HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-14, Page 5fOR`'A HE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE :ens 100000 SO 11044 100001,1101111111 11014114111101111001 010001000 0011 0110 011611.10 00101 ;1 .01 Plill •••••4101. ON IP Nal 1. NMI NINM. AWN.. N yowl Are' YOU PiSsafistied'? Do you want a Better Training to command a Bigger Salary? write to :. The S h lof Ootilmerce Clinton, Ontario PARTIOVEARS-BEGATtlINO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS COMING . DAILY BY TRAIN EXTRA TUITION GIVEN BECAUSE OF SHORT SCHOOL DAY COURSES Stenographic -- Commercial --Secretarial Special Courses M.A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, R, F. WARD, B.A., Vice Principal Principal litudents May 'Enter at Any Mae. All St. Marys "Talcn at' Town Hall ,Hensall, WED., MAY 2 Grand Street Parade ai-7:45 New Costnmes, Jokes, SOngs:,.Choruses and. Dances A Admission 35 and 5Q.c. Hensall Brick .and Block Yard DEALERS IN Cement, Hydrated Lime, Hard WalrPlaster and Gyproc Wall Board OUR,. FRESH SUPPLY HAS JUST -'ARRIVED, ALSO NEW AND SEC- OND HAND BICYCLES AND BI- CYCLE ACCESSORIES.. WE MAI& ;THE CLEVELAND OUR SPECIAL. 13% -,WW&ID-st Phoney FR. A. 1\401R, L M. C. C. PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON Phone 70 ' HENSALL palihmeviqsommasisscatamemmesturanorse DR. J. W. PECK Graduate ot,Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Mem: her. of College of Phyeicians and Burgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical COuuell of Canada; Pest Graduate Member of Resident,Mese- ical staff of General Hospita,l, Moat - real, 1914-15; Office 3 dopes east of Poste Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. AUCTIONEER. OSCAR ICLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- ktiot School, Special course takeu in Xlegisteeed Live Steck (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real, ,Ettate,, yam Sale, etc. Rates it keeping with evailthg'suites. Satisfaction as- asared, write OscareKlope, Zurich, or *wire 1$-93 Zurich. ,ii-,e,,,volloraFrove0t;ineOrinlaninew 41N-11231Sallli.RANSON229Vial WHITE PINE v raatclied dressed On both sides at PFR • • THIS elel THE TIME TO, STOOL; re WITH GOOD COAL WHILE YOU CAN GET, IT AT A LOW rgict' CLATWORTHT GRANTON • Mr. and Mrs. D. McHarg. and son of London visited Mr. T. Peart on Sunday; , Mrs. J. Passmore, Mise Zetta tend Mr. Carl Passmore spent Monday in London. Mr. Bill Fairburn ie nursing a rather sore hand- the result of blood poisonng. :Miss E. Shouldice of McGillivray has accepted a position with Mr. D. A. Cantelon. Our school board have men en- gaged -this week *levelling the grounds at the school. Miss Jean Bonthron, who has been ill for somelime with scarlet fever returned to school Monday. After this week the Public Lib- rary will be open on. Tuesday and Saturdays diteing the summer mon, this. Mr. and Mrs: Smith, of Windsor, spent -a few days in town recently with the foftner's mother Mrs. Win. Consitt. , Petitions are being circulated this Week by residents of the differ- ent streets in town asking the -Coun- cil to oil the streets. ' • The Annual Hensall Gun Club shoot will 'be held on the local elsoot- iagagrounds, on Wednesday, June 3 dwing to the croVedede condition of ouraeapet thne rveeek Hensall School repere had ,to beaheld ovei until next week.:, , . • e s- The bowlers engaged in their. first bit Of the summer. pastime' on Tues- day :of this week. In a few e days the Sport wile be in full sWing: Mr. Jack Stacey, Jr. has taken: a position with his uncle,' Mr.. John Sta.ctey Mid* will assist him •hiallia work of painting and paper -hanging. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott and Mr - and Mrs. Weekes of StrathroY, Paid a short vislinrecently. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh and othernrelativee in town. : Co'urt of Revision will be held in the Town Hall on May 30th at 7 p.m. to hear any appeals which may be presented against the 1e,26 esagSge ment roll. . Wee note with Pleasure from a Tole onto paper the aceount of the wire niiig of a- silver medal by MiseN. Hardie, as a prize for elocution; in a contest recently put on bee the Ro- yal Templars of Temperaace of Toi- mite, Norma has many friends ,here. „who will: be glad to hear of her sue - Next Sunday is •Automobile :Day in the Methodist church. All' having autos are requested to bring theni to church. fall of people. EspeciallY it is desired that those who have no means of' conveyance and thee slitt- ing be; breaght to the, eeraice: Jli the moraiva. the pastor evillePreach on the eubject of Goci's'Greaf„SerVice Stations. Grand Rally at thaeievell- ing serviee. A, hearty invitation tO all wine can come. The•other. day We Saw a healthy looking fly. Won ,9; be long before he's a great, great-grandfather. Choice of several fine up-to-date "Dwellings" at a bargain, Well' sites ated and poheession. can quickly be given,' mueh eheeteer to buy. than build, apply'. to' G. j. Sutherland, at 'Past Offiee, Plensall, Ont. , Mr. J. Marshall of Clinton Was k:Ti tewn on IVIonday. Win Lad Mclavven has taken a Pisa -- Mon at Cook Bros. Garage. Mr. J. Bade of Brandfoed ,was in town Thursday on business. Mr. Ja, Ortwein has had the front ,of his, store neevly painted. • Miss M. Hodder is visiting at the home in Dutton for e fe* weeks. e Mr. Wellington McDonald, of Flo- rida, is visiting friends 'in town this w.eMelicases Violet and Hattie White- sideatmur-ro,dfazGo. yo cl Re roi :lei :osint,e dt hien' :ntee:Ilisiln_ cksmith, spent Sunday et his home in Thorndalee Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKay of Crona arty vivsited on Sunday with the Misses Newell. • ' Mr. and.' Mrs. David Shirray and son ,Albert visited friends in Monc- ton dn Sunday . Mr. Ross Dougall,,of London was a visitor over the week -end at 'his home an town. Mr; Peppier, of the Bank of Mon- treal staef here, spent Sunday at his home -in Hanover. • ' • We notice" quite a -number of the of the Village pulling dande- lions,'this week. s - Mr. Roy 'Todd delfrered, a num- ber of cattle to M.,Byron'Hicks at Centralia, on Monday. eA number of Oddiefrows from Hensall visited the .Eieter Brethren on Tuesday evening. Miss Irene Hazelwood of' ,Lonaon, is visiting this week at thehorae,_of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson. , • ' Mr,. and lairs,- lafiltoa Ortweine and son Lloyd of London visited for a few days with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. Cawthrob of Tavis- tock visited. the fornier's mother Mrs. Dick, in town che Stiadaya, Congratulationg to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt.on the arrival of a young son at their home on, Saturday. Mr. and- Mre. Chalk of Brantford spent • Tuesday: of last week, the guest of Mr. elide Mrs. Thos. Welsh. and Mrs. Allen Webber,- of London, visited on • Thursday .with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudsonand fee:rale-. Mr. J. Pasemore recently 'install- ed an electric stove • in the fine home of Mr. Jas. A. Bell; south of town. •• Mr. and Mrs. Thos -Welsh and 'master Scott visited, their daughter, Miss Derothy Welsh in Stratford op Sundays' , "• Mr. Holland Little has secured feom Steele Briggs and Co.. the con- tract for painting the 'new onion warehouse.' a s Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of Har- rington; were here this -week vielta jug -Mrs.Duncan' S parents Mr. and Mrs. John Young. " Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Palmer and son Roy arrived. in town Tuesday, end intend 'opening a grocery store in the Ortwein store; • The merchant's' of the 'village have agreed to close their peaces of. busi- ness on Wednesday eafternoondur- ing the months 'Of June, July au& August. - Mr. and Mren. A. Reichert are hav- ing their horae on S. Richmond St. stuccoed, and- when finished will present a very pleasing appearance. The district meeting, of. the Meth- odist 'church of the Exeter District was held en. Crediton on Tuesday. Mr: Sinclair and' Mr. • N. Peck were 'the Hensall delegates. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAethur have reaeived word of the :severe illness of their son Louis, at Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Ray McArthur left for Van- couver on Monday' evening. -- , Mr. and Mrs. I. Buchanan • and three children and Mr. P. B. Buch- anan, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Win. Buchanan and other relatives and friends in town over Sunday. Messrs Young, and • Clark are tastefully' 'redecorating their ice- cream parlor in the basellient of the Commercial Hotel and will be open- ed for the season on. Satarday. saa number from town attended the anniversary services at $t. Andrew's church, Kippen• •Sunday last Some also took. in the concert on Monday evening and report a -good time. The play entitled "Bergs conies the Bride Groom" will, be givea in the Town Hall -on Friday evening by the yoting People of l3eamiller, the pro- cceeds a,ro for' the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church. :Mother's Day services was held in the Methodist -church on Sunday last Resta Mr.. Sinelair preaching t� large congregations both morning ad evening. A- 'mothers choir , fur - niched the music: , • Mr. Richard Blatchford received word last week of the death 'of las a'�n-in-law, Mr. 'Henry` Putman; North Dakota. Mr, Putman has been a sufferer 'of s asthma for a number of years. Mrs. Putielan was the eld- est daughter of Mr. Blatchford. 'The Council last Week advertised fOr Tenders fel' the ,use of- Park grounds for pastuae. The Tenclere were opened on Sateteday eveaing and the tender of Walter liobleirk and Richard Welela'. $34.60 being. tile highest was accepted' by. the ceuncin • The Young Peoples League held their regular meetipg `On Meatiest evening with Male,' Irma IIiggina Presiding, Miss Noatt, Vollick acted as Secretary. The Seripture lsoii was read by Marion Miss. Perbeis gave the toPicim Mission iii ;Tstpan and Misir Mildred MeDoaald read • a illiSSiOhar30` story, A plane duet by Margaret and Louise Drum- mond and a solo by Mise Searlet was enjoyed by all. • Drainage Referee aderson: has niatified , the -paetleaaetneOenea, that he Will, be. able te:takeagp the Priest/ drainage eaSa against the •village on loTtygoirt64;40%01FAIlt*an,7j44 aall(416wabsine ve ba.01):" befOre jledge Bare ron at: Goderich lamt- year, hut the Jtidges thought' t Would be better to leave the case :to Referee Hebehne son which was agreed. to ley both oincleML'aeelV121t6:t111.1:e.ilder°.STittirellithbee clia°sies! Mr. Prieet, claiens that the reeve of the tewn at that tiine Wins was also acting ad'Inspector et the 'drain that wee 'being deg 'changed , the ceuree „of :the drain pantie its sue*ey galioftebnYativ°41Pga:;'!°f asttea' Pw'iat't:1171C). h4lads iot and haa.enewseaadver his land doing dam- aga 't.ei his cellay, well, garden and Stable; and 'es ,:asking for dam:egos, and'tne•delain 'a)* back intiteepeo.e; perelela.,6ee Vora Was received in town on Wedneeday evening last of the death of Charles Moore at Detroit. Mr. Meore: was born at Chiselhurst 58 years ago and %pent his early man- hood.here at Heneall, spending ,sense time et the C. N. R. station. Be was engaged, in railway work. at, Detroit for some years and for a, number of Years has been in the Michigan, Cen- tral office at Detroit, A couple of weeks ago he was hurt in an auto- mobile accident and was recovering geiscely when pneumonia set in which .caused his death. His wife died some 10 years ago and since then he has made hi S home with his cousin Mr. L'obig Smith at Detroit. He was the eldest son .of the late Mr. and :Mrs. Wm. Moore, of Hensall and ie survived by one brother and three sisters. Mr. 'Wm. Moore, of London Mrs. T. H. Pieraim and Miss M. J. Moore; of : Woodstock; and Mrs. T. Simpson', of• Hensall. Interment took , place iii 'Detroit on Friday af- teracien. BASEBALL , LEA.GI.TE ORGANIZED A meeting of representatives from Crediton, Seaforth, Zurich and 'Jensen Met at Zurich on Monday evening and decided to organize a league betweensthe four above-men- tionede towns. The rules are to be as • followse L' Teams to draw players from a radius eof five miles. II. Each team to pay their own ex- penses. III.eVisiting team bring umpire in.Chief. Herne- team- pro- vide base umpire. IV. 