HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-08-04, Page 1010 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, August 4, 199E 46. in Memoriam BENNEWIES, Edwin: In loving memory of Dad who passed away 15 years ago on August 3. 1984. Though his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch. Still we have the memory. . Of the one we loved so much. We think o1 you in silence, We often speak your name. But all we have are memories, • And your picture in a frame. Your resting place we visit, And put flowers with care. But no one knows the heartache, As we turn and leave you there. Life must go on. we know it's true. But. it's not the same since we lost you. Always loved and remembered by your family. 46-31x1 46 In Memoriam COSTELLO: Treasured memories of a dear father and grandfather Bernard James whom God called tome on August 4, 1980. Dad is such a special word, A word that brings to mind. A big, warm smile, a helping hand. A way of being kind. Devotion to the family, A word of patience too. 'Dad' is such a special word, Because it stands for 'you'. Always will be remembered by his son Robert James. daughter-in-law Mary Helen and grandsons Shawn James and Curtis Vaughan. 46-31x1 "One day there'll be an empty chair.." Q. Why are more and more people making their pre- arrangements now? A. For many reasons. As our society matures, people are dealing with their affairs in ways which arc more realistic, sensitive and economical than they did in the past. Also, pre -arranging your funeral gives you the opportunity to make decisions shout those arrangements. It goes without saying that fou will also he eliminating a terrible strain - from your loved ones at one of the worst possible times. For your tree copy of One I)av There'll Re An Empty Chair, the new 24- ' page booklet from the best-selling book. AJrerLoss. A Recovery C,.mparrrun tor Those Who Are Grieving. by Barbara LcsStrang, please call or stop by. 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Internet www.stroman coin. i • It's Affordable • ft's Fast • It's • Northern Ontario $76 • • Western Ontario $ 130 • Central • National Packages Available Easy • One 8111 Does It AN Eastern Ontario $138 Ontario $134 • Alt Ontario $390 • Call this paper for details! 47. Cards of Thanks CHAMBERS A sincere thank you to everyone for cards, flowers, treats and visits dur- ing my recent illness. Thank you to Dr. Schwarz and Dr. Gonser and nursing staff of Stratford General Hospital • and also to Dr. Carotin Shepherd and nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital and ambulance drivers. Thanks also to Jackie and Gail for driving Ken to Stratford. It was all very much appreciated. - Bernice 47-31xlc ACHILLES The family of the late Tennie Achilles would like to extend our thanks to our family, friends and neighbours for food brought to our homes, visits, cards, floral arrange- ments and donations in Mom's memory. A special thanks to Rev. James Murray for his kind words and to the ladies of Duffs United Church, Walton for the wonderful lunch. Special thanks to the Doctors, nurses and staff of the Seaforth Hospital whose care & concern was great. Also special thanks to the staff of the Seaforth Manor whose kindness, love and support to Mom over the last two years was greatly appreciated. To Ruth Townsend and staff for their guidance and support, it was very much appreciated. Special thanks to Cheryl St. Onge for the beautiful organ music and to Lindsay Devereaux and Don Sills for your soul touching songs. Also to Linda Achilles and Lynn McDonough for your special memories of Mom. To the grandchildren who acted as pallbearers and flower bearers, your love and support will always be remembered. Jerry Achilles and Anne Sills. 47-31x1 JEFFERY We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to every- one. who in any way helped us to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. For all the cards, gifts. gitt certificates, phone calls, and all who came to our dance. thank you. Spencer was delighted to see so many former students and staff members. We would especially like to thank our family. Judy, Ruth and Bill for all their planning and hard work. - Spencer and Doris. 47-31x1c LITTLE The family of the late John Robert Little would like to thank everyone who sent food, flowers. prayers and donations in John's memory. Special thanks to Rev. Judith Springett and the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home for their support and comforting words. Thanks also to Jane McNaughton at Seaforth Community Hospital Emergency for your compassion and understand- ing. Thanks to Herman Reid for being there for John's final moments. Thank you to Vickie Doig for your love and support and espe- cially to Vickie and her mother for preparing the funeral lunch. To all our friends at Standard Products Plant 4 in Mitchell, thanks for every- thing. Thanks to the flower and pall- bearers, your help will never be for- gotten. May God richly bless you all. - Suzanne Zehr and Family, Marie, Clarence (Sam), Barb, Jeff and Families 47-31x1 STRYKER We would like to thank all those who shared in the birth of our daughter, and those who have remembered us at this very special time. To Susan, Kendra and Irene of Huron Community Midwifery for their support and care during the last .nine months:, to midwives Madeleine and Eli for their speedy arrival in our "hour" of need; to our doulahs Karen and Sharon for their ongoing TLC; to our families, espe- cially Grandma and Nana for being here to meet our every need and help us when we needed it the most; and last but not least to our .friends and neighbours for the thoughtful cards, calls and goodies. The precious memories of our beautiful home birth.will remain with us always and we are grateful to all those who played a special part. - Dan. Tanya, Shefby,.Cameron and Shannon. 