HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-05-19, Page 9TALK;
Hilgendorff photo
Donation to Arthritis Society . •
The Arthritis Society recently. received a cheque for S2000 from the Huron -Perth branches of
CIBC. In the front row from' left, community manager Gary Duwyn and Seaforth branch
manager Deb Brindley present the cheque -to Catherine Delea, volunteer regional chair of the.
Ontario board of the Arthritis Society. Also pictured are 'members of the staff of theSeaforfh
branch including, in, the back row from left, Catherine tyicke, Marlene Horburn, Debbie
Colborne, Irene Blight and Joyce Workman. The Seaforth branch will be spearheading the local
campaign again in September. Interested canvassers are asked to contact the branch.
Horticultural Society. discusses IPM
Seaforth and District
Horticulture Society met
May 12 at Northside United
Church. •
Eleanor Horst read a poem
"Last Word on Life's
Account." Glenda Blair
introduced speaker Allan
Carter who spoke about the
Huron County Plowing -
Match to he held near •
Dashwood in September.
Topics include the Sunday
church service to be held in
Zurich arena, speaker Paul
Henderson, the trailer park
which has 700 serviced
campsites and 600 non -
serviced; a large mural
depicting the four matches
held in Huron County: 1946
in Port Albert, Victory
Match, 1966 in Seaforth.
Mud Match. 1978 in
Wingham, Money Match,
.Rise and Shine in '99 at
The surrounding
Community breakfast is a huge success
The,St.'Cohimhan Parish
Community Breakfast held
Sunday morning -after Mass
in the St,. Columban Parish
Hall was a huge success.
A delicious hreakfast of
. bacon on a bun cooked up
by Gary Cronin, Frank
Crowley and company was ..
served. along with coffee,
juice and cake. The tables.
• filled with people. were
decorated with apple
blossoms by Nancy Kale.
Melanie Cronin,. along. with
her helpers. supervised craft
making for the younger • -
chitdren. The event was •
enjoyed by
A bndal shower for
Heather Billson: daughter of
Rick and'Janet Billson.
Winthrop. Was held in the St
Coiumban'Pansh Hall
Sunday afternoon: Heather
will be marred on June 19 to
Stephen Ryan. son of Rona
and Mary Ry an. St: •
Columban. The shower.was
St. Columban
attended by Many -relatives. game were scored by Brent
neighbours and.friends. " Hulley, 2; James Dick. 1: Bill
The St. Columban men's Ryan. 2.• ,
soccer team in the London • The St.'Columban ladies'
first division played in; soccer team lost 3-1 to Sarnia
London against Marconi Hornets of London's first
Friday.evening to a tie of'1- . division, Sunday evening in
1. St. Columban.
The St. Columban The Gauss Math
men's team in the competition. held at
Huron County St. Michael in .
men's soccer; - Stratford. was
defeated the attended by itucieri4
Goderich team 3-0 in Grades 7 -and 8 •
Tuesday in 1. from St. Columban,
Godericit. Goals Congratulations to • -
were scored by By Mary. C. Josina Vink:•who -
Brent •Hulley. - Ryan came first of all the
BlaineDooren and 345-2560 Grade 7 students who
Bill Ryan. This St. 'e.j .participated in the
Columban team C r competition.
also defeated the Grade 7 and 8 '
Clinton 5-1 in a game students from St. Columban
Sunday afternoon in St. Scholl have been busy, ,
Colutnban.'Goals in that preparing for the Sacrament
of Confirmation being
celebrated, along with
Bishop Sherlock. on
Thursday. May 20 at. Si.
Patrick's Church in Dublin.
Preparations for this
celebration included a
retreat,.held at "Hidden
Acres:" near. Shakespeare.
. Activities relating to •
religious studies. as well as
times of reflection. were
held. The students were
accompanied by Father Tony
DelCiancro, Mrs. Stapleton:
Mrs: Waechter and Mme.
Ingratta.. ,
`•The Grades 6.1: and 8
,students attended -Jubilate
Deo", -a celehration.in dance
honouring many of our
modern day, prophets. Scenes
were performed reelecting •
the lives of Mother Teresa.
=Nelson Mandela. Martin
Luther King and others. It
was described as a
"different" but enjoyable
experience for the students.
Dublin girl member of winning basketball team
Congratulations to Joe and meeting recently in Stratford just to_be a great friend. . as hostesses. A11 arrived Cor
Francine Looby on the sate morning coffee. Dinner at
arrival of a darling baby girl, noon was at the "Festival
- Manah Margaret. born on
[nn". Stratford with a
Tuesday. May 11 at Stratford • "special" birthday cake tor
The C.W.L. of St. Vincent cousin Marie Sutherland of
de Paul Church. Mitchell, • : Woodstock. for her 90th
. held a successful spring, , . birthday (May 2 i.
bazaar on May 12. which was ' THOUGHT FOR TODAY
an enjoyable evening for • Game Warden: Young man.
ladies from neighbouring • there's no tishing hee
churches. One of the • Young Man: You're telling
highlights of the evening was me. I've been here fbr two , •
entertainment by hours and haven't had a -bite° --
Randy and Friends•
from Hanover.
Eileen MacRae, .
Dublin and Anne
Frances, Mitchell
• joined their cousins.
Joyce. Anna, Donna
and Marie in Stratford
for their Sprang Turner
Reunion on May 10.
The "Turner Female.
Cousins" spring get-
together was at the
home of cousin, Joyce
McKay and Anna
O'Donnell, both of Stratford
General.11-ospual. weighing - where Marg Rowland and.
