HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-05-12, Page 19ijINTEE TME HURON EXPOSITOR, May 1 2. 1999- 14 •SPACE FOR RENT. en Dublin. approximately 3300 e4 ft office. workshop. storage. 'Can divide Phone (5191229-6028. 18.08-0 17 Apartments •clr Dent ONE AND TWO tedroorm apart- - merits rn Seaforth Available now . Please call 345-2459 evenings 1.7- 19.tf - THREE BEDROOM duplex i Seaforth available June 1. if 527.2929 or (5191 680.7865. References required 17.19x'2 TWO BEDROOM • in Seaforth.. Immediate possession. -fridge. stove. laundry, and parking Cal 524.4994 17.18-t1 TWO BEDROOM apartment. heat., • '*alga stove included • Available ,rnreediately . Apply in person at coarkys Place, .334aroonth plus r yd••• 1 7.18.2 :. APARTMENTS +/'rr.o!: Large usury 2 bedroom ,,;,a•'• -.shat. �r n!r[.+led entry ensuitr; r t•y •nree appliances . srnau ;',rage area Designed for mature a.1.,!... .o ;19 235:2951 17. • OfJE.,BEDRJJM apartment. ,r ;oa•;�• -ir.se !O .uptown. 5285 , Edi 527-0409.17=17 77. ..JER CREEK • Apartrne-•; rjr, 2 irY,rr apartment con- ,iiad.o ar,ie 'r.ree'appliances for mature adults Phone '1-1.315-2197 4 17 15.11 I L'AI'D FLOOR. same. one bdrm aw _a'.••, ''Kitchen. patio doors to 1 ' w 7uuet bultding Surtabie for -ser rs S550 -mo Includes neat. PUp. garbage.' parking and label - 1 Call 524=9076"or leave mites- - sage a' ;27.2922 '7.1'jN-- Loartrnents f!)r ?art FOR RENT two bedroom upper apartment. parking. no pets. would suit couple References required Phone 522-1833 17-10-tf A GREAT TWO bedroom In • Seaforth. freshly decorated 2 new appliances Available now 3370. first and last required No pets Richard or Red 272-2000 or 800- 353-1036 17-09-tf ATTRACTIVE Second Noor. one . bedroom. large apt. In heritage building. Rent inikdes heat. (hydro extra) fridge and stove Cbntro4ed entrance Laundry in basement Call 527-2369 17-09-!f HEATED two bedroom apartment_ newly decorated ?Jose to :.ptGwn. Phone 527-0235 17-09-1 NEWER 2 bedrjorn unit -Mitchell Controlled enhance. laundry facili- ties Suitable ler seniors 557610 Call 348-9102 1 7-02xtfcc STOP! ELIZABETH COURT 176 Oxford St.. Hensall 519-262-2052 18. Houses for Rent 18 -ousel for Pent FOR RENT 2-3 bedroom mouse 5550 plus utilities Bachelor apart- ment 3325 including utilitieslo(s of parking 3 bedroom apartment 5460 .plus utilities References required . Call Sharon 527-0560 18-18-2 CLINTON Snell house for rent Available now $375.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 1-905-852- 3754 or 1-519-235-2559 18- 16xtfrc 25 Vianted to buy WANTED' Roof rack Call carri- er. ; T uleNakima Call 832-2234 (Port Elgin) 25-19x3nxe WANTED' Roof top carrier. mini- mum 6' gong. Thule/Yakima style Call. 832-2234 (Port Elgtr 19x3nxe WANTED Canoe mold . Call 832- 2234 Wort Elgin)- 25.19x3nxe WHY HAVE AN AUCT ON" -Antique collectibles. toys. coins. - whole estates Cash on the soot Can 512-364-0448 25-46xtfcc ANT:OUE FURNITURE. glass- ware.- china. sewing machlres ramps. ;ewellery. post cards -raga- zones Paying tCe each. for Crown fruit ;ars Brian Butler. 271 Burns St.. - Strathroy • N1G 1 G2 Tion 245-3142. 