HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-21, Page 11:411141cKTIOR ADVOCATE), ESTABLISHED 1887 I AmALGAMATED 410010ETER TIMES, lqSTABLISHIIID 1878 „.1.„., DECEMBER 1st 1924 EXETER ONT., TITURSIJAT 'MORNING, MAY 21st., 1925. 111111111111111111111111/111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111g - EXETER 130A)31) OP EDUCATION '" w a o- • -- = A meeting of the Board. of Ed - 11 eady-.foi-. May .24th , .,vioasa meeting were approved. The ...,iii.ne sill eo no f flax oth ettcle )'14leornetyy ,:vviti)ii ant. .--. members p s , E ; scholarship committee were author. ...' , ......ized to announce that the scholar- = ships would - be othe same as last .'""......'''..:.." , year. Mr. Stanbury reported that = shrubs had been procured A'0111 the v....4d. = Hortieultural Society and. the -Same - had been planted. Per Rev A. A. Trumper and H. T. Rowe that the ..... = -. afternoon of .Tun6 3i -d be a public holiday. Supplies for Miss Taylor wp:igie ppllionceig al., rTelpieorlits. were en d,rotande, and filed for fiirthet reference. Per E. M. Dig= and ,W. A. Turnbull that a position en the staff ef the E P. $, be offered MrS. Goodapee‘ A • few accounts were ;Passed. and the 1 ....... meeting adjourned -to Tuesday, May = "2'6th. MENNE .mmwa ' .41111Mmill • AMMO 4.4121••••• ..••••••• BLUE SUITS BROWN SUITS LIGHT TWEEDS Ail the smart new weaves at popular pri▪ ces. $17.00 $20.00 4.1111=01 YAM.= .04MMI 14 MONO ....11•1••=1 •,•••••,, ,1111••••• ,0101111•1 1 41111••••• 4111111=111 .0411•1111110 • 41.111••• • ---"-,•.=rr-oo. • 47-Ae "FIFTH AVENUE"" BOYS' BLOOMER SINN The boys will also want new suits for the holiday, might as well get them now so they can wear them on the 24th. We have a splendid selection ot smart light Tweeds, navy" and. Brown pencil stripes, with two amirs of bloomers. No -better selection in the country._ BROCK HATS at 15.09 HORTON,HATS at $3.75 -Buy yeur Hats here. We sell the Brock Hat at $5.00. In „the city they charge you $6.00. And at $3.75 there is no 'better Hat made - in Canada than the Horton Brind: SLIPPERS- --- OXFORD▪ S, ---.- OUTING SHOES Light Tans -They are all the" rage. We have them for men, women and, misses. Basketball shoes, tennis oxfords, sandals of every variety. Come here for variety of footwear. $25o00: $30.06 'TC)WN.,SAC1.1: SPECIAL. RAVEL STOP ABSOLUTELY STOPS RUNS _ _ ANOTHER STOP...RUN • 191 MOOT TOES PEINFORCEO r STRONG ' ELASTIC TOP FASHION MARK. 3 -SEAM SACK Spihcao Mem COVERELO SOL' boon Im▪ mo. ...-.. •- K. Wall', Secretary. -.1 &cal?, macaw -1.9.1170 TURNS TURTLE = OCCUPANTS FE Several young people from towu had a miraculous escape from ii jury on Sunday evening when the auto in which they were driving -took to the -*ditch and completely upturned. . Mr. Reg. Taylor was driving south and with him were = four 'ether young people. They =•were making the second turn south = of Centralia on the- London Road `-„a, when the hind wheels of the car = I etruck the grass and skidded. The car upturned wit the wheels in the 'air. The back Of the car rested on one side of the ditch and the front of the. car on. the road. The top of the car was -torn off;, the windshield and, the, two glass wings were smashed td bits; th steering wheel i was badly bent, yet he occupants of the car escaped wi hout a scratch. The car waa righted and was driven back to town on its own power. The car was a new ,Gray Dort six and has been taken hack to the factory for repairs. . . - . CHANGES ON EXETER, DISTRICT , 1111•101•111 1110•1111•0 0.1•••11 110••••••• ••••••1011 .911•••••1 11•0•111 •11•••• IMMO. 1.