HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-06-16, Page 1414 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, June 16, 1999
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42 Deaths
SHOBBROOK, Mary Margaret
(MacDonald):. At Seaforth
Community Hospital on
Wednesday. June 91h, 1999. Mrs.
Mary Margaret Shobbrook
(MacDonald) of Blyth, in her 83rd
year Beloved wife of the late
Leonard Shobbrook (1995). Dear
mother to Douglas Shobbrook of
Sarnia and Donna Lynne and Ted
Lamont of St. Clements.• Will be
missed by grandchildren Terri
Shobbrook of Seaforth. Deborah
Shobbrook of Toronto and
Christopher Shobbrook of London
Remembered by great grandchil-
dren Tanner and Riley Ward and.
Meaghann. MacKenzie and
Sebastian- Blanchette. . Sadly
-missed by sister Edna Tremeer of
Seaforth. brother Ross MacDonald
of Varna and sister Grace Sararas
of Exeter. Predeceased. by sister
Jean Johnston and brother Gordon
MacDonald. Mary will be remem-
bered . in the :community as long-
time leader of the 4-H Homemaking
Club for the area, as a member of
the Women's Institute . of .
Londesborough and as a member
of the Londesborough United
Church. She enjoyed -sewing, quilt-
ing. knitting and playing cards:
Visitation was .held at the Beattie:
Falconer Funeral Home. `Tasker
Chapel" in Blyth on Thursday where
the funeral service was held on
Friday. June 11th, •1999 at 21100 p.m.
Service was officiated by Reverend
John Young of Waterloo. -Interment
Blyth Union Cemetery. The family
thanks the pallbearers Ken Jewitt,
Ray Lamont. Russell Nesbitt. Steve -
Flynn, Dave' Tremeer and -Chad
Lamont. Flower bearers . were
Robert Dupee and Don Tremeer.
• Expression o1 sympathy _ may be
made to the Canadian • Cancer
Society. 42-24-1
CAMPBELL, • Verna: At Seaforth
Community Hospital, -.on
Wednesday. June 9, 1999, Vema
W. Campbell. in her. 80th •year.
Beloved wife of William G.
Campbell of Seaforth. Dear mother
of Karl of-Goderich, Kerry and his
wife Medeline of St. Marys and
Dennis of Eutopia. Fondly remem-
bered by 'six • grandchildren. Also
survived by one sister. Edith ,
McQuirter, of Midland- She was pre- ,
deceased by •her parents. Frank
and Jane(Rinn) Storey and two sis-
ters, Elva Ellis and Ethel Easson.`
Family. received friends at the
Whitney-Ptibey Funeral - Home.
Seaforth, on Thursday -from 2-4 and
--7-9 p.m, where the funeral service
was held on Fnday. June 11 et 2
p.m.. Rev. Nicholas-Vandermey offi-
ciated. Interment • Maitlandbank
Cemetery. Seaforth. Pallbearers
were•Bob Campbell,•Ron Campbell.
Bnan_Campbell,'Ken McClure. Ray
Devereaux and Gord Saltows.
Flower bearers were Wayne -Ellis,.
Bryson . McQuirter and Don
McQuirter., Memorial donations to
Canadian Cancer. Society - or
Maitlandbank Cemetery Flower
Fund would be • appreciated as
expressions of sympathy. 42-24-1
42 Deaths
JOHNSTON. Vera Anne: of
Egmondville passed away at
Seaforth Community Hospital on
Tuesday, June 8, 1999 in her 92nd
year. Beloved wife of the late Eldon
Johnston. Loving mother .of John
Johnston, Loots Johnston and her
friend John Buchanan. Dear sister
and sister-in-law of Irene Finlayson,
Beatrice Taylor. Clarence Volland,
Bruce Volland and Jean Volland.
Predeceased . by her sister-in-law
Aldeen Volland and by brothers-in-
law Louis Taylor and Lorne
•Finlayson Friends were received at
the 19ox aril Smith Funeral Chapel,
Seaforth, on Thursday. June -10,
1999. Funeral service was held at
the, funeral home on Friday. June
11. 1999 at 2 o'clock. Reverend
Judith Springett of •Egmondvilte
United Church officiated. Interment
Baird's Cemetery: Stanley
Township. As expressions of sym-
pathy imernorial donations.to charity
of one's choice would be greatly
appreciated. - Pallbearers were
nephews. Donald Volland, Keith
Volland, Laird- Finlayson,. Murray
Finlayson," Gary
Finlayson and Bryan
Finlayson. As a trib-
ute to the life of Mrs.
