HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-06-23, Page 10111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
1D -TME HURON EXPOSITOR, Jur* 23. 11111/
;OA 11011 ,tll4i
38 Auc tion •
to be held al Richard lobo s Auction Budding in Clinton for Helen
Shaughan of Godenrl• plus additions from Seaforth. Brussels and
Goder,ch homes Marlene Hart of Clinton
SATURDAY, JUNE 261999, 9:00 AM
TRAILER: 4 X8 2 wheel trader with side racks kghts and tack
.goodone -
FARMT.OY TRACTORS: 21. Ford 1!16 scale harlots as new .n
box some lsm4ed and collector editions. 6.111 1116 scale tractors
Phone for list o' see www actionhotlme corn Selling at 11 am.
CHANDLERS: 10 Chondro' pants plus other pictures, selling at
1 1130 am -
APPLIANCES: Air ccinditione'. 2 fridges.- almond chest treater.
matching McCrary washer and dryer. Maytag dryer. buret in -
dishwasher. almond 30' stove with Mack glass oven door. ceiling
ran 6 hanging tight fixtures. microwave oven propane barbecue
FURNITURE: Chesterfield and.cha.r like new. plus 3 other
chesterfields. refiner Chair, nine piece dining suite. round table 4
chairs and large hutch. modem round table 3 leaves and small
buffet table and mchair sets. child s press back rocker. 3 piece
bedroom suite with box sprang and mattress. antique bed with
fancy curved foot board. box spnng and mattress: queen and -
smglebox spring and mattress. cedar chest. smart desk,
compute! desk antique drop leaf kitchen table portable Singer
sewing mact.ne plus cur usual large ofenng_of furniture: portable
cell phone. dishes and glassware including Chintz. cup and
saucer ! place setting of fiatware. 3 section wall. unit. wicker
LAWN EQUIPMENT: Trading grass catcher vaccum wrth 5 HP
Bnggs engwre push gas taws mower. .12 von grass whip.. eiettnc
hand held bower
OTHER: 5 square of new vinyl siding. gram bin aerator, 18 tb
counter scale (Toledo). car tamps. other topes and m1.9- tans.
tattle saw. band saw
NOTE 2 Auctioneers selling starling at.9 00:a•
TERMS: Cash or cheoue with -proper t D
Auctioneer: Richard Lobb. 519-482-7898 Clinton
for full listing
42 Deaths
42. Deaths
L J Questions & Answers -
abnitt grief recovery"
twoowsk r.rt- riot /rib/
.Q My (mend has been widowed for over sit months now and she is
still moping around, Shouldn't she be getting offer this'pretty:soon'
\ it ::n',•riant tri rem rnber that:rietl, 3 Mitziiy lyd:vt.dual
r'•<nce and .can :are in` rt- tenth and .3utatn:r: Such racto,r. a$
• .l;lty dtetern-.matta:n. lila'. expc•nrn.cu - and the reiatlrn.hip to
3 ,-j. Bre •me :,r the factor- that Actermine the length of the -
... HE :< .trtt
. , ac . ,•u; : thrc ....... •,. t: eb. _4r.e7 .• . please write.
Funeral Home
.87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth - 527-1390
-A wewbrr e(Tbr.•tftirLo}i Fa.•fh of -lar••:
a:a. a i/ it Miynyi thou :5,, aril rub anuu..:ran rru. rrerrr•,
C I .tilerion Inc • ?10:2.6.3 - -
43 Births
Dane and 'Jeff are • proud. to
- announce the amval of their daugh-
ter. Morgan Diane on June 3-: 1999
a• C Hospital we,greng
s '4 CZ Special thank you to
�r ay D'. Smen and all the OB
sta" 43.25-1 .
46. In Memoriam
MCKENZIE: - a 1u 81 pea:etu
ceme:e-, w' ere the gentle breezes
- Sleeps true one we bve so, dearly.
we lost three years ago
Wettonk of you so often and mss
you more each day
nor i:fe 1s not the same for us since
You were' called away
We did not sire you close your eyes.-
nor'iear your last faint sign
We only beard that.you were gone
Too late to say goodbye
Our *amity chain was broken and
Y.r✓Qlmg 'sr*same,' '
. But as God calls us one.by one that
train wiri rink again... `
we nage never asked for miracles.
but today just one wdtifd do
To see the door push open and see
i'.,u walking through .
• Jeepri missed and always loved •
Ti•e Mt✓•enz a Family. isabet•
.✓anne Atan'` Marsha. Bonnie
Gien Carol and Bix•-.46-25x1
CUSACK: In roving memory of a
dear nusbarrj Lawrence (Joel lytic
passed away 6 years ago. June 25
1993 .
r have lost my lite s comparison
.A We linked to my own.