25-23xlfcc STU:. -:se to • „ par ial- r Dack- • yard par. .•? CaII 482.5712 , r�2 c ] 'MILES hOrth of Seaforth one bedroc - K.tcher:N'th large diring area -a - [107,r,7 a,,rdr/ area r,•r- g7orr RN r -enovated 9-' 527-"5",-7, i; ;73-4256 '8- 17x3c ni`INTEE Real Estate • 150 Main Street South, Seaforth (519) 527-0560 Fax- (519)527-2763 Associate Broker 527-0560 Sharon Medd MLS Market Value Appraiser 82 Elizabeth St.. SEAFORTH Thuisday. May 13 6 pm - 7:30 pm NEW PRICE' ::a' -; .3.-...r r,ir!^ 4. to 4 5 .7.e. 2a•age' 5120.000. VENDOR WANTS 'SOLD- - .ea"'.W.ir.7 "cl s •-i-e11 ;as •..n -ace 1 5102.000. Mobile Home 2 Bedrooms. Many Updates 527 000 Full Finished Basement 3 Bdrms.. Fireplace. Detached Garage 5108.000.., SOLD - Lot 2 - Briarhrll Road - Totally Serviced Lot - Seatorth Gien Subdivision. SOLD - Lot 3 - Bnarhill Road - Totally Serviced Lot - Seaforth Olen Subdivision Free Home Evaluations 26 Help .:anted Due to the growth of our :pe- :lJ.ty cheese.husine-s. we require a permanent part-time 1el;ver , penin. Irak requirement: injude /rade. 12 diploma ii equiVa- .ent expenence. valid Jnven: .,.sense and Clean Jrivin2 -ecord. Send .resume to. Qtrality Jersey Prnducts.Ltd. at = 1-1.2h Street. PO B•a :eaforth. Ontar:n \CK i Wfi lr-tax t17 `.4--'''" ':Ire ' ^e :rtervrewed.; - 12 Real Estate for Sale a -b Realty Ltd. wior 540 Huron St. Stratford 273-2821 OPEN i f - HOUSE Fri.. May 14 6:30 to 8 P.M. - Sat.. May 15 • 0015312 noon 185 MAIN ST. S.. SEAFORTH MLS 99C 'Cert HOST Sam Moore.-tssoclate Broker p'- 393-5'23 WHY ,RENT1 W •-• down and r•crtt-iv .:a,r-erts f only S6tS CC raLCirg :rrc:cal and rterest. you :ar :wr- •ris 5. yea- orb rrome ;Kers 3: cedreorrs.:^a r '!ccr aLrdry and 5 mater accuarces. Z`cn; miss t^.s great va -e package asking 599.3CC - 'ld'ianted MATURE, energetic person required as a cook 25-30 sours weekly includes weekends Apply :n person at Sparkys Place Seaforth 26-18x2 4 DZ DRIVERS: Immediate start. 1 year experience driving DZ, drivers abstract, knovr$Adge Or hydraulics and In good physical conation. To apply come oto Tempted Employment Services, 411 Main St. S Exeter. Ont. 26-19x3cc TRUCK DRIVER required. Clean .abstract. DZ. minimum license. ready mix experience an asset Opening for part Nene- and occa- sional positions. Lakeland Ready • Mix. 482-3433 or fax resume 10 482-3774 26-19x2cc Township of Tuckersmith • requires a . Summer Student . To assist the Public Works Department and cut grass In all municipal parks Must have valid dnver's license Application to be submitted in person to the •+► Municipal Office pnor to May 17th. 1999. - J.R. McLachlan - Clerk -Treasurer - Township of TLickersinrth Township of TUCKERSMITH reaures a Temporary Part -Time.., Resource Teacher With Early Childhood Education DipIOrna With both theoretical and Practical experience retatirg 'c te needs of special 3rildrer. . tease provide wntten-resume Orsi to the 2" st day of May. 1999 outtirtng education. 