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Huron Expositor, 1999-06-30, Page 7
NTEE Real Estate 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax (5'19)527-2763 Associate Broker Sharon Medd 527-0560 MLS i Market Value Appraiser ,at; t !e•7e t -if OPEN HOUSE New Prices -Move: right ,n the s 3 Hwy r6 West of Seaforth to Mullet ceorocm norne.'many pgrades mw; Rd 10, Turn right. 1.1/4 mile turn be seen -to aoprecra!e S"5 :CC tett. see sign Saturday. July 3 - 10 am -11:30 am • 15 Acre Hobby Farm! 3 -bedroom home. cherry kitchen cupboards, many upgrades. barn & more' - $ t67 500 e� New Listing! 3 iedrpom mobile Huron Haven Village! Covered deck. home. main floor. tatindry. appliances) large aodLh' " 2 .a•ge bedrec" s. negotiable. storage shed & more, close.to.ake' Sas XC Investment Opportunity! 3 bedroom Excellent New Home! French doers semi-detached, tut) basements. •oak kitchen- main floor -laundry. cern, includes tndges & stoves 5120.000 air vac Must be seen' Vacant Building Lots Available in Tuckersmith Township. Country Atmosphere' Cali today for details. Free Home Evaluations 17 Apartments for Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment to Seaforth. close to uptown. S285 plus utilities Also a three bedroom apartment $400/month plus utilities Call 527-0409. 17.17.11 SILVER CREEK , Apartments. Luxury 2 bedroom apartment. con- trolled entrance. three appliances. designed for mature adults. Phone 519-345-2197 17.15111 MAIN FLOOR. large one bdrm apt Eat -in kitchen. patio doors lo deck. quiet building Suitable for seniors $550/mo - includes heat. PUC. garbage. parking and laundry Call 524.9076 or leave message at 527- 2922 17-1lxtfcc A GREAT .TWO bedroom in Seaforth. freshly decorated. 2 new appliances Available now S370, first and last required. No pets. Richerd or Reid 272-2000 or 800- 353.1036. 17.09.11 . ATTRACTIVE • Second floor. one bedroom. Targe -apt. in heritage budding Rent includes heat. (hydro extra) fridge and stove. Controlled entrance Laundry in basement. Call 527.2369 17.09-11 HEATED tw9 bedroom apartment. newsy decorated. close to uptown Phone 527-0235 17.09-H • NEWER 2 bedroom unit, Mitchell. Controlled eritian4e. IaUndry facili- ties. Suitable for seniors. $576.18 Call 348-9102, 17-02xffcc - STOP! Free Month & Utilities •Spacious bach. 1. 2 8 3 txlrrn. • S321 • S529. Great Value' • Great fAanagement • Clr�:ut irr- I ur it ELIZABETH COURT 176 Oxford St . Hensall 519-262-2052 18 Houses for Rent BEAUTIFUL country 1lo.ne. 3 bed- rooms. 2 baths. 5650/month plus utilities References. Exeter. Hensall area 263-5072 Available August 1 18-26x2 FOR RENT 750 to 800 re feet ground floor rn Seatorthal for office or workshop. parking avail- able. Priced lo rent. Apply to PO Box 1148, Seaforth. On. NOK TWO. 23-24x4 25 ,;(1ntr-ri L) )/ WHY HAVE AN AUCTION') Antique, co$ectibtes. toys. coons. whole estates Cash on the spot. CaN 519-364-0448 25-46xtfcc • ANTIQUE FURNITURE. glass- ware. china, sewing machines. lamps. liwetlery. post cards. maga- zines Paying 10e each for Crown / fruit jars Brian Butler, 271 Bums St . Strathroy N7G 1G2. Phone 245-3142 25-23xtfcc 26 Help Wanted PERSONS to puck held stones • Good wages paid for good work. Phone Matt Haney, 522-1375. 