HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-21, Page 7NOMPOROW I
Provincial ooard•oz Health Ontario.
D. Middleton will be giad to answer qeestions on Public Health mat
tors through this' celume, Addreas him at Spadina House, Snadine
• Cresceen Toronto. "
-In country districte a cage a con- the disease had heen diagaosed as
tagibua disease SOrnetimes break out.!whooping cough. -'
like a bolt from the blue, without ally! It is a different state of affairs in
• apparent caus,e. On the enrfaee it.the cities as• competed with:the coun-
weeld seam that the case had occurredltre in the matter of the spread of
• spontaheously, but on neying deeper ,comnamicable disease. In cities 'such
into the history of the outbreaky a diseaSes as measles, diphtheria,. and
more Significant reason is often founde scarlet fever are. present all the time,
Take a disease like diphtheria. Oce. and it is. next to impoasible to trace
casionally • a fresh case may develop the origin et" anyeiegle 'case. Carriers
- among people who are not very cleane may teansinit the . disease without
and as as. result, the theory gains; showing any eymptema at all, and so
ground that diphtheria is 'a Anil vicious circle eentinues, Net' so
ease, No case had been previously lin the , country.' There is generally
repotted in the neighborhood, and tolone ot• more bases that can be peinted
e -all intents and •purpoaes, the patient to is the-koot of the trouble, and if
never had been in contact with any- ' these cases are promptly quarantined,
Otte suffering frorn diphtheria: Surely the outbreak will soon be starnpedout,
it must be the result • of uneleaeliness./ There should be little or no infecttous
A little investigation, however, diseases in rural districts if the nee -
likely reveal the fact that some chilcl,essary precautions are taken to pre -
in the neighborhood had a sore throat,' vent its -spread. No child suspected
but nothing Wes said about it having of hawing sa, disease that is infectioua
• diphtheria. It wes a mild case, per- Ehoukl be elloWed tosetttend school.
haps, but no doctor wits called, or the The Child 'should be kept at home and
first case may have developed after the doctor celled to make arnenxamina-
• the child had been on a train journey, tom No other children in the house
• corning in contact with people le the should be angered to echool either, as
coach. - •they are nearly ahvays in contact with
- I have in mind a case ofwhooping the sick one; and likeiy to spread the
cough reeulting from direct infec- disease themselves if allowed to min-
• ton. -A baby of eighteen trionths was gle with ether -childree. An ener-
• taken by higeparents •to visit at •a gette health officer is an eeffective
home where there were children, all agency in. any community for prevent-
- under ten years of age. The eldest mg any outbreak or contra ling it,
boy Played a good dear with the Visit- because he has the authority to take
ing -baby, and at times would burst active step S to • impose quaraetine
out coughing, though whooping cough regulatioris and other measures to
at this time was never thought of. check its spread. In the absence of
About ten days or two weeks later, the health officer, the achool teacher
the baby developed a persistent cough,lcando much to prevent the ifiread of
which M. spite of treatment, gradually ',communicable disease by reporting to• worse. The mother, having her the doctor that such and such a pupil
suspicions arouaed that it might be is detained at home through illness,
whooping cough, s communicated by and having inquiries made as to the
telephone with the lady whom she had, nature of the disease. If contagious
visited two weeks previously, and call disease breaks out in a village° or
• inquiring as to the health of the chil- rural community, all visiting among
dren, she was greeted with the re- the local residents should cease, ail
mark, "Oh, we are quarantined. .The public meetings should be cancelled
children all have whoopMes cough." a.nd all children kept from playin.g on
As the -baby had not -been eisiting at the streets or otherwise inteemingling. ,
• any house but this on, it was ap-. The diagnosed cases of infectious dis-
parently a case of dieect infection, ease should be kept under strict quar-
• end the infection took place before antine and all contacts alioulcl also be
•quarantined until the danger Of
• spreading the infection has pasiel
Only by mutual co-operation between
the public and the health authorities
can irifectious diseases in a rural .-
0 munity be effectively stamped out. If
there is co-operation, ...the effOrts
should be crowned with success.
Tho Jsronts tiooaltal , tor Inouratilepi, 18
4101144JOli PollaYtiti and Allied kleopitats,
NOV Yet* City, effors. a throe writ' Oporto...
