HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-14, Page 8ti F T,; r7w • r SAVE MOS' SPRING COA Thi4 Season's Coats pried as low as. $10 Right at the beginning of the Spring Season we Offer You an opportunity• to buy your new coat at a real bargain prife: Some of our. very beat coats are still to be sold so if you need a coat come in and pick one uut-.4-e will make the price right fol you and save you some real money. 25c. STOCKINGS 25c, `Stockingsfor children, Misses and Ladies all at one price, sizes 5 to 10 for only 25 cents a pr. These are fast dye, black cotton hose in both plain and ribbed finish,: Ask to see our sand stockings for misses and ladies, sizes S% to 10 414 priced at only 25c a pair. Congoleum ®le�. m and Linoleum Rugs Come in and let us show you the full range of new-congoleum and linoleum rug patterns, Any pattern you like in thesize you want all at special low prices. We have ns'* Battens in linol- eum and floor oil cloths to show; you, Get -our prices, we lay them free.'. Men's Broadcloth Shirts $2.:50 With Seperate Collar to Match These shirts are of a good quality of English Broadcloth and are well made with soft reversible cuffs. Colors are sand, 'white, blue, mauve and grey; they are a genuine bargain at $2.50. ni BETTBI at GARDINER S Latest Designs :'titter Service Largest Stock Lowest Prices The Home Furnisher GARDINER E. Director of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment DAY. AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 741; Night call 74W AMA 4. ter`/.o..L�i��I.'.: \\®.��'"cr,..s'•. li�.�.i���E,:' \�G'�� � %� Men's Store Phone 81w Men's Store I , 1'\ b., pp ra y'\ P •i 7h� t t, i'r { I Y�. TWO-PATN' READY•TO-WEA. SUITS 23.0 PHI • Young Men's Models in Tweed ri Effects, frets, omespuns and Worsteds Y Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter rim:w ..:: ;,�:,•y.�•�•:,..�;:•� = Mpays to use � 4 �y 6 . In of STAIN I for Furniture -Floors & , Woodwork white to lend aka Montreal lor Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY A:HAWKINS a►, XE'T'ER , C. F. Hdoper, Who hap been ^ Victoria IIospital, Londoiia, )1 ed home. Mr, and Mrs, 'phos. Newell and son David of Stratford, visited with frl,pnds here ever Sunday: xeter Maikets Wheat $1,40 BarlsY 65c„, Oats 50c, Manitoba Flour .$ 4.90 Blended Flour $4;55 Pastry Flour $ 4.15 Feed Flour $2.00, Bran $1,50. Shorts $1.60 Butter, 30c. Creamery Butter 390. Eggs, extras, 26c. Eggs, firsts 2.4C. Lard 200 - Hogs, selects, $12.35. Rugs,' thick *Smooth $11:25. a ,.. THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE `niUUI SDA•V, 14044M*i °4174$ .lt' 1,ESIt'Y'>!t!,lL+`lt/"", cIRISCIRZAI 11lI1111111111111l 111(1111lll.Ill11111111111i11111/1111tH 1111111111 lillll INIII 1IIIIII11111 1111 I 0! Rev. 4iun40 'uqkC, $.A. Minister ,� ; 11 11 11 1.1 �11��1I 1111111 1111111111111111Mi1r1l 7 ,p.mxr--,Op;ly one Calvary 11. a.m,--Coinnnunlon i.. she Minister JAMNS S:'s'X T M moRisie mouton Rev. "LV, E Donnelly, '73•, A„ Pastor 'W. RR,. Goulding,' A,C.C.M. Organist and Cboir`.^Leiftiex.+' 10.• 15 -Morning 'elloWsuiP•. 11. a,m.=-"Decisive Battles in Spirit;. ual History" 3-' pan ---Sunday School -•--"/' 7 p.m. -"The. Dynamic of -Life" Everybody 'Welcome t LOCAL t +++4444+ ++4444++ Rev. Trumper is in ,London this' week attending 'the Synod meeting, Mr. Thos. Herten , of London spent a couple of days in town this week-. Miss Ethel Sweet of Tiildonburg, spent a few days in town, the guest of Mr. and Mr. II.'Rivers. Mrs. Wilfrid Millar and little son Warren, spent Sunday and Monday, with her father, Mr. L.. Day. Mr. and ,Mrs. herr Amy of Bur -- ford motored up Saturday and spent the week -end with relatives. The report. of :the. Exeter High School has been• received and is be- ing held over until next week. Mrs. Kenneth' Clarke