HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-06-02, Page 1414-TIIE HURON EXPOSITOR, Jun* 2, 1999
Meet the candidates of the June 3 provincial election
Tomes will be cut again,
incumbent Helen Johns says
Helen Johns, 46, the incumbent
Huron -Bruce MPP says the
Progressive. Conservative Party has a
balanced plan for strengthening the
economy, creating more jobs and
making Ontario a better place ,in
which to live.'
"The debate is over - tax cuts create
jobs. The Conservatives cut taxes 69' •
times and a record 540,000 jobs were
created in Ontario. Ontario has led the
way and others are now following
Mike Harris' leadership by cutting taxes to
boost their economies."
Johns promises her party will cut taxes
again, putting more money back in people's
pockets and stimulating' more job creation.
Both the provincial income tax rate and the
provincial portion of residential property
taxes will be cut by 20 percent, she said.,
Johns say& Ontario's deficit was $11.3
billion when the party took office in 1995.
"Although it wasn't easy, the deficit is now
on track to zero. The Conservatives will
continue to make the tough decisions to
balance the budget next .year, as premised."
Voters must make 'sure . that future
governments don't squander that progress by
running another deficit. Johns says. The
party's Balanced Budget Act will require all
Ontario governments to keep the budget in
• balance If they fail, the premier and all
cabinet ministers will have their pay docked.
• Health care
Health care spending has increased by $1.5
pillion to its highest level in Ontario history,
despite huge cuts in ,federal funding,
according to Johns.
"It •took some tough, politically risky_
action, but the government did what had to
• he done to modernize and refocus spending
on front-line care. ,
"Now the government is building a health
care system for the future by increasing
, health care funding by a guaranteed 20 per
cent ovcr'the next five years to meet the
needs of our.aging population."
Shea says her government will also
introduce a Patients' Bill of Rights to
iguarantec quality services, when needed. Rights,
In the educational field. Johns says the
party believes • classroonis should be the
focus of resources, and guarantees that
classroom funding will -continue to increase
to match rising enrolment.
,She says the education system Must be
directly linked to the real world - to the jobs,
ideas and challenges faced every day. .
"The Conservatives will create -higher
education standards by testing teachers as
well as students, open the doors -to advanced
education with more financial assistance for.
students and start early with effective
programs for young children on the first rung
of the learning ladder."
Ontario needs an infrastructure designed to
meet our. requirements today and in the
future. Johns says. •
"Ontario prospers when leaders take
concrete steps to prepare for the future. The
strongest. premiers consistently build
frameworks big enough to grow into."
Johns promises the government will
establish a $20 billion public/private Super
:Build Growth Fund to renew Ontario's
ne;twst►rk of hospitals, high tech links,
highways. schools, universities and colleges.
That money will be spent smarter,
she says, more strategically and
more creatively, to get the
infrastructure up to today's
standards and ready to meet
tomorrow's needs.
In regards to agriculture, Johns
says the 1 government knows
farming is a challenging business.
She says the government is
committed to providing Ontario's
farmers with the support they need.
"We delivered on our promise to restore
Ontario's agriculture budget to its fair share,
while restoring Ontario's economy."
The Ontariogovernment's agriculture
budget in 1998 - 99 is over $128 million
higher than when it was in 1995.
"The Conservatives believe farmers,
deserve fair treatment from government, and
will fight to ensure farmers receive their fair
share of federal support.
'Johns says the Conservatives will provide
$35 million for the Ontario Agriculture
program, Healthy Futures.
"The focus will be on total farm quality.
management for product quality, food safety
and environmental quality. This is crucial to
access markets, attract new business and
ensure consumer confidence in Ontario's
food production system."
She says the provincial government has
taken steps to eliminate further strains on
already critically -low ground water levels. A
moratorium has been placed on several
counties including Huron and Bruce which
will stop the issuance of permits for water
"Any action that can ,be taken to protect
our water resources must be taken," she says.
Johns also addressed hunting and fishing,
the traditional outdoor activities in Huron -
Bruce. She says the license fees paid by
outdoors enthusiasts help make it possible to
preserve wildlife and their habitat. The
government supports Ontario's tradition of,
ethical, safe, hunting and fishing. ,
On February. i0, 1999, Johns says she
initiated what is now a PC contmitment to.
legislate the right to hunt and fish.
The Conservative platform says it's time to
legally,recognize heritagehunting and
fishing practices in Ontario and acknowledge'
the role anglers and hunters have played in
environmental conservation.
Johns promises the right to hunt and fish in
Ontario with a Heritage Hunting & Fishing
Act will be legislated.
Vote forme
"After all the progress made in the past, we
can't risk it all by returning to the old style of
politics that left Ontario in such a mess four
years ago, .I believe Huron -Bruce should
continue to move to better times, not slide
backward into high debts, • high
unemployment, runaway spending and low
She says Huron -Bruce can face the future
with hope and confidence.
"With economic growth more people are
working, providing for themselvesand their
families. We have the resources needed to
support a better quality of life, with higher
quality education in the classroom, more
secure communities and dependable,
sustainable health care."