'work excenence and references. as' +v4:: 3S any other per•:rerlt rtcrrnatiOp'O- Nancy Sue Thomson.. Asst. Supervisor Tuckersmith Day Nursery 26 Toronto Blvd.. Vanaatl a. Ont. NOM 1 U3 482-7534 12 Real Estate for Sale For Sale By Township of Tuckersmith Three Parcels of Land Lot 4. 5 and Pt. Lot 29 Plan 133 The Property Consists of 1.16 acres, .84 acres and .53 acres - Situated earn on Lot 4 and Lot 5 s an old three .storey apartment building and on Part Lot 29 ,s an -old rndustnal t3ultdirg. Anyone interested r :re or all. of _the'propertes and'for viewing or additional information. Contact: • - J.R. McLachlan Clerk -Treasurer Twp. of Tuckersmith 519-527-1997 Culligan REAL, ESTATE LTD. 26 26 Help 'v` icnted SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sparling's Propane ,c a growing. talue.:mlitei nrl'prule ,n:irll•tIr pmviding reliable energy supply to cnaonrerc to i.,uthern r )nU+nn A sales position is availahle at Rhih Pu-tnr;h 'r+ sell gpv+lora. cnnscienlinus candidates with ahnve ac er ace .s I,+ri•n .inil - interpersnnal skills and a willingness tit tram Prefrtence nci% 1+e given to. persnns with- heating systems design .lnd Inti Ill- tann hackground. Industry experience. r pori se .)(rile('. •• II+I -r-^a. Clean G diver's ret nrd required Applications will he accepted ;n prrc[v, 'nt. n Co. Ltd . Highwav4 South. Rhih. unfit ' -mare information: please -,,ntact . Ext 11 5arIing's •PROPANE www sparrngs crxn . ,1 -r, Parts Person Part Time -or FufI T.me • . excellent opportunity for summer sti.dent working with service departr-1er.t • - agriculture experience ar asset - - - team player` • - customer service & comr'unlcaticr• .sk.11s Only. those .corsidered_ fr_r ar • interview will be crrTaeled- Send Resur'es Art::Fr ar arc' , t -s McGavin � `/ FARM SUPPLY LTD. FARM EQUIPMENT LT' 'ev"aLAx 527-0245 887-6365 KITCHEN DESIGN t SALES PART -Ti l,l he ar,. excarC''y I-.-' -,;.,e5 :ea : 3 :=1"- .v - :t.te •rvr; ;a^. - 3rC r r .:•P. < _:-e^ aC•rfr :3''; _ r;.r Ylrr,_ f - i.{Pat: 1.282 Jr. : r: Na ar g 'G'.•gE •.-NDE• 30. •.(ern- 31CVerl :r :nceremotcyed. and are ceiiirq "Cr a- .riche NCti( 3xcerl- erce tat wdF actually teacr 10. 3cmelhirg, 'here 3 'OCT,Cr ycl. ;r te ,-"3stl.res 3'ciect. SccrSCled' cv '7iraencr _Atte -'eatre .vitt• • -. ii.cccr' r;r . -'':Luh :crus(. Caraca. te 'astures = siert s cckirg -cr ars-r*rirce1 rdividl:als c vcrx :r a teatrcal 3resentattcr 'r m .ure •hrcugn December r^ere s cts• a 7000rtuntty 'cr admtn+strahcr. marketing. pack- ' stage and :n -stage staff, lapply with a: •esume and :over ester c TMe 'sstl.re •'sect. :Jo 3caencn • _.ttte eatre 35 South Street. Gcdercr. Crt. V7.13L4.. eaahre 'Cr accncancrs s May 25th. rte( mews -c :e :cncuctel May ;9 t+raugr .Lre 3. 26-'4x'':c'. 11.1.0411 11 62 ELIZABETH STREET +�ST$339CC' 67 GOUINLOCK•STREET LIST 58990 ' 94 HIGH STREET 5' 5'4 132 MILL STREET LIST $' 99 XC 207 TOWNSEND STREET CLINTON NOW 5132.90e ' Se HURON ROAD HARPURHEY LIST 589. 4x 24 CENTRE STREET ST 569.900.' 91 WEST WILLIAM STREET • _ S' 3'59 3CC :.41 ANN STREET • UST 5'59.•00•' 73 LONDON,ROAO. EGYOItDVILLE . M MARKET STREET . UST 589 900' - LIST 5129.000.' 