and little daughter June, of Windsor, spent a few days with Mrs. Milton Pfaff last week. Mrs. Mr. Grant Hooper and M'r. Way of 'Ingersoll motored up and spent Saturday with the former's brother, Will. . ... - Mrs. Sam'1,Sweitzer, who has been living on John street, last week moved into Mr. Byron Hicks' house on Huron street. Miss Salome Finkbeiner of town' and Miss Louieda Finkbeiner of Crediton, together with Mr and Mrs. Esli Heywood, motored to Lon- don on Saturday. Mrs. Rich. Horne; whohas been here visiting with her father, Mr. Daniel Woods, left Saturday for her home in Watrous, Sask., accom panied by her babe. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank `Slumkousky of'"Eitchener motored over on Sat=> urday afternoon and visited with Mr: and Mrs. Esli Heywood, return- ing home on Sunday evening. Mr. 'and Mrs." Josiah Kestle have returned' after t, spending several days with relatives at Dundas and Hamilton and also `attending the funeral of the late Win. Chappel. Commissioner Sowton, Leader of the Salvation Army for Canada, Newfoundland and Bermuda; will visit Exeter June 1st and' will be speaking in the Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind motored to Toronto on Wednesday'of last. week returning on Friday accompan- ied by their -son George, who has completed his first year at Dental College. The `Buds of Promise-' class of Trivitt Memorial Sunday School picniced in the woods ...last Satur- day. The girls of the class present- ed their teacher with a beautiful bouquet Of flowers for Mother's day. Mr. Chas. E. Harris of Weyburn, Sask., visited with his old friend, Mr. W. H. Johnston, on Sunday. In early life Mr. Johnston learned the cheesemaking with Mr. Harris. The latter has been in the West for 43 years. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shapton and Mrs. A. Hicks motored to Bayfield Monday and attended the- funeral: of rSnowden. de a - Mrs. Barnard The e c ed was 98 years of age and had been a' resident of Bayfield for many yea1rrss. . Milton Pfaff is visiting.. in London owing to the illness of Mr. Pfaff, who .is in the Victoria.mili- tary, hospital. The ward in which he is has been quarantined for ten days owing 'to an outbreak of scar- let fever. " Mr. and Mrs. R. N. RoWe' and daughters Misses Vera. and Beta, Mr. and Mrs.. John Rowe, Mrs. Lamport and Mrs. T. Kestle motored to Dun- das on Saturday to attend, the fun- eral of their cousin., the late ,William Chappel. ppe 1 Rev. Mr. -'Gr ant of Grand Bend will preach in :Main. , street church next Sunday. The pastor, Rev.. F_ E. Clysdale;,• will; conduct annivers- ary services „at Corbett.' Mother's Day will' be observed in the Sunday School zn'the afternoon. Mr.. J. C, . Hogarth, of Purves, Man., in renelvin:g; his subscription says that in his community the farm- ers are well on with the spring seed- ing and since the seeding started there has been little lost time, al- though the past few morningshad. been frosty Mr. Chris. Wein, of Stephen has purchased a handsome team of heavy draught horses from Mr ,„G. J. Dow that Won let and- sweepstakes at both Seaforth and 'Clinton shows. The team was sired by'Craigie• Bar- onet, the horse recently purchased by Messrs Ellerington and Cole: The,Municipal council have ;;pro- vided safety zones for, pedestrians to ;eross,the street in'the business sec- tion of the town. These safety zones have been -Marked off with White paint and pedestrians are ad, wised to i se them. Parents should warn their children to use these safety zones: .• Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner and son Bert motored; to Hamilton for the week -end to visit Mrs. •Gardin- er's ; brother, Mr. Wm. Davis, ' who -recently underwent an operation. Mr. Davis, who is steadily improv- ing is still very weak. Mrs. Pau', .,D7ovis accompanied them ;,a,s, far as l rantford where 'she, visited with i rs. D.' Dyer and Mrs. A. Walter. Mr. Fred Kerr of Crediton 'is to be congratulated, on his buccess at the recent dog show held in .London. ,Mr. Beer exhibited a hair of English Springer•-Bpaniels, a male and fe- male and was successful in, winning ' two first prizes, . a reserved winr).ex ;prize and the special prize for the Bost dog in the class, ' Trivitt Meta ori Clare • , Rev. A. A. Trumpet', L. Th.. Rector. 11 a.m - Servioes as Usual 7'.p.m,-Services as Usual Powell's Bazaar Plain Price Store MAY, the opening of Spring, the budding of the ':blossoms, 'the em- bracing air, and ,the many bargains we have gathered together -and have on display .in Our Store make life worth 'living. We want to "make MAY a' Banner month, both for our customers and ourselves. Look over a 'few of our offerings, then come and see. Remember you -can Come and Look around in this Store in 'Welcome./ We don't expect you to. buy if you don't want to. Fancy Glass Fruit Naps ... 5 e, Fluted Tumblers 5c Aluminum Double Boilers 1.45 Aluminum:' -Potato Pots 1.45 Mothers' Day, ''.Sunday.' We. will have Carnation"s, Roses,- ,..Sweet Peas and Panties. •Price lower than last year. Order early and avoid :disap- pointment. , Mothers' Day Post Cards: 5c. Come to the store with the Big Variety. STRAYED -=Onto the premises of Chas. Harvey, Huron St., on Thurs- day of last week, a dark bay horse. Owner may, have _ same by proving property and paying expenses. ' GIRLS ` WANTED -To operate sewing machines at Sanders Mfg. Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. Apply at factory. EN -AR -CO Motor Oil; ,Special price for one week, Reg. $1.25 can and oil for $1.00. H. Bierliug, Hay. LIGHTNING RODS Round Cables. We Shin -Flat and have the agency .for the above lightning rods.. Let us quote you prices. Old cables inspected and repaired. Four years' experience. Bruce Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Cen- tralia; phone Crediton 29 r 6. tuner, R. H. Stewart,pz ano , is in ,town and parties wishing their pianos tuned please leave word with S. Martin '& Son. I still have some of that'beautiful gladiolus, prim, Salmon' Beauty and its companion Alice Tiplady, a num- ber of :a splendid m7ure and some others„ -J. S. Harvey! 1,, FOUND -Gold tie band. Call at Times -Advocate office SEED POTATOES FOR'SALE-Dooley, first class; apply at -,Lot 15, Con. 2, . McGilliv- ray, or R. -R. No. 1 Clgndeboye. Arthur J. O'Neil • STORES TO. CLOSE V�?IDNESDAY AFTERNON DURIG SUMER MONTHS ',The following places of businds have agreed to close their respective stores o.n Wednesday•'afternoon at 12 ''m. "during the months of ' June, n AJ: Heamanu1 a d u est: W , Y gGrigg Stationery, Dominion Store` B .W. F: Beavers, =Herb Walter, Miss Yelland, .W. 'J. Beer, Jones &sMay J.A. Stewart, Southcott 'Bros,. Rivers Meat Market, Elliott &;JohnMlt Hodgert, N. ' Iockey, G. IA.. Hawkins, W. W. aman, S. 'Martin& Son, S. Taylor, P. Boyle, R, N.Rowe, M. E. Gariner.. h Iessrs R. H. Elvorthy andG.. J. Dow announce that they. have taken over the hog business of Wm.. Pass -more. On Tuesday,.• May 19th, Mr.Barbour, government grader will pe at ,Exeter. and give a grading dem- onstration. armers • should "fake advantage of this opportunity to secthe actual grading of Bogs. Anyonewith hogs ready for market phone the. above. Mothers'. Day was fittingly ob-served in: Janes St. on Sunday.Most persons wore aflower in honor of mother, • In the morning the pator,, Re. W. E. Donnelly, preached -a spledid sermon in keeping with the occasion and the choir furnished special music. A Sunday' Shool rally'was held in the: -auditorium' inthe' afternoon with a si�eelal Mother's day program one fture of which was a pageant 'iiy the youn-ladies of MVtis Beta, Itowe's class. The • Hya Yala published -.by the stidentsN of the Royal' CollegeDetal Sturgeons, Toronto contains in the March number an item refer-Hng to the first• ball ganxe of the season also a is e e the roe, pz ur � � p of the team, among ;:them' being ",i � w a 'the fat•-' Bx Ln son of town rad1 ,.lowing reference to Bi11's playing "The baeball this year was a well balanced outfit and it' would not be fair to pick the' star' of the`team. However,• mention ,should be made of. 