was born in
Granton, but . had resided In St.
Marys for the past 12 years.
well at Salem June 2nd and Avon-
ton at Fullarton June 2nd. The
complete schedule will appear next
aI ar
Mr. Gordon Marshall, of Calgary,
•� g
son, of Mrs. Marshall, of town, was
married . in Calgary on April 29th
to Miss Evelyn Beatrice Wadlnw.
ing they gave a musical blizzard in
the Opera House at which Gordon
Dix, 8 years old, played a, cornet
solo and Dad Moore, aged 7.4, dire of
the oldest bandsmen, also took part.
There were good . audiences on all'
The following is the schedule of
the Men's soft ball league compris-
ing shames Road, 'Centralia, Main
St., Trivitt and James St. single men
and James St. married men:
May 28—Main St. at Centralia
June 2 -Crediton at Main St.
June 4—Trivitt at Centralia:
June 8—Trivitt at Thames Rd.
June 9—Centralia at Creditors. -
June 9—Main St. at James St. M
June 11—James St.. S at Trivitt
June 15—Main • St. at Thames Rd.
June 16—James' St. S at Crediton
June 18—James 'St. 'M at Centralia
June 18—Trivitt at Main St.
June 22—Crediton al .Trivitt
June 22—Centralia at Thames Rd.
June 25—James St.,..M at, -James S
June 29—James St. M'at Crediton
June 30—Centralia' at James St. S
July 2=Thames Rd,: at James St. M
July 6—James'St. S at Main St.
July 6—Crediton at Thames Rd.
Mr. and pIre. R. E. Pooley and
Miss E. Francis attended annivers-
ary services at Munro on Sunday.
Quite a number in thecommunity
attended anniversary services at
Woodham Seindayr' ht
The Sunday' School anniversary
Sunshine ' will • be held on Sunday,
gay services at 10 a..in. and 7'
prm. Rev. Mr, Hopper, of Fullerton
will be the speaker. Special music,
by Sunday School in the morning.
.Mr, Clarence Routly spent a tow
days last week attending conference
in London.
Mrs. L. Fletcher visited with her
sister, Mrs. G. Pollen of St. Marys
on Saturday.
Mr. John D, F. Drui*iiond,
for West Middlesex, died in a pri-
vate hospital, Ottawa, on May 24th,
the immediate cause of his death be
ing pneumonia. Mr. Drummond
underwent,,.a minor operation on
Thursday but pneumonia set in. His
two sons were with him when the
end came. -The deceased conducted
a large farm about two miles north
of Ailsa Craig and for many years
was the clerk of McGillivray. He
was born In 11TcGillivray on' April
23, 1860. He took an active inter--
nter-est in municipal politics- and in 1,896
became a member. of the county
council. A few -years later he was
chosen as reeve of McGillivray and
held the position for . several tenths.
In 1905 he was appointed" clerk of
the township which position he held
for 1.6 years,resigning to become
Progressive candidate in' West Mid-
dlesex. He ' was elected over Duncan
Ross and George Elliott. The de-
ceased was -an active member of the
Ailsa Craig Presbyterian church and
was a member of the Masonic order.
The death' took place in London
hospital on Friday last of Mary Ann
Turnbull, relict- 'of -the. late Win
Turnbull, 'aged 4'8 years. The de-
ceased was a resident of Winchel-
sea for a number of years coming to
Exeter following the death of ire\
husband. She resided on William
'St. with her mother, Mrs. Emerson,
the latter being confined to Icer
Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman and
family and Mr. George Geddes of
London, spent the holiday with
friends in this neighborhood.
Master Jack• Tinney is confined to
his house with an attack of scarlet•
We are pleased to note that Mrs -
Charles Aldworth ' is able to be
around •again' after several week"'
Miss Francis Pearce of Hensel]
called on friends -in this vicinity on
Notice to Creditors.
that all persons having claims
gainst the estate of MARGARET"
UPSHA1,L, lateof the , Village 'of'=
Exeter, widow,who died in the city
o fthe 1st dayof •
of London on May,
1:925, are required to forward their
claimsduly p coven to the under-
signed, on or before the let day o;,
June, 1925.
GIVEN; That after this said date,
the Administrator " will proceed to `
distribute the estate, having, regard.,
only 'to the claims of which he thein
shall have notice.
