HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-05-12, Page 21CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' COMM 1101110VEMati AME TO THE WOES' _SAMA 6 ALPt1CA sale n Eastern ;anada• Junfe 19 Vorrisb,,rg Arena .Highway 401:exit 7501 rtrrmation Tuxedo Llama Ranch 6137543-4442 4I.��i Ji�rN+Y !!ANTED HAROW0001.OGS Prompt payment for hardwood .:s prepayment for timber stands Veneer log prices Prove- r tensed !nee markers and certified equipment operators • e:•aI care •aken n 'iarvestrg Panntl Veneer Co _id est -iia 30, -- • sir 3, Kitchener + 742.5887 • S. " 303 gear as iNFOr?MA7 GN aROKEP Rated xt INTER. QANC*ISE worldwide' Horne based '-888-67&7588 -' • "? ,p'J Coke Peps,.: rtoStess M&M Pe -stock ->; Inoue vendors n your.area. No seling Full-ttfne, \Im m r nvestment $13.380 1-888.503.3884 24 .3 Art' At.. SS PEP WEEK ;,T• P7 from non*. oe Joss Ile do tie -selling for you, Work smarter not c•e.e.'B00-995-0796 Elft 8762 -- •- Now.yolfCar; Owl them Most rinarcally secure :Ls.ress n the '+wild Substantial SSryr. potential i orf _ lives! s guaranteed: Sencus rip. riy • Cali :e; r,t 1.800.253.9779 • -°a./EL CAPEETI TQA;NING Earn money 4, 4- o'•3.?i : s cess mork.ng from nomea .100% -300,-56'-9999 Ontarc G 3,:, ucr? =PEE-/Veaith .•3 ^:r x, tar^,1Cther_.n- _ -r> A-A•A' :r,'ear :m CAREER TRANING •_r-•-.: ,,. .a :a -??•s .,.:e' crar3rr -y Ne w�;t -.. - - s '. s -r 71 EOi.cai:cr •=egtstered -- - `" 4 L c ;" 3 - j'.3", = rancial ass s arce 'caner • --: , 3-1: _ :'a:2 --err -cels avadab+e Nc open - EDUCATIONAL OPPS., •?SC•:• ;?r,r :..';?i ' war; - _ ,.':' 3 r ;•_ _ - 7 ."37 .• = .e atalcgLe :a air, 4.1_'_ A.. :.r -tea' -:me-study. :.:; .3 :3'. •:r E- _CC. -80C-2€ '329.71"e rs: :d 1+: ,erLe :. a 322 Ottawa .SN' FOR BALE. -c ECAr•_. aar!ts ;ears: sari''^ .3 c 3r ewre'e =Tee r::r^dt'cr .^y� ',:rA JCC .dA•-' iS - 2 (, w:r'ry _,•taro • -DSS SATELLITE subscription or :card problems? Eurocards over 300 chatnnels. PPV one low price guaranteed Satellite systemsrEchostar available. Dealer ,nqu,ries welcome. 1-403. 388-"26 37,,x'.'447 NOUN ArrhrttSvr,'rt. 3ac1* +y, Teed _,NI,,AAX A ;iucosamne i+ydrochlonde formula with natural antgxddnts 3 herb extracts 60 -day supply only. S67 50 51;APANTEED affective y money- • Pack Cal DNS 20001.888.624.5138'WATKINS CHEF MANAGEPS! CCGKS' Si* EPS‘ Summer :amp setting: locations±hroughout Ontario• competitive salaries ,dude room 3 board certificate &wr expenence required :ontracts'•romJune anti! laIe August Fax 705i '39.6582 SSCl'CCCLATESSS Sprang :s coming. Make cts :t money selling chocolate bars New products available. !est.lelivery ,,antt aaisang available Call now '-300.383.3589 CANACIAN PSYCHICS ;,rtcbver secrets of ow Know Nkat the year will bnng Accurate and Affordable '-900.451. 7070 4289tmnute'8. • BUY A -CME _.tile 7r nc money down t you :an afford to rent ,cu :ar 3t cid c ouy Cab 1.388.68€-3' •3 Ext H14 Mon i.5 05- NEw 3"-E El, BULCINGS 3o Direct and Save 4:12 root pitch 25 t 3C 33 900 X 25x30 34 3C0,30 3C x •i0 46.500:J0 35 x 50 47 606 ,C 40 x 66 310.30C. 45 x30 318.400 30 rOthers. 7-, crew • 9C6-568.5422 F',' �E S'EE_ 3,U+L�INGS ttimate nvertcry aearance Buy NCW 3rd Save; ^ausands Several on Loading Cock Peadv •ct 'oCav '.300-668-5,1** 536 Sen - :•.s rcLIrts Orly - =__ SLILCINGS UANUFAC,..PEPS :LEAPANGE. Sizes .vice Savings .c •c "Ake Advantage ^cur wee all :es 3varlac+e .:all- =•?e sr: ;ave •.d^.acg.:5t:8 • YACAT1ON1TRAVEL. =c s'_ NC •E _a , '\IE'.iCr:' a ::.tramctcn Ar. Sc'cci :iters ,::asses r Ars Ina :.:acts -cr 31i ages Intl exeeri- ?rca5 -:r =•ee ;atalcyLe 30C -?CE -3838;t 5'•i --i--51,687 • It's Affordable • It's Fast • it's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 -' • Westem Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontano $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! All -candidates meeting next Wednesday From Pogo 1 . edifier With riding; as.soCiation- .:Cuing' :andidates Fortner Huron MPP. Helen Jahn.. was selected to repro\.:'•t he,( 'nservattve v6tee tnthe new nding:-nominated-over Barb -- Fisher it h(+ repre:cntcd Brune County rn.the•Legtaature. Johns w ho vs as elected in hr;tirst eleittop in 1 yy'; was recently votcJ the best nevi MPP by th1 party- . She- has serveJ.a. Parliamentary A.a.tartt to the Minister of }Iralth- aril vca., m%riked in the integration Of the health :. stern` and the Jevehipment of partncrthips. Johns -has -also served as }',ltli,,rnrnt,*r .-\..l,tariie t' the Minister of Energy. Science • andlechnoioa'y. • - ' the 1:iheral.•Jre countering .with:a high profile candidate. Ross 1..iinont• rt Pon E:I,ein..' ho i. the 'psi t presIJent.'f-.the ()rltarto Liberal Party; the firmer campaign director for Dalton --\1:thlnny .s leadership rage and a Ionner eampaienn-manager cor.ahinct rmni.ter slurs. Elston.. . Lamont. Who was raised on a farm in Bruce COuno. is the opI T ukinal hil.rne.s phmning'Ttrtanager at -the Bruce Nuclear 1't,w:r.OeyelolvtieiA. He -has .been Kith Ontario Hydro (Or'_4) and ha. 'S year% of insolyement as' an exetuti.e nlemhr „I:teileral and provincial !.hyena! aca*tlauon.. - . [tiny Nit:Quail. t veteran of three'pre%hnus federal elections till a candidate: to the 1'-111 priwineial electron, will earn the \t 31' h;uilierJLanl \' i�'ni utile resident ot•the Huron -Bruce riding, MC -Quail and iii. wile Erail-h,nc hen farming in the 1 ucknow area for over sears 1 ;ii met p'tr•lJcnt to the Huron County Federation t't and.the Ecologic afi"armers :A-.Afit Ontario. • M. Quail also ha. experienee 'at the municipal. county and i'1'v ni.lal leve(. having served nine years on the Huron County' -Ito.nJ t'1 1 111.iuk'n as. a trustee and Jut' years as e'(CCutive .l,uH to -\i ti ulture Ntini.ierE:Imer Buchanan. - r ►n• Monday May 1(i. the Family Coalition Party of Ontario t ii i J that Linda Freihurger of Walkerton would he a ,Iislate in the lune election since i987. the t -('P htlie:es that wide 'so ill • . , alive ,i..ues have been tgrx'red h.y the parties:and. that '•,in,R uilll.h,i fi en replaced As .t'.•iet. v ,let% net: f ,,ht,r_•:r tv,i, a .anduJJte in the Bruce riling in the 1')90 -r. -.:i .;tetltt'h t',Jrrtennt' Of. the yotc.. . former hu inesS t:ort.uhahl in the E.yeler area. t'peneJ „I'.rFit o►;tl.e on The Square in Oodertch Friday and ;•I'.,1 ;rsiJents and business t' iter% around The Siivare. II,• ;.,irip,i,.n h.•aJgtiJrter.I. lt'.ateJ in Blyth and she has „tti:I campaign t'l►1. e.111 Pon Elgin - i uiu'ni was ala' tJ►npa,a'nrng in (Wench last Friday Jnd \l 1,' . atidiJJI: luny 1•1cQuril petalled hi+ solar -powered +. s, li art'unJ the hu.,ne.. d,stnia Saturday morning before ,.t;ir .sing sort.,tels m('.'u►thtwse Park !union (ouniy Federation til Agncu{tuts will hos, ',,itji. ales meeting Nednesd.. stay •ly-ai Huron Centennial ., h'n'I ill liru..i•l leld .,t . p.m . \1 hi lc the n,S'etint is tieing host.dtvy the agriculture sector • .,ice, will have a chance to hear candidate. speak on all issues. 1 ►,i ITlursd,a. lily 20 the yandidates will be in Chepstow for iy.Inia ht'.ted t' the Walkerton Chamber o1 Commerce and .