HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-06-23, Page 88 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Juno 23, f 99e Expositor .s lsitlita.1iat gall rt>r Coming Events CANADA DAY BAG SALE at the Salvation Army Thrift Stores. 8G • g Street: Clinton (9 30-4 30 G ' 33- West Street. Godench 30'p in j. Wednesday. June Bags S10 and S3 Wear a Maple leaf -aro receive an addtonal ' •" �E-25x1:: • ''JANTED 'Crafters. variola': Heler, Pr i+PS: IODE Graft August 21 • 1999 -For ,gfc•rnatwr. cal Y.ck, 519.348.9377 CE-25xlcc BRUSSELS LEGION Singles Dance S•.r•day. June 27. 7 p m • 11 p rr - 38 p D M..sic by. The Gauntry versatnes. info: 519.387. 6562• CE-25x'cc • SACK AND ' RED of fee .ng Sick a' t tired Come and en.oy 'our - He.•ta :., t at -40 London Rd Egrr:ryndv3te ori June 24 at 7 30 .. p rn 1 ry rg .rlforr•iat c' ;all r(,m 522.0593 CE -24-2 A G' S O' Faah D'ar':a t/ ristri -ear- Gresarts •'Jolit)an- A sexes of ;ra.-a.: oe-',rrra^ces tr:at offer 'Or Da.•! ,re Sat„•ca, .r re 25 .0 c at Bet^e 3c•e Crurcr 12; Ma,r St. S. Sea':rt••;'. Or :rrre'1'y `Garad a'. -'e, CE-23x3c JULY 2 & 3 CHAMPIONSHIPS s:J^, A- .� P 7 7 e rte ^ y .• : .. at _ 3 3, a -- S--,4 --: :n :ge's ;ar c i 5' 3 2 _ CE-23x4cc BEr, . , VA', 21 . DABBER 3 - z 3ayfretd C:•-�. .r Certre Dc':r- Operr 3 - X. scar^ P:tenti x.0at ze -, 530 00V s' _s -..in, jackpot. `.evade • _ is a,a 3G e Bay-fietd.L ors a^.d _ _ ass _ : :Y002" 2 • BINGO Godes.:r. Kr yr:s of -C: •7 pm.. Ce -!'e 3.3: Parsons Cot S4 a: `.r. S' '?'; a- a:KL: „• : _ : .,st g- _ ° : _: = -st Sat., lar :f z Co Certre s : _ a: : : a t^c1 -oto zes • C656 •Sta. -:3 Ga -e a. air _ ";: .... SE =OP-- .CP SPORTS 3 ^ _ . _ . Ms -;a, at • ▪ _ 3 _ '':a, : ea-_ .: .3- 3 a- 3 -t r Mcrday. ._ _3:'.G.t ."�.:•:.'s open at ' :•et saes 630 p.rn • :.._ :e -se =M297'96 tPtORK#t R �` ('HOP BBQ Cy FUN DAY _.Sunday. June 2l7th WINTHROP B:\I L PARK . • tl.•,•tom:, 1999 MITCHELL 'HOMECOMING - _ ,.'t 4 1? -94 A HUGE LIST OF EVENTS! Wed: June 30 Variety, Showcase 7.30 • Mitchell Arena Teen Dance 9 11:30 ht tchelrDistrict H S Thurs . July 1 An Evening at the Park 6p m - t a.m Fireworks at dusk' Sat. July 3 Three Dances 9 p.m • t -a.m. S10 Age of Majority 1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE -An excellent choice of perennials and water plants. Water lilies are blooming. Come see what else is blooming! Follow the signs on Highway 8 and Highway 4 or call 527-1249 after 5:00 p.m. Mar -Tina's Perennials Kinbum - 1 Articles For Sale HOTPOtN' +rase,' 3 "mach,r a approx 7 months old good condition: 4250 00 Prone 527.1779 -evenings 01.25x3: EDGEFEST TICKET for July 'A) Can Luke Wright 527- 25-1 • iE POOL SAVINGS .ya above ground :.c.,: .a ars 5199. Barracuda .r- gr:ourd pod cieaners 5299 with trade -.n: toys -ro tax: above ground, 0004 staircase. 