Tridalita. te young womon., hamina
roguleod, oditoatioh, end deolrotia tit beer/inlay
o (live, This Hospital has adopted tho pleat.
hour *ideal. The Pupal( receive uniforms of
tlie School, monthlY allowanco and travellins
oapoines. to and from New York, For furthor
intormation apply to the Superintendent,
Christening Countries,
There 13 an interesting legend- eon-
cereing the manlier in whieh Canada,
get its name, Spanish advamturers
Were the iirg7t, so far as is knoWn to
vieit the American shores in search of
booty. In -the north they found the,
comitry disappointing. The- soil was
sterileand unyielding. The Spaniards'
were heard by the eatives• to make ire-
queut use ot the expression "ACP,
nada," mekning "It le baleen." It was
noted that after giving expression to
their dissatisfaction they invariable
departed no •another place!
When the Freed), explorers arrived
on tile scene, the inhanitants gathered
on -.the ,slaoro and yelled "Ace nada,'"
hdping to drive them away. The
Freech took this to hostile name of the
country, and they ealled its Canada.
The Spaniarda also named Florida,
meaning Land of Flowers, aml Vene-
zuela, so called because of its regem-
blance to Venice.
- Helping the Cotton Trade.
The cotton famine„ip. Lancashire is
a poignant memory conpected with the
blockade of the Southern States of
America in the Civil Wee, with wirtch
the -name of Lincoln is inseparably
connected, Ever since that great disa
esten there I3.as been much talk ot Era-
pire-grown„ cotton, which would ren-
der such an event impossible in the
This is what makes the. record of
Uganda so interesting. In 190425 the
production .of raw cotton in Uganda
amounted in all to'fifty bales, but the
1823-4 ctoP" is oilicially estimated at
•,130,000 tales, or 2,609 time, as much
eS twenty Yeare ago!.t • •
The acreage planted for 1924-5
shows atiarge expansion over previouS
figures, and with fa-vorable conditions
is estimated to produce- 160,000 bales
°esteem., Stich an indrease may have
a great bearing on the cotton trade. .
We supply cans and siay s 'exprese
diaries. We pay,. daily by expreis
money orders, whicn. can be cashed
anywbere without any charge.
To obtain -the op price, Cream
must be free frota bed flavors and
contain not less than 30 per cent
• Butter Fat.'
Bowes Company Linted,
Toronto -
For, references—Head Office, Torontas,
- Bank Of Montreal, or your,local banker.
Establiehed for over thirty years.
' Ideal -brine' Vaecrtio_ De
' ea Only 2 Dayefrom NewYork
/Go in May and June
when irerrou4a is ablaze with
Flowera—rierfat days for rest or play.
Palatial, Twin-SO.2.6m Steamers
For Illustrated Boolclete Write
34 Vildtehall Street • New York City
or Any Local Tourist Agent
Pope's Crown of Gems. . .
The wonderful Papal tiara, or crown, tion are responsible for much of the
Stomaeh disturbances and constipa-
which the Pope weare, tea magnificent peevishness of babies and young child -
ornament 'ten. When the baby is cross or irrit-
' It is fonmed on a basis of -very-bens able the mother .should not resort to
felt covered ^with silver mesh, en -o-called seething mixtures to correct
whicbthere are three 'crowns. Each the trouble for in themajority of cases.
of these consists of a gold band, -see these mixteres simply drug the child
into an unnatural sleep. What is need-
ed is a gexitle laxative that will sweet-
en the storo-ach and regulate the
with jewels and 'edged with two rows
�fpearls. There are ninety pearls in
each row., ,
In addition, the first crown is de- bowels. Such a remedy is found in
orated with sixteen. rubies, ,three Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy
emeralds, a sapphire and eight gold Sp take and are guaranteed to be en.
tirely tree from opiates and narcotics.
Concerninethene Ms's. Jos. Tau-ea:1g-
nant, Ste. Sophie Qu -e, writeg="I
would like all mothers to knew that I
feel there es no oather medicine to equal
Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a
bcix in the hearse and their prompt use
-never bails to reatore my little ones to
health." The Tateets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cent's a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
pointe. e
The second crown has ten emeralds,
eight bales, rubies, one chrysolite, two
aquamarines, six small* rubies and
three sapphires.