.And day byc1 y I think Cif ism
As 1 sit here all alone
The r.WSe rie leo 15 IOneiy
And air. ionety 100
For..r, a quiet country gravnyaro
1/irrere tr.e genre -breezes blow
L.e5 the One 1 love SG loamy
liVrti abd 6 'years ago ,
LO/,ngry remer.6erea and -sadly
rr.sied by wile Pnyttis 46.25s t
SIMPSON: in knnr.g memory of a
dear daughter Deborar, e4.o passed
away ir a tar accident 21 -years
ago J„rw 4 1978
Tres month (...4(r085 writ. sad regret.
Bruins back a da y 1 rapt t-.6 der forget
Tr* . WO* was great trhtr shock
Sev616 •
I r.ev6r V7ou9tit the end was near
And urify MOS. who nave 105 can
Tae pain of parting without farewell
No one kncnws Ise grief l bear
When the cambia? meets and you re
riot mere
You ieh me sco suddenly, your
thoughts unknown
• Bin you left me memories 1 am
proud lo car my own
Lovingly remembered arid sadly.
Miriam, by Mom 46.25-1
46. In Memoriam
CUSACK: ,;)trig r -:amore c' a
lost brct•ter joe who passed away
June 25 1.993 • -
May the words of i•feaven blow gen:
On a country. graveyard Spot.
Where me one t love :s sieeo ng.
-And « never be forgot '
Sad'.. ^ ssed et- sister A 'ice
47. Cards of Thanks
would .,• 3'ttrty
Mends. a : •ierg!.D:urs fcr the
many taros visits andtteats during
and aftermy stay in the Hospital
'Speaat thanks- to -the -nurses -and
tneraptsts .at Seaforth Community
i4osp,tar- for their exceiient care
• Watso^ Re -d 47-250
l would tike to thank alt my "ends:
reletves and ne,gntoirs for the vis-
as cards and ()bane earls while i
was a patent in Seatortn Hospital
Special tranks to Dr Edwards and
att.tne.r•ursang staff for true wonder-
ful care Helen• 47.25
! woue1 oke tu..•hank everyone who
sponsored me in i the. ,Dreamhff
Walk My Morn and r raised 5515 QO
n the Walkatrion The day t spent at
-Disney Work, was one of the best
days Of my Irte Thanks to everyone
fc,r helping me raise money 56 Vie
Sunshine Foundation can send
more. k.0S :x+ Dreamh/ts • Carne
Degnton 47-25-1 .
We would oke 10 tank everyone for
mei/ Best Wisr.es lovely gids and.
dolens of.beautful'cards arid din-
ner out 'for out _50th Anniversary
5pecral trar,ks.lo our tarrkty for trherr
love 814. t.e1p YOttr tt .ughttuiness
win icing be remembered • Ron b
Paulen.) Bennett 47.25x1c
W6 wou1U r.ke (O V.dn.s f3ruceheki
and Seafortr: Fare Departrnents for
their excellent work at our barn fire
-.Bob and Donna 47-25x1
A 5 0(81e thank you to all c,1 feta -
vies • friends aria neighbours for
Moir many expressions of sympa-•
IN en the loss W our beloved moth-
er Mary arrowroot( We are grate -
tut to everyone kr the "he calls.
the many cards. floral tributes,
memorial donations and kind
words Special ttiar.ks to Dr Mark
Wotand. Dr Dan Rooyakkers. the
nurses and staff al Seaforth
Community Hospital and Home
Care •nurses and support staff
Heartfelt thanks to Rev John Young
tot his comto 1 yg message and
Joyce McClure for as the hors
spent writ Mom Thank you to the
Lotdesboro UCW tor 8.e dekc.ous
luno, after the service Your
thoughts and prayers env always be
remembered ting and Donna
Lynne 47 25 t
St.,Columban CWL has entertaining skits
The St. Columban Parish •
Hall was filled with several
area ladies for the annual St.
Columban C.W.L. June- -
A skit was performed for
the entertainment of alt. it •
was a "Millennium Fashion
Show." Before this "spoof"
of the latest fashions. we.
.were treated to "Pachabel's
Canon in D.- played in duet
by Amanda Ryan nn violin
and Patsy Crowley on .
. keyboard. Then Madame
• Chanel (Karen Menheere)
led us through the array of .
-fashions. .
We were introduced to -
-Bouncing Beuy(Ann -
Cronin): Sunny Sue (Nancy -
Kale). Sporty Spice (Lori • .
