HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-21, Page 5.,:THE'ExexeR, TilyigsArwocATE, PIN111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111,111111111141111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111ffil „ VS ews :Imi,1,13111.111.111llouppipollowiloopoopipointutimptiiii#100000.0.0.iiipituopoinomittlounorllio1117 Are you Dissatisfied? Do you want a Better Training \ to commalid a Bigger Salary? write to The School of Oomnierce Clinton,. Ontario FOR PARTICULARS REGARDING CIASSES IVOR STUDENTS COMING DAILY BYRAIN • ; "EXTRA TUITION dIVEN BECAUSE OF SHORT SCHOOLDAY COURSES' ' 'Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretariat,„ Special Courses., STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, lbl..WARD, Vice PrinciPal Princlpal Students May Enter at Any Time. „ -Builder's Supplies Walipaper- Asphalt Shingles Hardwood flooring laid and Polished Alterations and New Work Promptly attended to. ESTIMATES FREE J. S. SANGSTER BUILDER, -÷ HENSALL Da:tiger. Protect your Buildings Having the licenced 'agency for the Shinn Flat- and round cable lightning rods, we are of- fering them at a great reduc- tion Let ug quote you prices on the above, as well ,as the Galt Art Metal eoofing for which I also have the agency. John Elder, Hensall Phone No. 1 ev. Mensal] Tile, Brick and Block' Yard DEALERS IN - Cement, Hydrated Lime, Hard Wall Plaster 9nd Gyproc Wall Board e , • OUR PRESHe.SUPPLY HAS - JUST ARRIVED, ALSO. NEW.,.,OP'••:000.'- OND •HAND ;BICYCLES ''ANDv:?'Ilr• CYCLE ACCESSORIES,. WE MAKE _ rH cLEvELAND ouR SPECIAL. WVtalr Phone 7 R. X.1MOIR, L:M. C. C. PHYSICIAN' AND <SURGEON e Phone 70 ' ielesse HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK 4raduate Of PacUlty 211cGill University-, ' Monlreal; Mem- ber. of College of Physicians and Surgeons of ,Oiltaria; Licentiate of liedical Council.; of ,Canaan , Post Graduate IVIember Of Med- lcal of General. Hospital, Monte real, 191445; Office 3 doors east of Post Office:. Phone 56, Hensel", etIntazio. AUCTIONEER - OSCA1\1KLOPP 'Honor Gradnate Carey Ares' Au - action School, Special aurae taken in 'Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) '".-•••-.Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales,' etc. . Rates in keeping 'with prevailing' prices. Satisfaction as- -Purer", write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or 'wire 18-93, Zuriebe ,..onews"..mneweimeranersocreancansewslammaan,....troftemvemestmEremellorsog WHITT PINE lx6," v Matched dressed on both - side a at • -,earlov ee.ad E:174 THIS IS THE IWP O we(XII4 kiP VISITS/ ;GOOD COAL WiT11.1t l'Oti CAN GET rr AT A LOW CLATWORTrar GRAXTON 4. The executive of the isoutla Huron jInited Farmers' • Asseniation met here on Saturday; when' Optimistic reports were pres,ented from the Municipal represeritatavaa present. A. committee was aapoitifed to ar- range for public meetinge to be held in Clinton and Exeter In the near future, They • hope , to Secure as speaker for .each meeting Hon E. C. Drury. and Hon. W. E. Raney. The matter of calling a• nominating con- vention and the date thereof was left to the diseretien ,qf 1,,resideut W. G. Medd, and the, Seciretary, , G. W. ' Sayton. WWiarn.'BILek, M.P. forepre riding was,preeent,alid 'took part .in the deliberation. ,_- SCH001...REPOR1F •• Report for the month, of April. -- • • • Primary Room' ' Names in order -'of: metit Jr. IIA—Mabel Fee, Lorne ;Elder. Harvey Endson, Vidle. Eilderbrand, Edith Wolfe, .Stewart Bel, Margaret Kennings, Kornelia• Faber.,; e. Hugh McDougal, John -Farquhar,; •;; • Jr. IIB-z-Ray-,Patereen, .Helen Glenn, Harold Sherrit;'Mary- Hemp- hill, Malec:dna Gillies, LicrYcULinden- field, 'Bobby Passmore, gaokiltounge DorethY Cook, Herbertelieddena Sr. I. ---Olive 4Breele, NithrYn DrYsdale.• ' lee 1.—Minnie SangsteraelMyrna Hudson, Mildred IPollick,;;, Timothy Drummond, Nee'renan.-Sinclaine•Irene Smale. " ••• _ Sr. Pr.