Johnston a tree will
be planted in her memory. 42-24-1
43. Births
-Mark. Estella and big sisters
Brianne and Courtney are delighted
to announce the safe arrival of
Chad Alexander on Wednesday.
'June 2, 1999. -weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Proud grandparents are,Stuart and
Joyce Wilson of Brucebeld, Charles
and . Wanda Higenell of RR 5.
Mitchell and- great grandmother.
Beulah MacKay of Seaforth.
Special thanks to Dr. Cheryl Hitlyer,
Dianne Yeomans and all the nurs-
ing staff at: Stratford General,
Hospital for their, wonderful care
during our stay 43-24x1
Patrick and Michelle (nee Robert).
244 Hale St. London are very proud
to announce the safe arnval of their
first child, Matthew Robert on- May
. 2.1. 1999 at 5:22 a.m. weighing 10
lbs. ' 5 oz. Proud grandparents are
Joan Cronin of -Mitchell and Pierre
and Sosina Robert of Scarborough.
We thank our family and friends for
their love and _support. Special
thanks to the.doctors and nurses on
the 4th floor and 6 East at the
London Health Sciences Centre:
LONGSTAFF, John Dr. - of
Harrpurhey passed away.suddenly
on Friday. June 11. 1999 at ,
Seaforth Community Hospital.
John. in his 79th' year is survived
by his loving wife 'Bernice (nee
Thompson) Longstaff, his children •
Barbara, Grant (of Goderich) and
• David and Mary . Longstaff- (of.
Egmondville). He is. predeceased
by his parents James and. Mary •..
Jane Langstaff as well as brothers
Hubert and Brehm. and sister Jiean
Edmonston of Guelph. Survived by
Francis and 'Cathy (of Toronto).
Irene and Fred Fish (of Ancaster.
Ontario). Loving brother -in -jaw -and
childhood friend of Mikki and Maury
Laidlaw (of Clearwater.. Florida
USA). Loving Papa to Kelley, Sean
and Ennn Grant; and Nick. Andrea
and Chns Longstatf. Caring uncle to -
Joanne and Bob Beausoleil. Jane
Laidlaw. Deborah Laidlaw and
' Stephanie Sovocool. John was . a
veteran of WW it having served with.
the RCRi and. Signal Corps'. A life
time resident Of Seaforth where, he
worked as an optometrist he will -be
remem¢ered for his generosity and
kindness. John was • greatly
involved in his community having
served .as past chairperson of
Seaforth Community 'Hospital. past
president and member of the. Lions
Club: longtime, member of the
Canadian Legion and chair and
trustee of Seaforth Public -School
Board. John • loved life, dancing,.
golf. good food, his family and
friends. He- also loved his garden
and was a kaleidoscope maker
extraordinaire. He will_ be greatly
missed. John's memory will always
be alive in our hearts. If desired. .
expressions of- sympathy .may be. _
made to the Seaforth Community,
Hospital 42-24-1
38 Auction Sale
f At the Jacob Auction centre, 185 Herbert St in Mitchell, j
f THURS: JUNE 17 AT 4:00 P.M.' r
1 INCLUDING: Nine piece oak dining room suite; three piece parlor f
set. oak washstand and dresser; parlor tables: set of six Eastlake
1 style chairs, wicker fern stand; Maytag automatic washer; Whirlpool
i dryer. Moffat 30 inch electnc stoveeG.E. side by side fridge freezer ji •
with Ace shaker several freezers; matching harvest gold fn a and
i stove: dehumidifiers: colour TVs with remotes; La -Z -Boy sleep sofa;
ILa -Z -Boy rtclmer. electric bat recliner chair; loveseat. several
f bedroom suites. 40's style chesterfield suite; cedar chests; captains
I. chair.'3 drawer work table: two .single adjustable electric beds: pine
i bedroom suite; Arrow electnc wheelchair: Sears 5 hp snowblower/
Collectible china including German Beswick, Austria, depression etc.;
12 place setting o1 china; crocks; granuteware; violin and case: old
-lanes and tools; milk cans; coal Oil lamps; B -A bn; assorted like new.