Parsons). Paper Doll (Karen
-Ryan). Typing Tillie (Glenda
Murray'. Punky Pat (Mary
Jane Coyne ). Daisy May
(Carta Knight). Dapper Della
(Maria Vogelsl. and M. •
(Rudy Jansen,
Delectable Dianne (Patsy
Crowley).- Viola (Amanda.
R\ant'and ti imhle.Ncllte
Jane Crowley i provided"the:
m mu.ICfor this unique •
fashion shiiw.
St. Columban
Other highlights .for the
evening -included a penny
tale table. a hake table and
Some draws A " Toonie
Tree" donated by Rudy
Jansen was won
by Mari Hulley:
a pair elf •
. handcrafted
pillnws donated
by Helen Nolan
was won by
a hand knitted By Mary C
sweater donated Ryon
by Bep Klaver 345-2560
was won by
Shirley. •
Morrison: a
birdhouse was
. won by Olave Little: herbal
products donated, by Mari:t
Vngel'.serc 'son l.. Mandy
Ryan..and a second hand
'knitted sweater -donated h\
Bep Kla'Er was won by Jean
Fcken A lunch and s.Ktal
time concluded the e'•ening •
Congratulation- to'several
area graduates from thctr
colleges and unii,ersity -
�r.urscs Chnsta Murra. .
daughter of Ken and Anne
Murray. graduated with the
two year diploma in Early
.Childhood Education
• Graduations exercises were
.held in the new air- - •
conditioned Sports. and
Entertainment Centre on
June 12 with a reception at
lamhton College .
Cafeteria. Sarnia. Fellow
graduates from this area -
thcluded: Lisa Blake:
•Brussels: Sherry Hugi1F.
Seaforth and Lisa Wilson.
Seaforth. Patricia
Stapleton received the two
year diploma_in
Hclspttalityand Tnurt m
. Management. • -
Karen Vansteelandt.-
daughter of Gilbert and Rick)
Vanstectandt. received h' -r •••
Bachelor of Fduca(ion and
Bachelor of Science trOm the
L'niersity of Windsor at the
. con.yocatinn held there on
'June (i Alone with her
parents. the con\•,cation.w:IS
. attended by -her -.inter. Tan\ -a
and Kevin Quipp. Mitchell..
[Asa Murray. daughter of
,-Claire Murray. recently
landed :n Nairohi: Kenya..
.and will spend a month
. travelling in Africa.
-Happy -birthday to two
special ladies who recently.
celebrated. "special"
birthdays. Best wishes:rcm
the cr,mMunit\ to Ann
Crnnrr.. wife of Gay: and
Be-. S -.ea. '•stie of.Ke•....
. Community Calendar
WED., JUNE 23 at 8 0 p m. Po peol n S nrr-rig
1 30-4 00 p m - Senor e Lions
Shuffleboard at the Arena
6 30.9 30 p m - ninth In Lrne
Hockey at the Arena
6 30.8 30 p. m • Minor Soccer at
1 00-4 30-p m' ()per N r`, -•.g
at the Lions Pool
6 00.8 30.o m'- Oper S v g
the Optimist Park at the Dors Pool•
7 00.8 00 p m -Aerobic Step 8 00-11 r,C C m Men s -Pton
Class with Drusilta al the Arena '- at the _,ors and dptrrist Paris
7 30.9 00 p m. - Ladies" Sic -Pitch
at e Optimist Park' MON.,-,JUNE 28
THURS.,_ JUNE 24 6 a 're 9 scroor ,tortt �t.e �`'
9 00-10:00 a m - Fitness is Fun - Duarrord
with Drusilia at the Arena 730-10-.30 b-rn -Minor Scotts
6.45-745 p.m. -.'-Ball at the _ Council BINGO at ire Arera-
Highschool North Diamond
T00-8:00 p.m: - Stretching and
Strengthening with Sue at
the Arena
8.00 9 30 D m: - Sluggers SIO -Poch TUES. , JUNE 29
at_the Optimist Park . y t-1.-'' 3C a" - oarer's and
9.00.10-.30 p m. - Straycat "'av, :oaf `4cr11•s+ae
Pitch at the Lions Pa -v
9:30-11 30 p m - Eagles S :-P :' alias n �.re
at the Optimist Park ,
FRI., JUNE 25 _ :: • :: : - - ue.,
CO -8:30 p m• Recs =astca
Game at the Lions Park
8.30-10:00 p m- - Sentries .