•▪ ••=••• amoMmi, • ••1.... Monarch Silk Hosiery_ - - at $1.00 a pair We have a stock of the- newest shades in the celebrated "G.reenStripe" Monarch. Silk Hosiery. The price is only $1..00 pair. • miClearing-- of all:Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats and Suits atiGreatly Reduced Prices • SUMMER DRESSES -STOOK NOW COMPLETE CREPES, ETC IN NORTHWAY MAKE - ETC., IN NORTHWAY MAKE.. ENTRA SPECIAL -PURE LINEN TEA TOWEL - •LING 22 -IN. WIDE, WORTH 35e YARD, ,= VERY SPECIAL AT 25c 11.20111.1 Immo. 1.81•001. son. toomelY•1 IMMO. 00111111•0 A11101••• 111••••••1 1111•1•••• 1.0=Bleir 1••••••• =IMMO OW.1•1 Jones az a = PHONE 32 fi •••••••• 11.10•••• Woe.* PHONE S2 11111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111W1111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MOIMMINNIffil 411•••1116 M ;OA, " 1, • . • • • • • we the face °NI sWe a g3aPs I-421 For Interior Finishing use . CHI-NAMEL The Quality Finish for *every- thing in the house - STAINS and VARNISHES with one applicatien • in tins 30b. • 55c. $i..9,4 $1.8,5 CARMOTE the original varnish atains all colors in tins 30e. 55c. • -95c. $L75 CARMOTE AUTOaENAMELS in tins.60c. and $1.10 AUTO, FINISHING BRUSHES frfir.30c. up to 82.00 FISHING .SUPPLIES BASEBALL .SUPPLIES TENNIS SUPPLIES - SOFT :BALLS 60c. T.JP froM1 New Perfection Stove 2; 3 and 4 Burners OVEN AND WICKS New' Process Oil CookiStove,: Housecleaning Helps Eustbard 35c. a tin Floor Wax 50c. a tin '0 -.Cedar Mops $1.25 0-0edar Oil 25 and 500. \ Liquid Veneer Oil 30 & 60c. Step Ladders etc, aMmanwalmiasi.oriiiapivems.eirtemiti*e.spaimaiiiiistos •. Linoleum Varnish' from 50e. per tin, up '• Neptunite 'yarnish • nOthing` better made from •$1.10 pt. up Agate Varnishes „ 85o. and 41.60 per tins nieirlatterehe. Tinspaithing and Plumbing Hea ardware aint Store . • :,:;•4•• 4'n t ..r DANCE EVERY WEDNEISDAY NIGHT IN THE DOME RINK. CA.VEN GUILD VISIT' COUNTIt HOME• • ' • The -Young Peoples' Guild pf Caven Presbyterian church number- ing about fifty motored to the County Home, Clint.= on Thursday evening last, and stved a program of vocal and instrumental numbers for the inmates. • The hearty re- sponse showed how they appreciated each item. The evening was very pleasantly spent. , • - BIRHS - SANDERS -In Exeter, on 'Sunday, May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanders, a son. -(Britain !Mar- chand.) Usborne, on May 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stewart, a son. - SULLIVAN-In Stephen, on May 17 to• Mr: and Mrs.. Patrick Sullivan .a MITCHELL -At Dr. Ilyndmen's hospital, on May 19th, to Mr. and • Mrs.ilierrnan Mitchell, -a son, (Leslie Iierma,n.) PARKINSOM-In Blanshard, on. Tuesday, May 12th, to Mr. and IVIrs. Geo*: Parkinson, aodaughtcr. • Eunide flette. MA iikrAcEs. IVIILLER-BELL-At the home Of the bride's parents Mr. and Nth's.' Thos. Beli, on Saturday, .May 16th, Viola Bell to Mr. Sam- uel IVIiller, of DaShwood, by Rev - 11 B,*Livingstone:. • , IN, IVIEMORIEial ESSERY-In sad and loving re- meinbrance of our dear Irene who died May 21st, 192:3. God takes our loved °nett from our h.omes, But never from our, hearts, A sweet little flower too pure to staY , God 'wisdom took her„aavay, Not from our hearts, not from Our 10Ve; But to dwell With the a,ngele in, • heaven above. Loved and missed by, Father, IVIp- ther, sisters and brother. The first draft