HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-06-09, Page 1414 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Jun• 9, 1999
Senior golfers can learn to play smarter
Acouplc of days 1 spent at
the PGA Sr, Tour event near
Philadelphia recently
prompted me to address the •
subject of seniors and golf
this week. The timing is
great, as we just hosted the
Annual Investment Center
Men's Invitational
Tournament and have the
results of that as well. affects various parts of the
As the baby boomers' body that in turn affect the
parents age and then the baby golf swing: Arthritic hands
• hctomers•themselvcs, this may mean that it is more
aging of the- population will difficult to squeeze the grip
continue to influence many correctly.
• aspects of our society - golf Often this..can be helped
among them. with the use of oversiie grips
Watching the -professionals. on the clubs and switching to
on the tour last week. I a baseball style grip from the
• noticed that many ofthe overlapping or interlocking
players on the senior tour method. Arthritis in the back
look like they're in better shortens.- the swing. and
shape than they were when decreases distance. Using
they played the regular tour.. clubs with a more flexible
Many of them have found a :shah will' help as will the
new lease on life and want to addition of more utility
make the most of their woods in Our golf bag. and
opportunity •to ccintin.ue to - the retiring of the long and
earn their living playing mid irons.
professional golf. • Presbyopia causes you to
They watch their' diet have difficulty focusing your
. exercise, get lots of sleep And eyes. Golfers who. require
compete with passion; • bifocals sometimes have "to
The fact that there is no tilt their head at an awkward
Friday cut, the tournaments
are usually •only three-day
events, and they have put the
stresses•andstrains of raising
a family. and paying the
mortgage behind them:
etmtrihutcs to a better mental
lifestyle too. •
-Life is good on the Senior
Tour. Mind you it's a tough.
tour to geta card to play on,:
- hut once you're there yOu
can make a 'nice living
playing golf. and travelling
the country. ,
The LPGA is trying to put
' together a women's senior
• • tour and I certainly wish
them -well. Ittookawhile fcir
the men's tour to get off the
ground so I hope the LPGA
perseveres and we all get a
chance to see some of the
Tartan chameleon
By Carolanne Doig
angle to keep from having
blurred vision when they
address the hall. -
Recent improvements to
bifocals - having the entire
bottom part of the lens used
instead of.a finger tip sized
area - helps most golfers.
• Physical conditioning is
essential to reach your full -
potential in many areas -of
life.; Walking is. a "best.
exercise" and it is. always
recommended that golfers -
waik as much as they can..
Walking strengthens the
legs allowing for a better
•beginning base to swing.
from. Walking stimulates the
circulation and builds up the
heart. It's true that some
courses do not allow golfers
the opportunity to walk. and ..
greats Of ladies' golf playing that's a shame. If you are
competitive golf on a regular • permitted. ' then We -
basis. , recommend walking unless
How do you know if you're the course is really hilly. the
;a senior golfer'' To be , weather is really humid, or
afticially classed as'a senior you have a physical
player you have to fall within condition that prevents you
certain age categories. that from doing so..
se.em to be getting closer and Even walking the front nine
Closer, I might add. The Sr. wand riding the back is better
PGA tour requires players to than driving around the entire
he 50 or..older- The proposed course.
Sr. LPGA Tour will allow • Warming up before the •
,women 45 and older to game helps golfers of all
compete. in provincial and ages but particularly those
:national amateur competition oId bones and muscles:Do a
age for seniors is 55 and few warm-up exercises
older, while here at our local before .going to the tee, not
course the senior league just in cold weather. but
welcomes -Olen -and -women at before 'each -round. Take time
5t). to get to the course early and •
We all know that age is -just go through . a pre -game
a'nurnbcr and• that mariv,,Loutine of bends,'stretches,
people can and will enjoy swings with a weighted club,
their golf well into their 80s . hitting a few- practice shots.
and 90s. Ailments may •and making a few putts.