126 MIL STREET L ST 369.300 toll rie 32 AIN STREET, NORTH • DUPLEX R.R.02, SEAFORTN - 2.8 ACRES 14 EAST BAYFIELD STREET 103 JARVIS STREET. SOUTH UST 599 900' -LIST $149 900' EOMONDVtLLE • LUST $49.900 ' UST 5139,900.' 40 WEST FRONT STREET $'49200 BO GEORGE STREET. EAST ,,,ST 552 .(s3' 51 BRANTFORD STREET LIST $'26.700' 1M MAIN ET. SOUTH UST 174.900.' 22 YEARS SERVING SEAFORTH & AREA Seatorth Office: 519 / 527-1577 8 Main Street •AIRMO EN %B NNG •PERCY ICNNeIDER 402-3224 S$14504 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! M1fAM COM O3H S 'RON URRAY 1•643S0 345-2036 •SALES REPRESENTATIVE SOLS REALTOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES OUT OF TOWN 139ONTA'RIC 3 °EE`=L.N'.N 207 TOWNSEND STREE` 5 THE SOUARE, BAYFIELD 5 CHINIQuY STREET BAYFIELJ 29 CHRIS"( STREET BAYFIELD 11 UDDERDALE S'aEE' 9AYF'ELD 181 QUEEN STREE` --ENSALL ' ' R.R.41 SEAFCR'h SEAFCRT-' ' R.R.t2. WROXETER R.R.e2. ZURICH 6993 ..NE 34. DUBLIN PALL 3UNYAN CAMP. BAYFIELD R.R.w2. SEAFORTH--- - R.R.*'2, STAFFA R.R.*4, BRUSSELS 51 ELLEN STREET. BRIiCEFIELD . R.R.#s. SEAFCRTt4 R.R.41. DUBLIN R,R.ri2. BAYFIELD R.R.M. SEAFORTH R.R.#1, DUBLIN R.R.41. DUBLIN 81 OXFORD -STREET: HENSALL 32 RAYCOURT. VANASTRA 3"° & 7^ STREET. VANASTRA 317 HURON STREET. CLINTON 151 KING STREET. HENSALL 1612 LONDON ROAD. SARNIA LoTS EAST BAYFIELD STREET. EGMONDvILLE 1144 MILL STREET SEAFORTH HOUSTON HEIGHTS . HIGHWAY M. EAST. DUBLIN GOOERICHf TOWNSHIP (5.23 ACRES) (3ODERICH TOWNSHIP (2.65 ACRES) R.R.tf3, CLINTON (8.29 ACRES) SNOWDEN ACRES SEAFORTH (6 ACRES) ST. COLIIMBAN (2 LOTS) MCKILLOP TOWNSHIP (1 ACRE) . ANDREW CRESCENT BLUEWATER 3' 49.3C0 5. !.2 SCC. 3"9..00. 5'89.300 3109.000 399.300. 390.500. 599.300. 324.500. 3349.900. 3' 09. 300. 31'9.900. 522.500. 3'49-.900r 5269.000. 5299.000. 5124,900. 5129.900. 5550.300. 5199.900. 555.000. 5337.500. 5429.000. 5139.900. 569.000. ..5169.500. 5269.000. 569.900. 3450. ;00. 528.900. 532.900. 527000. 534.900. 549.900. 129.900. 179.900. 526.900. 158.000. EAC14 522.500. 134,900. BEACH 544.000. LICENSED REM: EST-kTE \GET Tuckersmith Day Nursery •'etu(res.• Part=Time .Supply Teacher Ntth � 3r'V ;. 1iChcc!: E'iucat'r-r 7lclr:•rnii =lease ;rcvcl4 irttgn=:n:;urne rrol 'c 'rq ?' F! 14v .,p. 'Ari ,e.tCNrtfI..... , -'111 - Nancy jun r'anmsan. Asst. -Supervisor Tuckersmdh :ay Nursery 26 Toronto 91vd. Janastra. Ont. NOM ?LJ 182-7634 ' �:r.r[eci Operate n DIS a JCP. Ila; .. .... i : r. 'emplea ! r++a.Ntau, ;,WOared 'C • - . - ... j:. AL. '4R- 'h-.9-luttes . nva,vei: "..5 •:^rTlDutel • system. -' - . esurntr 'v , Drawer '. ', tr;r, 'wows• Record: ' : 9 _'r•Tct . `r NOM -. _. +•... • r'y 'or a .or'espottdent 'of . 'he Naiton area. • Resporisifidihes nuude. requiting te .1G11vitfes i1'ne area. meeting the Monday" •JO D.mdeadline and providing mews lips. f you are ,nteresled please call Scott Hilgendorlt at 527-0240. 25• !8x2nxe ----- FRAMING CREWS required to frame new tomes. Phone 519.822- 3682 28.18X2cc. ( REQUIRE' a hantiyrnan '01 spnng time tasks:..nettrdes some oarmiing ,work. etc Phone -527- 2078. 26.17113c • - CHICKEN CATCHERS wanted ,mrnedlately, fug and part terve work available Phone' 519.799.5598. 28.05xtfcc