HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-14, Page 4"MAS 14th, 102il:., !HE lk1onors 7b icor cent„ pass•60 ; per 1 Gent. Tule 'figures in brackets de- note ;the number of srtbJetcs failed. A A StanlakeY. I ' 1 8 ' IV, ---Isabel Russell 8 , Eliza- beth. ' beth Murray 77, Norman 77, Ben Timiey 71, George Tinney 71, Russell ssell Caldwell 69.:(1), Grave) Tiuney 68 (1), 13ernice Caldwell 67,. Tran- Bieber 60 (3). k� Hiram l ,a. Y,, i 1.- 73 . III.----lixsr€;iLret l� uss,o l , David Triehhner 67, Fred Triebner S tib (2), Isabel Stanlake 61 (3).. Jr, III. --Gordon Greb .88, Rob- erta Tinney 65 (1), Mildred North- cott 62 (2), Charlie O'Brien (a). Sr. II. ---Harold Rowe 71 (1), Dorene Caldwell 70, Willie Dadson 48 (3), Jr. II: -Homer Tinney 75, Dor- othy Dadson 60 (1), Leon Triebner 57, Percy Gould 41 (4). Sr. I. -Wesley Greb 78, Florence Duzsford 69, Jack Tinney 58, Jr. I,--=Gord z Triebner 85, Eld- on Caldwell 75, Gladys O'Brien '(a). Class I, --Irene Russell, Billy Dunsford, Gordan Bieber, Lloyd Stanlake, Number on roll 36. average at- tendance 31. *Anna L. howl Teacher CA ar aim`s: are what friends 'got asterday'that are' ail gene today.. The stores, 'of town, will . close Wednesday a' terneons " during tune, July and ;August. that people It semis inerodztable t .,h 1? ple ever were -'slow •enouigh- to be rim over by a horse andbuggy. and Mrs.. lvlcGtAath and dale - 'titer, of Nelson, B.C., are visiting NieiVlcCi•eath, s .pareLlts, Mr, and. Mrs. mstron Mr.:. Mervin Camila, been, who a Toronto, is' di Pharmacy: at . attending home, having written his final' ex- " will e made , The results it b in e lcuown Saturday. . � COURT OF REVISION Forthe Village of Exeter A Court of. Revision will sit to hear, consider and determine appeal as made against, assessment wrong- ly made or omissions made from the roll or assessed too high, or too low a sum, will be held. Monday, Juns 8th, 1925, at 8. o'clock iri the even- ing at the Town Hall. , Partiee interested 'will govern themselves accordingly. 4. + J. SENIOR, Clerk wlu I ItI YI..+ 11 lr� --.1,40,,,w,. ��H`- i ��p �lhll ilium IU41 r1., �' ,�J9La.wnu amain :' i ^ , ti„UUUUiIO UI' ' U G lo „„,, .,,l ,,tiMINIM( } ihI5 glII ti44\, Ci-ta ii II ..,'>- . li121111111ll 14 7f I • P'r 1 ;14F I.a'I Ih;l s ,�, itti!ili �� Ili The Bank of Montreal numbers among 'the customers ofits Savings Department thousands of men and women in every part of Canada. Safety has been a watchword and Conserv- management arinci p le `. with the ative p �;: t. Bank for more than a hundred years.. _The entire resources of the Bank are' behind each Branch. Your smAccount, no, mutter how ut4 be ' Exeter Branch: T. WOODS, Manager. ANKOF MONTWI Total Assets in Excess a $700,000,000.00 ' �,k t t/,eAt'eraqeLi/ of am "Or (Ara or twenty years or :.more :. and akin as • Theyapt f o � ••.. , closely then," as when tiew. Why?' " $clause the sue.: pentietl howl remains 'aribratieniless. You cannot`afford leavingit in -the skimmilk ' ie the n �vin nt to waste cream by... Melotte costs but one and• a quarter cents per clay to Your daily loss nnh3a"' be ten times thisamount. Better stop it right now before the heavy milk- ing season starts, when your loss '+dill be greater. Get a, genuine Melotte without delay. WARD lion. E,. A, and, Mrs. Fear, of Lena don are visiting with.: Mr, and mrs:; W, S. ` Howey:' Mi`; '" Fseir assiste(1 with the services in Main St. aural on Sunday, • xe' e Anauto load of l� dz s . frozii 1 � . ter, who were in Loddon on Friday. last, had to appear in court, The. smiling, d faces an jovial . disposition' of the ladies incited the' hearts of the stern guardians of the law and the ladies were let off with a warn". lug. They had violated oie of tile city by-laws by parking their car on Clarence