'Teams fin- ishing schedule 1st and and play home and, home games: As :will be seen by the, schedule below the first game will 'be at Henna on Friday, May 22nd, between Crediton and Hensall. Below is only part of the Schedule as space would not,Permit the entire list, but a Complete. sceheclule will appear next week. May 22—Crediton at Hensall May '25-e-aZurich "at Crediton June 2---Seaforth at Creditonn June te-Hensall: at Zurich June I1e--4Iensell at Crediton June 1 eh: at Seaforth June 15--atCreditan,:eataZuficlie June 1.8=LSeaforth at Hensall June 25 -Zurich; at Hensall June 25—prediton at Seaforth - Wbalen Mrs. John Steenson, spent Satur- day in -London Hospital, where Mr. Stevenson, is rapidly recovering from his recent operation. The. regular Monthly meeting of the W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. D. A. Johnson on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. N.Ogdenof Exeter spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. F. Sciukr.e. Mand Mrs. TeakeY of Lucau were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gunning., ' Mrs. Frank Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Harding of Exeter spent Sun- day afternoon at the home of 11/lea Win. 'Morley. ' Mothers day was- obgerved in this church, on Sunday. The day was beautiful but even niore beautiful than, the weather was the beautifufl spirit of Mothers' Da Y manifested on all sides. The male choir was much appreciated and added very nntc'n to the services. Baptiemal • service was conducted by Rev: Kitely bap- tizing six smyl babies who were: John 'Clair, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood; John Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. "-Earl Johnson; Cecil Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire; -Shirley Elvina,, -daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. France Squire; Maida Blanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson' Morley; • William Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks. • Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen; L. D. S D: D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCorraick'S Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. • MAIN OFFICE droditanii Prenallag far ,a hsg celebration, • ea.' 'May "25th. There will be a lague bail...genie betWeen Creditote and Zurich, Sand 'Will be ). in ,atlendance With open air band eencert. Splendid moving "Antare sinew at 'night. It is hoped that everTene Will Plan, to visit Orecliteu.), May 25th, " ' I Me'. lead Mr. Win. Heetherley ited et the home of the la,tters par- entenMr, and Mrs. H. Metz On Mr... and Mrs. Wm, Fischer and. son' Visited the former's parents in Dash - Wood lest week. •"A Sure Foundatien"nor Countess of Huntingdon's Teat" will be the Subject in the Methodist charch. neat •Sunday evhning, This is the the series on "Divine Dynam- ics" o eText That Made History,", You nen't ,affOrd,,tee, Miss these cap- tivatiriaelneseagesn•'- Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Either and daughter accompanied by Mrs. •Gila yin, motored to Lucknow, spending the week -end, Mrs. Giryin remain- ing their for the summer. Mr. and Mrs.. G, E, Weuzel seent the week -end out of town. Mr. sound • Mrs. H. La,nkin and family 'visited Mr. and Mrs, J, G. Young over the week -end. Mr,. Ilatrold Yeung of London vis- ited in the village over the , week- end. • Mie, and; Mrs. Chas. Braun. Of De- troit visited 'Mr. and Mrs*, G.. K. Braun over the week -end. ,Mr. Truemner visited' Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein over the week- . Miss, Loretta Holtzman nurse in training London laictoria Hospital visited her parents the past week. Mts. Russell Huxtable of Hamil- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver the past week. A very enjoyable evening was spent in he Town Hall last Thurs- day evening last, when