Fastbalr Game at me Lions Par* 1 30-410 p rT - Ser,cr
doors open at 5 30 0 ^ • '
800-1100pm.- Mer sSo-Pict^-
- at ttre L.ons and Octirr st O ants
3t Te :t-5 "3'k
Shufflebce•.• a! tie Arena
ill -4" 00 p r Coer 5 3C-8 3C c - - '.'rrCr Soccer at
J: S•
al the Lions icor
3.85 ro :e^,. __ •_ __
a:: :- _- -a
7"..--- =- s
47 Cards of Thanks
ie terrviy ofthe late -Vera Johnston
would tike to express our Sincere
thanks for all the concem and kind-
ness_gtYen :u_s at tn1 .pore of lite.
loss of our •mother A neartfeit thank
you to Dr Edwards and all the start
Of _ the. Seaforth Hospital and
Community. Care, A very.. special
thank you to Rev Judith Spnngett:
for the, levet," service and words of
.compassion. A very special thanks
to ,all our mends. neighbours and
'relations: for WI the worth .of com-
torf. flowersfood that was. brought
to Our home. cards and donabons
given in her memory Thank you to
Chns• S lstti of Vie Box and Srprth
Funeral Chapel for your care and
concern Thanks to the 6 nephews
•who acted as pallbearers. Thank
you. to the Sealortn Legion Branch
156 for tie.• delicious lunch which
was served after the. servree. Your
concern. love and acts of badness
nave helped us greatly and will
always be remembered - John and
Leola 47-25x1 •
A sincere thank you to.everyone Ion
the phone calfs and visits during my
stay in the thosprtal and sine then.
Special thanks to the ambulance
attendants Dr Rodney, the nursing
staff at Seatortn Hosptal. Bob
Wilson and Arne Brock 401--411811 -
quick response for help : • Ivan
Nghtrnan 47.25x-1
A heartfelt thank you 'to Dr Wryer
Juke Falconer, and the 08 staff at
Stratford General l•Wsptai for their
•support and care when Jason was
torn 1 also want to thank . our '
blends and fannies for their flow• •
ars. gifts visits and cards when
mean so much to us And most of all -
my everlasbng gratitude to my hus-
band lan and my Mom lot their con-
stant support tvougthou 1 the tong
hours of waiting • Stephanie
47-25x too
Thank yOu f, my wife, ramify avid
relatives who reaped me oefore.
during and after heart surgery
Thank you to Dr Rodney and rouse
Oviiitlfor getting me into Unversrty
14089481 Thank you to the ambu-
lance driver and attendants B
Lucas. 0 PtWkps and nurse L
Davies Tank YOU for your cards,
gifts phone Calls and your concern
Tt.ank you to Dr McKenzie and
team arid staff for giving rte better
quality of kte Everything IS very
much appfeciaid N 47-25x1
Happy annivcr^ try and hest
. wishes from the cnrrimunity •
.also go out to Lou and Pat •
O'Reilly who celebrated -
their 50th Wedding
. Anniversary..
Congratulations and b. s(
wishes for many happy years
together go out to Stephen
Ryan. son of Ron and Mary
'Ryan. and Heather Billson. -
daughter of Rick and Janet -
Billion. Winthrop. Stephen
and Heather were mimed
June 19 at Si.- Joseph.: •
Church. Stratford. Father
Richard Tremblay presided.
Congratulations to all the
young people from Si
Cotui'nhan School who
participated in the track meet .
held in Godench on June 10.
In the Junior girl event. •
Kristina Kelly finished tirst
in the ll)(im and 200m race
and•was awarded Best • -
Overatl .Athlete. .
The Junior Girls relay team .
.onsrsting of Kristina Kelly.
Kassie .Avery: Michelle Van
Lc,nneind Colleen:n'Rei11v
ai.o p !aged first.
- in the intermediate hoes
drtistiin TonvDekroon
placed third in the running
?Ong jump. The Intermediate -
boy n relay team cntisisting •
of Jim Kelly. Tony Dekroon.
•Jamie. Cronin and.Paul:
Harttie! came third.In the
Senior boy; division Gerard
n'Reilly placed second to the
shot put event
Students from St. James
win track and field medals
S: --es w, 7 the ::p: Henderson in .400 m; Chris
school, award for Huron Cronin in ball throw. Mike
County at.thc-Huron-Pert' • McLaughlin in • 206 m.
ystem track . meet in Ni.ole Kilner tn:_00 m
Godertch June lt). and Tara O'Reilly 11 40()
: Senior',girls. and m.
:nrcermediate boys placed • Thirds include .A-drian
second. Firsts included Guntensper. r in•running
,bail Cbnnoliv to ball longjump.and 200 m and. .
throw. •JJll.ian V�'righ_f rn Lukas Guntensperger
triple ..Jump and Brad l:1)O m...Brad•Hender:,
Henderson. in .200 m and - .was awarded an .individual
800.m.. - award for ;n.termedlate
Seconds included Brad division..
i Y:t ` 7SJN
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