HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-5-14, Page 111. ICIXETER ADVOCATE, ESTAk3LISHED. 1887 ' AMALGAMATED ' jaXETBR TIMES, ESTABLISRED 1873 f DECEMBER, 1st. 1924 EXETER, ONT., THUR$DJ%Y MORNING, NIAY z. th,, 1925 l Ilili Iltill I lllllllNl I11lllll�llll ili�li(laiillllll►lllll►111 iIII11111111IClr�lil�J Exeter unci1 �I�1111111"��111�1111I�II�ii��l�IBI,IIIINI(Illlil��ll�gillllll ILII III .I. ., .. � AMMO 41.1016 • Mom elmmas WilaMIGA w• MAIN ST, CHURCH BANQUET • Last Friday evening, May 8th, a most successful and eoyable ban- quet was'held in Main Street Metho- dist church for the whole congre- gation as a sort •of. farewell gather- ing for all before the passing out of the Methodist denomination and the incoming of the United Church of Canada. However, no tears were shed. T•%%Stead., great gratification was felt for the way ire, which God. had blessed the congregation during the many years of the church's ex- istance and a strong spirit of optim- ism fills everyone with hope' that in the years to come,as one member- of tho new Canadian- Church Hie bles- sing will rest in greater measure upon the people. In every depart- ment of the church's work success, prosperity and harmony prevails.. The children gathered at 5,30 for their feast and the young people.and adults at- seven. The Yeasting over Rev, F. p. Clysdale occupied the chair as toastmaster in his usual happy manner. : Mr, H. E, Huston, treasurer of the Main St. Trustee Board in present- ing his- report stated that of the old Devonshire Missionof the Wesleyan, Methodist this was the only remain- ing church. The Central church of this mission. which extended from Claudeboye to Kippen as well as the parsonage, were built • at . Fairfield one mile west of Centralia. Both have long since almost passed out of rememberanee. Some of the early missionaries were Revs. Wm. Dignam, E. L. Coyle, John. Doel and Wm. Chapman, the last named was pastor at the building of the beauti- ful brick church at Fairfield in 1862. The present Main Street •,= Mon'dny, May llth, 1925 regular nreetiag of the muni4 cipei council h01,4l'iu the Town Hall. All members p'r'esent. The minutes of the. meeting held April 27th. were. read. The motion as made instruct- ing the cleric to Order a quantity of 4 -in water pllaee was. rescinded and the, minutes were then adopted, A tutelar .trent the offiee"'of°the Secretary, of 'Tile`;Jeanadian ` Good Roads Association,: Montreal, re Can- yention dates the Same being. Sept. 22, 23, 24th at Quebec City; filed A letter and petition from; the office of the Secretary, L. J, Rana% gan of the Ontario' Municipal. Elec- tric eASsociation, lec-tric;A'ssociation, Guelph, re Federal export tax on Power. Motion of Coultis and ,Davisr The Reeve and . Carried1d Clerk sign, and fo war Petitions- were received' from rate -1 payers albng Andrew, Huron, Wr l- - Bain, Sanders and North streets :ask- E ing that the said itreets be coated With calcium chloide for the sea- son of 192.6. Per Hooper-Coultis•, Oetitions be received and that the clerk oifder' a car load of 26 tons of calcium chloride : for use on the streets. Carried. Messrs R. Hunter and Philip Hern reported to the council that village dogs had been . worrying their chickens. The Reeve advised them to act under authority of the village by-law -and have owners appear be• fore a magistrate. The town teats): will collect ail refuse and garbage intended for the dump ground on Tuesday May 19th on all street'k'east of Main; Wednes- day the 20th on all streets west of Main street. Citizens kindly have 7 ,WIWGu./n BLUE SUITS . BROWN SUITS LIGHT TWEEDS All the smart new., weaves at .popular........ , prices. $1100 20®00 $25.00 $30.00 , ?he °FIFTH AVEKI.J `Ifie 'TOWN SAC ;11 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITSThe boys will also want new suits for the holiday; might as well get them now so `they can wear them on the' 24th, We have a splendid selection of smart light Tweeds, navy and Brown pencil, stripes, with ,. two pairs of bloomers, No . better selection in the country. 3.75 BROCK HATS at � X5.0®$5.00/ HORTON HATS � at $ Buy your ,Mats' here, We sell the Brock 'Hat at $5.00. In the city they charge you $6.00. - And at $3:75 there is no better Hat made _ . in Canada than the, Horton Brand. SLIPPERS — -OXFORDS - OUTINQ SHOES Light Tans—They are all the rage. We have them for nen, women and misses. :Basketball ;shoes; tennis oxfords, •sandals of every variety. Come here ter -variety of footwear. SPECIAL. RAVEL`STOP._, '' ABSOLUTELY STOPS RUNS ANOTHER STOP RUN I �CouRseo.�, le' "Boor Togs RBINPOR, ED STRONG ..ELASTIC TOP FASHION 'MARK. 3 -SEAM BACK 4 -THIGH, SPLICEDI" L. COVERER. Sons' Monarch Silk Hosiery at 1.00 a pair We have a'' stock of the newest shades in the celebrated "Green Stripe" Monarch Silk Hosiery. The price` is only $1.00 pair.' Clearing, of all Ladies' and Misses S.pang Coats and Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices SUMMER DRESSES -STOCK NOW COMPLETE CREPES, ETC' IN NORTHWAY MAKE ; ETC., -IN NORTHWAY MAKE. EXTRA SPECIAL—PURE LINEN TEA• TCI.WEL- LING 22-INa WIDE, WORTH 35e YARD, • . . VERY SPECIAL AT 25c. Yard. PHONE 82 Jones ay PHONE 32 0101.0 01.111.111 ammo room ommima mom 70.4.0 CIMINO till refuse•rui boxes or bags and plat• church in 'Exeter was erected in ed on the side of the street in front" 1895. At the opening of the church the h tee had a balance of their property. "' A small fee will that year t �. tees s a be charged covering costs of . team in the neighborhood of $1,.000 after anti labor. paying every cent of indebtedness. The Clerk 'sae, instructed to notify Toasts were proposed and respon the Public Utilities Commission that ded to 'by various members of the pie council deeirtd to extend the congregation:, many of the addresses water, main alone,:;Huron street east sparkling with wit and wisdom, for '.fire protection. Motion by Hoop- while all expressed gratification in the satisfactory state of all depart- er-Hawkins: . Carried. • Coultis - Hawkins, That safety_ 1 zone ' white marks be placed at - street'"inte}tsection0 as follows: Hur- aree ammmwal some magma IMMENOI `�Illlllllllllllll(Illllldi(i(IIIlllllillllllfflll(lliilli(IIIIIIIII(Illlfl(IIIIIIIIIIIIII(I(IIIIII�1111RI(ti(IIIIIIII('111111Illilllilillll�lillll�lll�,� ,.;w,,.:..T.yac Cyt ie sysface and a� e 0.11-°0P0t For Interior Finishing use CHI -NA EL The Quality. Finish. for every- thing in very-thing-in the house STAINS, and 'VARNISHES with one application in tins 30c. 55c.. $1.00 $1.85 FISHING SUPPLIES BASI'7BA:LL SUPPLIES TENNIS . SUPPLIES ".° SOFT : I3ALIele, 50c. UP OAIZIVIOTE theoriginaltains ori inal varnish s t g , _ all colors in tins 30c, `55e. '95c. $1.75 CARMOTE -AUTO ENAMELS in tins 60c..atind . $1.10' • ' AUTO FINISHING BIt`(TSIis:S` from 30c. up, to 82.00. w Perfection * Stove 2, 3 and 4 Burners OVEN AND WICKS law Process Gil Cook Stove from $13.00 up Housecleaning ei s Dustbane 35c, a tins. Floor Oax 50c. a tin edar 14 ops • 1.25 QC$ , l .,�e O Cedar O 1 25 aiic 5 11 20' &`' 60o- er -0z . ' Liquid Ven Step Ilacicfers etc. " --t4noleum Varnish from "0e. per tin. up Neptunite Varnish nothing better,made front $1,10 pt .tip A.ga1te 'Varnishes 850, and $1,60 per tins °i:si -hip • and tin •.Healtiareg More • • A Snowflake, Man., correspondent to the Crystal A City Courier, re- fers to a forxier/resident of Usborne 'Township: "We are sorry to report an accident which befell Mr. John Handford, 82 years of age, when on Saturday last he fell from a car and fractured his' leg near the 'hip. His advanced agemakes the accident more regrettable." BIRTHS JOYNT—In Flensall, on 'Saturday, . May 9th, to Mi. and Mrs., T. C. Joyet,�, a son. • • SWEITZER—In Stephen, on May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. NlatthewSweitzei� a `son. (Stewart Matthew.) .ROWE—At Dr. 