Ninteen bales rubies, four sapphires,
three -hyacinths, three equarnarines,
(me garnet, eight gold floral ornaments
—each eat -with two emeralds," one
bales ruby, and a chrysolite—and eight
gold points each trimmed with a gar-
net, a,dorn the -third crown.
The top of the crown lp covered
with a thin layer of gold in which eight
rubies and eight emeralds are set.
This covering is surmounted by a gold-
en globe, on top of which is a cross
composed of eleven brilliants.
Mildew sometimes appears on blan-
kets, owing to -their being stored in a
damp 'piece. Fox this ,stain there is,
no remedy, so prevention is -better
than cure-
Settee . $32.00.
Armchair $1375`
Rocker . $13.75
This Suite
Fully On
Page 76
of Our
Just a Small Sum Down, Balance SpreastOver a Long Period'
Without Crne Cent of Interest Charged to Prices Quoted.
• The con.sereotion is of bighleeadelnaerican At -round reed in a, rich browil finish. Settee seat has -21 coil
springs and each chair seat has °icon springs. Inside length of settee 49Se inches', chair seats 20 by. 19 ,inches
each, A Splendid agnortment of. cretonne ,coverings from which t� 'choose. 'Phis. stilt° is anvery popular aeller
and the pieces May be „bought separately.
Dept. Corner Gluego and Bathurst Ste.,,Toronto, Ont.
Genelemen—Plea,se gene, without any :obliga.tion whatever on my
part, a free copy of "your,100-page book of 1925 Furniture Styles.
-Send Far. Free
To -day
Every Caeadlan home shoald
have this Furniture Catalogue,
Tremendous range of Furailtere,
Stoves, Rugs, Linoleums and
ehlnaware, photo Illustrated.
inilendid values. .
Name. . ... ....... . ..... . . , . .. . .. . .. ; .
--Address ... ........ ..
• • • • • • • • • • . • . 4 .. • • • • • 4 • 1,11 •
. . ...... . .. ... , .
• runtime Co., Ltd. (Dept, w.L.)
Gillman Camp Plans Announeed.
At its meeting last week the Provi
cell Executive Committee of the 0
iario Council approved plane made to
heleteg Gillwell Training Cainp fo
Scoutmasters Ebor Park, on th
Gaud River, sbetwe'en Brantford an
Paris, from, July 7th to 1.8th, Indust's-
The 'camp will b,e in oharge of D
puty' Camp Chiefs- Frank 0. Irwin and
Rev. S. A. Maaelonell. The camp quer-
teeinaster will be Rev. Arthur S. Mits
chen. All three ,are graduate Gill-
wellians and Were in charge al'
very successful Gillwell camp held at
Elbor Park last year.
Scout leaders *hose applications for
places in the, caniti are accepted will
pay e tee of ten dollars to cover tne
cost of nustruotion, food, etc., during
eheir eleven day sejourn in the camp.
It is hoped that in Many instances this
fee, together with tee cost of transpor-
tatiori to am" froze camp, will be borne
by the Local Aasociations or Trooti
Committees limiei. whose juelsdietion
the Scout leaderse'work conies.
Elam' Pare: is op e of the finestelaces
which could he s ehosen in all Ontario
for this purpose. The portion of the
preperty which tne Scout organization
uses consists of -65 acres of beautiful
park land, partly covered with a beau-
tiful stand of tiniber representing
many varieties. Tee camp itself is on
a hill which stands nearly 100 feet
above the major portion. of the pro-
perty, and the view' from the camp site
'up and down the valley of the Grand
River is magnificent. Many "who have
attended Camps at Ebor Park
In recent yeang are planning to held a
re --maims there during the period of this
year's camp.
Veteran Scout Leader Henored, •
Ernest O'Callaghan, for the past ten
years Executive Commissioner of the
Toronto District of the Boy Scouts As-
sociation, wag recently invested with
the BoS, Scout Order of the Silver
Wolf (Honorary) the Chief Cone
missioner for Canada, Dr. Samoa W.