St. beyond the time y James the choir core ei •t put on in Jani St. church on Wednesday, evening • of as week Was said b many -V.) be lasty one of the finest concerts put on in the church for some; time. The Tar - ions numbers were of a high order and were well rendered: The Pas- tor added a pleasing : variety to the program by reciting three interest ing passages from. the "Dortnic 'Brier Bush". A sensation of The evening was the, entrance of an un- welcome visitor in the ` form of .a mouse that frollicked around the feet of the audience,„;; and finally lo- cated itself in the sleeve of a coat that one of the ladies was wearing.. Contrary to the general opinion 'pf the manner in Nvhich the 'fair sex deport themselves in the; presence of a mouse this lady quietly grabbed her sleeve and carried 'mousie out a prisoner. 7 r' TSR ,TY111f E$• ► 1 racks. : Sitphem Courtei 'The et et tite Township. of Stephen convened in the Town Hail, Crediton, on'Menday, 1Vfay"4th, .7.025 at 1 p.m. Allmenhbers.'were- pre- Sentr'..'.The*''.t'uinutes Of the...pr.evioais. meeting were read and adopted:; •' The Y ,Ree a'y reported taring, been sewed;; .or.' ?. 1925'..the .y Municipal Council, of the 'Township. of MoGillivray ',yliih, a report, assess-. meats, platiS:; andd• ' specifiCations of the „Awe „S'atrbles R.ver .-Drainage Wori ,' Prepared by Fred:''.. Far - comb, O .S;:i' and ursllallt to the notices mailed to : all assessed per- sons, asked` "the -'clerk to read the same, It.:;was unanimously agreed by the ratepayers and council that the assessment levied On . the Town- Ship,o.f Stephen was too ,high in view of the fact that . this Township had provided.an outlet costing' over 821,- 000 21,000" for which no allowance in as- sesement or, ` otherwise is' .made_ a.d that the council' should take • such action as"•they' may be advised by their, solicitor in the matter. Ti•e Trustees of S. S. No. 7 °pet_ itioned the council to take the fol- lowing lands from- S. S. No, 11 and tr ansfe.: • them ' to their section, viz: Lot 16, Con. 16; 100 acres; Sa/% Lot 17,° Con. 16, . 50° acres; Lot 16, Con. 17, 100,,, acres, 'and ' `S Lot 17, Con. 17, 50 acres and further transfer from S. S., No..'12 to said S. S. No. 7, Lot 14 ,and Sl/•a lot 15 Con. 18, 12'5 acres; N% Lot 15, Con. 18, 75 - acres and Lot 16 and' S Ya Lot 17, Con. 18, 150 acres. 'Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by Mr. -Snell, "That the clerk: notify'all interested trustees and ratepayers o f the proposed changes and that the council will consider the petition at a meeting 'to be held in the Town Hall, Crediton; on Tuesday; May 26, at 2 p.m. Carried. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. IV. -Honors, , Irene Bierling 77; Pass, Grace Chambers 73, Wil- ma Kay 70, Kathleen Reid 68, Jen- nie Pas more 64 Baden Powell 63, Madeline Dearing 62, Clifford Hut- chinson 61; Below, Tom Kay *58, Alvin Passmore 55, Stanley Walter 55, Georgena Nelson *53, Jack Love *39. Jr. IV. -Pass,` Gladys Hunkin 73, Mary Wells 714 Violet Gambrill 69,, Mable' Snell 69, Helen Penhale 68, Willie Balkwell 67, Willie Ellerin€ - ton 67, Russell Snell 65', Clarence Boyle 64, Geraldine Burke '63, Dor- othy Dinney 62, Willie Lee 61, Lil- lian Payne 61; Belo*, Russell Col- lingwood 5.7, Jean Walper 54, -Clif- ford Lamport 52, Nelson Wells *51, Roy > Sanders 51, Harold eMeDonald 50, Loretta Little ''45, ,George An- drew *42; Oswald' Hamblyn *35, Charlie Lodde? a27. T missed tests. Number on roll 36, average atten= dance 35.6. r G. S. Howard, Principal PIONEER OF HAMIOTA DISTRICT PASSED AWAY CO ria 00 REVISION 'Township of Stephen Notice, `"s hereby ;.Yen t a Court of Revision:,of the Assessmaint Roll' of the Township of Stepli.en'will bold its 'first meeting. in' the Town -?Iall, Crediton, on Tuesday, the 26th" day of May, 1925:' at 10 o'clock 'fon..., HENSYlIh'BER T z. 