'Hyndman's Hospital on Sunday, May 10th, to Mr'. and, Mrs. Chester Rowe of Stephen, ,j. daughter. on, James„ John, Sanders and Lang - hell streets across Main street. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to order tour barrels of tarvia for road re- pair work. The auditor's report for the mouth of April was accepted on emotion of Coultis :.and,•:; IH;aatcle ns., Carried.` The following accounts were .read and ordered paid: John Norry, labor. $4.50; Peter Coleman,..teain labor $2.50; Clyde Hey'twood team labor $2.50; John Parsons, labor $5.50; Thos. Sanders, labpr, $7.50; John Morley, ditto, $1.25; John C. Snell, ditto, $2:50; W. J. Gillispie, draying, ,. $1.00;. Jonathan Lydd; ditto, 50c.; the Bank of Montreal, box rent, $2.5.0; C. T. Brooks, ins., $5.00; the Ontario Blue Book, -$1.00 Grigg • Stationery Co., books, $23.70 W. Smith, labor cemetery,, $25.50; Cecil . Ford, ditto; $21.75; James Weeks ani: Thos. Pryde, preparing plane and bide prints, $50. Passed on motion of Davis . and.. Hooper. Adjourned by Hooper. Jos, Senior,..: Clerk BROI>E BER HEEL' " Mrs. Thos. Elliott 'while doing some wall papering at her home on Friday last, accidently fell from the •stepladder and falling down a flight of steps had 'the misfortune to break a bone in her heel.' . The accident is of a rather serious nature and may cause her to walk lame. the rest of her. life. . DAYMAN—M1LLAJ NUPTIALS A quiet wedding took' place at Caven : Presbyterian Manse on Sat- May9t h .when Miss Winnie, itrda, y: Maud Millar, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. J. J. Millar of Exeter North, was united in marriage with Mr. Herman Layman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dayman of Usborne. The Ceremony was performed at ten o'clock a.m. by Rev Jas. 1! ooite. The. bride looked very becoming' dressed in her travelling suit with blouse of cinnamon silk and hat to match. Miss Millar recently ' resigned. her b position a° clerk with C. L. Wilson;+ HAIST-In'Stephen, on May 8th, to' While the gro0rn is engaged in a Mr, and Mrs. Everett Heist of De- garage at Seaior th. Mr, and Mr trod, a daughter, • Dayman left by auto for Hamilton BOWERS—In Exeter, on „ Friday,, and Niagara Falls and on their no Mai' 5tlt, `to. Mr. and.: Mrs. 1:�[. turn will reside' at Seaforth. , • Bowers, a. son; (Dorrance),, 'a.?1R:AGIC` ;DEATH 1!1[].t 11 1,611 KTON•d �' On Monday at noon little Violet' DAYIVXAN — MILLAR — At Caven ase, and Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby of Presbyterian Maissse on Saturday, the 4th line Blansharcl, met :with a May, 9th, Miss Winnie Maud.dau tragic death when she was run over ghtor of Mr. and V>`i's. J: J. Millar by a land„ roller:. The little girl • 'Otli.t _ old •1)i : , of ,Is,xeter'; North, to Mr. Herman along with her S-Ye't, Dayman, , of Seaforth, son of Mr. Alfred had gone to the field where and Mrs. ; Chas .Daypnan of Us- the 'father was working a te<iin. ctx borne, by: Rev. Jas, Foote. the roller. The.; father took the children clhiltlren with hint on the roller and els after going several rounds stopped TURNBTJZ L—ln . Tueldersmith, ort t;0 iuitie n,iiother liorso brat was' olosc --May 3rcl, Lillian Jean, infant at brand. ".Cho teens