'ill' tawson, who plays the Teyst:ohf Sock. dill played eery without making on„drror Mane limadeq mums NOMA ammo amass EMMA IMMO MOMS MMUS .11111. MOM ammr wow • w 'haat's the, 1 T� lggganfor S ri ig,; we, are Showing sa, lreaptiful, ;range»„of ;New Cloths this, season 1 tailored in single or double breasted. It is. a ;.goo41 • tim tp • buy now. Let us show you our values at ' 1610 52.2.59 30.0, $35.00 Congoleurn- Rugs' Linoleum, Rugs. We are showing several : new •. We offer the new patterns in patterns in this popular floor cow- this 'sanitary floor covering. Our: ering, All sizes, carried in. Stock., . prices will interest you... Bring patterns NEW: IINQL�UMS in the :size of your room and get our prices. We carry the best and will lay them free of charge. New %Va11-Papers Good Blinds at 98c. Brighten up the interior of This a shipment of seconds and your home with a few rolls• of our are worth in the regular way new wall papers. At per roll $1.50. We have a `limited gtian- + ` 73,6 c., 10c' to 50c. •tity each 98c, -..,CURTAINS. out CU TAN NET We offer 'a larger, better and cheaper range than ever before. Pretty nets for bedrooms and kitchens at 20c. 25c. and 35c. Better -qualities at 40c., 50c.,, 75c., 90e. Bedroom curtains complete with tie -backs per pr. • 8c. • hcott 134,40.1. .m 111:1. I1 !1!1!!1111!1111!!! 1111 11111111111111 1 �jlliflltifllilllilllllllltllilt!!1'11111 I ! � � 1 11� 1ll1f1111111191111I111IMl1!!lflllfll;llllflflllfffilfa , 114THERIBLICIEY1, REPAIRS AND INSURANCEYOUR PATRONAGi SOLICITED J. CHRISTIE OFICE: North of Elliott and johns We are sow prepared' to do "all, kinds,, of repairs on broken frames, For Sping whee eas.,before, we had to send. then .to London orelewhere,HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO TOUR_OWN LENSES, WHILE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE 'LENSES, 1.00 and UP. Dr. John.Ward CiOPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST.EXETR, ONT. PONE 70 ^ VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- TION'Pupils visited or received Terms Moderate Concert Engagements Accepted. RT MBR LL ROBE G IPhone 161, Exeter' YOU WILL •.WANT SOME New Furniture. - OR Your old Repaired' THE PLACE TO. GET YOUR RE- PAIRING DONE IS 0. AT R. N. ROWE'S WIjERE YOU ARE, SURE OF A GOOD JOB. OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE IS OF THE VERY BEST AND OUR PRICES •CANNOT BE BEATEN ANY, PLACE. :R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND garnish your linoleum regularlyFUNERAL DIRECTOR with Carmote Linoleum Varnish.. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Will last fbr years: Ask 'W. J. ` Phone; u's. 20W House 201 BEAMAN about it. '., �. . "BABY CHICKS Bred -to -Lay strains; S. C. White Leghorns, -$12.50 •per 100; Barred Rocks;•,.`$15.00 pert 100; from 2 specially y selected yearlings earlin . out of y g 220,.$25,;00 per 100. - From 25 specially selected' April pullet§ 'put of 140 $20.00 per, .htmd red. Eggs fdr hatching. A,•quantity of Dooley seed' potatoes also for sale 50c a '!bag Apply W. F :Abbott, EXeter,`•Ont-: R. ;McINNIS' LICENSED ;AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY For• best results 'let R. 11McInnis handle your• auction sales.. ' FIVE . •YEARS : EXPERIENCE = HAY POST OFFICE _Plants for Sale�� All kinds -of flrfyvering»'plaits, Geranium;, Salvia; ' Shap . Dragan,: Asters;Stocks; >'etunxa, , Foliage,. Fern, DitstY Miller, i4geiatum; ;Silver Leaf,. Begonias,' Modena; Wandering'. Jew, 4,Canna, -, Vines; Heliotrope French' Marygold, Zinnia; also . To mato Cabbage,. .