Linda Freiburger's Family
Coalition Party favours vouchers
Linda Frei burger.
47, is the •Family .
Coalition Party
candidate for the
riding of Huron Bruce.
Freihurgcr says her'
party is in favor of a
voucher system for
education. •
' "Government
Monies would follow
the child, whether they
attend a county -based charter
school or arc home -schooled.
it is the parent's responsibility
to choose: the education
system for their child."
Freiburger is notin favor of
a -school program for three
year olds. •
"Schools are not to be
considered a method of day
care. Children need to be
hugged and praised. Who
better to do this than their
parents. Parents are the first
and most important educators
of their children."
She says helping today's
students prepare for the
challenges ahead will create
innovation and a growing
economy in Ontario.
it is the responsibility of'
government to promote
healthy lifestyles, maintain a
high quality of health care
facilities and guarantee
accessibility, Freiburger says.
The trend toward
preventative medicine,
nutrition and natural
medicines .
should be encouraged, she
"The FCP.
will eliminate
government funding
for • abortion,
euthanasia and sex
change operations."
legislation will
allow health care
'workers to refuse to
participate in any
procedure which is contrary to
their morai conviction -8r
religion, as declared by tem
at time of employment."
She says the FCP doesn't
believe in a ceiling . on
doctor's -fees. The party also
believes the life-giving role of .
nurses should be recognized
'and palliative care needs to be '
reinforced and expanded.
• Agriculture
The FCP supports the Right
to Farm legislation.
"The farm sector must be
free to operate responsibly,
without interference regarding
,standard farm operating
practices," Freiburger says.
The party also promotes the
responsible management of
livestock waste through
nutrient management plans.
"The party will protect
existing land in agricultural
use from urban and industrial
expansion," Freiburger says.
The FCP also supports the
responsible use of approved
chemicals in agriculture.
"Farmers' take a pesticide
course in order to use sprays
on their crops. However,
anyone can buy the same
product to use on their lawn
and gardens without any
educational training."
Tax cuts vs paying off debt '
Freiburger wants to balance
the budget every year so as
not to increase debt. •
"After balancing the budget,
start to reduce the debt by 10
per cent. Once the debt is paid
off, Ontario is saving. $9.1
billion in -Interest. Then -we --
can afford to reduce the
provincial tax by two per cent
per year."
Vote forme
"I are about my family, my
,community and my country,"
Freiburger says.
"There has to be
responsibility for actions
taken in government. A
government should be a life -
enforcing establishment. For
people that means life is
sacred; for business that
means creating -a growing,
healthy environment for youth
and the working sector. For
where we live that means
protection• for the air, water
and ground. We are given
stewardship of this earth for
ourselves acid our future
"I am a candidate for the
FCP because I needed a
political party with values I
believe in ... a party that
believes in people .,,'that
families are the building block
of our society."
Ross Lamont was president
of Liberal Party of Ontario
Ross Lamont, 43,
is running as the
Liberal candidate in
the Huron -Bruce
He managed
Dalton McGuinty's
leadership campaign
three years ago, and
was the president of
the Ontario Liberal
party, last year.
He believes the current
education funding formula
will result in the closing of
many rural schools in
Huron -Bruce.
"A Liberal government
wit protect our small rural
schools from these clost.res
and put more decision
making back in the hands of
local school boards. We will
put money back into
education to restore special
education programs,' reduce
real classroom sizes and
provide adult education."
Health care
Lamont says Ontarians
expect accessible publicly
funded health care.
"That has been badly ,
eroded over the past four
years. A ' Liberal
government will put nurses '
back into our institutiohs,
provide home care where
needed and put
programs in place
to ensure
doctors • are
committed to
coming to
areas like Huron -
says the Liberals will ensure
local hospitals are not
"A set of health care
standards will be
implemented through the
Ontario Patient Protection
Act so people will have the
health care they require."
• Agriculture
Lamont says a Liberal
government will support the
agricultural industry by
providing funding for long
term disaster_ relief
It will also make a long
term commitment to the
sales tax rebate on
'construction materials and
will work with commodity
groups to promote quality
food products more
"We will establish a rural
ground water protection
strategy and provide support
to the development of faun
nutrient managerncrit
plans." he says.
, A Liberal government
will also put in place '
meaningful risk
management programs to
ensure that relief is
available for. drought
victims, Lamont says.
Tax cuts vs paying
off debt
"Borrowing money 10
provide tax cuts which
largely benefits the most
wealthy people in Ontario is
not in the province's best
interest," Lamont says.
According to Lamont..a
Liberal government would
first balance the hooks,
reinvest in health care and
education and then
• selectively provide tax relief
to those who .need it the
most, the middle class.
Vote for me
Lamont has a strong rural
background and has an
understanding of the issues
• in Huron -Bruce. .
"I will work hard for all
my constituents and respond
quickly to every issue that is
brought to my attention," he
Tony McQuail says Ontarians
have seen destruction of education
Tony McQuail, 47, of Lucknow is
'running as the New Democratic Party
candidate in. the Huron Bruce riding.
On education, McQuail says.