Robertson, Oete.G., officiating on be -
'half Of the Chief Scout for Canadat His
Excellency Baron Byng of Vimi. This
unique ceremony was performed at a
dinner meeting of the several hundred
offcers of, the Bey Scouts Association.
in Toronto, all et.whom were intimate-
ly associate(' with Mr. Callaghan. in the
work of thesToronto District, which is
the largeit Scoat unit in all Canada.
There are at the present time between
6,0-00 and 7,000 .Boy Scouts and Wolf
Cubs in Toronth alone.
„ ,
Prior to 1915, when he became ac-
tively in
Toronto, Mr. O'Callaghan had a long
and suceessful experience boys'
work. Sceuts and, C fromi all over
Zintario loin with those of Toron.to in
congratulating Mr. O'Callaghan upon
receiving the SilverlVelf, which is the
highest award within the gift of the
Planning Sunni -ter Camps.
Cat and Queen.
The Reeal Society for the Proven -
tion or ()molly to Animala of Great
Britaie, witieb has been tetich le the
limelight lately, Wae, alweys warmly
Sunlearted by Queen Victoria,.
When tlie society decided to give
teedale in reeegnition o pecial aces
of bravery in eaving tbe lives- of ani -
male, the design for the meeal wee
•submittecl to the Queee, •
e A little later the society received
letter t'pre, her secretary, Baying- that,
r aa no evatwas le the dosign,
Queen oria liad drairu one herself
In tbe position in which alis wished It
tm411Pec4r: appears uPell
issued by the soeiety.
' Although many summer camp plans
have been discussed with Provincial
Headquarters by local leaders in re-
ceet weeks, the /het definitenamp an-
`nouncement for the 1925 season conies
from Owen Sound. And the informa-
tion it contains is that the North Grey
Distreot Camp will be held at White
Chid Island from July 4th to July
inclnive. The canip will be in charge
of District Commissioner. D. E. Mac-,
Intyre, and will be attended by troops!
from Owen Sound, Durham, .Meaford,
and a number of other centres in the
northern part of Grey County.
A Valuable Hint.
The late Lord Houghton ef England
was a poet, and considered a very im-
practable person, but in one case at
least he showed all the guile of a ward
politician. A poor washerwoman's lie
tie boy was arrested for stealing a ,
horse. The yonngster and another
like him had found a horse grazing in
a field near London, had improvised a
bridle from a ltanditerchiee and they
were having a fine Tide when arrested.
They were about ten years old and
small for their age. The laundress
knew Lord Houghton and appealed.to
him for advice. "Put both boys—both,
mind you," said he, "in nice dean
pinafores. when the go into ,court. Do
that, and you need not fear." The two
little chaps appeared in, the dock in
due time. "What LS this case?" de-
manded the judge, M surprise. /Sorsa
stealing," was the reply. "tuff and
nonsense!" cried the judge. "The iden
or these infants stealing a, home!r TheY
stole a ride, I dare say. The ease Is
dismissed." .0..—o_
Wanted a Change.
Betty had, only lately bee einstruct-
sed In the matter of evening prayers,
and her perfornuince Was exemplary
initil the occasion, when She startled
her mother with the pekition: "Blesg
Thy little pig tonight'
She Was reminded that the correct
iverd was "Iamb," but refused tore-
turn to orthodoxy.
At last, when pressed 'for the cause
of this stubborn naughtiness ,she re-
plied that She was tired of being a
lamb. "Every night," she protested,
"it has been lamb, lamb, lanabl So to-
night I'm going t� be a pig, arid td -
morrow night I am goin to be an ele-
Money isn't elaerythieg yon 'must
also acquire the knack of spending it,
The name "Red Rose" has heel,' A
guarantee Of quality for 30 years
sAils good teti'
'The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Tryit!
The .Canada Wind.
You may praise be glanaor and glory
.01 spring if yoa will,
And the 'beauty ot. earth, ,W free
FOR MAK GIRLS front tne frest'a embrace;
Give me- the north Wind, sweeping over
° the hill,
And the eourry of driving snow that illy A" 344'T°11rS.° 11°{18 rEQA Itocics
Can be Had Throuoti the ,
stings my face. age Reds. both Combs; Bawl; henoreaap White and
IL," White and :aimed; Orninatono, Wnite and
ii,e& for price John
_Classified AdVertisements
Lied sewing at home; whole Or gear° teno;
good Par; teinir oat enyMatancs; sliarses petd,
Bond stamp for particulars, liansas) Afsnufasturnni
co.; gontrest
Red Bld Made by Dr. Wieler-Iiteed WyandottWrite
t- Give me the sky with its glimmer of •
Inotrsull. Ont. MIL P.