26- 26-1 HVAC Tech Wanted Local companyrequires a HVAC technician to join its team A/C and/or Oil Burner tickets a real plus. Reply to: Drawer #72 Go Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 ' Goderich, Ont:. N7A 4B6 1 26 Help Wanted FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT. car- pentry trade. to Marl work July 14/99 Ekpenence is an asset. Send resume 10 Robert Glanville. R R. 04• Walton, Ont. NOK 120 or fax lo 527-1570 26-26-2 INDUSTRIAL SALES- You must have prior success selling presi- dents/owners and senior managers of industrial and agrictdhxal busi- nesses where your products will be the most expensive. You must have strong closing Skil , be will- ing to prospect and wort) indepen- • dently You should have good phone skills. listening skills and a working knowledge of lubrication. You must have prior income of 545.000 Cal - 519-866-5850 on Thursday only 26-26x1cc • CHICKEN CATCHERS required immediately for local night crew Full time employment. Transportation provided. . hours vary. salary. piece work. Hours not suitable for stridents. Call 1-800- 265-1170. 26-26xlcc ORGANIST/PIANiST_ required for Sunday 930 a m. service at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Seaforth. For more information cant 345-2023.26-25-3 • EXPERIENCED CNC machine operators needed for growing man- utaddiring 'company in south of Huron County. Grade 11-12 educe hon. Post secondary 'education an asset..Apply in person at 411 Man . St. 'S . Exeter or by catling 235- 0547 TempTed Employment Services 26-25x2cc - WATKINS PRODUCTS, old time favourites. associates needed. Cad collect 1-519-627-1337 or wnte 19+3 Bruins/ma. Wallaceburg, On N8A 5C5 "'twa@kent:net 26- 25x2 • LULL AND PART TIME help want - Call .Merra ant- Call.Mer/s Patio in IJliblin. 519-345-2701 26-25x2c5 ADDITIONAL HELP required -for waitresses. bartenders, -patio. and kitcnen help. Due to increased cus- tomer flow. Servers must be 18 years or older, post Secondary stu- dents welcorne. Bang resumes to Tom s Peace Clinton, ask for Hailey o/ Devin Tabor 26-22xtfcc . CHICKEN CATCHERS wanted immediately -tuff and part time Nock avail ble. Ptiofe 519-799-5598 26-05xffcc 28 Business Opportunity MOMS Replace your current Income and stay home with your family Call now for free information Heather at 519-527-1799 28-22x5 29 'enders TENDER Ventilation Upgrades to Portable Classroom Tender forms and scope of work available at: Marklevitz Architects - 516 Hliron Street Stratford. ON - N5A 5T7. Phone: (519) 271-9230 Tender Closes. Thursday, Jtily 15th. 1;00 p.m. at: .The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Briard 87 Mill:Street Dublin. ON '.VOK 1E0 Phone: (519) 345-2440 .Nar.rxoernq_Rlnreretre r1•rnrrersrr -r Dm9-ueof .`v Arnr.i Filrtnr:nn 31. Service Directory REPAIR A`4D REFINISHING :f k,r- -ntture and antiques. hardstrrcrrg. also/custom made furniture suit to your plans Roped -Ker- 41:. Seaford,. Phone 527-0786' 3! -09-11 VEAL S .