5399 solar Blankets from 571solar Blanket for use rstead of the olarket -rely S9 95 ea aoove ground poo pack- age, ackage, .not egutcrnert, maintenance krt. b+acket and 10 year ',remarry only 52.200 Cr S52•month for 5. rt orthis 0 A C Can or drop :n today to-Rrntpuis Pools and Soas =td . 1 4 mile north .ofWingham rr Hwy s4 357-2628 or 1 -800 -7155 -?585 01.24x2:: SATELLITE bISHES .Expressyd .3500 51-99 95 tin. -Ji.re 30-99. We Instant sell. buy and ser- vice ail brands. of rew..and used Canada-, and Arnencan sm dise- es rail 1.519-527-1009• 8. _ _ ses Seaford,. 01-24=2 WOOD AND ELECTRIC furnace great for sncp-. S500 00 Firewood `Gr sale 54: `ace cord..can deliver -ersau 253-:072 0,-244 • -Find OA PF_ r'air :tradition best :+'er Can 519-522- "- ,ARD 19-522-- WARD PLAY :structure with :.. - a tndge and tire rano a Ger hitch bike rack. used • : "erent sizes. Fiscner-Prce a ' Phone 519-345-2204 • - 21-2 -P 0-7...• S1.00- • a- P' -c Dau. Blay 5'9-526- : :•-23x2.: . _ 'O -P _Gild s.ope and eat :^-s orce and 'cr a :ost and :tur3c.e. sea :cfing. Call '-388-810-756.3 : 2-3x3•:: .OERSOLL ": ower Mode, = ' 2 =2' a^c ..-..S': _-etas grass • t e _ tie -a -*a 238-34; • -23x3cc S_ t•e- s eeJ•: 3' -r -AA; je ,rear Ca,rRoger at ^.arc Katie 233-3914 : •-22.=':: 3L• C,,C _ .- az,rg ;re oar r -C S^5.weei 040 - `= • " Trrtermord:, >_-ware and 'more- -'ee _ : : _: +ery and set - 22x5cc ▪ ~ __ Sia -:ess steel r),iker c,.c'cers;-ear secarator Phone 527.1288 : • -22x3: PEWOOD Durrptnck 'Dads :t -arcwo'dr•slatwccd .and edgings cr blocks - Can' P _ Jurgey and 5 'r5 5' 9-31?-cA,_ '-45xtfcc ATV HELMETS wIr‘ Chir,.;u13r7.1 . $79.95 SEAFORTH 51%-527-0120 Vok., FARM EOUIPUE ryT LIMITED FLEA telARKET Blit•!': 11.1T1•:R 1'R 1I)IN(: l'()S"1• The ()Id %iib• Tiverton. ON 368-8667 • (►pen For the Seam* 9 a m p.m am.400pr • t , . .: (......cat teas f K.•;: \,:.t:; Star. .z6. -Sbh' 3 Garage Sales CHIDRENS CLOTHING. Girls `3-4T Boys NB -18 mo. Malty baby Mems. some household goods. Friday. June 25 - 1-5 , Saturday. June 26 9-1 karpurttey. Sealorth. 03-25.1 5 Cars for Sale 1984 FIERO SE for parts. S5,`L` Phone 524.3144.05-25x2nxe 1956 PONTIAC .LAURENTIAN 4 Wog sedan. 6 cylinder. 3 speed standard. transmission. appraised P500..54500 o b o Trade for 50- 6.0 S 1 2 pickup,- equal va nue 527- 2896 05.2521 6 Trucks for Sale 1987 JEEPY7 wMte. black soft top. Bra: 5 speed. 6 cyl.. 54500.00 as is. Call 529-1145 after 5 p m 08- 24x2cc • 1996 POLARIS 600 XLT touring. 2 up reverse. driver and passenger hand warmers. new cover, sM%s. large helmet with electnc visor. 54500 firm 1519) 526.7768. 7F- 25x3cc 10 Pets FREE KITTENS t0 good homes. Call 345.2150 10.25st MA AND -PAWS GROOMING , cert/ - NW. gentle groomer. reasonable rates: (bib **Icon* Baths, Waits. comb -outs. On Highway 21 north of St Joseph. Call Dianne at 519-236- 7570.10.08/Woe Town and Country LASSIFIEDS Deadlsnc: itrionday, 1:00 PM Call i2 --O 2 42 0 1 I G Farm Equipment 344 _A',AND -PAC hp.' 2 2.", -c- rs exceilert tion. with 3 -year-old T. Agr.