of the stationing committee of the London Confer- ence which is meeting in London came out oh Wednesday morning and contained 95 changes, the lar- gest nurabeir-tif changes on record. There are four changes, on the Ex- eter district. Rev. W. E. Donnell -Yr of James St. Exeter, is dow'n for Wingliam and is succeeded by Rev. J 11 -ohnston of Essex Rev G C . . , . . . . Gifford, of Lucan, goes to 'Victoria Local Nevvs OPPOSED TO 4.4 BEER The annual Meeting gof Exeter District was held in the Methodist church, Orediton, on Tuesday, May 12th. Rev, G. W. W. Rivers of Parkhill, chairman ot the distriet. Presided over the. meeting, at which there was a full attendance a min- isters and lay delegates from the circuits of the district . Reports from the various circuits indicate marked increase in church membership and in contributions to the Missionary. Educational and Evangelism and. Social Service Funds. Re,za G. C. Gifford of ',neat; was elected District Representative to the Stationing Committee of Coa- ference, with Rev. W., E. Donnelly, of Exeter, as reserve representative. The following resolution, was unanimously adopied:-- - •'That this Exeter District Meeting of the Methodist Church records fts bitter disappointment in the recent legislation Of PrernierFergusson in saddling upon. many thousands of unwilling citizens in Ontario 4.4 per cent beer -with elaborate a- gencies to make it broadly access- ible, and accompanied by .a ;bundle I FIFTY-SECOND YEAR No. 2671 Mrs, John Snell arrived borne last week after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs, L, H. McDonald rn Griunell, Ioiva. She also visited at, Chicago and Windsor. Tire Bargains/ Did You Say? THEN LOOK' AT TBOESE!..1. 30 x314, Clincher Cord $ 9.45 31. x4 Straight Side Cord $15.00 32 x 4 Straight Side Cord $16.00 33 x4 Straight Side Cord $16.60 And each one is a first -grade dyer - size Cord Tire, Fully guaranteed hY .the raanufacturer. ' Also real good 30 x 314 nIbric Tires at $7.00 and 30 x Cords at $8.00. You not only can't beat these values -You can't equal them. of restrictions which gravely chal- W j leage the professed innocence of the beverage. We grieve that the Premier ehould deliberately repu- 1 eate thp fundamental principle in No r To See Better "To see better,u, does not always Mean to see more. It often means to see withless effort. • A. certain eye defect called Hyper- metropia in many cases does not in- terfere with acuteness of vision, but does create an„, excessive eye strain which causes headaches, dizziness and nerve strain,. ' The proper glasses will relieve this condition and. give comfort, Office Hours • 940 to 12 am. 1.30 to Vim* loTenings Aiipointneint RADIO LICENSES ISSUED the British. EnlPire of Majority Rule -by lightly ignoring the fact that 33,000 of a majority stood for the Continuance of the O. T. A. • We fear that the bands have been turned back on the dial of progress by this down -grade legislation, and further we rdgard with emphatic disfavour the multitude of licenses promiscuously issued by the Dom- inion Government throughout Ont- ario to manufacture home brew, thereby disintegrating the more fabric of individual, family and Pro- vincial life; and the -granting of ex- port licenses and establishing pre- mises for the export of intoxicating liquors. We would recall to our people the holy warfare to which they have vowed allegiance and would exhort all to accept such legislation as a challenge to renewed