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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-21, Page 8
THE; EXETER "i'imtsAbv0cA'TE-: T�. ON YOUR SPRING COAT ThisSeason's Coats priced as low as to sight at the beginning of the Spring Season we offer ion an opltortuuitY to ouy your new dont at a real bargain price, Some ()tour very best coats are still to be sold' so' if you need as coat come in and pick one out—we will make the price right for you and save you some real money. 25c. STOCKINGS 25c. Stockings for children, Misses and Ladies all at one price, sizes 5 to 10 for only 25 cents a pr, These are fast dye black cotton hose in both plain and ribbed finish. Ask to see our sand stockings for misses and ladies, sizes S% 'to 10 also priced at only 25c 'a pair. o . oleum and Linoleum Rugs Come in and let, us show you the full range of new congoleum and ;linoleum rug patterns. Any pattern you like in the size you want all at special low prices. We have new patterns in -linol- eum and floor oil cloths to show you.,- Get our prices, we lay them free. Men's Broadcloth Shirts $2.50 ., With Seperate Collar to Match These shirts. are of a good quality of English. Broadcloth and are well made with soft nreversible muffs. Colors are sand, white, blue, mauve and grey; they are a genuine bargain at $2.50. Ste art -131110107317 NESIENEESSWESSISSF C,110111010,7441531,061. 40111050111.0911111. souszossinnassmizsmsamsasezseasimemscsmwoszeihmsmatisawassaminftessissair BETTER VLUE9 i� FDRNITIIRE at , } :AS -RDI.� ER S Latest Designs Better Service Largest Stock Lowest Prices The Home Furnisher Me Lis (IARDINEI. Director of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED' TO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night e&U T4W emesso Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store TWO -PANT READY-TQ-WEAR EADY T© -WEAR SUITS,233.lJO dj 4 \/ +. of ,:.•� curl Men's Models in Tweed k g Effects, Homespuns and Worsteds , Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter, SZ:w: scar: 3 rupays MAFTrIN a . PURE PAINT. & VARNISHES Por Ewe'w swiss s-FocevecySucfnce ' Write o }end Office, neat for Free Booklet MOME PAiNt*NG MADE EASY SOLO BY 5.1 vddnikryix,'mkt'. . .. A. HAWKINS EXETER A. 'i`riimjler Will take thu ry Serriees 8d Bri ipley on Miss Ida BlatChfon d day for 'Detroit for Grace Iles:sitai,. lett cit Thee - treatment in xeter Markets ets Wheat $1.4Q, $arley 65o„ Cats 50e. ;. Manitoba F'+lour $5.00` Blended Plolir $4-05 Pastry Flour $4.2'6. Feed Flour $2,10 Bran $1.50 " Shorts $L60 Butter, 300. Creamery Butter 39c, Eggs Extras 27c, Eggs Firsts 22c. La;gid 20c Hogs, selects $13.20' Flogs, thick smooth $12.0.0 1OCAL' ++++++++ ++++ : +++4•++ : Special Sale o -f 9Velvet, Brussel,. and Tapestry Rugs at Mrs. W. Di Yea's, Thursday, .Friday and Satur- day, also samples of New Patterns "Gold Seal" Congoleum Rugs, also special sale of Gingham, all colors. 'Send in the names of your visit- ors, Mrs. M,. R. Complin visited lir Strathroy on Friday. Mrs. McEwen and daughter, Jean, are visiting in Toronto. Dr. Weekes spent the weekend at his home at Wardsville. Mrs. D. Love is visiting one of her daughters at Sarnia at 'present. Mrs. Rousoun, of Toronto, is visit- ing her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Cheques for $5.00 and undejr will not require the ' 2c tax stamp after July 1st. Next tSunday will be May 24th and 1VTonday May 25th will be a public holiday. Mr. W. H. Lockwood has purchas- ed .a new auto delivery truck for his bakery business. Wednesday afternoon will be' a half holiday in Exeter during June July and August. Mrs. Angus McKenzie of St .Thomas is visiting. -with her sister, Mrs. John Taylor. Mrs. E. N. Keddy, of Detroit, is spending the week with the Misses Keddy, of 'tJsborne. Miss Elva Harvey is spending the week with her sister, •,Mrs. Latimer Grieve at Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans, of Ft. William, called on Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere on Monday. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was engaged as cqunsel on a case at a county Court at Stratford on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Firth, of St. Thomas, visited over the week -end with Mr. W. C. Keddy and sisters. Miss Dorothy Kuntz returned home Friday from Victoria ' Hos- pital, London, greatly improved is health. The many friends of Mrs. W. G Bissett will be pleased to know that she is improving nicely and is able to sit up. A. number of Oddfellows motored to Brucefield Sunday evening to at- tend Divine worship with the Bruce - field brethren. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister and three children of Mt. `Brydges, mot=' ored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.e Jewell. a Mrs. T. Hemphill'- and Mrs. Jas. Allen, of Wroxeter, motored here and visited with Miss Grigg and Miss McFaul on Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Cutbush has been confined to her home for a week through illness, but we are pleased to know that she is improving. Mrs. J. W. Mallett, Miss Dorothy Mallett and `Kenneth and Mr. Art Hind, of London, motored up Sun- day and called on friends in town. The executives of both the boy's and girl's softball leagues are meet- ing this (Wednesday) evening "to draw up schedules for the 'summer. Exeter the beautiful, was never more beautiful in the spring than it has been this season. The flowers around town have been a perfect picture. The lay delegates from the Ex- eter churches u rhes to the Methodist con- ference at London this week are: Asa J. Penhale, W. G. Medd and J S. Harvey. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed at Caven Presby- terian church on Sunday morning when eight new members joined the congregation, TIlC7R51)A,Y, NAY 21st, PA • .'4'111810111/41%T ,? 1[V1o1 rxliii ili18111111111� ��t111111111 p 1i t !� �Ill4 i i 1 1 11 111 p 111i(i y 11 11. i p 11131111�1� i������ � ������ C�1Bev.,.1uauea I)016,8►si 11 a,lu,- • cruises as : usuu '1 7 pati. --Services as GSual JAMES It E1 Ii ruoDif CHURCH'`; Rev. W. y. Donnelly;(. fl A., i stop, W. R,.. Goulding,. AT.C.1ix Orgatiniiet And- Choir -Lender Sunday, May 24, 1tJ2a 10.15 a,m•=Morning Class, w. 11.00 a,zn•,-=Rey,. 'QP. E, :Donnell}'. 3.00 pan.-.-Sunclsy Set eel and Bible Classes, 7,09.p.m, .Rev. 0. P.''Wells, M.A. • Representing the •'Lord's "Day . • Alliance. ' Everybody Welcome Trivitt Memorial ': Church Rev. A. A. -Trumper, L. Th., Rector. Special - preacher both morning and evening Rev. 'V. B. Morris, rec- tor of Ailsa. Craig. Powellr's-Bazaar Plain Price Store . The mails just now are flooded with literature of so-called bargain- ing in other places than. Exeter. We want to tell thee that for all round bartering you *ill go many miles to beat the values .given in Exeter. Our store is a ,fair example, we are daily picking up new items of mer- chandise and, passing it on at sur- prising ,values. Like the lady from Dashwood said last Tuesday, "you certainly sell cheap." FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS' Every Purchase _you make, ou these days allowk you to estimate tho weight of the Chocolate Donkey in the ,south window. EN -AR -GO, Motor Oil; Special pricefor$1.25 can one week,Reg. and oil' for $L00. • H. Bierling, Hay. WOW M UMW0.04114 masa SwamiMUMw lostmeMOMmonsMOMVapaeMin , C1tthe sfor M It pays to be well dressed. Itis eco ioruy to bin good clothes., This season we offer'severat new models in the new tweeds and fancy worsteds that we offer at popular prices --- ,$20. $25. :$30. $3.. ry Forsythe Shirts Biltmore Felt Hats In the new stripe ,broadcloths, We .chow a splendid range of They, are. decidedly new for this ' . the new shapes g p s and' shades, Cal - season. Priced at $2,75 and ored bands are popularthis. sea-' $3.00. son. Priced at $3.50'and "$5,00. ._ Special in Men's Umbrellas sum imam MEM • C NIMM IMMO Miriam mamma Perhaps you are in need of One. '"The cloth is of silk and. wool with very meat handles.. Specially priced each $2.00. Special in Ladies' Hose In the new light shades. This is extra value. See them: in our Window. Priced this week at per pair 75c. Linolpurns Rugs Ask to see the new patterns in Linoleum .Rugs. The col- orings and new, patterns this season are sureto please you. - Get our prices. loworrae .10111111 wouteillt walla Con goleuurn Rugs E This, sanitary and service - ,able floor covering we are showing in a fine range of patterns. All sizes in stock., Hatchway Underwear for Men and Boys- • Try it this season. You ;nre, sure to like it "` No buttons to button. It comes in boys as well as Men's sizes. Boy's $1.00. Men's $1.50. out 61..1.610 idollinpnimmillimimmiummittinumlitinitinuniminimminiiiimmommilitmtummimmimittimaii ,.I6.