Ontarians have witnessed destructive
changes to the education system
because of Bill 160. '
"To pay for a tax break for the
wealthy, the Harris Conservatives.
have cut $1.2 billion from our
children's schools. These cuts are
deep and they are increasing class
sizes, limiting course offerings and forcing
students, teachers and parents tospend time
fund raising when they should be spent
McQuail doesn't want an:Ontario where
children are forced to sell chocolate bars to pay
for essential school supplies,
"When Bill 160 was introduced I became
active in organizingparental opposition to Bill
160 in Huron County. I felt Bill 160
concentrated control of education in the hands
of the Toronto bureaucracy and provincial
cabinet. As a former school board trustee I.
recognized the importance of having local
control to meet local needs."
McQuail is committed tosepealing Bill 160
and reinvesting in public education. The NDP
will change the Conservatives' education
funding formula and invest $360 million
immediately to help keep community schools
open, protect Junior Kindergarten and -Early
Childhood education and adequately support
special needs education. '
The NDP will but university and college
tuition fees for students by' 10 per cent.
"By stopping the tax cut for those with
taxable incomes over $80,000, the NDP can
keep these commitments to public.education
without raising the deficit a single cent."
Health care
McQuail says the Conservatives are
destroying our public health care system.
The NDP willstop the move to American
style, for-profit health care and home care.
"We will rebuild our Ontario health care
system so everyone, regardless of income, can
get the care they need, when they need it."
He says by stopping the tax break for those
With taxable incomes over $80,000 there will
be enough money. to. invest "$250 million
immediately in home nursing, homemaking
and -personal support services_
"We will invest $375 million to hire back
nurses and health care workers so that all
hospital departments, especially emergency
care, intensive care, neo -natal and critical care
departments are adequately' staffed and
hospital beds effectively used:
He says Ford, Chrysler and General Motors
invested $6 billion in the auto industry, in
Ontario, because of the efficiency of Ontario's- •
health care system.
"Purchasing health care here in Ontario,
under the public system of medicare, saves
them hundreds of dollars per vehicle compared
to private sector health insurance in the United
"We don't have to invent a health care
system that works for -everyone. We just have
to hold onto it."
McQuail has a long standing concern for
the environment.
"Family farmers and rural residents are
becoming increasingly concerned about the
size and environmental impact of corporate
mega barns and their associated untreated
livestock sewage."
Mc()uail says it was wrong for the
Conservative government to cut the Ministry
of the Environment budget to pay for a tax
"The ministry has ,been so slashed it
simply doesn't have the staff to
effectively monitor and enforce
environmental regulations. The NDP
is committed to reinvesting tax break
money in healthcare, education and
other essential programs, including
hiring 500 new environmental
officers, to replace those cut by the
Harris government.
As a farmer McQuail knows the
anxiety and cost of coping with the
drought of 1998 and the anxiety that this
spring's weather has caused.
He said. in 1991, the NDP provided
emergencyassistance of $35.5 million ui help
farmers hard hit by recession and drought •
while the federal government refused help.
"The NDP believes we arc. alt part et a
community and that in tough times we should
support each other. With the added uncertainty
that climate change is bringing to agriculture
we need to design programs for sharing the
risk and also develop local approaches to
-reduce risk. We should look at methods which
minimize personal, agricultural and municipal
water requirements."
Also of concern to McQuail is the' plan to
increase the amount -of radioactive waste fuel ---
temporarily stored at the Bruce Nuclear Power •
"We must stop making decisions which
merely postpone dealing with problems like
liquid manure from corporate mega fauns or
high level radioactive waste. We live in a rich
agricultural area with recreation and tourist
opportunities beside Lake Huron. The health
and beauty of our local environment are
important to our communities and our long
term economic health."
Tax cuts is paying off deficit •
' The Conservative "tax•cut has cut health....
education and community services for
ordinary people. McQuail says the Torics
have borrowed the money for this tax hreak at ,
the expense of communities. •
Ontario's deficit ballooned during the earn
1990s, under the impact of the worst recession
in this province. since the 1930s. During the
recession, the. NDP government made tough
decisions •• making government more
affordable, while maintaining services and
bringing the deficit under control. '
"We do believe that govcmments should live
s' _.__
within their means.
He said the NDP budget would balance over
a four-year cycle allowing government to
invest in people and services when times arc
tough and save when times are good.
Vote for me • .
"If you believe it is wrong to cut health care
and education while borrowing .the money for
tax breaks and if you believe that we should
cancel the tax break for taxable incomes over
$80,000, putting. $ i'.5 billion back into .health
care, education and our communities, then you
should vote with me." McQuail says.
Social justice and ecological sustainability
guide McQuail's life. He says -they .wilt guide
him as MPP. •
"I believe we need to work toward both if
'we are to' create a world our children will
thank us for."
McQuail has 25 years of experience as a
fanner and small business pers,,n; As well, he
has been a school board trust< nor nine years, .
and two yeari' experience as'thc executive
assistant to the Ontario Minister of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
"I believe that cooperation will build a better
community than divisive competition."
McQuail is running for the NDP because he
sees a transfer of wealth to the wealthy .and a •
plundering of local communities.