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20 -TME HURON EXPOSITOR, May 19, 191111
'Intimidation factor' frightens off new golfers
Recent -attendance at an international golf conference
- enlightened us about the difficulties facing beginning golfers.
it has been noted that although •more and more people are
lakingif the game of golf. not all remain in the game.
The reasons - for this may vary. Golf.dites take a lot of time.
dtialso costs quite a hit of money to play. particularly in and
around major cities. These. however: are not the primary
-reasons that new golfers abandon the game.
-It's called the intimidation factor. . -
.Many beginning golfers are intimidated by the various •
aspects of this complicated game. with its traditions. etiquette.
dress code.. language and "old boys- image. Women. new to
golf. usually suffer most from the intimidation factor, but
many -men keen to try the game.• encounter the .same
frustrations. The sad part about all of this. is that for the most
part. it has nothing to do with the golfer's skill or athletic.
:ability. It has more to do with image and perception. .
Busy. high-end golf courses. like to think that intimidation is -
not their prohlem. However. being able to pay those
'exorbitant green fees doesn't nececsarily.meab that the golfer -
is skilled or knows the etiquette of the game either.
Some_cnurse marshals have been knriwn to harass golfers
who spend time. looking for their golf hall. wander off of cart:
paths with power carts. -or are a bit slower than average. By
the end of the round no one is having fun, and •golf is no
longer appealing..
At our local golf course we want to encourage people'to try.
golf and hopefully continue to enjoy .the game. • - -
• Wel have.always had of strong junior program supporting.
- youngster: who take up the game. We have alwaysheld group
lessons in the •spring and -clinics..or demo days during the
season - .-
,Over the years we've seen many of the same faces -at the•
annual spring lessons. However. we..seldom see these
potential gofers during the rest of the season. Why?Probably.
the intimidation -factor.- New golfers have many challenges
that: experienced golfers. take •in •their stride. The simplest.
things" like: having some equipment enough: golf -balls. the •
-right shoes. the time to play when the course iso'! crowded.
someone to•go with. a.place to warm up.. all add -up to
'legitimate reasons to, stay.away from the golf course. .
We want -beginning golfers to feel comfortable on the golf
cotirse _regardless of their lesel of skill ortexpenence so we are
'introducing a Monday slight Memher•Mentor Program..
• Beginning in June. the program witlrun for three months. On '
l r
Monday evenings after 6:30 p.m. one 'of the nines. either the_
front or the hack. will he set 'aside for heginners to play.- • -
'Many new golfers. who.work all week. and can only come
•'out in the evenings or.nn weekends. find that the ceurse.is too
busy for them to have a good time. They are. either so
concerned about letting other golfers play through that they
• never get more than a few holes in, or they carry on, oblivious
to these golfing -behind them. and hold up the entire golf
course. annoying everyone behind. -
To he part of the program the new golfers Will be joined up
and sent nut with a member ofthe club who has agreed to be a
mentor for a minimum of four nights.
The • mentor is not there to offer instruction on the swing.
grip; or stance - altho.ugh. some little tips may -help the•
• beginner. The mentor is thereto help' the new player learn •
how.to keep pace. where and where not to walk. how to ''tend
the flagstick. fix a ball mark. replace a divot. and many more
of the little things that make the game of golf -more enjoyable.
for all those sharing a golf course at the same time. The
• mentor will take the players out for as many holes as time and
skill allow. • -
When the beginners_ are. -ready to stop then the mentor and
• title beginner will return to the clubhouse where the beginner
will only' haveto pay •for the number of holes played..There
will also be a couple of videos.on etiquette and rules that Must
be viewed by both the mentor and the learner:
Mentors and -learners don't have to he there every Monday
night. it will be done; on a casual basis. Learners must come•
into the' pro .shop .and sign in and -he /matched with a mentor
-beforeteeing off. If 'a learner completes five Monday nights
•and a metnhedmentor completes • four Monday nights. they.
will be eligible_ for a gift and a " n
grlduaon ', celebration at the
end of.the program.
-:Those interested in being- a- pats of the program should call
the pro shop for .more information. The first Monday.. .Mentor
Night will be June 7.
News from Seaforth Golf Club The first. of the monthl--
Ho'useleague soccer needs help from parents
Senior Shuffleboard is held
at the Seaforth and District
Comm.unity - Centres
Wednesday afternoons' from
1:30 to •4 p.m. Last week's
results on four games are
- -Ladies: Bea Stoll - 340. r
Joyce. Matiold 289 and •
Shirley Morrison.- 183 accepted. Safer} Fair
Men: Earl •McNaughton
389. Ken .Lingelbach -•351 A child safety Lair.
• and Ken Preszcator - 260 sponsored by the'Seaforth
Optimist -Club. Seaforth•
Agricultural . Society.
Seaforth Co-operative
Children's Centre and the
Block. Parent Association
will be on June 6 at the
Seaforth AgriPlei from 1' to
5 p.tn. Participating groups
are the Seaforth Fire
Departm4nt. Seaforth
Ambulance Service. Garden.