-Cauliflower,and Celeiy, i . ladiolus d3n1bs. Hanging boxes, :window 'boxes ;;filled, to' order:' Safety f t Razor Blades`, Sharpened any make) SINGLEEDGE-.,nn.. 3c DOUBLE ,EDGE4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed Druggist ggt VV;S. COLE s LEANING PRESSING I; Ike CABLING B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. -Loans, Investments, Insurance , Offbe;Carling Block,Maih St. Exeter GLADMAN STANBURY- Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money . to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for Ise -of our Clients • without''bharge. Exeter London . Hensel! ERNEST ELLIOT - CON VEYANCER, ETC. HIGH :,CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee :Investments) 'Bearing interest at 51/4 .. per cent: • INSURANCE Office Main St. Exeter, Ont. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. _ • DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons' of Ontario and. University of 'Toronto:: Late"District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, -London, Ont. .--- Main, Office, .,;Main St. -Exeter; Ont. Phone 3.4, Exeter; Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Office houre at ZURICH, ONT., Tuesday only, at 10 a.m. to . 5 p.m. Phone, No. 79. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L,D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST /Office over v I. Rn Carling's Law .•office. • . Extractions Under Oxygen Gas. and REP;AIB:ING Dr. A. R. Kinsman L:L.D. D. . a s SUITS-, MADE-TO-MEASU14El Hongi' Graduate `of Toronto Unlver+ TA FI'I'-'YOU AND YOUR POCKET sity ORK •CALLED 'FOR' AND DE ° DENTIST . W Office over Gladinait & Stanbury's LIVERED. i ELLIOTT AND JOHNS `" 1111•116 413611911011IMIIMISMIROCININO1 c el OF r11V',1.UA; T'ITi[ CIIA i!I is now open t`o write pickle acreage in and around the, ,districts of «Exe- ter and Hensall for the coming sea- son. Anyone wishing' to eontracb will kindly see" Mr. VV.' W. ,I'f>ice, dis- trict ,ratan in Motet, ` or write him and he Will gladly call and see you and give you any information you mayrequire. We are paying r ci .. p ging moxa money, and receiving larger pickles Try one or two B. I'ss� GOU ding 4: T. C. M. .ro' ` x. of t'niSnd :Choir ._sate .:..; O ha.s 0%01;1:nester, JanteSl •St; 1klotliodist �, Church strucction in. Piano ,I.nVocal • Organ T heorf Supervisor of, Mttszc'in Schs ls Concert': ngagbmnnts•Accepted Studio •Victoria $'t Box 57 k1XETE13 ,ONO'. Ci01`l TiiACTOIt Ye n rat C,, xnb4 n d (7azVe o>r :Work E59'iIMAE$ Pt Rt..11$11pr1t; , ''010t4.11IO oOd for ..: r Sa le fe 0.trA'i' TIT r' Oi DRY Wo D pan sALE Bagshaw 'PIti' OS Phone , :$W office, Main Street Exeter. ' FRANK 'TAYLOR LICEr.TS'ED AUCTIONEEi for Huron and Middlesex' <: FARM SALES 'A SPFJCIALT'i'` Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed • EXETER. P. 0. or RING 13"g A. E. TENNANT. Veterinary Surgeon' Office --McDonnell's Sales Stables oxi John St. Phone"calls receive pi omp - attention,. Phone 26w, .;ARIES '4�,T., WATSON ' LICENSER AUCTIT:ER Sales conducts in"" any ' locty'. Fariu Stock `sales a. specialty. lataXih faet'io ,<, n guaranteed. Charges nada crate, Orders left at this officei wile be promptly' attended to. MIL No., 1, Rirkton. . Phone 'Kirkton 54r,2. VARY'S F.C:it SA'.,I+7•-•A few c1 oieel farms � ins in the Townships of Tisbrrxne; Ttickers,initli and Hibbert, Good buildingsand well located as to mar•,'. kets. Priced right. Apply to Thog Cmneron, Atiot4 not 154; Exeter.