•Trertt snowblower. 50. Betco finer ard Holland %.GTS tree planter Aii r good condition.- Asking Sr; ace, o b.o Phone 524-9868 Y3- 24x4dc '• ?EE POINT HITCH `torr fer1l-- zer spreader atl stainless steer and fiberglass with 140o 't: capacity 5800 00 Call $24-4167 '1 G- 23x2cc . 1 1H Farm Services CUSTOM WICK WEEDING Thomas & Luke Veens 522-0667 CUSTOM WICK WEEDING :^c - - accurate CC N t. - ;.,arartee0 _55,,.115- . -'o- Nees. e \I..R Neer Call Ben 236-7059 CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE BALING Call 345-2880 Nick Klaver ow es omens, us CUSTOM LIQUID NL\`URE REMIOV 4L Vacuum Tank 2 Units Available g • Agitation f REY-AGRA 1 • 519-345-0047 1 E-rnatl RE't.-\GR.A 1 STRATFORD \ EBGATE NET InNO Ill INfINIIliNIION 1 1H Farm Services 0 . STGM WICK 'WEEDING of milk- weed 30 ft wick weeder on a ATV Cao jaw", %login 233-7467 111-4- 24x3 CUSTOM ROUND Dating. Ken Bachert 527-2487 "-i-23x3c ..STOM. ROUND BALING and arge square Balirg. Phone Dan Murray 345-2628 11 H-23-8 - Ci, S -OM ROUND paling. 4 R /vide cy 3 ft -5 I-40 ..)onn Deere 466, Scott Consitt 233-9297 or 565- 2-23 "-'-22x13cc - 0M BALE Nracpirg, arc: :,g square Dales.. new -.ce _ re zae wrapper. Call Mike 382- 58'-2•xtfcc 1 1! Farm Land Gash.re'or 6 :cws arc :awes Call ..aune Sremcr i- 347-2401 11J_25x2cc 1 1K Farm Real Estate =ARMS 'cr sale :v ow-er Starlet'-ownsnip -t:rcr C.,,rr, :r --w•, 2^. borderrg ...ake ar:-es arc 76 acres :rair d crrre A 'arr lard. Cad 5 • 3- 236-455 • atter 3 .. , • • 425x4cc 12 Real Estate far Sale GRE',' BRICK . RANCH -cme r Z..ncr. Quiet location. Newly deco-; •ated kitchen and +wing rocrh. three Gedrscrs oreezeway Ntih garage attacred. paved drive. finished :aserrert with exn tc arge orvate• :ackyard and deck 5112:9CC For ,•ew,rg or more rfcrrnaticr sail :'3-236-40'4 2-21x3: G000 :_0C4' 0^. n Seafcrh. -ewer 3 cedr:cr- :ick. eat r cicrer. 4 pce arc 3 cce oaths. rew mot central au -.ewer = A.3 `;,r -ace carrcr. finished case- -ert r r'ediate possession. Call 52--7.622 7r 235-0302. 12-24-2 16. For Rent =U'. ED ..ec,rg - saior. :cwrtcwr. ___:s Available August • P":' e 5.3-887-9007 76-244 17 Apartments for rent '•0 3E0c2CCM ^ewly renovated w'7 wasrer arc :rfer.rookuc are : :cthesrine -eat rctuded. carxlrg. within half block of stores. 32 Mair fhcrth. -Seaford- Pt-one.52' •- _1x2 _A =GE ONE bedroom agar inert r ^t:r zrtrciled ertrarce 'rdge a -c stove rduded. gas -eat. 71.t- s,ce :alccrv. separately 'retered duet building in a good• ccs10r ai.rdry and meals avail- 3c,e warted Available ,:lily 'st. ▪ ease =ail 525-"33 cr. 182.35" • --2 xscc The Huron Expositor's LAS SIFIED S r e - ...••s - -7 'ers l hens • ]r.c.es - J 4Ie - -• -rye • :0,34e,'(71 ;ate ;a Arr.or,es S An 4.1 11}15 i �iCf..eS :5 C.315 Fat' 1141astrtA- Spewttseesesa ;A -K ill ^ r .1 ar1eC • f"•-3wpr•r'r -1 Warred ;.. • = Nrfred : 3.r ries Ncrcr-,c:es . - icvvr•cb.,es S Tec _arrpe•S S lows 51: •-/-. vcrre '2rnre ;•erT� s :i:ca.