'Crefli' , l :Crediton, Ont. • Moved by Mr. Sweitzer, seconded by Mr. Goetz: That the assessment roll as filed by ,the assessor be re- ceived_ and he he paid his salary. Carried. Moved by -Mr. Goetz,' seconded by irr:‘Siiel1: That as soon as the nec- essary advertising has been done the copies. of _ resolutions of all special .meetings 'are filed with thee,Town- ship clerk in reference to the par - 'Chase of a school site for Union S. S. No. 8,,,: the Reeve and Treasurer are authorized " to issue debentures for the "same pursuant to by-law No. 333,, of- this, Municipality.', Carried. ,Moved by Mr. Sweitzer, seconded by Mr.' Goetz: That the following persons be ` appointed membersof the Board of, the Township Athletic Field, situate in. Crediton: Ezra Foist, Alfred' Wuertb, Freeman Mor - lock, _ Everett Fahner and Daniel McIsaac. Carried.. - Moved • by Mr. Snell, seconded by Mr.' Sweitzer: `:That in the event of a favorable -.opinion being received froth the 'Township's' solicitor in .xe- ference.tg an appeal of the Aux Saubles ' Drainage. Works, the clerk is hereby instructed tb'. ask him to take"-sueh. proceedings' as he may' deem '• advisable.;, Carried. It was,:, arranged `that . a joint council meeting be held- in Mount Carmel 'on,- Saturday, the 16th of May aze-xt at 2 p.m: to adjust ac- counts ccounts and let gravel contracts. The following orders were' passed: Dr. J. J. 'Williams, clothing of Alma Williams, $21.51; John Klumpp, dragging, •$5:00; ....Wickwire Print Shot, printing, $13.44;; suhdry,per- sons, se: Walker's Drainage' by-law, $100.00;. Arthur .Curtis, drawing tile for culvert,' $4.00; J. `Glavin, labor moving grader, ":$S.00; J. Willis,' dragging, $4.00; Noble Scott, drag ging, ` $5.50; Edward-•'G'ill, repair River Road, "•$14.00; Jos. White, dragging, $5.00;; Jacob Wiilert,, tile, $9.60; Joe. Guinan, assessor and postage, $153.00; .Theo Dietrich, re-. moving . drags, $1.00. • The council adjourned to meet again at Town Hall, Crediton on May 26th at 10' a.m. for a Court of. Revision: .,�H. EILBER, , Cleel; (From the Hamiota Echo) Another of the few remaining old timers passed away on Thursday last in the person of Mr. William Hera, a respected member of this community. He was born at Ex- eter, England, on March 31; 1848 and at the age of five years he came to Canada with his parents brothers and sisters . At that time the trip to Canada took six weeks in a sail- ing vessel ail-ing•'vessel and on the 'voyage .over two of his sisters died at ,sea, but there has not been another break in the family (except father and moth- er) since that time, 72 years ago.. The early part of his life - in this country was spent in. Usborne, Ont., where one sister and three brothers still reside, also two brothers in Exeter. He came to Manitoba .44' years ago and homesteaded 5 miles southeastof town, on the farm where his son David now lives: The " flu epidemic of 1919 caused the death of Mrs. Horn and two sons Sidney' (in Fr ince) and, Gilbert (on the home farm). Deceased was a ,chart- er member of the 'Court .Hamiota No. 367 Canadian Order of Forest- ers and a member of the Anglican church. He leaves 'to - mourn his Ioss four sons: Wesley, Lorne••+and Sam at Togo, Sask., and David, of Hamiota, Man. He: celebrated his 77 birthday on the 31st of• March. The funeral took piece • on Sunday from Christ ' Church. The church was filled, a number being unable to gain admittance, the C.O.F.attend- ing in a body. •• The service was' conducted by Rev. T. B. Bufler ,at the church and at' the grave side by the C.O.F. Interment was made in Hamiota cemetery, PICK FRD... R713DELL (Manitoba Free Press) An interesting wedding took place Wednesaay, April 15, et 