Dated at Exeter, this 1,1th day. of -
May, 1925. '
Solicitors for Administrator: -
The social held in the hall on Fin -
day evening was well attended and
all report a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Carey of Goderich
called' • on friends herelast week.
Miss Rose Doyle of .Stratford
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Doyle.
Messrs. Etue of Detroit and Bab -
our ` of' Windsor, Misses Marie and
Beranadette *Carey spent the week-
end with the tatters parents, Mr•
and, Mrs: James Carey.
Miss Susie Braudue of London,
spent the holiday with her mother;
Mrs. Mary Braudue.
Mr. -John Hall purchased a Fosd
car last, week.
Mr. and Mrs. Delaney of Detroit,
spent the week -end with the latter's
brother, Mr. •John Hayes.
Messrs Joseph Glavin and James
Bann called on friends in London
last week.
home through illness. The Tema
were brought 'to the undertaking
parlors of Mr.'R. N. Rowe and the
funeral was held from there on N
day, motoring to ,Innerkip, near'
'Woodstock, for interment. Rev Mr.
Richardson, of London, assisted Rev
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alhert. Mr. Foote with the services lithe.
Among those who accompanied, the
Wadlow. They will resider in • Cal remains to Woodstock were Mr. An
gaAt the district meeting of the I, drew Turnbull, of, Winchelsea ir.
0.0.1a. in Clinton on Wednesday
afternoon, Bro. J. W. i'vroere, of Clip=
ton, was elected D,D.G.M.'..to succeed
Bro. W. W. Taman. Bre Bowie, of
•Brucefield, was elected Vice D. D.
G. M.
.Mr. Stuart Stanbury is home from
Toronto University, but leaves nett
week for the Muskoka Lakes where
he will be in charge of Boy Sc nut
organization and Summer camps for
the next three months, The camp-
ing ground is at Vernon Lake, near
Huntsville. .
Rev. R. B. Southcott, who was
ordained by the London Confereuoe
on Snnday, spent part of Conferer;ee
week with his mother in town. He
has been stationed at Jeanette's
Creek, near Chatham, where he was
invited, back at a substantiate in
crease in salary.
Mr. Fred. McDonald and Miss morning, Before leaving Exeter
Viola Rowe, of Gait, visl„ted with Mr. Rush used. to make his' daily
friends in town over the 24th, They ' trip hp town being very active,
werehome by Mrs. A. anidd ecom bright -and intelligent. Re was born.
a p
F. Johnston, di W.Wawanosh, who In Ireland and was a staunch
being statrll
will Spend a few days with her sls- Orangeman being usually ,found in
July 1211
lineof ass
son on
the r4 e
The`latter isp
S. W. Rowe..
far, Mrs. S
improving nicely after her recent The deceased carne, to this country
h with his wife and family about 60
and Mrs. J. 'W. Skinner, of Hensall;
Mr. and Mrs. Pulleyela ik; of Ile -
borne, and Mr. Emerson of Palmer -
One of the oldest, if ,not the old-
est, est, residents'of this community
died on Friday Morning last in the
•person of Mr. Wm Rush, in has 9...,n.1
year.Mr. Rush had been a resi-
dent 'of Exeter for a .numberOf
years and was a remarkably Smart
man for his age. Last fall he suf-
fered a paralytic stroke and shire:
that time ' he has been living with
his daughter, Mrs. Jonah Green, of
the third concession of Tuckersmitir.
He lad 'enjoyed fairly good -health
this spring and the day before his
death was able to be up and had
supper with the family.; He passed
away about seven o'clock., the next
"tended for last
annual meeting of
was held in the
Rev. Mr.- Kitely
secretary presented a
y, account of the
The treasurer
e of over. $1,300.
officers were appointed
coming year: Pres.,
1st Vice, Mrs. T
Vice, Mrs. V. Brown;
Hodgson; Asst. Secy
Mrs. T. W. Neil;
N. Mitchell; Flower
(I week)
The the Ladies'
Aid basement of the
church. presiding.
The very 'sat-
isfactory last -year's
work.reported an
increas The fol-
lowing for
the Mr. Wm.
Parsons;T. Boyce;.
2nd Sec., Mrs.
L. Mrs. J. Oke;
Mrs. Convenors
Mrs. Kitely; Mrs. Bowden:
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate ot.