—Mary •McConne1l,•3,1areo1d Higgins, Mary Little, Orville elied- den, Kenneth Mantis: sal -areas Jr. Pr.—Dorothy kfcQueen,4eIlar- old Bell, Harry. Clark, Billie•Glenn, Harold Bonthron, Millie F,eee Der- othy. Deters, Fred 1VIcDongal..,; Jessie Buchana,n.77Teltehee • Senior Room° • • Sr. IV—Scott Welsh 90, Gerttade Higgins 89, Roy •Soldan‘ 88, Lillian Steacy 85, Beryl ,Pfaff 83, •Marguret Drummond 83, Pearl , Elder ;•,.8.2, Louise Drummond". ;$ID, Poreithy Little 79, Bertha Soldan 76, Mar- garet McLaren 76,',Narie,Festel•-•71. Lloyd Pasemoie 61, Russel Blaeac- Well 59. ..:-; e ; Jr.IV—Mildred SknIh 8 13fly Joynt 82, Harold' Munn 89, :Roy Smale 79', Albert paeemore-,, 76„.:13. Hogarth 59, DorothY"' Sr.' Leila Lindenfield 75, Joyce' .Sorutbn 711, Albert Wolfe 67, • Er dill; •Camercni-- 66, Edward Little -66; MarionT SinClair 63, Clare Zuefle 61:',.:Ednati'Aolf4 32, Royce Welsh 32. - WM:** aY';' Teaeher. CHISELHURST Mr. Milne Rennie visited in town ou Friday. Mr, Will Moore of Loudon was in town Tuesday. , MissMary Mclaaig visited friend in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Laird Mickle has 'purchased a ,new iVIaawell Coupe. Mr. Stewart, piano tuner, of Hanle ilton, is in town this week. MastereBobby DrYsdale is confined to his home with scarlet fevey. The school hhs recently ,been fUm- igated by health inspector Todd. - Mr. and Mrs. A.' L. Case are away spending their holiday fs in Detroit Mi .and Mis.,John Young visited their daughteralWrs. Duncan at Har- rington. Miss Polly Moore, of Woodstock, is 'visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Coxworth and little' sea Visited in towa 511 Tuesday MFloee.ce'Welsh of Lon'apn', visited over the week end ' at her home here. - • ' -:•'rTfr .Mr. J. Lewis, 0.N.R.e.reliev1ng op- erator is .relieving Mae Qes, at the station here °- The annual Greyhound excursion from Goderich to Detroit is on June 9th- this Year. Mr. Milton Russell of Sexeraltla recently purchased a Studebaker car from Cook bros..' • Mr._ Wm. Pfaff is sending out large qaantities of cement theF.-e3 days to the farmers. .•11riss Gladys Luker will- take charge of the14car cream' parlor at the New Commercial. Quite a nuraberefrom .here attend- ed the ball gaine at the Boundary oes. Wednesday evening. A public auction will be held in Warreners' livery stable on Satur- day evening, May 30th. Mr. F. Zurbrigg of St. Marys and Mr.-,,prich of Seaforth' visited with Mr/E. Knipe on Monday. Mr. A. Nv. E. Hemphill is having an' electric range installed in his home by Mr. Jack Passmore. Mr. Andrew Howe, Blockman foi the 'International Harvester Co., was in town Tuesday on linsinese. Celebration at Crediton on Mon- day, May 25th. A league ball game will be played between Zurich' and Crediton. , - - Mies •aIrehe --Hazelwood who has been 'visiting friends in` town return- ed to her home in London on Mon- day evening. . Mr. Alex Murdock is improving the appearance of his store °coupled, by Mrs. -13. Bell by having the front of the 'building stuccoed. Don't,forget the anniinl trap shoot to be held on June 3rd by the Hen- sel' Gun Club on their greunds here commewing at 10 a.m. • Mr. ' Win. Luker ha e' accepled e position with Mr. John Millar Of Exeter handling one of Mr. Millar horses for the Summer. Rev. A. Sinclair and Mr( N. Peck are attending the conference of the Methodist church in Centennial church, London this week. , Don't forget -.the °Petting ball game; of the season, Crediton vs. Hensall, on Friday evening. Come and give the home boys your sup - )port. e Dr. Knapp, our local dentist will attend a convention of Dental Sur- geons in'Toronto next -yank, and his office will be closed from May 26th to the 30th. Mr. Gerald Farquhar who has been aonfined to his home for the past 5 weeks with scarlet fever is able to be about again,; The/ quarantine was 1MA-on Tuesday. \ Mr. Lorne 1VrcNaughtone"who: un-• dement an operation in;Seaforth is now convalescing at Hensall with his father and mother,' Mr: - and, Mrs. Dan. McNaughton- ..,We, ,are glad to hear that Lorne is recover- inges well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayman ef near Kippen and 41izabeth Ann• Dayman visited at the home of, Mrs. Raney and family oy`er Sunday. Rev. Dr. Medd of Wheatley will preach net Sunday afternoon in the Chiselhurst Methodist church in the interests bf the'Lord's Day Al- liance. ••,.