started off and daughter of Mr, and: "Mrs, Jae. H. Turnbull Kirkby, aged 3 years, daug1 ter of ments of the 'church and enthusias- tic hopefulness for the future. The toast Iist included The King, The - Ladies Aid, W.M. S., Young People's _ Society, . The Sunday School, The Choir, ,The Quarterly Board and the United Church. The addresses were interspersed by music, vocal and in- strumental by the young people of the church. • The following , finances were raised during the year by the vari- ous societies: Ladies Aici $250; W. M. S. $460; Sunday School $404; Y. P: •League, $63; "Missionary Fund, $766; Trustee Board, $925; Quart- erly Official Board $2,140; Other Contributions, $322, a total of $5,- 330. 5,-330. During the past 30 years Main St. has not closed any year with a deficit on its books. There is riot a dollar of obligation, against any part of the departments of the church., and it begins the works of the corn-' ing year with balances on hand amounting to some" $375. EXETER D,ISTRICT—W.M.S. The twenty-ninth " annual con- vention of the Women's 'Missionary. Society was held on "May 6th in Greenway Methodist. church - of 1 Grand Bend, circuit, with Mrs. V. rale -nerd, District, Supt. presiding. There was •a representative gath- ering of 300 delegates. ' Reports covering the different de- partments of, missionary "activities showed not only an increase in fin- ances but also a strong healthy,,en- thusiastic Christian spirit: Mrs. Mollard, gave a survey of the work done in the district reminding her hearers that ours is a spiritual orgnization that has for its great 1 object the financing of forces that make for the enlightenment, the ed- ucation and the evangelizing of people in the thrall 'of heathenism. So it needs our prayers, it needs our study,,,that We may work intelligent- ly and it needs our money because no work of reformation can be car vied on without money. She report- ed 25 auxiliarieso'raising $3,652.89 13 Circles raising $940.36 and 13 -13ands raising $951.60, being a in- crease of 468.7:4 over last year. The two principal speakers of the day were Miss Lois Russell, mission- ary of China and Mrs. Gordon Wright, London branch Pres. Miss Russell in her excellent address otit- ?•'ned , the conditions existing in l China" and sounded an optimistic note in the new, freedom for women and the new avenues of education opening up for then and made a convincing appeal on behalf of the Chinese 'women, eriiphasizieg the need for the spread of Christianity to accompany the new civilization. and making a 'strong, plea for others to consecrate their lives to the `work of evangelizing Chinas ' Mrs;- Gordon Wti;;ht gave "on in- spiring address in the afternoon. on Mission Band work while in the evening ,she clelivet•ed a masterly ad- dress on -"Echoes from the, Wash- ington Convention" which proved to he the the/diener of the most suc- oeSsfaC District Convention ever' 'held in Ex.ete, District. . The following resolution eva•s pas- sed un:;tr imettsly: Whereas 'this forms our cbnclud- CARD QI+'.THANKS tile children were thrown from their plates.. The roller passed over the body of the littler; girl and • the boy had olio foot crushed.' Medical • aicl hill. 