.and and power tools picture of 1929-30 Mitchell Junior hockey
ti .im bedding; housewares.. Ford 12 hp hydro riding mower: gas
push rhowers and much more Large double nng sale i
PROP: Estate of Margaret Meyer of Stratford and several area 1
estates i
TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID. Lunch Booth. I
Doug Jacob and Joe Zehr r<
519-271-7894 519-887-9599 i
-vk:.,►?...: f .,v.,;..c.Si3!kAkl.g .:... 3854......`.,' b,,.,"`r,�`i•.+r,`r•,
43-24x1 cc
44 Engagements
Mr.. and Mrs Ken Rhynard are
pleased to announce the forthcom-
ing marnage of .their son Bob to
Sue. daughter of Lorraine Elliott of
Mitchell on June 26. 1999: in
Mitchell. 44-24x1 •
46. In Memoriam
ROWLAND: In loving memory of
Mom, Anne Rowland.- who passed
away. June 18. 1996. •
It has, been - 3 years since you left
US; .
But still, everyday, our thoughts and
prayers are with you.
The passage of time cannot dimin-
ish the example you set for us in
your lifetime.
If all of us can only achieve a por
bon of the type of life .you led, then
you indeed left behind a legacy of
love and. Christianity. ..
Love and miss you Mom.
- Pat, Anita, and Family 46.23x1
ROWLAND: -In ` loving -memory -of
Anne who passed.away June 18.
Sadly missed and remembered by
Lou. Colleen. • Dave and Mary
Margaret, Tom and Luanne. Pat
and Anita and her grandchildren:
46-24-1 - .
VANDORP: In being memory of our
Dad and Grandpa, Tony vanOorp.
who passed away-on-Fathe(s Pay
June 21.. 1998.
We watched you suffer, •
We watched you die.. '
All we could do was helplessly.
stand by..
What a difficultthing tor your entire
family to go through:
We don't forget the way he.smiled.
The things he used to say.
The many things he did for us.
In his own loving way:
The kids miss those playful games;
Or lust sitting with. Grandpa in his
chair. • . • '
We au piss those visits when you'd
drop in and say "how's your day7' .
Loved and sadly missed by Mary
Ann. Carmen. Tonya, Shawn. Brent
and Zachary Drost 46.2481
THOMPSON. Ilene: In memory, of
Ilene who passed away June 22,
To me you were like a sister:
A tnerid. both tried and true,
With many happy memories.
We often think o1 you.
Ever loved and remembered by
Mary.. nieces and nephews. 46-
DUCHARME: In loving memory of.
a dear father and grandfather,
James, whei passed away 20 years
ago. June 21. 1979.
The rolling stream of life rolls on,
But still the vacant chair, -
Recalls the love. the voice, the
smile. •
Of the one who once sat there.
Lovingly remembered by Allan,
Chris and Family. 46-24-1
4/ Cruris of Thanks
On behalf of the Clinton Fair Board.
1 wish to ,thank everyone who
donated pins. monies, medallions.
ribbons and volunteered help for
the Search For Talent Show held
Saturday night Special thanks to all
the contestants and the judges Our
local talent is second to none
- Mane 47.24x1cc
We wish to thank our children for
such a memorable evening to hon-
our our 551h Wedding Anniversary.
Thank you to Larry and Kathy for
hosting the party. A special thanks
to Bruce and Dave who barbequed
for 60 people and the girls for the
delicious dishes they prepared.
Thank you to the piper who added.
some touching music to the
evening.. Thank t4 all who attended
and for the gifts and cards. Thanks
to the grandchildren for the picture
You are all a super bunch. PS.
Thanks • Murray and crew who
cleaned and decorated the shed.
• Ralph. and Anna 47-24x1
Harold and Martina want to say
thank you to our family, relatives,
neighbours and friends who came
to help us celebrate our 50th
Wedding Anniversary. Thanks to
Father Tony and Gerry. Jim and
Cathy. Denise and Billy -Joe, Pat
and Barb and to all whogave mass-
es, spiritual, bouquets. gifts . and
cards. Many thanks to Bob and
Gail., you did a -beautiful job with the
flowers and to Ann and Cindy for
the cake and cake decorating. Also
to those who decorated our lawn.