• ' Intended for laeb week , .Mr:.*Lofire MeNgfightOn eva Olen` to Seaforth hospital -the 2nd or,-;,MaY to be Operated cafefor appen`cafeatis: He is getting along as well as :could be expected. The neighbors around Mr. iNaugliton'e went with three- mantire sPreadere and several fillers- and drew a lot of manure. The next day ten teams went and plowed; As Sunday was Mothers' Day a mens choir furnished music in honor of the mothersalso Misg P01 - lick of Clinton sang a beautiful Solo which was en\lbyed very much. Mr,. Charles Cann, of Exeter, visit- ed at 'Roy lVfcDonald's last week, THAMES ROAD • The 'V‘;'.M,S. met at the home of Mrs. Thos. Balantyne. There wee a" large attendance:The meeking was Opened by einging hymn 210, foc-! lowed 'by the Scripture reeding earl prayer by the president. Mrs. Wise - Man read the remainder of the ttlt chapter from the text book; Mrs. Ethetington then d'ang a pleasing solo. Very interesting reports, were given of the Provincial W.M.S, meet- ing held in London by arigaisAllee Hackney and Mrti. Robt. Kydat. Mrs. Collings then gave a prepared paper entitled "Women as a Religious teather." $25,60 was donated by Mrs. D. Coward to make her a life member,. of tbo seeietas Mrs. ;No, Deircan very kindly lavited the eociety to her, home, for the Jane meeting. Hymn 1-99 was sung after which Mass • R. Monteith, Ind in prayer fallowed by the Lord's prayer in unison. A tasty lunch was serv- ed by the hostesa. and Mrs. Prank Wilson and. Mrs. HOdder and Miss Emily Hod- der of Dutton and Mr. R. E. Crook of Ridgetown nvisited with Mrs. R. -E. Cook on Sunday. Tadr.„'Lorne McNaughton of Hibbert who was operated on '-in Seaforth two, weeks ago for apperdicitis is spending!a few•.days.elieren'at the honfe of h'is father, MT..l MeNaugle• the' play "Here comes the Bricl&- groom" which was put on here in the,,Town • Hall en,; ;Friday ••eenening by the young people of Beeeniller wag aargely attended. The praiceeds amounting td about $90.00. ‘17.ev. Dr. E. Medd a former min. ister will occupy the pulpit in the Methedist church on Sunday even- ing, May 24th in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance. The morn- ing service will be cancelled. ^ Paliners' new grocery and confec- tionery' opened up for businese on May aOtli arid Will no &inlet do a good laasinesS as they are well and favorably known In this district. In conneetion with: the store they haVe planned' for comfortable rest room whieli will ,be open to the public. ; The roung aJedblee League was held on 'Monday evening.' Mr. E. E. Knipe gave a very fine address bit "Whets the Matter with Canada." A patriotic -selection was sung' by Mrs. Tont alit Mrs. Sinclair, also a piano clout was given by 1VIildr ea McDonald aad Lillian Steacy and a reading hy Miss Dorothy aloskine. The 'Literals of South Huron as constituted for rederalpurpos- es will, hold a convention. in ltb Town Hall here on May 27111 foe the selection of a candidate , for South HuroIl for the coMing Dominion ea- ection. Their regular .annual meet. fag will take plade at..the same tinte. The 'Ron. Duncan Marshall, Liberal organizer ahd Mrs. A, It Beaton will be preSent and (Ioniser address - e. IBERA onvention South Huron A COnvOtion of the Liberals' of South Haren, as constituted for Fed- eral, purposes, WUl be held Au the TOWN IIALL,• 11ENSALL -WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1925. 