•1tD3.':�i;r err; �,1�•.i' �,!;r .r Hw' , 33 ) : _ ^ ur.5'd r;f Ere!er CLSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING ' OLe SPECIALTY rrr. r-+ it car• T.edfK WANTED FARM EQUIPMENT - TECHNICIAN If you fit the profile of an experienced or apprentice/ Farrn Equipment Technician" looking Or opportunities. with a progressive. multi location dealership, let's get -acquainted. The .experienced technician that qualifies villi receive a dompetitive compensation and benefit package. If you feel -you have the knowtedge•anc motivation please call odsend a resume in confidence to: - BRYAN VINCENT Box 189W Seaforth. Ontano N($ NOK -1W0 . 519-527-0120 - gill -CELT • FARt.1 EQUIPMENT LIMITED © 1997 CASE CORPORATION �s• Visitt w. Case's Web Site at http:J/wwcasecorp.com Case 'H and Case Credit are r:7sterad taderarts if use ;+rperiren. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Juno 30, 1994-7 31 Service Directory •TRUCIONG •GRAVEL •SAND & STONE • BULLDOZING • EXCAVATING • TOPSOIL • SEPTIC SYSTEMS OFFICEP... 482-9926 RR3 Clinton Res. 482-9212 34 Personal APE '.' ivtng enth a drinking prootemn Al Anon can Help Phone 527-1650 34.26-1 WANTED 32 PEOPLE 10 :ose weight and .keep .t off Call Marg • 522.0266. 34-26.1 35 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in The Estate.of • MARGARET CARPENTER . Ail persons having :taus against the estate of Margaret ,arcenter of Huronlea 9r,;;? ; n the County of -'urcr Nhr, lied ;n ;r about the 6th lay ,t ,Lre '3,19 are hereby notified'c ;arra r •ull particulars of their ua:rs r, the undersigned on dr before 'he •26th day of July. 1999, after which date the assets 'will be distributed havrrg regard only tr. Jatms then received. DATED at Seaferlh Ontanc its 25th day .;f ;une. 1999 ' McCONNELI- STEWART & DEVEREAUX. Barristers and Solicitors ' - 77 Main Street, Seaforth. Ontario. NOK 1 WO SctiCrtcr; 'Cr i'e Exac;.tcr 36 Announcements MURPA r 5 SOUSE '•5 open aver, :ay . 3.T. 13C. p m. ;rare 'i -e •~a,ir.:t :t -r srrrrerrr; ^r, re E icy -7•e .Iti- . irate ;rrcclrq 3x;:ererr:e -3fd PicrrcrC-arcra. 3-1 36-29x 9cc . 38. Auction Sale 37 Mortgages i' & 2^a Mortgage Money Absolutely No ,..y.0'I ;los swot/able as ow as 6.50` Interest Personal lases It you wieldy. payments Acta eoriax. Mo ?ayment ' 5.000 4' 66 '10 000 '3333 '*5000 '12500 Consolidate en, lents 'We w« 1l w n amnion, "r;n,yiry,. Cent (519) 364-0450 1-400.387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC 3 .,uctlon Sale RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Set.. July 3 at 9.00 am - Antiques. furnrtur- •t' .1t Lohh Aurtinn Glinlon. Sat..Atli 10at9T00am- Antrqur iurnit:kr,. etc. at Lohh AuctiUl tatntnr, fc:r,' CItntnn ,nderIch • Arid Flayfleld ilnmrn and rsta1 -s batt Mow snew aucttonliottroe. corn AUCTIONS WEO.. JULY 7 AT 4:00 PM. - lopl,ances. antldues i 'ouseho'd at 'he ra•i:•;ir;cx Memorial Hall in Tavtstcc t THURS. JULY 8 AT 4:00 P.M. Apoii.3r'cas g11ecT.3.?'i arc: -erbar ;r r mitt:re'l =-:c •4 :rr 5.3 .