We had a memorable day. 47-
Kind words can't express how
grateful t am tor the love and devo-
tion of my family. To God for
answering my prayers, Father Tony
and Father Dino for their visits and
prayers. To my- neighbours and
friends for their calls.- visits. food
and- words of encouragement. To
the kind nurses, doctors and
domestic caregivers of Seaforth
Hospital. My recovery is due to the
love 'and warmth of all. - Ursula
McLaughlin 47-24x1 cc
Thank you to all my friends. fainly
and especially to Betty MacLean fol
making my eighty-fifth birthday
such a happy event. A sincere
thank you for flowers. gifts and
cards. Everyone's kindness was,
very much appreciated. - Margaret
Stephenson 47-24x1 •1 •
Jim and Marci would like to thank
the wedding party and theio spous-
es for the successful Buck and Doe.
Thank you to family. friends and
neighbours who attended. Special
thanks to Ken and Anne Williamson
for hosting a great time. 47-24x1
47 Cards of Thanks
I would like to express my thanks to
Dr Rodney and staff of Seaforth
Hospital. Dr Bourne, team and
staff. Dr Passi. team and staff of
University Hospital, London Many
thanks to friends. neighbours and
family for cards and gifts A big
thanks to my family for all visits dur-
ing my stay at both hospitals. Last
but not least a big thank you Lord
for giving me a second shot at ate ,
- John H. Cairns 47-24x1
We would. like to thank everyone
that came to make our SOth
anniversary so special. Thank you
for the lovely cards and generous
gifts and to the ladies who made a
delicious meal for us (even with the
humidity) and to our family who is
always here for us Wonderful
memories. - Greta and Lavem
Hoegy 47.24x1
The family of the late Freeda
Skinner would like to express our
sincere thanks for all the concem
and kindness given to us at the time
of the loss of our mother and grand-
mother. A heartfelt thank -you to Dr.
Wofdnik and all the staff al
Huronfea • Home for the Aged.
Brussels. for all the loving • and
excellent•care given to my mother
over the. -years A very .special
thanks to all our fnends and neigh-
bours for all the 'words of comfort.
flowers. food that was brought to
our home.' cards. and donations
given in her memory. Thank -you to
the • Shimanski Family Funeral
Home for your care and concem. A
special. thank -you. -to Rev. Cathnne
Campbell for the lovely service and
words of compassion. Thank you to
the Ladies of the Presbyterian
Church for • the delicious lunch
which •was served after the service.
Everyone's concem • and kindness
will always -be remembered. - -
Sincerely, Anne and Gerald Ryan:
Paul. Cheryl. Curtis and Matthew
Ryan: Chns and. Celeste Ryan:
Mike. Kathy; Shane and'Holly Ryah.
The family of 'the late Verna
Campbell wish to express their sin-
cere appfeciation for all theprayers.
donations. floral tributes and other
expressions of sympathy Special
thanks. to Reverend Vandermey the'
staff . at Seaforth Community
Hospital, the. United church
Women and Whitney-Ribey Funeral
Home. - The Campbell Family 47-
24x 1
47 Cards of Thanks
The'famify of the late Jim Cameron
(Grandpa Jim) would like to take
this opportunity to express their
thanks and appreciation to our fami-
ly, friends and neighbours for all
your kindness and support shown to
us during the sudden loss of, our
dear grandpa To everyone who
telephoned. sent cards, flowers.
mass cards, memorial donations
and brought food to our homes.
thank you. To Grandpa's neighbours
who always looked out for him and
especially Herb 'who alerted us on'
that Saturday morning our gratitude
will always be with you He valued
all of you as good friends. To
Constable Babington and - Dr.,
Wokdnik for their kindness and help-
fulness To Ross-Ribey-and Ruth
Townsend of the Whitney1Ribey
Funeral Home for their professional
care of our family. a certainly was
appreciated. To Sarah Noakes for
the beautiful singing at the service.
you brought joy to a sad rictason•
for all us and to Caron Carter. the
organist, the music Was lovely. A -
special thank you to the family that •
acted as pallbearers and to his great
grandchildren who were the tower
bearers. We wid always carry with •
us memories of Grandpa and how
rnych he meant to us - Sheila
Geddes. Pam Ryan. Doug Geddes
and-Fa/ndies 47-24xtnxe
I would like to thank. my family,,
.friends and relatives for the many
acts of kindness Shown to "me the
night of my angina -attack., Special
thanks to Fart and Loma, also Ken '
and Val who came in time to take me
to the hospital. Spectalrthanks go to -
Dr. Rodney. Dr Rooyakkers and the
nursing staff of Seaforth Community'
Hospital for their rare during my .
stay. To family and friends for phone
calls. help and .treats whery
_returned home. thanks. again
- Grace 47.24x1
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