41,111, For ehe purpose of aelecting a caridi- date to contest the Riding of South Huron at the forthcoming election. Han, Duncan IVIersaall and Mrs. A. H. Beaton will address the Con- vention. • • ,r A special invitation is extended to the ladies to be -prsent. , , The Annual Meeting of the abdire named hssociation will be held on the same date. . A meeting in each polling sub- division in each, municipality will be held on Mbadaa evening, May 25th, at 8 o'clock for the selection of delegates to attend the conven- tion. T, N. FORSYTH L W. SHAW,•111.D. Secretary . President, M Amzispurxfw,--rsepmt--. Baseball Schedule 'May .22 --Crediton at Hensall lalay 25—Zurich at Crediton June 2:—Seaforth at Crediton • June 4e-Hensall at. Zurich Rine 11—Hensall at Crediton June 11—Zurich at Seaforth June 15—Creditor' ,;at Zurich June 18---Seaforth at Hensel' June 25—Zurich at Hensall June 25----Crediten at Seatorth July 2—Zurich at Crediton July 2—Hensal1 at Seaforth July 6—Crediton at Hensall July 9—Seatorth at Zurich July 16—Seaforth at Crediton July 17—Hensall at Zurich July 23—Zurich at Seaforth July 28e--Seafortla at Hensall July 30—Crediton at Zurich Aug. 6—Hensall at Seaforth Aug. 13—Zurich at Heiman Aug. 13—Crediton at Seaforth Aug. 21—Seaforth at Zurich Aug. 21—Hensall nt Crediton. irCANWTifdt • 111P---MtrAel3nr.411WMAIle ,Dashwood Dr. H.H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S, DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and; Saturday. •MAIN OFFICE - Hartlelb's Block —'Dashwood. Ont. ,Mrs. J. 'Kellerman is, visiting in Toi•onfo. . . Miss Hazel SnelLrf Toronto, is visiting her parents at piesent: Rev. E. Bruer, spent,Sunday with. his brother in London. Mr. J. Fried, of Toronto visited his sister Mrs. Kellerman last week. Jean the little daughter of Mr. and Mr. G. Melton had the misfor- tune to fall and fractiire her arm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eidt, of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger is suffering. from a fellon bn her 'thumb. ,MT. CARMEL. A nuinber from here attended the funeral of the -late Norman Farrell at St. Peter's church, Centralia. Mrs. M. O'Brien is visiting friends at Parkhill. ker. James McLean, of New On- tario,' formerly of the 14th Con., Stephen, visited at • the home of Stephen Morrison on Sunday. Mr. Thos. O'Rourke haapurchas- ed a new Ford car. ' Mrs. Joseph McKeever and Miss K. Madden spent a few days last week visiting qheir sister, Mrs. J. Moir, London.. On Thursday evening, May 14th, Miss Viola Bell was very pleasant- ly surprised by the ladies of Elim- ville and the surrounding commun- ity whentheygathered-at her home and showered her with a large as- sortment of kitchen utensils. The "Live Oak" mission circle of which she is a member, presented her with eseveral gifts in appreciation of her 'services in their organization, ac- companying their gifts with, an ap- propriate address, which was read by Mrs. Livingstone, and responded to by the prospective bride, , .A.n en- joyable evening was .then spent in -games and music, after which dainty refreshments were served by mem- bers of the circle. MILLER—ItEtt? WEDDING A unique event took place at Elimville, in the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell, on •Saturday °after- no0n, May 16th, inthe presence of immediate relatives, when their eldest daughter, Viola, was married to Mr. Samuel Miller, of Dashwood. The. bride, daintily dressed in white satin, was attended by her sister, Miffs Mildred Bell, 'who wore a dress of rose colored satin and georgette. The bridegroom was supported rby his brother Mr. Rudolph 11/1111er. The Tae bridal party entered the room. to the ,streine of .Lohengrin!s Wed- ding' March,t, played by Mre, titev,) Livingstone. After the completion of this ceremony atucl eatending good wishes and ' congratulations. Welter Alexander Graham, young-, est child of Mr, and Mrs. Bell was leaaltisecl, and also their only grand.