the C. I. C. class of the Evangelical SuadaY School entertained the Dorcas band of the seine school to a social even- ing. The hall was nicely decorate ed' in the class colors, white and yellow. A dainty luncheon es,,a4 served after the program.. The pro- gram consisted of selections by the orchesara,, Male quartette and ladies quartettenWhich were very much en- joyed;' a corhet solo by Mr. Emery Faliner, a, piano duett by the Misses Clara. ; Morlock and Miss Lozetta Haisa; readings by Mrs. Chris Heist and laliss Lavine Smith were very inucheaJoyed; addresses` by Mrs. G. K. Braun, Mr. -Chester Mawhinney and Mr- j. H. Holtzman were very much appreciated. The chairman of the evening was Mr, H. K. Eilbene A record crowd tamed out to en- joy the fun.' Mr. James Cockwell is. delivering another large shipment of fruit' and. ornamental trees and shrubs sold' by Lloyd England, Crediton for Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Mrs. Henry Heist, Messrs John and Jocab Geiser attended the fun- eral of their aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Gaiser in Stratford last Friday. Ute0 a napar le ,the ppertene tintt Mo: thati 'mu eedeeerated.' Let ne help yolk 'With. ,he :seleetion of,, your vall par pein regard to: laYeat and enier Me, PAINTING ' • poreeqtni:b7., et le interior or eXterior WO ea il 4 us Vicia to Salitilt4CtiQl) 1,)O0.1lEW 1,1$9. the beet Anaterials obtainable and yen are sure of a, „ .GRAINING When, it comes 'to graining we are exeerte, paperieace oily Ca n give that appearaseee which so closely, resembles the beautiful grains of the „ t.s different wOods, Our long experience as Master Paintere-ie at Year service. Consult us for your next job. and be Sure of satisfaction. ' 1-11. MART:174%1 658 Hamilton Rd:, Isoncloa but. "Our Prices are Reasonable" . PAINTER A.Nri DECORATOR phone 7967 or send a card for al3Pointnient, ONtai. AT ‘••••••11,01,..10•1111,11.1*. BABY' CHiC 'Bareed-Rocks, White Leghorns, B, 0., R. I. 'Reds White Wyandottes. 'Let Cull your flock for laying and Propo- tency. Qualified Plage for poultry'shows Honor graduate of American Poultry School GARNET R. HEITVVOOD • EXETER, ONTARSIO UNIVERSITY OF 'WESTERN ONTARIO SPECIAL COURSE FOR TEACHERS • In NATURE STUDY AND AGRICULTURE To equip teachrrs to reset the new re. quirements of the Department of Educa- tion in this tr.sbject. (Two credits towards B.A. Degree will, be given for this course.) Cou;ses offered alsci, in Astronomy, History, Latin, Mathematics and Zoology. Chemistry, English, ranch, German, A splendid social and Athletic program throughout the en- tire six weeks. Beautiful new Uni- versity Buildings. • Start on a B. A. Course now! Six de- lightful weeks of study and recreation. • Siimther $chool -JUNE 29th i to AlateUST ath Fol. inform of fors write Om Director, Dr. H. R. Kinotoh, or Dr. X. P.,R, intr. ese press to you its appreciation and the appreciation of the congregation ot your attach valued services whech have added so greatly to the beauty ani effectiveness of Divine worsigp. The Creator, has been, generous to you as 'individuals in tuning your voices for song and it is 'fitting in- deed that you should use this great gift of`hie‘in leadling his people in their songs of praise. The sacrifice of your time in the preparation' of suita,ble 733,USi C and in the regular at- tendance upon 'the excercises of the chanchs..SundaY by ..Sunday has brought- -untold- 'blessings to Many others not so richly gifted as you Mothers' Day was very fittingly obseryed in connection with -Zion are and Your labor of love and de- votion will have their recompense Evangelical Sunday School last Sun- e- thin the joy you have brought to these day. About 74. mothers were pr sent and took part in the excerciadanin the well-done of the .Heaven -' who rejoices in every ser- vice of sacrifice 'performed for Him. . John Essery, Rec. Steveard A very suitable Pageant was render- ed by one of the mothers and four pupils. If you want to make the most of your life you should hear Rev. W. Y. Dreier preach on "What is your life' next Sunday morning and if you would invest it so as to permanently „influence the world for egood, you will want to hear his message on "The joy of service" and the curse of Indolence" at the evening ser- vice. Hartleib's Block DashwoOd. Ont. The annual band concert given by' the local Citizens Band was, held ine Hartleib's Hall on Friday night and proved to be one of the beat ever Staged here. The hall was filled to the doors and many had to be turn- ed away. A play entitled "Look dut for Paint" giVen b the. young People of the' town was well 'render- ed. Dr. Taylor occupied' the and in his address he told- of the benefit of the bend ,to the town and congratulated the boye on the excel - ant program aseVell as their •appetoa •nice in their 'new' wafering. The band now has an enrollment of twenty membere ander the director» ehip of Ted. 'Vitaliser. -111a. and MrS. Flynn of London spent Sunda Yr with Mr. and. Mrs. Ezra Tiernan. , Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilbtir Gray:biol of Woodstock spent '8Unday with Mr. rind..BIT'L J W Griebiel Miss tette Gelerither .spent Setnie day in London Miee 'Emma Tiontan of Londoa Visited iu town over the week -end, Elimville Wedding bells will ring in. the near future. . Mr. and Mrs. Hadwich Cornish of London spent Sunday, "Mothers' Day" at home. Mr a Elford has purchased the property.* of the late Mr. Thos. Smale. The play, "Here comes the Bride- groom" was given in Granton Pres- byterian church last Friday night by our young people. Quite a number Of our W. M. S. members attendad the District Con- vention at Greenway. Next year the convention will be held in Elim - vine church, Zion and Sunshine ap- Pnintments ,joining with Eliraville. On May 24th, Conference Sunday, there will be a union meeting under the auspices of Eliniville Circuit W. M. S. to be held at Elimville chureh. Mrs. Mollarcl, District.Supt. will ad- dress and membeas from. the Anxil- lades will take part. A gpod time is- expected. Sunday, May 24th evening service. • Centralia Next Sunday, May 17th Will be anniversary services in the Church here, Rev, McTavish, Crediton, will conduct, the moinning services, wleile Rev. G. M. Chidiey, Thames Road Will conduct the evening services, there will be. special music by- the choir. Mrs. Robt. Smith spent a few days last week with friends in Stratford. The Mother's Day Services on Sun- day morning in the church here was, very interesting. All were flowers in honour of the nnothers, Theee flowers wore, oollected from the THAMES ROAD Mr. Wm. Pollen hee returned home after spending a week helping Mr. George eSuhr. Quite a number of their old neigh- bors from Dashwood spent a jolly evening with*Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pen - hale on Wednesday the occasion be- ing Ed's. birthday; these jolly old social times are all too few. , Miss Addie` Green is recoVering from an attack of quinsy. " The W.M.S. meets at the home of Mrs. T. Ballantyne on Friday, the subject for roll call: "Victory." A splendid reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCurdy for their daughter Mary on her marriage to Mr. C. Coward, Their old friends and neighbors gathered together and spent a very jolly time. The many beautiful and useful presents testify to the high esteem in which the young -couple are held. We extend congratulations and beet wishes for their good health and prosperity. Mrs. John Ballantyne has return - from Ste Josephs hospital, London where she has' spent quite a few weeks after being .operated on for mastoids'. Miss Lillian Ballantyne of New York has .returned with her, • We all hope for her speedy recovery, • Master Jack and' Miss Beatrice Gollings spelt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Win. Hodge. . ' Mr. Nelson Squires has bought the cottage on Mr,. Albert Scott's farm and is adding itto his oWn house, making quite an improvement. Mr. Fred Stevvart is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. The. lecture given by Rev. Don- nelly ,of Exeter was well