JAMES SCOTT, the Elder, late of
the Township of Hibbert in the
County of Perth, retired far ser, de-
The Creditors and others haying -
claims against the estate of the -
above named James Scott, the Elder -
who died on or about the 5th day of
March, 1925, are requested on or
before -the 15th day of June, 1926;
to send to the undersigned Solicitor*
for the Executors of the last will•
and testament of the said deceased,
full particulars of their claim*,
against the Estate duly verified,,
after which date the assets of the-
Estate will be distributed among the,,
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to those claims of 'which -
notice has been given as above.
This notice -is given pursuant to.
Section 56 of "The Trustee' Act."
Dated at Mitchell this 14th day of
May, A.D. 1925.
Mitchell, Ont.
Solicitors for Executor*
The Council of the -Corporation of
the ' County of Huron will meet hi
the Council Chamber, Goderich, at
3 o'clock in the afternoon of .Tues-
day, the 2nd day of June, 1925. All
accounts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday preceding the meeting
of Council.
Geo. W. Holman,
County Clerk
Goderich, May 18th, 1925
Mrs. Weston Horne who. has been.
attending her mother for the last
two weeks returned home on Satur-
day. e
aturday.: We are glad to learn that her
mother, Mrs. Whiteford of Exeter,
is improving.
The play given by our Elimville
Young People . at. Woodham, May
25th, was well received and apprec-
iated. . The hall was crowded, in
spite of the cold. '•
Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, Sr. of
Exeter, visited in this community
for the holiday.
Mr. George Bosneli of Toronto,'
spent the holidays with his parents;.
at the home of Mrs. Wes-
ley Johns..
Mrs. John Cornish and son Ralph
spent the holiday in London .attend-
ing conference.
The union service 'of the W. M. S.
Auxiliary of Elimville Circuit Sun-
day evening was a splendid succes;.
The address by Mrs. Mollerd, Diet. -
Supt., subject "The Life of Mary
Slessor" was enjoyed by everybody
Misses Ada and Bertha Andrews
and Miss Ruby Miners of Exeter
spent Sunday and Monday with Mr,
and Mrs. Rd. Johns. •
Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Hern and
daughter. Leolla, of Goderich, spent
Monday at the home of Mr, Chas.
`Johns. 'They attended conference
in•Londoxi Sunday taking with them
'1Ir. i Walter. Johns.
There will he no service at the
Ellimville Church On Sunday on ae--
ceun.t of the _Sunshine Anniversary.
The Superior.
Imported Clydesdale Stallion
[13172] (10426)
Approved and enrolled, Form I.
For the season of 1925 will stand"
:TERMS—To insure $12.90.
Salm'! Lamport, Manager
Mrs. Arch
1" MrS.
Rowcli�e and ''VI s.
Mary McKaig visited Mrs. Noah
Horton last week. d
Mr. Jack Horton has quite a sore
foot which was hurt while playing
ball last week.
Miss Edith Monier of Godericii,
'visited the Broadfoot girls over the
twenty -forth.
Mrs. McKay of Seaforth is visit-•
ing her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth. Mc-
Mr and Mrs. Bartlett of Thames
ford motored up and spent the..24t11
Did You Ever. Turn a
ream Separator? -
It is wonderfully easy! Even the sizes from
600 lbs. upwards—which in other makes
often require an engine—are easily oper-
ated by a child. Here is a direct saving of
time and labor.
Sizes Lob to 1,000 lbs.
Reasonable prices. Easy payment plan.
Swedish Separator Company, Limited, '
36a Notre Dame St. West, Montreal.
Dashwood Creamery Company
Students receive personal attention
in all Faculties and Departments.
Men and women interested in ander-
graduate or post -graduate, resident or
non-resident courses should write to
the Registrar.
What career? •
More than half of the
university graduates of
this continent ' go into
business. This University gives
a special course in Commerce for
tho purpose o of preparing promis-
romis-ing young men for business
careers. The University helps to
who are
place those worthy.
For additional in-
formation write —
S. P. R. rT.S4T1LLE,
Ph.D., Registrar,
London, Canada
on atarrosonnanaarnnonno.roOna.,..O,OnPo
a.. Send. Money
use' the MoneyOrders
sold at all branches of -this
They are safe, chem and
convenient, and are
readily cashed in 'all Parts
•®f the world,.world,.32
patat Paid Up $20,000,000
Reserve Farad $2(3,00O,O00
M. R. Complin, Manager
G. Cr" Maynard, ghoknonnnondrzarno
fleeter Branch
Crediton Branch