- 0harlog Latrie Stephen, la- tent -rfion ef Mr. need Mrs. Charles Stephen. The cerOmunias were per - Penned ay Rev. LivIng,Patene, The Attests akterw4ridd sat down to a tablesbouritifully laden witIl goo -ft ihings. arr. and 'isiliat„ Miller will reside 011 tlieir faratibear'Daelievood laid are aecompanuld totheir home by tho best wishes , the C'On1iiU11- recliton Croditon is preparing for, a big celebration, on May 26th. There will be, a league ball game between Crediton and Zurich, Band Will be in • attendance with oPen air„;imnsl ceneert. Splendid,. moving .picture show at night It is noped that everyone will plan to visit Crediton May 25th. 2,er4thw. be no preaching ser- vice m the Methodist church next Sunday' evening the pastor will ba at conference. Miss Derottier 'encl. Carrie alahner celebrated their birthday on Friday entertaining 12 of their little, girl griends. Mrs. John A. Humble of Sarnia visited with her sister Mrs. rad. aaahner for a few clays. Rev: Ja B. Deugisa Mr. and Mrs, 11. Caldner of Stratford, Rev. J. G. Burn and the Misses-Orpho, Myrtle Burn t° Harold Burn and "Esther My - stele of -Rodney were visitors at the home Of Rev. and -Mrs. W. Y. Dreier on Tuesday. The Reverends Blum and Deugis met With Rev. Mr. Dreier on important church busi- ness. The IVIetb.odist church held its au- nu.al congregational meeting on - Thursday of- last week. Reports from the various departments show- ed everything in a healthy condition., The circuit raised during the pat year approximately $8,499. A second message on the subject "What is. Your Life?" will be given at the Evangelical church, Crediton next Sabbath morninds, ,At the ev- ening service the pastor ,preaches on the fascinating theme e'LMare in the Image of God." - SEXSMITH Mr. Milton Russell has parchased a fine Studebaker car from Cook Bros. of Hensall. Mr. and IVirs. Thos. Dunsford of Marlettea.Miche.callear on friends ifi this neighborhood this week. Mr. W. J. Northcott and his mother, Mrs. Wm. Northcott, Sr., motored to London on Tuesday last 1VIr5. Northcott remaining to visif. with friends for a few days. M. arid Mrs. H. H. Humeston and daughter Helena.and*Mrs. Jas. Henshaw and Mrs. 'George Geddes, all of London visited with friends in this vicinity on. Sunday last. - Mr. Lewis' Aldworth of Bayfield, and daughters, Mrs. John Dempsey of Holmesville and Mrs. Leslie Bilerns of Blyth, visited with friend here for a few day § this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon, Ubelacher (nee Miss Lelia IsTorthcott)., of Strat- ford, visited with friends in this neighborhood this 'Week. SUNSHINE Mrs. James Knox and son of St. Marys,, are spending a few days with Mrs. Knox's sister, Mrs. P. Brock. Mr. and. Mrs.. J. Turnbull and family of Otterville spent a few days last week at their homes her. Mr. Gordon ,Duncan is spending a few days with, leis mother, Mrs. G. Pulleyblank. Mr. G. Miller pi Mt. Clements and ]fr. D. Miller called on friends le the vicinity last week. Mr. Albert Scott has purchased a new sedan car. • . ZION • Mr. Hy. Hern is visitin,g for a we with his brothers in Exeter Miss Maud -Harrison, of Toronto, is visitin,g at the home of Mr. Reba Taylor. CROMARTY The recent showers have done much towards replenishing the cropb and gardens. ; Owing to the absence of our Pas- tor Mr. Ritchie, the pupit was sup- plied by Dr. Fletcher of Hensall The girls soft ball team plaYed a return game with the team- from krt. Pleasant on Thursday, evening last resulting in 17 to .30 in favor of Mt. Pleasant. The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Cromarty Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home`of Mrs. S. A. Miller in the vil- lage. This was a very inaportant meeting as the Society was disban- ded and newly organized and will continue its work with the Contin- uing Presbyterian Church. All the the Officers were elected with the exception of Mrs. . Scat who