4.30 o'clock in the Frobisher Union church, of Isabella Elma,' eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Riddell, .to Clar- ence Verity, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, , of .Exeter,. Ont. Rev. G. W. B. Linton officiated.. At the appointed hour the ;bridegroom and . his groomsman, ' W. Irwin Rid- dell, brother of. the bride, took their places. The bridal procession mov- ed oved • slowly • down the aisle to the strains of .: Lohengrin's „ wedding march, played by Mrs. H. E. Smith • First came the ushers, Mr- George Ward and Mr. Gilbert Da11in, both of Frobisher,- followed by the brid- esmaid and the flower - girl, •'little Elma ' McCall and ring bearer; Master Clayton Rennie;' then the bride, with her father, who gave her in marriage. The bride was be- comingly gowned in white georgette et -e a i and• shoulder with crystal tr C ngss Cr drapes. Herveil was secured ' to her hair with a cornet of orange blos- soms and tiny buds. She ' carried a shower bottquet of Ophelia roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Georgina Rid- dell, .wore a,govin of conch . shell georgette, With ,,large 1`c ure 1. at to match and carried a bouquet of pink and white, carnations, The bride's mother wore becoxnin gown .of black crepe de-ohene, with corsage bouquet of American Beauty roses. The little flower girl was a charming miniature bride, During the signing of the register Mr. A. i.' Sweet, brother-in-law Of the bride, sang "All Joy be Thine,". Follow - fug the cerexnonfr a .wedding -break-' fast was served .at the home of the bride's pareui:ts, , where the rooms Were decorated with Easter 'g'ar. lands, - After the usual , toasts had been honored, Mr, and :J.4rs.i'lckatal, leftfor their home; the bride Wear- ing an ensemble suit of radio plOret twill and hat to match, A mink checker completed her costume. Iff SIO 'CavityO N 71owns h : of . U _-i a bor . tla Notice is hereby given thatt a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the ownshi . of Usborne will p hold its first meeting in. the Town- ship. Hall, Elilnville, on 'Saturday, May 30th;* 1925, at 3' o'clock p,z'a. HENRY STRAND, • Tp. Clerk R.'R, ' No, 1, Hensall, Ont. TI N ALE. AUCTION SALE of - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has , received in- structions" to sell 'by public auction at CREDITON, ONT."M on - SATURDAY, MAY 16th, 1925 at 2.00 p,in. the• following HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -,,=3 beds mattresses and springs, velvet couch. 2 dresser's, 2 washstands, 5 rockers, arm chazr, rug, carpet,smallrugs, s, 2 parlor tables, glass kitchen cup: board, extension table- and 6 chd"irs, kitchen chairs, leaf table, upholster- ed settee rand chairs, Imperial. Ox- ford range,' base burner, 3 -burner ofL stove Perfection oil heater, sew- ing ing machine, kitchen table, clothes horse, curtains, over drapes, 2 vel- vet table runners,`' hanging lamp, pictures, carpet sweeper, full dinner set, refrigerator, nearly new; 9 doz. sealers, tub, -boiler, , clothes, ironing board, all kinds of cooking and kitchen utensils. TERMS -CASH MRS. MARY WENZEL, Proprietress FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer.' Notice to Creditors. ! In the matter of the Estate of JAMES SCOTT, the Elder, late of , the Township' of Hibbert tsYe County of r• er e- •, retired n Perth, ret fa ceased,; The Creditors and, ..others Ea. x5 .i. g claims agfest the estate of ;atl ze above 'named lames S'eott,, the Elder who died on or about the 5thday of March, 1925,.are requested on ,or before 'the 15th day, of .Julia, 1925, to send to the undersigi(ed Solicitors for the Executors of the last. will and testament, of tli$'said deceased, full ,particulars Of their, claims against t the Estate ` duly' verified,' t?