HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-07-07, Page 5News THE HURON EXPOSITOR, July 7, 1999•-5 Mountie shares stories with local seniors By Scott Hilgendorff Expositor Stoll They break up alcohol and -cigarette smuggling rings, search out drug dealers and rarely ever ride on horseback these days. They arc members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Constable Renzo Carniato of the London detachment which serves this region. was -at this month's Huron Adult Day Centre's Senior Diners program to help them celebrate Canada Day and International Year of the Older Person. He candidly answered questions from the group of arca seniors in•an.animated discussion about his job.... He was asked everything from whether or not• he has fired his gun to what -he thinks of the -American and Canadian produced television show, Due South. which spoofs the Mountie image. Yes; he's fired his gun but only to kill an injured deer .and.the Stetson hat.he was wearing had been signed by Paul Gross. the actor who portrayed the Mountie character on the television series. ' He told the group there "used to he 27 office. in Ontario for the RCMP' but .now there - arc 11 after restructuring. There are . 1.400 officers in the province •who handle everything from/ drug investigations • to Scott Hiigendorff photo constable Renzo Carniato of talked to seniors at the Huron organiicdcrime. - Lately. he said there has been 'an emphasis on seizing the assets of drug dealers and organized criminals. • He spent 3 1/2 years working -in a cigarette. and alcohol smuggling sectio_ n where he said they would seize the cars of people involved in the rings. "They could buy it hack at the full retail value:7 he said. in one operation. they • seized 500 cases of liquor and 500 cases of cigarettes and in another situat.io(t. a man's dar was sciied atter he; Nought three.hoxtles e4t liquor from -one of the men they had targeted . for • liquor smueeline. • the London RCMP detachment ' Adult -Day Centre recently... Chisaper 'alcohol and' cigarettes are smuggled into Canada trim the United :States• and sold without the government receiving the taxes that arc charged on alcohol and cigarette sales in Canada. Carniato was asked what happens to: the sei4ed_. merchandise. and why they don't resell it: • He told the group they destroy the seizures and, i'n the case. -rot alcohol. don't rt../sell 11 because"the quality of some of it docs not meet acc-eptable Canadian • ' Standards. ."Dei you have lots-. of •nform'crs:''.another woman .,,ked:' - "You need informers to function," he said. adding even in a murder case, they have to have some leads to follow. . Only criminals are fingerprinted and the information is kept in a data have in Ottawa. "You have to have suspects.. You can't check them all," he said. One woman thought crime was rising in Seaforth and asked Carniato if he knew - why. She said there seems to he •more crime here than in the city where she was originally from. 1 don't have the statistics but they're.prohahly going. up." he said. However, when compared fo the •city, he pointed out people in smaller. towns are more aware of the crimes that take place. because they -all• read •ihe community newspaper where they are reported. Carniato also took time. to warn the group about scams. "It: -you-,haven't. entered a contest. you haven't won a •prize."•he said. advising them not to feel. rude about .: hanging•up on someone who is persistent and not to ever •give their -credit card number out to someone if they do not know the organization with which the> are dealing. • And•as far aS Due South goes. he .likes •the• show despite 'originally seeing things - like the RCMP badge St. Anne's .first -graduating class given over $9,00o in awards at commencement By David Emslie Expositor Stott - -BY DAVID EMSLIE • CLINTON - Over '100 students made history last week as the first graduates from St. Anne's Catholic Secondary School. -. • Philip McMillan: who took l�yer as principal, at St. Anne': in Janary, has-been with the school since it. '.began classes in 1995. He said that commencement ceremonies: ,he•ld at the school last Wednesday. June 311, with over 800 in attendance, provided for a great night": . Among.the first graduates. - s v.ere able to complete their OA courses in four. year. Instead of five: and wain he off to university. in the tall. McMillan said. Of the six who took the' fastrack to .completing their