47-31-1 DOLMAGE I would like to extend a sincere thank you to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Rooyakkers, the.nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital during my visits. To Dr. Schwarz of Stratford Hospital. I really did mean to keep my appointment, however 1 do wish to thank you for your time of consul- tation. Thank you to Dr. Pickering and staff of sixth floor University Hospital for your care and dedica- tion. Francis Hunt, Paul . and Loretta, bouquets to you for all your efforts putting my fence jig saw together. Special thanks to all for your help with the field work, seed- ing, hay. wheat harvest and straw. Sincere appreciation for your cards, visits and telephone calls. • Sincerely, Neil 47-31x1 Hensall flower show Thc Hensall shuffleboard scores for July 27 arc as follows: Ray Bennewies 591, Gert Eagleson 567, Hazel McEwen 541, Doris Hamilton 507,1im Davis 496, Dave Woodward 493, Ina Williams 486, Merle McLellan 470. Schedules for the Hensall and District Horticultural Society's annual flower show are available at the Hensall Village Office and the Hensall Post Office. The flower show will take place on Aug. 11 at the Hensall Jnitcd Church. 47 Cards of Than RIBEY I wish to express my gratitude to friends, family and colleagues for their tremendous support and spe- cial kindnesses to me during my hospital stay and since returning home. Special thanks to Ruth and staff for the capable way they've handled the responsibilities of our business during this time. Your kindness will always be remem- bered. - Ross Ribey 47-31-1 MELADY A huge thank you to Dr. Whitmore and nurses Marianne and Clara for their help and supportive words. Also to Grandma and Grandpa on both sides for watching Uam. But the biggest thanks goes to daddy for being there always to help out. - Sandra and Hope 47-31x1 DEARING/DORE' We would like to thank our family, friends and neighbours for attend- ing our Buck 'n Doe on July 17th. A special thanks to our wedding party for all their hard work. It was greatly appreciated. Love always from Steven and Rebecca. 47-31xlc Correspondents Queensway residents have ice cream parlour Monday afternoon was a beautiful warm day for Queensway residents to have their lie Cream arlour outside. Everyone ad their favourite sundae and enjoyed the peacefulness of the outdoors. "Take Your Troubles to God in Prayer" was Tuesday afternoon's church service message led by Shirley Luther. • Belva Fuss and Shirley played a duet on the organ and piano during one of the hymns as residents sang along. Betty Simmons, Queensway volunteer. took the tuck art around to the residents on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday afternoon was a quiet library hour, as residents looked through magazines. hooks and listened to stories read to them. Coming Events: Aug. 4. 2 p.m. Rest Home residents go on a country drive: Aug: • 9. 2 p.m. Trip to Bill Gibson's tor a garden party: Aug. 18. 6 p.m -.-8 p.m. Rest Home community barbecue. Don Sills and Scott Hilgendorff photo Keeping cool at the pool Glenda Blair launches son Connor at the Lions pool on Thursday afternoon where people tried to keep cool. Thomas Murray shows his 'cool' look for the pool. Community Calendar WED., AUG. 4 9:00 a.m. - Bus TYip to Wally World and Mr. Chuckles - leaving from Children's Centre 12:00-1:00 p.m. - AquaFit at the Lions Pool 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Minor Soccer at the Optimist Park 8:30-10:00 p.m. - Sentinels Fastball at the Lions Park - 7:30-10:30 p.m. - Ladies' Slo-Pitch al the Optimist Park THURS., AUG. 5 7:30-9:00 p.m. • Sentinels Fastball at the Lions Park 8:00-9:30 p.m. - Sluggers Slo-Pitch Game at the Optimist Park 9:00-10:30 p.m. - Straycats Slo- Pitch Game at the Lions Park FRI., AUG. 6 7:00 .-8:30 p.m. - Reds Fastball at the Lions Park 8:30-10:00 p.m. - Sentinels Fastball at the Lions Park SAT, AUG. 7 • SUN., AUG. 8 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Mons Slo-Pitch at the Lions and Optimist Parks MON., AUG. 9 12:00-1:00 p.m. - AquaFit at Lions Pool 6:30-7:30 p.m. •Houseleague Ball at the Highschool North Diamond 7:30-10:30 p.m. • Minor Sports Council BINGO at the Arena - Host • Rec. Committee 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Men's'Slo-Pitch at the Optimist and Lions Parks TUES. ; AUG. 10 }:30 p.m. - Seaforth Women's Institute meeting at the home of Marion Gordon 8:00.9.30 p.m. • Mens Slo-Pitch at the Lions Park WED., AUG. 11 12:00.1:00 p.m - Agua Fit at Lions Pod 1:30.4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena • 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Minor Soccer at • the Optimist Park 7:30.9:00m. - Ladies' Slo-Pitch at the Optimist Park If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seeforth area residents, phone the recreation office 5270882 or the Expositor et 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar: The Hixon Expositor: Box 89. Seaforth, Oreton, NOK 1W0 wd in advance of the scheduled date. Free hating includes date, time, name of event and location only Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Hurn Expositor 4-H Sheep Club judges market lambs , The third meeting of the Huron 4-1-1 Sheep Club was held on June 28 at Robyn Ethcrington's. - The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and a discussion about why we judge things Poll 'wed. The reasons included. to find out which product is better. Then the members judged market lambs and gave reasons on their placement ,1 cad' lamb. Thc) discussed different sheep breeds and did a crossword puzzle about these breeds. Thc fourth meeting was held on July 19 at Florence Pul ten's. Thc Huron County Go,For The Gold was held on July 27 at the Clinton Christian School. 'No sheep club teams participated. Suzanne Coleman