�es r .- :ear -stare -r Sc:a :3er•.es :ext' 77, %crr^s S ionic . --r ?err -errcl> Dery •- .. . a•a.-..e 3wl:. 1a 7erar^s • 47; aJn1,s 44 ^goger••.er'S 45 51hr.,5ges - ^.ter^o...;rs 47 `ar- s :r -^7.r1.7 DEADLINE'FOR CI.ASSIFIED ADS IS Jf0ND.tY r:oo PM For ether papers Deadline is MONDAY t r ioo AM tit rates plus GST �. a ...� -a• - weeks nr1-r ...: a .. :-cents .tri 'X',:R: ' --,ill• \1emor:arr.• 1;u+ :: -errs per :me 'fl - erse. knnountements-- :; \X-rr,ls So - . -.anal h -.r.: r 'X'e.are also -jr e . ; uis .x, tit :r»Iow:ry p3131 T7mron. 1t:rc ie:?.:.. .,r ., -.r.carrt.ne. Zurch 3t P -r. Fic:n. 3y alar :ne .-.c i ... ..- . r •vr tar. 113c1 77r ume.;<! _: ••n:ra )r r+.. . .,.. .. c .. r ...,nal ): - t:..r av ..t.\t -o; _ : P\t - . Prudential Heartland Realty 519-482-3404) 1 1lbert Street. Clinton See our web site: vis-.phr.nn..a ANNOUNCEMENT Lorie Zulauf Joie- R:rresentat: R L ..hl+ -l�a•�� \ - MC r-...... :he72 PrUor i. am S'r. -e t r� l_ '7 m 7C.• : r r. + L r : R41. E .a:.z ..rFe - - - . count .Jnl: :'1vit,- 1. :r1cndsand env.:ne ^u'•in, r ,etlini real e,tate : t ac:1 her at .he :oiluwtnt: number, HOME OFFICE: 519-:53' 05 FAX: - 519-522-2131 21 HOUR PAGER: 519-11323.301) COLD BANIW,R www.coldwellbankerfc.com NEW LOWER PRICE III a .11,11114, All Points - Festival City Realty 527.2103 34 Main St. GOLF COURSE CLASSIC LINDA DZIOBA• Every Day Until It's Sold!!! (Toll Free) 1-877-599-0090 UST LISTED - 50 WILLIAM ST.. EGMONDVILLE • DA ROOM -'_GE .VCRKS'OP `rGROuND POOL COUNTRY BEAUTY =_OR'DA ROOM. A-1 ENS, ITE. FIREPLACE LUXURIES HERE HOBBY FARM -4.28 ACRES WHAT A BEAUTY!! 0.68 ACRE LOT Fireplace. corner .` whirlpool. oak kitchen cathedralceding. skylight: 2000 sq: ft. . finished area List - S189.900. JUST LISTED - ONLY S56.900. 2960 SQ. FEET OF XURY 66.ACRES ON PAVED ROAD PICTURE PERFECT • S102.000 HARDWOOD FLOORING, 3.1 • j BEDROOMS. FENCED YARD. GRAND FRONT PORCH. BARN. DRIVESHEO. 4 BEDROOMS. FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN APPLIANCES BOTH LEVELS FINISHED FAMILV.ROOM WITW FIREPLACE 3 BATHROOMS WITH WHIRLPOOL TUB COUNTRY SIZE - KITCHEN/FRIDGE 8 STOVE. NEWER SIDING. • 968 ACRES BARN,WORKSHOP GORGEOUS HOME It's a small price you'll pay for 2 - bedrooms, large kitchen. hedged yard. close to downtown. carport & more. Dora delay, call today' OPEN HOUSE - OPEN HOUSE JUST REDUCED ONLY $129,500. When: Wed. June 23rd Where: 45 Huron St. Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Double lot-inground pool. ensuite/family room/ fireplace REDUCED - MAKE YOUR OFFER! Ms rmem"r' :49 acre ONLY 589.900. New deck, privacy fence. dishwasher & front porch, whirlpool, separate dining room & much more. 44 CROMBIE. ST. ' • . or • e . r • . •-. STRATFORD • GODERICH • WINGHAM • SEAFORTH • EXETER • ZURICH • MITCHELL • BAYFIELD • CLINTON