Helen Krauskopf of Dublin.
and Barb Krauskopf were
appointed to the new
Congratulations to Barbra
Murray. daughter of Connie
Congratulations to Sean and Arthur Murray, R.R. 1.
and Mary Margaiet Kells , Dubhn,:who was a
Whiteford and big brother member of the
Ethan, on the happy arrival champion Jeanne
of Lauren Kathleen Anne,
born on April 29,'at
Ahbotstord, B.C. weighing 8
8 lbs. 3 oz. t Big sister. :
Kristin is'thrilled.l
Congratulations to proud
grandparents. Tony and
Christine.De Groot and
Margaret Lochs.
Sause Voyageurs
girls basketball team
which won the Perth
and Huron -Perth
Congratulations to proud • separate school ..
grandparents Ferg and Anne championships.
Kell.. Duplin. Doc and • • Happy birthday to
Kathy Campbell. Exeter and John .
to grrat grandmothers, Esther ..Schoonderwoerd
Ko Ih. Dublin, and .Bette , who celebrates '
Noonan and Isa Smith... tontor'row May 20.
l: sere r John is always there
The Ontario Ass,ktanon of to lend'a helping,
Superannuated W,nen 'hand, give good adv ice or
Teachers held a dinner and
By Dorothy
Hensall hosts Big Bike `99, Ride
for Heart and Stroke on June 6
The Mensal] shuffleboard
scores for'May 11 are as
follow.: Lorne Archer 613,
Tom Williams 555, Lloyd,
Lovell 517, Ray Bennewies
508. Russell Ferguson 497,
Ethel McMurtrie 463, Dave •
Woodward 439. Doris .
Hamilton 418.
At Hensall United Church
Pirie Mitchell's message was
"Which Way to co." The
greeters were George and
1i4JParker George also ht
the candle John Thomson •
and Cecil.Pepper«ere the
ushers..Matk Garlough was.
the organist and •
ac..tutpanted the choir in the
singing of an anthem.
Students of Emmanuel
College attended the service
• and sisitcd >%1 • Pirie over
the weekend. "1 n. were in
the area while attending a
conference in London.
The youth group enjoyed a
barbecue at the manse. -
• Hensall Carmel
Presbyterian Church will
celebrate its f 5 l st .
Anniversary on May'30 at
9:45 a.m. The guest ministet-
will be Rev. Nicholas • . •
Vandermey of First:
Presbyterian Church in
Seaforth. The guest soloist
will be Sarah Noakes of '
Registration forms are now
available for the Hensall
Summer Playground
Program. Information is .
available at the Hensall
Municipal Office. Dates for
the program will be -July 19-
30 (afternoons 1-3 p.m.) and
August 3-20 (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
Swimming w ill also be'
offered mornings. July 19-
30. Be a pan of this great .
summer program, geared for
ages 4 to 12.
The Big Bike '99 Ride for
Heart and Stroke is coming
to Hensall, on Sunday. June
6. This event is being hosted
by the Hensall Economic
Development Committee,
and after approaching
various service clubs for
their participation there are
six seats -yet to be filled. In
order to be part -of the big
:bike ride. you must be 14
years of age. and have a
minimum of $50 in pledges.
The 2 km.ride will take place
at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. June
6, starting and finishing at
the Village Hall. Please
advise the Municipal Office
by noon, Friday, May 19, if
you are interested in
participating: Pledge sheets
and receipt books available
at the Municipal Office.
Seats will be filled by those
who meet qualifications, and
on a first come basis.
Large variety of
Healthy Plants
or drop in and see us
Line 26 56668
Seaforth Horticultural Society
horticulture societies are
looking after the Clower keds.
.Eleanor Horst reported tiwr
had attended the meeting in
Blyth and announced she
would not he attending the
convention in Collingwnnd,
June 1110 13. Glave Little
reported on the Home and '
Garden Show. Ruth
Beuttenmiller reported a very
successful plant .ale.
Beatrice Stoll told ootthe .
Spring rally held in .Ayton. -
The June meeting will he a
tour of Birgit Hillier's herb
garden at Holmesville. Car'
pool will -leave from
Northside United Church.
The group is invited to
Brussels Horticultural
Society. May 31 at 7:30 p.m.
•Farm Drainage
•Septic Systems (We are Licenced to instait)
•Backhoe Service
•General Repair Service
Ron McCallum 887-6428 - Shop
Paul McCallum 527-1633
Meal Away Day!
(For Seniors) .
Featuring Home .Cooked Meats'
Meal Away Day is held on the
first Tuesday of each month.
Where: Maplewood Dining Room.
When: Tuesday. June 1st
Time: l'_;45 •
Cost: $5.0O per person
Please call 527-I-1-0tr?r plate reservations on
' - or by Monday,- May 31/99 ,.
• Take time to pamper yourself .and enjoy'
Rides Available
Don't be left out in the cold!
Call now to have
"Seasoned Firewood"
, for the Millenilnrtl
Choose from Hard Maple or Ash
Debarked Slab Wood, Bodywood
or a oad of 1,2 Stab & 1;2,8odywood
Auburn Ont.
Do you have questions or
concerns abort how your
child talks?
Would your child
benefit from a speech
Llco-Petal Preschool assessment?
CALL 273-2222
and ask for small TALK
Parents of Graduating Students
Do your children attend school outside
of The Huron Expositor's coverage area?
example St. Michaels, • St. Anne's. - -
If so, please contact Scott at
527-0240 to arrange for their
photograph to be ublished
m our Graduate Edition.