surface. and the scores may•brink lots of fluids On the
ccalate hut the enjoyment or. course and eat some fruit too:
and passion los the game, • • Wear the correct•clothing;
doesn't ha\c to decrease t".cr - especially footwear. -Good
time. Certain things can he . shoes --.with support are
predicted and compensated essential. Leather is better
ti+r. _ - - than synthetic because it
• Arthritis is a problem with :breathes andstretches. The
many aging golfer. Arthritis new soft spikes have to be
i or real peace of -mind,
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replaced regularly and be
careful on wet days on the
hills. They just don't give
you the traction that the
conventional steel spikes did,
but they give you great
greens. Wear loose
comfortable clothing, hat.
sunglasses and sunscreen.
Your mother never heard of
sunscreen - but we're telling
you now. , -
• Swing easy. Don't try to
kill the ball. Don't under
club. You're too old for all
that ego stuff anyway.
Wouldn't it sound better to
say, "I had a four" that) "I
made a six but I know I can
hit that three iron farther, if I
just.hit it better?" Use the
utility woods more and the
long irons less, maybe even
retire the driver or get one
with a more flexible shaft:or
a little extra loft. Use a lower
compression hall remember
that ego thing again.
• Finally. use the old noggin
to make up for some of the
losses in physical strength
and flexibility. Play in the
present tense. Don't base
club selection on what you
used to be able to-do; Play
for position on the course.
hitting to the safe side of the -
green and avoiding hazards. •
Play -from more t'orward
tees and enjoy shorter
courses. Practise your short
game and become a deadly
-chipper .and putter. Use
strategy. Remember the old
adage about old age and
treachery defeating youth
and skill. I think that was my
grandpa's motto.
Most golf professionals can
help seniors achieve greater
success on the golf course by
recommending clubs -that are
designed with the correct
shafts, grips and heads to
match the changes in a
senior's swing. •
The pro can also
recommend some exercises:
golf drills and even little
game management tips to
help. (If you want a great
chipping lesson see if you
can get a quick nine in with
Ken Doig Sr.), .
We have many seniors who
enjoy their golf on a regular
basis: We have all heard
many tales of golfers
shooting -their age. -We -watch
.the Senior Tour and realize
that for many. golf begins at
Gene Sarazen, who passed
away recently at 98.'teed it
up annually at the Masters
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right up until April of this
year. Some retirees don't
begin the game until in their
60s, yet become quite
proficient. Many professional
Athletes take up golf as their
later -in -life sport.
News from Seaforth Golf
Club: The Seniors •
Invitational was a great
success Iast_Wednesday in'.•
spite of the weather. Over
100 golfers between the •ages
of 50 and 84 played the 18 -
hole competition.
Winners in the various
flites were: ages 50-56 Rick
Wood with a 74 and Lynn
Holley with a net 71. Ages
57-63 Neil Coburn with.a 74
and Ron Claridge with a net
68. Ages 64-70 Mary Lite!.
shot 74 and Bob Hutchinson
had a net 67. Ages 71 and -
older was won by Ton:
Matlock with a 78 •and the
net winner was Jack
MacLean with a 68.
• Local goiters who. made it
to the prizes- were Ron
Stephan and Ken Doig Sr.,
but the competition. included
other area seniors as well
Harold Turnbull.' John
Patterson. Bob Wilson. Keith
Connolly and Bill Weber.
The Senior morning +vas
rained out as was Men's
Night last •week. The draw s
will he rescheduled. Winner
of the Ladies Night was
Connie Marion. A junior
girls'.clinic was held on
Sunday afternoon with.about
12 girls taking part in the
OLGA-sponsored. event
.organized • by Brenda
This week. .the course 1,
closed on Wednesday
between 9:30 a.m. and 4:3it
p.m: for the Arena Managers
Tournament. Don't forget to
get -your entry into the US
Ladies Open pool which
closes on Wednesday at 9
p.m. and mark your calendars
for the next Couples Night
set for June
The Matches continue,in
the Match Play co npetitions.
News of -that next week. -
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