•ii Ln ;1 the Bruce Federation of Agriculture will host a li ;frog at the) egiiin in l.ucknow A4 .. TME HURON EXPOSITOR, May 12, 1999-21 News • Scott .idgendorff Photo$ Getting close with the critters Students from St. ,ames Catholic School were among the children who visited the Seoforth Veterinary Clinic last uesdov and Wednesdby for the clinic's annual open house •n addition to touring the facility, pets and critters are brought in from 'Os to sheep io let the children'get closer to- the range of animals the clinic can care for (top, right, Bradley Van Bakel meets a rat:while ;below! Greg Godin gets personal with .a ferret as. Bridget Cronin. watches from a -"distance whsle Michael Wolfe helps Stephen ,V1cMahon dislodge • a, -kitten's claws from his shirt - - LeBeau's blood alcohol level over legal limit to drive, court told By Amy Zoethout .2-ccer•ct' S,grel-acr ;toff - Sarin LeBeau ' blood•a1u)hollevel •aas.well over the legal limn at the time her I'495 Camaro crashed. -near Varna killing four lt;t al youths. a forcn.>,t: te\titied.in criurt last week. L.B. s inai resumed last. Monday nday • In Gt dersh ut--lc er tight .se unto atter a four-month adli)urnment. - _ Spectators entering the courtroom were scanned by a-met;il detector by security guards. .Courtroom otfit:rals have not ci,mtnented on why the e:'ttra security :i. needed: LeBeau !aces 11 charges relating to the .Nt,v. N. 1996 acutdent that killed Neal .Atchison and:Pamela King of Clinton, and Brian HW. and •Llark .Webster r. Stanley Towmhtp..LeBeau .end Brandon. Gardner ul \•anaslra were both senousl.' Minted in the crash. LeBe,lu has pleaded -not guiliy to • (our count, of :aminal negligence causing death. criminal_-neelit_ence causing bodily harts. tour -counts of impaired driving causing death. impaired driving causing hi,'dlly harm. and drtying.oYer the legal limit. 1.hniail \loftah. a forensic t1'tI:ol0gist with the. Center. tor Forensic Science in Toronto. testified: Tuesday before Crown attorney Bah Morn. -that at the time of the accident. LeBeau's blood alcohol levet Was between 130 and -160 mililgrarn. per fix) millilitres of blood. The Canadian legal iimi't is 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of hlixxi. Mottah received blood .arnplcs that were taken Irom LeBcau at Clinton Public Hospital at 7:40 a.m. on Nov. 2.1. 19%. The accident oecurted at abu.'ut f► a.m. on County Road -31 north of Varna. Samples were also taken fri'rti a onJori huspna{. and ` oltah testified that given the two samples. he concluded her alcohol level. to he hetwecn 130 and 150. milligrams. Niottah testified.that almost amonc with a Mt+od alcohol level of IDU • milligrams .'r ,:ver .vt'utu r :mpaucd. 1fe added hat en ` r -:f) milligrams . rams ,,r "n t,d lit_t nal ..,1) :impair •iudgemeni. -C .t 1,.\ .inti ,:oncentration.. To SCt 1C •,- 1."' 7. C'. ';its. yttottah ;:flu 1 :'i *1116 '.rm.uii .vuuld have .0 141%c til her .ic:n t - 1 1 n,.ii train blood alt oht,l e' 1: tC.: '•'111 keer\• 1(3 - have _,t-_-: tit)_ :n.... l:r. ^'.lou( .ti level. ' . For a.1.-41) pr+unt: 'ernaie. -;tc ..;abed have to -drink. _ ''eir\ :t`-n.it'C `1)11 null!!=ram. ail.i �'yC t'eer' '.r 'lave 1011 11i111,r:nn>.' Vtof:an ,ddcti :11.41 go( en elimination rate,. --:le cou d have to drink more ;p :suer 1' i1.i e :hat level In her --Astern. Monday,. thr.e witnesses to\n!'ed thcv',aw"LeBcau Jr:nkttig at :he 1t'IUL away pane tieing held h'r three trientis; The ;user'_ , y r ,art vas /1.11d buy • :. : Q`111.'n to 1,11: 71 :'; - B,i. ,and Shirley Hill near .Varnl..Frrend and tarntl'y Held the party for Hill. Weh'.ter. and David Rothwell who were to icave tor Australia the following •yeek Lisa Finch testified that she arrived at the party with friends:at about I 1 ...111 p.m. They had been Jrinking'at another mend's house prior to suint to 'he Hill - resrJcnct:. , , Finch said that she and .1 friend. Judy Elliott, split a 26 of, }M -'ole ','1 r.