DAs, McMillan said two were • named as Ontario Scholars. For • thee_ evening. the students were alf decked out in gowns.and caps. while the staff wore the colors from' the school. where they earned their last degree. "At the very' end. the kids did the old 'toss your caps.' ' McMillan stated: adding that the grads • receive mementos of their graduation. Over the course of the ceremonies. many students eecre honored for • their achievements when they were 'presented with awards. "Almost S9.000 in awards was given." the principal state• -adding. --.that-•. the - awards .came from all over Huron County. • • • The graduates .were also recipients of provincial . diplomas and a St. Anne's diploma. which included a Watermark designed by a student at the school.. With Ray Contois. the school's first -principal and now the superintendent.of education: in attendance. •McMillan said. "it *as very emotional." He also noted that •the senior ttu&ents in Grade 12 planted an oak tree •in honor of Contois. • The school's first commencement exercises also featured two students sharing the valedictorian duties, Heather Bettger from Goderich and Sarah Noakes from Seaforth. With St. Anne's graduating its first students, McMillan looked back to 1995 when the school opened with "only 139 kids here" and seven or eight teachers. "Four years later, we have a statf:ot over • 40 teachers. 12 EAs. and 650 - kids here next year. The list . of the' first graduates from St. Ann.e's Catholic Secondary School follows: Roger B-abin; Tiffany Ban. Philip Bartltif,. • Anita Bedard. Ben Bedour. Jake Bervoets, Heather Be'itger. Lorraine Blake. Alex Blanchette. Christopher Boel. Angela Bos.'Stelanie• Boucher. Tara • Casli'ck, 'Jennifer Cassidy. Wayne' Cole. ayne- Cole. • Stephen / Cook. Desmond Courtney: Mark . Cox. Gerard Creces, Kelly Cudmore. Steve Dawe. Jeff Day. Corrie deBont. Joe Debus. Giselle - Durand, __Claire Eckert: Melissa Etue. Tara Fidler: Amv.+ields. • Michael Fines.. • Sonya Gibson. Kate Gillespie. Bradley 'Glavin. Brent • Glavin. Derek Gravestock. Jason Grenier, Michelle . Gushie. Jennifer Hamilton. Jonathan Hardy. Kerri Hartman. Shane H'esch: Mike Hodgins, Carrie HoFkstra- Buttdr. Nathan •Hubbards. Robert Janmaat, 'Tricia Jansen Nick-.Jasoer, Mike J:ohnston.-'Erica• Killick. `:alalia Kiltick, Danielle. Kistner...Mar-k- Ktaassen. Sarah Koopmans, Lawrence Krysak•. 'Kelly Kuran. Mattlrew • Laffin; / Paul Lansbargen. • Jcftrce Lassaline. - Jacqueline LeBeau, iDavna II/et-eh; Jason Lew is. Andrea Longstatt. Julie Lukachko. Michael : Lukachko. Becky • Martens. Nicholas Martin. Tanya Masse. Tara Masse. Koh • McIntosh. Sarah Nitichol. Matthew Michels. Barb Miner- David Stiller: -Emile Stiller. Jacob Miltenburg. Patricia \loran. • Sarah Noakes. Jeffrey Pettit. Melis,a Rammeloo. Nicole keyington. Sarah,Revingtgn. Suny's Gas Bar & Convenience Store 23 Goderich St. E. Seatorth 527•-222.5 NOW OPEN Monday to Friday 6:30 AM to 9 PM Saturday & Sunday 8 Aldi to 9 PM Come in for .,.... Bread, Milk, Cigarettes,Pop, Chips Snacks, ice Crean and more! ' Manager: Donna Glanville I SURf'S UP! Each week The Huron Expositor will be surfing the net looking for fun and interesting web sites for you to enjoy. This week's site is: http://aftsl.kodak.comNS/eri/corp/further/photoOuilt/ - See thousands of pictures and stories in a "photoquilt." You can even add your own! Don't forget to check out The Huron Expositor's website at www/bowesnet/expositor.com Union" i or 100 Main St., Seatorth 527-0240 Jame, Rivera.. Lillian' R&�hertyon. Jordan Ruston. • Sara Sleightholm, "Vicky Smith. Luke Stuart. Brad Sykes. Brad Ten• Pas. Janet Thiel. TJ Thomasson. Kevin Thompson. Sarah Van Aaken. Lori Van Baker. Scott Van Doort:n: Ben -Vanden Henget. Crista Vanden Hoven. Robert Vander Wouden, • -Johan Van \Valderyeen, Liesheth.Van- Waldereeen. Wes Vick and-. Alenka Zgavc. Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter. Ontario NOM 1S1 l Established in 1 8761 Provides Full Insurance . Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications Are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTORS = :ride"el -348.;-.5 _ - 2 Stala .an -brxger. 0.0. ' 4rdon. • V..chaei.? Shea. P R 3 Granter 1c h' +isms. a a 2 St: Pain AGENTS hayrc la ere Elsie? ave Woe. 2).ein 3art Weer. Dubin .caeeo ,nae %xref -eac 2 !ce, ueter 345-236C 345.25'9 225-^:';2 225-2500 . 39..1548 3.15-25.2 345 -2- 3L8 -3..C. 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