Pink Pills. stars steel -blue,
And a schnitar-blade 'of moon, swung
There comes a time in the life f4 , low and bright—
almost every girl when weakness a
tacks her, Thestrain -upon her blocs
supply is too "-great, enci there -comes
headaches and ba.ekachoa, loss of bee
petite, attack* of dizzlnesss, heart Pallne
tation, a ,constant weariness and a
tendency to a, decline. Allthesesymp-
toms may not be present im any par-
ticular case, but the presence of any
one of. them shoevs the necessity for
Prompt teeatment '-And the very best
treatment is through the blood -malting
tonie qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink.
Pills. They are the one thing needed
to maintain the bealth of graying &iris
aucl women of mature years.
Here is a bit of strong proof:—Miss
Matilde 13rean, King Highway,-New-
cetle, N.B., says:—"I was be an ex-
,tremelY run-down and neevous condi-
tion. I was losing flesh, had e _poor
-appetite, always pale, and suffered fre-
quently from headaches. In fact my
coedition can best be deecribed as
miserable. I had tried geveral treat-
ment but they die not help me in the
least. Then, reading one day about
Dr. Williams' Pink• Pills, I dedded to
try them. After using three boxes I
*as sauce improvdd, but continued un-
til Iliad taken shl boxes, with the re-
sult that I am noW welland strong,
with good color and a hearty appetite.
In view of what Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills have done for me I cannot re-
commend them too highly."
You can get these Pills front any
medicine" dealer, or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. WillianisMedicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
0 You may keep the laneorous darkness,
d drenched with dew,
And tiro slumbrous scents. aaad sounds
. of the, summer night.
Ah, me! lor the srtow Met ereaks be-
- neeth ray, treael,'
For the 'triumphing wind, that calls
and laughand sings,
That shouts to the stars and bends the
° pine tree's head,
And over the wide white world its
challenge flings,.
Why Pure Bred Sires.
Canadian live stock men are intense-
ly interested in the extensioe of th
mark -et forsbvit and beef precincts. le
order to compete successfully agains
other countries we must improve the
quality, of our live stock.
The Argentine Repiablic is withou
a doubt the hardest competitor for the
English market. To -day they are able
to place a large quantity of beef on
the English market at a very much
lower price than. Canadians. .This pro..
duct is very much superior in quality
Theeefore, the question confronting us
le, what ean we do to beat this com
As we look over the reports of aim -
tion saleseheld in- Greet Britain dur-
ing the last ten years, we find that the
big . ranch owners 'of the Argentine
have paid enormous prices for bulls to
head their pure bred herds.
Men who know -conditions in the Ar-
gentine say thee these high iiriced
bulls are first used onthe smalaer
herds and later turned in on the range
Of cattle.' It is little wonder that the
quality of beef animals in that coun-
try is exceptionally high. Thus, we
can readily see that we must follow
the example of our strongest competit-
ors and use only high class pura bred
bulls on all our, grade herds.
• Figures from our Canadian °stock
yards show that only about 2% of the
urring, 1919 was fit for
export -trade.
To those who sit down and figure
out the lose sustained, the figures are
loses about $30
to -$40 per head on steers bred from
grade sires. •
Pacts, prove that on every instance,
the steel's from pure bred sires., not
only sell for higher prices, but make
more rapid and More economical gains
than those sire& by grade belts."
While we are well aware that high
priees are obtainable for almost any
kind of beef animal, yet it is very
clear, to those who follow market re-
ports closely, that the low grade Stock
are the first to stiffer when the mar-
kets take a downward drop.
It is, therefore, quite clear that the
use of grade sires is a losing propose I
tion Viewed from any angle.
It ig high theethat we distard inferi-
or bulls a whether they be grade or I
iamb purebreds.
Thie ig impartant became- of -the
fact thatthe bull used on a herd in-
fluences all the years of calfscrops.
Discard the inferior type of hull and
increase your year's income.