^c: tit -, -.: •Itecrerscr :t seatr:rh SAT JULY 10 AT 10.00 A.M. - 1 2 a,: Cr:ber`r acctiarcas Sind. -i: tr-cu.scr.ctd effects ^e'C 3 - -roe Nest ;t 31. Raul'; :c • eq'3rd = rs :acc)erar JACOB & ZEHR AUCTIONS 271-7894 or 887-9199 LARGE AUCTION SALE - x -eid at Rirrar : ...:cc 3 Auction a1:11Cirr; r ,I rtcr •cr *re. _;rata :t 'arcre rail :t 3Gdercn CTLs 3CCiticrs •r r :aye art .,race 2Crrsr :1 Seat -'r :1LS :ter :Crsrgrrr3• ' SATURQAY, JULY 3 1999, 9:00 AM GENERATOR: 1ar^ara _ 30C ;rel :crac)e. sells at • • a_ -- LAWN EQUIPMENT7 •arers PM 126 -Ciro ,rower 2- ;as :Lor , -cwer3: 2 gas •rrr-er;. ;ells et ' : a.. 2 :rairsaws. APPUANCES: rgfis side by"side `rege.'reezer :rest `ret:ar act size freezer. - lcdem GE `rage. Admiral 30' etectrc :tier 30' etectrc ;tc're loth :icer aril cwer :vers. 3E Nrrrer Nasrer 33r,r'Itllief '•1:1Cn:Warre ;rail r '•Iter 2o.een',ac:.Lrr'. 'Sreccarr: 2'1.3 CarSecLe "early ^ew Mtn :LSr :Lttcr grltcr . ANT1ou skFUFRNrTURE. ETC.: 3rr k oeds. artict.e -art, rq- :l arrc article sideboard with ^.Icor ^Ice .^,re ?rOCLe :resser • red- :,a1 -Iry and seroerhre r:rt. 2 --arae 3rnrl.e :leers :r *attars With rnu$taChe culls. artigt.e ^ail arc Nall irrrr Nor:der • ""at `0r^_ ift •cc S rcci desk annrua :::rc ra•tc r secrerar, ccos ase eutr Ir r and :Erred ;lass :ccr Nasrstare • :edar• :rest. r.rks.:aK ;t.ri din)rg Cable 1 eaves. 3 :rears and puffer Nttt'r rrlr-cr :1C .cLcccard ccttcr Nott' :cckcase toc.. -aciar i orer_e :er'rdcrn suite 3 :mice err•:rr•- ;Lite 2 3cucles ' -314 six sc -rr; arid -actress-ee0lecclrt :lair ;e'refa! NCCcer ;riairi. Trac :arCLr •aIle -ail •tae p,arc /;tit:i -ice. ihrarr 'able • -crier _tf k Nrrig cars :ratrs. oredta bed. cve ;ear :rester ie,C R3 :td :resterieici arc •:ratr upl'clsterec :raur;.:ir.Nreei 'a: a a cs floor a'^ca small tables '2 .3..1 :4. _Tatfcrdsr.)re dishes. ;lassrware. •2 Jcilector glares.:ercirg.n,s :Lr usual targe offerrg. OTHER: Ad.rirLr - exterstcr adder 3 Ncc3er ;tee adders..c:'r Nagcr. ;cat :.ac.ar •r:wel. ;artier cots. arc NOTE: 2 AL.cticreers seilirg starting at 3'20 TERMS: Casr :r :revue ertr triter ;. . - + Auctioneer: -Richard Lobb, 519 -482 -7898 -Clinton, • WWw.auctionhotline.com • j • • --- -for full listing . - REAL ESTATE LTD. ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES SEAFORTH 166 GODERICH STREET, WES' 399.3):C. 32 MAIN STREET. VCRTH 399.9CC. •'t JOHN STREET . 5'39.900. 126 MILL STREET569.900. 55 JARVIS STREET 579.900. 67 GOUINLOCK STREET 389.900. 66 ELIZABETH STREET . •. 5'39.900. ' 04�tiiM • IElti �O�0.* Vito •,,R .,,,� ., Parc r--.�.'r '"i ,� !, , - - /• •kh ;it - * r �cEt 40 WEST FRONT STREET • 73 LONDON ROAD R.R.42, SEAFORTH 62 CENTRE STREET; EGMONDVILLE EGMONDVILLE NOW 5125.000 VOVV (87.900.' LIST St99 000 f • • ' LIST 589.900' CALL FOR DETAILS i ` ` IF s •- ' 'i ' 4 ' 1-.v •11111W *1 1 '' 1 I ` (014.1 t> ` 115 JOHN STREET 139 ONTARIO STREET AiCKILLOP TOWNSHIP 110 MARY STREET UST 5157,500 ! CLINTON - t00 ACRE FARROW TO FINISH CLINTON u • LIST $149.900 ' 'WITH EXCEPTIONAL . LIST 5119,900. NEWER'4OME' ':dd� 96 GODERICH STREET, EAST • I'1.900: 80 GEORGE STREET, EAST .,- 352.500. 10 SILVER CREEK CRESCENT $'229.000. 91 WEST WILLIAM STEET . . 5159.900. 62 GODERICH STREET,EAST 570.000 183 JARVIS STREET SQUTH-.._...- ._ __._3].39,:31;,1.`. 132 MILL STREET . 5199.000. 71 JARVIS STREET.579.900. 82 CENTRE STREET 387.900. 74 EAST WILLIAM STREET •. 599,900. 