� after which 'date the assets, of the Estate will lie distributed'anrong the parties entitled' thereto, having re- gard only to those claims of which, :notice has been given as above. This notice is given pursuant' to Section 56 of "The Trustee Act." Dated at Mitchell this, 14th day of May,: A.D, 1925. THOMPSON & MUNRO Mitchell, Ont. Solicitorsfor Executors MORTGAGE SALE' Under and by virtue dfthe, pow- ers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction On SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1025 At the hour of two o'clock in the' afte noon. on the premises in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL, ONT. by the. undersigned auctioneer, the following valuable village property viz: Lots 399 and -40.0 .on the South side of Oxford street in Moir's Survey in the Village of ,Hensall containing two-fifths acres 'of land on which there is a one and one- half storey frame house, with good cellar,' .a , small frame stable, and a' quantity of small fruits. TERMS Ten per cent. ai purchase money on day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter. • • For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Exeter, Ont. ISAAC R. CARLING,' Solicitor for Mortgagee ' Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO WEST HURON TEACHERS A teachers' . trip to- Northern On- tario is being arranged to lea•Ve To- ronto, August 24th and return Aug- ust 30th. ' The route ` of former years will be: followed and the' fare will be, as in previous years half the 'regular price (about $55.00.) Two delegates from each, inspector ate -a lady and a gentleman -are to be selected. Those wishing to 'go, will kindly send their nd'mes to the undersign- ed on or before Friday„May 22nd so that the executive committee may make' the. selection . and, for- ward , thenames to • headquarters. The, parties selected will/be notified in time • to communicate with the secretary (Chas. G. Fraser) for in-, Structions. G. S. Howard, Seciy W.H.T.A. k1HVA SCHOOL REPORT The following is the . report of S.. S. No;• 6, Stephen for the, month of April. . Sr. IV. -Thelma Neeb`' 75, Dorothy Smith 74, Dorothy°?"Ratz .68, Alma• Rats' 63. Dorothy Y Dietrich 5,2: 'Jr.IV.-Plus,l)ietrich 76, •Bernice •Neeb, 68, Gordon Ratz• 65, Edward Lippert -'64, Alex, Dietrich ,62, Eari Rate10, Robert.Plynn 55. Sr, Its. -Lloyd Lippert, 7,0, Robert Dietrich' 67, Sr.. II,--Clelnen,t •McCann,",Mi1d1 erl • i:t Neeb, Monica Dietrich, Ro y W iler, Irene ,Flvinil, Helen Kilroy, Irvin" Ratz Jr McCann, Hilda 7I. -_-Evelyn , Neeb, Mary Culb'eit,•'".Jean Willert, Dorothy hinny, Hilda Culbert. Ptt Ii,- •Glaclys Kiuny, Elton Lip- Sr, I. -G sd"sfii,attd •e r- '' y, '�lly Year- ley, Mans ' Lippert, Pearl Hinny, Abigail Flynn. Sr. Rats, : Laura T egier, Jean. hinny, Sidney '•Neeb, Evelyn.. (Hark, Eddie 'Yearley, Number on roil 40, average •atten- dance 37,. • Florence Turnbull, Tenchcr,' The poor. foreigner learning our Ianguage Can't tell whether "dirt„ refers to soil, politics or literature, USBORNE COUNCIL The municipal 'Council of the Tp. of Usborne met at the Township Hall on Saturday, May and. with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting of April 4th were read and approved on motion of Dew -Berry. Notification having been given the assessed parties on the Ellmville Drain area of the consideration of the Engineers Award on the ,repair of this Drain and Extension at this meeting itwas read to a large,. number of those, interested. After., a thorough discussion and none of the original petitioners. withdrawing from the petition it was resolved on motion of Skinner -Berry that the.re- port as read be adopted, and the. CIerk be'instructed to prepare the - by -law for he•by-law'for same and that a Court of Revision on• this report be