was elected in the place of the retiring Secretary Mrs. H. Currie. Mr. Russell Scott who underwent an operation in the Hospital at Seas forth is So far improved as to be able to take a walk about to call on a few ofhis friends. Centralia . __,., _ Mr. Maurice Neil of Detroit hi; spending a couple of weeRs' vaca- tion at the home of his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Neil. ` Centralia trustees are having oil put on the streets this week which will prove a great benefit during; the summer to the citiiens of tb.ei village. Mr. Lorhe Hicks While driving tot Exeter last Wednesday collided with; another car driVen by Mr- Knight', who was ' driving on the ' St. Marrs' road crossing the Louden Road the, occupants of/ the both ears fortun- ately eseaped serious injury, Mra 'Cake car had to be drawn to tbe garage for rep -in e to the trout axle and fender, , Rev and Mrs. Ititely are in Lon - atm this wools attending eonferende. Sanclay last was afiniversary 801- Vices,anet lorge erowas attended both services, .Resr. Mt. McTavish of Crediton ,took charge of the morn - nig service and Rev. Mr. Chiclley ote Thathes Road the evening Services"; both eervices ',were interesting onai. inspiring and excellent ,TUUSIC WaS ttrn%hOd by the choir. both mem-, . ing and evening. • , Mr. a. Richards arid family 11,611-, i Orl this week to London, Mr, iti„la; lords having retently FORI his etera her to MT, Sloamons. • • re You Housecleaning If so, now iS "the opportune time Q014 redecorated. )et ns lielp you With the selectien of your Wall Paper in, regard to laYceat and color scheme. 11"41,11aLLW , No xnatter, if it is interior or exteilor wo"can do thework, to satisfaction because We nee the beet materielobtainable and you are SUre of a Perfect -job., GRAINING- . When it colneS to graining we are exper experience only can give that appearance w icl . 'so" closely resembles the beautiful grains of the different woods. • Our, long e±porionce as Master Painters is at Your Saralee. Consult us for year next job and be sure of satisfaction. G.. I-1. /VIA.RT'IN lav h 658 Hamilton Rd., London Ont. 401.1r3 PriCeS 24:re Reaeonable'!, , PAINTER AND DECORATOR Pholie 7967 pr send a card for appointment. BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks White Leg•horns R. C., R. I. Bede White Wyandottes. ; Let me cull your floak for laying ai:id prepo- tency. Qualified judge for poultry shows Honor graduate of American Poultry School GARNET R. HEYVVOOD EXETER, ONTARIO NIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SPECIAL COURSE FOR TEACHERS Surr2lnerSchool In Ntil'ORE STUDY AND AGRICULTURE To ctrip teachers to meet the new re- * quireItrunts of the Department a Educa- tion in this subject. . (Two Credits towards a B.A. Degree will be gifIM'Ior this course.) • • I Coarscs offered also in Astronomy, ChaMistiry, English, French, German, !Usury, Latin, IViathematics arid Zoology. sPlendid social and athletic p.rograrn throUghont -th e en- tire six weeks,,,, " Reimtiful new Uni- versity Buildings. Start on a B. A. Counse now! Six de.. lighiful yeeki3":0Estudy, and recreation. Amp. JUNE 29t1 to AUGUST "Stla „ For information u;rite• the Director, De. H. R. Kingston,. or Dr. K. P. R. Neville, Regts- tra.r. Whalen.: Mr. Sohn Ste:Venson has returned home froth Steaffoseph. Hospital, Lon- don; minch improved after his re- cent operation. , Several; from here attended the Centralia anniversary . Aervices on Sunday last. There Was ne service in this chufalroaaathat account. l'sar.andsa--Miasaa'John Webb and taintaYs•spentaane,,week end an Mc- Gilliy,Ta„y, e tfil;PIC.A A large. %miler from here at- tended' fthk‘te.hniVersary Service at .Corbett last 'Sunday. - ,Rev. W. 3. eMaines is attending Cenferenee\iat London this week. .Mi aS ,Schade:.