HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 1999-05-12, Page 811 --THE HURON [XPOSITOII, May 12, 111011
School News
'Spring Into Talent' show features 55
We. Denise Carnochan,
Wath Chapman. Jill
Crosthwaite and Charlene
Jackson are Grade 7'reporters-
at Huron Centennial School'
in Brucefield.
.f -he following- -will.
•1ntr,lduce you to our school:
Hurtin,Centenntai School is
an elementary school serving
-about 400 students from
Junior kindergarten to Grade
-.;t" it sits on 30 acres'of
r'Ltyeround. wotStilands and.
r.itu.r; !rails.- offering
<,.ellcnt .opportunities as an
ttilltjl or CIarsn)i)m..
Huron Centennial is noted.
:or ids ,olunteer program
;. hi,:h titsters good
• t.ummuntty relations hy.
utilizing the skills and.
resource c of -the community
"Prot/ ldz additional
i‘pprortumtles for individual
ind :mall. group interaction.
The school .and community
.hare • high standards .10
eaard to discipline -and
ena:;our."Protitrams-such as
ilr Virtues. Program and
"Siudent -of. -the . Month
Prog.rarn recognize the
'nt:i::i-su;tiachievements of,
students as weir• as
•.support our standards of
student. achievement and
_unduct: We stnve;to provide
.tlearnlnr environment that
..positive and safe: Our.
.toff. 9uricommunity and our
;::pour. continueto grow "to
c ivu CUnunUOUS.
inprn.enlent•in thelearning
ff Our students.
Bud Walker and Steve
Bowers came to_asstat Huron
'. cntcnnial •in: planting' trees
alone the -stream .as an Earth
Diivlactivtty: Another Earth
Day activity for Grades 5 to
was to create something •
:alled•Sand Germ. This is -a .
Huron Centennial School News
mixture of many things to
make • a play 'dough .
substance. -We moulded and
painted a sculpture•rerating to -
Earth Day. -
.Ot1r school held ;Spring
Into Talent On May 4 and 5.
There- were •mann .i.cts
including dance routines, •
vocals. skipping. poems, tap.
dancing and clogging.. puppet.
shows. jokes. piano solos .tnd
recitations. Appro\;ntateIv
55 people perforated ,n the
talent show. A specianhanks
'goes QUt to everyone for
organizing the talent show -
.and helping die performers •
get ready for the nig
.performance. •
nn• April 23. two Celtic
performers.- Wendy .ind
Briant came to our school.
called the "Celttc
Rattscatllons dor
Kindergarten to Grade 3 Wt:
asked a few permit; wnat,they�
thought of it kind the •most
Popular answers"11
was awesome:" and it was.
really fun because we lot to
participate in the games and
dancing." -' The Celtic
performers. . -played
instruments. told ,tones. tap
danced and _ave -out prizes to
people who won the tames
.they played. • .. . •
On April .2:3. Grades 5,8
went tO , see illy.
Kiicli•erte r%W iter To -0.
Symphony Orchestra;.it the
Centre on the Square...in
Kitchener. The pertiirmance
lea's' called Canadian.
Landscapes because is was
supposed to make you think
of a Landscape. ,ugh as a
farm or :downtown Toronto.'
The music was written by
various Canadian.cotnposers.
Afterwards.we went to the
Stratford mall for lunch. The
trip was great learning
experience for all -.whir•
participated. •
On Thursday, April -2 .
Huron Centennial raised
S1400 at a Jump Rope for
. Heart it held. There were
seven different-stattirns that
the Students rotated through.
At eachstation a .Grade._`
student monitored the.
-participant~. Everyone in .the
school Intik part.:tutd-ihose
who had collected picdt es
won priies. .The pledges:.
were tht Heart and Stroke.
Foundation. At the end the
:skippers received free Jnnk.:
We wtt'uld lrke to, shank.
everyone who carni: Out toi
the bingo that. the SAC
School .kdvt.ory Touncti:
Cil lltiT.Iltllalltlll. to Ben
.Nicholls and Laura Chapman'
for all their hard tvork itt the •
spelling nee: Both of ,hest.
Grade 5 students pamcipate:I
in the spellin-g hey onSaturday. March :(1 at Bivth
Public School along with :h
Upcoming Events \1; .
Boon's Kindergarten . i.t..