effort that, by any legitimate means righteous- ness shall triumph over this mon- strous eVil. To this end we com- mend to our people the principles of the -Prohibition Ilnion. of Ontario and urge all to free themselves from party loyalty, and give politi- cal support to candidater only who are pledged to support the planks of Prohibition. St., Godm, and .succeeded by Rev. J. W. 3. Kilpatrick, of Tham- esford. Rev. R. - C. Copeland, of Kirkton, goes to Thamesford, and. Rev. J. L. .Foster, of Brooke, suc- ceeds him at Kirkton. Rev. T. E. SaWyer,-of Milverton, has been sta- tioned at Granton.- •ich GERL'S BIG 4 SOFT BALL • LEAGUE ORGANIED • A. girl's Big Four soft bail league has been dtganized, corn. prised of teams from Cromarty. Staffa, Russeldale and Thames Road The executive met at the Farquhar Hall Monday evening and the fol- lowing schedule was drawn up: May 30 -Cromarty at Thames Rd. June.6.7-Staffa at Rueseldale. Jun 8-Russeldale at Thames .Rd. June 12 -Thames Road at Staffa. June 15-Russeldale at Cromarty. June June June 4 une July July 8-Staffa at Cromarty. THE LATE 14T.S W. G. BORLAND The Strasbourg Mountaineer of Strasbourg, Sask., of April 16th contains „an account of the death of Mrs. W. G. Borland. The deceased was born near Staffa, her piaidon .name being Jeanetta Yoe, aged 44 'years. Twelve years ago the family moved to Strasbourg and during their residence there Mrs. Borland took an active interest in all the ladies organizations of the church, The Mountaineer says: "The de creased was an ,everyday christian. The beautifying influences of a pure religion :were spread ov,er...a, life and character so spotless and charming. Besides her husband she is survived by .one daughter, bliss Elcla. floral tributes were magnificant and comprised 15 wreaths and 14 sprays from numerous organizations, and friends. PRESENTED WITH HYMN BOOK , Mr. Silas W. McFalls of the Bank of Moptreal, Shucoe has been transferred to the Wapterirille branch and previous to his depart- ure about thirty young people of St. prise party iu his honor and present- ed him` with an address and with a Mbroeco-bound byinti book. A pro - grain of games and musical nthaberS was followed by a dainty lunch. The address which appears in the Simcoe Reformer, was a glowing tri- bute to the esteem hi which .Silas is held, It says. in part, "We ,greatly regret your going but we rejoice in your continued advancement in your chosen professiou. Your residence in Suncoe has been an inspiration and profit to tie, as young People, as 'we sincerely hope it has also been a delight to you. We shall remem- ber with thhnkfulness the service au have, rendered St. lama Metho- dist church in SunclaY School and League. We have admired and re- speothd you for your high ehristian ideals, and loved you for the cour- age of your conviction iu being wil- ling to stand alone, If necessary, gather than compromise 'With what you 'Considered aa not in keeping with best Ohristiatt 19 -Thames Rd. at Russeldale 22 -Cromarty at Staffa. 25 -Thames R. at Cromarty., 27-Staffa at Thames Rd. 3 -Cromarty at Russeldale. James Methodistc Crediton and Mitchell are celeb-.. rating on May 25th. Mrs. M. Pfaff and Miss Alice Pfaff visited in London Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and SOD Neil spent Sunday in London. Rev. H. D. Cameron and Mr. Walter' Middleton of Forest spent part of Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs Geo. Manson.