* that evening and added that by the end of the night she was drunk: - - - - Bv. the time the ,' rourlett at about or ? a.rtt:. Finch said Ate' :ouldn't say what .tale LeBcau was in other than she had.heen drinking like everyone else at the, party. "She was doing the same thing we were all doing,' said Finch. `'talking. drinking. -('c i.thctng ... • A small grouti also went outside, at sonic point in the evening to smoke• marijuana. she said; - -Wc all went outside to get high.''- said- Finch. adding that LcBeau,w'ah • with them.. But on the •.yJy 'Tut to titc car.' rail into an ofd friend and stayed to talk with her. ' ill,t3tt te.:: ed. ,ttcr 'hat ::ie'.' tont ;hued 14,•'1C ear 1" 1Cre they smoked a mit ulna ,milt. 'ncludint • LeBeau. F• „ ; ,,\u teanfieI hat e:*Mier :n 'he .'•,•nin'e.'\he saw Lc:Beau with, .t ir:n►: n -3e :rand.tnd stated :hat si e '( }t L:Beau ..as drunk because she '. is 'harrier Intl 1,ddicr'"than usual Anil !ler C\ Cs 'vete ea. ci?hut Find) and Elliott eft -.north • utter2 a.m. Anti''tUltnerCc,llltl .tilnlnCilt -,Ji :he ,a'ndiut>n ,lr LeBcau iter that :tine. Finch went •('-c'u-ii vUh Le Beau It (ventral Huron >, _. hilar% S. haul :n Clinton and scud that,he has knuwti LeB* au :i'r about 't.t'-ell'Car\. F'le :lair - tra'ellen n,gciher with Atwitter •r'cllu 'to t-ior',:,t •n L.:t_ i3cau :ar ulu ins testified that l3eau teas- a sale, lr:'•er- .liltl %%cult' nt't .•l.lt:tcteri/c Tier t. t \pec.4 Jrr:er. } each .iducu :h:n 1_eI3cau ;call% :iketi her Camaro and 'aid site lever Jntvc t t;lst when \he w:is w1111 iter. Thi Ciernts .1•1141s.1•1141 .11 :he party. He .aid' he arrived _t1 he party ,,Iter supper with Neal -\eche\un and lett wound 1 i p.m:n `tLti 14 - •lon1.1C Iii l .1 tulle down :he road. Atchison went '•vull .'11111 acid L.13e.*u .rnd Painei,l K111! :ntlovged in 1 .Beaus car•Gerrrls .aid Met. 1.ld i done, a'll: house before returning to the ;'.u!': 1•he-'sruup +i1 tour drove hack to tilt::'arty in LeBcaufs car. Gerrit' jitsu testified that LeBeau drove .ately hack to the party. He -,tided that. she seemed to drive 'wrma_l . and act normal'. Germs .lied he d_tdn know LeBcau yen, well and wasn'1 -familiar with her :eguiar driving habits. • All three -witnesses tc.tilied they were drunk at the part. and through .toss examination hi; Jelcncc- lawyer Glenn Cates._,*dmiued this. ailing with the time that has paved. has made their menlones a little sketchy. The Crown -was erpvcted to wrap up. its case last week with a two-day adjournment. T -he trtal resumed Monday and is scheduled to run the nt;it( three-w'eck\ .111d the first lute week. in June 11 necessary. Optimism present agreement will be reached From Pegs 1 . • - or 11Vt, she said. Dionne said the hoard plans to continue employing all of its -qualified music teachers and hbr.irlans but they "won't have the tract .amc stsignments a_t, benne.-• ' She added that •ads looking for educational assistants to " perlorm a more clerical or technical function.' in school libraries will run soon in local newspaper. "We're all working hard and I'm very. very optimistic that we will find an agreement that'.+ satisfactory to everyone !iivt,ived," she said. Dircetor of educallun Lorne. Rachhs said a anke vote "is always ., concern- hut added that it's a "part ut'the normal Course of events at a ;main point of negotiations." 'The employee group feels It strengthens theif (lnsluun." he said. Although he wouldn't comment on the details of negotiaubn: with the Avon Maitland elementary leachers, he said. "It•s the general pastern 01 all negotiations that it usually come. down to money issues.' •