'doing ;i L'(imntitlilt:. .`)t''i4't
'unit 'For h tnil • .t t:
Ltudcnt` will .,,' .ilio• ,.nl
talking to -Thin li: 1
pe,olilc n .hr .,,manus
The..' lel i- he :,t,k;a:
31'!11C1pal-`a 11!:' •'alit': .,
italic:: officer. t
uid ninny .ihi i, t.;l!:ti,:
nest week the. tirade ;
students wail
the E )At) assessments
u •ll ,+lnutnte :or i Jot •-. <)n .
\l.t i : (;ratio tett y'
•.tudcnts will he :lartictp:ulnl•
n .I nal ionai matheruattt
�nmpetwun .:ailed he
r`A ` 11i., -
d • 11:104 -me of banowidth - ever Two T3 connections!
T`ulnr<i. (;nide 5,•i;IS, ln'
Cun1mlit e .trranfged. on. /r•
Friday. April 23. About-0-75he .'s;tiOC 5.t�nce
people .attended ind around .t)tic>•; is •he South Hurtni
'il:01) was ratsed to :Unpin Di,.;r- :, 14St: tido i ;i
Do you have questions or
concerns about how your
child talks?
Would your child. • _ •
benefit from a speech
�n an) age • -it A
CALL 273-2222
and ask f small TALK
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W�t would like to welcome
Laurie Kelly to our school:
She is' a teacher in training
and writ,- working in \'[r.
Warsh's Grade : el ss for the
next month..Ail the..best to
Mrs. Htti'' n vho
expectutg her • r.t pally .Nie
f2:113't, watt a sett ,:u :n the
tall. We n< inti !kc .o thank
7 Miss Dalzeil !ur til he veil"
shehas given
•talent show. -tic lreain loose
prtliec:t. and :11 -nanv outer
areas. TaiBo '.yas'awesoine.'7
Welcome hack :to Mt -
Copeland. It is .creat ro nave
you hack. r
Graduation requirements outlined /
St. Anne's News
from .Academic .:1: `‘;;plied,
or Applied to Academic. will
be required to tate Iranster
courses that will
i. wish. to -return this week
• a -discussion of Secondary
S hool 3Reforni: In this article
•', - 2 discuss the concept of
lt.7t uahon Requirements.
Jitns who plan to
ii-jafe ,under the new.
• .:m. which beetns next
• for students
r Grade 9•, will be
to have 18
:••'ry;re.dits and 12
-t-to- 1' credits. The
:'rnpuisor' subjects include.
:.fur .`redit.in English. one
•icon. three credits
':;latncinatics tat .1aS1 t one
redl! :n Grade 11 or 1:).
two credits in'Science. one
:ietio in C'anadian/ History.
t'ne- credit in Canadian
Geography. -one credit ini the
. arts. and one credit in health
and physical .educatio.n.-.
There .will be, a half credit
eolit•e_trt CO! it: : ana a half
'-edit •ounce in -career
'studies.- - -
Studcnt. must select one
additional English 'or a third
language .'r Soi:ial' Sciences
and tie Humanities. or
Canadian and World Studies.
The student voill take one
.1Jdataynal credit in physical
education' .or the arts or
hu:irtess;studies and one
.aJdautina; credit in Science
'Grade 11• or • 121 Or
.'technological education
S.tudents-.w_ i it
he required w take 1:
optional credits as welt:
Students : currently
to attending Catholic Secondary
Schools are required to take
one religion credit each year
for tout' years.
'Students will also be
required' to complete 40
hour. of Community
Ins oh, cnlent Activities
during their years' in
Secondary Education. and
.u:.s:..tully comp/etc the
Grade.4 Literacy Test that is
administered in Grade 10.
Students, who after Grade
10 decide to switch streams.
NMI 41V17
it The Wal Arnps A
.iecummodale ::ie ;hili from
- one stream -e •he ,ether ..1i%.
- P►itlip I. % c:4Jithui
E-mail: nrovtody*sey.0n.:a • ntto::.www. Agnewunca
oss & Ross
ave moved...
We're mune )'tnrtire im(,u(!errch.
ilbo 'r' :'lits' Laure tiu,i Bank
For all via r,-
Le',,a1.Serttrces, ,call...
or I
ettlfJC N,�
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