held at the next meeting May 30th at Z. o'clock at the Township Hall.. Car vied. I le `the Prance Drain Agreement Skinner -Dew, That Hugh Berry and James Ballantyne be members of . a 'committee to --act with Johii Prance and Newton- Clarke to -call• for,tenders and oversee the con- etrucion of this drain. Carried. The`Clerk, notified', the council. that the assessor 'had delivered the 1925 assessment '-roll for the town- ship of Usborne to him. * Ballantyne -Skinner, That a Court, of. Revision on the assessment :roll be held 'one Saturday-.May,?30th at 3 o'clock Carried. A copy of the Blanshard, Tele•• phone System by lav was delivered to the,'U'sborne council and deposit- ed with. -the clerk. ' Re gravel from M. Routley?s pili for the ;cr ushei Ballant yn e-Skin- nerr That the=townshiP pa "at the Tate of 50c a Cord for uncrushed gravel , ;Ca. rzed: . Dew $3erry, . list, 3,,N'o 2;Colon], bile SIxIr:scrapers...be • ordered -through Cts;' Engineer :Patterson or 'use at. fife.' crusher. Carried. :''•Ballan :y'ne- Skipner, That .,the fol lowanebltls be ;Paid t. I -%ern, ehow; work $8;.. ',Nelson, Clark, ditto, $11,804, lolth" Vhelih'an dittc, $4.15' Wm... •Coates,, ditto, $2.00.; - George. ditto, And •e.w Moir, r , 8.2 ; $ 0, z ditto, ;. $8,.00; 'Wm Smith, grading,. $7.7,5;', 'WenRoutley, ditto; .$12,501 Henry. Ford, .ditto, $1.80; Fred Del- bridge,; $6.00; Gordon Hunter; ditto, .84.60;';;Amos Donpe, ditto, ,$5.60;' Wesley ;fohls, ditto,, $1'.'261 :Garnet ebus, :$5.00 ; Harry Rodd; ditto; $5.00;• Ed. Jong, "ditto, $5.00; H. Forel grading'1301%2 ,hours : at 5,9c per hour $71.00; Lours ' Fletcher, Ylitte at 40c per, hour ,$65.2.; Moodie oimaiiqu t ov, 1,02:4 bill $$:5t" ,Jelin" Johns, repair• to ;grader'$5.00. Carried. " Dew, That we adjourn to meet May 80th at 1 o'clock. r It STRANG, Clerk Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY . GIVEN. claims Village of in. the city day of May, the under - 1st day of FURTHER said date, • ploteed to ch he then 11th day of GLADMAN & STANBURY° Solicitors for Administrator that all persons having ` laims a- gainst 'the estate of M UPSI-IALL, late of the Exeter, widow, who died of London on" the•,1st 1925, are'required toe forward their claims duly 'proven to signed, on or before the June,' 1925. AND NOTICI IS I E N: That after this GV the Administrator will distribute the estate, having regard only to the:claims of which shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, 'this 11 May, 1925. "NOTICc TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate Of DUGALD LOVE, late of the village of Exeter,. gentleman, who died on the 12th day of April, 1925, are required to forward their claims, duly prov- en to the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of May, 1925. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date, the Executor will proceed to,.- dis- tribute the estate, haying regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this twenty-seventh day. of. April, 1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor the ti epto1'';will proeeed;'to Wo.... tribute • the-, estate,:; ''haTille' regard Cul y _ to the .clanks o N+11403. he..• then;, sl?all ha6 Rotitio- e -se Dated t:. xetez this tetn4y venSix. day:ot'Apral, 1;i25., GLADMAN & 'STANBURY Solicitors for „E.1.00klCor NOTICE TO' CREDITORS„, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN •that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of II2DD RtCK , , UNDLE late •of. the Village of Ex- eter, .,,. cattle " buyer, who 'died on the t 11 y , 18th day of March, 1925, are re-,- it l tof Q their claims, qu ec rward Q duly' proven to the undersigned, on or be- fore the 18th, day of May,:1925. AND h1'Q ,,.TIC.