- Messrs. Jones & May are making some alterations to 'their grocery de- partment. The building is being ex- tended several feet and some im fd - provemenwill be made. Mr. Harry Wilson, teller in the Bank of Montreal and W. S. Manson druggist, both of Forest, motored over and spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo... Manson. The Exeter Bowling Club will hold their Scotch Doubles tourney on Wednesday, June 10th. There will_ be four 12 -end games and finals for the South Huron trophy and four sets of valuable prizes. Amony the members of the ,or-' dination class of thd'• London con- ference this year are, R. E. South- cott, of Exeter, and Irving Pentland Itaine of ,Dorehester and grandson of Mrs. Charles Harvey of Exeter. The many friends of postmaster Pfaff, who has, been in the hospital at London for some time, is im- proving nicely and it is expected ho will be able to return home shortly and resume his duties in the office here. A splendid rain visited this sec- tion on Saturday and came as a ru- ne to the long dry spell.' The rain was followed Monday night by -a heavy white frost. Several degrees of frost were reported and ice was formed on water in the open. Early potatOes suffered badly and toniatc pleats that were out were cut. Fear is expressed for the early strawber- ries and early apples. The damage however, is not as great as was at first thought. The Salvation Arrnyi London 3, Silver Band. visit Exeter District This Sat., Sum, Mon. SATURDAY, IIENSALL 7.45 • EXETER, 9 am. undy--Open Air service 10 a.n. Moruing-Town Hall 11 ani. AfternOon-Victoria. Park. Night -Opera House 7 p.m. Attar the church service the band will parade to the Park. • MONDAY Afterneon 2 until 5 at Croditon Do Ica. fail to hear Gordon Dix, 8 years old; one of Canada's young- est cornet players at the MUSICAL BLIZZA.RD in the OPERA HOUE, ElarrErnt at p.m, Admission 25c phone 7,5a# it,...zietered Optometrist t r WEDNFS AY, JUNE3rd 20 IN PU S S 1 2.15 Trot or Pace $400 2.20 Trot or Pace $400 2.30 Trot or Pace $4:00 Band in ,Attendance W. R. Elliott, Pres, M. R. Complin, Sec.-Treas. snorm • Do Friday and Saturday, Ma22nd and 23rd' ZANE GREY'S STORY EST" Powerful Caste and Brand New Thrills in -Film ,I3SUAL COMEDY onday and Tuesday, May 25th and 26th ,-i"THE MAN FROM WYOMING" VVRTIN 'REEK MEETS GREEK THERE IS A TUG OP WAR, WIIHN COWBOY %VDDETS COWBOY THEY Piolip TO A FINISH: • COMEDY, "MIND YOUR DOCTOR" Coming June 5 et 6, The Glorious Naval Epic "ZEIc'BRUGGE" STORY OF THE MOST DARINIG EXPLOIT IN HISTORY. er re ARE YOU SUFFERING PROM ANY DISEASE? ▪ Mr. -B. J. Murfin the Propriteor a the Canadian. Herb Gardens Will be at the Grand Central Hotel-Exater For one day only . A- 22n, 4 CONSULTATION FREE Nervousness, Rheumatism, -bladder troubles, Diabetes, 131 ights Di- sease, Stomach, Liver, Kidneye, Neuritis, Blood. Pressure Heart Troubles Constipation and all oth.er Diseases. temIRE IS A HERB PO) EVERY DISEASlE Remember the Date 00/11•11Meimedirermeamosatientmatranisaw 1,15 "ik eati-jr, Phone 102 , Iarvey arvey SERVICE GROCERY xtiodamiewivsthor4m01.0maina;rim.ramonleistitimarimagrorobilmiinn PINEAPPLEST Pineapples are early this:irear again, are. No.. 1 qualitY and ale offered this Week at very reason- able Prics. •. THE COST OF PINESAND ESPECIAI.,LY SUGAR DEING ;LOW- ER THAN LAST YEAR, MAY CREATE, 'A BIG DEMAND WHICH wottLE 11/MAN HIGHER PRICES AS THE SEASON 'ADVANCES, EsPEctAuki ON THE LARGER SIZES. •aada.,,a• • Harvey eg. Harvey '•.•","""- " •', DeliVery