- of London visited with Mie; and Mrs. J. Gaiser last week. BRINSLEY At the Brinsley Methodist church last Sunday:ay special Sunday School serviee Wag(lhelda'Rev. W. M. Kitely -gave a, Ve0. :-.kine address on the work, of • religiines education, after' whicle'thereneW;Axecutive of the Sun- day School ---were dury installed in John Trevithick is the new'eSuPetintenclent, filling the vac- ancy 'caused by the retirement of Mr. •3. H. Amos, who for nearly forty yeare, has. been a faithful worker loathe, Sunday School. A letter of appreciation to Mr. Amos, 'was also' find and presented ter him by Mr. eTaeyithack. Special music was furiiiehede by the boys and girls of the Sunday Sacral. The address was as follows: • •Drilisley, May .17, 1925 Mr. J. easnee: Dear brother.;'' We the members of Brinsley church and Sunday School wish to take this opportunity of expressing In a public way, our appreciation of your longaand faithful service, as Superintendent' of this Sunday School. We -regret, that you with others, who like yourself 'have rendered in- valuable service to the church, should'. 'Taal" come to the period in life whisie, they are forced to retire. Yet such seems to be the Divine •ae.,w underi Which we. live. We air are moving gradually to the time when "The almond tree shall flour- ish and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail." We1•teleice with you that you have not altogether reathed, that period. We are glad that you still desire to help and 'serve, though i•e tel.* from • official responsibility. Ione Presence and counsel with ue ,941 the Sabbath School will ever be a source a inspiration to all. We assure you that we appreciate soxnc- qiing pt. the sacrifice which you have made lia the long years of faithful 'Service, and the strained feelings Which %list have been yours in re thin from the Office. One does :flat ,41:16,kethese deeisions, Without 'some cost e to himself. Your resig. tation has meant much to you, per- haps Mere than we can estimate, tiot'„Ildeduse you craved position or responsibility, but ratter becaUsr,... of the of .devotion Whieh has cbaraderized your life. You, have eoetinued' to bear that responsibil, ity.,,becanSe it was a duty, yet over ready to welcome an honorable re- tirement. One of the world's great- est writers has said that "Ho who so Sorves alid 50 coinplatee hie task 13 'bound to reap a rich reward;" eaVa eesure you that our ,deStrOg yesi etc, that you Mey have that rearfred: 'ta'ad alone Can give title .re• Nothing that We coald. give Niaitlid suffice. We 'Would not at- tempt It, tut we would be lacking r ) . "A Necessity with Balloons'", The Easiest Riding Car is a Ford H&D- Equippfd ' With H&D's the body of your Foid is still while the wheels and axles follow the contour of the road. Sudden jars are turned into undulations. 30% more tire mileage due to absence of hard road shocks. Rack- ing body blows are absorbed-- not passed to the chassis. If Ws are a necessity with balloon' tires. "Balloons" are not asubstitute for shock absorbfrrs,-they are too"bouncy"; on rough ifijads. Hut balloons and & D's are thelast word in eaty riding. eVibragraph (a. machine for register.. ing vibrations). has demonstrated that a Ford eguipped with H D's is the easiest tidin,g car ori,the market. „ H Sr D'e make the car ride so remark. ably easy that after you have used theta a week you will not ride without them at ten times their cost. PRICES INST'ALLED Passenger Car Ford Truck $35 For Sale by W. J. BEER 13x6ter, Ontarke.' in Christian courtesy If we let thiS .time pees without some word Of as, surance from us as to the honour and esteem, in, which you are held. Our prayers ape that you MY be glaeri many Years of health and life among us and that the evening Of life row he rich in reTigous , ex- perience and in the 'Abiding Prege ‘ence of Him wbo for so many years Yon have Seaver' in the , .Sabbath Schobl. . ' Signed on behalf ref m.ineior flune day -8011001: Dungen 'McTavish, Peebr; John, Trevithick, Supt.; Lyle Treeithick, •Seear„