'and ' Mrs.,; Jas: H. Turnbull ''vas sutninoned Tilt the life ,of tiro acted, he Besides li 0 wish to thank their many neighbor s, little girl had < » l t- d brotlittr there ais a sister Barbara aged .ont? year. The paroii:ts a'.re grief 'strink ,err stud have thee' syntpatlay of th• whele community: • and friends for their kindness and the patents ant tn� .i e sympathy shovyn them during their recent sad bereavement. IDNGAGEIVIENV Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Francis at<t- nouiioe' rile eiif;agefneiit of their eldest daughter Thelma F'erne to Wilfred H, Shapton, son. of Mr. and Mrs. James Shapten, The marriage will take plate the latter part tit. Mr, and Mrs. daughter, .Mi915 1Vlani Elwor thy S. G. DoW are the graduation May Elw'orthy, May. Grace Idospital. t H, Eltivorthy, and heti, of to-o"li Miss of London and Mr. in Detroit attending exercises of Miss graduate nurse of ing Year and our concluding District 1 tMission- ary Methodist as iiileth0 s Contention Society —Resolved that we o' on reeord, while regretting the rev- erences of old. ties and old friend- ships as anorganization; yet we aro loolking cheerfully and hopefnlIY forward to the enlarged opportuni- ties and enlarged ed life that must in- evitably flo'iv in) the wake of Churtih Union." The election of officers resulted as follows: Mrs. V, Mollard, t 9- trict Superintendent; Mrs, 3. II, Me - Kay, Assaeiate Superintendent; M9ir13; A, l0. Consist,. Sec's Treat. gay T31471,ir LOOlf A'JO T S1E I 30 x3.44 Clincher Corti $ 9;45 31 x,4 Straight Side Cord, $15,00. 32 x 4 Straight Side Cora $10.00 83 x4' Straight Side Card $10.00'. Aird each one is a first -grade over- size Cord Tire, Fully guneranteed by the manufacturer. Also real good .30,x-336 Fabrie Tires. at` •$7.0Q and 30 x 33.6* Cords at $8.00. Yow not maycan't t these values; ,. 4 °art i, C' Et" l thesn. VV.) LIEER RADIO LICENSES ISSUED. S. A; LOQ ON 3 MITER, BAND Exetdr, lr1ny 24, 24, 2Sth I T MAIN ST. Open.. SAT. 1RGIS 14 ): p OUNDA.Y 1VIORNING TOWN HALL AFTDRN"OON PARK NIGHT OPERA HOUSE after church services Park 'MONDAY NIGHT Musical Blizzard, Opera House Admission 25 Cents. To See Better "To see better," :.does, not alwaytp mean to see more, It often means to see with less effort. A certain eye defect' called Hyper- metropia in, many: cases ^does not in. terfer° with acuteness of vision, but does create; an excessive eye strain which • causes headaehee,, dizziness and nerve Rtrain. The proper glasses will' relieve this ' condition and: give comfort. Office Flours 9.30 to 12 a.m. 1,30 to 5 p.r. Evenings by Appointment S. Fitton, Phone 75W Registered Q:ptonxetri$t Mr. Chester Lee is renovating the front sample room of the Central Rotel making preparation for the sale of 4.4 beer. e House, Exeter n etin, .i sday, THEwBLUE-JAYS- PRESENT THEIR LATEST REVUE .WITH LITTLE MSS AILEEid SR -EGGS, d:-i'.EAR-OI, 1^ SINGER AN EVENING OF GOOD CLEAN AMUSEMENT FOR THE ` %VHOLN FAMILY GOOD SINGING GOOD ACTING A GOOD LAUGH KEEPS THE DO CTOR AWAY Act'nsu'sion—Reserved Seats 4:0c.' Rush Seats 25c Including Tar ` PLAN AT HOWEY'S DRUG STORE e The tre Fridayand'SaturdaMay15th and 16th Y9 .: PTY HANDS" 66 A GR]PPING,STORY OP Tlik. CANADIAN WILDERNESS FEATURING JACK HOLT 'and NORMA SHEARER Iastigrams Something New in Pictures, showing -3rd dimension YOU'LL LAUGH, YOU'LL ROAR, BUT THE MANAGEMENT WILL NOT BE 'RESPONSIBLE FOR SPLIT SIDES. ' In Dome Rink each Wednesday Commencing to -night, the 13th... F II 4- rbalist I Iere ARE YOU SUMMING FROM.ANY DISEASE? J. Murfin the Propriteor of the Canadian herb' Gardens Will be at the Grand .. ntral Hotel Exeter I For one day only AY CONSULTATION FREk7' Nervous1Mess, Rheumatism, bladder troubles Diabetes, B i hts' Di- sease, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Neuritis, Blood.: Pressure Heart Troubles Constipation and .all other Diseases. THERE IS A NERD FOU EVERY DISEASE Remember the Date Phone 101. arve SERVICE GROCERY PINEAPIiLES Pineapples are curly this a6ain., ar No, quality and are offered this we a very reasow, able priFes. TRE COST OF PI14,17(.1.5.A.No FiSPECIALLY SOGAR BEING. WOULD MEAN 'HIGHER, PRICES AS •TII15 masoN