�,i +�' IS FURTHER .,. GIVEN; That •after this said date, the Executor" will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the- claims of which he ' then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this twenty-seventh day' of April, 1925. S ANBURY GLADMAN 85 Solicitors for Executor, Notice. -to Creditors. NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN that` all persons" having claims a- gainst the estate. of J.- MILTON CRAWFORW lllte ` of 'the Township of Hibbert, farmer, who died on the 19th day of April,,....1925, are requir- ed to forward their claim's, duly proven to the undersigned, on or before the ,18th day of May, 1925.. ' AND NOTICE -IS. FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date, the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute' the 'estate, . having regard only to " the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter, this twenty-seventh day of April, •1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executors Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims,- a-gainst-the estate " of THOS. SMALE, late . of the, Township of Usborne, laborer, who died on the 21st day of March,; 192.5, 'are required to for- ward their claims, duly proven to the undersigned, on or before : the 18th day of May, 1925. AND . NOTICE IB FURTHER GIVEN: That after this said date, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of ROGER NORTH-- COTT, late of the Tbwnship of Ilay, farmer, who died on the 4th day of April, 1925, are required to forward, their claims, duly proven to the un- dersigned, on or before the .18th day of May, 1925. ,AND NOTICE IS . FURTHER. GIVEN: That aftet this said date, the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having . regard: only to the claims' of which they then shall have notice. - Dated at Exeter, this twenty-seve.ltls day of April, 1925. GLADMAN &"STANBURY Solicitors for •Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREB• GIVEN that all persons leaving claims a- gainst the estate of JANE T. ELLIS,. late of the village of Hensall, widow. who died on the 16th day of April, 1925, are required to forward their claims, duly proven to the under- sigzied, on or before the 18th day' of May, 1925. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That atter this said date,. the Executrix will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having\ regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. Dated at, Exeter, this twenty-sevenths day of April, 1925. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix Pure -Bred Percheron Stallion Form Al Premium Horse• JEFFRO [11892] (173364) Tuesday he will proceed to Len.- Craven's, Brinsley for noon and JohW Jelin ' right's, West McGillivray,• for nighty Wednesday to Wm. Hod- gins' for noon and to his owl. stable- until Thursday noon; Thursday, night • at Sam. Jory's, 2nd c.Con... Stephen. Friday . to his , own 'stable- for noon and until the following Tuesday morning. '- Terms to insure $15; if paid be- fore Feb.: 1, $14. ""., ELI JUNG; Proprietor The Superior Imported Clydesdale Stallion EDWARD MIR •[13172].(16426) Approved and enrolled, Form T. -For the season' of 1925 will stand at LOT: 6, . CONCESSION 9, STEPHEN TERMS -To insure $12.00. Sam'!' Lamport, Manager • A A Money Obective . -T is easier to save nioney I" when-you, have a defin- ite object _i .:,vie. ., , ET ourselt'an objeetive,save systematically, •'and ,you will:. reach 4.• „ THE : CANADYAN NI ; OF CQMMERCE Capital Paid UP $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 " • compile, 1410: • :Comp , Manager CreditonManager Branch ' G. : M3 'Hard y ' ._ Exeter Branch tays. to .RTIp , . •auSENOUR EDS��,.,..,.O OL HOUSE PAINT For Barns and' aCi d n1 s ��� urd � : . tf has no equal Write to Head: OF'frce;'Montreal For. Free k oaklet TIONIE, PAINTING MADE EASY A HAWKINS