attended and much enjoyed by all. Mrs, Green of Exeter la -visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Stewart. Busy Bees 11/fission Band meets on Saturday at the church at half p'ast • tWoa Shipka ,Quite a number front here attend - wearers after the service by four. ed 'the 'W/M.S. convention at Green- httia girl. .were ina.de late''way last Wednesday. . bonquetseaancle sent to the elent'..in Grace alavainan of Landon mothqs., A haptisnial e service was Called :on friends' in this vicinity • held, When three babiee, Cameron, lest -week. Prodtor, Harold Penwardon and Mrs. P. La Pond of dee Busevellyawere baptised., An in- :Sarnia visited with Mr. and Mm, 0, teresting feature of the service was nkbeiner last Sunday, , the address to the ,Choir read by`,„ ':Mrs. McKenzie -has returned home Mr„' John E,Skidt37"which was as tel-' after. 4, visit with h&j. son -Ross of 'Wintieor. . 'aro the Leader atiq MeMbers : 'lefts, Martha Hewitt.and Son Ger- . Centralia Methedirst \Chanel\ den -"of Exeter are visiting at the Chir ••' Mr. and Wire.' SWeitzer, Dear, Fellow WeTitere.— Mr. and Mrs. ES Restos and Miss The Quarterly Official Board 01 P., Keys Visited with .Mr, an,c1., Mrs, the Church desire to publicly ex- Kraft last Sunday evening. - Lumley Mrs. Stewart McQueen received the sad news on Saturday last of the very serious illness of her eldest brother, Lou McArthur who is in. a Vancouver hospital undergoing a very critical operation of the throat. His brother Raye left Hensel" at once for Vancouver to see him. Mr. Thomae Ryckman is here from the West. He came East with the remains of his deceased brother Henry who died in Moose Jaw hos- pital, where he had 'been for treat- ment for a couple of years. a Mr. and Mrs. Roy _Brown spent Sunday last with Mrs. Brown's. brother. The first ball game of the sea- son will be played on the \Boundary on May 20th, the Mount Pleasant team coming up to play the Bound- ary Midgets. Everybody come and swell the crowd. Master Gerald Glenn who has been sick and under the doetor's care is now improving. GREEN WAY The District Convention of the W. M. S. held here last Wednesday was attended by a record crowd and all report it as a day long to be re- membered in our church and com- munity. A 'full account is given in another column. Mr. A. M. Wileon and Mae spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. I. Waterworth of Wardsworth. The Ladies Aid have put new corke matting in ethe basement and clean- ed and varnished the woodwork and improved the church, property gen- erally.. S. S. NO. 4, USBORNE Report of S. 8. No. 4, Usborne for the month of April, based on daily work and test examinations:"' Sr. IV. --George Thomson 72, Ger- ald Ford 70, "Lily Hunter 53. Jr. INT.—Mary Hunter 60. Sr. 3. ---Jean Coates 76, Ea Hunt- er 75. - Jr. Thomson 63, ROY Hunter 52. Sr. II. ---Bessie Coates 85, Flor- ence Mitchell 79, Norman Hunter 73 Eldon kading 67. • Jr. IL—Arnold Ford 80, Elgin Luxton 67, Allen Westcott 45. L—Clifton, Hunter 81, Will Quin- ton 68, Hubert Quinton 61, Beatrice Emery 57. Pr.—Beulah Skinner, Irene Sweet Dorothy Kerslake, Carroll 'Quinton, Allen Buswell. Number on roll 24, average atten- dance 20. -- L. M. Davis, Teacher April; S. S. 1; ItiSn6R7 The following is the report for S. S. Nos' 1, ilsborne for the month of Sie lia-e-Iltenors Kathleen Strang 81, VernanOke 8,0, Rota Oke 76. Pass, Archie ::Etherington 67, ,Vielet Hyde 62, Jaelt Horton: 61, Eva Boa, 60, Mervyn Dunn .60. Jr. IV—Pass Marie Squire 72, Pearl Moir 65. Sr. 11/.;---Honoes, Beruiee Horton 85, Sallies Miller 79e' Pass, Alma Inhere ington 66, Gordon Block 60, Jr. aII. —Honore,. 77, Sr. /I —Honors, Itoss;.Olie 80, Marjorie Oke 'Dditg,las Stewart 66, Harold Otaimore 68, Paul Boa. 61,. Elmore 'Dunn 60., Richard ritherirtg- ton 51, ,Pern Welsh 40, Sr. 1—Dore othy..Weleh 72, Ray Squire 70, Eve erard 89, 'Sr. Pr.—Edith. Herten' 68. jr„. Pr. Llesid Reynolds 62, Jack Boa ,64;.!A,Iex. Strang 62, Chester ,Dueen 62. ,, ' Number .011. boll 32, average torttianeth'.28m1:.A. nortot% leacher.