%CA L.I GB.A.. LIGHTNING RODS, Shin -Flat and Round Cables. We. have the agency for the aboveCi lightning rods Let us quote yon. prices. Old.. cables inspected and repaired. Four years'. experience. Bruce •Mitchell,'sR: . No. 1, Cen- tralia; phone Crediton 29 r 6. I still have some of that beautiful gladiolus, prim, --Salmon, Beauty and its, companion Alice, Tiplady, a num- ber of,a splendid. mixture and some others. .J, S. Harvey. • Brush on a coat• armote Ma- hogany o f C hogany or Light ' Oak Colored Var-- nish. Gives beautiful finish to fur- niture, floors and woodwork. W. J. BEAIVIAN sells it. - SEED POTATOES FOR .SALE -Dooley, first class; apply at ,Lot '15, : Con. 2, McGilliv- ray, or R. R. No. 1 Clandeboye. Arthur J. O'Neil ,STORES 10 CLOSE WEDNESDAY. AFTERNOON DURNIG SUMMER MONTHS The- following places .of business have agreed to close their respective stores on Wednesday afternoon at 1,2 p.m. during the months of June July and August: W , Heaman, Grigg . Stationery, Dominion - Store, B. W. F. Beavers; Herb Walter, Miss- Yelland, W. J. Beer, Jones & 1VIay J. A. Stewart, Southcott Bros., Rivers Meat • Market, Elliott & Johns Milt Hodgert, N. Hockey, G. A. Hawkins, W. W. Taman, S. Martin & • Son, S. Taylor, F. Boyle, R. N. Rowe,. M. E. Gardiner, Len.' Haist,` Miss Armstrong, Dr. A R. Kinsman, Dr. -.G. F. Roulston, Dr. G., S. At- kinson. EQR SALE—Auto tr'ailer with rack, in good repair. Apply to G. i W. Miners,phone 32r9, kt n K r o , R. R. 3, -Exeter. • • Overland Car for sale chceap.— ,Apply at Times -Advocate. PIANO TUNING—Try Mr. Stein for piano tuning and repairing., You will be pleased with his effi.c Among the members of the Grad- lent work. Phone or lea.ve word at. cation class of nurses at. Harper Mrs. Gambrill's, the music, teacher. hospital, Detroit, last week was Miss '-. Bertha Van Velzer, ,sister of Mrs. .(Rev".) Donnelly. Messrs. W. W. Tainan, D.D.G.M. of the I.O.O.F.; Thos Pryde, Sec'y; R. N. Creech and E. ,Howald areln Clinton to -day (Wednesday) at- tending a district meeting. Dorothy, the 9 -year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, , Hilton Ford of the Lake Rd. recently had the mis- fortune;' to fall down stairs; break- ing a bone in her right arm. Mr. and Mrs .,,P. D. Jefferson and -daughter, Mrs, Gardiner with her little son, of St. Thomas, visited with friends - and d ' n relatives at ves inn a d around n Exeter over the week -evil. 'Mr, Mervyn Camm has been suc- cessful in passing his final exambia- -tion at the College of Phaririaey„and is in Toronto this week writing for his degree of Phni,B. at the univers- ity. Rev, Canon Waiter Loucks, rect- or- of All Saints, church, Winnipeg has been appointed_ rector of Holy Trinity church, Toronto, to succeed. Canon Sherman Who has become Dean 0f Quebec. Mr. Atfield, a surveyor 'irons Oi- ,tawa, aecompa led by his wife and five children, arrived., in town Mon- day and' have taken up their resi- dence in Mr: F. Iilllerington's house on William St. No nnan is worried Much abottt laws who ilas nnoneyto hire lawyers.: SEED POTATOES—We have in stock Irish Cobblers gretirn from 0, A. C. seed, excellent sample, $1.09 a 'bag.—Jones & May, - Rev. Mr. Grant, of ` Grand .Bend, conducted the services in Main St. church on Sunday,`,;,,preaching -two very, acceptable sermons. Rev, F. E. Clysdale conducted ;anniversary; services .at Corbett. - Mr. and Mrs:` Thos.+ Dunsford, and son -Mr. John Dunsford and; his+ wife of Marlette Mich., ., mOtored over Saturday and spent, severar- days With Mri and. Mrs ' Wm.. Dunsford, re turninghome Tuesday.'. .' ° Mr. Isaac Van-Velzer- ' of Union, Ont., father of_Mrs (Rey,) Donnelly underwent an operation; for cancers at `St. Joseph's hospital Tuesday morning. His condition . following the operation is quite favorable.. Mothers' Day 'was observed in the Main St. Sunday School en Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Accult Bible Class had charge of the program. An address was given i byMrs. A. J' Fort and a duet .;Was sung by Mrs. Skinner and Mrs. Quance. Mr, R, E. Pickard, agent for the Great West Life Insurance Co, was successful in winning. second place for • apiications written in the first week of the co7rnpany'o May and June Conte t. This° co 1 tieing a s, aixtpaiiay s n g larger life •insuraintse' that -`lar;: 'oompany'1n Canada,• /11 11101 7'HE PUBLIC nil 13Y • a REPAIRS We die sow prepared to do pair kinds of repairs on . broken frames, whereas before, we had to send them to L else Or els where. ti HEAVY SHELL FRAMES 'TO YOUR OWN `LENSES, WIPLE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES $1.00 and UP. Dr: John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 VIOLIN AND PIANO. INSTRUC- TION Pupils visited or received • Terms Moderate .concert Engagements: Accepted. ;,ROBERT GAMBRILL • Phone 161, Exeter COAL ,-COIK AND' INSURANCE ..,YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Et. J. CHRISTI -1B OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns For Siring YOU WILL WANT SOME Nem. Furniture, x — OR - r Your old Repaired THE PLACE TO GET YOUR RE- PAIRING DONE IS ,AT R. N. RO0.WE'S 'WHERE YOU ARE SURE OF A GOOD JOB. OUR STOCK OF ` FURNITURE IS OF THE VERY BEST AND OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN ANY ' PLACE:'•" R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR GIRLS WANTED—To operate SATISFACTION "&UARANTEED sewing machines at Sanders Mfg. Co. Ltd.,'Exeter„Ont. Apply at factory. Phone Bus. 20W House 203 BABY CHICKS Bred -to -Lay . strains; ` S., C. White Leghorns, $12.50 per 100; Barred Rocks, $15.00 per 100; from 20 specially ,selected yearlings out of 220, $25.00 per 10'0. From 25 ,specially selected April pullets out of 140-$20.00 per hund- red. _Eggs for hatching. A quantity of Dotlley seed potatoes also for sale 50c: a bag.- Apply W. F. Abbott, Exeter, -Ont. . 'R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOE• HURON COUNTY. For best .results let R. McInnis handle your auction sales.. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE Plants for. Sale A11 kinds of flowering - plants 'Geranium, Salvia, Snap Dragon, Asters, Stocks, Petunia, Foliage, Fern, Dusty Miller, Ageratum, Silver Leaf,' Begonias, Drecena, Wandering Jew,Canna, Vinca,Heliotrope, l` iotrope, Frech Mary,geld,, Zinnia; also To- mato, Cabbage,. Cauliflower and'. delery, Gladiolus Bulbs. Hanging .boxes, window boxes filled to order, t �g��p® 0'.. DAY.' SON `. Llbb McNeil& Libby OF CANADA, ISTD., OF CHATHAM is now .open to write pickle acreage lin and"around: the districts of Exe- ter and XIensall far the conning sea- sans--; Anyone wishing .„to •centract Will kindly see '1Vli , W,.�?ir. Rice, dis- trict man 'in Exeter;; or .Write hint and ,die Will gladly call and see you and give you any information ,yore a re , W e e paying y tilreW 4 are i p ing more' .money, and receiving larger_ pickles Try, one or two ,Teras: Safety Razor Blades Sharpened `( any make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect` Edge Guaranteed W”. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING -PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT' YOU AND YOUR. POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND.. JOHNS Goulding, 11. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church • Instruccton in Piano . • Vocal ': organ Theory Supervisor of. Music in, Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Victoria St Box 57 EXETER, E ER, ONT. J. CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED r' EXETER ONTi RIO Sale oodfor A G UA.NTITY. OF DRY WOAD POR SAyit Bagshaw 'Mr GTS . Phone' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Loans, investments, Insurance Ofoce,Carling Bloek,lVlain St: Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit t Vaul t 'for o use a i our Clients without charge. Exeter London Henson • ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIE•H CLASS INVESTMENTS (Truster Investments) Bearing interest at 5% per cent.. INSURANCE Office: Main St. Exeter, Ont+, - Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict +Dental; Officer .of Military District,,, Number One, Lon- don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. , p Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 343 .Officeclosed on Wednesday only. Dr. G. F. Roulston, r: . DENTIST R. Carling's Law,. office.OCe over I: Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D., D.D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- DENTIST Office over Gfadman & Stanbury'a"-- office, Main Street Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and ;Middlesex. 'ARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction: guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RIIVjG 138 A. E. TENNANT Veterinary. Surgeon Office -McDonnell's s Sales Stables om John St, Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w "" • THOS. CAMERON and James W WATSON • Lice/10d Auctioneers Sales conducted in•.,,any locality,' 1+"srm Stock sa).es a specialty. >Satis- faction guaranteed. Charges.. -rood: orate. Otders left at this office will be Promptly attended to. R1,-11: Noy, 1, i1irkton, 1.?hone Klrittozn 54rL. p'ARMS FOR SALP;--A few choice farms in the Townships of Uaiorne, ? . r`uckersmith and Ribbert, God buildings and welllocate�r d DO to ,Mani leets, ' Priced right. Apply to Tho4 Cameratla, Anat., lox 114 lfxoter,. of