Brides in, some of the southern
Then praise the dews and the showers
of spring if you will,.
Or the acing, hot aural:11er days with
their languid grace;
Give um 'the north wind, piping over
a the hill,
And- the scurry ef driving snow that
stings my fa,ce. .
—Norah M. Inalland.
"The IVIIIIs of -the Gods."
This is an old Greek aphorism taken
from the "Oraeula Sibylline" The
Original, literally translated, reads as
follows:- "The mills of the gads grind
slowly, but they grind email." Long-
fellow, in translating it, inserted the
word "exceeding" and made it read:
"The mills of the, gods grind slowly,
but they grind exceeding small." The
same thought is found in Plutarch and
other ancient writers.
Liniment for Colds.
Man or corimany, your character
beilt upon what you do, not what you say or or intend to do.
Sentence Serznons.
There is No Salvatiou—For the boy
wile will net take hie father's advide.
—For the town that enaota the laws
foe money malt -erg, riot children.
—For the club that organizes °ray
for personal advantage.
—For the neighborhood that cannot
learn eo-operation.
--leer the marriage in whiot both
parties are interested claiefly in eight
--Far the team on which every
player wants to be the star.'
—For the play that depends upon
smut foe its popularity.
Refreshes Tired Eyes
Writeiviurine Co.,Chintigo,IntEyeCareBook
Take along a bottle of Minard's.
Wonderful for ineeet bites, Also
gives quick relief for sprains and
aleauurg SH
e Methylated spirit is excellent for
mirreret Applaesseith, a softt
t cloth and polish with another.
provences of the' Philippine Ialande
seldom attend their own weddings.
Unsightly nail holes, may be filled
With a *mixture. of line savidtis
glue. Fill the hole with it, and leave
m dry,
Per Sate Throat Use MInard's Liniment
Say .,'Bayer" - Insist!
Unlesi .you see the "Bayer
Cross" on.tablets you afe not
getting the genuine Bayer prod-
uct proved safe -by millions and
.prescribed by physicians for 25
years. "
Accept only a
Bayer package
Had to Keep Hands -Band-
aged. Cuticura Healed,
"Eczema brolts c:kit in a rash and
blisters between my fingers and On
the backs of my hands. The skin
was red and swollen and used to
peel off. It itched and burned badly
and was awfully sore especially
when I put my hands in water. I
had to keep my hands bandaged.
"1 sent for a free sample of Cuti-
cure Soap and Ointment and it
helped me. I purchased more and
after using one cake of Cuticura
Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment I was completely healed."
(Signed) Miss Nettie Keeso, R. R.
1, Listowel, Ontario,
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum ale all you need for every-
day toilet and nursery purposes.
Sample Each rree by Ma. Address Canadian
Depot: "Stenhonee, Ltd, Montreal.. Price, soap
25e. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c,
kt.tpfe Cuticure. Shaving Stick 25e.
,which contains proven directions HER NERVES.
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
acetietieldester of SalleMaeld.
Canada) of Bayer Manufacture ot Men°.
Aspirin is the trade mark. (registared in" SETTER .NOW
Received Much Eretefit by
LTaking Lydia E. Pinkham's
I" Vegetable Compound
r Chatham, Ontar'o.-9 started to get
weak after my second child was born,
and kept on getting
worse until I could
notdo my ownhouse-
work and was so bad
with my nerves that
was afraid to stay
alma at any time, I
had a girl working
for me a whole year
before I was able to
Through a, friend I
learned of Lydia' E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Coilipound and took four bottles of
et. I gave birth to a baby' boy the 4th
day of September, 1922. I am still doing
my own work and,washing. Of course,
I don't feel well every day is I
don't get my Pest as the babyas so eross.
But when I get my rest 1 fool Inc. 1
affi sti1, talting the Vegetable Come
pbuncl and am going to keep on with it
until eared. My nerves are a lot better
taking it. 1 elm stay alone day or
night and not be the least frightened.
.You can uge'this lettot as a te,stimonial
and 1 will answer letters frorn women
asking about the Vege.table Compound.
--Mrs. Crtrantelle CeiteON, 27 Forsythe
Street, Chatham, 0, ntario.
Mrs. Carson is W11ing to write to any
girl or woman sugaring from female
s Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
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