Recreation preview
By Marty Bedard
Senior Games
All proceeds raised from
j tlile Senior Games monthly'
euchre ge directly into the.
cost - of sending,
representatives to the Distnct
Senior Games -in St. Mary's.
A blas game was held.
Houseleague soccer
Seaforth, Houseleague
Soccer will be hosting a
meeting thin :May 27 at. 7:30 and Farm Safety with:the
p.tn: ar the Seaforttrand-,agricultural Societ-y. the
District •Community Centres.. Seaforth operative
This meeting is for. all. Children's Centre. Huron
parents interested in helping County Health [.'nit - Toddler
with the soccer program this and Car Seat Safets. Murphy
Summer. Parents' help is. Bus Lines. Ontario Hydro
needed to pick learns and Display. Block Parent.
decide ona starting date in Display and the Optimist
• order to have this program Club Bicycle Rodeo.
available for the children.: For children to participate
in the bicycle rodeo you must
Questions or concerns can be
directed to the recreation • have a bik& and helmet.
office . at 527-0882. There; will be. a •, "Best
Registrations •for..mittor Decorated Bike." Contest.
soccer are still beinc You must decorate your bike
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
Jarvis St. Seatortl
Re'v. Robenliscox
Sunday, May 23'•
Pentecost Sunday
Service of Holy Communion
at9:to am
CAVAN _._....
w.d,woi 30 a
Goo.,%. S Swan) ,,. 00 • r
tore Raw .in.+rrwvar527•aats
Panama. %Way
Cana n anon and Communon
'0..v.0saaWar.a.r..a Wadaalanalltionla• lra..•b.1.1.1111a
First Presbyterian
Godench St W Seaforth
Sunday School dung Worship
May 15 Plant Sale
lam 10'
United Church
Rev. Judith Spnngett
Worship 11 a.m.
Sunday School
Grades 21o810a.m.
Nursery to Grade 1 - 11 a.m.
Bethel Bibb Church
M Associated Gospel Church
Meeting at Seatortl Hugh
9 45 a m BCi School
11 00 Worship
Small Group Meetings Weekly
Pastor Doug Corm/eau 522-0070
Catholic Church
Victoria St., Seaforth
Saturday - 5.15 pm
St James Paean, Seatorth
Saturday • 7 15 pm
St Joseph's Parish, Canton
Sunday - 900 am
St Michaels Parish. Byte
Sunday 11 00 am
Si James Parish, Seabrtl
Father Dino Salvador
at.honle.1 Jud7ging will be at 4
Minor Sports Bingo
ELLIOTT 11.11.T.
' For an appointment Call
Seaforth Chiropractic Clinic
. automotive Repair
Class A Mechanic"
smog." I
• nch SgE,Seatortt
The Seat -bah Minor Sports
Council invites everyone to
'attend the regular bingo each
Monday evening -at . the
Seaforth .' and Ditstrtct
Cotrimunits : • Centres
beginning at -:15 p.m.
First double bingo
.w11,' -e
held rrn May: -31. when a;
prize mones doubles." •
couple's night: was held on Friday with .ibout 1 ;,iuptes
taking part in .t nine' hole scramble: The -winning loath
consisted. of Randy and Carolyn Gilfillan. Ken Dnii Jr..tnd
Jane Heffley. who combined fora score rtf'31.•Following gulf.
the •couples enjoyed delicious linger bolds in the luhhouce
and several door priies were. pre tinted !o.the �.Ir.otus
pamclpants. .
The'Cluh Match Play draw has been made for the \annus
club events. Competitor:.ire retmnded to check the bulletin'
hoard to tied nut who their opponent is in the first round and
set up your match. Three quarter handicap is. Ahmed Rule:
are posted on the hoard
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It will be
It will be crazy::: -
It will be wev _ kewl 4
Saturday Nite
WALTON, watch for the signs.
Frac::ct• - iat::t(;_
: Heats '.
r.rernissicn et :r.e .un Gateadmisvn:
•:me -nae : ,r: • adults u _
,.ailters y :emir.. • ru.2e❑[ 'J,
__as; ::ante auaiiirers • k is 6 �e .ins, :-�..
.i. ?•r;a is ,�..^.t'
ri:c / reSe. Tlrat.l.r5 Enttk Fee'•
ri;> nm ,ver
Call 87-6735
. herbicide 1DIPHENOPROP BK 700" Reg. 'do. 16724 under the Pest :Control
:Products Act (Canada) on County Reads No's 4'. 7. 1.2. 16. 19.'25: 28. 30.
35. 86 and 87 rtghts=of way for control of noxious Weeds as listed under
the Weed Control Act.
i--Application_timej&to betheweeks of .June •7 to Ante 25. 1999.weather .
permitting. There will be no spraying done in built- up
'For further information and for the toi:ation;of the roads to be sprayed.
contact Sandra Lawson. Huron;Cotinty Weed Inspector. at (519) 524-7412.
Collect call will be accepted.
V u u
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FREE classified word ads for all
students looking for summer
Please bring in your summer help
classified ad on FRIDAYS before the
next week's paper to ensure a spot.
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