24 CENTRE STREET .. - 569.900. 93CH STREET, WEST (DUPLEX)_ . 3109,000. 107 EAST WILLIAM STREET .:, . , GASP • 399,900. 165 MAIN STREET. SOUTH . .578,500. 51 BRANTFORD STREET . $106,000. 47 ANN STREET r.. ... .$149,900. 94 HIGH STREET 571,500. 215 MAIN STREET. NORTH ... 569.900. 169MAIN STREET, SOUTH • 574.900. 115 JOHN STREET 5157,500; 10 WEST WILLIAM STREET . 589,900. 56 RAILWAY STREET 339.900. EGMONDVILLE 48 WATER STREET f89,900, S139.900. 16 EAST BAYFIELD, STREET 549,900. ... 32 CENTRE STREET... FAIRWAY ROAD - - $199,900, LONDON ROAD 389.900 • HARPURHEY 26 HURON ROAD ..5119,900. 56 HURON ROAD 589.900. 76 HURON ROAD 5199 000 . i i PM' . • 1401M• w ;_... _._ _- � .. , . ' !'• .. - • i. '~ 11 ` 135 ORANGE STREET 107 TOWNSEND STREET St RATTENBURY STREET WEST 1st QUEEN STREET CLINTON CLINTON • CLINTON HENSALL 119T $88.50Q 1 • - • LIST 5126.900' ' • LIST 584.900.1 LIST 596.500.' .� i , ^'�."r-• i 7 M ,. », Ur' ;r f . , t '�F � i -' �►L i ) 11111111111 Ill r r I •• ,•l • 'lb 1/ OXFORD STREET 100 ACRES 1N 207 TOWNSENOSTREET SWORE 34 HENSALL MCKILLOP TOWNSHIP CLINTON DUBLIN LiST 5139,900 1 WITH BRICK HOME & LIST 5129.900' UST 5179.900 ' OuTBUtLDYWS 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH &-AREA «° a' lryrl b . r .' ,b, btiA'88 Mr A'. ;Ilk, (10 " J� • �• L1 Seaforth office: 'MAUREEN WILDFONG 'PERCY SCHNEIDER '9R$AN COOMBS 'PION itIIJRRAY 412-3224 Iti5504 WWS-5350 3452'001 519 / 527-1577 OPEN SIX DAYS •SALES REPRESENTATIVE 8 Main Street A WEEK! MLS REALTOR 40 Lost & Found POLING 'Crarge :at. •eLtere0 male: deciawed. `rerOIv 12'2-C'1' 1C -25x', a =rt_PtC `'.Lre ' 3th. ;c^al bres:;v - grey otter acs:Lt 1 -crus :id :iau^ CtedSt :ail 1' 3- ?-'.:18 42 Deaths LITTLE, John R.; Satt.niay. June .19.. 1399 at Sthlterlit Community Hgspttat .cry =ccert , LttIe. of . Seaforth arc; ' r -"env of- . Chitin and • •Strattcrr: aged .39. - years, Special. hterd- •q a.,zarne. Zehr. of Seaforth, and mer 'amity. Chenshed father of Micraei. Daniel, ' - - Holly, Amanda and Ben. 3eioved - brother- and brother-in-.aw if 7Cfiiladef7,Sarn ari;-Arre- ;-me;-----• • Mon$tpn, Mane and Geri/ 3mtti, Seaforth. Barb Taman arc Matt -+pyan, Toronto. ' and Jeff . • Colctough, Stratford. •also 3urnved - by one., unite and several nieces: nephews and cousins, -+e was pre • - deceased by Ms oarents, Arthur. and Mane (Williams) Lottie. a Grotti- er. Wayne. and hos .grandparents... Family received friends At the' Whitney-Rtbey Funeral - Heine, Seaforth, on Tuesday. June 22 from - 2.4 and,7.9 p.m. where the funeral service w88 held on Wednesday, • June 23 •at 2 p.m.' Rev. Judith . Springett officiated. Pallbearers,. • were Jon Weber. Waiter '_awson, - . Herman Reid, - Mike Lithe. Can - Littie. Mike Welsh. Flower bearers were Don Brown. Paul Ferris, • Al Chesney. Gerry Smith gave the • eulogy and a poem *a8 read by Mike Lithe anti Dan Little. The soloist was Melissa Zehr -ince Again' A graveside message .was delivered by Mike Walsh and the organist was Carol Carter. Interment Mettiandbarlk Cemetery. Memonai donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation *mid be appreciated ae expressions c f sym- pathy. 42728.1